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Created May 10, 2019 19:33
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Picard Tips as fortune file

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  1. install fortune on arch: sudo pacman -S fortune-mod

  2. create dat-file: strfile PicardTips.txt

  3. test fortune: fortune PicardTips.txt

  4. add to your .zshrc or bashrc

Picard ethics tip: The fact that a conflict has many sides does not imply that every side has merit.
Picard ethics tip: The fact that a conflict has many sides does not imply that every side has merit.
Picard civics tip: If there is one truth, one constant that history shows us over and over, it is that resistance is never futile.
Picard ethics tip: The fact that a conflict has many sides does not imply that every side has merit.
Picard management tip: Tolerate failure, not incompetence. Learn the difference.
Picard leadership tip: If everyone on your team quits, don't pretend you fired them. No one will believe you.
Picard management tip: "That's the way it's always been" is never an adequate reason to continue doing something.
Picard honesty tip: Don't let anyone else tell you how many lights you see.
Picard management tip: As soon as you find out that a person is truly toxic, get them the hell off your ship.
Picard management tip: It's okay not to know things. Practice saying "I don't know." Go ahead. Say it.
Picard management tip: If you're on red alert every day, then red alert means nothing.
Picard management tip: If you never fail, you aren't going boldly enough.
Picard management tip: Take your leisure time seriously. A relaxed captain is a sane captain.
Picard management tip: If you're on red alert every day, then red alert means nothing.
Picard management tip: Admitting one's failures is a sign of confidence and strength. It reassures others that failing is okay.
Picard programming tip: A computer is like a mischievous genie. It will give you exactly what you ask for, but not always what you want.
Picard civics tip: If there is one truth, one constant that history shows us over and over, it is that resistance is never futile.
Picard morality tip: The moment you consider yourself morally superior to someone due to your genetics is the moment you prove you are not.
Picard management tip: Some of your decisions are going to be mistakes. You have to make them anyway.
Picard management tip: Tolerate failure, not incompetence. Learn the difference.
Picard engineering tip: Use the metric system.
Picard honesty tip: Don't let anyone else tell you how many lights you see.
Picard programming tip: A computer is like a mischievous genie. It will give you exactly what you ask for, but not always what you want.
Picard morality tip: The moment you consider yourself morally superior to someone due to your genetics is the moment you prove you are not.
Picard management tip: As soon as you find out that a person is truly toxic, get them the hell off your ship.
Picard management tip: Take your leisure time seriously. A relaxed captain is a sane captain.
Picard diplomacy tip: Calm the hell down.
Picard management tip: Don't just be yourself. Be the best version of yourself. Recall who you were on your best day. Be that person again.
Picard management tip: "That's the way it's always been" is never an adequate reason to continue doing something.
Picard management tip: Admit ignorance and ask a question rather than blunder forward out of pride.
Picard levity tip: Before lifting your teacup off a small dish, give the command, "Prepare for saucer separation."
Picard management tip: Ensure chocolate is available.
Picard leadership tip: The larger your audience and the higher your position, the greater the need to communicate with care and precision.
Picard mental health tip: When you lie down to sleep, instead of thinking about your failures, think about your successes.
Picard leadership tip: Respect must be earned. Trust must be earned. A demand for either means the loss of both.
Picard engineering tip: Maintenance of existing systems is just as important as building new capabilities.
Picard mental health tip: When you lie down to sleep, instead of thinking about your failures, think about your successes.
Picard sanity tip: If there are four lights, say there are four lights.
Picard management tip: Share the credit. Take the blame.
Picard programming tip: A computer is like a mischievous genie. It will give you exactly what you ask for, but not always what you want.
Picard levity tip: Before lifting your teacup off a small dish, give the command, "Prepare for saucer separation."
Picard honesty tip: Don't let anyone else tell you how many lights you see.
Picard management tip: When you've gotten enough sleep, an impossible task becomes an interesting challenge.
Picard management tip: Expecting people to work long hours is short-sighted, counter-productive, and potentially dangerous.
Picard morality tip: If one side of a conflict preaches purity of bloodline above communal benefit for all, join the other side.
Picard management tip: If you never fail, you aren't going boldly enough.
Picard happiness tip: Spend as much time as you can with your soulmate, as I have done with Gandalf.
Picard holiday tip: Religion and commercialism will both fade over generations. Generosity and kindness, however, will endure.
Picard management tip: Some of your decisions are going to be mistakes. You have to make them anyway.
Picard leadership tip: Respect must be earned. Trust must be earned. A demand for either means the loss of both.
Picard management tip: Leave the bridge sometimes. Other people can handle things fine without you.
Picard holiday tip: Religion and commercialism will both fade over generations. Generosity and kindness, however, will endure.
Picard management tip: Take vacations.
Picard management tip: Don't assume anything is possible or impossible until you've asked the people who will be doing the work.
Picard leadership tip: The larger your audience and the higher your position, the greater the need to communicate with care and precision.
Picard management tip: It's okay to be gentle and kind.
Picard management tip: Data is easier to manage than humans.
Picard management tip: Don't just be yourself. Be the best version of yourself. Recall who you were on your best day. Be that person again.
Picard responsibility tip: Don't leave known, wide-scale problems behind for the next generation to solve.
Picard management tip: Once all their basic needs are taken care of, crew members are motivated by the meaningfulness of their work.
Picard management tip: If you're not sure what to say, take a deep breath and a dramatic pause. Maybe somebody else will talk first.
Picard management tip: Don't try to go at maximum speed all the time. You'll burn out your engines.
Picard leadership tip: Respect must be earned. Trust must be earned. A demand for either means the loss of both.
Picard management tip: Don't just be yourself. Be the best version of yourself. Recall who you were on your best day. Be that person again.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew feel welcome and appreciated. Remember there are other starships they could transfer to.
Picard management tip: Don't try to go at maximum speed all the time. You'll burn out your engines.
Picard responsibility tip: Don't leave known, wide-scale problems behind for the next generation to solve.
Picard management tip: Admitting one's failures is a sign of confidence and strength. It reassures others that failing is okay.
Picard management tip: Know your audience. Display strength to Klingons, logic to Vulcans, and opportunity to Ferengi.
Picard management tip: When you make a mistake, apologize right away. Embrace humility over defense.
Picard happiness tip: Spend as much time as you can with your soulmate, as I have done with Gandalf.
Picard management tip: It's okay not to know things. Practice saying "I don't know." Go ahead. Say it.
Picard style tip: If you're balding, don't hide it. Own it.
Picard management tip: Withhold advice on matters you do not understand.
Picard management tip: When you hear yourself start to raise your voice, stop, take a breath, smile, then speak politely.
Picard management tip: If your crew is afraid to talk to you, they won't always give you the information you need. Be approachable.
Picard management tip: Suppress your inner alarm. Be the calmest person in the room.
Picard management tip: When you make a mistake, apologize right away. Embrace humility over defense.
Picard social tip: A Vulcan can laugh. A Klingon can soothe. A Ferengi can give. Your preconceptions are not facts.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew feel welcome and appreciated. Remember there are other starships they could transfer to.
Picard management tip: Admit ignorance and ask a question rather than blunder forward out of pride.
Picard management tip: If you lose one crew member, mourn appropriately. If the whole ship explodes, don't worry; time travel will fix it.
Picard morality tip: The moment you consider yourself morally superior to someone due to your genetics is the moment you prove you are not.
Picard morality tip: If one side of a conflict preaches purity of bloodline above communal benefit for all, join the other side.
Picard management tip: Tell your employees when they do well, even if you believe they are empathic and can read your mind.
Picard management tip: Don't assume anything is possible or impossible until you've asked the people who will be doing the work.
Picard mental health tip: When you lie down to sleep, instead of thinking about your failures, think about your successes.
Picard management tip: If your crew is afraid to talk to you, they won't always give you the information you need. Be approachable.
Picard management tip: Say "Thank you", "Good work", or "Well done".
Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
Picard perspective tip: In another reality, there is an alternate version of you who is envious of what you have accomplished.
Picard management tip: Empower others to command when you are unfit. You never know when your mind will be taken over by an alien.
Picard engineering tip: Maintenance of existing systems is just as important as building new capabilities.
Picard management tip: Question authority, and permit others to question yours without fear of punishment.
Picard sociology tip: Those who rise to power by embracing ignorance and fear will only make their people more ignorant and afraid.
Picard management tip: Fight for what you know is right. Only arrogant bullies think resistance is futile.
Picard management tip: If they know their jobs, leave them alone. If they don't, help them learn.
Picard management tip: It's okay to be gentle and kind.
Picard levity tip: Before lifting your teacup off a small dish, give the command, "Prepare for saucer separation."
Picard management tip: Most conflict arises out of confusion. Clarify quickly before weapons power up.
Picard management tip: When you stand up, straighten your shirt.
Picard diplomacy tip: Calm the hell down.
Picard management tip: "That's the way it's always been" is never an adequate reason to continue doing something.
Picard management tip: Think.
Picard civics tip: When a foreign power has wormed its way into your institution's highest office, it is every officer's duty to resist.
Picard culinary tip: Tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Picard management tip: Put your experts in a conference room, tell them the problem, then shut up and watch the magic happen.
Picard strategy tip: Don't assume your opponent will behave rationally. Plan for their emotional response.
Picard management tip: During a large-scale, life-threatening emergency, postpone all other priorities and focus on protecting your crew.
Picard management tip: Tolerate failure, not incompetence. Learn the difference.
Picard management tip: Refusing to decide is the worst decision you can make.
Picard management tip: Don't negotiate absurd schedules with engineers. Encourage truth telling and reasonable time estimates.
Picard management tip: Share the credit. Take the blame.
Picard management tip: Work should be useful, stimulating, and challenging, not wasteful, tedious, nor impossible.
Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
Picard management tip: Decide.
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
Picard social tip: A Vulcan can laugh. A Klingon can soothe. A Ferengi can give. Your preconceptions are not facts.
Picard engineering tip: Maintenance of existing systems is just as important as building new capabilities.
Picard management tip: If you're not sure what to say, take a deep breath and a dramatic pause. Maybe somebody else will talk first.
Picard management tip: Know your audience. Display strength to Klingons, logic to Vulcans, and opportunity to Ferengi.
Picard management tip: When you hear yourself start to raise your voice, stop, take a breath, smile, then speak politely.
Picard management tip: Hire aliens. It's no big deal.
Picard management tip: Make it so that people feel they can come to you with any issue without fear of reprimand.
Picard style tip: If you're balding, don't hide it. Own it.
Picard management tip: Create an atmosphere of trust, not fear.
Picard civics tip: When a foreign power has wormed its way into your institution's highest office, it is every officer's duty to resist.
Picard strategy tip: Pick your battles. Fight injustices before annoyances.
Picard management tip: The truth is that sometimes you just won't know the right thing to do. You still have to try.
Picard management tip: For each command, assign it to one person, or ask for a volunteer. Don't ask a crowd to take an action.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew feel welcome and appreciated. Remember there are other starships they could transfer to.
Picard management tip: When you've gotten enough sleep, an impossible task becomes an interesting challenge.
Picard management tip: The respect you show your crew is a major factor in determining how they feel about their work.
Picard management tip: It's okay to be gentle and kind.
Picard management tip: There's no need to solve hard problems alone. Admit when you need help.
Picard perspective tip: Neither the sun, the moon, the stars, nor any asteroids revolve around you. You are a dust mote with ideas.
Picard resistance tip: Occasionally there are times when you must draw a line and refuse to budge.
Picard coping tip: There is no strict timetable for dealing with loss. Everyone must find their way through grief in their own time.
Picard management tip: Suppress your inner alarm. Be the calmest person in the room.
Picard diversity tip: The fact that a crewmember looks alien to you does not make them any less of a Starfleet officer.
Picard management tip: No one can relax around Dr. Jekyll after they have met Mr. Hyde.
Picard strategy tip: When an egotistical, malevolent person tells you their dangerous intent, believe them.
Picard strategy tip: Don't assume your opponent will behave rationally. Plan for their emotional response.
Picard management tip: Don't waste time using social media. Pretend it was never invented.
Picard management tip: Think.
Picard artistry tip: Lacking innate talent at a skill doesn't mean you should stop. On the contrary, it means you need to practice.
Picard management tip: Data is easier to manage than humans.
Picard sanity tip: If there are four lights, say there are four lights.
Picard social tip: A Vulcan can laugh. A Klingon can soothe. A Ferengi can give. Your preconceptions are not facts.
Picard management tip: Don't try to go at maximum speed all the time. You'll burn out your engines.
Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
Picard management tip: If you're unhappy with a crew member's behavior, tell them straight out in private. Don't be passive aggressive.
Picard management tip: The truth is that sometimes you just won't know the right thing to do. You still have to try.
Picard management tip: Make it so that people feel they can come to you with any issue without fear of reprimand.
Picard programming tip: The first version of any software will be buggy. That's why so many holodeck programs try to kill you.
Picard management tip: Question authority, and permit others to question yours without fear of punishment.
Picard civics tip: Elect leaders the way you would hire crew members. Seek calm, control, and familiarity with how to operate the ship.
Picard engineering tip: Use the metric system.
Picard management tip: Polite crew members solve problems together. Rude crew members escalate problems all by themselves.
Picard culinary tip: Tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Picard management tip: Humility without confidence is sheepishness. Confidence without humility is arrogance.
Picard management tip: Succeeding at the very last second is still succeeding.
Picard management tip: Ignore rules that make no sense.
Picard management tip: Keep group meetings short. Take your time with one-on-ones.
Picard management tip: Take the time to celebrate successfully completing missions. Smile and congratulate the crew.
Picard management tip: Refusing to decide is the worst decision you can make.
Picard responsibility tip: Don't leave known, wide-scale problems behind for the next generation to solve.
Picard management tip: Leave the bridge sometimes. Other people can handle things fine without you.
Picard management tip: Fight for what you know is right. Only arrogant bullies think resistance is futile.
Picard management tip: In a strange new environment, be wary of making changes until you understand more about what's going on.
Picard strategy tip: The enemy of my enemy is sometimes a dangerous sociopath.
Picard programming tip: The first version of any software will be buggy. That's why so many holodeck programs try to kill you.
Picard life tip: Resolve to make self improvement a habit, a lifestyle, a challenge, that becomes part of who you are all year, every year.
Picard management tip: Used sparingly, some light swearing can help emphasize your damn point.
Picard management tip: If you've recently turned into a monster, go take a vacation.
Picard management tip: If they know their jobs, leave them alone. If they don't, help them learn.
Picard management tip: Humility without confidence is sheepishness. Confidence without humility is arrogance.
Picard management tip: Be patient with crew members' idiosyncrasies. They aren't machines. Well, most of them.
Picard management tip: Get excited about your work. Your excitement is contagious.
Picard management tip: Take vacations.
Picard management tip: Be willing to laugh at yourself, but unwilling to laugh at your coworkers.
Picard management tip: No good ever comes from checking your first officer's search history.
