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Created May 6, 2019 13:14
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Clang bug 41745
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# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "main.cpp"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cassert>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 2 "main.cpp"
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cassert" 1 3
// cassert standard header
// NOTE: no include guard
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cassert" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 1 3
// yvals.h internal header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifndef _YVALS
#define _YVALS
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals_core.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 1 3
// yvals_core.h internal header (core)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#ifndef _YVALS_CORE_H
#define _YVALS_CORE_H
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
// _HAS_CXX17 directly controls:
// P0005R4 not_fn()
// P0024R2 Parallel Algorithms
// P0025R1 clamp()
// P0030R1 hypot(x, y, z)
// P0031R0 constexpr For <array> (Again) And <iterator>
// P0032R3 Homogeneous Interface For variant/any/optional
// P0040R3 Extending Memory Management Tools
// P0067R5 Elementary String Conversions
// (partially implemented)
// P0083R3 Splicing Maps And Sets
// P0084R2 Emplace Return Type
// P0088R3 <variant>
// P0137R1 launder()
// P0152R1 atomic::is_always_lock_free
// P0154R1 hardware_destructive_interference_size, etc.
// P0156R2 scoped_lock
// P0163R0 shared_ptr::weak_type
// P0185R1 is_swappable, is_nothrow_swappable
// P0209R2 make_from_tuple()
// P0218R1 <filesystem>
// P0220R1 <any>, <memory_resource>, <optional>, <string_view>, apply(), sample(), Boyer-Moore search()
// P0253R1 Fixing Searcher Return Types
// P0254R2 Integrating string_view And std::string
// P0258R2 has_unique_object_representations
// P0272R1 Non-const basic_string::data()
// P0295R0 gcd(), lcm()
// P0307R2 Making Optional Greater Equal Again
// P0336R1 Renaming Parallel Execution Policies
// P0337R0 Deleting polymorphic_allocator Assignment
// P0358R1 Fixes For not_fn()
// P0393R3 Making Variant Greater Equal
// P0394R4 Parallel Algorithms Should terminate() For Exceptions
// P0403R1 UDLs For <string_view> ("meow"sv, etc.)
// P0426R1 constexpr For char_traits
// P0433R2 Deduction Guides For The STL
// P0452R1 Unifying <numeric> Parallel Algorithms
// P0504R0 Revisiting in_place_t/in_place_type_t<T>/in_place_index_t<I>
// P0505R0 constexpr For <chrono> (Again)
// P0508R0 Clarifying insert_return_type
// P0510R0 Rejecting variants Of Nothing, Arrays, References, And Incomplete Types
// P0604R0 invoke_result, is_invocable, is_nothrow_invocable
// P0607R0 Inline Variables For The STL
// P0682R1 Repairing Elementary String Conversions
// P0739R0 Improving Class Template Argument Deduction For The STL
// _HAS_CXX17 indirectly controls:
// N4190 Removing auto_ptr, random_shuffle(), And Old <functional> Stuff
// P0003R5 Removing Dynamic Exception Specifications
// P0004R1 Removing Deprecated Iostreams Aliases
// P0226R1 Mathematical Special Functions
// P0298R3 std::byte
// P0302R1 Removing Allocator Support In std::function
// LWG 2385 function::assign allocator argument doesn't make sense
// LWG 2921 packaged_task and type-erased allocators
// LWG 2976 Dangling uses_allocator specialization for packaged_task
// The non-Standard std::tr1 namespace and TR1-only machinery
// The non-Standard std::identity struct
// The non-Standard std::tr2::sys namespace
// Enforcement of matching allocator value_types
// [[nodiscard]] attributes on STL functions
// P0174R2 Deprecating Vestigial Library Parts
// P0521R0 Deprecating shared_ptr::unique()
// P0618R0 Deprecating <codecvt>
// Other C++17 deprecation warnings
// Implemented unconditionally:
// N3911 void_t
// N4089 Safe Conversions In unique_ptr<T[]>
// N4169 invoke()
// N4258 noexcept Cleanups
// N4259 uncaught_exceptions()
// N4277 Trivially Copyable reference_wrapper
// N4279 insert_or_assign()/try_emplace() For map/unordered_map
// N4280 size(), empty(), data()
// N4366 Precisely Constraining unique_ptr Assignment
// N4387 Improving pair And tuple
// N4389 bool_constant
// N4508 shared_mutex (Untimed)
// N4510 Supporting Incomplete Types In vector/list/forward_list
// P0006R0 Variable Templates For Type Traits (is_same_v, etc.)
// P0007R1 as_const()
// P0013R1 Logical Operator Type Traits (conjunction, etc.)
// P0033R1 Rewording enable_shared_from_this
// P0063R3 C11 Standard Library
// P0074R0 owner_less<>
// P0092R1 <chrono> floor(), ceil(), round(), abs()
// P0414R2 shared_ptr<T[]>, shared_ptr<T[N]>
// P0418R2 atomic compare_exchange memory_order Requirements
// P0435R1 Overhauling common_type
// P0497R0 Fixing shared_ptr For Arrays
// P0513R0 Poisoning hash
// P0516R0 Marking shared_future Copying As noexcept
// P0517R0 Constructing future_error From future_errc
// P0548R1 Tweaking common_type And duration
// P0558R1 Resolving atomic<T> Named Base Class Inconsistencies
// P0599R1 noexcept hash
// P0777R1 Avoiding Unnecessary decay
// P0941R2 Feature-Test Macros
// Parallel Algorithms Notes
// C++ allows an implementation to implement parallel algorithms as calls to the
// serial algorithms. This implementation parallelizes several common algorithm
// calls, but not all.
// The following algorithms are parallelized.
// * adjacent_difference
// * adjacent_find
// * all_of
// * any_of
// * count
// * count_if
// * equal
// * exclusive_scan
// * find
// * find_end
// * find_first_of
// * find_if
// * for_each
// * for_each_n
// * inclusive_scan
// * mismatch
// * none_of
// * reduce
// * remove
// * remove_if
// * search
// * search_n
// * sort
// * stable_sort
// * transform
// * transform_exclusive_scan
// * transform_inclusive_scan
// * transform_reduce
// The following are not presently parallelized:
// No apparent parallelism performance improvement on target hardware; all
// algorithms which merely copy or permute elements with no branches are
// typically memory bandwidth limited.
// * copy
// * copy_backward
// * copy_n
// * fill
// * fill_n
// * move
// * move_backward
// * remove
// * remove_if
// * replace
// * replace_if
// * reverse
// * reverse_copy
// * rotate
// * rotate_copy
// * swap_ranges
// Confusion over user parallelism requirements exists; likely in the above
// category anyway.
// * generate
// * generate_n
// Effective parallelism suspected to be infeasible.
// * partial_sort
// * partial_sort_copy
// Not yet evaluated; parallelism may be implemented in a future release and is
// suspected to be beneficial.
// * copy_if
// * includes
// * inplace_merge
// * is_heap
// * is_heap_until
// * is_partitioned
// * is_sorted
// * is_sorted_until
// * lexicographical_compare
// * max_element
// * merge
// * min_element
// * minmax_element
// * nth_element
// * partition_copy
// * remove_copy
// * remove_copy_if
// * replace_copy
// * replace_copy_if
// * set_difference
// * set_intersection
// * set_symmetric_difference
// * set_union
// * stable_partition
// * unique
// * unique_copy
#ifndef _HAS_CXX17
#ifdef _MSVC_LANG
#if _MSVC_LANG > 201402L
#define _HAS_CXX17 1
#else /* _MSVC_LANG > 201402L */
# 209 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _HAS_CXX17 0
#endif /* _MSVC_LANG > 201402L */
# 211 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#else /* _MSVC_LANG */
# 212 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#if __cplusplus > 201402L
#define _HAS_CXX17 1
#else /* __cplusplus > 201402L */
# 215 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _HAS_CXX17 0
#endif /* __cplusplus > 201402L */
# 217 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _MSVC_LANG */
# 218 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 219 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xkeycheck.h> // _HAS_CXX17 must be defined before including this
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 220 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 1 3
/* xkeycheck.h internal header */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#ifndef _XKEYCHECK_H
#define _XKEYCHECK_H
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if !defined(__cplusplus)
#if defined(auto) /* check C keywords */ \
|| defined(break) \
|| defined(case) \
|| defined(char) \
|| defined(const) \
|| defined(continue) \
|| defined(default) \
|| defined(do) \
|| defined(double) \
|| defined(else) \
|| defined(enum) \
|| defined(extern) \
|| defined(float) \
|| defined(for) \
|| defined(goto) \
|| defined(if) \
|| defined(inline) \
|| defined(int) \
|| defined(long) \
|| defined(register) \
|| defined(restrict) \
|| defined(return) \
|| defined(short) \
|| defined(signed) \
|| defined(sizeof) \
|| defined(static) \
|| defined(struct) \
|| defined(switch) \
|| defined(typedef) \
|| defined(union) \
|| defined(unsigned) \
|| defined(void) \
|| defined(volatile) \
|| defined(while) \
|| defined(_Bool) \
|| defined(_Complex) \
|| defined(_Imaginary)
#define auto EMIT WARNING C4005
#define break EMIT WARNING C4005
#define case EMIT WARNING C4005
#define char EMIT WARNING C4005
#define const EMIT WARNING C4005
#define continue EMIT WARNING C4005
#define default EMIT WARNING C4005
#define do EMIT WARNING C4005
#define double EMIT WARNING C4005
#define else EMIT WARNING C4005
#define enum EMIT WARNING C4005
#define extern EMIT WARNING C4005
#define float EMIT WARNING C4005
#define for EMIT WARNING C4005
#define goto EMIT WARNING C4005
#define if EMIT WARNING C4005
#define inline EMIT WARNING C4005
#define int EMIT WARNING C4005
#define long EMIT WARNING C4005
#define register EMIT WARNING C4005
#define restrict EMIT WARNING C4005
#define return EMIT WARNING C4005
#define short EMIT WARNING C4005
#define signed EMIT WARNING C4005
#define sizeof EMIT WARNING C4005
#define static EMIT WARNING C4005
#define struct EMIT WARNING C4005
#define switch EMIT WARNING C4005
#define typedef EMIT WARNING C4005
#define union EMIT WARNING C4005
#define unsigned EMIT WARNING C4005
#define void EMIT WARNING C4005
#define volatile EMIT WARNING C4005
#define while EMIT WARNING C4005
#define _Bool EMIT WARNING C4005
#define _Complex EMIT WARNING C4005
#define _Imaginary EMIT WARNING C4005
#error The C Standard Library forbids macroizing keywords. Enable warning C4005 to find the forbidden macro.
#endif /* defined... */
# 89 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#else /* __cplusplus is defined */
# 91 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#if defined(alignas) /* check C++ keywords */ \
|| defined(alignof) \
|| defined(asm) \
|| defined(auto) \
|| defined(bool) \
|| defined(break) \
|| defined(case) \
|| defined(catch) \
|| defined(char) \
|| defined(char16_t) \
|| defined(char32_t) \
|| defined(class) \
|| defined(const) \
|| defined(const_cast) \
|| defined(constexpr) \
|| defined(continue) \
|| defined(decltype) \
|| defined(default) \
|| defined(delete) \
|| defined(do) \
|| defined(double) \
|| defined(dynamic_cast) \
|| defined(else) \
|| defined(enum) \
|| defined(explicit) \
|| defined(export) \
|| defined(extern) \
|| defined(false) \
|| defined(float) \
|| defined(for) \
|| defined(friend) \
|| defined(goto) \
|| defined(if) \
|| defined(inline) \
|| defined(int) \
|| defined(long) \
|| defined(mutable) \
|| defined(namespace) \
|| defined(new) && defined(_ENFORCE_BAN_OF_MACRO_NEW) \
|| defined(noexcept) \
|| defined(nullptr) \
|| defined(operator) \
|| defined(private) \
|| defined(protected) \
|| defined(public) \
|| defined(register) \
|| defined(reinterpret_cast) \
|| defined(return) \
|| defined(short) \
|| defined(signed) \
|| defined(sizeof) \
|| defined(static) \
|| defined(static_assert) \
|| defined(static_cast) \
|| defined(struct) \
|| defined(switch) \
|| defined(template) \
|| defined(this) \
|| defined(thread_local) \
|| defined(throw) \
|| defined(true) \
|| defined(try) \
|| defined(typedef) \
|| defined(typeid) \
|| defined(typename) \
|| defined(union) \
|| defined(unsigned) \
|| defined(using) \
|| defined(virtual) \
|| defined(void) \
|| defined(volatile) \
|| defined(wchar_t) \
|| defined(while) \
|| defined(final) /* check "identifiers with special meaning" */ \
|| defined(override) /* (also known as context-sensitive keywords) */ \
|| defined(carries_dependency) /* check attribute-tokens */ \
|| defined(deprecated) && _HAS_CXX17 \
|| defined(fallthrough) && _HAS_CXX17 \
|| defined(maybe_unused) && _HAS_CXX17 \
|| defined(nodiscard) && _HAS_CXX17 \
|| defined(noreturn)
#define alignas EMIT WARNING C4005
#define alignof EMIT WARNING C4005
#define asm EMIT WARNING C4005
#define auto EMIT WARNING C4005
#define bool EMIT WARNING C4005
#define break EMIT WARNING C4005
#define case EMIT WARNING C4005
#define catch EMIT WARNING C4005
#define char EMIT WARNING C4005
#define char16_t EMIT WARNING C4005
#define char32_t EMIT WARNING C4005
#define class EMIT WARNING C4005
#define const EMIT WARNING C4005
#define const_cast EMIT WARNING C4005
#define constexpr EMIT WARNING C4005
#define continue EMIT WARNING C4005
#define decltype EMIT WARNING C4005
#define default EMIT WARNING C4005
#define delete EMIT WARNING C4005
#define do EMIT WARNING C4005
#define double EMIT WARNING C4005
#define dynamic_cast EMIT WARNING C4005
#define else EMIT WARNING C4005
#define enum EMIT WARNING C4005
#define explicit EMIT WARNING C4005
#define export EMIT WARNING C4005
#define extern EMIT WARNING C4005
#define false EMIT WARNING C4005
#define float EMIT WARNING C4005
#define for EMIT WARNING C4005
#define friend EMIT WARNING C4005
#define goto EMIT WARNING C4005
#define if EMIT WARNING C4005
#define inline EMIT WARNING C4005
#define int EMIT WARNING C4005
#define long EMIT WARNING C4005
#define mutable EMIT WARNING C4005
#define namespace EMIT WARNING C4005
#define new EMIT WARNING C4005
# 215 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#define noexcept EMIT WARNING C4005
#define nullptr EMIT WARNING C4005
#define operator EMIT WARNING C4005
#define private EMIT WARNING C4005
#define protected EMIT WARNING C4005
#define public EMIT WARNING C4005
#define register EMIT WARNING C4005
#define reinterpret_cast EMIT WARNING C4005
#define return EMIT WARNING C4005
#define short EMIT WARNING C4005
#define signed EMIT WARNING C4005
#define sizeof EMIT WARNING C4005
#define static EMIT WARNING C4005
#define static_assert EMIT WARNING C4005
#define static_cast EMIT WARNING C4005
#define struct EMIT WARNING C4005
#define switch EMIT WARNING C4005
#define template EMIT WARNING C4005
#define this EMIT WARNING C4005
#define thread_local EMIT WARNING C4005
#define throw EMIT WARNING C4005
#define true EMIT WARNING C4005
#define try EMIT WARNING C4005
#define typedef EMIT WARNING C4005
#define typeid EMIT WARNING C4005
#define typename EMIT WARNING C4005
#define union EMIT WARNING C4005
#define unsigned EMIT WARNING C4005
#define using EMIT WARNING C4005
#define virtual EMIT WARNING C4005
#define void EMIT WARNING C4005
#define volatile EMIT WARNING C4005
#define wchar_t EMIT WARNING C4005
#define while EMIT WARNING C4005
#define final EMIT WARNING C4005
#define override EMIT WARNING C4005
#define carries_dependency EMIT WARNING C4005
#if _HAS_CXX17
#define deprecated EMIT WARNING C4005
#define fallthrough EMIT WARNING C4005
#define maybe_unused EMIT WARNING C4005
#define nodiscard EMIT WARNING C4005
#endif /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 258 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#define noreturn EMIT WARNING C4005
#error The C++ Standard Library forbids macroizing keywords. Enable warning C4005 to find the forbidden macro.
#endif /* defined... */
# 262 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
# 263 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
# 265 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 267 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
#endif /* _XKEYCHECK_H */
# 268 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xkeycheck.h" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 221 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <crtdefs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 221 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 1 3
// crtdefs.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Declarations used across the Visual C++ Libraries. The lack of #pragma once
// is deliberate.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 1 3
// vcruntime.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Declarations used throughout the VCRuntime library.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// Note on use of "deprecate":
// Various places in this header and other headers use
// __declspec(deprecate) or macros that have the term DEPRECATE in them.
// We use "deprecate" here ONLY to signal the compiler to emit a warning
// about these items. The use of "deprecate" should NOT be taken to imply
// that any standard committee has deprecated these functions from the
// relevant standards. In fact, these functions are NOT deprecated from
// the standard.
// Full details can be found in our documentation by searching for
// "Security Enhancements in the CRT".
#ifndef _VCRUNTIME_H
#define _VCRUNTIME_H
#ifndef _UCRT
#define _UCRT
# 29 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// The _CRTIMP macro is not used in the VCRuntime or the CoreCRT anymore, but
// there is a lot of existing code that declares CRT functions using this macro,
// and if we remove its definition, we break that existing code. It is thus
// defined here only for compatibility.
#ifndef _CRTIMP
#if defined CRTDLL && defined _CRTBLD
#define _CRTIMP __declspec(dllexport)
# 39 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifdef _DLL
#define _CRTIMP __declspec(dllimport)
# 42 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _CRTIMP
# 44 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 45 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 46 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <sal.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 1 3
*sal.h - markers for documenting the semantics of APIs
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* sal.h provides a set of annotations to describe how a function uses its
* parameters - the assumptions it makes about them, and the guarantees it makes
* upon finishing.
* [Public]
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
The comments in this file are intended to give basic understanding of
the usage of SAL, the Microsoft Source Code Annotation Language.
For more details, please see
The macros are defined in 3 layers, plus the structural set:
_In_/_Out_/_Ret_ Layer:
This layer provides the highest abstraction and its macros should be used
in most cases. These macros typically start with:
_In_ : input parameter to a function, unmodified by called function
_Out_ : output parameter, written to by called function, pointed-to
location not expected to be initialized prior to call
_Outptr_ : like _Out_ when returned variable is a pointer type
(so param is pointer-to-pointer type). Called function
provides/allocated space.
