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Last active August 16, 2019 17:19
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HttpStatus code enum -> int & string
using static System.Net.HttpStatusCode;
internal static class Extensions
internal static string AsString(this HttpStatusCode status) => status switch
Continue => nameof(Continue),
SwitchingProtocols => nameof(SwitchingProtocols),
Processing => nameof(Processing),
EarlyHints => nameof(EarlyHints),
OK => nameof(OK),
Created => nameof(Created),
Accepted => nameof(Accepted),
NonAuthoritativeInformation => nameof(NonAuthoritativeInformation),
NoContent => nameof(NoContent),
ResetContent => nameof(ResetContent),
PartialContent => nameof(PartialContent),
MultiStatus => nameof(MultiStatus),
AlreadyReported => nameof(AlreadyReported),
IMUsed => nameof(IMUsed),
MultipleChoices => nameof(MultipleChoices),
Moved => nameof(Moved),
Redirect => nameof(Redirect),
SeeOther => nameof(SeeOther),
NotModified => nameof(NotModified),
UseProxy => nameof(UseProxy),
Unused => nameof(Unused),
TemporaryRedirect => nameof(TemporaryRedirect),
PermanentRedirect => nameof(PermanentRedirect),
BadRequest => nameof(BadRequest),
Unauthorized => nameof(Unauthorized),
PaymentRequired => nameof(PaymentRequired),
Forbidden => nameof(Forbidden),
NotFound => nameof(NotFound),
MethodNotAllowed => nameof(MethodNotAllowed),
NotAcceptable => nameof(NotAcceptable),
ProxyAuthenticationRequired => nameof(ProxyAuthenticationRequired),
RequestTimeout => nameof(RequestTimeout),
Conflict => nameof(Conflict),
Gone => nameof(Gone),
LengthRequired => nameof(LengthRequired),
PreconditionFailed => nameof(PreconditionFailed),
RequestEntityTooLarge => nameof(RequestEntityTooLarge),
RequestUriTooLong => nameof(RequestUriTooLong),
UnsupportedMediaType => nameof(UnsupportedMediaType),
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable => nameof(RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable),
ExpectationFailed => nameof(ExpectationFailed),
MisdirectedRequest => nameof(MisdirectedRequest),
UnprocessableEntity => nameof(UnprocessableEntity),
Locked => nameof(Locked),
FailedDependency => nameof(FailedDependency),
UpgradeRequired => nameof(UpgradeRequired),
PreconditionRequired => nameof(PreconditionRequired),
TooManyRequests => nameof(TooManyRequests),
RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge => nameof(RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge),
UnavailableForLegalReasons => nameof(UnavailableForLegalReasons),
InternalServerError => nameof(InternalServerError),
NotImplemented => nameof(NotImplemented),
BadGateway => nameof(BadGateway),
ServiceUnavailable => nameof(ServiceUnavailable),
GatewayTimeout => nameof(GatewayTimeout),
HttpVersionNotSupported => nameof(HttpVersionNotSupported),
VariantAlsoNegotiates => nameof(VariantAlsoNegotiates),
InsufficientStorage => nameof(InsufficientStorage),
LoopDetected => nameof(LoopDetected),
NotExtended => nameof(NotExtended),
NetworkAuthenticationRequired => nameof(NetworkAuthenticationRequired),
_ => "Unknown"
internal static int AsInt(this HttpStatusCode status) => status switch
Continue => 100,
SwitchingProtocols => 101,
Processing => 102,
EarlyHints => 103,
OK => 200,
Created => 201,
Accepted => 202,
NonAuthoritativeInformation => 203,
NoContent => 204,
ResetContent => 205,
PartialContent => 206,
MultiStatus => 207,
AlreadyReported => 208,
IMUsed => 226,
MultipleChoices => 300,
Moved => 301,
Redirect => 302,
SeeOther => 303,
NotModified => 304,
UseProxy => 305,
Unused => 306,
TemporaryRedirect => 307,
PermanentRedirect => 308,
BadRequest => 400,
Unauthorized => 401,
PaymentRequired => 402,
Forbidden => 403,
NotFound => 404,
MethodNotAllowed => 405,
NotAcceptable => 406,
ProxyAuthenticationRequired => 407,
RequestTimeout => 408,
Conflict => 409,
Gone => 410,
LengthRequired => 411,
PreconditionFailed => 412,
RequestEntityTooLarge => 413,
RequestUriTooLong => 414,
UnsupportedMediaType => 415,
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable => 416,
ExpectationFailed => 417,
MisdirectedRequest => 421,
UnprocessableEntity => 422,
Locked => 423,
FailedDependency => 424,
UpgradeRequired => 426,
PreconditionRequired => 428,
TooManyRequests => 429,
RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge => 431,
UnavailableForLegalReasons => 451,
InternalServerError => 500,
NotImplemented => 501,
BadGateway => 502,
ServiceUnavailable => 503,
GatewayTimeout => 504,
HttpVersionNotSupported => 505,
VariantAlsoNegotiates => 506,
InsufficientStorage => 507,
LoopDetected => 508,
NotExtended => 510,
NetworkAuthenticationRequired => 511,
_ => default
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