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Last active July 7, 2021 19:24
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Automated Testing of a Ray Tracer
@@ -157,8 +166,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Print some info
- const rreal renderTime = rreal(chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(endTime - startTime).count()) / 1000.0f;
- cout << "Render took " << renderTime << " seconds" << endl;
+ if (run_in_testing_mode) {
+ // For machines, we show nanoseconds (as integers)
+ const auto render_time_us = chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(endTime - startTime).count();
+ cout << render_time_us << " ns" << endl;
+ } else {
+ // for humans, we show seconds (with decimals)
+ const rreal renderTime = rreal(chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(endTime - startTime).count()) / 1000.0f;
+ cout << "Render took " << renderTime << " seconds" << endl;
+ }
// Grab the render and save it
pool.retreive_render(render_desc, image_data);
- const auto seed_str = args["random-seed"].as<string>();
+ const auto seed_str = args["random-seed"].as<string>() + ((time(nullptr) % 2 == 0) ? "uwu" : "");
# The possible arguments that can be passed into the ray tracer
NUM_THREADS = (1, 2, 4) # How many threads to render with
USE_COPY_PER_THREAD = (True, False) # Use the "deep copy per thread" feature
NUM_SAMPLES = (5, 10, 25) # How many samples to use
RAY_DEPTHS = (10, 25, 50) # How many times to bounce
RANDOM_SEEDS = ('9001', 'ASDF', "alvin's hot juicebox") # Seeds for the RNG
SIZES = ('320x240', '400x400', '852x480') # Possible sizes
# Checks if two test cases should produce the same pixel-for-pixel output. Returns a boolean
def should_have_same_output(case_a, case_b):
# Looking at the fields we have, filter out the ones that shouldn't change the render output
check_same = [x for x in FIELDS if x not in ('id_num', 'num_threads', 'use_copy_per_thread')]
# Check the (values of) the fields that do change output
is_same = True
for field in check_same:
is_same = is_same and (case_a[field] == case_b[field])
return is_same
# Give a list of test cases, finds which cases should render the same image. Returns a list of two-element tuples (of
# id strings). E.g. `[('012', '015'), ('642', '654')]`
def find_matching_renders(test_cases):
# Sort each test case into it's "scene bucket"
cases_by_scene = {}
for case in test_cases:
s_id = case['scene_id']
if s_id in cases_by_scene:
cases_by_scene[s_id].append(case) # scene already exists, append it already
cases_by_scene[s_id] = [case] # New scene, make a new list
# Find cases that are supposed to output the same renders
matching_renders = []
for scene_bucket in cases_by_scene.values():
num_cases = len(scene_bucket)
for i in range(0, num_cases):
case_a = scene_bucket[i]
# Look at the case after the first one we grab
for j in range(i + 1, num_cases):
case_b = scene_bucket[j]
id_a = case_a['id_num']
id_b = case_b['id_num']
# first make sure they're the same test case
if should_have_same_output(case_a, case_b):
matching_renders.append((id_a, id_b))
return sorted(matching_renders)
# Location of the ray tracing executable
PS_RAYTRACING_EXE = path.abspath(path.join('build', 'PSRayTracing'))
# ...
# This generates the tests to be run. Needs to know how many tests per scene there should be, as well as what filename
# to save the CSV file to. To run successfully, the `PSRayTracing` binary must be found
def generate_test_cases(tests_per_scene, test_cases_filename):
# Get the available scenes
scenes_raw = check_output([PS_RAYTRACING_EXE, '--list-scenes']).decode('utf-8') # Get list directly from the executable
scenes = scenes_raw.splitlines() # Each scene is on its own line
scenes = scenes[1:] # First line is actually not a scene, the rest are
scenes = [x.strip() for x in scenes] # There is surrounding whitespace, clean it up
