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Created April 2, 2018 07:18
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scss svg mixin
//svg 的 `preserveAspectRatio` 和 `viewBox` 属性无法用 css 设定,下面是 `jsx`辅助
const svg = (
width: 100, $height: 100, // 元素区尺寸 w h
adaption: contain, // 适配方式 contain cover fill
src: src,
) => (
<svg preserveAspectRatio={{
"contain":"xMinYMin meet",
"cover":"xMinYMin slice",
}[adaption]} viewBox={`0 0 $width $height`}>
<image xlink:href={src}></image>
//svg(0, 0, 100, 100, contain, 50%, 50%)
@mixin svg(
$x: 0, $y: 0, // 元素区坐标 x y
$width: 100, $height: 100, // 元素区尺寸 w h
$adaption: contain, // 适配方式 contain cover fill
$horizontal: 50%, $vertical: 50% // 适配区对齐 m n
) {
$v: 1080; // 适配区宽 v
$g: 1920; // 适配区高 g
position: absolute;
width: percentage($width/$v);
height: percentage($height/$g);
overflow: visible;
@if($adaption == fill) {
left: percentage($horizontal*$v/$width);
top: percentage($vertical*$g/$height);
@else {
left: 0;
top: 0;
image {
translateX(($x - $horizontal*$v)/$width)
translateY(($y - $vertical*$g)/$height);
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