Picard management tip: If you lose one crew member, mourn appropriately. If the whole ship explodes, don't worry; time travel will fix it.
Picard management tip: Used sparingly, some light swearing can help emphasize your damn point.
Picard emergency tip: When all else fails, route main power through the main deflector dish.
Picard management tip: Know your audience. Display strength to Klingons, logic to Vulcans, and opportunity to Ferengi.
Picard diversity tip: The fact that a crewmember looks alien to you does not make them any less of a Starfleet officer.
Picard perspective tip: Spend some time staring at the stars. It feeds the soul and revives the mind.
Picard management tip: Keep group meetings short. Take your time with one-on-ones.
Picard management tip: Be willing to reevaluate your own behavior.
Picard management tip: Problems worth solving will present themselves. There's no need to invent busywork.
Picard management tip: Start your log entries with the current stardate. It helps you keep track of what year it is.
Picard rationality tip: There is no such thing as a ghost or a devil. It's just a space alien. It's always a space alien.
Picard leadership tip: The larger your audience and the higher your position, the greater the need to communicate with care and precision.
Picard career tip: The grass may seem greener on the other side, but sometimes it's because of all the fertilizer.
Picard multiversal tip: Be careful; not even a Jedi or a Time Lord can withstand Vogon poetry. So say we all.
Picard management tip: Do your best to learn about and comprehend the experiences of people who look very different from you.
Picard management tip: In a strange new environment, be wary of making changes until you understand more about what's going on.
Picard management tip: Your past successes are not assurances for the future. Remain vigilant against complacency.
Picard sociology tip: Those who rise to power by embracing ignorance and fear will only make their people more ignorant and afraid.
Picard management tip: Know when to put on a happy face. It's part of adulthood, and essential for command.
Picard perspective tip: In another reality, there is an alternate version of you who is envious of what you have accomplished.
Picard management tip: Show crew members how impressed you are with their accomplishments. Validation matters.
Picard management tip: If you're unhappy with a crew member's behavior, tell them straight out in private. Don't be passive aggressive.
Picard management tip: Expecting people to work long hours is short-sighted, counter-productive, and potentially dangerous.
Picard management tip: Empower others to command when you are unfit. You never know when your mind will be taken over by an alien.
Picard management tip: The respect you show your crew is a major factor in determining how they feel about their work.
Picard diplomacy tip: Peace begins with the choice to reject your own anger.
Picard management tip: Give your crew the best technology available and you'll be amazed what they can do for your enterprise.
Picard management tip: Remember what you liked to play with as a child. Identify the larger, grown-up versions of those toys at work.
Picard management tip: Say "Thank you", "Good work", or "Well done".
Picard management tip: Don't let a crew member's age blind you to their skill level, in either direction.
Picard diplomacy tip: Calm the hell down.
Picard management tip: There is always a non-obvious third option. When caught between a rock and a hard place, find a jackhammer.
Picard management tip: If people accuse your organization of endangering people who wear red shirts, put on a damn red shirt every day.
Picard management tip: Give orders that make sense.
Picard management tip: Conducting an experiment with an unknown outcome is time well spent, even if the result disappoints you.
Picard civics tip: Being angry does not make you right. It also does not make you wrong. Question what you are fighting for.
Picard management tip: Study history. The answers are there.
Picard management tip: When you stand up, straighten your shirt.
Picard management tip: Know who you really are and what really matters to you. Then let the crew know.
Picard management tip: Error is the great teacher, memorable and valuable. Embrace it. Let it educate you.
Picard management tip: Don't scoff at unfamiliar suggestions. You don't know as much as you think.
Picard perspective tip: Space is big. Bigger than you think. No, bigger than that.
Picard management tip: Engage.
Picard management tip: The crew needs to see you calm. If you're frustrated, complain to a confidante in private, then make a decision.
Picard management tip: Do your best to learn about and comprehend the experiences of people who look very different from you.
Picard management tip: Some of your decisions are going to be mistakes. You have to make them anyway.
Picard management tip: Be professional, and take pleasure in your work. You can do both at the same time.
Picard civics tip: When a foreign power has wormed its way into your institution's highest office, it is every officer's duty to resist.
Picard management tip: It's rarely about you.
Picard management tip: The least you can do is to make everyone onboard feel acknowledged.
Picard management tip: Decide.
Picard management tip: Run crisis drills when all is well. A real calamity is not a good time for training.
Picard management tip: No one can relax around Dr. Jekyll after they have met Mr. Hyde.
Picard leadership tip: Particularly if you're in a high profile position, be careful what buttons you press.
Picard management tip: Every officer needs to be in charge of something they understand, even if it's just radishes.
Picard strategy tip: When an egotistical, malevolent person tells you their dangerous intent, believe them.
Picard management tip: Always be ready to change course.
Picard management tip: No good ever comes from checking your first officer's search history.
Picard management tip: Put your experts in a conference room, tell them the problem, then shut up and watch the magic happen.
Picard management tip: Forgive.
Picard management tip: Study history. The answers are there.
Picard management tip: Tell the crew where to go. Let them figure out how to get there.
Picard management tip: If you've recently turned into a monster, go take a vacation.
Picard management tip: Give the most interesting assignments to other crew members, not yourself. That's how people stay engaged.
Picard relaxation tip: Re-read good books.
Picard management tip: Take some alone time. The crew will be fine without you.
Picard perspective tip: Neither the sun, the moon, the stars, nor any asteroids revolve around you. You are a dust mote with ideas.
Picard management tip: Once in a long while, pilot the shuttlecraft yourself.
Picard management tip: It's okay if your second in command has a different management style, as long as you both agree on the goals.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard management tip: Humility without confidence is sheepishness. Confidence without humility is arrogance.
Picard management tip: Fight for what you know is right. Only arrogant bullies think resistance is futile.
Picard management tip: Ignore rules that make no sense.
Picard management tip: Even without game-changing results, experimentation is time well spent.
Picard management tip: Withhold advice on matters you do not understand.
Picard management tip: The most successful discussions happen in person, not over phone, email, or view screen.
Picard management tip: For each command, assign it to one person, or ask for a volunteer. Don't ask a crowd to take an action.
Picard management tip: Remember what you liked to play with as a child. Identify the larger, grown-up versions of those toys at work.
Picard management tip: A captain's primary role is to inspire the crew's desire to complete their mission.
Picard management tip: You're not supposed to come up with all the ideas yourself. Ask for suggestions.
Picard management tip: When leaving to go to the bathroom, there's no point in being specific. Just say you'll be in your "ready room."
Picard management tip: Intuition is valuable, but it's not a substitute for facts.
Picard management tip: You're going to meet some buffoons and scoundrels. Try to be the better person.
Picard management tip: Improve your vocabulary by reading books. Words can be your most powerful tools.
Picard management tip: Be on the same side as the crew, not against them.
Picard management tip: The universe is a ridiculous place, but do try to be dignified.
Picard management tip: Your knowledge is a wellspring from which to draw for others, not a treasure to hoard for yourself.
Picard management tip: Create an atmosphere of trust, not fear.
Picard management tip: After any stressful adventure, give yourself and your crew ample recovery time.
Picard tactical tip: There is no shame in a wise retreat. The shame would be in risking one's crew because of selfish pride.
Picard management tip: One mission at a time.
Picard management tip: The crew needs to see you calm. If you're frustrated, complain to a confidant in private, then make a decision.
Picard management tip: The crew looks to you for how to behave. Set the tone for your ship.
Picard diplomacy tip: Peace begins with the choice to reject your own anger.
Picard management tip: Give the most interesting assignments to other crew members, not yourself. That's how people stay engaged.
Picard management tip: The secret to garnering respect is courtesy, not bravado.
Picard sleeping tip: Before bed, sit in a quiet room and read from a book.
Picard management tip: Get your own damn work done. Others will follow suit.
Picard management tip: The best creative solutions should come from your crew, not from you.
Picard travel tip: Bring a book.
Picard management tip: Be realistic about your project timelines. Romulus wasn't built in a day.
Picard dating tip: No kissing until after you've faced mortal peril together.
Picard management tip: Tell good stories. The right story can persuade, inspire, or illuminate.
Picard management tip: If a crew member needs to become more responsible, give them more responsibility.
Picard management tip: Don't let a crew member's age blind you to their skill level, in either direction.
Picard management tip: Don't just be yourself. Be the best version of yourself. Recall who you were on your best day. Be that person again.
Picard management tip: Stirring up competition between crew members is the opposite of your job.
Picard management tip: Give your crew the best technology available and you'll be amazed what they can do for your enterprise.
Picard management tip: Your superiors are just as fallible as you are. It's okay to talk back to them. Just do it respectfully.
Picard management tip: Engage.
Picard management tip: The universe is a ridiculous place, but do try to be dignified.
Picard morality tip: A sickbay’s only purpose is to heal whomever is unwell, regardless of their rank or station.
Picard management tip: Hone your inner bullshit detector.
Picard management tip: The least you can do is to make everyone onboard feel acknowledged.
Picard management tip: Certain crew members are like walking encyclopedias. Remember to ask for their input.
Picard management tip: Add to the group energy of the room, or leave. Don't be bored. Don't be boring.
Picard management tip: A captain's primary role is to inspire the crew's desire to complete their mission.
Picard management tip: Hone your inner bullshit detector.
Picard holiday tip: Religion and commercialism will both fade over generations. Generosity and kindness, however, will endure.
Picard management tip: Ensure chocolate is available.
Picard management tip: If you're not sure what to say, take a deep breath and a dramatic pause. Maybe somebody else will talk first.
Picard management tip: If a workaholic crew member pursues busywork on shore leave, insist that they stop and enjoy their free time.
Picard management tip: Hire aliens. It's no big deal.
Picard management tip: Be professional, and take pleasure in your work. You can do both at the same time.
Picard management tip: Avoid euphemisms. Call a thing what it really is.
Picard management tip: Be willing to laugh at yourself, but unwilling to laugh at your coworkers.
Picard management tip: Avoid euphemisms. Call a thing what it really is.
Picard resistance tip: Occasionally there are times when you must draw a line and refuse to budge.
Picard management tip: Give your experts time for unstructured play. It makes them more creative.
Picard management tip: If specific implementation details are important, then include them when giving the order.
Picard management tip: Time is the rarest commodity. Manage yours wisely.
Picard management tip: If you find yourself leading an unusually toxic crew, it may be necessary to remove more than one of them.
Picard management tip: Add to the group energy of the room, or leave. Don't be bored. Don't be boring.
Picard management tip: Gain a reputation for completing missions.
Picard management tip: Don't let upper management dismantle your team, nor your team members.
Picard management tip: Watch over the crew. They're your responsibility.
Picard leadership tip: Respect must be earned. Trust must be earned. A demand for either means the loss of both.
Picard management tip: If anyone on your ship seems perfect, it means you aren't paying enough attention.
Picard management tip: Be willing to reevaluate your own behavior.
Picard levity tip: Before lifting your teacup off a small dish, give the command, "Prepare for saucer separation."
Picard management tip: You are a dignitary representing your organization, always.
Picard management tip: Passion is not an excuse for a tantrum.
Picard management tip: Malfunctioning systems must be fixed right away. There is no excuse for delaying repairs.
Picard management tip: If you don't know what the hell you're doing, fake it until you do.
Picard levity tip: Before lifting your teacup off a small dish, give the command, "Prepare for saucer separation."
Picard management tip: When you've gotten enough sleep, an impossible task becomes an interesting challenge.
Picard management tip: It's okay not to know things. Practice saying "I don't know." Go ahead. Say it.
Picard travel tip: Bring a book.
Picard management tip: Suppress your inner alarm. Be the calmest person in the room.
Picard management tip: If you're on red alert every day, then red alert means nothing.
Picard civics tip: Elect leaders the way you would hire crew members. Seek calm, control, and familiarity with how to operate the ship.
Picard management tip: In an emergency, don't be afraid to let the crew see you in your pajamas.
Picard engineering tip: Make it so every subsystem can be found and repaired manually, even if you need to crawl to reach it.
Picard management tip: Be comfortable with approximations. Best guesses in advance are more useful than complete certainty after the fact.
Picard management tip: Regardless of what time travelers tell you, the future hasn't been written yet.
Picard management tip: As soon as you find out that a person is truly toxic, get them the hell off your ship.
Picard leadership tip: If everyone on your team quits, don't pretend you fired them. No one will believe you.
Picard management tip: You're not supposed to come up with all the ideas yourself. Ask for suggestions.
Picard management tip: Take full responsibility for your crew's mistakes.
Picard management tip: Regulations do not cover every situation. Sometimes you have to decide for yourself what is right.
Picard management tip: Break a complex, urgent problem into subcomponents, one for each of your lieutenants to solve.
Picard relaxation tip: Re-read good books.
Picard management tip: If you never fail, you aren't going boldly enough.
Picard management tip: It takes hard work to become a master at single-tasking.
Picard crisis tip: Even when the situation seems daunting, don't give up your determination to win the day. It's not over till it's over.
Picard writing tip: Getting your point across is more important than following archaic rules. It's okay to boldly split infinitives.
Picard management tip: Not all Klingons are violent. Don't be racist.
Picard management tip: If people accuse your organization of endangering people who wear red shirts, put on a damn red shirt every day.
Picard management tip: Good crew members love what they do. Get off their backs and let them enjoy their work.
Picard civics tip: Being angry does not make you right. It also does not make you wrong. Question what you are fighting for.
Picard management tip: Get excited about your work. Your excitement is contagious.
Picard perspective tip: Spend some time staring at the stars. It feeds the soul and revives the mind.
Picard management tip: Try your best to speak in a way the other person will understand, even when it seems nearly impossible.
Picard management tip: When crew members are unsuccessful, urge them to try again. Encouragement and persistence may be all they need.
Picard career tip: The grass may seem greener on the other side, but sometimes it's because of all the fertilizer.
Picard management tip: If you find yourself leading an unusually toxic crew, it may be necessary to remove more than one of them.
Picard management tip: Keep a log of your journey. You will understand better by writing it down.
Picard management tip: Allow yourself some alone time. It may help you think.
Picard management tip: When leaving to go to the bathroom, there's no point in being specific. Just say you'll be in your "ready room."
Picard theology tip: Unproven gods are hypotheses waiting to be tested. Proven gods are aliens with better technology.
Picard management tip: Admitting one's failures is a sign of confidence and strength. It reassures others that failing is okay.
Picard management tip: Make it sound like you know what you're doing, even if you're just picking a direction.
Picard management tip: Results are more important than protocol.
Picard management tip: Once all their basic needs are taken care of, crew members are motivated by the meaningfulness of their work.
Picard management tip: The line must be drawn somewhere. It might as well be here.
Picard management tip: Don't assume anything is possible or impossible until you've asked the people who will be doing the work.
Picard management tip: The respect you show your crew is a major factor in determining how they feel about their work.
Picard management tip: Tell your employees when they do well, even if you believe they are empathic and can read your mind.
Picard management tip: If you build up enough reputation, people will listen to any drivel you say. They'll even repeat it.
