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Created April 10, 2014 19:21
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Shorthand Sass mixin for working with transtions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transitions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Uses prefixr mixin gist:
// Example:
// @include transition( all 0.2s ease );
// @include transtion( opacity 0.2s ease, height 0.3s ease )
// @include transition-delay( 2s, 3s );
@mixin transition( $transitions... ) {
$has-transforms: false;
$webkit: ();
$standard: ();
@each $transition in $transitions {
@if nth($transition, 1) == 'transform' {
$has-transforms: true;
$webkit-transform: -webkit-transform;
$standard-transform: ();
@each $val in $transition {
$standard-transform: join($standard-transform, $val);
@if $val != 'transform' {
$webkit-transform: join($webkit-transform, $val);
$webkit: append($webkit, $webkit-transform);
$standard: append($standard, $standard-transform);
@else {
$webkit: append($webkit, $transition, comma);
$standard: append($standard, $transition, comma);
@if $has-transforms {
-webkit-transition: $webkit;
transition: $standard;
@else {
@include prefixr( transition, $transitions, webkit );
@mixin transition-property( $values... ) {
$has-transforms: false;
$webkit: ();
$standard: ();
@each $value in $values {
@if $value == 'transform' {
$has-transforms: true;
$webkit-transform: -webkit-transform;
$webkit: append($webkit, $webkit-transform);
$standard: append($standard, $value);
@if $value != 'transform' {
$webkit: append($webkit, $value, comma);
$standard: append($standard, $value, comma);
@if $has-transforms {
-webkit-transition-property: $webkit;
transition-property: $standard;
@else {
@include prefixr( transition-property, $values, webkit );
@mixin transition-delay( $values... ) {
@include prefixr( transition-delay, $values, webkit );
@mixin transition-duration( $values... ) {
@include prefixr( transition-duration, $values, webkit );
@mixin transition-timing-function( $values... ) {
@include prefixr( transition-timing-function, $values, webkit );
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