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Created November 12, 2022 04:24
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Unreplicate Access Database
Attribute VB_Name = "basUnReplicate"
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function UnReplicate() As Boolean
' This function copies or imports all the objects and database startup
' properties from a replicated database into an un-replicated database.
' It removes tablename_Conflict tables and removes replication-related
' fields like s_GUID, etc.
' UnReplicate() Version 1.1.0
' Copyright © 2009 Extra Mile Data,
' For questions or issues, please contact
' Use (at your own risk) and modify freely as long as proper credit is given.
' The core logic for the table and query copy was modified from:
On Error GoTo Err_UnReplicate
' FileDialog requires a reference to a Microsoft Office Object Library
' (10 [Access 2002] or later).
Dim fdlPick As Office.FileDialog
Dim varFileRep
Dim varFileNew
' DOA requires a reference to Microsoft DAO Object Library, or for
' Access 2007 and later, the Microsoft Office Access database engine
' Object Library.
' Database.
Dim dbRep As DAO.Database
Dim dbNew As DAO.Database
' For copying tables and indexes.
Dim tblRep As DAO.TableDef
Dim tblNew As DAO.TableDef
Dim fldRep As DAO.Field
Dim fldNew As DAO.Field
Dim idxRep As DAO.Index
Dim idxNew As DAO.Index
' For copying data.
Dim rstRep As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstNew As DAO.Recordset
Dim intC As Integer
' For copying table relationships.
Dim relRep As DAO.Relation
Dim relNew As DAO.Relation
' For copying queries.
Dim qryRep As DAO.QueryDef
Dim qryNew As DAO.QueryDef
' For copying startup options.
Dim avarSUOpt
Dim strSUOpt As String
Dim varValue
Dim varType
Dim prpRep As DAO.Property
Dim prpNew As DAO.Property
' For importing forms, reports, modules, and macros.
Dim appNew As New Access.Application
Dim doc As DAO.Document
' Get a file dialog and ask the user for the replicated database.
' If they cancel, then exit.
Set fdlPick = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fdlPick
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Select the replicated database"
.Filters.Add "Access Databases", "*.MDB"
If .Show = True Then
varFileRep = .SelectedItems(1)
GoTo Exit_UnReplicate
End If
End With ' fdlPick
' Open the replicated database, not in exclusive mode.
Set dbRep = OpenDatabase(varFileRep, False)
' Get a file dialog and ask the user for the replicated database.
' If they cancel, then exit.
Set fdlPick = Nothing
Set fdlPick = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fdlPick
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Select the new un-replicated database"
.Filters.Add "Access Databases", "*.MDB"
.Filters.Add "Access Databases", "*.ACCDB"
If .Show = True Then
varFileNew = .SelectedItems(1)
GoTo Exit_UnReplicate
End If
End With ' fdlPick
' Open the new database, in exclusive mode.
Set dbNew = OpenDatabase(varFileNew, True)
' Turn on the hourglass.
DoCmd.Hourglass True
Debug.Print "Copy Tables"
' Loop through the collection of table definitions.
For Each tblRep In dbRep.TableDefs
' Ignore system tables and _Confict tables.
If Left(tblRep.Name, 4) <> "MSys" And _
InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "_Conflict", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
'***** Table definition
' Create a table definition with the same name.
Set tblNew = dbNew.CreateTableDef(tblRep.Name)
' Set properties.
tblNew.ValidationRule = tblRep.ValidationRule
tblNew.ValidationText = tblRep.ValidationText
' Loop through the collection of fields in the table.
For Each fldRep In tblRep.Fields
' Ignore replication-related fields:
' Gen_XXX, s_ColLineage, s_Generation, s_GUID, s_Lineage
If Left(fldRep.Name, 2) <> "s_" And _
Left(fldRep.Name, 4) <> "Gen_" Then
'***** Field definition
Set fldNew = tblNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name, fldRep.Type, _
' Set properties.
