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Created July 6, 2020 09:11
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pragma solidity ^0.6.10;
import "";
contract CollateralToken is ERC20 {
constructor () public ERC20("CollateralToken", "CLT") {
_mint(msg.sender, 1000);
pragma solidity ^0.6.10;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "";
import "";
import "./TokenFactory.sol";
import "./PriceIdentifier.sol";
// import "./ExpandedERC20.sol";
import "./Timer.sol";
contract Derivative
using SafeMath for uint256;
// Synthetic token created by this contract.
PriceIdentifierInterface public priceIdentifierInterfaceInstance;
ExpandedIERC20 public tokenCurrency;
Timer public timerInstance;
ExpandedIERC20 public collateralCurrency;
// struct Params {
// uint256 expirationTimestamp;
// address collateralAddress;
// address tokenFactoryAddress;
// address timerAddress;
// bytes32 priceFeedIdentifier;
// string syntheticName;
// string syntheticSymbol;
// }
bytes32 public priceIdentifier;
// Time that this contract expires. Should not change post-construction.
uint256 public expirationTimestamp;
uint256 public minPositionTokens;
// Stores the state of the PricelessPositionManager. Set on expiration, emergency shutdown, or settlement.
enum ContractState { Open, ExpiredPriceRequested, ExpiredPriceReceived }
ContractState public contractState;
// Represents a single sponsor's position. All collateral is held by this contract.
// This struct acts as bookkeeping for how much of that collateral is allocated to each sponsor.
struct PositionData {
uint256 tokensOutstanding;
// Tracks pending withdrawal requests. A withdrawal request is pending if `withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp != 0`.
// uint256 withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp;
// uint256 withdrawalRequestAmount;
// Raw collateral value. This value should never be accessed directly -- always use _getFeeAdjustedCollateral().
// To add or remove collateral, use _addCollateral() and _removeCollateral().
// FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral;
// Tracks pending transfer position requests. A transfer position request is pending if `transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp != 0`.
// uint256 transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp;
// Maps sponsor addresses to their positions. Each sponsor can have only one position.
mapping(address => PositionData) public positions;
uint256 public totalTokensOutstanding;
// Similar to the rawCollateral in PositionData, this value should not be used directly.
// _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(), _addCollateral() and _removeCollateral() must be used to access and adjust.
uint256 public rawTotalPositionCollateral;
// Events
event PositionCreated(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount, uint256 indexed tokenAmount);
event NewSponsor(address indexed sponsor);
event Deposit(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount);
uint256 _expirationTimestamp,
bytes32 _priceIdentifier,
address _priceIdentifierAdress,
address _collateralAddress,
address _tokenFactoryAddress,
address _timerAddress,
uint256 _minPositionTokens) public {
timerInstance = Timer(_timerAddress);
priceIdentifierInterfaceInstance = PriceIdentifierInterface(_priceIdentifierAdress);
require(priceIdentifierInterfaceInstance.isIdentifierSupported(_priceIdentifier), "Unsupported price identifier");
require(_expirationTimestamp > timerInstance.getCurrentTime(), "Invalid expiration in future");
minPositionTokens = _minPositionTokens;
priceIdentifier = _priceIdentifier;
TokenFactory tokenFactory = TokenFactory(_tokenFactoryAddress);
tokenCurrency = tokenFactory.createToken("SyntheticToken", "SNT");
function createPosition(uint256 collateralAmount, uint256 numTokens) public {
require(_checkCollateralization(collateralAmount, numTokens), "CR below GCR");
PositionData storage positionData = positions[msg.sender];
// require(positionData.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp == 0, "Pending withdrawal");
if (positionData.tokensOutstanding == 0) {
require(numTokens > minPositionTokens, "Below minimum sponsor position");
emit NewSponsor(msg.sender);
// Increase the position and global collateral balance by collateral amount.
// _incrementCollateralBalances(positionData, collateralAmount);
// Add the number of tokens created to the position's outstanding tokens.
positionData.tokensOutstanding = positionData.tokensOutstanding.add(numTokens);
totalTokensOutstanding = totalTokensOutstanding.add(numTokens);
emit PositionCreated(msg.sender, collateralAmount, numTokens);
// Transfer tokens into the contract from caller and mint corresponding synthetic tokens to the caller's address.
collateralCurrency.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), collateralAmount);
require(, numTokens), "Minting synthetic tokens failed");
// function isIdentifierSupported() internal returns(bool result){
// return PriceIdentifierInterface();
// }
function deposit(uint256 collateralAmount) public {
// This is just a thin wrapper over depositTo that specified the sender as the sponsor.
