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Last active June 12, 2016 18:09
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# Search wikipedia dump for a string
# XML parse code credit: Rob Speer (
import re, options, strutils, os, streams, parsexml
let mySearchRe = re"archive[.]org/w?e?b?/?[0-9]{1,14}/|[{][{][ ]?[Ww]ayback"
wpDump = "wikipedia.xml"
countAllArticle = 0 # All article count
countArticle = 0 # Article titles containing a match (any number of matches)
countHits = 0 # Number of matches of search pattern (running total)
maxCount = 10 # Stop searching after X countArticle for speed testing. Set to 0 to find all.
TagType = enum
ArticleData = array[TagType, string]
# Search text
proc searchText(article: ArticleData): bool {.discardable.} =
artcount = 0
pos = -1
inc countAllArticle
echo "checking ", article[TITLE]
while pos < article[TEXT].len:
pos = article[TEXT].find(mySearchRe, pos + 1)
if pos == -1: break
inc artcount
echo " found ", artcount
if artcount > 0:
inc countArticle # number of article titles matching
countHits += artcount # number of matches of search pattern
result = true
if maxCount > 0:
if countArticle >= maxCount:
echo ""
echo "Articles all: ", countAllArticle
echo "Articles with a match: ", countArticle
echo "Number of pattern matches: ", countHits
RELEVANT_XML_TAGS = ["title", "text", "ns"]
textBuffer = ""
s = newFileStream(wpDump, fmRead)
gettingText = false
gettingAttribute = false
article: ArticleData
xml: XmlParser
if s == nil: quit("cannot open the file " & wpDump)
for tag in TITLE..NS: article[tag] = "", wpDump, options={reportWhitespace})
while true:
# Scan through the XML, handling each token as it arrives.
case xml.kind
of xmlElementStart, xmlElementOpen:
if RELEVANT_XML_TAGS.contains(xml.elementName):
# If this is a "title", "text", or "ns" tag, prepare to get its
# text content. Move our writing pointer to the beginning of
# the text buffer, so we can overwrite what was there.
gettingText = true
elif xml.elementName == "page":
# If this is a new instance of the <page> tag that contains all
# these tags, then reset the value that won't necessarily be
# overridden, which is the redirect value.
elif xml.elementName == "redirect":
# If this is the start of a redirect tag, prepare to get its
# attribute value.
gettingAttribute = true
of xmlAttribute:
# If we're looking for an attribute value, and we found one, add it
# to the buffer.
if gettingAttribute:
of xmlCharData, xmlWhitespace:
# If we're looking for text, and we found it, add it to the buffer.
if gettingText:
of xmlElementEnd:
# When we reach the end of an element we care about, take the text
# we've found and store it in the 'article' data structure. We can
# accomplish this quickly by simply swapping their references.
case xml.elementName
of "title":
swap article[TITLE], textBuffer
of "text":
swap article[TEXT], textBuffer
of "redirect":
swap article[REDIRECT], textBuffer
of "ns":
swap article[NS], textBuffer
of "page":
# When we reach the end of the <page> tag, send the article
# data to searchText().
# Now that we've reached the end of an element, stop extracting
# text. (We'll never need to extract text from elements that can
# have other XML elements nested inside them.)
gettingText = false
gettingAttribute = false
of xmlEof:
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