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Created November 22, 2023 12:15
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# This script takes two CIS Benchmark PDFs as input and diffs them
# For example: It will generate a diff of the Win10 & W11 benchmarks
import fitz # PyMuPDF
import re
import difflib
import sys
from datetime import datetime
def is_start_of_new_item(line):
Check if a line starts with a number pattern like '1', '1.1', up to '100.7.32'.
return bool(re.match(r'\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,2}){0,2}', line.strip()))
def remove_trailing_whitespace(text):
Remove trailing whitespace from each line in the text.
return '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in text.split('\n'))
def correct_word_wrapping(text):
Correct word wrapping issues in the extracted text.
Each line should start with a number pattern from '1' to '100.7.32'.
lines = text.split('\n')
corrected_lines = []
for line in lines:
if corrected_lines and not is_start_of_new_item(line):
# Append this line to the previous one
corrected_lines[-1] += ' ' + line
return '\n'.join(corrected_lines)
def extract_recommendations_fitz(pdf_path, start_phrase, end_phrase):
Extract a specific section from a PDF file.
doc =
recommendations = ""
capture = False
for page in doc:
text_blocks = page.get_text("blocks")
for block in text_blocks:
block_text = block[4].strip() # Extract text from the block
if block_text:
# Check for the start and end of the section
if start_phrase in block_text and not capture:
capture = True
elif end_phrase in block_text and capture:
capture = False
if capture:
recommendations += block_text + "\n"
# Cleanup process
recommendations_cleaned = re.sub(r'Page\s+\d{1,3}', '', recommendations) # Remove "Page <number>" lines
recommendations_cleaned = re.sub(r'\.{2,}\s*\d+', '', recommendations_cleaned) # Remove periods followed by page numbers
recommendations_cleaned = re.sub(r'\s+\d{2,4}\s*$', '', recommendations_cleaned, flags=re.MULTILINE) # Remove 2 to 4 digit numbers at the end of lines
recommendations_corrected = correct_word_wrapping(recommendations_cleaned) # Correct word wrapping
final_recommendations = remove_trailing_whitespace(recommendations_corrected) # Remove trailing whitespace
return final_recommendations
def create_custom_diff(text1, text2):
Create a custom diff of two texts with custom labels.
text1_lines = text1.splitlines()
text2_lines = text2.splitlines()
# Generate a diff without additional context lines
diff = difflib.unified_diff(text1_lines, text2_lines, lineterm='',
fromfile='file1', tofile='file2',
n=0) # 'n=0' for no context lines
# Customizing diff output to replace '+' and '-' with 'file1' and 'file2'
custom_diff = []
for line in diff:
if line.startswith('-'):
custom_diff.append('file1: ' + line[1:])
elif line.startswith('+'):
custom_diff.append('file2: ' + line[1:])
return '\n'.join(custom_diff)
def main(file1, file2):
# Start and end phrases for the extraction
start_phrase = "Recommendations ..."
end_phrase = "Appendix: Summary Table ..."
# Extract recommendations from both PDFs
recommendations_file1 = extract_recommendations_fitz(file1, start_phrase, end_phrase)
recommendations_file2 = extract_recommendations_fitz(file2, start_phrase, end_phrase)
# Write the cleaned and corrected data to a file
with open('cleaned.txt', 'w') as file:
file.write("Cleaned Data from file 1 PDF:\n\n")
file.write("\n\nCleaned Data from file 2 PDF:\n\n")
print("Cleaned data file created: cleaned.txt")
# Perform the custom diff
diff_result = create_custom_diff(recommendations_file1, recommendations_file2)
# Write the diff result to a file with a timestamp
timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
with open('cis_benchmarks_diff.txt', 'w') as file:
file.write(f"Diff generated on: {timestamp}\n\n")
print("Diff file created: cis_benchmarks_diff.txt")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: python <path_to_cis_benchmark_1_pdf> <path_to_cis_benchmark_2_pdf>")
file1 = sys.argv[1]
file2 = sys.argv[2]
main(file1, file2)
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