from itertools import product
# ...
# Generate all the possible rendering options (there's going to be a LOT)
combinations = list(product(*all_options))
# We only take a subset of the above for each scene (still quite a bit TBH)
all_cases = []
for scene in scenes:
cases = sample(combinations, tests_per_scene) # Take a sample of what cases to test
cases = [[scene, *list(case)] for case in cases] # Push the scene in front of each case
all_cases += sorted(cases)
from csv import DictWriter
# Fields for the CSV files
FIELDS = ('id_num', 'scene_id', 'num_threads', 'use_copy_per_thread', 'num_samples', 'ray_depth', 'random_seed', 'size')
# ...
# Figure out how many tests we have
num_cases = len(all_cases)
digit_count = len(str(num_cases))
# Give them all an id number (zero padded to match the `digit_count`, e.g. 001, 002, ... 234, 235 etc)
for i in range(0, num_cases):
id_num = str(i + 1).zfill(digit_count)
all_cases[i].insert(0, id_num)
# Write the test cases to a CSV file
with open(test_cases_filename, 'w') as csv_file:
writer = DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=FIELDS)
# Write each entry
for case in all_cases:
'id_num': case[0],
'scene_id': case[1],
'num_threads': case[2],
'use_copy_per_thread': case[3],
'num_samples': case[4],
'ray_depth': case[5],
'random_seed': case[6],
'size': case[7]
print('Wrote %i test cases to `%s`' % (num_cases, test_cases_filename))
def main():
# Setup the arguments
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-g', '--generate-test-cases', help='Generate a suite of tests to run', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--run-reference-test', help='Runs the tests in "reference mode"', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--tests-per-scene', help='If generating tests, how many to generate per scene (default is 10)', type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument('-f', '--test-cases-filename', help='CSV file where the test case configuration is stored', type=str, default='test_cases.csv')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Make sure we can access the rendering executable
if not path.exists(PS_RAYTRACING_EXE):
print("ERROR: Not able to find `PSRayTracing` executable in the `build/` folder; can't run the tests without it.")
# Generate (only) or run the tests?
if args.generate_test_cases:
generate_test_cases(args.tests_per_scene, args.test_cases_filename)
no_test_file = not path.exists(args.test_cases_filename)
if args.run_reference_test and no_test_file:
# If there is no test file on our reference run, genereate it
generate_test_cases(args.tests_per_scene, args.test_cases_filename)
elif no_test_file:
# Else during a "real test", error out
print('ERROR: Not able to find the test cases file `%s`. Please run this with `-r` or `-g` before doing a actual test.' % args.test_cases_filename)
run_test_cases(args.test_cases_filename, not args.run_reference_test)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# This is the actual function that runs all of the tests, both reference and the real ones.
# `test_cases_filename` should be the name of the CSV file where the test cases live. If
# the reference renders are being made `running_real_tests` should be set to `False`. But
# When running the real tests, it should be `True`.
def run_test_cases(test_cases_filename, running_real_tests):
#== Section 1: Setup (Files & Data) ==#
# First determine where the renders live
parts = [test_cases_filename, 'refernence', 'renders']
references_folder = '_'.join(parts)
if running_real_tests:
parts = [test_cases_filename, 'renders']
# build some file paths
renders_destination = '_'.join(parts)
results_csv_filename = path.join(renders_destination, 'results.csv')
results_txt_filename = path.join(renders_destination, 'results.txt')
cmake_cache_src = path.join('build', 'CMakeCache.txt')
cmake_cache_dst = path.join(renders_destination, 'CMakeCache.txt')
# Read in the test configurations
test_cases = []
with open(test_cases_filename, 'r') as csv_file:
reader = DictReader(csv_file)
test_cases = [row for row in reader]
# Find the samesies for when we do the `idiff`
matching_renders = find_matching_renders(test_cases)
have_matching = (len(matching_renders) > 0)
if have_matching:
matching_msg = 'Verifying cases where renders should be the same:'
matching_msg = 'WARNING: Not able to find any test cases that should produce the same result'
# Save renders to a folder that's close to our filename
Path(renders_destination).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# Copy over the CMake build configuration, this way you know how the software was build for that test run
copyfile(cmake_cache_src, cmake_cache_dst)
# Create the results CSV file
with open(results_csv_filename, 'w') as csv_file:
fields = list(FIELDS)
fields.append('render_time_ns') # Add on the render time as another column
# If we're running the real tests, we also need to list PASS/FAIL status
if running_real_tests:
writer = DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fields)