_Outref_ : like _Outptr_, except param is reference-to-pointer type.
_Inout_ : inout parameter, read from and potentially modified by
called function.
_Ret_ : for return values
_Field_ : class/struct field invariants
For common usage, this class of SAL provides the most concise annotations.
Note that _In_/_Out_/_Inout_/_Outptr_ annotations are designed to be used
with a parameter target. Using them with _At_ to specify non-parameter
targets may yield unexpected results.
This layer also includes a number of other properties that can be specified
to extend the ability of code analysis, most notably:
-- Designating parameters as format strings for printf/scanf/scanf_s
-- Requesting stricter type checking for C enum parameters
_Pre_/_Post_ Layer:
The macros of this layer only should be used when there is no suitable macro
in the _In_/_Out_ layer. Its macros start with _Pre_ or _Post_.
This layer provides the most flexibility for annotations.
Implementation Abstraction Layer:
Macros from this layer should never be used directly. The layer only exists
to hide the implementation of the annotation macros.
Structural Layer:
These annotations, like _At_ and _When_, are used with annotations from
any of the other layers as modifiers, indicating exactly when and where
the annotations apply.
Common syntactic conventions:
_In_, _Out_, _Inout_, _Pre_, _Post_, are for formal parameters.
_Ret_, _Deref_ret_ must be used for return values.
If the parameter can be NULL as a precondition to the function, the
annotation contains _opt. If the macro does not contain '_opt' the
parameter cannot be NULL.
If an out/inout parameter returns a null pointer as a postcondition, this is
indicated by _Ret_maybenull_ or _result_maybenull_. If the macro is not
of this form, then the result will not be NULL as a postcondition.
_Outptr_ - output value is not NULL
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ - output value might be NULL
String Type:
_z: NullTerminated string
for _In_ parameters the buffer must have the specified stringtype before the call
for _Out_ parameters the buffer must have the specified stringtype after the call
for _Inout_ parameters both conditions apply
Extent Syntax:
Buffer sizes are expressed as element counts, unless the macro explicitly
contains _byte_ or _bytes_. Some annotations specify two buffer sizes, in
which case the second is used to indicate how much of the buffer is valid
as a postcondition. This table outlines the precondition buffer allocation
size, precondition number of valid elements, postcondition allocation size,
and postcondition number of valid elements for representative buffer size
Pre | Pre | Post | Post
alloc | valid | alloc | valid
Annotation elems | elems | elems | elems
---------- ------------------------------------
_In_reads_(s) s | s | s | s
_Inout_updates_(s) s | s | s | s
_Inout_updates_to_(s,c) s | s | s | c
_Out_writes_(s) s | 0 | s | s
_Out_writes_to_(s,c) s | 0 | s | c
_Outptr_result_buffer_(s) ? | ? | s | s
_Outptr_result_buffer_to_(s,c) ? | ? | s | c
For the _Outptr_ annotations, the buffer in question is at one level of
dereference. The called function is responsible for supplying the buffer.
Success and failure:
The SAL concept of success allows functions to define expressions that can
be tested by the caller, which if it evaluates to non-zero, indicates the
function succeeded, which means that its postconditions are guaranteed to
hold. Otherwise, if the expression evaluates to zero, the function is
considered to have failed, and the postconditions are not guaranteed.
The success criteria can be specified with the _Success_(expr) annotation:
_Success_(return != FALSE) BOOL
PathCanonicalizeA(_Out_writes_(MAX_PATH) LPSTR pszBuf, LPCSTR pszPath) :
pszBuf is only guaranteed to be NULL-terminated when TRUE is returned,
and FALSE indiates failure. In common practice, callers check for zero
vs. non-zero returns, so it is preferable to express the success
criteria in terms of zero/non-zero, not checked for exactly TRUE.
Functions can specify that some postconditions will still hold, even when
the function fails, using _On_failure_(anno-list), or postconditions that
hold regardless of success or failure using _Always_(anno-list).
The annotation _Return_type_success_(expr) may be used with a typedef to
give a default _Success_ criteria to all functions returning that type.
This is the case for common Windows API status types, including
HRESULT and NTSTATUS. This may be overridden on a per-function basis by
specifying a _Success_ annotation locally.
#define __ATTR_SAL
#ifndef _SAL_VERSION
#define _SAL_VERSION 20
# 151 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#ifndef __SAL_H_VERSION
#define __SAL_H_VERSION 180000000
# 155 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#ifdef _PREFAST_ // [
// choose attribute or __declspec implementation
#endif // ]
# 162 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#elif !defined(_USE_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SAL) // ][
# 167 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif // ]
# 169 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif // ]
# 176 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif // ]
# 177 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
# 179 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Disable expansion of SAL macros in non-Prefast mode to
// improve compiler throughput.
#endif // ]
# 185 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif // ]
# 188 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif // ]
# 190 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// safeguard for MIDL and RC builds
#if _USE_DECLSPECS_FOR_SAL && ( defined( MIDL_PASS ) || defined(__midl) || defined(RC_INVOKED) || !defined(_PREFAST_) ) // [
#endif // ]
# 196 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#if _USE_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SAL && ( !defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) || defined( MIDL_PASS ) || defined(__midl) || defined(RC_INVOKED) ) // [
#endif // ]
# 200 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Special enum type for Y/N/M
enum __SAL_YesNo {_SAL_notpresent, _SAL_no, _SAL_maybe, _SAL_yes, _SAL_default};
# 207 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _SAL1_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "1") _GrouP_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _SAL1_1_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "1.1") _GrouP_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _SAL1_2_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "1.2") _GrouP_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _SAL2_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "2") _GrouP_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#ifndef _SAL_L_Source_
// Some annotations aren't officially SAL2 yet.
#define _SAL_L_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "2") _GrouP_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
# 218 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
# 219 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _SAL1_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "1") _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _SAL1_1_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "1.1") _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _SAL1_2_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "1.2") _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _SAL2_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "2") _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
#ifndef _SAL_L_Source_
// Some annotations aren't officially SAL2 yet.
#define _SAL_L_Source_(Name, args, annotes) _SA_annotes3(SAL_name, #Name, "", "2") _Group_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_)
# 228 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
# 229 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Structural SAL:
// These annotations modify the use of other annotations. They may
// express the annotation target (i.e. what parameter/field the annotation
// applies to) or the condition under which the annotation is applicable.
// _At_(target, annos) specifies that the annotations listed in 'annos' is to
// be applied to 'target' rather than to the identifier which is the current
// lexical target.
#define _At_(target, annos) _At_impl_(target, annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
// _At_buffer_(target, iter, bound, annos) is similar to _At_, except that
// target names a buffer, and each annotation in annos is applied to each
// element of target up to bound, with the variable named in iter usable
// by the annotations to refer to relevant offsets within target.
#define _At_buffer_(target, iter, bound, annos) _At_buffer_impl_(target, iter, bound, annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
// _When_(expr, annos) specifies that the annotations listed in 'annos' only
// apply when 'expr' evaluates to non-zero.
#define _When_(expr, annos) _When_impl_(expr, annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _Group_(annos) _Group_impl_(annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _GrouP_(annos) _GrouP_impl_(annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
// <expr> indicates whether normal post conditions apply to a function
#define _Success_(expr) _SAL2_Source_(_Success_, (expr), _Success_impl_(expr))
// <expr> indicates whether post conditions apply to a function returning
// the type that this annotation is applied to
#define _Return_type_success_(expr) _SAL2_Source_(_Return_type_success_, (expr), _Success_impl_(expr))
// Establish postconditions that apply only if the function does not succeed
#define _On_failure_(annos) _On_failure_impl_(annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
// Establish postconditions that apply in both success and failure cases.
// Only applicable with functions that have _Success_ or _Return_type_succss_.
#define _Always_(annos) _Always_impl_(annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
// Usable on a function defintion. Asserts that a function declaration is
// in scope, and its annotations are to be used. There are no other annotations
// allowed on the function definition.
#define _Use_decl_annotations_ _Use_decl_anno_impl_
// _Notref_ may precede a _Deref_ or "real" annotation, and removes one
// level of dereference if the parameter is a C++ reference (&). If the
// net deref on a "real" annotation is negative, it is simply discarded.
#define _Notref_ _Notref_impl_
// Annotations for defensive programming styles.
#define _Pre_defensive_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_pre_defensive)
#define _Post_defensive_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_post_defensive)
#define _In_defensive_(annotes) _Pre_defensive_ _Group_(annotes)
#define _Out_defensive_(annotes) _Post_defensive_ _Group_(annotes)
#define _Inout_defensive_(annotes) _Pre_defensive_ _Post_defensive_ _Group_(annotes)
// _In_/_Out_ Layer:
// Reserved pointer parameters, must always be NULL.
#define _Reserved_ _SAL2_Source_(_Reserved_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__null_impl))
// _Const_ allows specification that any namable memory location is considered
// readonly for a given call.
#define _Const_ _SAL2_Source_(_Const_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__readaccess_impl_notref))
// Input parameters --------------------------
// _In_ - Annotations for parameters where data is passed into the function, but not modified.
// _In_ by itself can be used with non-pointer types (although it is redundant).
// e.g. void SetPoint( _In_ const POINT* pPT );
#define _In_ _SAL2_Source_(_In_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Deref_pre1_impl_(__readaccess_impl_notref))
#define _In_opt_ _SAL2_Source_(_In_opt_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Deref_pre_readonly_)
// nullterminated 'in' parameters.
// e.g. void CopyStr( _In_z_ const char* szFrom, _Out_z_cap_(cchTo) char* szTo, size_t cchTo );
#define _In_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_In_z_, (), _In_ _Pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl))
#define _In_opt_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_In_opt_z_, (), _In_opt_ _Pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl))
// 'input' buffers with given size
#define _In_reads_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_, (size), _Pre_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_reads_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_opt_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_reads_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_bytes_, (size), _Pre_bytecount_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_reads_bytes_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_bytes_opt_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecount_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_reads_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_z_, (size), _In_reads_(size) _Pre_z_)
#define _In_reads_opt_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_opt_z_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_ _Pre_opt_z_)
#define _In_reads_or_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_or_z_, (size), _In_ _When_(_String_length_(_Curr_) < (size), _Pre_z_) _When_(_String_length_(_Curr_) >= (size), _Pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size))))
#define _In_reads_or_z_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_or_z_opt_, (size), _In_opt_ _When_(_String_length_(_Curr_) < (size), _Pre_z_) _When_(_String_length_(_Curr_) >= (size), _Pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size))))
// 'input' buffers valid to the given end pointer
#define _In_reads_to_ptr_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_to_ptr_, (ptr), _Pre_ptrdiff_count_(ptr) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_reads_to_ptr_opt_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_to_ptr_opt_, (ptr), _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_count_(ptr) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_reads_to_ptr_z_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_to_ptr_z_, (ptr), _In_reads_to_ptr_(ptr) _Pre_z_)
#define _In_reads_to_ptr_opt_z_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_In_reads_to_ptr_opt_z_, (ptr), _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_count_(ptr) _Deref_pre_readonly_ _Pre_opt_z_)
// Output parameters --------------------------
// _Out_ - Annotations for pointer or reference parameters where data passed back to the caller.
// These are mostly used where the pointer/reference is to a non-pointer type.
// _Outptr_/_Outref) (see below) are typically used to return pointers via parameters.
// e.g. void GetPoint( _Out_ POINT* pPT );
#define _Out_ _SAL2_Source_(_Out_, (), _Out_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_ _SAL2_Source_(_Out_opt_, (), _Out_opt_impl_)
#define _Out_writes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_, (size), _Pre_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_writes_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_opt_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_writes_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_bytes_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_bytes_opt_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_writes_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_z_, (size), _Pre_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_writes_opt_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_opt_z_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_writes_to_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_to_, (size,count), _Pre_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_(count))
#define _Out_writes_to_opt_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_to_opt_, (size,count), _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_(count))
#define _Out_writes_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_all_, (size), _Out_writes_to_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
#define _Out_writes_all_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_all_opt_, (size), _Out_writes_to_opt_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
#define _Out_writes_bytes_to_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_bytes_to_, (size,count), _Pre_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_(count))
#define _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_, (size,count), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_(count))
#define _Out_writes_bytes_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_bytes_all_, (size), _Out_writes_bytes_to_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
#define _Out_writes_bytes_all_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_bytes_all_opt_, (size), _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
#define _Out_writes_to_ptr_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_to_ptr_, (ptr), _Pre_ptrdiff_cap_(ptr) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_writes_to_ptr_opt_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_to_ptr_opt_, (ptr), _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(ptr) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_writes_to_ptr_z_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_to_ptr_z_, (ptr), _Pre_ptrdiff_cap_(ptr) _Post_valid_impl_ Post_z_)
#define _Out_writes_to_ptr_opt_z_(ptr) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_writes_to_ptr_opt_z_, (ptr), _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(ptr) _Post_valid_impl_ Post_z_)
// Inout parameters ----------------------------
// _Inout_ - Annotations for pointer or reference parameters where data is passed in and
// potentially modified.
// void ModifyPoint( _Inout_ POINT* pPT );
// void ModifyPointByRef( _Inout_ POINT& pPT );
#define _Inout_ _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_, (), _Prepost_valid_)
#define _Inout_opt_ _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_opt_, (), _Prepost_opt_valid_)
// For modifying string buffers
// void toupper( _Inout_z_ char* sz );
#define _Inout_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_z_, (), _Prepost_z_)
#define _Inout_opt_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_, (), _Prepost_opt_z_)
// For modifying buffers with explicit element size
#define _Inout_updates_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_, (size), _Pre_cap_(size) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Inout_updates_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_opt_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Inout_updates_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_z_, (size), _Pre_cap_(size) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Post_valid_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Post1_impl_(__zterm_impl))
#define _Inout_updates_opt_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_opt_z_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Post_valid_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Post1_impl_(__zterm_impl))
#define _Inout_updates_to_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_to_, (size,count), _Out_writes_to_(size,count) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size)))
#define _Inout_updates_to_opt_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_to_opt_, (size,count), _Out_writes_to_opt_(size,count) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size)))
#define _Inout_updates_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_all_, (size), _Inout_updates_to_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
#define _Inout_updates_all_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_all_opt_, (size), _Inout_updates_to_opt_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
// For modifying buffers with explicit byte size
#define _Inout_updates_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_bytes_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_(size) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Inout_updates_bytes_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_bytes_opt_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Inout_updates_bytes_to_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_bytes_to_, (size,count), _Out_writes_bytes_to_(size,count) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)))
#define _Inout_updates_bytes_to_opt_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_bytes_to_opt_, (size,count), _Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(size,count) _Pre_valid_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)))
#define _Inout_updates_bytes_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_bytes_all_, (size), _Inout_updates_bytes_to_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
#define _Inout_updates_bytes_all_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Inout_updates_bytes_all_opt_, (size), _Inout_updates_bytes_to_opt_(_Old_(size), _Old_(size)))
// Pointer to pointer parameters -------------------------
// _Outptr_ - Annotations for output params returning pointers
// These describe parameters where the called function provides the buffer:
// HRESULT SHStrDupW(_In_ LPCWSTR psz, _Outptr_ LPWSTR *ppwsz);
// The caller passes the address of an LPWSTR variable as ppwsz, and SHStrDupW allocates
// and initializes memory and returns the pointer to the new LPWSTR in *ppwsz.
// _Outptr_opt_ - describes parameters that are allowed to be NULL.
// _Outptr_*_result_maybenull_ - describes parameters where the called function might return NULL to the caller.
// Example:
// void MyFunc(_Outptr_opt_ int **ppData1, _Outptr_result_maybenull_ int **ppData2);
// Callers:
// MyFunc(NULL, NULL); // error: parameter 2, ppData2, should not be NULL
// MyFunc(&pData1, &pData2); // ok: both non-NULL
// if (*pData1 == *pData2) ... // error: pData2 might be NULL after call
#define _Outptr_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_, (), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __count_impl(1)))
#define _Outptr_result_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_maybenull_, (), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __count_impl(1)))
#define _Outptr_opt_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_, (), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __count_impl(1)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_, (), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __count_impl(1)))
// Annotations for _Outptr_ parameters returning pointers to null terminated strings.
#define _Outptr_result_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_z_, (), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Outptr_opt_result_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_z_, (), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_maybenull_z_, (), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post_opt_z_)
#define _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_z_, (), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post_opt_z_)
// Annotations for _Outptr_ parameters where the output pointer is set to NULL if the function fails.
#define _Outptr_result_nullonfailure_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_nullonfailure_, (), _Outptr_ _On_failure_(_Deref_post_null_))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_nullonfailure_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_nullonfailure_, (), _Outptr_opt_ _On_failure_(_Deref_post_null_))
// Annotations for _Outptr_ parameters which return a pointer to a ref-counted COM object,
// following the COM convention of setting the output to NULL on failure.
// The current implementation is identical to _Outptr_result_nullonfailure_.
// For pointers to types that are not COM objects, _Outptr_result_nullonfailure_ is preferred.
#define _COM_Outptr_ _SAL2_Source_(_COM_Outptr_, (), _Outptr_ _On_failure_(_Deref_post_null_))
#define _COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_COM_Outptr_result_maybenull_, (), _Outptr_result_maybenull_ _On_failure_(_Deref_post_null_))
#define _COM_Outptr_opt_ _SAL2_Source_(_COM_Outptr_opt_, (), _Outptr_opt_ _On_failure_(_Deref_post_null_))
#define _COM_Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_COM_Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_, (), _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_ _On_failure_(_Deref_post_null_))
// Annotations for _Outptr_ parameters returning a pointer to buffer with a specified number of elements/bytes
#define _Outptr_result_buffer_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_buffer_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_buffer_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_result_buffer_to_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_buffer_to_, (size, count), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size), __count_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_to_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_buffer_to_, (size, count), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size), __count_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_result_buffer_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_buffer_all_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __count_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_buffer_all_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __count_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_buffer_maybenull_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_result_buffer_to_maybenull_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_buffer_to_maybenull_, (size, count), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size), __count_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_to_maybenull_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_buffer_to_maybenull_, (size, count), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __cap_impl(size), __count_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_result_buffer_all_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_buffer_all_maybenull_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __count_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_buffer_all_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_buffer_all_maybenull_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __count_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_to_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_to_, (size, count), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size), __bytecount_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_to_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_to_, (size, count), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size), __bytecount_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_all_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __bytecount_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_all_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __bytecount_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_maybenull_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_maybenull_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_to_maybenull_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_to_maybenull_, (size, count), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size), __bytecount_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_to_maybenull_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_to_maybenull_, (size, count), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post3_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __bytecap_impl(size), __bytecount_impl(count)))
#define _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_all_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_result_bytebuffer_all_maybenull_, (size), _Out_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __bytecount_impl(size)))
#define _Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_all_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outptr_opt_result_bytebuffer_all_maybenull_, (size), _Out_opt_impl_ _Deref_post2_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref, __bytecount_impl(size)))
// Annotations for output reference to pointer parameters.