Picard management tip: Tolerate failure, not incompetence. Learn the difference.
Picard theology tip: Unproven gods are hypotheses waiting to be tested. Proven gods are aliens with better technology.
Picard management tip: Error is the great teacher, memorable and valuable. Embrace it. Let it educate you.
Picard creativity tip: By all means, draw from your own experience, but also find enough empathy to draw from the experiences of others.
Picard management tip: If crew members have what they need to be comfortable, their work won't be all about money.
Picard management tip: Show crew members how impressed you are with their accomplishments. Validation matters.
Picard management tip: When a crew member's behavior changes significantly, inquire and investigate. It could be important.
Picard management tip: Try your best to speak in a way the other person will understand, even when it seems nearly impossible.
Picard crisis tip: Even when the situation seems daunting, don't give up your determination to win the day. It's not over till it's over.
Picard Shakespeare tip: The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
Picard writing tip: Getting your point across is more important than following archaic rules. It's okay to boldly split infinitives.
Picard management tip: Be patient with crew members' idiosyncrasies. They aren't machines. Well, most of them.
Picard management tip: Take your best crew members at their word, however surprising their claims may sound.
Picard management tip: Get your own damn work done. Others will follow suit.
Picard management tip: Don't scoff at unfamiliar suggestions. You don't know as much as you think.
Picard management tip: At a high level, know how all the machines work.
Picard management tip: Start your log entries with the current stardate. It helps you keep track of what year it is.
Picard management tip: Work should be useful, stimulating, and challenging, not wasteful, tedious, nor impossible.
Picard management tip: Remember your mission, but be ready to change it.
Picard management tip: You're going to meet some buffoons and scoundrels. Try to be the better person.
Picard management tip: Yes, the uniforms are tight, but please, eyes up here.
Picard Shakespeare tip: The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
Picard management tip: Give orders that make sense.
Picard sleeping tip: Before bed, sit in a quiet room and read from a book.
Picard management tip: Polite crew members solve problems together. Rude crew members escalate problems all by themselves.
Picard programming tip: The first version of any software will be buggy. That's why so many holodeck programs try to kill you.
Picard sanity tip: If there are four lights, say there are four lights.
Picard engineering tip: Even if computers can talk now, remember how deeply stupid they are.
Picard management tip: Expecting people to work long hours is short-sighted, counter-productive, and potentially dangerous.
Picard management tip: Become a symbol of stability for your crew. This takes time, but then they'll move mountains for you.
Picard management tip: Most conflict arises out of confusion. Clarify quickly before weapons power up.
Picard management tip: The most successful discussions happen in person, not over phone, email, or view screen.
Picard management tip: If you succeed too much and become cocky, recognize it, admit it, and stop it.
Picard management tip: Gain a realistic understanding of what your ship can and cannot do.
Picard management tip: Used sparingly, some light swearing can help emphasize your damn point.
Picard management tip: Forgive.
Picard engineering tip: Make it so every subsystem can be found and repaired manually, even if you need to crawl to reach it.
Picard management tip: Always obey orders, except when the orders are wrong.
Picard management tip: In an emergency, don't be afraid to let the crew see you in your pajamas.
Picard management tip: If people accuse your organization of endangering people who wear red shirts, put on a damn red shirt every day.
Picard strategy tip: When an egotistical, malevolent person tells you their dangerous intent, believe them.
Picard management tip: Gain a reputation for completing missions.
Picard management tip: There is always a non-obvious third option. When caught between a rock and a hard place, find a jackhammer.
Picard strategy tip: Pick your battles. Fight injustices before annoyances.
Picard management tip: Give orders that make sense.
Picard diplomacy tip: When communication is breaking down, try to speak the other person's language.
Picard management tip: If it's not ready, and if your enterprise can survive without it, then don't rush it.
Picard management tip: When you make a mistake, apologize right away. Embrace humility over defense.
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
Picard management tip: Tell your employees when they do well, even if you believe they are empathic and can read your mind.
Picard management tip: Be willing to ask for help, even from people you dislike.
Picard management tip: Surround yourself with people whom you would trust with your life.
Picard technology tip: Sometimes your chief engineer can build new systems that are better than your existing enterprise software.
Picard engineering tip: Don't allow the computer to push you around. Let it know who's boss.
Picard management tip: Take full responsibility for your crew's mistakes.
Picard management tip: If your team is outstanding, have a camera crew chronicle your work and stream it on Netflix.
Picard management tip: The crew looks to you for how to behave. Set the tone for your ship.
Picard humor tip: Be thankful that April Fools' Day jokes fell out of common practice hundreds of years ago.
Picard management tip: Initiate positive changes. If not you, who?
Picard management tip: Be willing to ask for help, even from people you dislike.
Picard strategy tip: Make it a habit to try to gain new allies, not just new enemies.
Picard civics tip: Becoming subservient to an oppressive regime shows profound disrespect to the people being governed.
Picard management tip: Take your leisure time seriously. A relaxed captain is a sane captain.
Picard devops tip: No, you are not allowed to connect your brain to the computer. Learn to type like everyone else.
Picard management tip: Take some alone time. The crew will be fine without you.
Picard management tip: The best creative solutions should come from your crew, not from you.
Picard management tip: Don't negotiate absurd schedules with engineers. Encourage truth telling and reasonable time estimates.
Picard management tip: Succeeding at the very last second is still succeeding.
Picard management tip: Problems worth solving will present themselves. There's no need to invent busywork.
Picard management tip: The secret to garnering respect is courtesy, not bravado.
Picard management tip: Gain a realistic understanding of what your ship can and cannot do.
Picard artistry tip: Lacking innate talent at a skill doesn't mean you should stop. On the contrary, it means you need to practice.
Picard management tip: If you succeed too much and become cocky, recognize it, admit it, and stop it.
Picard management tip: If you lose one crew member, mourn appropriately. If the whole ship explodes, don't worry; time travel will fix it.
Picard management tip: After any stressful adventure, give yourself and your crew ample recovery time.
Picard management tip: If crew members have what they need to be comfortable, their work won't be all about money.
Picard management tip: Break a complex, urgent problem into subcomponents, one for each of your lieutenants to solve.
Picard management tip: Know when to put on a happy face. It's part of adulthood, and essential for command.
Picard management tip: Be the team coach for your crew, not their loving parent, nor their drill sergeant.
Picard management tip: Allow yourself some alone time. It may help you think.
Picard leadership tip: Think for yourself. Don't just repeat what other people say.
Picard anthropology tip: The very concept of a messiah is inherently authoritarian.
Picard style tip: If you don't have much on top, keep the back and sides short.
Picard programming tip: When the holodeck malfunctions, stay in character. Don't piss off the computer.
Picard management tip: It's rarely about you.
Picard management tip: If your team is outstanding, have a camera crew chronicle your work and stream it on Netflix.
Picard management tip: Always be ready to change course.
Picard strategy tip: The enemy of my enemy is sometimes a dangerous sociopath.
Picard management tip: Your orders do not dictate your ideals. Your ideals determine how you interpret your orders.
Picard sociology tip: Those who rise to power by embracing ignorance and fear will only make their people more ignorant and afraid.
Picard management tip: When a crew member's behavior changes significantly, inquire and investigate. It could be important.
Picard Tamarian tip: Zinda, his face black, his eyes red. The river Temarc in winter. Kira at Bashi. Sokath, his eyes uncovered.
Picard management tip: Exercise makes you smarter. Don't just sit there thinking.
Get up.
Picard management tip: Regardless of what time travelers tell you, the future hasn't been written yet.
Picard investigation tip: When in doubt, launch a probe.
Picard management tip: Obedience never lasts long when it's based solely on punishment.
Picard management tip: Every officer needs to be in charge of something they understand, even if it's just radishes.
Picard management tip: When you're threatened with catastrophe, it's rational to try a risky maneuver.
Picard management tip: The crew needs to see you calm. If you're frustrated, complain to a confidante in private, then make a decision.
Picard cosmology tip: Six sevenths of all matter is undetectable, so stop thinking you know so much.
Picard style tip: If you're balding, don't hide it. Own it.
Picard management tip: Initiate positive changes. If not you, who?
Picard management tip: Hire aliens. It's no big deal.
Picard management tip: Even without game-changing results, experimentation is time well spent.
Picard management tip: Avoid euphemisms. Call a thing what it really is.
Picard aesthetics tip: Reading on a screen is fine, but there's nothing like an old bound volume of literature.
Picard management tip: Communicate to the crew what frontier you are exploring together.
Picard ethics tip: Target their weapons.
Picard management tip: Have an opinion on one side of an issue. Stay out of the neutral zone.
Picard management tip: Conducting an experiment with an unknown outcome is time well spent, even if the result disappoints you.
Picard management tip: Say yes whenever possible, except when your tactical officer recommends attacking.
Picard management tip: Explain.
Picard management tip: Make it sound like you know what you're doing, even if you're just picking a direction.
Picard management tip: Your first impulse will often be wrong, but you have to start somewhere.
Picard happiness tip: Spend as much time as you can with your soulmate, as I have done with Gandalf.
Picard ethics tip: Target their weapons.
Picard multiversal tip: Be careful; not even a Jedi or a Time Lord can withstand Vogon poetry. So say we all.
Picard management tip: Treat your crew like adults. They aren't children… except the college intern.
Picard management tip: Your sense of morality is the guiding light that people under your command will follow.
Picard management tip: If your crew is afraid to talk to you, they won't always give you the information you need. Be approachable.
Picard engineering tip: Don't allow the computer to push you around. Let it know who's boss.
Picard diversity tip: The fact that a crewmember looks alien to you does not make them any less of a Starfleet officer.
Picard exploration tip: Yes, there are 100s of billions of galaxies, but it will take 1,000 lifetimes to map this one, so focus for now.
Picard safety tip: If your organization won't install fuses, don't touch any consoles while your ship is under attack.
Picard management tip: Stirring up competition between crew members is the opposite of your job.
Picard management tip: Speak candidly, and encourage others to do likewise.
Picard management tip: Once in a long while, pilot the shuttlecraft yourself.
Picard management tip: If anyone on your ship seems perfect, it means you aren't paying enough attention.
Picard management tip: Half of leadership is acting.
Picard management tip: Study history. The answers are there.
Picard coping tip: There is no strict timetable for dealing with loss. Everyone must find their way through grief in their own time.
Picard science tip: Investigate stellar phenomena whenever the opportunity arises. There is always more to learn.
Picard management tip: Good crew members love what they do. Get off their backs and let them enjoy their work.
Picard management tip: If you have the misfortune to acquire enemies, face them head on. They're just as afraid as you are.
Picard management tip: Finish what you start.
Picard management tip: Certain crew members are like walking encyclopedias. Remember to ask for their input.
Picard creativity tip: By all means, draw from your own experience, but also find enough empathy to draw from the experiences of others.
Picard management tip: Ensure chocolate is available.
Picard management tip: Think.
Picard perspective tip: Space is big. Bigger than you think. No, bigger than that.
Picard management tip: Try your best to speak in a way the other person will understand, even when it seems nearly impossible.
Picard management tip: During a large-scale, life-threatening emergency, postpone all other priorities and focus on protecting your crew.
Picard management tip: When you hear yourself start to raise your voice, stop, take a breath, smile, then speak politely.
Picard civics tip: Elect leaders the way you would hire crew members. Seek calm, control, and familiarity with how to operate the ship.
Picard dating tip: Don't fall in love with holograms, even if your friends do.
Picard management tip: Question authority, and permit others to question yours without fear of punishment.
Picard management tip: Tell good stories. The right story can persuade, inspire, or illuminate.
Picard emergency tip: When all else fails, route main power through the main deflector dish.
Picard management tip: Keep up with new technologies. Today you get a holodeck, but tomorrow could bring a holographic doctor.
Picard management tip: Defend your crew members, even against each other.
Picard management tip: Don't let upper management dismantle your team, nor your team members.
Picard mental health tip: When you lie down to sleep, instead of thinking about your failures, think about your successes.
Picard management tip: Take vacations.
Picard management tip: Your knowledge is a wellspring from which to draw for others, not a treasure to hoard for yourself.
Picard management tip: You are a dignitary representing your organization, always.
Picard management tip: Keep up with new technologies. Today you get a holodeck, but tomorrow could bring a holographic doctor.
Picard management tip: In a strange new environment, be wary of making changes until you understand more about what's going on.
Picard management tip: Admit ignorance and ask a question rather than blunder forward out of pride.
Picard technology tip: Sometimes your chief engineer can build new systems that are better than your existing enterprise software.
Picard management tip: Run crisis drills when all is well. A real calamity is not a good time for training.
Picard investigation tip: When in doubt, launch a probe.
Picard management tip: Always obey orders, except when the orders are wrong.
Picard economic tip: The risks of confinement to a single planet exceed the costs of interstellar travel.
Picard perspective tip: Spend some time staring at the stars. It feeds the soul and revives the mind.
Picard rationality tip: There is no such thing as a ghost or a devil. It's just an alien. It's always an alien.
Picard management tip: When a middle manager says one of his crew isn't fitting in, tell him to befriend the crewman and fix the problem.
Picard sleeping tip: Before bed, sit in a quiet room and read from a book; a book made out of paper, that smells of ink.
Picard management tip: Give the most interesting assignments to other crew members, not yourself. That's how people stay engaged.
Picard management tip: For each command, assign it to one person, or ask for a volunteer. Don't ask a crowd to take an action.
Picard management tip: Recognize when you're being hypocritical. Don't wait for others to tell you.
Picard science tip: The universal translator is not the end of linguistics. The replicator is not the end of chemistry. Keep going.
Picard Tamarian tip: Zinda, his face black, his eyes red. The river Temarc in winter. Kira at Bashi. Sokath, his eyes uncovered.
Picard management tip: Time is the rarest commodity. Manage yours wisely.
Picard tactical tip: There is no shame in a wise retreat. The shame would be in risking one's crew because of selfish pride.
Picard management tip: Respond to questions unambiguously and with authority.
Picard management tip: Put your experts in a conference room, tell them the problem, then shut up and watch the magic happen.
Picard management tip: When you stand up, straighten your shirt.
Picard schooling tip: Don't be too tentative. Have experiences. Be dastardly. Get into trouble.
Picard safety tip: Antimatter is not a toy.
Picard management tip: Work should be useful, stimulating, and challenging, not wasteful, tedious, nor impossible.
Picard management tip: Be comfortable with approximations. Best guesses in advance are more useful than complete certainty after the fact.
Picard judgment tip: First, believe your own senses.
Picard management tip: One mission at a time.
Picard management tip: If a crew member needs to become more responsible, give them more responsibility.
Picard individuality tip: Do something fascinating that no one else in your collective would ever do.
Picard management tip: Surround yourself with people whom you would trust with your life.
Picard management tip: If specific implementation details are important, then include them when giving the order.
Picard programming tip: When the holodeck malfunctions, stay in character. Don't piss off the computer.
