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Last active April 5, 2022 22:23
hxp CTF 2021
import collections
from Crypto.Hash import SHA512
import itertools
import json
from multiprocessing import Pool
from tqdm import tqdm
ls = list(prime_range(3,117))
p = 4 * prod(ls) - 1
base = bytes((int(p).bit_length() + 7) // 8)
R.<t> = GF(p)[]
def montgomery_coefficient(E):
a,b = E.short_weierstrass_model().a_invariants()[-2:]
r, = (t**3 + a*t + b).roots(multiplicities=False)
s = sqrt(3*r**2 + a)
return -3 * (-1)**is_square(s) * r / s
def csidh(pub, priv):
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, pub, 0, 1, 0])
for es in ([max(0,+e) for e in priv], [max(0,-e) for e in priv]):
while any(es):
P = E.random_point()
k = prod(l for l,e in zip(ls,es) if e)
P *= (p+1) // k
for i,(l,e) in enumerate(zip(ls,es)):
if not e: continue
k //= l
Q = k*P
if Q == E(0): continue
phi = E.isogeny(Q)
E,P = phi.codomain(), phi(P)
es[i] -= 1
E = E.quadratic_twist()
return montgomery_coefficient(E)
def get_cluster(coeff):
cluster = dict()
for count in range(1, 3):
for idxs in itertools.combinations(range(len(ls)), count):
for diffs in itertools.product([-1, 1], repeat=len(idxs)):
shift = [diffs[idxs.index(i)] if i in idxs else 0 for i in range(len(ls))]
cluster[int(csidh(coeff, shift))] = list(map(int, shift))
return coeff, cluster
def derive_graph(clusters):
graph = Graph()
shifts = dict()
for (coeff1, cluster1), (coeff2, cluster2) in itertools.combinations(clusters.items(), 2):
if collision := cluster1.keys() & cluster2.keys():
graph.add_edge(coeff1, coeff2)
coeff = collision.pop()
shift = vector(cluster1[coeff]) - vector(cluster2[coeff])
shifts[(coeff1, coeff2)] = shift
shifts[(coeff2, coeff1)] = -shift
if not graph.is_connected():
print('warning: graph is not connected')
return graph, shifts
def validate(center, graph, shifts):
errors = [collections.defaultdict(int) for _ in range(len(ls))]
for vertex in graph.get_vertices():
bias = samples.count(vertex)
if len(path := graph.shortest_path(center, vertex)) > 1:
shift = sum(shifts[edge] for edge in zip(path, path[1:]))
for e, s in zip(errors, shift):
e[s] += bias
if all(map(lambda e: min(e) == 0 or max(e) == 0, errors)):
return errors
def get_search_space(error):
choices = []
for e, l in zip(error, ls):
bound = len(samples)*(1/l + 1-(1-1/l)^2)/2
if 2 in e:
elif -2 in e:
elif 1 in e:
choices.append((-2, -1) if e[1] > bound else (-1, -2))
elif -1 in e:
choices.append((2, 1) if e[-1] > bound else (1, 2))
print(f'Searching {prod(map(len, choices))} possibilities...')
return itertools.product(*choices)
def decrypt(priv):
secret = ','.join(f'{e:+}' for e in priv)
stream =
for i, c in enumerate(b'hxp{'):
if enc[i] ^^ stream[i] != c:
return bytes(map(int.__xor__, enc, stream))
enc_hex = 'b7c4aa9ba15650fcb2e90c26b25b0d67e3bb175f5491bf056295f8d1f55ee398edfde6be3b3c'
enc = bytes.fromhex(enc_hex)
samples = json.loads(open(f'{enc_hex}/samples.json').read())
coeffs = set(samples)
with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
for coeff, cluster in tqdm(pool.imap(get_cluster, coeffs)):
with open(f'{enc_hex}/clusters/{coeff}.json', 'w') as f:
clusters = {coeff: json.loads(open(f'{enc_hex}/clusters/{coeff}.json').read()) for coeff in tqdm(coeffs)}
graph, shifts = derive_graph(clusters)
save(graph, f'{enc_hex}/graph')
save(shifts, f'{enc_hex}/shifts')
graph = load(f'{enc_hex}/graph')
shifts = load(f'{enc_hex}/shifts')
for vertex in sorted(graph.get_vertices(), key=lambda u: -samples.count(u)):
if errors := validate(vertex, graph, shifts):
with Pool(processes=4) as pool:
for flag in filter(None, tqdm(pool.imap(decrypt, get_search_space(errors), 2^20))):
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