#define _Outref_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_, (), _Out_impl_ _Post_notnull_)
#define _Outref_result_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_maybenull_, (), _Pre2_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref, __cap_c_one_notref_impl) _Post_maybenull_ _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Outref_result_buffer_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_buffer_, (size), _Outref_ _Post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Outref_result_bytebuffer_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_bytebuffer_, (size), _Outref_ _Post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Outref_result_buffer_to_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_buffer_to_, (size, count), _Outref_result_buffer_(size) _Post1_impl_(__count_impl(count)))
#define _Outref_result_bytebuffer_to_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_bytebuffer_to_, (size, count), _Outref_result_bytebuffer_(size) _Post1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(count)))
#define _Outref_result_buffer_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_buffer_all_, (size), _Outref_result_buffer_to_(size, _Old_(size)))
#define _Outref_result_bytebuffer_all_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_bytebuffer_all_, (size), _Outref_result_bytebuffer_to_(size, _Old_(size)))
#define _Outref_result_buffer_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_buffer_maybenull_, (size), _Outref_result_maybenull_ _Post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Outref_result_bytebuffer_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_bytebuffer_maybenull_, (size), _Outref_result_maybenull_ _Post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Outref_result_buffer_to_maybenull_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_buffer_to_maybenull_, (size, count), _Outref_result_buffer_maybenull_(size) _Post1_impl_(__count_impl(count)))
#define _Outref_result_bytebuffer_to_maybenull_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_bytebuffer_to_maybenull_, (size, count), _Outref_result_bytebuffer_maybenull_(size) _Post1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(count)))
#define _Outref_result_buffer_all_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_buffer_all_maybenull_, (size), _Outref_result_buffer_to_maybenull_(size, _Old_(size)))
#define _Outref_result_bytebuffer_all_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_bytebuffer_all_maybenull_, (size), _Outref_result_bytebuffer_to_maybenull_(size, _Old_(size)))
// Annotations for output reference to pointer parameters that guarantee
// that the pointer is set to NULL on failure.
#define _Outref_result_nullonfailure_ _SAL2_Source_(_Outref_result_nullonfailure_, (), _Outref_ _On_failure_(_Post_null_))
// Generic annotations to set output value of a by-pointer or by-reference parameter to null/zero on failure.
#define _Result_nullonfailure_ _SAL2_Source_(_Result_nullonfailure_, (), _On_failure_(_Notref_impl_ _Deref_impl_ _Post_null_))
#define _Result_zeroonfailure_ _SAL2_Source_(_Result_zeroonfailure_, (), _On_failure_(_Notref_impl_ _Deref_impl_ _Out_range_(==, 0)))
// return values -------------------------------
// _Ret_ annotations
// describing conditions that hold for return values after the call
// e.g. _Ret_z_ CString::operator const wchar_t*() const noexcept;
#define _Ret_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_z_, (), _Ret2_impl_(__notnull_impl, __zterm_impl) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_maybenull_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_maybenull_z_, (), _Ret2_impl_(__maybenull_impl,__zterm_impl) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// used with allocated but not yet initialized objects
#define _Ret_notnull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_notnull_, (), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl))
#define _Ret_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_maybenull_, (), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl))
#define _Ret_null_ _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_null_, (), _Ret1_impl_(__null_impl))
// used with allocated and initialized objects
// returns single valid object
#define _Ret_valid_ _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_valid_, (), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// returns pointer to initialized buffer of specified size
#define _Ret_writes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_, (size), _Ret2_impl_(__notnull_impl, __count_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_z_, (size), _Ret3_impl_(__notnull_impl, __count_impl(size), __zterm_impl) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_bytes_, (size), _Ret2_impl_(__notnull_impl, __bytecount_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_maybenull_, (size), _Ret2_impl_(__maybenull_impl,__count_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_maybenull_z_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_maybenull_z_, (size), _Ret3_impl_(__maybenull_impl,__count_impl(size),__zterm_impl) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_bytes_maybenull_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_bytes_maybenull_, (size), _Ret2_impl_(__maybenull_impl,__bytecount_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// returns pointer to partially initialized buffer, with total size 'size' and initialized size 'count'
#define _Ret_writes_to_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_to_, (size,count), _Ret3_impl_(__notnull_impl, __cap_impl(size), __count_impl(count)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_bytes_to_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_bytes_to_, (size,count), _Ret3_impl_(__notnull_impl, __bytecap_impl(size), __bytecount_impl(count)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_to_maybenull_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_to_maybenull_, (size,count), _Ret3_impl_(__maybenull_impl, __cap_impl(size), __count_impl(count)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_writes_bytes_to_maybenull_(size,count) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_writes_bytes_to_maybenull_, (size,count), _Ret3_impl_(__maybenull_impl, __bytecap_impl(size), __bytecount_impl(count)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// Annotations for strict type checking
#define _Points_to_data_ _SAL2_Source_(_Points_to_data_, (), _Pre_ _Points_to_data_impl_)
#define _Literal_ _SAL2_Source_(_Literal_, (), _Pre_ _Literal_impl_)
#define _Notliteral_ _SAL2_Source_(_Notliteral_, (), _Pre_ _Notliteral_impl_)
// Check the return value of a function e.g. _Check_return_ ErrorCode Foo();
#define _Check_return_ _SAL2_Source_(_Check_return_, (), _Check_return_impl_)
#define _Must_inspect_result_ _SAL2_Source_(_Must_inspect_result_, (), _Must_inspect_impl_ _Check_return_impl_)
// e.g. MyPrintF( _Printf_format_string_ const wchar_t* wzFormat, ... );
#define _Printf_format_string_ _SAL2_Source_(_Printf_format_string_, (), _Printf_format_string_impl_)
#define _Scanf_format_string_ _SAL2_Source_(_Scanf_format_string_, (), _Scanf_format_string_impl_)
#define _Scanf_s_format_string_ _SAL2_Source_(_Scanf_s_format_string_, (), _Scanf_s_format_string_impl_)
#define _Format_string_impl_(kind,where) _SA_annotes2(SAL_IsFormatString2, kind, where)
#define _Printf_format_string_params_(x) _SAL2_Source_(_Printf_format_string_params_, (x), _Format_string_impl_("printf", x))
#define _Scanf_format_string_params_(x) _SAL2_Source_(_Scanf_format_string_params_, (x), _Format_string_impl_("scanf", x))
#define _Scanf_s_format_string_params_(x) _SAL2_Source_(_Scanf_s_format_string_params_, (x), _Format_string_impl_("scanf_s", x))
// annotations to express value of integral or pointer parameter
#define _In_range_(lb,ub) _SAL2_Source_(_In_range_, (lb,ub), _In_range_impl_(lb,ub))
#define _Out_range_(lb,ub) _SAL2_Source_(_Out_range_, (lb,ub), _Out_range_impl_(lb,ub))
#define _Ret_range_(lb,ub) _SAL2_Source_(_Ret_range_, (lb,ub), _Ret_range_impl_(lb,ub))
#define _Deref_in_range_(lb,ub) _SAL2_Source_(_Deref_in_range_, (lb,ub), _Deref_in_range_impl_(lb,ub))
#define _Deref_out_range_(lb,ub) _SAL2_Source_(_Deref_out_range_, (lb,ub), _Deref_out_range_impl_(lb,ub))
#define _Deref_ret_range_(lb,ub) _SAL2_Source_(_Deref_ret_range_, (lb,ub), _Deref_ret_range_impl_(lb,ub))
#define _Pre_equal_to_(expr) _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_equal_to_, (expr), _In_range_(==, expr))
#define _Post_equal_to_(expr) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_equal_to_, (expr), _Out_range_(==, expr))
// annotation to express that a value (usually a field of a mutable class)
// is not changed by a function call
#define _Unchanged_(e) _SAL2_Source_(_Unchanged_, (e), _At_(e, _Post_equal_to_(_Old_(e)) _Const_))
// Annotations to allow expressing generalized pre and post conditions.
// 'cond' may be any valid SAL expression that is considered to be true as a precondition
// or postcondition (respsectively).
#define _Pre_satisfies_(cond) _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_satisfies_, (cond), _Pre_satisfies_impl_(cond))
#define _Post_satisfies_(cond) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_satisfies_, (cond), _Post_satisfies_impl_(cond))
// Annotations to express struct, class and field invariants
#define _Struct_size_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Struct_size_bytes_, (size), _Writable_bytes_(size))
#define _Field_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_, (size), _Notnull_ _Writable_elements_(size))
#define _Field_size_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_opt_, (size), _Maybenull_ _Writable_elements_(size))
#define _Field_size_part_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_part_, (size, count), _Notnull_ _Writable_elements_(size) _Readable_elements_(count))
#define _Field_size_part_opt_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_part_opt_, (size, count), _Maybenull_ _Writable_elements_(size) _Readable_elements_(count))
#define _Field_size_full_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_full_, (size), _Field_size_part_(size, size))
#define _Field_size_full_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_full_opt_, (size), _Field_size_part_opt_(size, size))
#define _Field_size_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_bytes_, (size), _Notnull_ _Writable_bytes_(size))
#define _Field_size_bytes_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_bytes_opt_, (size), _Maybenull_ _Writable_bytes_(size))
#define _Field_size_bytes_part_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_bytes_part_, (size, count), _Notnull_ _Writable_bytes_(size) _Readable_bytes_(count))
#define _Field_size_bytes_part_opt_(size, count) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_bytes_part_opt_, (size, count), _Maybenull_ _Writable_bytes_(size) _Readable_bytes_(count))
#define _Field_size_bytes_full_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_bytes_full_, (size), _Field_size_bytes_part_(size, size))
#define _Field_size_bytes_full_opt_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_size_bytes_full_opt_, (size), _Field_size_bytes_part_opt_(size, size))
#define _Field_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Field_z_, (), _Null_terminated_)
#define _Field_range_(min,max) _SAL2_Source_(_Field_range_, (min,max), _Field_range_impl_(min,max))
// _Pre_/_Post_ Layer:
// Raw Pre/Post for declaring custom pre/post conditions
#define _Pre_ _Pre_impl_
#define _Post_ _Post_impl_
// Validity property
#define _Valid_ _Valid_impl_
#define _Notvalid_ _Notvalid_impl_
#define _Maybevalid_ _Maybevalid_impl_
// Buffer size properties
// Expressing buffer sizes without specifying pre or post condition
#define _Readable_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Readable_bytes_, (size), _Readable_bytes_impl_(size))
#define _Readable_elements_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Readable_elements_, (size), _Readable_elements_impl_(size))
#define _Writable_bytes_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Writable_bytes_, (size), _Writable_bytes_impl_(size))
#define _Writable_elements_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Writable_elements_, (size), _Writable_elements_impl_(size))
#define _Null_terminated_ _SAL2_Source_(_Null_terminated_, (), _Null_terminated_impl_)
#define _NullNull_terminated_ _SAL2_Source_(_NullNull_terminated_, (), _NullNull_terminated_impl_)
// Expressing buffer size as pre or post condition
#define _Pre_readable_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_readable_size_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_writable_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_writable_size_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_readable_byte_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_readable_byte_size_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_writable_byte_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_writable_byte_size_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Post_readable_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_readable_size_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_writable_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_writable_size_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Post_readable_byte_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_readable_byte_size_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_writable_byte_size_(size) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_writable_byte_size_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
// Pointer null-ness properties
#define _Null_ _SAL2_Source_(_Null_, (), _Null_impl_)
#define _Notnull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Notnull_, (), _Notnull_impl_)
#define _Maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Maybenull_, (), _Maybenull_impl_)
// _Pre_ annotations ---
// describing conditions that must be met before the call of the function
// e.g. int strlen( _Pre_z_ const char* sz );
// buffer is a zero terminated string
#define _Pre_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_z_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// valid size unknown or indicated by type (e.g.:LPSTR)
#define _Pre_valid_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_valid_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_valid_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_opt_valid_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_invalid_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_invalid_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notvalid_impl))
// Overrides recursive valid when some field is not yet initialized when using _Inout_
#define _Pre_unknown_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_unknown_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__maybevalid_impl))
// used with allocated but not yet initialized objects
#define _Pre_notnull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_notnull_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref))
#define _Pre_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_maybenull_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref))
#define _Pre_null_ _SAL2_Source_(_Pre_null_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__null_impl_notref))
// _Post_ annotations ---
// describing conditions that hold after the function call
// void CopyStr( _In_z_ const char* szFrom, _Pre_cap_(cch) _Post_z_ char* szFrom, size_t cchFrom );
// buffer will be a zero-terminated string after the call
#define _Post_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Post_z_, (), _Post1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Post_valid_impl_)
// e.g. HRESULT InitStruct( _Post_valid_ Struct* pobj );
#define _Post_valid_ _SAL2_Source_(_Post_valid_, (), _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_invalid_ _SAL2_Source_(_Post_invalid_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notvalid_impl))
// e.g. void free( _Post_ptr_invalid_ void* pv );
#define _Post_ptr_invalid_ _SAL2_Source_(_Post_ptr_invalid_, (), _Post1_impl_(__notvalid_impl))
// e.g. void ThrowExceptionIfNull( _Post_notnull_ const void* pv );
#define _Post_notnull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Post_notnull_, (), _Post1_impl_(__notnull_impl))
// e.g. HRESULT GetObject(_Outptr_ _On_failure_(_At_(*p, _Post_null_)) T **p);
#define _Post_null_ _SAL2_Source_(_Post_null_, (), _Post1_impl_(__null_impl))
#define _Post_maybenull_ _SAL2_Source_(_Post_maybenull_, (), _Post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl))
#define _Prepost_z_ _SAL2_Source_(_Prepost_z_, (), _Pre_z_ _Post_z_)
#pragma region Input Buffer SAL 1 compatibility macros
This section contains definitions for macros defined for VS2010 and earlier.
Usage of these macros is still supported, but the SAL 2 macros defined above
are recommended instead. This comment block is retained to assist in
understanding SAL that still uses the older syntax.
The macros are defined in 3 layers:
_In_/_Out_ Layer:
This layer provides the highest abstraction and its macros should be used
in most cases. Its macros start with _In_, _Out_ or _Inout_. For the
typical case they provide the most concise annotations.
_Pre_/_Post_ Layer:
The macros of this layer only should be used when there is no suitable macro
in the _In_/_Out_ layer. Its macros start with _Pre_, _Post_, _Ret_,
_Deref_pre_ _Deref_post_ and _Deref_ret_. This layer provides the most
flexibility for annotations.
Implementation Abstraction Layer:
Macros from this layer should never be used directly. The layer only exists
to hide the implementation of the annotation macros.
Annotation Syntax:
| Usage | Nullness | ZeroTerminated | Extent |
| _In_ | <> | <> | <> |
| _Out_ | opt_ | z_ | [byte]cap_[c_|x_]( size ) |
| _Inout_ | | | [byte]count_[c_|x_]( size ) |
| _Deref_out_ | | | ptrdiff_cap_( ptr ) |
|--------------| | | ptrdiff_count_( ptr ) |
| _Ret_ | | | |
| _Deref_ret_ | | | |
|--------------| | | |
| _Pre_ | | | |
| _Post_ | | | |
| _Deref_pre_ | | | |
| _Deref_post_ | | | |
_In_, _Out_, _Inout_, _Pre_, _Post_, _Deref_pre_, _Deref_post_ are for
formal parameters.
_Ret_, _Deref_ret_ must be used for return values.
If the pointer can be NULL the annotation contains _opt. If the macro
does not contain '_opt' the pointer may not be NULL.
String Type:
_z: NullTerminated string
for _In_ parameters the buffer must have the specified stringtype before the call
for _Out_ parameters the buffer must have the specified stringtype after the call
for _Inout_ parameters both conditions apply
Extent Syntax:
| Unit | Writ/Readable | Argument Type |
| <> | cap_ | <> |
| byte | count_ | c_ |
| | | x_ |
'cap' (capacity) describes the writable size of the buffer and is typically used
with _Out_. The default unit is elements. Use 'bytecap' if the size is given in bytes
'count' describes the readable size of the buffer and is typically used with _In_.
The default unit is elements. Use 'bytecount' if the size is given in bytes.
Argument syntax for cap_, bytecap_, count_, bytecount_:
(<parameter>|return)[+n] e.g. cch, return, cb+2
If the buffer size is a constant expression use the c_ postfix.
E.g. cap_c_(20), count_c_(MAX_PATH), bytecount_c_(16)
If the buffer size is given by a limiting pointer use the ptrdiff_ versions
of the macros.
If the buffer size is neither a parameter nor a constant expression use the x_
postfix. e.g. bytecount_x_(num*size) x_ annotations accept any arbitrary string.
No analysis can be done for x_ annotations but they at least tell the tool that
the buffer has some sort of extent description. x_ annotations might be supported
by future compiler versions.