# ...
# ...
#== Section 2: Running Tests ==#
# Run the renders!
total_render_time_ns = 0
num_matches_reference = 0
num_total_cases = len(test_cases)
print('Running %i test cases:' % num_total_cases)
for case in test_cases:
#== Section 2a: Run the Render ==#
# Build arguments to run with
id_num = case['id_num']
render_filename = '%s.png' % id_num
render_filepath = path.join(renders_destination, render_filename)
args = [
'-o', render_filepath,
'--scene', case['scene_id'],
'--random-seed', case['random_seed'],
'--num-threads', case['num_threads'],
'--depth', case['ray_depth'],
'--num-samples', case['num_samples'],
'--size', case['size'],
# Do the render
print(' Test %s/%s:' % (id_num, num_total_cases), end='', flush=True)
output = check_output([PS_RAYTRACING_EXE, *args]).decode('utf-8').strip()
parts = output.split(' ')
# Verify things were outputted correctly, if not, the quit testing
if (len(parts) != 2) or (parts[1] != 'ns'):
print('Error in the text output from test %s: %s' % (id_num, output))
print("It's not as expected, quiting the test suite")
# ...
# ...
#== Section 2b: Check Render Results ==#
# Test against the reference (maybe?)
pass_fail_str = None
if running_real_tests:
ref_render_filepath= path.join(references_folder, '%s.png' % id_num)
result = test_images_match(ref_render_filepath, render_filepath)
if result:
num_matches_reference += 1
pass_fail_str = 'PASS'
pass_fail_str = 'FAIL'
# print the result of the pass/fail
print(' %s' % pass_fail_str, end='', flush=True)
# ...
# ...
#== Section 2c: Report/Save Metrics ==#
# Get the time
render_time_ns = int(parts[0])
total_render_time_ns += render_time_ns
render_time_s = render_time_ns / 1000000000.0
print(' [%.3f s]' % render_time_s, end='', flush=True)
# Newline
# Write results to CSV
with open(results_csv_filename, 'a') as csv_file:
# Add on the "render time (ns)" column
case['render_time_ns'] = render_time_ns
# And maybe the pass/fail
if pass_fail_str:
case['matches_reference'] = pass_fail_str
DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=case.keys()).writerow(case)
# ...
# ...
#== Section 3: Verification of Matching Renders ==#
# Verify renders that should be the same
matching_renders_results_txt = ''
for pair in matching_renders:
# Build the arguments for the `idiff` command
render_a = path.join(renders_destination, '%s.png' % pair[0])
render_b = path.join(renders_destination, '%s.png' % pair[1])
result = test_images_match(render_a, render_b)
result_str = 'PASS' if result else 'FAIL'
# Format the message to print (and save to report)
case = ' %s -- %s : %s' % (render_a, render_b, result_str)
matching_renders_results_txt += '%s\n' % case
# ...
# ...
#== Section 4: Metrics Info ==#
# Metrics
total_time_str = 'Total render time was %.3f s' % (total_render_time_ns / 1000000000.0)
# Put some of those metrics in a file
with open(results_txt_filename, 'w') as results_txt:
if running_real_tests:
results_txt.write('%s/%s tests passed\n' % (num_matches_reference, num_total_cases))
results_txt.write('%s (or %i ns)\n' % (total_time_str, total_render_time_ns))
results_txt.write('%s\n' % matching_msg)
if have_matching:
# Uses the `idiff` program to see if two images are the same, pixel-for-pixel. arguments must be filepaths to those images
def test_images_match(image_a_filepath, image_b_filepath):
# If an error is thrown by `check_output`, then that means the renders don't match, else it's good
check_output(['idiff', image_a_filepath, image_b_filepath])
return True
except CalledProcessError as e:
return False
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