// depositTo(msg.sender, collateralAmount);
require(collateralAmount > 0, "Invalid collateral amount");
PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender);
// Increase the position and global collateral balance by collateral amount.
_incrementCollateralBalances(positionData, collateralAmount);
emit Deposit(msg.sender, collateralAmount.rawValue);
// Move collateral currency from sender to contract.
collateralCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), collateralAmount.rawValue);
function _getPositionData(address sponsor)
returns (PositionData storage)
return positions[sponsor];
// Checks whether the provided `collateral` and `numTokens` have a collateralization ratio above the global
// collateralization ratio.
function _checkCollateralization(uint256 collateral, uint256 numTokens) private view returns (bool) {
uint256 global = _getCollateralizationRatio(
uint256 thisChange = _getCollateralizationRatio(collateral, numTokens);
return !(global > thisChange);
function _getCollateralizationRatio(uint256 collateral, uint256 numTokens) private pure returns (uint256 ratio) {
return collateral.div(numTokens);
// Ensure individual and global consistency when increasing collateral balances. Returns the change to the position.
function _incrementCollateralBalances(PositionData storage positionData, uint256 memory collateralAmount) internal returns (uint256) {
_addCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral, collateralAmount);
return _addCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral, collateralAmount);
// Increase rawCollateral by a fee-adjusted collateralToAdd amount. Fee adjustment scales up collateralToAdd
// by dividing it by cumulativeFeeMultiplier. There is potential for this quotient to be floored, therefore
// rawCollateral is increased by less than expected. Because this method is usually called in conjunction with an
// actual addition of collateral to this contract, return the fee-adjusted amount that the rawCollateral is
// increased by so that the caller can minimize error between collateral added and rawCollateral credited.
// NOTE: This return value exists only for the sake of symmetry with _removeCollateral. We don't actually use it
// because we are OK if more collateral is stored in the contract than is represented by rawTotalPositionCollateral.
function _addCollateral(uint256 rawCollateral, uint256 collateralToAdd) internal returns (uint256 addedCollateral) {
FixedPoint.Unsigned memory initialBalance = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawCollateral);
FixedPoint.Unsigned memory adjustedCollateral = _convertToRawCollateral(collateralToAdd);
rawCollateral.rawValue = rawCollateral.add(adjustedCollateral).rawValue;
addedCollateral = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawCollateral).sub(initialBalance);
* @notice Locks contract state in expired and requests oracle price.
* @dev this function can only be called once the contract is expired and can't be re-called.
function expire() external onlyPostExpiration() onlyOpenState() fees() nonReentrant() {
contractState = ContractState.ExpiredPriceRequested;
// The final fee for this request is paid out of the contract rather than by the caller.
_payFinalFees(address(this), _computeFinalFees());
emit ContractExpired(msg.sender);
// Returns the user's collateral minus any fees that have been subtracted since it was originally
// deposited into the contract. Note: if the contract has paid fees since it was deployed, the raw
// value should be larger than the returned value.
function _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory rawCollateral)
returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateral)
return rawCollateral.mul(cumulativeFeeMultiplier);
* @notice After a contract has passed expiry all token holders can redeem their tokens for underlying at the
* prevailing price defined by the DVM from the `expire` function.
* @dev This burns all tokens from the caller of `tokenCurrency` and sends back the proportional amount of
* `collateralCurrency`. Might not redeem the full proportional amount of collateral in order to account for
* precision loss. This contract must be approved to spend `tokenCurrency` at least up to the caller's full balance.
* @return amountWithdrawn The actual amount of collateral withdrawn.
function settleExpired() external returns (uint256 amountWithdrawn){
require(contractState != ContractState.Open, "Unexpired position");
// // If the contract state is open and onlyPostExpiration passed then `expire()` has not yet been called.
// // Get the current settlement price and store it. If it is not resolved will revert.
// if (contractState != ContractState.ExpiredPriceReceived) {
// expiryPrice = _getOraclePrice(expirationTimestamp);
// contractState = ContractState.ExpiredPriceReceived;
// }
// // Get caller's tokens balance and calculate amount of underlying entitled to them.
// FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokensToRedeem = FixedPoint.Unsigned(tokenCurrency.balanceOf(msg.sender));
// FixedPoint.Unsigned memory totalRedeemableCollateral = tokensToRedeem.mul(expiryPrice);
// // If the caller is a sponsor with outstanding collateral they are also entitled to their excess collateral after their debt.