// e.g. void SetCharRange( _In_count_(cch) const char* rgch, size_t cch )
// valid buffer extent described by another parameter
#define _In_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_count_, (size), _Pre_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_count_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_bytecount_, (size), _Pre_bytecount_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecount_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
// valid buffer extent described by a constant extression
#define _In_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_count_c_, (size), _Pre_count_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_count_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre_bytecount_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
// nullterminated 'input' buffers with given size
// e.g. void SetCharRange( _In_count_(cch) const char* rgch, size_t cch )
// nullterminated valid buffer extent described by another parameter
#define _In_z_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_z_count_, (size), _Pre_z_ _Pre_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_z_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_z_count_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_ _Pre_opt_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_z_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_z_bytecount_, (size), _Pre_z_ _Pre_bytecount_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_z_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_z_bytecount_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_ _Pre_opt_bytecount_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
// nullterminated valid buffer extent described by a constant extression
#define _In_z_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_z_count_c_, (size), _Pre_z_ _Pre_count_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_z_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_z_count_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_ _Pre_opt_count_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_z_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_z_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre_z_ _Pre_bytecount_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_z_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_z_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_ _Pre_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
// buffer capacity is described by another pointer
// e.g. void Foo( _In_ptrdiff_count_(pchMax) const char* pch, const char* pchMax ) { while pch < pchMax ) pch++; }
#define _In_ptrdiff_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_ptrdiff_count_, (size), _Pre_ptrdiff_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_ptrdiff_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_ptrdiff_count_, (size), _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_count_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
// 'x' version for complex expressions that are not supported by the current compiler version
// e.g. void Set3ColMatrix( _In_count_x_(3*cRows) const Elem* matrix, int cRows );
#define _In_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_count_x_, (size), _Pre_count_x_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_count_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_x_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_bytecount_x_, (size), _Pre_bytecount_x_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
#define _In_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _Deref_pre_readonly_)
// 'out' with buffer size
// e.g. void GetIndeces( _Out_cap_(cIndeces) int* rgIndeces, size_t cIndices );
// buffer capacity is described by another parameter
#define _Out_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_cap_, (size), _Pre_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_cap_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
// buffer capacity is described by a constant expression
#define _Out_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_cap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
// buffer capacity is described by another parameter multiplied by a constant expression
#define _Out_cap_m_(mult,size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_cap_m_, (mult,size), _Pre_cap_m_(mult,size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_cap_m_(mult,size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_cap_m_, (mult,size), _Pre_opt_cap_m_(mult,size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_z_cap_m_(mult,size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_cap_m_, (mult,size), _Pre_cap_m_(mult,size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_opt_z_cap_m_(mult,size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_cap_m_, (mult,size), _Pre_opt_cap_m_(mult,size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
// buffer capacity is described by another pointer
// e.g. void Foo( _Out_ptrdiff_cap_(pchMax) char* pch, const char* pchMax ) { while pch < pchMax ) pch++; }
#define _Out_ptrdiff_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_ptrdiff_cap_, (size), _Pre_ptrdiff_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_ptrdiff_cap_, (size), _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
// buffer capacity is described by a complex expression
#define _Out_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_cap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Out_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_)
// a zero terminated string is filled into a buffer of given capacity
// e.g. void CopyStr( _In_z_ const char* szFrom, _Out_z_cap_(cchTo) char* szTo, size_t cchTo );
// buffer capacity is described by another parameter
#define _Out_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_cap_, (size), _Pre_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_opt_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_cap_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
// buffer capacity is described by a constant expression
#define _Out_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_cap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_opt_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_opt_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
// buffer capacity is described by a complex expression
#define _Out_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_cap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_opt_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_cap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
#define _Out_opt_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_)
// a zero terminated string is filled into a buffer of given capacity
// e.g. size_t CopyCharRange( _In_count_(cchFrom) const char* rgchFrom, size_t cchFrom, _Out_cap_post_count_(cchTo,return)) char* rgchTo, size_t cchTo );
#define _Out_cap_post_count_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_cap_post_count_, (cap,count), _Pre_cap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_(count))
#define _Out_opt_cap_post_count_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_cap_post_count_, (cap,count), _Pre_opt_cap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_(count))
#define _Out_bytecap_post_bytecount_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_bytecap_post_bytecount_, (cap,count), _Pre_bytecap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_(count))
#define _Out_opt_bytecap_post_bytecount_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_bytecap_post_bytecount_, (cap,count), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_(count))
// a zero terminated string is filled into a buffer of given capacity
// e.g. size_t CopyStr( _In_z_ const char* szFrom, _Out_z_cap_post_count_(cchTo,return+1) char* szTo, size_t cchTo );
#define _Out_z_cap_post_count_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_cap_post_count_, (cap,count), _Pre_cap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_count_(count))
#define _Out_opt_z_cap_post_count_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_cap_post_count_, (cap,count), _Pre_opt_cap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_count_(count))
#define _Out_z_bytecap_post_bytecount_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_bytecap_post_bytecount_, (cap,count), _Pre_bytecap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_bytecount_(count))
#define _Out_opt_z_bytecap_post_bytecount_(cap,count) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_bytecap_post_bytecount_, (cap,count), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(cap) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_bytecount_(count))
// only use with dereferenced arguments e.g. '*pcch'
#define _Out_capcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_capcount_, (capcount), _Pre_cap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_(capcount))
#define _Out_opt_capcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_capcount_, (capcount), _Pre_opt_cap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_(capcount))
#define _Out_bytecapcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_bytecapcount_, (capcount), _Pre_bytecap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_(capcount))
#define _Out_opt_bytecapcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_bytecapcount_, (capcount), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_(capcount))
#define _Out_capcount_x_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_capcount_x_, (capcount), _Pre_cap_x_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_x_(capcount))
#define _Out_opt_capcount_x_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_capcount_x_, (capcount), _Pre_opt_cap_x_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_count_x_(capcount))
#define _Out_bytecapcount_x_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_bytecapcount_x_, (capcount), _Pre_bytecap_x_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_x_(capcount))
#define _Out_opt_bytecapcount_x_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_bytecapcount_x_, (capcount), _Pre_opt_bytecap_x_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_bytecount_x_(capcount))
// e.g. GetString( _Out_z_capcount_(*pLen+1) char* sz, size_t* pLen );
#define _Out_z_capcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_capcount_, (capcount), _Pre_cap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_count_(capcount))
#define _Out_opt_z_capcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_capcount_, (capcount), _Pre_opt_cap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_count_(capcount))
#define _Out_z_bytecapcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_z_bytecapcount_, (capcount), _Pre_bytecap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_bytecount_(capcount))
#define _Out_opt_z_bytecapcount_(capcount) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_opt_z_bytecapcount_, (capcount), _Pre_opt_bytecap_(capcount) _Post_valid_impl_ _Post_z_bytecount_(capcount))
// 'inout' buffers with initialized elements before and after the call
// e.g. void ModifyIndices( _Inout_count_(cIndices) int* rgIndeces, size_t cIndices );
#define _Inout_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_count_, (size), _Prepost_count_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_count_, (size), _Prepost_opt_count_(size))
#define _Inout_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_bytecount_, (size), _Prepost_bytecount_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Prepost_opt_bytecount_(size))
#define _Inout_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_count_c_, (size), _Prepost_count_c_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_count_c_, (size), _Prepost_opt_count_c_(size))
#define _Inout_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_bytecount_c_, (size), _Prepost_bytecount_c_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_bytecount_c_, (size), _Prepost_opt_bytecount_c_(size))
// nullterminated 'inout' buffers with initialized elements before and after the call
// e.g. void ModifyIndices( _Inout_count_(cIndices) int* rgIndeces, size_t cIndices );
#define _Inout_z_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_count_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_count_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_z_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_count_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_opt_count_(size))
#define _Inout_z_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_bytecount_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_bytecount_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_z_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_bytecount_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_opt_bytecount_(size))
#define _Inout_z_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_count_c_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_count_c_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_z_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_count_c_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_opt_count_c_(size))
#define _Inout_z_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_bytecount_c_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_bytecount_c_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_z_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_bytecount_c_, (size), _Prepost_z_ _Prepost_opt_bytecount_c_(size))
#define _Inout_ptrdiff_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_ptrdiff_count_, (size), _Pre_ptrdiff_count_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_ptrdiff_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_ptrdiff_count_, (size), _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_count_(size))
#define _Inout_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_count_x_, (size), _Prepost_count_x_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_count_x_, (size), _Prepost_opt_count_x_(size))
#define _Inout_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_bytecount_x_, (size), _Prepost_bytecount_x_(size))
#define _Inout_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Prepost_opt_bytecount_x_(size))
// e.g. void AppendToLPSTR( _In_ LPCSTR szFrom, _Inout_cap_(cchTo) LPSTR* szTo, size_t cchTo );
#define _Inout_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_cap_, (size), _Pre_valid_cap_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_opt_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_cap_, (size), _Pre_opt_valid_cap_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_valid_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_opt_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_valid_cap_c_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_opt_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_valid_cap_c_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_valid_cap_x_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_opt_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_valid_cap_x_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_valid_)
#define _Inout_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_valid_)
// inout string buffers with writable size
// e.g. void AppendStr( _In_z_ const char* szFrom, _Inout_z_cap_(cchTo) char* szTo, size_t cchTo );
#define _Inout_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_cap_, (size), _Pre_z_cap_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_opt_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_cap_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_cap_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_z_bytecap_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_bytecap_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_z_cap_c_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_opt_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_cap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_cap_c_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_z_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_opt_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_bytecap_c_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_z_cap_x_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_opt_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_cap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_cap_x_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_z_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_z_)
#define _Inout_opt_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Inout_opt_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_z_bytecap_x_(size) _Post_z_)
// returning pointers to valid objects
#define _Ret_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_, (), _Ret_valid_)
#define _Ret_opt_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_, (), _Ret_opt_valid_)
// annotations to express 'boundedness' of integral value parameter
#define _In_bound_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_In_bound_, (), _In_bound_impl_)
#define _Out_bound_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Out_bound_, (), _Out_bound_impl_)
#define _Ret_bound_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_bound_, (), _Ret_bound_impl_)
#define _Deref_in_bound_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_in_bound_, (), _Deref_in_bound_impl_)
#define _Deref_out_bound_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_out_bound_, (), _Deref_out_bound_impl_)
#define _Deref_inout_bound_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_inout_bound_, (), _Deref_in_bound_ _Deref_out_bound_)
#define _Deref_ret_bound_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_ret_bound_, (), _Deref_ret_bound_impl_)
// e.g. HRESULT HrCreatePoint( _Deref_out_opt_ POINT** ppPT );
#define _Deref_out_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_out_, (), _Out_ _Deref_post_valid_)
#define _Deref_out_opt_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_out_opt_, (), _Out_ _Deref_post_opt_valid_)
#define _Deref_opt_out_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_opt_out_, (), _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_valid_)
#define _Deref_opt_out_opt_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_opt_out_opt_, (), _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_opt_valid_)
// e.g. void CloneString( _In_z_ const wchar_t* wzFrom, _Deref_out_z_ wchar_t** pWzTo );
#define _Deref_out_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_out_z_, (), _Out_ _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Deref_out_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_out_opt_z_, (), _Out_ _Deref_post_opt_z_)
#define _Deref_opt_out_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_opt_out_z_, (), _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Deref_opt_out_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_opt_out_opt_z_, (), _Out_opt_ _Deref_post_opt_z_)
// _Deref_pre_ ---
// describing conditions for array elements of dereferenced pointer parameters that must be met before the call
// e.g. void SaveStringArray( _In_count_(cStrings) _Deref_pre_z_ const wchar_t* const rgpwch[] );
#define _Deref_pre_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_z_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_z_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// e.g. void FillInArrayOfStr32( _In_count_(cStrings) _Deref_pre_cap_c_(32) _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t* const rgpwch[] );
// buffer capacity is described by another parameter
#define _Deref_pre_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_opt_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
// buffer capacity is described by a constant expression
#define _Deref_pre_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_opt_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
// buffer capacity is described by a complex condition
#define _Deref_pre_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_opt_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
// convenience macros for nullterminated buffers with given capacity
#define _Deref_pre_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_z_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_z_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_z_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_z_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_z_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_z_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_z_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_z_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// known capacity and valid but unknown readable extent
#define _Deref_pre_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_valid_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_valid_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_valid_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// e.g. void SaveMatrix( _In_count_(n) _Deref_pre_count_(n) const Elem** matrix, size_t n );
// valid buffer extent is described by another parameter
#define _Deref_pre_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_count_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_count_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_bytecount_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// valid buffer extent is described by a constant expression
#define _Deref_pre_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_count_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_count_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_bytecount_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_c_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// valid buffer extent is described by a complex expression
#define _Deref_pre_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_count_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_count_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_bytecount_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_pre1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// e.g. void PrintStringArray( _In_count_(cElems) _Deref_pre_valid_ LPCSTR rgStr[], size_t cElems );
#define _Deref_pre_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_valid_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_opt_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_opt_valid_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_pre_invalid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_invalid_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notvalid_impl))
#define _Deref_pre_notnull_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_notnull_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref))
#define _Deref_pre_maybenull_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_maybenull_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref))
#define _Deref_pre_null_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_null_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__null_impl_notref))
// restrict access rights
#define _Deref_pre_readonly_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_readonly_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__readaccess_impl_notref))
#define _Deref_pre_writeonly_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_pre_writeonly_, (), _Deref_pre1_impl_(__writeaccess_impl_notref))
// _Deref_post_ ---
// describing conditions for array elements or dereferenced pointer parameters that hold after the call
// e.g. void CloneString( _In_z_ const Wchar_t* wzIn _Out_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** pWzOut );
#define _Deref_post_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_z_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_z_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Post_valid_impl_)
// e.g. HRESULT HrAllocateMemory( size_t cb, _Out_ _Deref_post_bytecap_(cb) void** ppv );
// buffer capacity is described by another parameter
#define _Deref_post_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_cap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_opt_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_cap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_opt_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
// buffer capacity is described by a constant expression
#define _Deref_post_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_opt_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
// buffer capacity is described by a complex expression
#define _Deref_post_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_opt_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Deref_post_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
// convenience macros for nullterminated buffers with given capacity
#define _Deref_post_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_z_cap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_z_cap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_z_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_z_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_z_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_z_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_z_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_z_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
// known capacity and valid but unknown readable extent
#define _Deref_post_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_valid_cap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_valid_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_valid_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_valid_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
// e.g. HRESULT HrAllocateZeroInitializedMemory( size_t cb, _Out_ _Deref_post_bytecount_(cb) void** ppv );
// valid buffer extent is described by another parameter
#define _Deref_post_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_count_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_count_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_bytecount_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
// buffer capacity is described by a constant expression
#define _Deref_post_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_count_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_count_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_bytecount_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_bytecount_c_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
// buffer capacity is described by a complex expression
#define _Deref_post_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_count_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_count_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_bytecount_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Deref_post1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
// e.g. void GetStrings( _Out_count_(cElems) _Deref_post_valid_ LPSTR const rgStr[], size_t cElems );
#define _Deref_post_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_valid_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_opt_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_opt_valid_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Deref_post_notnull_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_notnull_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref))
#define _Deref_post_maybenull_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_maybenull_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref))
#define _Deref_post_null_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_post_null_, (), _Deref_post1_impl_(__null_impl_notref))
// _Deref_ret_ ---
#define _Deref_ret_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_ret_z_, (), _Deref_ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Deref_ret1_impl_(__zterm_impl))
#define _Deref_ret_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_ret_opt_z_, (), _Deref_ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__zterm_impl))
// special _Deref_ ---
#define _Deref2_pre_readonly_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref2_pre_readonly_, (), _Deref2_pre1_impl_(__readaccess_impl_notref))
// _Ret_ ---
// e.g. _Ret_opt_valid_ LPSTR void* CloneSTR( _Pre_valid_ LPSTR src );
#define _Ret_opt_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_valid_, (), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_z_, (), _Ret2_impl_(__maybenull_impl,__zterm_impl) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// e.g. _Ret_opt_bytecap_(cb) void* AllocateMemory( size_t cb );
// Buffer capacity is described by another parameter
#define _Ret_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_cap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_opt_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_cap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_bytecap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_opt_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_bytecap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
// Buffer capacity is described by a constant expression
#define _Ret_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_cap_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_opt_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_cap_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_bytecap_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_bytecap_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
// Buffer capacity is described by a complex condition
#define _Ret_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_cap_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_opt_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_cap_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_bytecap_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Ret_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_bytecap_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
// return value is nullterminated and capacity is given by another parameter
#define _Ret_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_z_cap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_z_cap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_z_bytecap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_z_bytecap_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// e.g. _Ret_opt_bytecount_(cb) void* AllocateZeroInitializedMemory( size_t cb );
// Valid Buffer extent is described by another parameter
#define _Ret_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_count_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_count_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_bytecount_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// Valid Buffer extent is described by a constant expression
#define _Ret_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_count_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_count_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_bytecount_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_bytecount_c_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// Valid Buffer extent is described by a complex expression
