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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Knight's tour
import sets
moves = 8
knight: array[moves, tuple[x, y: int]] =
[(1, 2), (1, -2), (2, 1), (2, -1), (-1, 2), (-1, -2), (-2, 1), (-2, -1)]
start = 2
board_size = 6
bs2 = board_size * board_size
proc construct_graph: array[bs2, array[moves, int]] =
for col in 0 .. <board_size:
for row in 0 .. <board_size:
let parent_id = col * board_size + row
var i = 0
for move in knight:
let (x, y) = (row + move.x, col + move.y)
if x in 0 .. <board_size and y in 0 .. <board_size:
result[parent_id][i] = y * board_size + x
inc i
for i in i .. <moves:
result[parent_id][i] = -1
const graph = construct_graph()
var path = @[start]
var found = path.toSet
proc knight_tour(root: int): bool =
if path.len == board_size * board_size:
return true
for child in graph[root]:
if child < 0: break
if not found.contains(child):
path.add child
found.incl child
if knight_tour(child):
return true
found.excl path[path.high]
path.del path.high
discard knight_tour(start)
echo path
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