Picard diplomacy tip: Peace begins with the choice to reject your own anger.
Picard management tip: Data is easier to manage than humans.
Picard humor tip: Be thankful that April Fools' Day jokes fell out of common practice hundreds of years ago.
Picard management tip: Take no notice of cleavage.
Picard management tip: It takes hard work to become a master at single-tasking.
Picard management tip: Say yes whenever possible, except when your tactical officer recommends attacking.
Picard devops tip: No, you are not allowed to connect your brain to the computer. Learn to type like everyone else.
Picard engineering tip: Use the metric system.
Picard creativity tip: By all means, draw from your own experience, but also find enough empathy to draw from the experiences of others.
Picard management tip: Keep a log of your journey. You will understand better by writing it down.
Picard management tip: Take no notice of cleavage.
Picard exploration tip: Yes, there are 100s of billions of galaxies, but it will take 1,000 lifetimes to map this one, so focus for now.
Picard diplomacy tip: When communication is breaking down, try to speak the other person's language.
Picard Shakespeare tip: Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
Picard management tip: Intuition is valuable, but it's not a substitute for facts.
Picard responsibility tip: Don't leave known, wide-scale problems behind for the next generation to solve.
Picard management tip: It's okay if your second in command has a different management style, as long as you both agree on the goals.
Picard civics tip: Becoming subservient to an oppressive regime shows profound disrespect to the people being governed.
Picard management tip: The truth is that sometimes you just won't know the right thing to do. You still have to try.
Picard management tip: Become a symbol of stability for your crew. This takes time, but then they'll move mountains for you.
Picard management tip: Create an atmosphere of trust, not fear.
Picard management tip: If a workaholic crew member pursues busywork on shore leave, insist that they stop and enjoy their free time.
Picard management tip: Regulations do not cover every situation. Sometimes you have to decide for yourself what is right.
Picard management tip: Certain crew members are like walking encyclopedias. Remember to ask for their input.
Picard technology tip: An advanced system isn't always easy to use. Improve the interface, or try pushing buttons at random.
Picard perspective tip: In another reality, there is an alternate version of you who is envious of what you have accomplished.
Picard management tip: If you want your lieutenants to become leaders, send them on away missions without you.
Picard morality tip: A sickbay’s only purpose is to heal whomever is unwell, regardless of their rank or station.
Picard diplomacy tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard management tip: Be on the same side as the crew, not against them.
Picard management tip: There is a time to follow a military hierarchy and there is a time to enjoy an informal community.
Picard management tip: If you're unhappy with a crew member's behavior, tell them straight out in private. Don't be passive aggressive.
Picard management tip: Encourage extracurricular activities with your crew, especially if it involves wearing costumes.
Picard strategy tip: Don't assume your opponent will behave rationally. Plan for their emotional response.
Picard management tip: Make it so that people feel they can come to you with any issue without fear of reprimand.
Picard style tip: If you don't have much on top, keep the back and sides short.
Picard exploration tip: Our galaxy has over eight billion habitable planets. Get to work.
Picard management tip: Leave the bridge sometimes. Other people can handle things fine without you.
Picard management tip: When you're threatened with catastrophe, it's rational to try a risky maneuver.
Picard management tip: At a high level, know how all the machines work.
Picard management tip: Don't let a crew member's age blind you to their skill level, in either direction.
Picard leadership tip: Think for yourself. Don't just repeat what other people say.
Picard management tip: Passion is not an excuse for a tantrum.
Picard management tip: Have an opinion on one side of an issue. Stay out of the neutral zone.
Picard management tip: Develop a catchphrase.
Picard management tip: Keep track of the current date.
Picard management tip: The line must be drawn somewhere. It might as well be here.
Picard management tip: Don't waste time using social media. Pretend it was never invented.
No, an actual book. Put that down. That's not a book.
Picard management tip: Don't be afraid to use imperative verbs. They're called orders for a reason.
Picard programming tip: A computer is like a mischievous genie. It will give you exactly what you ask for, but not always what you want.
Picard management tip: If it's not ready, and if your enterprise can survive without it, then don't rush it.
Picard management tip: Results are more important than protocol.
Picard science tip: Investigate stellar phenomena whenever the opportunity arises. There is always more to learn.
Picard organization tip: Compose your enterprise from separable parts. A section might need to be able to go off on its own for a while.
Picard management tip: Yes, the uniforms are tight, but please, eyes up here.
Picard management tip: Experiment.
Picard leadership tip: Particularly if you're in a high profile position, be careful what buttons you press.
Picard management tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard management tip: Give your crew the best technology available and you'll be amazed what they can do for your enterprise.
Picard management tip: If you have a psychic on staff, think unsexy thoughts.
Picard management tip: Don't try to go at maximum speed all the time. You'll burn out your engines.
Picard diplomacy tip: The greatest threat to lasting mutual respect is egocentrism. It may never leave you, but resist it at every turn.
Picard management tip: Adopt the latest technologies right away, even if they're in beta.
Picard exploration tip: Our galaxy has over eight billion habitable planets. Get to work.
Picard technology tip: An advanced system isn't always easy to use. Improve the interface, or try pushing buttons at random.
Picard management tip: Develop a catchphrase.
Picard diplomacy tip: The greatest threat to lasting mutual respect is egocentrism. It may never leave you, but resist it at every turn.
Picard management tip: Statements should not sound like questions?
Picard individuality tip: Do something fascinating that no one else in your collective would ever do.
Picard management tip: Everyone's a critic, but some criticisms are more correct than others.
Picard management tip: Your orders do not dictate your ideals. Your ideals determine how you interpret your orders.
Picard strategy tip: Make it a habit to try to gain new allies, not just new enemies.
Picard management tip: When crew members are unsuccessful, urge them to try again. Encouragement and persistence may be all they need.
Picard management tip: Obedience never lasts long when it's based solely on punishment.
Picard management tip: Your past successes are not assurances for the future. Remain vigilant against complacency.
Picard management tip: No one can relax around Dr. Jekyll after they have met Mr. Hyde.
Picard management tip: Be willing to laugh at yourself, but unwilling to laugh at your coworkers.
Picard management tip: Know when to put on a happy face. It's part of adulthood, and essential for command.
Picard management tip: Watch over the crew. They're your responsibility.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew has real time monitoring of your enterprise's critical systems.
Picard economic tip: The risks of confinement to a single planet exceed the costs of interstellar travel.
Picard management tip: No good ever comes from checking your first officer's search history.
Picard management tip: There's no need to solve hard problems alone. Admit when you need help.
Picard management tip: Be realistic about your project timelines. Romulus wasn't built in a day.
Picard management tip: Malfunctioning systems must be fixed right away. There is no excuse for delaying repairs.
Picard management tip: Hone your inner bullshit detector.
Picard management tip: The secret to garnering respect is courtesy, not bravado.
Picard diplomacy tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard cosmology tip: Six sevenths of all matter is undetectable, so stop thinking you know so much.
Picard science tip: The universal translator is not the end of linguistics. The replicator is not the end of chemistry. Keep going.
Picard culinary tip: Tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Picard schooling tip: Don't be too tentative. Have experiences. Be dastardly. Get into trouble.
Picard morality tip: A sickbay’s only purpose is to heal whoever is unwell, regardless of their rank or station.
Picard management tip: Take your best crew members at their word, however surprising their claims may sound.
Picard management tip: Communicate to the crew what frontier you are exploring together.
Picard management tip: Try to understand more than half of the technobabble. Ask for metaphors to explain the rest.
Picard management tip: Every officer needs to be in charge of something they understand, even if it's just radishes.
Picard management tip: Tell the crew where to go. Let them figure out how to get there.
Picard management tip: Adopt the latest technologies right away, even if they're in beta.
Picard coping tip: There is no strict timetable for dealing with loss. Everyone must find their way through grief in their own time.
Picard civics tip: Being angry does not make you right. It also does not make you wrong. Question what you are fighting for.
Picard management tip: If you have a psychic on staff, think unsexy thoughts.
Picard management tip: Don't waste time using social media. Pretend it was never invented.
Picard management tip: Be the team coach for your crew, not their loving parent, nor their drill sergeant.
Picard management tip: Finish what you start.
Picard perspective tip: Neither the sun, the moon, the stars, nor any asteroids revolve around you. You are a dust mote with ideas.
Picard management tip: Your first impulse will often be wrong, but you have to start somewhere.
Picard management tip: If you don't know what the hell you're doing, fake it until you do.
Picard management tip: Empower others to command when you are unfit. You never know when your mind will be taken over by an alien.
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
Picard artistry tip: Lacking innate talent at a skill doesn't mean you should stop. On the contrary, it means you need to practice.
Picard management tip: Explain.
Picard management tip: Refusing to decide is the worst decision you can make.
Picard management tip: Decide.
Picard management tip: Your superiors are just as fallible as you are. It's okay to talk back to them. Just do it respectfully.
Picard management tip: If you build up enough reputation, people will listen to any drivel you say. They'll even repeat it.
Picard ethics tip: Before undertaking a mission, it is our moral imperative to consider any obvious negative ramifications.
Picard management tip: Know who you really are and what really matters to you. Then let the crew know.
Picard dating tip: No kissing until after you've faced mortal peril together.
Picard career tip: The grass may seem greener on the other side, but sometimes it's because of all the fertilizer.
Picard management tip: The respect you show your crew is a major factor in determining how they feel about their work.
Picard aesthetics tip: Reading on a screen is fine, but there's nothing like an old bound volume of literature.
Picard management tip: Some of your decisions are going to be mistakes. You have to make them anyway.
Picard management tip: Respond to questions unambiguously and with authority.
Picard dating tip: No kissing until after you've faced mortal peril together.
Picard dating tip: If reality gets altered, leaving you alone with your crush, it doesn't necessarily mean it's time to make your move.
Picard management tip: "That's the way it's always been" is never an adequate reason to continue doing something.
Picard anthropology tip: The very concept of a messiah is inherently authoritarian.
Picard management tip: Get your own damn work done. Others will follow suit.
Picard ethics tip: Target their weapons.
Picard management tip: Humility without confidence is sheepishness. Confidence without humility is arrogance.
Picard management tip: Gain a realistic understanding of what your ship can and cannot do.
Picard management tip: Polite crew members solve problems together. Rude crew members escalate problems all by themselves.
Picard investigation tip: Magnify.
Picard management tip: Start your log entries with the current stardate. It helps you keep track of what year it is.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew feel welcome and appreciated. Remember there are other starships they could transfer to.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard Shakespeare tip: The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
Picard management tip: Remember your mission, but be ready to change it.
Picard management tip: Don't let upper management dismantle your team, nor your team members.
Picard crisis tip: Even when the situation seems daunting, don't give up your determination to win the day. It's not over till it's over.
Picard strategy tip: Pick your battles. Fight injustices before annoyances.
Picard civics tip: Becoming subservient to an oppressive regime shows profound disrespect to the people being governed.
Picard management tip: Expecting people to work long hours is short-sighted, counter-productive, and potentially dangerous.
Picard management tip: Avoid euphemisms. Call a thing what it really is.
Picard safety tip: If your organization won't install fuses, don't touch any consoles while your ship is under attack.
Picard management tip: Say "Thank you", "Good work", or "Well done".
Picard management tip: Be comfortable with approximations. Best guesses in advance are more useful than complete certainty after the fact.
Picard Shakespeare tip: Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
Picard management tip: Improve your vocabulary by reading books. Words can be your most powerful tools.
Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
Picard management tip: Your sense of morality is the guiding light that people under your command will follow.
Picard management tip: Keep track of the current date.
Picard technology tip: Sometimes your chief engineer can build new systems that are better than your existing enterprise software.
Picard strategy tip: The enemy of my enemy is sometimes a dangerous sociopath.
Picard management tip: Be patient with crew members' idiosyncrasies. They aren't machines. Well, most of them.
Picard management tip: Defend your crew members, even against each other.
Picard management tip: If you succeed too much and become cocky, recognize it, admit it, and stop it.
Picard management tip: If they know their jobs, leave them alone. If they don't, help them learn.
Picard management tip: Half of leadership is acting.
Picard management tip: Encourage extracurricular activities with your crew, especially if it involves wearing costumes.
Picard management tip: The line must be drawn somewhere. It might as well be here.
Picard management tip: Exercise makes you smarter. Don't just sit there thinking.
Get up.
Picard economic tip: The risks of confinement to a single planet exceed the costs of interstellar travel.
Picard management tip: Experiment.
Picard management tip: Treat your crew like adults. They aren't children… except the college intern.
Picard management tip: The least you can do is to make everyone onboard feel acknowledged.
Picard programming tip: A computer is like a mischievous genie. It will give you exactly what you ask for, but not always what you want.
Picard management tip: When leaving to go to the bathroom, there's no point in being specific. Just say you'll be in your "ready room."
Picard exploration tip: Yes, there are 100s of billions of galaxies, but it will take 1,000 lifetimes to map this one, so focus for now.
Picard management tip: Run crisis drills when all is well. A real calamity is not a good time for training.
Picard management tip: Share the credit. Take the blame.
Picard management tip: Stirring up competition between crew members is the opposite of your job.
Picard management tip: It takes hard work to become a master at single-tasking.
Picard investigation tip: Magnify.
Picard organization tip: Compose your enterprise from separable parts. A section might need to be able to go off on its own for a while.
Picard management tip: Don't assume anything is possible or impossible until you've asked the people who will be doing the work.
Picard management tip: Tell good stories. The right story can persuade, inspire, or illuminate.
Picard management tip: Recognize when you're being hypocritical. Don't wait for others to tell you.
Picard management tip: Be willing to reevaluate your own behavior.
Picard management tip: You're going to meet some buffoons and scoundrels. Try to be the better person.
Picard management tip: Remember what you liked to play with as a child. Identify the larger, grown-up versions of those toys at work.
Picard management tip: Give your experts time for unstructured play. It makes them more creative.
Picard management tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard ethics tip: Before undertaking a mission, it is our moral imperative to consider any obvious negative ramifications.
Picard safety tip: Antimatter is not a toy.
Picard programming tip: Don't be fooled. Machines have feelings.
Picard management tip: A captain's primary role is to inspire the crew's desire to complete their mission.
Picard perspective tip: Space is big. Bigger than you think. No, bigger than that.
Picard management tip: If you have the misfortune to acquire enemies, face them head on. They're just as afraid as you are.
Picard management tip: You're not supposed to come up with all the ideas yourself. Ask for suggestions.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew has real time monitoring of your enterprise's critical systems.
Picard management tip: Don't assume anything is possible or impossible until you've asked the people who will be doing the work.
Picard management tip: If crew members have what they need to be comfortable, their work won't be all about money.
Picard engineering tip: Maintenance of existing systems is just as important as building new capabilities.
Picard management tip: Keep up with new technologies. Today you get a holodeck, but tomorrow could bring a holographic doctor.
Picard management tip: Don't be afraid to use imperative verbs. They're called orders for a reason.
Picard management tip: Once all their basic needs are taken care of, crew members are motivated by the meaningfulness of their work.