#define _Ret_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_count_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_count_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_bytecount_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// return value is nullterminated and length is given by another parameter
#define _Ret_z_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_z_count_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__count_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_z_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_z_count_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__count_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_z_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_z_bytecount_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecount_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
#define _Ret_opt_z_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Ret_opt_z_bytecount_, (size), _Ret1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Ret2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecount_impl(size)) _Ret_valid_impl_)
// _Pre_ annotations ---
#define _Pre_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_z_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__zterm_impl) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// restrict access rights
#define _Pre_readonly_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_readonly_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__readaccess_impl_notref))
#define _Pre_writeonly_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_writeonly_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__writeaccess_impl_notref))
// e.g. void FreeMemory( _Pre_bytecap_(cb) _Post_ptr_invalid_ void* pv, size_t cb );
// buffer capacity described by another parameter
#define _Pre_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_cap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_opt_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_cap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_bytecap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_bytecap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
// buffer capacity described by a constant expression
#define _Pre_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_cap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_opt_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_cap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_opt_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_cap_c_one_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_cap_c_one_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_one_notref_impl))
#define _Pre_opt_cap_c_one_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_cap_c_one_, (), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_one_notref_impl))
// buffer capacity is described by another parameter multiplied by a constant expression
#define _Pre_cap_m_(mult,size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_cap_m_, (mult,size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__mult_impl(mult,size)))
#define _Pre_opt_cap_m_(mult,size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_cap_m_, (mult,size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__mult_impl(mult,size)))
// buffer capacity described by size of other buffer, only used by dangerous legacy APIs
// e.g. int strcpy(_Pre_cap_for_(src) char* dst, const char* src);
#define _Pre_cap_for_(param) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_cap_for_, (param), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_for_impl(param)))
#define _Pre_opt_cap_for_(param) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_cap_for_, (param), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_for_impl(param)))
// buffer capacity described by a complex condition
#define _Pre_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_cap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_opt_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_cap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
#define _Pre_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)))
// buffer capacity described by the difference to another pointer parameter
#define _Pre_ptrdiff_cap_(ptr) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_ptrdiff_cap_, (ptr), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(__ptrdiff(ptr))))
#define _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(ptr) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_ptrdiff_cap_, (ptr), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(__ptrdiff(ptr))))
// e.g. void AppendStr( _Pre_z_ const char* szFrom, _Pre_z_cap_(cchTo) _Post_z_ char* szTo, size_t cchTo );
#define _Pre_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_z_cap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_z_cap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_z_bytecap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_z_bytecap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_z_cap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_z_cap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_z_cap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_z_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_z_cap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_z_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_z_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// known capacity and valid but unknown readable extent
#define _Pre_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_valid_cap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_valid_cap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_valid_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_valid_cap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_valid_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_valid_cap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_valid_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecap_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// e.g. void AppendCharRange( _Pre_count_(cchFrom) const char* rgFrom, size_t cchFrom, _Out_z_cap_(cchTo) char* szTo, size_t cchTo );
// Valid buffer extent described by another parameter
#define _Pre_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_count_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_count_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_bytecount_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// Valid buffer extent described by a constant expression
#define _Pre_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_count_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_count_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// Valid buffer extent described by a complex expression
#define _Pre_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_count_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_count_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_bytecount_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// Valid buffer extent described by the difference to another pointer parameter
#define _Pre_ptrdiff_count_(ptr) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_ptrdiff_count_, (ptr), _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_x_impl(__ptrdiff(ptr))) _Pre_valid_impl_)
#define _Pre_opt_ptrdiff_count_(ptr) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Pre_opt_ptrdiff_count_, (ptr), _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__count_x_impl(__ptrdiff(ptr))) _Pre_valid_impl_)
// char * strncpy(_Out_cap_(_Count) _Post_maybez_ char * _Dest, _In_z_ const char * _Source, _In_ size_t _Count)
// buffer maybe zero-terminated after the call
#define _Post_maybez_ _SAL_L_Source_(_Post_maybez_, (), _Post1_impl_(__maybezterm_impl))
// e.g. SIZE_T HeapSize( _In_ HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, _Pre_notnull_ _Post_bytecap_(return) LPCVOID lpMem );
#define _Post_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_cap_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__cap_impl(size)))
#define _Post_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_bytecap_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__bytecap_impl(size)))
// e.g. int strlen( _In_z_ _Post_count_(return+1) const char* sz );
#define _Post_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_count_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__count_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_bytecount_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__bytecount_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_count_c_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__count_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_bytecount_c_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_count_x_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__count_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_bytecount_x_, (size), _Post1_impl_(__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
// e.g. size_t CopyStr( _In_z_ const char* szFrom, _Pre_cap_(cch) _Post_z_count_(return+1) char* szFrom, size_t cchFrom );
#define _Post_z_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_z_count_, (size), _Post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__count_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_z_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_z_bytecount_, (size), _Post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecount_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_z_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_z_count_c_, (size), _Post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__count_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_z_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_z_bytecount_c_, (size), _Post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecount_c_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_z_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_z_count_x_, (size), _Post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__count_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
#define _Post_z_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Post_z_bytecount_x_, (size), _Post2_impl_(__zterm_impl,__bytecount_x_impl(size)) _Post_valid_impl_)
// _Prepost_ ---
// describing conditions that hold before and after the function call
#define _Prepost_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_z_, (), _Pre_opt_z_ _Post_z_)
#define _Prepost_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_count_, (size), _Pre_count_(size) _Post_count_(size))
#define _Prepost_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_count_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_(size) _Post_count_(size))
#define _Prepost_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_bytecount_, (size), _Pre_bytecount_(size) _Post_bytecount_(size))
#define _Prepost_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecount_(size) _Post_bytecount_(size))
#define _Prepost_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_count_c_, (size), _Pre_count_c_(size) _Post_count_c_(size))
#define _Prepost_opt_count_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_count_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_c_(size) _Post_count_c_(size))
#define _Prepost_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre_bytecount_c_(size) _Post_bytecount_c_(size))
#define _Prepost_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_bytecount_c_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecount_c_(size) _Post_bytecount_c_(size))
#define _Prepost_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_count_x_, (size), _Pre_count_x_(size) _Post_count_x_(size))
#define _Prepost_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_count_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_count_x_(size) _Post_count_x_(size))
#define _Prepost_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_bytecount_x_, (size), _Pre_bytecount_x_(size) _Post_bytecount_x_(size))
#define _Prepost_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Pre_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _Post_bytecount_x_(size))
#define _Prepost_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_valid_, (), _Pre_valid_ _Post_valid_)
#define _Prepost_opt_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Prepost_opt_valid_, (), _Pre_opt_valid_ _Post_valid_)
// _Deref_<both> ---
// short version for _Deref_pre_<ann> _Deref_post_<ann>
// describing conditions for array elements or dereferenced pointer parameters that hold before and after the call
#define _Deref_prepost_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_z_, (), _Deref_pre_z_ _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_z_, (), _Deref_pre_opt_z_ _Deref_post_opt_z_)
#define _Deref_prepost_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre_cap_(size) _Deref_post_cap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_cap_(size) _Deref_post_opt_cap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre_bytecap_(size) _Deref_post_bytecap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_(size) _Deref_post_opt_bytecap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_cap_x_(size) _Deref_post_cap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_cap_x_(size) _Deref_post_opt_cap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_bytecap_x_(size) _Deref_post_bytecap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_bytecap_x_(size) _Deref_post_opt_bytecap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_z_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre_z_cap_(size) _Deref_post_z_cap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_z_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_z_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_z_cap_(size) _Deref_post_opt_z_cap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_z_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre_z_bytecap_(size) _Deref_post_z_bytecap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_z_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_z_bytecap_(size) _Deref_post_opt_z_bytecap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_valid_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre_valid_cap_(size) _Deref_post_valid_cap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_valid_cap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_valid_cap_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_(size) _Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_(size) _Deref_post_valid_bytecap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_valid_bytecap_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_valid_bytecap_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_(size) _Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_valid_cap_x_(size) _Deref_post_valid_cap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_valid_cap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_valid_cap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_valid_cap_x_(size) _Deref_post_opt_valid_cap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _Deref_post_valid_bytecap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_valid_bytecap_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_valid_bytecap_x_(size) _Deref_post_opt_valid_bytecap_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_count_, (size), _Deref_pre_count_(size) _Deref_post_count_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_count_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_count_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_count_(size) _Deref_post_opt_count_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_bytecount_, (size), _Deref_pre_bytecount_(size) _Deref_post_bytecount_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_bytecount_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_bytecount_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_(size) _Deref_post_opt_bytecount_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_count_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_count_x_(size) _Deref_post_count_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_count_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_count_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_count_x_(size) _Deref_post_opt_count_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_bytecount_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_bytecount_x_(size) _Deref_post_bytecount_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_bytecount_x_, (size), _Deref_pre_opt_bytecount_x_(size) _Deref_post_opt_bytecount_x_(size))
#define _Deref_prepost_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_valid_, (), _Deref_pre_valid_ _Deref_post_valid_)
#define _Deref_prepost_opt_valid_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_prepost_opt_valid_, (), _Deref_pre_opt_valid_ _Deref_post_opt_valid_)
// _Deref_<miscellaneous>
// used with references to arrays
#define _Deref_out_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_out_z_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre_cap_c_(size) _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Deref_inout_z_cap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_inout_z_cap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre_z_cap_c_(size) _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Deref_out_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_out_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre_bytecap_c_(size) _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Deref_inout_z_bytecap_c_(size) _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_inout_z_bytecap_c_, (size), _Deref_pre_z_bytecap_c_(size) _Deref_post_z_)
#define _Deref_inout_z_ _SAL1_1_Source_(_Deref_inout_z_, (), _Deref_prepost_z_)
#pragma endregion Input Buffer SAL 1 compatibility macros
// Implementation Layer:
// Naming conventions:
// A symbol the begins with _SA_ is for the machinery of creating any
// annotations; many of those come from sourceannotations.h in the case
// of attributes.
// A symbol that ends with _impl is the very lowest level macro. It is
// not required to be a legal standalone annotation, and in the case
// of attribute annotations, usually is not. (In the case of some declspec
// annotations, it might be, but it should not be assumed so.) Those
// symols will be used in the _PreN..., _PostN... and _RetN... annotations
// to build up more complete annotations.
// A symbol ending in _impl_ is reserved to the implementation as well,
// but it does form a complete annotation; usually they are used to build
// up even higher level annotations.
// Sharable "_impl" macros: these can be shared between the various annotation
// forms but are part of the implementation of the macros. These are collected
// here to assure that only necessary differences in the annotations
// exist.
#define _Always_impl_(annos) _Group_(annos _SAL_nop_impl_) _On_failure_impl_(annos _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define _Bound_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_bound)
#define _Field_range_impl_(min,max) _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Literal_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_constant, __yes)
#define _Maybenull_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_null, __maybe)
#define _Maybevalid_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_valid, __maybe)
#define _Must_inspect_impl_ _Post_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_mustInspect)
#define _Notliteral_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_constant, __no)
#define _Notnull_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_null, __no)
#define _Notvalid_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_valid, __no)
#define _NullNull_terminated_impl_ _Group_(_SA_annotes1(SAL_nullTerminated, __yes) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo,inexpressibleCount("NullNull terminated string")))
#define _Null_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_null, __yes)
#define _Null_terminated_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_nullTerminated, __yes)
#define _Out_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__notnull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_one_notref_impl) _Post_valid_impl_
#define _Out_opt_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__maybenull_impl_notref) _Pre1_impl_(__cap_c_one_notref_impl) _Post_valid_impl_
#define _Points_to_data_impl_ _At_(*_Curr_, _SA_annotes1(SAL_mayBePointer, __no))
#define _Post_satisfies_impl_(cond) _Post_impl_ _Satisfies_impl_(cond)
#define _Post_valid_impl_ _Post1_impl_(__valid_impl)
#define _Pre_satisfies_impl_(cond) _Pre_impl_ _Satisfies_impl_(cond)
#define _Pre_valid_impl_ _Pre1_impl_(__valid_impl)
#define _Range_impl_(min,max) _SA_annotes2(SAL_range, min, max)
#define _Readable_bytes_impl_(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo, byteCount(size))
#define _Readable_elements_impl_(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo, elementCount(size))
#define _Ret_valid_impl_ _Ret1_impl_(__valid_impl)
#define _Satisfies_impl_(cond) _SA_annotes1(SAL_satisfies, cond)
#define _Valid_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_valid, __yes)
#define _Writable_bytes_impl_(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo, byteCount(size))
#define _Writable_elements_impl_(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo, elementCount(size))
#define _In_range_impl_(min,max) _Pre_impl_ _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Out_range_impl_(min,max) _Post_impl_ _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Ret_range_impl_(min,max) _Post_impl_ _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Deref_in_range_impl_(min,max) _Deref_pre_impl_ _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Deref_out_range_impl_(min,max) _Deref_post_impl_ _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Deref_ret_range_impl_(min,max) _Deref_post_impl_ _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Deref_pre_impl_ _Pre_impl_ _Notref_impl_ _Deref_impl_
#define _Deref_post_impl_ _Post_impl_ _Notref_impl_ _Deref_impl_
// The following are for the implementation machinery, and are not
// suitable for annotating general code.
// We're tying to phase this out, someday. The parser quotes the param.
#define __AuToQuOtE _SA_annotes0(SAL_AuToQuOtE)
// Normally the parser does some simple type checking of annotation params,
// defer that check to the plugin.
#define __deferTypecheck _SA_annotes0(SAL_deferTypecheck)
#define _SA_SPECSTRIZE( x ) #x
#define _SAL_nop_impl_ /* nothing */
#define __nop_impl(x) x
# 1555 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Using attributes for sal
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "CodeAnalysis/sourceannotations.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 1561 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
# 1562 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _SA_annotes0(n) [SAL_annotes(Name=#n)]
#define _SA_annotes1(n,pp1) [SAL_annotes(Name=#n, p1=_SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp1))]
#define _SA_annotes2(n,pp1,pp2) [SAL_annotes(Name=#n, p1=_SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp1), p2=_SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp2))]
#define _SA_annotes3(n,pp1,pp2,pp3) [SAL_annotes(Name=#n, p1=_SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp1), p2=_SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp2), p3=_SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp3))]
#define _Pre_impl_ [SAL_pre]
#define _Post_impl_ [SAL_post]
#define _Deref_impl_ [SAL_deref]
#define _Notref_impl_ [SAL_notref]
// Declare a function to be an annotation or primop (respectively).
// Done this way so that they don't appear in the regular compiler's
// namespace.
#define __ANNOTATION(fun) _SA_annotes0(SAL_annotation) void __SA_##fun;
#define __PRIMOP(type, fun) _SA_annotes0(SAL_primop) type __SA_##fun;
#define __QUALIFIER(fun) _SA_annotes0(SAL_qualifier) void __SA_##fun;
// Benign declspec needed here for WindowsPREfast
#define __In_impl_ [SA_Pre(Valid=SA_Yes)] [SA_Pre(Deref=1, Notref=1, Access=SA_Read)] __declspec("SAL_pre SAL_valid")
# 1586 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Using declspecs for sal
#define _SA_annotes0(n) __declspec(#n)
#define _SA_annotes1(n,pp1) __declspec(#n "(" _SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp1) ")" )
#define _SA_annotes2(n,pp1,pp2) __declspec(#n "(" _SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp1) "," _SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp2) ")")
#define _SA_annotes3(n,pp1,pp2,pp3) __declspec(#n "(" _SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp1) "," _SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp2) "," _SA_SPECSTRIZE(pp3) ")")
#define _Pre_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_pre)
#define _Post_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_post)
#define _Deref_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_deref)
#define _Notref_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_notref)
// Declare a function to be an annotation or primop (respectively).
// Done this way so that they don't appear in the regular compiler's
// namespace.
#define __ANNOTATION(fun) _SA_annotes0(SAL_annotation) void __SA_##fun
#define __PRIMOP(type, fun) _SA_annotes0(SAL_primop) type __SA_##fun
#define __QUALIFIER(fun) _SA_annotes0(SAL_qualifier) void __SA_##fun;
#define __In_impl_ _Pre_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_valid) _Pre_impl_ _Deref_impl_ _Notref_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_readonly)
#else // ][
# 1611 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Using "nothing" for sal
#define _SA_annotes0(n)
#define _SA_annotes1(n,pp1)
#define _SA_annotes2(n,pp1,pp2)
#define _SA_annotes3(n,pp1,pp2,pp3)
#define __ANNOTATION(fun)
#define __PRIMOP(type, fun)
#define __QUALIFIER(type, fun)
#endif // ]
# 1624 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Declare annotations that need to be declared.
__ANNOTATION(SAL_allocator(void)); //??? resolve with PFD
__ANNOTATION(SAL_file_parser(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *, __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_source_code_content(__In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_analysisHint(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_untrusted_data_source(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_untrusted_data_source_this(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_validated(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_validated_this(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_adt(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *, __AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_add_adt_property(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *, __AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_remove_adt_property(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *, __AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_transfer_adt_property_from(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_post_type(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_entrypoint(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *, __AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_blocksOn(__In_impl_ void*));
// Only appears in model files, but needs to be declared.
__ANNOTATION(SAL_TypeName(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
// To be declared well-known soon.
__QUALIFIER(SAL_name(__In_impl_ char *, __In_impl_ char *, __In_impl_ char *);)
__PRIMOP(char *, _Macro_value_(__In_impl_ char *));
__PRIMOP(int, _Macro_defined_(__In_impl_ char *));
__PRIMOP(char *, _Strstr_(__In_impl_ char *, __In_impl_ char *));
#endif // ]
# 1663 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _Check_return_impl_ [SA_Post(MustCheck=SA_Yes)]
#define _Success_impl_(expr) [SA_Success(Condition=#expr)]
#define _On_failure_impl_(annos) [SAL_context(p1="SAL_failed")] _Group_(_Post_impl_ _Group_(annos _SAL_nop_impl_))
#define _Printf_format_string_impl_ [SA_FormatString(Style="printf")]
#define _Scanf_format_string_impl_ [SA_FormatString(Style="scanf")]
#define _Scanf_s_format_string_impl_ [SA_FormatString(Style="scanf_s")]
#define _In_bound_impl_ [SA_PreBound(Deref=0)]
#define _Out_bound_impl_ [SA_PostBound(Deref=0)]
#define _Ret_bound_impl_ [SA_PostBound(Deref=0)]
#define _Deref_in_bound_impl_ [SA_PreBound(Deref=1)]
#define _Deref_out_bound_impl_ [SA_PostBound(Deref=1)]
#define _Deref_ret_bound_impl_ [SA_PostBound(Deref=1)]
#define __valid_impl Valid=SA_Yes
#define __maybevalid_impl Valid=SA_Maybe
#define __notvalid_impl Valid=SA_No
#define __null_impl Null=SA_Yes
#define __maybenull_impl Null=SA_Maybe
#define __notnull_impl Null=SA_No
#define __null_impl_notref Null=SA_Yes,Notref=1
#define __maybenull_impl_notref Null=SA_Maybe,Notref=1
#define __notnull_impl_notref Null=SA_No,Notref=1
#define __zterm_impl NullTerminated=SA_Yes
#define __maybezterm_impl NullTerminated=SA_Maybe
#define __maybzterm_impl NullTerminated=SA_Maybe
#define __notzterm_impl NullTerminated=SA_No
#define __readaccess_impl Access=SA_Read
#define __writeaccess_impl Access=SA_Write
#define __allaccess_impl Access=SA_ReadWrite
#define __readaccess_impl_notref Access=SA_Read,Notref=1
#define __writeaccess_impl_notref Access=SA_Write,Notref=1
#define __allaccess_impl_notref Access=SA_ReadWrite,Notref=1
// For SAL2, we need to expect general expressions.
#define __cap_impl(size) WritableElements="\n"#size
#define __bytecap_impl(size) WritableBytes="\n"#size
#define __bytecount_impl(size) ValidBytes="\n"#size
#define __count_impl(size) ValidElements="\n"#size
#define __cap_c_impl(size) WritableElementsConst=size
#define __cap_c_one_notref_impl WritableElementsConst=1,Notref=1
#define __cap_for_impl(param) WritableElementsLength=#param
#define __cap_x_impl(size) WritableElements="\n@"#size
#define __bytecap_c_impl(size) WritableBytesConst=size
#define __bytecap_x_impl(size) WritableBytes="\n@"#size
#define __mult_impl(mult,size) __cap_impl((mult)*(size))
#define __count_c_impl(size) ValidElementsConst=size
#define __count_x_impl(size) ValidElements="\n@"#size
#define __bytecount_c_impl(size) ValidBytesConst=size
#define __bytecount_x_impl(size) ValidBytes="\n@"#size
#define _At_impl_(target, annos) [SAL_at(p1=#target)] _Group_(annos)
#define _At_buffer_impl_(target, iter, bound, annos) [SAL_at_buffer(p1=#target, p2=#iter, p3=#bound)] _Group_(annos)
#define _When_impl_(expr, annos) [SAL_when(p1=#expr)] _Group_(annos)
#define _Group_impl_(annos) [SAL_begin] annos [SAL_end]
#define _GrouP_impl_(annos) [SAL_BEGIN] annos [SAL_END]
#define _Use_decl_anno_impl_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_useHeader) // this is a special case!