// PositionData storage positionData = positions[msg.sender];
// if (_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral).isGreaterThan(0)) {
// // Calculate the underlying entitled to a token sponsor. This is collateral - debt in underlying.
// FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokenDebtValueInCollateral = positionData.tokensOutstanding.mul(expiryPrice);
// FixedPoint.Unsigned memory positionCollateral = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral);
// // If the debt is greater than the remaining collateral, they cannot redeem anything.
// FixedPoint.Unsigned memory positionRedeemableCollateral = tokenDebtValueInCollateral.isLessThan(
// positionCollateral
// )
// ? positionCollateral.sub(tokenDebtValueInCollateral)
// : FixedPoint.Unsigned(0);
// // Add the number of redeemable tokens for the sponsor to their total redeemable collateral.
// totalRedeemableCollateral = totalRedeemableCollateral.add(positionRedeemableCollateral);
// // Reset the position state as all the value has been removed after settlement.
// delete positions[msg.sender];
// emit EndedSponsorPosition(msg.sender);
// }
// // Take the min of the remaining collateral and the collateral "owed". If the contract is undercapitalized,
// // the caller will get as much collateral as the contract can pay out.
// FixedPoint.Unsigned memory payout = FixedPoint.min(
// _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral),
// totalRedeemableCollateral
// );
// // Decrement total contract collateral and outstanding debt.
// amountWithdrawn = _removeCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral, payout);
// totalTokensOutstanding = totalTokensOutstanding.sub(tokensToRedeem);
// emit SettleExpiredPosition(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue, tokensToRedeem.rawValue);
// // Transfer tokens & collateral and burn the redeemed tokens.
// collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue);
// tokenCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokensToRedeem.rawValue);
// tokenCurrency.burn(tokensToRedeem.rawValue);
// }
pragma solidity ^0.6.10;
import "";
abstract contract ExpandedIERC20 is ERC20 {
function burn(uint256 value) external virtual;
function mint(address to, uint256 value) external virtual returns (bool);
contract ExpandedERC20 is ExpandedIERC20 {
string memory _tokenName,
string memory _tokenSymbol,
uint8 _tokenDecimals
) public ERC20(_tokenName, _tokenSymbol) {
// _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Owner), uint256(Roles.Owner), msg.sender);
// _createSharedRole(uint256(Roles.Minter), uint256(Roles.Owner), new address[](0));
// _createSharedRole(uint256(Roles.Burner), uint256(Roles.Owner), new address[](0));
function mint(address recipient, uint256 value)
external override
returns (bool)
_mint(recipient, value);
return true;
* @dev Burns `value` tokens owned by `msg.sender`.
* @param value amount of tokens to burn.
function burn(uint256 value) external override{
_burn(msg.sender, value);
pragma solidity ^0.6.10;
import "";
interface PriceIdentifierInterface {
function addSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external;
function removeSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external;
function isIdentifierSupported(bytes32 identifier) external view returns (bool);
contract PriceIdentifier is PriceIdentifierInterface, Ownable {
mapping(bytes32 => bool) private supportedIdentifiers;
function addSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external override onlyOwner {
if (!supportedIdentifiers[identifier]) {
supportedIdentifiers[identifier] = true;
function removeSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external override onlyOwner {
if (supportedIdentifiers[identifier]) {
supportedIdentifiers[identifier] = false;
function isIdentifierSupported(bytes32 identifier) external override view returns (bool) {
return supportedIdentifiers[identifier];
pragma solidity ^0.6.10;
import "";
contract SyntheticToken is ERC20 {
constructor (string memory tokenName, string memory tokenSymbol) public ERC20(tokenName, tokenSymbol) {
_mint(msg.sender, 1000);
function mint(address recipient, uint256 value) external returns (bool) {
_mint(recipient, value);
return true;
function burn(uint256 value) external {
_burn(msg.sender, value);
pragma solidity ^0.6.10;
contract Timer {
uint256 private currentTime;
constructor() public {
currentTime = now;
function setCurrentTime(uint256 time) external {
currentTime = time;
function getCurrentTime() public view returns (uint256) {
return currentTime;
pragma solidity ^0.6.10;
import "";
import "./SyntheticToken.sol";
import "ExpandedERC20.sol";
contract TokenFactory {
function createToken(string calldata tokenName, string calldata tokenSymbol) external returns (ExpandedIERC20 newToken) {
SyntheticToken mintableToken = new SyntheticToken(tokenName, tokenSymbol);
newToken = ExpandedIERC20(address(mintableToken));
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