Picard management tip: When a middle manager says one of his crew isn't fitting in, tell him to befriend the crewman and fix the problem.
Picard management tip: Bathrooms are unseemly. Keep them out of sight and don't talk about them.
Picard management tip: Certain crew members are like walking encyclopedias. Remember to ask for their input.
Picard management tip: Show crew members how impressed you are with their accomplishments. Validation matters.
Picard engineering tip: Make it so every subsystem can be found and repaired manually, even if you need to crawl to reach it.
Picard management tip: If you never fail, you aren't going boldly enough.
Picard management tip: Say yes whenever possible, except when your tactical officer recommends attacking.
Picard humor tip: Be thankful that April Fools' Day jokes fell out of common practice hundreds of years ago.
Picard management tip: If you're on red alert every day, then red alert means nothing.
Picard management tip: For each command, assign it to one person, or ask for a volunteer. Don't ask a crowd to take an action.
Picard management tip: Try to understand more than half of the technobabble. Ask for metaphors to explain the rest.
Picard management tip: It's okay not to know things. Practice saying "I don't know." Go ahead. Say it.
Picard management tip: Statements should not sound like questions?
Picard sanity tip: If there are four lights, say there are four lights.
Picard management tip: If you lose one crew member, mourn appropriately. If the whole ship explodes, don't worry; time travel will fix it.
Picard theology tip: Unproven gods are hypotheses waiting to be tested. Proven gods are aliens with better technology.
Picard programming tip: When the holodeck malfunctions, stay in character. Don't piss off the computer.
Picard prioritization tip: If you cannot figure out the lighting controls, call for an engineer's help before running your meeting.
Picard management tip: Admitting one's failures is a sign of confidence and strength. It reassures others that failing is okay.
Picard exploration tip: Our galaxy has over eight billion habitable planets. Get to work.
Picard management tip: Try your best to speak in a way the other person will understand, even when it seems nearly impossible.
Picard management tip: Watch over the crew. They're your responsibility.
Picard management tip: If people accuse your organization of endangering people who wear red shirts, put on a damn red shirt every day.
Picard science tip: The universal translator is not the end of linguistics. The replicator is not the end of chemistry. Keep going.
Picard management tip: Know when to put on a happy face. It's part of adulthood, and essential for command.
Picard management tip: Be willing to ask for help, even from people you dislike.
Picard management tip: Everyone's a critic, but some criticisms are more correct than others.
Picard management tip: If anyone on your ship seems perfect, it means you aren't paying enough attention.
Picard management tip: Know your audience. Display strength to Klingons, logic to Vulcans, and opportunity to Ferengi.
Picard diplomacy tip: The greatest threat to lasting mutual respect is egocentrism. It may never leave you, but resist it at every turn.
Picard management tip: Even without game-changing results, experimentation is time well spent.
Picard style tip: If you don't have much on top, keep the back and sides short.
Picard safety tip: If your organization won't install fuses, don't touch any consoles while your ship is under attack.
Picard holiday tip: Religion and commercialism will both fade over generations. Generosity and kindness, however, will endure.
Picard management tip: Don't just be yourself. Be the best version of yourself. Recall who you were on your best day. Be that person again.
Picard management tip: Make it sound like you know what you're doing, even if you're just picking a direction.
Picard management tip: Error is the great teacher, memorable and valuable. Embrace it. Let it educate you.
Picard management tip: The universe is a ridiculous place, but do try to be dignified.
Picard management tip: Calm the hell down.
Picard management tip: Take your best crew members at their word, however surprising their claims may sound.
Picard management tip: Have an opinion on one side of an issue. Stay out of the neutral zone.
Picard management tip: Keep group meetings short. Take your time with one-on-ones.
Picard safety tip: Antimatter is not a toy.
Picard engineering tip: Use the metric system.
Picard management tip: At a high level, know how all the machines work.
Picard management tip: If your crew is afraid to talk to you, they won't always give you the information you need. Be approachable.
Picard aesthetics tip: Reading on a screen is fine, but there's nothing like an old bound volume of literature.
Picard programming tip: The first version of any software will be buggy. That's why so many holodeck programs try to kill you.
Picard management tip: When a crew member's behavior changes significantly, inquire and investigate. It could be important.
Picard engineering tip: Even if computers can talk now, remember how deeply stupid they are.
Picard dating tip: Don't fall in love with holograms, even if your friends do.
Picard management tip: Tolerate failure, not incompetence. Learn the difference.
Picard management tip: Be professional, and take pleasure in your work. You can do both at the same time.
Picard management tip: It's okay to be gentle and kind.
Picard GTD tip: Make it so.
Picard collecting tip: Don't waste your last Poké Ball on a Rattata. You never know when a Pikachu will appear.
Picard management tip: Your orders do not dictate your ideals. Your ideals determine how you interpret your orders.
Picard conflict resolution tip: Only after all avenues of diplomacy and persuasion have been exhausted is violence a grudging option.
Picard programming tip: Don't be fooled. Machines have feelings.
Picard Tamarian tip: Zinda, his face black, his eyes red. The river Temarc in winter. Kira at Bashi. Sokath, his eyes uncovered.
Picard multiversal tip: Be careful; not even a Jedi or a Time Lord can withstand Vogon poetry. So say we all.
Picard management tip: Good crew members love what they do. Get off their backs and let them enjoy their work.
Picard management tip: After any stressful adventure, give yourself and your crew ample recovery time.
Picard management tip: Used sparingly, some light swearing can help emphasize your damn point.
Picard management tip: Succeeding at the very last second is still succeeding.
Picard diplomacy tip: Peace begins with the choice to reject your own anger.
Picard management tip: Gain a reputation for completing missions.
Picard diplomacy tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard technology tip: An advanced system isn't always easy to use. Improve the interface, or try pushing buttons at random.
Picard management tip: There is a time to follow a military hierarchy and there is a time to enjoy an informal community.
Picard management tip: The crew needs to see you calm. If you're frustrated, complain to a confidante in private, then make a decision.
Picard management tip: Regulations do not cover every situation. Sometimes you have to decide for yourself what is right.
Picard management tip: Be the team coach for your crew, not their loving parent, nor their drill sergeant.
Picard management tip: When you make a mistake, apologize right away. Embrace humility over defense.
Picard management tip: Most conflict arises out of confusion. Clarify quickly before weapons power up.
Picard perspective tip: In another reality, there is an alternate version of you who is envious of what you have accomplished.
Picard management tip: Don't negotiate absurd schedules with engineers. Encourage truth telling and reasonable time estimates.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard emergency tip: When all else fails, route main power through the main deflector dish.
Picard management tip: Speak candidly, and encourage others to do likewise.
Picard management tip: It's okay to be gentle and kind.
Picard cosmology tip: Six sevenths of all matter is undetectable, so stop thinking you know so much.
Picard management tip: Intuition is valuable, but it's not a substitute for facts.
Picard management tip: If a workaholic crew member pursues busywork on shore leave, insist that they stop and enjoy their free time.
Picard engineering tip: Don't allow the computer to push you around. Let it know who's boss.
Picard anthropology tip: The very concept of a messiah is inherently authoritarian.
Picard management tip: The crew looks to you for how to behave. Set the tone for your ship.
Picard management tip: Always obey orders, except when the orders are wrong.
Picard management tip: Add to the group energy of the room, or leave. Don't be bored. Don't be boring.
Picard GTD tip: Make it so.
Picard management tip: Calm the hell down.
Picard management tip: When you've gotten enough sleep, an impossible task becomes an interesting challenge.
Picard management tip: When you hear yourself start to raise your voice, stop, take a breath, smile, then speak politely.
Picard strategy tip: Don't assume your opponent will behave rationally. Plan for their emotional response.
Picard rationality tip: There is no such thing as a ghost or a devil. It's just an alien. It's always an alien.
Picard management tip: Your superiors are just as fallible as you are. It's okay to talk back to them. Just do it respectfully.
Picard management tip: Having too many leaders is indistinguishable from having too few.
Picard management tip: There's no need to solve hard problems alone. Admit when you need help.
Picard Shakespeare tip: Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
Picard management tip: If a crew member needs to become more responsible, give them more responsibility.
Picard management tip: "That's the way it's always been" is never an adequate reason to continue doing something.
Picard individuality tip: Do something, anything, that no one else in your collective would ever do.
Picard writing tip: Getting your point across is more important than following archaic rules. It's okay to boldly split infinitives.
Picard management tip: Put your experts in a conference room, tell them the problem, then shut up and watch the magic happen.
Picard management tip: Break a complex, urgent problem into subcomponents, one for each of your lieutenants to solve.
Picard management tip: Remember your mission, but be ready to change it.
Picard management tip: Surround yourself with people whom you would trust with your life.
Picard management tip: It's okay if your second in command has a different management style, as long as you both agree on the goals.
Picard management tip: If you have a psychic on staff, think unsexy thoughts.
Picard management tip: If specific implementation details are important, then include them when giving the order.
Picard management tip: One mission at a time.
Picard management tip: Speak candidly, and encourage others to do likewise.
Picard management tip: Problems worth solving will present themselves. There's no need to invent busywork.
Picard management tip: The most successful discussions happen in person, not over phone, email, or view screen.
Picard management tip: If you've recently turned into a monster, go take a vacation.
Picard levity tip: Before lifting your teacup off a small dish, give the command, "Prepare for saucer separation."
Picard management tip: Tolerate failure, not incompetence. Learn the difference.
Picard management tip: Know who you really are and what really matters to you. Then let the crew know.
Picard management tip: Take some alone time. The crew will be fine without you.
Picard management tip: In a strange new environment, be wary of making changes until you understand more about what's going on.
Picard management tip: Withhold advice on matters you do not understand.
Picard management tip: Give your experts time for unstructured play. It makes them more creative.
Picard management tip: When crew members are unsuccessful, urge them to try again. Encouragement and persistence may be all they need.
Picard management tip: If your team is outstanding, have a camera crew chronicle your work and stream it on Netflix.
Picard management tip: Tell your employees when they do well, even if you believe they are empathic and can read your mind.
Picard management tip: In an emergency, don't be afraid to let the crew see you in your pajamas.
Picard civics tip: Follow the law's spirit first and its letter second.
Picard management tip: When you stand up, straighten your shirt.
Picard management tip: Regardless of what time travelers tell you, the future hasn't been written yet.
Picard management tip: Make it so that people feel they can come to you with any issue without fear of reprimand.
Picard management tip: Conducting an experiment with an unknown outcome is time well spent, even if the result disappoints you.
Picard management tip: Your knowledge is a wellspring from which to draw for others, not a treasure to hoard for yourself.
Picard management tip: Allow yourself some alone time. It may help you think.
Picard management tip: Take no notice of cleavage.
Picard management tip: Keep a log of your journey. You will understand better by writing it down.
Picard management tip: It's rarely about you.
Picard management tip: Malfunctioning systems must be fixed right away. There is no excuse for delaying repairs.
Picard management tip: Become a symbol of stability for your crew. This takes time, but then they'll move mountains for you.
Picard relaxation tip: Re-read good books.
Picard management tip: If you're not sure what to say, take a deep breath and a dramatic pause. Maybe somebody else will talk first.
Picard management tip: Pick your battles. Let some things go.
Picard management tip: Decide.
Picard happiness tip: Spend as much time as you can with your soulmate, as I have done with Gandalf.
Picard management tip: Initiate positive changes. If not you, who?
Picard ethics tip: Before undertaking a mission, it is our moral imperative to consider any obvious negative ramifications.
Picard management tip: Some of your decisions are going to be mistakes. You have to make them anyway.
Picard management tip: If it's not ready, and if your enterprise can survive without it, then don't rush it.
Picard management tip: Take vacations.
Picard management tip: Develop a catchphrase.
Picard leadership tip: Think for yourself. Don't just repeat what other people say.
Picard management tip: Always be ready to change course.
Picard artistry tip: Lacking innate talent at a skill doesn't mean you should stop. On the contrary, it means you need to practice.
Picard management tip: Data is easier to manage than humans.
Picard management tip: Ignore rules that make no sense.
Picard management tip: Your past successes are not assurances for the future. Remain vigilant against complacency.
Picard management tip: Ensure chocolate is available.
Picard management tip: Get excited about your work. Your excitement is contagious.
Picard management tip: Take full responsibility for your crew's mistakes.
Picard management tip: No one can relax around Dr. Jekyll after they have met Mr. Hyde.
Picard management tip: Keep track of the current date.
Picard management tip: Create an atmosphere of trust, not fear.
Picard management tip: As soon as you find out that a person is truly toxic, get them the hell off your ship.
Picard schooling tip: Don't be too tentative. Have experiences. Be dastardly. Get into trouble.
Picard management tip: The best creative solutions should come from your crew, not from you.
Picard management tip: Give orders that make sense.
Picard management tip: Work should be useful, stimulating, and challenging, not wasteful, tedious, nor impossible.
Picard dating tip: If reality gets altered, leaving you alone with your crush, it doesn't necessarily mean it's time to make your move.
Picard management tip: Admit ignorance and ask a question rather than blunder forward out of pride.
Picard management tip: Obedience never lasts long when it's based solely on punishment.
Picard management tip: If they know their jobs, leave them alone. If they don't, help them learn.
Picard entrepreneur tip: Your enterprise's first year might be disappointing, but things are likely to work better by year three.
Picard management tip: Fight for what you know is right. Only arrogant bullies think resistance is futile.
Picard management tip: When you're threatened with catastrophe, it's rational to try a risky maneuver.
Picard organization tip: Compose your enterprise from separable parts. A section might need to be able to go off on its own for a while.
No, an actual book. Put that down. That's not a book.
Picard management tip: Study history. The answers are there.
Picard management tip: If you never fail, you aren't going boldly enough.
Picard management tip: Be realistic about your project timelines. Romulus wasn't built in a day.
Picard diplomacy tip: When communication is breaking down, try to speak the other person's language.
Picard management tip: Consensus is a rare and wonderful thing. It is also unnecessary for decision making.
Picard strategy tip: Pick your battles. Fight injustices before annoyances.
Picard management tip: If people accuse your organization of endangering people who wear red shirts, put on a damn red shirt every day.
Picard travel tip: Bring a book.
Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
Picard management tip: Communicate to the crew what frontier you are exploring together.
Picard management tip: Bathrooms are unseemly. Keep them out of sight and don't talk about them.
Picard management tip: If you're on red alert every day, then red alert means nothing.
Picard management tip: Time is the rarest commodity. Manage yours wisely.
Picard management tip: Get your own damn work done. Others will follow suit.
Picard management tip: Improve your vocabulary by reading books. Words can be your most powerful tools.
Picard management tip: Not all Klingons are violent. Don't be racist.
Picard management tip: No good ever comes from checking your first officer's search history.
Picard management tip: Encourage extracurricular activities with your crew, especially if it involves wearing costumes.
Picard management tip: Suppress your inner alarm. Be the calmest person in the room.