#define _Pre1_impl_(p1) [SA_Pre(p1)]
#define _Pre2_impl_(p1,p2) [SA_Pre(p1,p2)]
#define _Pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [SA_Pre(p1,p2,p3)]
#define _Post1_impl_(p1) [SA_Post(p1)]
#define _Post2_impl_(p1,p2) [SA_Post(p1,p2)]
#define _Post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [SA_Post(p1,p2,p3)]
#define _Ret1_impl_(p1) [SA_Post(p1)]
#define _Ret2_impl_(p1,p2) [SA_Post(p1,p2)]
#define _Ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [SA_Post(p1,p2,p3)]
#define _Deref_pre1_impl_(p1) [SA_Pre(Deref=1,p1)]
#define _Deref_pre2_impl_(p1,p2) [SA_Pre(Deref=1,p1,p2)]
#define _Deref_pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [SA_Pre(Deref=1,p1,p2,p3)]
#define _Deref_post1_impl_(p1) [SA_Post(Deref=1,p1)]
#define _Deref_post2_impl_(p1,p2) [SA_Post(Deref=1,p1,p2)]
#define _Deref_post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [SA_Post(Deref=1,p1,p2,p3)]
#define _Deref_ret1_impl_(p1) [SA_Post(Deref=1,p1)]
#define _Deref_ret2_impl_(p1,p2) [SA_Post(Deref=1,p1,p2)]
#define _Deref_ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [SA_Post(Deref=1,p1,p2,p3)]
#define _Deref2_pre1_impl_(p1) [SA_Pre(Deref=2,Notref=1,p1)]
#define _Deref2_post1_impl_(p1) [SA_Post(Deref=2,Notref=1,p1)]
#define _Deref2_ret1_impl_(p1) [SA_Post(Deref=2,Notref=1,p1)]
// Obsolete -- may be needed for transition to attributes.
#define __inner_typefix(ctype) [SAL_typefix(p1=_SA_SPECSTRIZE(ctype))]
#define __inner_exceptthat [SAL_except]
# 1775 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _Check_return_impl_ __post _SA_annotes0(SAL_checkReturn)
#define _Success_impl_(expr) _SA_annotes1(SAL_success, expr)
#define _On_failure_impl_(annos) _SA_annotes1(SAL_context, SAL_failed) _Group_(_Post_impl_ _Group_(_SAL_nop_impl_ annos))
#define _Printf_format_string_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_IsFormatString, "printf")
#define _Scanf_format_string_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_IsFormatString, "scanf")
#define _Scanf_s_format_string_impl_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_IsFormatString, "scanf_s")
#define _In_bound_impl_ _Pre_impl_ _Bound_impl_
#define _Out_bound_impl_ _Post_impl_ _Bound_impl_
#define _Ret_bound_impl_ _Post_impl_ _Bound_impl_
#define _Deref_in_bound_impl_ _Deref_pre_impl_ _Bound_impl_
#define _Deref_out_bound_impl_ _Deref_post_impl_ _Bound_impl_
#define _Deref_ret_bound_impl_ _Deref_post_impl_ _Bound_impl_
#define __null_impl _SA_annotes0(SAL_null) // _SA_annotes1(SAL_null, __yes)
#define __notnull_impl _SA_annotes0(SAL_notnull) // _SA_annotes1(SAL_null, __no)
#define __maybenull_impl _SA_annotes0(SAL_maybenull) // _SA_annotes1(SAL_null, __maybe)
#define __valid_impl _SA_annotes0(SAL_valid) // _SA_annotes1(SAL_valid, __yes)
#define __notvalid_impl _SA_annotes0(SAL_notvalid) // _SA_annotes1(SAL_valid, __no)
#define __maybevalid_impl _SA_annotes0(SAL_maybevalid) // _SA_annotes1(SAL_valid, __maybe)
#define __null_impl_notref _Notref_ _Null_impl_
#define __maybenull_impl_notref _Notref_ _Maybenull_impl_
#define __notnull_impl_notref _Notref_ _Notnull_impl_
#define __zterm_impl _SA_annotes1(SAL_nullTerminated, __yes)
#define __maybezterm_impl _SA_annotes1(SAL_nullTerminated, __maybe)
#define __maybzterm_impl _SA_annotes1(SAL_nullTerminated, __maybe)
#define __notzterm_impl _SA_annotes1(SAL_nullTerminated, __no)
#define __readaccess_impl _SA_annotes1(SAL_access, 0x1)
#define __writeaccess_impl _SA_annotes1(SAL_access, 0x2)
#define __allaccess_impl _SA_annotes1(SAL_access, 0x3)
#define __readaccess_impl_notref _Notref_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_access, 0x1)
#define __writeaccess_impl_notref _Notref_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_access, 0x2)
#define __allaccess_impl_notref _Notref_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_access, 0x3)
#define __cap_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,elementCount(size))
#define __cap_c_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,elementCount(size))
#define __cap_c_one_notref_impl _Notref_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,elementCount(1))
#define __cap_for_impl(param) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,inexpressibleCount(sizeof(param)))
#define __cap_x_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,inexpressibleCount(#size))
#define __bytecap_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,byteCount(size))
#define __bytecap_c_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,byteCount(size))
#define __bytecap_x_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,inexpressibleCount(#size))
#define __mult_impl(mult,size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo,(mult)*(size))
#define __count_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo,elementCount(size))
#define __count_c_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo,elementCount(size))
#define __count_x_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo,inexpressibleCount(#size))
#define __bytecount_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo,byteCount(size))
#define __bytecount_c_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo,byteCount(size))
#define __bytecount_x_impl(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo,inexpressibleCount(#size))
#define _At_impl_(target, annos) _SA_annotes0(SAL_at(target)) _Group_(annos)
#define _At_buffer_impl_(target, iter, bound, annos) _SA_annotes3(SAL_at_buffer, target, iter, bound) _Group_(annos)
#define _Group_impl_(annos) _SA_annotes0(SAL_begin) annos _SA_annotes0(SAL_end)
#define _GrouP_impl_(annos) _SA_annotes0(SAL_BEGIN) annos _SA_annotes0(SAL_END)
#define _When_impl_(expr, annos) _SA_annotes0(SAL_when(expr)) _Group_(annos)
#define _Use_decl_anno_impl_ __declspec("SAL_useHeader()") // this is a special case!
#define _Pre1_impl_(p1) _Pre_impl_ p1
#define _Pre2_impl_(p1,p2) _Pre_impl_ p1 _Pre_impl_ p2
#define _Pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) _Pre_impl_ p1 _Pre_impl_ p2 _Pre_impl_ p3
#define _Post1_impl_(p1) _Post_impl_ p1
#define _Post2_impl_(p1,p2) _Post_impl_ p1 _Post_impl_ p2
#define _Post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) _Post_impl_ p1 _Post_impl_ p2 _Post_impl_ p3
#define _Ret1_impl_(p1) _Post_impl_ p1
#define _Ret2_impl_(p1,p2) _Post_impl_ p1 _Post_impl_ p2
#define _Ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) _Post_impl_ p1 _Post_impl_ p2 _Post_impl_ p3
#define _Deref_pre1_impl_(p1) _Deref_pre_impl_ p1
#define _Deref_pre2_impl_(p1,p2) _Deref_pre_impl_ p1 _Deref_pre_impl_ p2
#define _Deref_pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) _Deref_pre_impl_ p1 _Deref_pre_impl_ p2 _Deref_pre_impl_ p3
#define _Deref_post1_impl_(p1) _Deref_post_impl_ p1
#define _Deref_post2_impl_(p1,p2) _Deref_post_impl_ p1 _Deref_post_impl_ p2
#define _Deref_post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) _Deref_post_impl_ p1 _Deref_post_impl_ p2 _Deref_post_impl_ p3
#define _Deref_ret1_impl_(p1) _Deref_post_impl_ p1
#define _Deref_ret2_impl_(p1,p2) _Deref_post_impl_ p1 _Deref_post_impl_ p2
#define _Deref_ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) _Deref_post_impl_ p1 _Deref_post_impl_ p2 _Deref_post_impl_ p3
#define _Deref2_pre1_impl_(p1) _Deref_pre_impl_ _Notref_impl_ _Deref_impl_ p1
#define _Deref2_post1_impl_(p1) _Deref_post_impl_ _Notref_impl_ _Deref_impl_ p1
#define _Deref2_ret1_impl_(p1) _Deref_post_impl_ _Notref_impl_ _Deref_impl_ p1
#define __inner_typefix(ctype) _SA_annotes1(SAL_typefix, ctype)
#define __inner_exceptthat _SA_annotes0(SAL_except)
#elif defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) && !defined( MIDL_PASS ) && !defined(__midl) && !defined(RC_INVOKED) && defined(_PFT_VER) // ][
# 1878 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// minimum attribute expansion for foreground build
#pragma push_macro( "SA" )
#pragma push_macro( "REPEATABLE" )
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#define SA( id ) id
#define REPEATABLE [repeatable]
#else // !__cplusplus // ][
# 1888 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define SA( id ) SA_##id
#endif // !__cplusplus // ]
# 1891 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
[source_annotation_attribute( SA( Parameter ) )]
struct __P_impl
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#endif // ]
# 1899 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
int __d_;
typedef struct __P_impl __P_impl;
[source_annotation_attribute( SA( ReturnValue ) )]
struct __R_impl
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#endif // ]
# 1910 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
int __d_;
typedef struct __R_impl __R_impl;
[source_annotation_attribute( SA( Method ) )]
struct __M_
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#endif // ]
# 1920 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
int __d_;
typedef struct __M_ __M_;
[source_annotation_attribute( SA( All ) )]
struct __A_
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#endif // ]
# 1930 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
int __d_;
typedef struct __A_ __A_;
[source_annotation_attribute( SA( Field ) )]
struct __F_
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#endif // ]
# 1940 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
int __d_;
typedef struct __F_ __F_;
#pragma pop_macro( "REPEATABLE" )
#pragma pop_macro( "SA" )
#define _SAL_nop_impl_
#define _At_impl_(target, annos) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _At_buffer_impl_(target, iter, bound, annos) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _When_impl_(expr, annos) annos
#define _Group_impl_(annos) annos
#define _GrouP_impl_(annos) annos
#define _Use_decl_anno_impl_ [__M_(__d_=0)]
#define _Points_to_data_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Literal_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Notliteral_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Pre_valid_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Post_valid_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Ret_valid_impl_ [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Check_return_impl_ [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Must_inspect_impl_ [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Success_impl_(expr) [__M_(__d_=0)]
#define _On_failure_impl_(expr) [__M_(__d_=0)]
#define _Always_impl_(expr) [__M_(__d_=0)]
#define _Printf_format_string_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Scanf_format_string_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Scanf_s_format_string_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Raises_SEH_exception_impl_ [__M_(__d_=0)]
#define _Maybe_raises_SEH_exception_impl_ [__M_(__d_=0)]
#define _In_bound_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Out_bound_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Ret_bound_impl_ [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_in_bound_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_out_bound_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_ret_bound_impl_ [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Range_impl_(min,max) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _In_range_impl_(min,max) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Out_range_impl_(min,max) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Ret_range_impl_(min,max) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_in_range_impl_(min,max) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_out_range_impl_(min,max) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_ret_range_impl_(min,max) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Field_range_impl_(min,max) [__F_(__d_=0)]
#define _Pre_satisfies_impl_(cond) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Post_satisfies_impl_(cond) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Satisfies_impl_(cond) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Null_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Notnull_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Maybenull_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Valid_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Notvalid_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Maybevalid_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Readable_bytes_impl_(size) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Readable_elements_impl_(size) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Writable_bytes_impl_(size) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Writable_elements_impl_(size) [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Null_terminated_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _NullNull_terminated_impl_ [__A_(__d_=0)]
#define _Pre_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Pre1_impl_(p1) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Pre2_impl_(p1,p2) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Post_impl_ [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Post1_impl_(p1) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Post2_impl_(p1,p2) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Ret1_impl_(p1) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Ret2_impl_(p1,p2) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_pre1_impl_(p1) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_pre2_impl_(p1,p2) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_post1_impl_(p1) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_post2_impl_(p1,p2) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_ret1_impl_(p1) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_ret2_impl_(p1,p2) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref_ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3) [__R_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref2_pre1_impl_(p1) //[__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref2_post1_impl_(p1) //[__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#define _Deref2_ret1_impl_(p1) //[__P_impl(__d_=0)]
#else // ][
# 2047 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _SAL_nop_impl_ X
#define _At_impl_(target, annos)
#define _When_impl_(expr, annos)
#define _Group_impl_(annos)
#define _GrouP_impl_(annos)
#define _At_buffer_impl_(target, iter, bound, annos)
#define _Use_decl_anno_impl_
#define _Points_to_data_impl_
#define _Literal_impl_
#define _Notliteral_impl_
#define _Notref_impl_
#define _Pre_valid_impl_
#define _Post_valid_impl_
#define _Ret_valid_impl_
#define _Check_return_impl_
#define _Must_inspect_impl_
#define _Success_impl_(expr)
#define _On_failure_impl_(annos)
#define _Always_impl_(annos)
#define _Printf_format_string_impl_
#define _Scanf_format_string_impl_
#define _Scanf_s_format_string_impl_
#define _In_bound_impl_
#define _Out_bound_impl_
#define _Ret_bound_impl_
#define _Deref_in_bound_impl_
#define _Deref_out_bound_impl_
#define _Deref_ret_bound_impl_
#define _Range_impl_(min,max)
#define _In_range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Out_range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Ret_range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Deref_in_range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Deref_out_range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Deref_ret_range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Satisfies_impl_(expr)
#define _Pre_satisfies_impl_(expr)
#define _Post_satisfies_impl_(expr)
#define _Null_impl_
#define _Notnull_impl_
#define _Maybenull_impl_
#define _Valid_impl_
#define _Notvalid_impl_
#define _Maybevalid_impl_
#define _Field_range_impl_(min,max)
#define _Pre_impl_
#define _Pre1_impl_(p1)
#define _Pre2_impl_(p1,p2)
#define _Pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3)
#define _Post_impl_
#define _Post1_impl_(p1)
#define _Post2_impl_(p1,p2)
#define _Post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3)
#define _Ret1_impl_(p1)
#define _Ret2_impl_(p1,p2)
#define _Ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3)
#define _Deref_pre1_impl_(p1)
#define _Deref_pre2_impl_(p1,p2)
#define _Deref_pre3_impl_(p1,p2,p3)
#define _Deref_post1_impl_(p1)
#define _Deref_post2_impl_(p1,p2)
#define _Deref_post3_impl_(p1,p2,p3)
#define _Deref_ret1_impl_(p1)
#define _Deref_ret2_impl_(p1,p2)
#define _Deref_ret3_impl_(p1,p2,p3)
#define _Deref2_pre1_impl_(p1)
#define _Deref2_post1_impl_(p1)
#define _Deref2_ret1_impl_(p1)
#define _Readable_bytes_impl_(size)
#define _Readable_elements_impl_(size)
#define _Writable_bytes_impl_(size)
#define _Writable_elements_impl_(size)
#define _Null_terminated_impl_
#define _NullNull_terminated_impl_
// Obsolete -- may be needed for transition to attributes.
#define __inner_typefix(ctype)
#define __inner_exceptthat
#endif // ]
# 2149 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// This section contains the deprecated annotations
sal.h provides a set of annotations to describe how a function uses its
parameters - the assumptions it makes about them, and the guarantees it makes
upon finishing.
Annotations may be placed before either a function parameter's type or its return
type, and describe the function's behavior regarding the parameter or return value.
There are two classes of annotations: buffer annotations and advanced annotations.
Buffer annotations describe how functions use their pointer parameters, and
advanced annotations either describe complex/unusual buffer behavior, or provide
additional information about a parameter that is not otherwise expressible.
Buffer Annotations
The most important annotations in sal.h provide a consistent way to annotate
buffer parameters or return values for a function. Each of these annotations describes
a single buffer (which could be a string, a fixed-length or variable-length array,
or just a pointer) that the function interacts with: where it is, how large it is,
how much is initialized, and what the function does with it.
The appropriate macro for a given buffer can be constructed using the table below.
Just pick the appropriate values from each category, and combine them together
with a leading underscore. Some combinations of values do not make sense as buffer
annotations. Only meaningful annotations can be added to your code; for a list of
these, see the buffer annotation definitions section.
Only a single buffer annotation should be used for each parameter.
| Level | Usage | Size | Output | NullTerm | Optional | Parameters |
| <> | <> | <> | <> | _z | <> | <> |
| _deref | _in | _ecount | _full | _nz | _opt | (size) |
| _deref_opt | _out | _bcount | _part | | | (size,length) |
| | _inout | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Level: Describes the buffer pointer's level of indirection from the parameter or
return value 'p'.
<> : p is the buffer pointer.
_deref : *p is the buffer pointer. p must not be NULL.
_deref_opt : *p may be the buffer pointer. p may be NULL, in which case the rest of
the annotation is ignored.
Usage: Describes how the function uses the buffer.
<> : The buffer is not accessed. If used on the return value or with _deref, the
function will provide the buffer, and it will be uninitialized at exit.
Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer. This should only be used
for alloc and free functions.
_in : The function will only read from the buffer. The caller must provide the
buffer and initialize it. Cannot be used with _deref.
_out : The function will only write to the buffer. If used on the return value or
with _deref, the function will provide the buffer and initialize it.
Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer, and the function will
initialize it.
_inout : The function may freely read from and write to the buffer. The caller must
provide the buffer and initialize it. If used with _deref, the buffer may
be reallocated by the function.
Size: Describes the total size of the buffer. This may be less than the space actually
allocated for the buffer, in which case it describes the accessible amount.
<> : No buffer size is given. If the type specifies the buffer size (such as
with LPSTR and LPWSTR), that amount is used. Otherwise, the buffer is one
element long. Must be used with _in, _out, or _inout.
_ecount : The buffer size is an explicit element count.
_bcount : The buffer size is an explicit byte count.
Output: Describes how much of the buffer will be initialized by the function. For
_inout buffers, this also describes how much is initialized at entry. Omit this
category for _in buffers; they must be fully initialized by the caller.
<> : The type specifies how much is initialized. For instance, a function initializing
an LPWSTR must NULL-terminate the string.
_full : The function initializes the entire buffer.
_part : The function initializes part of the buffer, and explicitly indicates how much.
NullTerm: States if the present of a '\0' marks the end of valid elements in the buffer.
_z : A '\0' indicated the end of the buffer
_nz : The buffer may not be null terminated and a '\0' does not indicate the end of the
Optional: Describes if the buffer itself is optional.
<> : The pointer to the buffer must not be NULL.
_opt : The pointer to the buffer might be NULL. It will be checked before being dereferenced.
Parameters: Gives explicit counts for the size and length of the buffer.
<> : There is no explicit count. Use when neither _ecount nor _bcount is used.
(size) : Only the buffer's total size is given. Use with _ecount or _bcount but not _part.
(size,length) : The buffer's total size and initialized length are given. Use with _ecount_part
and _bcount_part.
Buffer Annotation Examples
__in LPCSTR pszString,
DWORD dwFlags,
__out int *piRet -- A pointer whose dereference will be filled in.
void MyPaintingFunction(
__in HWND hwndControl, -- An initialized read-only parameter.
__in_opt HDC hdcOptional, -- An initialized read-only parameter that might be NULL.
__inout IPropertyStore *ppsStore -- An initialized parameter that may be freely used
-- and modified.
LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCompactPathExA(
__out_ecount(cchMax) LPSTR pszOut, -- A string buffer with cch elements that will
-- be NULL terminated on exit.
