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Created November 30, 2017 03:49
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An Antlr4 input stream that lowercases all lexed tokens in the grammar. Useful for supporting case insensitive languages.
* Enables case-insensitive language parsing without changing the actual input script text or affecting literal
* values (i.e., doesn't blindly convert all input to lowercase).
* Requires all tokens in the grammar (.g4 file) to be lowercase (i.e., lexer rule 'mouseh' is correct, but 'mouseH' will
* never match).
* Pass an instance of this class into your Antlr lexer, for example:
* HyperTalkLexer lexer = new HyperTalkLexer(new CaseInsensitiveInputStream(scriptTextInput));
public class CaseInsensitiveInputStream extends ANTLRInputStream {
private char[] lowercase;
CaseInsensitiveInputStream(String input) {
this.lowercase = input.toLowerCase().toCharArray();
public int LA(int i) {
int data = super.LA(i);
if (data == 0 || data == IntStream.EOF) {
return data;
} else {
return lowercase[index() + i - 1];
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