Picard programming tip: A computer is like a mischievous genie. It will give you exactly what you ask for, but not always what you want.
Picard management tip: Say yes whenever possible, except when your tactical officer recommends attacking.
Picard management tip: Regardless of what time travelers tell you, the future hasn't been written yet.
Picard management tip: When you've gotten enough sleep, an impossible task becomes an interesting challenge.
Picard management tip: Exercise makes you smarter. Don't just sit there thinking.
Get up.
Picard management tip: Don't scoff at anything. You don't know as much as you think.
Picard management tip: The truth is that sometimes you just won't know the right thing to do. You still have to try.
Picard diplomacy tip: The greatest threat to lasting mutual respect is egocentrism. It may never leave you, but resist it at every turn.
Picard management tip: Don't waste time using social media. Pretend it was never invented.
Picard sanity tip: If there are four lights, say there are four lights.
Picard management tip: Question authority, and permit others to question yours without fear of punishment.
Picard management tip: The least you can do is to make everyone onboard feel acknowledged.
Picard investigation tip: Magnify.
Picard management tip: Leave the bridge sometimes. Other people can handle things fine without you.
Picard management tip: Share the credit. Take the blame.
Picard management tip: Results are more important than protocol.
Picard management tip: Respond to questions unambiguously and with authority.
Picard dating tip: No kissing until after you've faced mortal peril together.
Picard management tip: It is possible to commit no mistakes, and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.
Picard management tip: Forgive.
Picard programming tip: The first version of any software will be buggy. That's why so many holodeck programs try to kill you.
Picard management tip: Refusing to decide is the worst decision you can make.
Picard management tip: Gain a realistic understanding of what your ship can and cannot do.
Picard style tip: If you're balding, don't hide it. Own it.
Picard management tip: Yes, the uniforms are tight, but please, eyes up here.
Picard devops tip: No, you are not allowed to connect your brain to the computer. Learn to type like everyone else.
Picard crisis tip: Even when the situation seems daunting, don't give up your determination to win the day. It's not over till it's over.
Picard management tip: Your first impulse will often be wrong, but you have to start somewhere.
Picard engineering tip: Maintenance of existing systems is just as important as building new capabilities.
Picard management tip: Hone your inner bullshit detector.
Picard management tip: Once in a long while, pilot the shuttlecraft yourself.
Picard management tip: Engage.
Picard management tip: If you want your lieutenants to become leaders, send them on away missions without you.
Picard management tip: Give your crew the best technology available and you'll be amazed what they can do for your enterprise.
Picard management tip: If you lose one crew member, mourn appropriately. If the whole ship explodes, don't worry; time travel will fix it.
Picard management tip: Every officer needs to be in charge of something they understand, even if it's just radishes.
Picard management tip: It takes hard work to become a master at single-tasking.
Picard dating tip: If reality gets altered, leaving you alone with your crush, it doesn't necessarily mean it's time to make your move.
Picard management tip: Finish what you start.
Picard sleeping tip: Before bed, sit in a quiet room and read from a book.
Picard management tip: Humility without confidence is sheepishness. Confidence without humility is arrogance.
Picard negotiation tip: Invent new Starfleet regulations as needed. They won't know.
Picard management tip: Certain crew members are like walking encyclopedias. Remember to ask for their input.
Picard management tip: Put your experts in a conference room, tell them the problem, then shut up and watch the magic happen.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard devops tip: When in doubt, launch a probe.
Picard management tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard safety tip: If your organization won't install fuses, don't touch any consoles while your ship is under attack.
Picard education tip: The important things will never be on your exams.
Picard management tip: Recognize when you're being hypocritical. Don't wait for others to tell you.
Picard management tip: Be willing to laugh at yourself, but unwilling to laugh at your coworkers.
Picard diversity tip: The fact that a crewmember looks alien to you does not make them any less of a Starfleet officer.
Picard management tip: Tell the crew where to go. Let them figure out how to get there.
Picard management tip: If you have the misfortune to acquire enemies, face them head on. They're just as afraid as you are.
Picard management tip: Hire aliens. It's no big deal.
Picard management tip: If you're unhappy with a crew member's behavior, tell them straight out in private. Don't be passive aggressive.
Picard civics tip: Being angry does not make you right. It also does not make you wrong. Question what you are fighting for.
Picard emergency tip: When all else fails, route main power through the main deflector dish.
Picard management tip: You are a dignitary representing your organization, always.
Picard culinary tip: Tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Picard management tip: Standard procedures are just suggestions.
Picard diplomacy tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard management tip: Your sense of morality is the guiding light that people under your command will follow.
Picard management tip: As soon as you find out that a person is truly toxic, get them the hell off your ship.
Picard management tip: Know your audience. Display strength to Klingons, logic to Vulcans, and opportunity to Ferengi.
Picard management tip: Work should be useful, stimulating, and challenging, not wasteful, tedious, nor impossible.
Picard management tip: A captain's primary role is to inspire the crew's desire to complete their mission.
Picard management tip: Try to understand more than half of the technobabble. Ask for metaphors to explain the rest.
Picard management tip: Be on the same side as the crew, not against them.
Picard science tip: The universal translator is not the end of linguistics. The replicator is not the end of chemistry. Keep going.
Picard management tip: Don't assume anything is possible or impossible until you've asked the people who will be doing the work.
Picard career tip: The grass may seem greener on the other side, but sometimes it's because of all the fertilizer.
Picard management tip: Give the most interesting assignments to other crew members, not yourself. That's how people stay engaged.
Picard management tip: Keep up with new technologies. Today you get a holodeck, but tomorrow could bring a holographic doctor.
Picard strategy tip: The enemy of my enemy is sometimes a dangerous sociopath.
Picard management tip: Treat your crew like adults. They aren't children… except the college intern.
Picard management tip: Polite crew members solve problems together. Rude crew members escalate problems all by themselves.
Picard management tip: Don't try to go at maximum speed all the time. You'll burn out your engines.
Picard management tip: Know when to put on a happy face. It's part of adulthood, and essential for command.
Picard management tip: Engage.
Picard management tip: Don't let a crew member's age blind you to their skill level, in either direction.
Picard management tip: Be patient with crew members' idiosyncrasies. They aren't machines. Well, most of them.
Picard management tip: When leaving to go to the bathroom, there's no point in being specific. Just say you'll be in your "ready room."
Picard management tip: Think.
Picard management tip: If you don't know what the hell you're doing, fake it until you do.
Picard programming tip: When the holodeck malfunctions, stay in character. Don't piss off the computer.
Picard management tip: If you build up enough reputation, people will listen to any drivel you say. They'll even repeat it.
Picard management tip: The line must be drawn somewhere. It might as well be here.
Picard management tip: Bathrooms are unseemly. Keep them out of sight and don't talk about them.
Picard management tip: Be flexible with rules and regulations. Hire the best people and trust their judgement.
Picard exploration tip: Our galaxy has over eight billion habitable planets. Get to work.
Picard mental health tip: When you lie down to sleep, instead of thinking about your failures, think about your successes.
Picard multiversal tip: Be careful; not even a Jedi or a Time Lord can withstand Vogon poetry. So say we all.
Picard management tip: Defend your crew members, even against each other.
Picard management tip: Say "Thank you", "Good work", or "Well done".
Picard management tip: Maintain a slight air of mystery.
Picard management tip: Don't be afraid to use imperative verbs. They're called orders for a reason.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew feel welcome and appreciated. Remember there are other starships they could transfer to.
Picard management tip: Don't let upper management dismantle your team, nor your team members.
Picard management tip: The respect you show your crew is a major factor in determining how they feel about their work.
Picard Tamarian tip: Zinda, his face black, his eyes red. The river Temarc in winter. Kira at Bashi. Sokath, his eyes uncovered.
Picard technology tip: Sometimes your chief engineer can build new systems that are better than your existing enterprise software.
Picard engineering tip: Even if computers can talk now, remember how deeply stupid they are.
Picard management tip: You're not supposed to come up with all the ideas yourself. Ask for suggestions.
Picard theology tip: Unproven gods are hypotheses waiting to be tested. Proven gods are aliens with better technology.
Picard programming tip: Don't be fooled. Machines have feelings.
Picard management tip: Expecting people to work long hours is short-sighted, counter-productive, and potentially dangerous.
Picard management tip: When you stand up, straighten your shirt.
Picard management tip: "That's the way it's always been" is never an adequate reason to continue doing something.
Picard perspective tip: Neither the sun, the moon, the stars, nor any asteroids revolve around you. You are a dust mote with ideas.
Picard management tip: Your orders do not dictate your ideals. Your ideals determine how you interpret your orders.
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
Picard perspective tip: Spend some time staring at the stars. It feeds the soul and revives the mind.
Picard management tip: Everyone's a critic, but some criticisms are more correct than others.
Picard management tip: If anyone on your ship seems perfect, it means you aren't paying enough attention.
Picard management tip: For each command, assign it to one person, or ask for a volunteer. Don't ask a crowd to take an action.
Picard economic tip: The risks of confinement to a single planet exceed the costs of interstellar travel.
Picard management tip: It's okay not to know things. Practice saying "I don't know." Go ahead. Say it.
Picard ethics tip: Target their weapons.
Picard management tip: You're going to meet some buffoons and scoundrels. Try to be the better person.
Picard management tip: If people accuse your organization of endangering people who wear red shirts, put on a damn red shirt every day.
Picard management tip: Statements should not sound like questions?
Picard management tip: Stirring up competition between crew members is the opposite of your job.
Picard management tip: Show crew members how impressed you are with their accomplishments. Validation matters.
Picard style tip: If you're balding, don't hide it. Own it.
Picard management tip: Consensus is a rare and wonderful thing. It is also unnecessary for decision making.
Picard management tip: Take your leisure time seriously. A relaxed captain is a sane captain.
Picard management tip: Make it sound like you know what you're doing, even if you're just picking a direction.
Picard responsibility tip: Don't leave known, wide-scale problems behind for the next generation to solve.
Picard management tip: The secret to garnering respect is courtesy, not bravado.
Picard management tip: Be willing to reevaluate your own behavior.
Picard management tip: When you make a mistake, apologize right away. Embrace humility over defense.
Picard management tip: Empower others to command when you are unfit. You never know when your mind will be taken over by an alien.
Picard management tip: Decide.
Picard management tip: Speak candidly, and encourage others to do likewise.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew has real time monitoring of your enterprise's critical systems.
Picard engineering tip: Use the metric system.
Picard management tip: Suppress your inner alarm. Be the calmest person in the room.
Picard management tip: Give your crew the best technology available and you'll be amazed what they can do for your enterprise.
Picard management tip: Tell good stories. The right story can persuade, inspire, or illuminate.
Picard management tip: Succeeding at the very last second is still succeeding.
Picard management tip: Don't negotiate absurd schedules with engineers. Encourage truth telling and reasonable time estimates.
Picard management tip: There is always a non-obvious third option. When caught between a rock and a hard place, find a jackhammer.
Picard management tip: Ignore rules that make no sense.
Picard dating tip: Don't fall in love with holograms, even if your friends do.
Picard management tip: If you never fail, you aren't going boldly enough.
Picard Shakespeare tip: Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
Picard management tip: Watch over the crew. They're your responsibility.
Picard management tip: If crew members have what they need to be comfortable, their work won't be all about money.
Picard management tip: Have an opinion on one side of an issue. Stay out of the neutral zone.
Picard rationality tip: There is no such thing as a ghost or a devil. It's just an alien. It's always an alien.
Picard management tip: Admitting one's failures is a sign of confidence and strength. It reassures others that failing is okay.
Picard management tip: Run crisis drills when all is well. A real calamity is not a good time for training.
Picard management tip: Withhold advice on matters you do not understand.
Picard management tip: Respect and seek to comprehend the viewpoints of people who are very different from you.
Picard management tip: Adopt the latest technologies right away, even if they're in beta.
Picard happiness tip: Spend as much time as you can with your soulmate, as I have done with Gandalf.
Picard management tip: It's rarely about you.
Picard management tip: If your crew is afraid to talk to you, they won't always give you the information you need. Be approachable.
Picard management tip: Used sparingly, some light swearing can help emphasize your damn point.
Picard management tip: Avoid euphemisms. Call a thing what it really is.
Picard GTD tip: Make it so.
Picard sleeping tip: Before bed, sit in a quiet room and read from a book.
Picard humor tip: Due to overindulgence during the 21st century, April Fools' Day jokes are no longer considered funny.
Picard management tip: After any stressful adventure, give yourself and your crew ample recovery time.
Picard management tip: If you're not sure what to say, take a deep breath and a dramatic pause. Maybe somebody else will talk first.
Picard management tip: Good crew members love what they do. Get off their backs and let them enjoy their work.
Picard management tip: Ensure chocolate is available.
Picard management tip: Take your best crew members at their word, however surprising their claims may sound.
Picard management tip: Fight for what you know is right. Only arrogant bullies think resistance is futile.
Picard management tip: Try your best to speak in a way the other person will understand, even when it seems nearly impossible.
Picard engineering tip: Make it so every subsystem can be found and repaired manually, even if you need to crawl to reach it.
Picard diplomacy tip: Peace begins with the choice to reject your own anger.
Picard management tip: If you've recently turned into a monster, go take a vacation.
Picard strategy tip: Pick your battles. Fight injustices before annoyances.
Picard management tip: Error is the great teacher, memorable and valuable. Embrace it. Let it educate you.
Picard Shakespeare tip: The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
Picard management tip: When you hear yourself start to raise your voice, stop, take a breath, smile, then speak politely.
Picard management tip: Think.
Picard management tip: The crew needs to see you calm. If you're frustrated, complain to a confidante in private, then make a decision.
Picard style tip: If you don't have much on top, keep the back and sides short.
Picard management tip: Be professional, and take pleasure in your work. You can do both at the same time.
Picard management tip: Keep group meetings short. Take your time with one-on-ones.
Picard management tip: Most conflict arises out of confusion. Clarify quickly before weapons power up.
Picard management tip: The universe is a ridiculous place, but do try to be dignified.
Picard travel tip: Bring a book.
Picard management tip: Remember what you liked to play with as a child. Identify the larger, grown-up versions of those toys at work.
Picard management tip: Debate honestly. The goal is to arrive at the truth, not at your preconception.
Picard management tip: Passion is not an excuse for a tantrum.
Picard management tip: If you succeed too much and become cocky, recognize it, admit it, and stop it.
Picard management tip: At a high level, know how all the machines work.
Picard engineering tip: Don't allow the computer to push you around. Let it know who's boss.
Picard multiversal tip: Be careful; not even a Jedi or a Time Lord can withstand Vogon poetry. So say we all.
Picard management tip: Take no notice of cleavage.
Picard management tip: Once all their basic needs are taken care of, crew members are motivated by the meaningfulness of their work.
Picard management tip: Always obey orders, except when the orders are wrong.
Picard ethics tip: Respect the unusual customs of alien cultures, except when they're simply doing it wrong.
Picard technology tip: An advanced system isn't always easy to use. Improve the interface, or try pushing buttons at random.