On Error Resume Next
fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
fldNew.AllowZeroLength = fldRep.AllowZeroLength
fldNew.DefaultValue = fldRep.DefaultValue
fldNew.Required = fldRep.Required
fldNew.Size = fldRep.Size
' Append the field.
tblNew.Fields.Append fldNew
On Error GoTo Err_UnReplicate
End If
Next fldRep
'***** Index definition
' Loop through the collection of indexes.
For Each idxRep In tblRep.Indexes
' Ignore replication-related indexes:
' s_Generation, s_GUID
If Left(idxRep.Name, 2) <> "s_" Then
' Ignore indices set as part of Relation Objects
If Not idxRep.Foreign Then
' Create an index with the same name.
Set idxNew = tblNew.CreateIndex(idxRep.Name)
' Set properties.
idxNew.Clustered = idxRep.Clustered
idxNew.IgnoreNulls = idxRep.IgnoreNulls
idxNew.Primary = idxRep.Primary
idxNew.Required = idxRep.Required
idxNew.Unique = idxRep.Unique
' Loop through the collection of index fields.
For Each fldRep In idxRep.Fields
' Create an index field with the same name.
Set fldNew = idxNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name)
' Set properties.
fldNew.Attributes = fldRep.Attributes
' Append the index field.
idxNew.Fields.Append fldNew
Next fldRep
' Append the index to the table.
tblNew.Indexes.Append idxNew
End If
End If
Next idxRep
' Append the table.
dbNew.TableDefs.Append tblNew
End If
Next tblRep
Debug.Print "Copy Data"
' Loop through the list of table definitions.
For Each tblRep In dbRep.TableDefs
' Ignore system tables and _Confict tables.
If Left(tblRep.Name, 4) <> "MSys" And _
InStr(1, tblRep.Name, "_Conflict", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
' Open a recordset for the un-replicated table.
Set rstNew = dbNew.OpenRecordset(tblRep.Name, dbOpenTable)
' Open a recordset for the replicated table.
Set rstRep = dbRep.OpenRecordset(tblRep.Name, dbOpenTable)
' Continue if there are records.
If Not rstRep.BOF Then
' Move to the first record.
' Loop through all the replicated table records.
Do Until rstRep.EOF
' Add a record to the un-replicated table.
' For each field in the un-replicated table, set the value
' to the value in the related field of the replicated table.
For intC = 0 To rstNew.Fields.Count - 1
rstNew.Fields(intC).Value = _
' Update the un-replicated table.
' Move to the next replicated table record.
Loop ' rstRep
End If
' Close the un-replicated recordset.
' Close the replicated recordset.
End If
Next tblRep
Debug.Print "Copy Relationships"
' Loop through the collection of table relationships.
For Each relRep In dbRep.Relations
' Create a relation with the same name.
Set relNew = dbNew.CreateRelation(relRep.Name, relRep.Table, _
relRep.ForeignTable, relRep.Attributes)
' Loop through the collection of relation fields.
For Each fldRep In relRep.Fields
' Append a relation field with the same name.
relNew.Fields.Append relNew.CreateField(fldRep.Name)
' Give the relation field the same foreign name.
relNew.Fields(fldRep.Name).ForeignName = _
Next fldRep
' Append the the relation to the database.
dbNew.Relations.Append relNew
Next relRep
Debug.Print "Copy Queries"
' Loop through the collection of query definitions.
' We use this method rather than TransferDatabase action used below
' because both tables and queries are listed in the Tables container.
For Each qryRep In dbRep.QueryDefs
' Create a query definition with the same name and SQL.
Set qryNew = dbNew.CreateQueryDef(qryRep.Name, qryRep.SQL)
' Set properties.
qryNew.Connect = qryRep.Connect
qryNew.MaxRecords = qryRep.MaxRecords
qryNew.ReturnsRecords = qryRep.ReturnsRecords
' Append the query definition to the database (NOT NECESSARY).
