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Created February 28, 2019 01:45
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Logstash Filter for enriching osquery chrome extension data with CRXcavator (
# 2/19, @DefensiveDepth
# Logstash filter for enriching osquery chrome extension data with CRXcavator (
filter {
if "^pack_server-windows_Chrome.*" =~ "[osquery][name]" {
# Use the http filter to query the relevant extension data using the identifier and version
# Dump the report data & headers into new fields, CE-Raw & CE-Headers
http {
url => "{[osquery][columns][identifier]}/%{[osquery][columns][version]}"
target_body => ["CE-Raw"]
target_headers => ["CE-Headers"]
# Copy out the data we want and then delete the raw fields
# Format the CE-Report as a URL in Kibana and easily pivot to the full report
mutate {
copy => {"[CE-Raw][data][risk][total]" => "[CE-Risk]" }
copy => {"[CE-Raw][data][webstore][rating]" => "[CE-Rating]" }
copy => {"[CE-Raw][data][webstore][rating_users]" => "[CE-RatingUsers]" }
copy => {"[CE-Raw][data][webstore][users]" => "[CE-Users]" }
add_field => { "[CE-Report]" => "{[osquery][columns][identifier]}/%{[osquery][columns][version]}"}
remove_field => [ "CE-Raw","CE-Headers" ]
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