Picard management tip: If a crew member needs to become more responsible, give them more responsibility.
Picard management tip: Data is easier to manage than humans.
Picard management tip: Share the credit. Take the blame.
Picard management tip: Allow yourself some alone time. It may help you think.
Picard management tip: Experiment.
Picard management tip: Don't let your crew see you in a small swimsuit. I truly wish this didn't need saying.
Picard management tip: Tell the crew where to go. Let them figure out how to get there.
Picard exploration tip: Yes, there are 100s of billions of galaxies, but it will take 1,000 lifetimes to map this one, so focus for now.
Picard dating tip: If you want to get in good with a teenager's mom, give the kid a job.
Picard management tip: Get your own damn work done. Others will follow suit.
Picard management tip: Even without game-changing results, experimentation is time well spent.
Picard management tip: Keep track of the current date.
Picard management tip: Give the most interesting assignments to other crew members, not yourself. That's how people stay engaged.
Picard management tip: Add to the group energy of the room, or leave. Don't be bored. Don't be boring.
Picard strategy tip: Don't assume your opponent will behave rationally. Plan for their emotional response.
Picard management tip: Your superiors are just as fallible as you are. It's okay to talk back to them. Just do it respectfully.
Picard management tip: There is a time to follow a military hierarchy and there is a time to enjoy an informal community.
Picard management tip: Be willing to ask for help, even from people you dislike.
Picard management tip: If you succeed too much and become cocky, recognize it, admit it, and stop it.
Picard management tip: Every officer needs to be in charge of something they understand, even if it's just radishes.
Picard artistry tip: Lacking innate talent at a skill doesn't mean you should stop. On the contrary, it means you need to practice.
Picard management tip: Do not assume there is an ulterior motive for a gift. Accept it with gratitude and be done.
Picard management tip: When leaving to go to the bathroom, there's no point in being specific. Just say you'll be in your "ready room."
Picard civics tip: Follow the law's spirit first and its letter second.
Picard management tip: Time is the rarest commodity. Manage yours wisely.
Picard management tip: If your team is outstanding, have a camera crew chronicle your work and stream it on Netflix.
Picard management tip: Be patient with crew members' idiosyncrasies. They aren't machines. Well, most of them.
Picard management tip: Admit ignorance and ask a question rather than blunder forward out of pride.
Picard management tip: You are a dignitary representing your organization, always.
Picard management tip: Surround yourself with people whom you would trust with your life.
Picard management tip: Know your audience. Display strength to Klingons, logic to Vulcans, and opportunity to Ferengi.
Picard management tip: Gain a reputation for completing missions.
Picard technology tip: Sometimes your chief engineer can build new systems that are better than your existing enterprise software.
Picard management tip: The crew looks to you for how to behave. Set the tone for your ship.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard management tip: Get excited about your work. Your excitement is contagious.
Picard schooling tip: Don't be too tentative. Have experiences. Be dastardly. Get into trouble.
Picard management tip: In case of special circumstances, be prepared to divide your enterprise into two independent sections.
Picard management tip: Know who you really are and what really matters to you. Then let the crew know.
Picard investigation tip: Magnify.
Picard organization tip: Compose your enterprise from separable parts. A section might need to be able to go off on its own for a while.
Picard management tip: Take some alone time. The crew will be fine without you.
Picard management tip: Once in a long while, pilot the shuttlecraft yourself.
Picard management tip: Keep a log of your journey. You will understand better by writing it down.
Picard management tip: Hone your inner bullshit detector.
Picard management tip: Give orders that make sense.
Picard management tip: Develop a catchphrase.
Picard exploration tip: Our galaxy has over eight billion habitable planets. Get to work.
Picard sanity tip: If there are four lights, say there are four lights.
Picard management tip: Leave the bridge sometimes. Other people can handle things fine without you.
Picard management tip: In the absence of data, trust your instincts.
Picard management tip: Don't scoff at anything. You don't know as much as you think.
Picard management tip: Be realistic about your project timelines. Romulus wasn't built in a day.
Picard management tip: Always be ready to change course.
Picard management tip: Pick your battles. Let some things go.
Picard management tip: It's okay if your second in command has a different management style, as long as you both agree on the goals.
Picard management tip: Be the team coach for your crew, not their loving parent, nor their drill sergeant.
Picard individuality tip: Do something, anything, that no one else in your collective would ever do.
Picard writing tip: Getting your point across is more important than following archaic rules. It's okay to boldly split infinitives.
Picard programming tip: The first version of any software will be buggy. That's why so many holodeck programs try to kill you.
Picard cosmology tip: Six sevenths of all matter is undetectable, so stop thinking you know so much.
Picard management tip: The best creative solutions should come from your crew, not from you.
Picard management tip: Having too many leaders is indistinguishable from having too few.
Picard diplomacy tip: When communication is breaking down, try to speak the other person's language.
Picard emergency tip: When all else fails, route main power through the main deflector dish.
Picard career tip: The grass may seem greener on the other side, but sometimes it's because of all the fertilizer.
Picard relaxation tip: Re-read good books.
Picard management tip: There's no need to solve hard problems alone. Admit when you need help.
Picard management tip: If you don't know what the hell you're doing, fake it until you do.
Picard safety tip: Antimatter is not a toy.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard management tip: If you have a psychic on staff, think unsexy thoughts.
Picard management tip: Data is easier to manage than humans.
Picard management tip: No good ever comes from checking your first officer's search history.
Picard drama tip: If it weren't done in the nick of time, it wouldn't be called saving the day.
Now go finish your taxes.
Picard management tip: Your first impulse will often be wrong, but you have to start somewhere.
Picard management tip: Problems worth solving will present themselves. There's no need to invent busywork.
Picard management tip: Break a complex, urgent problem into subcomponents, one for each of your lieutenants to solve.
Picard management tip: Not all Klingons are violent. Don't be racist.
Picard perspective tip: Space is big. Bigger than you think. No, bigger than that.
Picard management tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard management tip: Yes, the uniforms are tight, but please, eyes up here.
Picard management tip: The most successful discussions happen in person, not over phone, email, or view screen.
Picard management tip: If you build up enough reputation, people will listen to any drivel you say. They'll even repeat it.
Picard management tip: If specific implementation details are important, then include them when giving the order.
Picard management tip: Respond to questions unambiguously and with authority.
Picard management tip: Know when to put on a happy face. It's part of adulthood, and essential for command.
Picard management tip: If you're not sure what to say, take a deep breath and a dramatic pause. Maybe somebody else will talk first.
Picard management tip: Regulations do not cover every situation. Sometimes you have to decide for yourself what is right.
Picard management tip: When a crew member's behavior changes significantly, inquire and investigate. It could be important.
Picard management tip: Put your experts in a conference room, tell them the problem, then shut up and watch the magic happen.
Picard management tip: Calm the hell down.
Picard management tip: Standard procedures are just suggestions.
Picard culinary tip: Tea, Earl Grey, hot.
Picard management tip: Refusing to decide is the worst decision you can make.
Picard management tip: No one can relax around Dr. Jekyll after they have met Mr. Hyde.
Picard management tip: Initiate positive changes. If not you, who?
Picard perspective tip: Spend some time staring at the stars. It feeds the soul and revives the mind.
Picard management tip: Remember your mission, but be ready to change it.
Picard management tip: If you lose one crew member, mourn appropriately. If the whole ship explodes, don't worry; time travel will fix it.
Picard management tip: Certain crew members are like walking encyclopedias. Remember to ask for their input.
Picard programming tip: When the holodeck malfunctions, stay in character. Don't piss off the computer.
Picard management tip: The respect you show your crew is a major factor in determining how they feel about their work.
Picard management tip: If they know their jobs, leave them alone. If they don't, help them learn.
Picard management tip: Say yes whenever possible, except when your tactical officer recommends attacking.
Picard management tip: Malfunctioning systems must be fixed right away. There is no excuse for delaying repairs.
Picard management tip: If you want your lieutenants to become leaders, send them on away missions without you.
Picard management tip: If you don't know what the hell you're doing, fake it until you do.
Picard management tip: Results are more important than protocol.
Picard management tip: For each command, assign it to one person, or ask for a volunteer. Don't ask a crowd to take an action.
Picard safety tip: If your organization won't install fuses, don't touch any consoles while your ship is under attack.
Picard management tip: One mission at a time.
Picard management tip: It takes hard work to become a master at single-tasking.
Picard management tip: Improve your vocabulary by reading books. Words can be your most powerful tools.
Picard management tip: Create an atmosphere of trust, not fear.
Picard management tip: The least you can do is to make everyone onboard feel acknowledged.
Picard management tip: Forgive.
Picard management tip: Engage.
Picard management tip: Tell your employees when they do well, even if you believe they are empathic and can read your mind.
Picard devops tip: No, you are not allowed to connect your brain to the computer. Learn to type like everyone else.
Picard management tip: Take full responsibility for your crew's mistakes.
Picard management tip: Make it so that people feel they can come to you with any issue without fear of reprimand.
Picard management tip: Admitting one's failures is a sign of confidence and strength. It reassures others that failing is okay.
Picard management tip: Be on the same side as the crew, not against them.
Picard leadership tip: Think for yourself. Don't just repeat what other people say.
Picard management tip: Study history. The answers are there.
Picard management tip: Don't let upper management dismantle your team, nor your team members.
Picard management tip: Question authority, and permit others to question yours without fear of punishment.
Picard management tip: If you have the misfortune to acquire enemies, face them head on. They're just as afraid as you are.
Picard management tip: Give your crew the best technology available and you'll be amazed what they can do for your enterprise.
Picard management tip: When you're threatened with catastrophe, it's rational to try a risky maneuver.
Picard management tip: Make it sound like you know what you're doing, even if you're just picking a direction.
Picard management tip: Intuition is valuable, but it's not a substitute for facts.
Picard management tip: Become a symbol of stability for your crew. This takes time, but then they'll move mountains for you.
Picard dating tip: No kissing until after you've faced mortal peril together.
Picard devops tip: When in doubt, launch a probe.
Picard career tip: Stand out in a crowd. When there is a power vacuum, take command.
Picard management tip: Shut up, Wesley.
Picard management tip: Exercise makes you smarter. Don't just sit there thinking.
Get up.
Picard management tip: Stirring up competition between crew members is the opposite of your job.
Picard management tip: Encourage extracurricular activities with your crew, especially if it involves wearing costumes.
Picard entrepreneur tip: Your enterprise's first year might be disappointing, but things are likely to work better by year three.
Picard management tip: In an emergency, don't be afraid to let the crew see you in your pajamas.
Picard management tip: Communicate to the crew what frontier you are exploring together.
Picard management tip: Bathrooms are unseemly. Keep them out of sight and don't talk about them.
Picard dating tip: Don't fall in love with holograms, even if your friends do.
Picard management tip: If a workaholic crew member pursues busywork on shore leave, insist that they stop and enjoy their free time.
Picard management tip: Encourage extracurricular activities with your crew, especially if it involves wearing costumes.
Picard management tip: Give your experts time for unstructured play. It makes them more creative.
Picard management tip: Be willing to laugh at yourself, but unwilling to laugh at your coworkers.
Picard management tip: The truth is that sometimes you just won't know the right thing to do. You still have to try.
Picard management tip: Humility without confidence is sheepishness. Confidence without humility is arrogance.
Picard strategy tip: The enemy of my enemy is sometimes a dangerous sociopath.
Picard education tip: The important things will never be on your exams.
Picard management tip: Statements should not sound like questions?
Picard management tip: Obedience never lasts long when it's based solely on punishment.
Picard management tip: Maintain a slight air of mystery.
Picard management tip: Keep up with new technologies. Today you get a holodeck, but tomorrow could bring a holographic doctor.
Picard management tip: If you're unhappy with a crew member's behavior, tell them straight out in private. Don't be passive aggressive.
Picard management tip: If it's not ready, and if your enterprise can survive without it, then don't rush it.
Picard aesthetics tip: Reading on a screen is fine, but there's nothing like an old bound volume of literature.
Picard management tip: Ignore rules that make no sense.
Picard Shakespeare tip: Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
Picard management tip: In a strange new environment, be wary of making changes until you understand more about what's going on.
Picard management tip: Finish what you start.
Picard perspective tip: Neither the sun, the moon, the stars, nor any asteroids revolve around you. You are a dust mote with ideas.
Picard management tip: Try to understand more than half of the technobabble. Ask for metaphors to explain the rest.
Picard management tip: Polite crew members solve problems together. Rude crew members escalate problems all by themselves.
Picard management tip: It's okay not to know things. Practice saying "I don't know." Go ahead. Say it.
Picard management tip: Gain a realistic understanding of what your ship can and cannot do.
Picard management tip: Conducting an experiment with an unknown outcome is time well spent, even if the result disappoints you.
Picard theology tip: Unproven gods are hypotheses waiting to be tested. Proven gods are aliens with better technology.
Picard GTD tip: Make it so.
Picard management tip: There are times when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders.
Picard management tip: Be flexible with rules and regulations. Hire the best people and trust their judgement.
Picard management tip: The appearance of your enterprise is important to your crew, and it intimidates your opponents. Make it look good.
Picard management tip: Experiment.
Picard ethics tip: A man cannot be held accountable for his dreams; only for his actions.
Picard engineering tip: Even if computers can talk now, remember how deeply stupid they are.
Picard crisis tip: Even when the situation seems daunting, don't give up your determination to win the day. It's not over till it's over.
Picard technology tip: An advanced system isn't always easy to use. Improve the interface, or try pushing buttons at random.
Picard science tip: The universal translator is not the end of linguistics. The replicator is not the end of chemistry. Keep going.
Picard management tip: Some of your decisions are going to be mistakes. You have to make them anyway.
Picard management tip: Say "Thank you", "Good work", or "Well done".
Picard management tip: Don't let a crew member's age blind you to their skill level, in either direction.
Picard management tip: Your orders do not dictate your ideals. Your ideals determine how you interpret your orders.
Picard management tip: Have an opinion on one side of an issue. Stay out of the neutral zone.
Picard economic tip: The risks of confinement to a single planet exceed the costs of interstellar travel.
Picard management tip: When you hear yourself start to raise your voice, stop, take a breath, smile, then speak politely.
Picard ethics tip: Target their weapons.
Picard negotiation tip: Invent new Starfleet regulations as needed. They won't know.
Picard management tip: When crew members are unsuccessful, urge them to try again. Encouragement and persistence may be all they need.
Picard management tip: Take your leisure time seriously. A relaxed captain is a sane captain.
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
Picard ethics tip: Before undertaking a mission, it is our moral imperative to consider any obvious negative ramifications.
Picard management tip: In case of special circumstances, be prepared to divide your enterprise into two independent sections.
Picard investigation tip: Magnify.
Picard management tip: Don't try to go at maximum speed all the time. You'll burn out your engines.
Picard engineering tip: Maintenance of existing systems is just as important as building new capabilities.