__in LPCSTR pszSrc,
UINT cchMax,
DWORD dwFlags
HRESULT SHLocalAllocBytes(
size_t cb,
__deref_bcount(cb) T **ppv -- A pointer whose dereference will be set to an
-- uninitialized buffer with cb bytes.
__inout_bcount_full(cb) : A buffer with cb elements that is fully initialized at
entry and exit, and may be written to by this function.
__out_ecount_part(count, *countOut) : A buffer with count elements that will be
partially initialized by this function. The function indicates how much it
initialized by setting *countOut.
Advanced Annotations
Advanced annotations describe behavior that is not expressible with the regular
buffer macros. These may be used either to annotate buffer parameters that involve
complex or conditional behavior, or to enrich existing annotations with additional
__success(expr) f :
<expr> indicates whether function f succeeded or not. If <expr> is true at exit,
all the function's guarantees (as given by other annotations) must hold. If <expr>
is false at exit, the caller should not expect any of the function's guarantees
to hold. If not used, the function must always satisfy its guarantees. Added
automatically to functions that indicate success in standard ways, such as by
returning an HRESULT.
__nullterminated p :
Pointer p is a buffer that may be read or written up to and including the first
NULL character or pointer. May be used on typedefs, which marks valid (properly
initialized) instances of that type as being NULL-terminated.
__nullnullterminated p :
Pointer p is a buffer that may be read or written up to and including the first
sequence of two NULL characters or pointers. May be used on typedefs, which marks
valid instances of that type as being double-NULL terminated.
__reserved v :
Value v must be 0/NULL, reserved for future use.
__checkReturn v :
Return value v must not be ignored by callers of this function.
__typefix(ctype) v :
Value v should be treated as an instance of ctype, rather than its declared type.
__override f :
Specify C#-style 'override' behaviour for overriding virtual methods.
__callback f :
Function f can be used as a function pointer.
__format_string p :
Pointer p is a string that contains % markers in the style of printf.
__blocksOn(resource) f :
Function f blocks on the resource 'resource'.
__fallthrough :
Annotates switch statement labels where fall-through is desired, to distinguish
from forgotten break statements.
Advanced Annotation Examples
__success(return != FALSE) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL)
PathCanonicalizeA(__out_ecount(MAX_PATH) LPSTR pszBuf, LPCSTR pszPath) :
pszBuf is only guaranteed to be NULL-terminated when TRUE is returned.
typedef __nullterminated WCHAR* LPWSTR : Initialized LPWSTRs are NULL-terminated strings.
__out_ecount(cch) __typefix(LPWSTR) void *psz : psz is a buffer parameter which will be
a NULL-terminated WCHAR string at exit, and which initially contains cch WCHARs.
#define __specstrings
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#ifndef __nothrow // [
# define __nothrow __declspec(nothrow)
#endif // ]
# 2361 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
extern "C" {
#else // ][
# 2363 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#ifndef __nothrow // [
# define __nothrow
#endif // ]
# 2366 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif /* __cplusplus */ // ]
# 2367 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
Helper Macro Definitions
These express behavior common to many of the high-level annotations.
The helper annotations are only understood by the compiler version used by
various defect detection tools. When the regular compiler is running, they
are defined into nothing, and do not affect the compiled code.
#if !defined(__midl) && defined(_PREFAST_) // [
In the primitive "SAL_*" annotations "SAL" stands for Standard
Annotation Language. These "SAL_*" annotations are the
primitives the compiler understands and high-level MACROs
will decompose into these primivates.
#define _SA_SPECSTRIZE( x ) #x
__null p
__notnull p
__maybenull p
Annotates a pointer p. States that pointer p is null. Commonly used
in the negated form __notnull or the possibly null form __maybenull.
#define __null _Null_impl_
#define __notnull _Notnull_impl_
#define __maybenull _Maybenull_impl_
__readonly l
__notreadonly l
__mabyereadonly l
Annotates a location l. States that location l is not modified after
this point. If the annotation is placed on the precondition state of
a function, the restriction only applies until the postcondition state
of the function. __maybereadonly states that the annotated location
may be modified, whereas __notreadonly states that a location must be
#define __readonly _Pre1_impl_(__readaccess_impl)
#define __notreadonly _Pre1_impl_(__allaccess_impl)
#define __maybereadonly _Pre1_impl_(__readaccess_impl)
__valid v
__notvalid v
__maybevalid v
Annotates any value v. States that the value satisfies all properties of
valid values of its type. For example, for a string buffer, valid means
that the buffer pointer is either NULL or points to a NULL-terminated string.
#define __valid _Valid_impl_
#define __notvalid _Notvalid_impl_
#define __maybevalid _Maybevalid_impl_
__readableTo(extent) p
Annotates a buffer pointer p. If the buffer can be read, extent describes
how much of the buffer is readable. For a reader of the buffer, this is
an explicit permission to read up to that amount, rather than a restriction to
read only up to it.
#define __readableTo(extent) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo, extent)
Annotates a buffer pointer p as being readable to size elements.
#define __elem_readableTo(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo, elementCount( size ))
Annotates a buffer pointer p as being readable to size bytes.
#define __byte_readableTo(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_readableTo, byteCount(size))
__writableTo(extent) p
Annotates a buffer pointer p. If the buffer can be modified, extent
describes how much of the buffer is writable (usually the allocation
size). For a writer of the buffer, this is an explicit permission to
write up to that amount, rather than a restriction to write only up to it.
#define __writableTo(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo, size)
Annotates a buffer pointer p as being writable to size elements.
#define __elem_writableTo(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo, elementCount( size ))
Annotates a buffer pointer p as being writable to size bytes.
#define __byte_writableTo(size) _SA_annotes1(SAL_writableTo, byteCount( size))
__deref p
Annotates a pointer p. The next annotation applies one dereference down
in the type. If readableTo(p, size) then the next annotation applies to
all elements *(p+i) for which i satisfies the size. If p is a pointer
to a struct, the next annotation applies to all fields of the struct.
#define __deref _Deref_impl_
__pre __next_annotation
The next annotation applies in the precondition state
#define __pre _Pre_impl_
__post __next_annotation
The next annotation applies in the postcondition state
#define __post _Post_impl_
When <expr> is true, the next annotation applies in the precondition state
(currently not enabled)
#define __precond(expr) __pre
When <expr> is true, the next annotation applies in the postcondition state
(currently not enabled)
#define __postcond(expr) __post
Given a set of annotations Q containing __exceptthat maybeP, the effect of
the except clause is to erase any P or notP annotations (explicit or
implied) within Q at the same level of dereferencing that the except
clause appears, and to replace it with maybeP.
Example 1: __valid __pre_except_maybenull on a pointer p means that the
pointer may be null, and is otherwise valid, thus overriding
the implicit notnull annotation implied by __valid on
Example 2: __valid __deref __pre_except_maybenull on an int **p means
that p is not null (implied by valid), but the elements
pointed to by p could be null, and are otherwise valid.
#define __exceptthat __inner_exceptthat
Added to all out parameter macros to indicate that they are all reference
#define __refparam _Notref_ __deref __notreadonly
Helper macros that directly correspond to certain high-level annotations.
Macros to classify the entrypoints and indicate their category.
Pre-defined control point categories include: RPC, LPC, DeviceDriver, UserToKernel, ISAPI, COM.
#define __inner_control_entrypoint(category) _SA_annotes2(SAL_entrypoint, controlEntry, category)
Pre-defined data entry point categories include: Registry, File, Network.
#define __inner_data_entrypoint(category) _SA_annotes2(SAL_entrypoint, dataEntry, category)
#define __inner_override _SA_annotes0(__override)
#define __inner_callback _SA_annotes0(__callback)
#define __inner_blocksOn(resource) _SA_annotes1(SAL_blocksOn, resource)
#define __inner_fallthrough_dec __inline __nothrow void __FallThrough() {}
#define __inner_fallthrough __FallThrough();
#define __post_except_maybenull __post __inner_exceptthat _Maybenull_impl_
#define __pre_except_maybenull __pre __inner_exceptthat _Maybenull_impl_
#define __post_deref_except_maybenull __post __deref __inner_exceptthat _Maybenull_impl_
#define __pre_deref_except_maybenull __pre __deref __inner_exceptthat _Maybenull_impl_
#define __inexpressible_readableTo(size) _Readable_elements_impl_(_Inexpressible_(size))
#define __inexpressible_writableTo(size) _Writable_elements_impl_(_Inexpressible_(size))
#else // ][
# 2595 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define __null
#define __notnull
#define __maybenull
#define __readonly
#define __notreadonly
#define __maybereadonly
#define __valid
#define __notvalid
#define __maybevalid
#define __readableTo(extent)
#define __elem_readableTo(size)
#define __byte_readableTo(size)
#define __writableTo(size)
#define __elem_writableTo(size)
#define __byte_writableTo(size)
#define __deref
#define __pre
#define __post
#define __precond(expr)
#define __postcond(expr)
#define __exceptthat
#define __inner_override
#define __inner_callback
#define __inner_blocksOn(resource)
#define __inner_fallthrough_dec
#define __inner_fallthrough
#define __refparam
#define __inner_control_entrypoint(category)
#define __inner_data_entrypoint(category)
#define __post_except_maybenull
#define __pre_except_maybenull
#define __post_deref_except_maybenull
#define __pre_deref_except_maybenull
#define __inexpressible_readableTo(size)
#define __inexpressible_writableTo(size)
#endif /* !defined(__midl) && defined(_PREFAST_) */ // ]
# 2634 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
Buffer Annotation Definitions
Any of these may be used to directly annotate functions, but only one should
be used for each parameter. To determine which annotation to use for a given
buffer, use the table in the buffer annotations section.
#define __ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__ecount, (size), __notnull __elem_writableTo(size))
#define __bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__bcount, (size), __notnull __byte_writableTo(size))
#define __in _SAL1_Source_(__in, (), _In_)
#define __in_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_ecount, (size), _In_reads_(size))
#define __in_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_bcount, (size), _In_reads_bytes_(size))
#define __in_z _SAL1_Source_(__in_z, (), _In_z_)
#define __in_ecount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_ecount_z, (size), _In_reads_z_(size))
#define __in_bcount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_bcount_z, (size), __in_bcount(size) __pre __nullterminated)
#define __in_nz _SAL1_Source_(__in_nz, (), __in)
#define __in_ecount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_ecount_nz, (size), __in_ecount(size))
#define __in_bcount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_bcount_nz, (size), __in_bcount(size))
#define __out _SAL1_Source_(__out, (), _Out_)
#define __out_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount, (size), _Out_writes_(size))
#define __out_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount, (size), _Out_writes_bytes_(size))
#define __out_ecount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_part, (size,length), _Out_writes_to_(size,length))
#define __out_bcount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_part, (size,length), _Out_writes_bytes_to_(size,length))
#define __out_ecount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_full, (size), _Out_writes_all_(size))
#define __out_bcount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_full, (size), _Out_writes_bytes_all_(size))
#define __out_z _SAL1_Source_(__out_z, (), __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_z_opt _SAL1_Source_(__out_z_opt, (), __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __out_ecount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_z, (size), __ecount(size) __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_bcount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_z, (size), __bcount(size) __post __valid __refparam __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_ecount_part_z(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_part_z, (size,length), __out_ecount_part(size,length) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_bcount_part_z(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_part_z, (size,length), __out_bcount_part(size,length) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_ecount_full_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_full_z, (size), __out_ecount_full(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_bcount_full_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_full_z, (size), __out_bcount_full(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_nz _SAL1_Source_(__out_nz, (), __post __valid __refparam)
#define __out_nz_opt _SAL1_Source_(__out_nz_opt, (), __post __valid __refparam __post_except_maybenull_)
#define __out_ecount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_nz, (size), __ecount(size) __post __valid __refparam)
#define __out_bcount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_nz, (size), __bcount(size) __post __valid __refparam)
#define __inout _SAL1_Source_(__inout, (), _Inout_)
#define __inout_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount, (size), _Inout_updates_(size))
#define __inout_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount, (size), _Inout_updates_bytes_(size))
#define __inout_ecount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_part, (size,length), _Inout_updates_to_(size,length))
#define __inout_bcount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_part, (size,length), _Inout_updates_bytes_to_(size,length))
#define __inout_ecount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_full, (size), _Inout_updates_all_(size))
#define __inout_bcount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_full, (size), _Inout_updates_bytes_all_(size))
#define __inout_z _SAL1_Source_(__inout_z, (), _Inout_z_)
#define __inout_ecount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_z, (size), _Inout_updates_z_(size))
#define __inout_bcount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_z, (size), __inout_bcount(size) __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated)
#define __inout_nz _SAL1_Source_(__inout_nz, (), __inout)
#define __inout_ecount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_nz, (size), __inout_ecount(size))
#define __inout_bcount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_nz, (size), __inout_bcount(size))
#define __ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__ecount_opt, (size), __ecount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__bcount_opt, (size), __bcount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __in_opt _SAL1_Source_(__in_opt, (), _In_opt_)
#define __in_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_ecount_opt, (size), _In_reads_opt_(size))
#define __in_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_bcount_opt, (size), _In_reads_bytes_opt_(size))
#define __in_z_opt _SAL1_Source_(__in_z_opt, (), _In_opt_z_)
#define __in_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_ecount_z_opt, (size), __in_ecount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated)
#define __in_bcount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_bcount_z_opt, (size), __in_bcount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated)
#define __in_nz_opt _SAL1_Source_(__in_nz_opt, (), __in_opt)
#define __in_ecount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_ecount_nz_opt, (size), __in_ecount_opt(size))
#define __in_bcount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__in_bcount_nz_opt, (size), __in_bcount_opt(size))
#define __out_opt _SAL1_Source_(__out_opt, (), _Out_opt_)
#define __out_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_opt, (size), _Out_writes_opt_(size))
#define __out_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_opt, (size), _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(size))
#define __out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_part_opt, (size,length), __out_ecount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_part_opt, (size,length), __out_bcount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __out_ecount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_full_opt, (size), __out_ecount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __out_bcount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_full_opt, (size), __out_bcount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __out_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_z_opt, (size), __out_ecount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_bcount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_z_opt, (size), __out_bcount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_ecount_part_z_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_part_z_opt, (size,length), __out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_bcount_part_z_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_part_z_opt, (size,length), __out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_ecount_full_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_full_z_opt, (size), __out_ecount_full_opt(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_bcount_full_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_full_z_opt, (size), __out_bcount_full_opt(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_ecount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_ecount_nz_opt, (size), __out_ecount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __out_bcount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__out_bcount_nz_opt, (size), __out_bcount_opt(size) __post __nullterminated)
#define __inout_opt _SAL1_Source_(__inout_opt, (), _Inout_opt_)
#define __inout_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_opt, (size), __inout_ecount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __inout_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_opt, (size), __inout_bcount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_part_opt, (size,length), __inout_ecount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_part_opt, (size,length), __inout_bcount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __inout_ecount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_full_opt, (size), __inout_ecount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __inout_bcount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_full_opt, (size), __inout_bcount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __inout_z_opt _SAL1_Source_(__inout_z_opt, (), __inout_opt __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated)
#define __inout_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_z_opt, (size), __inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated)
#define __inout_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_z_opt, (size), __inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre __nullterminated __post __nullterminated)
#define __inout_bcount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_z_opt, (size), __inout_bcount_opt(size))
#define __inout_nz_opt _SAL1_Source_(__inout_nz_opt, (), __inout_opt)
#define __inout_ecount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_ecount_nz_opt, (size), __inout_ecount_opt(size))
#define __inout_bcount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__inout_bcount_nz_opt, (size), __inout_bcount_opt(size))
#define __deref_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_ecount, (size), _Notref_ __ecount(1) __post _Notref_ __elem_readableTo(1) __post _Notref_ __deref _Notref_ __notnull __post __deref __elem_writableTo(size))
#define __deref_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_bcount, (size), _Notref_ __ecount(1) __post _Notref_ __elem_readableTo(1) __post _Notref_ __deref _Notref_ __notnull __post __deref __byte_writableTo(size))
#define __deref_out _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out, (), _Outptr_)
#define __deref_out_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount, (size), _Outptr_result_buffer_(size))
#define __deref_out_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount, (size), _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(size))
#define __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_part, (size,length), _Outptr_result_buffer_to_(size,length))
#define __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_part, (size,length), _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_to_(size,length))
#define __deref_out_ecount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_full, (size), __deref_out_ecount_part(size,size))
#define __deref_out_bcount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_full, (size), __deref_out_bcount_part(size,size))
#define __deref_out_z _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_z, (), _Outptr_result_z_)
#define __deref_out_ecount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_z, (size), __deref_out_ecount(size) __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_out_bcount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_z, (size), __deref_out_bcount(size) __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_out_nz _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_nz, (), __deref_out)
#define __deref_out_ecount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_nz, (size), __deref_out_ecount(size))
#define __deref_out_bcount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_nz, (size), __deref_out_ecount(size))
#define __deref_inout _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout, (), _Notref_ __notnull _Notref_ __elem_readableTo(1) __pre __deref __valid __post _Notref_ __deref __valid __refparam)
#define __deref_inout_z _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_z, (), __deref_inout __pre __deref __nullterminated __post _Notref_ __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_inout_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount, (size), __deref_inout __pre __deref __elem_writableTo(size) __post _Notref_ __deref __elem_writableTo(size))
#define __deref_inout_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount, (size), __deref_inout __pre __deref __byte_writableTo(size) __post _Notref_ __deref __byte_writableTo(size))
#define __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_part, (size,length), __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __elem_readableTo(length) __post __deref __elem_readableTo(length))
#define __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_part, (size,length), __deref_inout_bcount(size) __pre __deref __byte_readableTo(length) __post __deref __byte_readableTo(length))
#define __deref_inout_ecount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_full, (size), __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,size))
#define __deref_inout_bcount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_full, (size), __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,size))
#define __deref_inout_ecount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_z, (size), __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_inout_bcount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_z, (size), __deref_inout_bcount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_inout_nz _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_nz, (), __deref_inout)
#define __deref_inout_ecount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_nz, (size), __deref_inout_ecount(size))
#define __deref_inout_bcount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_nz, (size), __deref_inout_ecount(size))
#define __deref_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_ecount_opt, (size), __deref_ecount(size) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_bcount_opt, (size), __deref_bcount(size) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_opt, (), __deref_out __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_opt, (size), __deref_out_ecount(size) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_opt, (size), __deref_out_bcount(size) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_ecount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_full_opt, (size), __deref_out_ecount_full(size) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_bcount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_full_opt, (size), __deref_out_bcount_full(size) __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_out_z_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_z_opt, (), _Outptr_result_maybenull_z_)
#define __deref_out_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_z_opt, (size), __deref_out_ecount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_out_bcount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_z_opt, (size), __deref_out_bcount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_out_nz_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_nz_opt, (), __deref_out_opt)
#define __deref_out_ecount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_ecount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_out_ecount_opt(size))
#define __deref_out_bcount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_out_bcount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_out_bcount_opt(size))
#define __deref_inout_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_opt, (), __deref_inout __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_opt, (size), __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_opt, (size), __deref_inout_bcount(size) __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length) __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length) __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_inout_ecount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_full_opt, (size), __deref_inout_ecount_full(size) __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_inout_bcount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_full_opt, (size), __deref_inout_bcount_full(size) __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_inout_z_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_z_opt, (), __deref_inout_opt __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_inout_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_z_opt, (size), __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_inout_bcount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_z_opt, (size), __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_inout_nz_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_nz_opt, (), __deref_inout_opt)
#define __deref_inout_ecount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_ecount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size))
#define __deref_inout_bcount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_inout_bcount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size))
#define __deref_opt_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_ecount, (size), __deref_ecount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_bcount, (size), __deref_bcount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out, (), _Outptr_opt_)
#define __deref_opt_out_z _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_z, (), _Outptr_opt_result_z_)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount, (size), __deref_out_ecount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount, (size), __deref_out_bcount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount_part, (size,length), __deref_out_ecount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount_part, (size,length), __deref_out_bcount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount_full, (size), __deref_out_ecount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount_full, (size), __deref_out_bcount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout, (), _Inout_opt_)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount, (size), __deref_inout_ecount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount, (size), __deref_inout_bcount(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_part, (size,length), __deref_inout_ecount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_part, (size,length), __deref_inout_bcount_part(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_full, (size), __deref_inout_ecount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_full, (size), __deref_inout_bcount_full(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_z _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_z, (), __deref_opt_inout __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_z, (size), __deref_opt_inout_ecount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_z(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_z, (size), __deref_opt_inout_bcount(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_inout_nz _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_nz, (), __deref_opt_inout)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_nz, (size), __deref_opt_inout_ecount(size))
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_nz(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_nz, (size), __deref_opt_inout_bcount(size))
#define __deref_opt_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_ecount_opt, (size), __deref_ecount_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_bcount_opt, (size), __deref_bcount_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_opt, (), _Outptr_opt_result_maybenull_)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount_opt, (size), __deref_out_ecount_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount_opt, (size), __deref_out_bcount_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_out_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_out_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount_full_opt, (size), __deref_out_ecount_full_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount_full_opt, (size), __deref_out_bcount_full_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_out_z_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_z_opt, (), __post __deref __valid __refparam __pre_except_maybenull __pre_deref_except_maybenull __post_deref_except_maybenull __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount_z_opt, (size), __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount_z_opt, (size), __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt(size) __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_out_nz_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_nz_opt, (), __deref_opt_out_opt)
#define __deref_opt_out_ecount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_ecount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_opt_out_ecount_opt(size))
#define __deref_opt_out_bcount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_out_bcount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_opt_out_bcount_opt(size))
#define __deref_opt_inout_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_opt, (), __deref_inout_opt __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt, (size), __deref_inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt, (size), __deref_inout_bcount_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_inout_ecount_part_opt(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_part_opt, (size,length), __deref_inout_bcount_part_opt(size,length) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_opt, (size), __deref_inout_ecount_full_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_full_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_full_opt, (size), __deref_inout_bcount_full_opt(size) __pre_except_maybenull)
#define __deref_opt_inout_z_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_z_opt, (), __deref_opt_inout_opt __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_z_opt, (size), __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_z_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_z_opt, (size), __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt(size) __pre __deref __nullterminated __post __deref __nullterminated)
#define __deref_opt_inout_nz_opt _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_nz_opt, (), __deref_opt_inout_opt)
#define __deref_opt_inout_ecount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_ecount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size))
#define __deref_opt_inout_bcount_nz_opt(size) _SAL1_Source_(__deref_opt_inout_bcount_nz_opt, (size), __deref_opt_inout_bcount_opt(size))
Advanced Annotation Definitions
Any of these may be used to directly annotate functions, and may be used in
combination with each other or with regular buffer macros. For an explanation
of each annotation, see the advanced annotations section.