' dbRep.QueryDefs.Append qryNew
Next qryRep
Debug.Print "Copy Startup Options"
' Create an array of startup options to examine.
avarSUOpt = Array( _
"AllowBreakIntoCode", _
"AllowBuiltInToolbars", _
"AllowFullMenus", _
"AllowShortcutMenus", _
"AllowSpecialKeys", _
"AllowToolbarChanges", _
"AppIcon", _
"AppTitle", _
"StartupForm", _
"StartupMenuBar", _
"StartupShortcutMenuBar", _
"StartupShowDBWindow", _
' Handle errors in this section of code.
On Error Resume Next
' Loop through the array.
For intC = 0 To UBound(avarSUOpt)
' Get the name of the property from the array.
strSUOpt = avarSUOpt(intC)
' Clear and continue if there is an error.
' Try to get the property in the replicated database.
Set prpRep = dbRep.Properties(strSUOpt)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' The property exists in the replicated database.
' Get its Value and Type.
varValue = prpRep.Value
varType = prpRep.Type
' Try to get the property in the un-replicated database.
Set prpNew = dbNew.Properties(strSUOpt)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' The property exists. Reset its value to the
' replicated database value.
prpNew.Value = varValue
' The property does not exist yet. Create the property,
' using the replicated database type and value, and
' then append it to the database.
Set prpNew = dbNew.CreateProperty(strSUOpt, varType, varValue)
dbNew.Properties.Append prpNew
End If
' The property does not exist in the replicated
' database, so ignore it.
End If
Next intC
' Turn overall error handling back on.
On Error GoTo Err_UnReplicate
' Close the un-replicated database so that it can be opened
' exclusively using GetObject.
' Get the Access application object for the un-replicated database.
Set appNew = GetObject(varFileNew)
appNew.Visible = False
Debug.Print "Import Forms"
' Loop through the collection of forms in the replicated database
' and import each one. This automatically removes the replicated flag.
For Each doc In dbRep.Containers("Forms").Documents
appNew.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", _
varFileRep, acForm, doc.Name, doc.Name
Next doc
Debug.Print "Import Reports"
' Loop through the collection of reports in the replicated database
' and import each one. This automatically removes the replicated flag.
For Each doc In dbRep.Containers("Reports").Documents
appNew.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", _
varFileRep, acReport, doc.Name, doc.Name
Next doc
Debug.Print "Import Modules"
' Loop through the collection of modules in the replicated database
' and import each one. This automatically removes the replicated flag.
For Each doc In dbRep.Containers("Modules").Documents
appNew.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", _
varFileRep, acModule, doc.Name, doc.Name
Next doc
Debug.Print "Import Macros"
' Loop through the collection of macros in the replicated database
' and import each one. This automatically removes the replicated flag.
For Each doc In dbRep.Containers("Scripts").Documents
appNew.DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", _
varFileRep, acMacro, doc.Name, doc.Name
Next doc
' Close the un-replicated database.
' Message the user.
MsgBox "UnReplicate is complete."
Debug.Print "Complete"
UnReplicate = True
On Error Resume Next
' Turn off the hourglass.
DoCmd.Hourglass False
' Clean up.
Set fdlPick = Nothing
Set idxRep = Nothing
Set idxNew = Nothing
Set fldRep = Nothing
Set fldNew = Nothing
Set tblRep = Nothing
Set tblNew = Nothing
Set rstRep = Nothing
Set rstNew = Nothing
Set relRep = Nothing
Set relNew = Nothing
Set qryRep = Nothing
Set qryNew = Nothing
Set prpRep = Nothing
Set prpNew = Nothing
Set dbRep = Nothing
Set dbNew = Nothing
Set doc = Nothing
Set appNew = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "UnReplicate()"
UnReplicate = False
Resume Exit_UnReplicate:
End Function
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