Picard management tip: When you stand up, straighten your shirt.
Picard engineering tip: Make it so every subsystem can be found and repaired manually, even if you need to crawl to reach it.
Picard management tip: Fight for what you know is right. Only arrogant bullies think resistance is futile.
Picard management tip: Excessive honesty can be disastrous, particularly in a commander. Think before you speak.
Picard management tip: Defend your crew members, even against each other.
Picard management tip: Avoid euphemisms. Call a thing what it really is.
Picard management tip: Always obey orders, except when the orders are wrong.
Picard programming tip: Don't be fooled. Machines have feelings.
Picard cosmology tip: Six sevenths of all matter is undetectable, so stop thinking you know so much.
Picard Shakespeare tip: The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
Picard management tip: Half of leadership is acting.
Picard management tip: At a high level, know how all the machines work.
Picard perspective tip: The Big Bang is still happening, and you're part of a small, swirling eddy in the explosion.
Picard management tip: Error is the great teacher, memorable and valuable. Embrace it. Let it educate you.
Picard dating tip: If reality gets altered, leaving you alone with your crush, it doesn't necessarily mean it's time to make your move.
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
Picard management tip: When a middle manager says one of his crew isn't fitting in, tell him to befriend the crewman and fix the problem.
Picard dating tip: I don't know. Try @RikerTips.
Picard management tip: Run crisis drills when all is well. A real calamity is not a good time for training.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew has real time monitoring of your enterprise's critical systems.
Picard management tip: Hire aliens. It's no big deal.
Picard management tip: Don't waste time using social media. Pretend it was never invented.
Picard schooling tip: Don't be too tentative. Have experiences. Be dastardly. Get into trouble.
Picard management tip: Show crew members how impressed you are with their accomplishments. Validation matters.
Picard management tip: Work should be useful, stimulating, and challenging, not wasteful, tedious, nor impossible.
Picard management tip: If crew members have what they need to be comfortable, their work won't be all about money.
Picard management tip: Don't be afraid to use imperative verbs. They're called orders for a reason.
Picard management tip: The secret to garnering respect is courtesy, not bravado.
Picard dating tip: If you want to get in good with a teenager's mom, give the kid a job.
Picard Tamarian tip: Zinda, his face black, his eyes red. The river Temarc in winter. Kira at Bashi. Sokath, his eyes uncovered.
Picard perspective tip: Space is big. Bigger than you think. No, bigger than that.
Picard management tip: Explain.
Picard management tip: Your sense of morality is the guiding light that people under your command will follow.
Picard holiday tip: Religion and commercialism will both fade over generations. Generosity and kindness, however, will endure.
Picard management tip: Tell good stories. The right story can persuade, inspire, or illuminate.
Picard management tip: If you have a psychic on staff, think unsexy thoughts.
Picard management tip: Hire aliens. It's no big deal.
Picard management tip: Take no notice of cleavage.
Picard management tip: Recognize when you're being hypocritical. Don't wait for others to tell you.
Picard career tip: Stand out in a crowd. When there is a power vacuum, take command.
Picard management tip: The most successful discussions happen in person, not over phone, email, or view screen.
Picard management tip: Leave the bridge sometimes. Other people can handle things fine without you.
Picard management tip: In the absence of data, trust your instincts.
Picard management tip: Everyone's a critic, but some criticisms are more correct than others.
Picard safety tip: Antimatter is not a toy.
Picard management tip: Succeeding at the very last second is still succeeding.
Picard management tip: Remember what you liked to play with as a child. Identify the larger, grown-up versions of those toys at work.
Picard management tip: If anyone on your ship seems perfect, it means you aren't paying enough attention.
Picard management tip: You're going to meet some buffoons and scoundrels. Try to be the better person.
Picard management tip: Respect and seek to comprehend the viewpoints of people who are very different from you.
Picard management tip: Keep group meetings short. Take your time with one-on-ones.
Picard ethics tip: Respect the unusual customs of alien cultures, except when they're simply doing it wrong.
Picard management tip: Expecting people to work long hours is short-sighted, counter-productive, and potentially dangerous.
Picard management tip: The claim "I was only following orders" has been used to justify too many tragedies.
Picard management tip: Develop a catchphrase.
Picard management tip: Adopt the latest technologies right away, even if they're in beta.
Picard management tip: Holodecks are for family-friendly role playing only, Wesley.
Picard management tip: Hold people accountable for their mistakes, but do it in private.
Picard management tip: Add to the group energy of the room, or leave. Don't be bored. Don't be boring.
Picard management tip: A captain's primary role is to inspire the crew's desire to complete their mission.
Picard management tip: Respond to questions unambiguously and with authority.
Picard management tip: Keep track of the current date.
Picard management tip: It is not necessary to agree with the majority. Part of leadership is individuality.
Picard management tip: Don't waste time using social media. Pretend it was never invented.
Picard management tip: Create an atmosphere of trust, not fear.
Picard management tip: Be the team coach for your crew, not their loving parent, and not their drill sergeant.
Picard perspective tip: Every choice we make allows us to manipulate the future. Living is making choices.
Picard management tip: Once all their basic human needs are taken care of, crew members are motivated by the meaningfulness of their work.
Picard individuality tip: Do something, anything, that no one else in your collective would ever do.
Picard management tip: Allow yourself some alone time. It may help you think.
Picard leadership tip: Think for yourself. Don't just repeat what other people say.
Picard management tip: The universe is a ridiculous place, but do try to be dignified.
Picard management tip: Regardless of what time travelers tell you, the future hasn't been written yet.
Picard management tip: You're not supposed to come up with all the ideas yourself. Ask for suggestions.
Picard management tip: The line must be drawn somewhere. It might as well be here.
Picard management tip: The fact that you might make a mistake does not alter your duty. Leave self doubt in your quarters.
Picard management tip: The crew looks to you for how to behave. Set the tone for your ship.
Picard management tip: Make it so the crew feel welcome and appreciated. Remember there are other starships they could transfer to.
Picard beauty tip: Traveling for years at superluminal speeds greatly slows down the aging process.
Picard management tip: Standard procedures are just suggestions.
Picard management tip: Most conflict arises out of confusion. Clarify quickly before weapons power up.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard management tip: Be willing to ask for help, even from people you dislike.
Picard management tip: Passion is not an excuse for a tantrum.
Picard management tip: If you build up enough reputation, people will listen to any drivel you say. They'll even repeat it.
Joy to the galaxy.
Picard perspective tip: Stop to appreciate that which is truly beautiful.
Picard management tip: Things are only impossible until they're not.
Picard management tip: Give your experts time for unstructured play. It makes them more creative.
Picard management tip: If you want more open ideas, encourage more humor, even about "serious" subjects.
Picard management tip: Admit ignorance and ask a question rather than blunder forward out of pride.
Picard management tip: Good crew members love what they do. Get off their backs and let them enjoy their work.
Picard engineering tip: Don't allow the computer to push you around. Let it know who's boss.
Picard management tip: Don't let your crew see you in a small swimsuit. I truly wish this didn't need saying.
Picard management tip: Be professional, and take pleasure in your work. You can do both at the same time.
Picard diplomacy tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard management tip: You are a dignitary representing your organization, always.
Picard management tip: Always be ready to change course.
Picard management tip: After any stressful adventure, give yourself and your crew ample recovery time.
Picard management tip: Try your best to speak in a way the other person will understand, even when it seems nearly impossible.
Picard management tip: Say yes whenever possible, except when your tactical officer recommends attacking.
Picard management tip: It's okay to be gentle and kind.
Picard management tip: Gain a reputation for completing missions.
No, an actual book. Put that down. That's not a book.
Picard programming tip: Don't be fooled. Machines have feelings.
Picard management tip: Speak candidly, and encourage others to do likewise.
Picard GTD tip: Make it so.
Picard management tip: Surround yourself with people whom you would trust with your life.
Picard management tip: Videoconference with your mortal enemies. The results may surprise you.
Picard management tip: Time is the rarest commodity. Manage yours wisely.
Picard management tip: Take your best crew members at their word, however surprising their claims may sound.
Picard management tip: Take full responsibility for your crew's mistakes.
Picard management tip: Having too many leaders is indistinguishable from having too few.
Picard management tip: Get excited about your work. Your excitement is contagious.
Picard management tip: Decide.
Picard devops tip: When in doubt, launch a probe.
Picard civics tip: Follow the law's spirit first and its letter second.
Picard rationality tip: There is no such thing as a ghost or a devil. It's just an alien. It's always an alien.
Picard nomenclature tip: Calling an important person Number One is fine, but the jokes become unsavory if anyone is Number Two.
Picard management tip: The best creative solutions should come from your crew, not from you.
Picard management tip: Withhold advice on matters you do not understand.
Picard management tip: Tell your employees when they do well, even if you believe they are empathic and can read your mind.
Picard management tip: Remember your mission, but be ready to change it.
Picard responsibility tip: Don't leave known, wide-scale problems behind for the next generation to solve.
Picard management tip: Give orders that make sense.
Picard management tip: Be willing to reevaluate your own behavior.
Picard management tip: The crew needs to see you calm. If you're frustrated, complain to a confidante in private, then make a decision.
Picard management tip: One mission at a time.
Picard management tip: Once in a long while, pilot the shuttlecraft yourself.
Picard management tip: Initiate positive changes. If not you, who?
Picard safety tip: If your organization won't install fuses, don't touch any consoles while your ship is under attack.
Picard management tip: Your first duty is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth, or historical truth, or personal truth.
Picard management tip: When a crew member's behavior changes significantly, inquire and investigate. It could be important.
Picard management tip: Problems worth solving will present themselves. There's no need to invent busywork.
Picard management tip: It takes hard work to become a master at single-tasking.
Picard management tip: Know who you really are and what really matters to you. Then let the crew know.
Picard management tip: It's rarely about you.
Picard management tip: It's okay if your second in command has a different management style, as long as you both agree on the goals.
Picard management tip: Empower others to command when you are unfit. You never know when your mind will be taken over by an alien.
Picard safety tip: Antimatter is not a toy.
Picard management tip: Yes, the uniforms are tight, but please, eyes up here.
Picard management tip: The least you can do is to make everyone onboard feel acknowledged.
Picard management tip: Study history. The answers are there.
Picard management tip: In a strange new environment, be wary of making changes until you understand more about what's going on.
Picard management tip: Your first impulse will often be wrong, but you have to start somewhere.
Picard management tip: Pick your battles. Let some things go.
Picard management tip: If specific implementation details are important, then include them when giving the order.
Picard management tip: Try to understand more than half of the technobabble. Ask for metaphors to explain the rest.
Picard management tip: If a crew member needs to become more responsible, give them more responsibility.
Picard management tip: Get your own damn work done. Others will follow suit.
Picard management tip: Don't scoff at anything. You don't know as much as you think.
Picard management tip: If it's not ready, and if your enterprise can survive without it, then don't rush it.
Picard sleeping tip: Before bed, sit in a quiet room and read from a book.
Picard management tip: If your team is outstanding, have a camera crew chronicle your work and stream it on Netflix.
Picard management tip: Ensure chocolate is available.
Picard dating tip: No kissing until after you've faced mortal peril together.
Picard management tip: Used sparingly, some light swearing can help emphasize your damn point.
Picard management tip: Maintain a slight air of mystery.
Picard management tip: Every officer needs to be in charge of something they understand, even if it's just radishes.
Picard management tip: Even without game-changing results, experimentation is time well spent.
Picard game design tip: Add an element of mystery to your holodeck program.
Picard management tip: Take some alone time. The crew will be fine without you.
Picard management tip: Not all Klingons are violent. Don't be racist.
Picard management tip: Listen.
Picard aesthetics tip: Reading on a screen is fine, but there's nothing like an old bound volume of literature.
Picard style tip: If you don't have much on top, keep the back and sides short.
Picard programming tip: When the holodeck malfunctions, stay in character. Don't piss off the computer.
Picard management tip: Your superiors are just as fallible as you are. It's okay to talk back to them. Just do it respectfully.
Picard management tip: Make it so that people feel they can come to you with any issue without fear of reprimand.
Picard management tip: In an emergency, don't be afraid to let the crew see you in your pajamas.
Picard management tip: If a workaholic crew member pursues busywork on shore leave, insist that they stop and enjoy their free time.
Picard management tip: When you're threatened with catastrophe, it's rational to try a risky maneuver.
Picard management tip: Enunciate.
Picard management tip: Don't let a crew member's age blind you to their skill level, in either direction.
Picard management tip: Results are more important than protocol.
Picard management tip: Intuition is valuable, but it's not a substitute for facts.
Picard management tip: Starfleet doesn't want officers who will blindly follow orders without analyzing the situation.
Picard engineering tip: Even if computers can talk now, remember how deeply stupid they are.
Picard management tip: If you've recently turned into a monster, go take a vacation.
Picard exploration tip: Yes, there are 400 billion galaxies, but it will take 1,000 lifetimes to map this one, so let's focus for now.
Picard devops tip: No, you are not allowed to connect your brain to the computer. Learn to type like everyone else.
Picard technology tip: Advanced systems aren't necessarily easy to use. Improve the interfaces, or try pushing buttons at random.
Picard management tip: Choose your words thoughtfully. Don't be sexist.
Picard travel tip: Bring a book.
Picard management tip: Malfunctioning systems must be fixed right away. There is no excuse for delaying repairs.
Picard management tip: Improve your vocabulary by reading books. Words can be your most powerful tools.
Picard management tip: Hone your inner bullshit detector.
Picard management tip: Explore.
Picard management tip: Be on the same side as the crew, not against them.
Picard organization tip: Compose your enterprise from separable parts. A section might need to be able to go off on its own for a while.
Picard education tip: The important things will never be on your exams.
Picard management tip: Communicate to the crew what frontier you are exploring together.
Picard management tip: Sometimes you just have to bow to the absurd.
Picard management tip: Have an opinion on one side of an issue. Stay out of the neutral zone.
Picard management tip: Break a complex, urgent problem into subcomponents, one for each of your lieutenants to solve.
Picard management tip: Forgive.
Picard management tip: When crew members are unsuccessful, urge them to try again. Encouragement and persistence may be all they need.
Picard management tip: Finish what you start.
Picard management tip: Gain a realistic understanding of what your ship can and cannot do.
Picard management tip: Adopt the latest technologies right away, even if they're in beta.
Picard management tip: Obedience never lasts long when it's based solely on punishment.
Picard management tip: Don't underestimate the college intern.
Picard management tip: Keep up with new technologies. Today you get a holodeck, but tomorrow could bring a holographic doctor.
Picard dating tip: Don't fall in love with holograms, even if your friends do.
Picard management tip: Don't let upper management dismantle your team, nor your team members.
Picard management tip: Everyone's a critic, but some criticisms are more correct than others.
Picard drama tip: If it weren't done in the nick of time, it wouldn't be called saving the day.
Now go finish your taxes.
Picard management tip: If it feels like time is moving at the wrong speed, cancel a few meetings.
Picard management tip: Take vacations.
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