#define __success(expr) _SAL1_1_Source_(__success, (expr), _Success_(expr))
#define __nullterminated _SAL1_Source_(__nullterminated, (), _Null_terminated_)
#define __nullnullterminated _SAL1_Source_(__nullnulltermiated, (), _SAL_nop_impl_)
#define __reserved _SAL1_Source_(__reserved, (), _Reserved_)
#define __checkReturn _SAL1_Source_(__checkReturn, (), _Check_return_)
#define __typefix(ctype) _SAL1_Source_(__typefix, (ctype), __inner_typefix(ctype))
#define __override __inner_override
#define __callback __inner_callback
#define __format_string _SAL1_1_Source_(__format_string, (), _Printf_format_string_)
#define __blocksOn(resource) _SAL_L_Source_(__blocksOn, (resource), __inner_blocksOn(resource))
#define __control_entrypoint(category) _SAL_L_Source_(__control_entrypoint, (category), __inner_control_entrypoint(category))
#define __data_entrypoint(category) _SAL_L_Source_(__data_entrypoint, (category), __inner_data_entrypoint(category))
#ifdef _USING_V110_SDK71_ // [
#ifndef _PREFAST_ // [
#define __useHeader
#else // ][
# 2863 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#error Code analysis is not supported when using Visual C++ 11.0/12.0 with the Windows 7.1 SDK.
#endif // ]
# 2865 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#else // ][
# 2866 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define __useHeader _Use_decl_anno_impl_
#endif // ]
# 2868 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#ifdef _USING_V110_SDK71_ // [
#ifndef _PREFAST_ // [
#define __on_failure(annotes)
#else // ][
# 2873 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#error Code analysis is not supported when using Visual C++ 11.0/12.0 with the Windows 7.1 SDK.
#endif // ]
# 2875 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#else // ][
# 2876 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define __on_failure(annotes) _SAL1_1_Source_(__on_failure, (annotes), _On_failure_impl_(annotes _SAL_nop_impl_))
#endif // ]
# 2878 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#ifndef __fallthrough // [
#define __fallthrough __inner_fallthrough
#endif // ]
# 2883 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#ifndef __analysis_assume // [
#ifdef _PREFAST_ // [
#define __analysis_assume(expr) __assume(expr)
#else // ][
# 2888 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define __analysis_assume(expr)
#endif // ]
# 2890 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif // ]
# 2891 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#ifndef _Analysis_assume_ // [
#ifdef _PREFAST_ // [
#define _Analysis_assume_(expr) __assume(expr)
#else // ][
# 2896 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _Analysis_assume_(expr)
#endif // ]
# 2898 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#endif // ]
# 2899 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _Analysis_noreturn_ _SAL2_Source_(_Analysis_noreturn_, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_terminates))
#ifdef _PREFAST_ // [
__inline __nothrow
void __AnalysisAssumeNullterminated(_Post_ _Null_terminated_ void *p);
#define _Analysis_assume_nullterminated_(x) __AnalysisAssumeNullterminated(x)
#else // ][
# 2909 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _Analysis_assume_nullterminated_(x)
#endif // ]
# 2911 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// Set the analysis mode (global flags to analysis).
// They take effect at the point of declaration; use at global scope
// as a declaration.
// Synthesize a unique symbol.
#define ___MKID(x, y) x ## y
#define __MKID(x, y) ___MKID(x, y)
#define __GENSYM(x) __MKID(x, __COUNTER__)
__ANNOTATION(SAL_analysisMode(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *mode);)
#define _Analysis_mode_impl_(mode) _SAL2_Source_(_Analysis_mode_impl_, (mode), _SA_annotes1(SAL_analysisMode, #mode))
// Floating point warnings are only meaningful in kernel-mode on x86
// so avoid reporting them on other platforms.
#ifndef _M_IX86 // [
#define _Analysis_mode_(mode) \
__pragma(warning(disable: 28110 28111 28161 28162)) \
typedef _Analysis_mode_impl_(mode) int \
#else // ][
# 2939 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#define _Analysis_mode_(mode) \
typedef _Analysis_mode_impl_(mode) int \
#endif // ]
# 2945 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
// The following are predefined:
// _Analysis_operator_new_throw_ (operator new throws)
// _Analysis_operator_new_null_ (operator new returns null)
// _Analysis_operator_new_never_fails_ (operator new never fails)
// Function class annotations.
__ANNOTATION(SAL_functionClassNew(__In_impl_ char*);)
__PRIMOP(int, _In_function_class_(__In_impl_ char*);)
#define _In_function_class_(x) _In_function_class_(#x)
#define _Called_from_function_class_(x) _In_function_class_(x)
#define _Function_class_(x) _SAL2_Source_(_Function_class_, (x), _SA_annotes1(SAL_functionClassNew, _SA_SPECSTRIZE(x)))
#define _Enum_is_bitflag_ _SAL2_Source_(_Enum_is_bitflag_, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_enumIsBitflag))
#define _Strict_type_match_ _SAL2_Source_(_Strict_type_match, (), _SA_annotes0(SAL_strictType2))
#define _Maybe_raises_SEH_exception_ _SAL2_Source_(_Maybe_raises_SEH_exception_, (x), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_inTry,__yes))
#define _Raises_SEH_exception_ _SAL2_Source_(_Raises_SEH_exception_, (x), _Maybe_raises_SEH_exception_ _Analysis_noreturn_)
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
#endif // ]
# 2969 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <concurrencysal.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 2970 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 1 3
*concurrencysal.h - markers for documenting the concurrent semantics of APIs
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This file contains macros for Concurrency SAL annotations. Definitions
* starting with _Internal are low level macros that are subject to change.
* Users should not use those low level macros directly.
* [ANSI]
* [Public]
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus // [
extern "C" {
#endif // ]
# 24 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
#if !defined(__midl) && defined(_PREFAST_) && !defined(_SDV_)
__ANNOTATION(SAL_guarded_by(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_write_guarded_by(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_requires_lock_held(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_requires_exclusive_lock_held(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_requires_shared_lock_held(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_requires_lock_not_held(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_set_lock_count_to_zero(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_set_lock_count_to_one(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_acquires_lock(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_acquires_exclusive_lock(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_acquires_shared_lock(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_releases_lock(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_releases_exclusive_lock(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_releases_shared_lock(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_ignore_lock_match(__deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_has_lock_property(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_has_lock_level(__AuToQuOtE __In_impl_ char *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_lock_level_order(__deferTypecheck void *, __deferTypecheck void *));
__ANNOTATION(SAL_set_same_lock(__deferTypecheck void *, __deferTypecheck void *));
* pre-defined global system locks
extern int _Global_interlock_;
extern int _Global_cancel_spin_lock_;
extern int _Global_critical_region_;
* Annotation identifiers
#define _Internal_create_CSAL_identifier_(id) const char id[] = "";
* data protection
#define _Guarded_by_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Guarded_by_, (lock), _SA_annotes1(SAL_guarded_by,lock))
#define _Write_guarded_by_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Write_guarded_by_, (lock), _SA_annotes1(SAL_write_guarded_by,lock))
#define _Interlocked_ _Guarded_by_(_Global_interlock_)
* interlocked operand used in interlocked instructions
#ifndef _Interlocked_operand_
#define _Interlocked_operand_ _SAL2_Source_(_Interlocked_operand_, (), _Pre_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_interlocked))
# 80 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
* caller/callee locking contracts
#define _Requires_lock_held_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Requires_lock_held_, (lock), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_lock_held,lock))
#define _Requires_exclusive_lock_held_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Requires_exclusive_lock_held_, (lock), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_exclusive_lock_held,lock))
#define _Requires_shared_lock_held_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Requires_shared_lock_held_, (lock), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_shared_lock_held,lock))
#define _Requires_lock_not_held_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Requires_lock_not_held_, (lock), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_lock_not_held,lock))
#define _Requires_no_locks_held_ _SAL2_Source_(_Requires_no_locks_held_, (), _Pre_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_requires_no_locks_held))
* acquire/release locking side effects
#define _Acquires_lock_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Acquires_lock_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_acquires_lock,lock))
#define _Acquires_exclusive_lock_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Acquires_exclusive_lock_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_acquires_exclusive_lock,lock))
#define _Acquires_shared_lock_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Acquires_shared_lock_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_acquires_shared_lock,lock))
#define _Releases_lock_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Releases_lock_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_releases_lock,lock))
#define _Releases_exclusive_lock_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Releases_exclusive_lock_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_releases_exclusive_lock,lock))
#define _Releases_shared_lock_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Releases_shared_lock_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_releases_shared_lock,lock))
* acquire/release locking side effects for non-reentrant locks
#define _Acquires_nonreentrant_lock_(lock) \
_SAL2_Source_(_Acquires_nonreentrant_lock_, (lock), \
_Requires_lock_not_held_(lock) \
#define _Releases_nonreentrant_lock_(lock) \
_SAL2_Source_(_Releases_nonreentrant_lock_, (lock), \
_Requires_lock_held_(lock) \
#define _Post_same_lock_(a,b) _SAL2_Source_(_Post_same_lock_, (a,b), _Post_ _SA_annotes2(SAL_set_same_lock,a,b))
* lock level
#define _Create_lock_level_(level) _Internal_create_CSAL_identifier_(level)
#define _Has_lock_level_(level) _SAL2_Source_(_Has_lock_level_, (level), _SA_annotes1(SAL_has_lock_level,#level))
#define _Internal_lock_level_order_(a,b) _SAL2_Source_(_Internal_lock_level_order_, (a,b), _SA_annotes2(SAL_lock_level_order,a,b))
#define _Csalcat1_(x,y) x##y
#define _Csalcat2_(x,y) _Csalcat1_(x,y)
#define _Lock_level_order_(a,b) \
extern _Internal_lock_level_order_(a,b) void _Sal_order_##a##_##b(_In_z_ const char*a, _In_z_ const char*b); \
static __inline void CSALCAT2(CSAL_LockOrder,__COUNTER__)(void){_Sal_order_##a##_##b(#a,#b);}
* threading context
#define _No_competing_thread_ _SAL2_Source_(_No_competing_thread_, (), _Pre_ _SA_annotes0(SAL_no_competing_thread))
* refinement and suppression
extern _Acquires_lock_(*plock) void _Internal_acquires_lock_(void* plock);
extern _Releases_lock_(*plock) void _Internal_releases_lock_(void* plock);
#define _Internal_set_lock_count_to_zero_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(Internal_set_lock_count_to_zero_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_set_lock_count_to_zero,lock))
#define _Internal_set_lock_count_to_one_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Internal_set_lock_count_to_one_, (lock), _Post_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_set_lock_count_to_one,lock))
extern _Internal_set_lock_count_to_one_(*plock) void _Internal_lock_held_(void* plock);
extern _Internal_set_lock_count_to_zero_(*plock) void _Internal_lock_not_held_(void* plock);
extern _Post_same_lock_(*plock1, *plock2) void _Internal_same_lock_(void* plock1, void* plock2);
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_acquired_(lock) _Internal_acquires_lock_((void*)(&(lock)))
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_released_(lock) _Internal_releases_lock_((void*)(&(lock)))
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_held_(lock) _Internal_lock_held_((void*)(&(lock)))
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_not_held_(lock) _Internal_lock_not_held_((void*)(&(lock)))
#define _Analysis_assume_same_lock_(lock1, lock2) _Internal_same_lock_((void*)(&(lock1)), (void*)(&(lock2)))
* _Function_ignore_lock_checking_ may be deprecated in future versions of SAL
#define _Function_ignore_lock_checking_(lock) _SAL2_Source_(_Function_ignore_lock_checking_, (lock), _Pre_ _SA_annotes1(SAL_ignore_lock_match,lock))
extern _Function_ignore_lock_checking_(*plock) void _Internal_suppress_lock_checking_(void* plock);
* _Analysis_suppress_lock_checking_ may be deprecated in future versions of SAL
#define _Analysis_suppress_lock_checking_(lock) _Internal_suppress_lock_checking_((void*)(&(lock)));
#define _Benign_race_begin_ __pragma(warning(push)) __pragma(warning(disable:26100 26101 26150 26130 26180 26131 26181 28112))
#define _Benign_race_end_ __pragma(warning(pop))
#define _No_competing_thread_begin_ __pragma(warning(push)) __pragma(warning(disable:26100 26101 26150 26101 26151 26110 26160 26130 26180 26131 26181 28112))
#define _No_competing_thread_end_ __pragma(warning(pop))
* lock kinds
#define _Has_lock_kind_(kind) _SAL2_Source_(_Has_lock_kind_, (kind), _SA_annotes1(SAL_has_lock_property,#kind))
* Old spelling
* Note: the old version may be deprecated in the future!!!
extern int __system_interlock;
extern int __system_cancel_spinlock;
extern int __system_critical_region;
#define __guarded_by(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__guarded_by, (lock), _SA_annotes1(SAL_guarded_by,lock))
#define __write_guarded_by(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__write_guarded_by, (lock), _SA_annotes1(SAL_write_guarded_by,lock))
#define __interlocked __guarded_by(_Global_interlock_)
* caller/callee locking contracts
#define __requires_lock_held(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__requires_lock_held, (lock), __pre _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_lock_held,lock))
#define __requires_exclusive_lock_held(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__requires_exclusive_lock_held, (lock), __pre _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_exclusive_lock_held,lock))
#define __requires_shared_lock_held(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__requires_shared_lock_held, (lock), __pre _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_shared_lock_held,lock))
#define __requires_lock_not_held(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__requires_lock_not_held, (lock), __pre _SA_annotes1(SAL_requires_lock_not_held,lock))
#define __requires_no_locks_held _SAL1_1_Source_(__requires_no_locks_held, (), __pre _SA_annotes0(SAL_requires_no_locks_held))
* acquire/release locking side effects
#define __acquires_lock(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__acquires_lock, (lock), __post _SA_annotes1(SAL_acquires_lock,lock))
#define __acquires_exclusive_lock(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__acquires_exclusive_lock, (lock), __post _SA_annotes1(SAL_acquires_exclusive_lock,lock))
#define __acquires_shared_lock(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__acquires_shared_lock, (lock), __post _SA_annotes1(SAL_acquires_shared_lock,lock))
#define __releases_lock(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__releases_lock, (lock), __post _SA_annotes1(SAL_releases_lock,lock))
#define __releases_exclusive_lock(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__releases_exclusive_lock, (lock),__post _SA_annotes1(SAL_releases_exclusive_lock,lock))
#define __releases_shared_lock(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__releases_shared_lock, (lock), __post _SA_annotes1(SAL_releases_shared_lock,lock))
* lock properties
* The following kind options are supported:
* __has_lock_property(MUTEX)
* __has_lock_property(EVENT)
* __has_lock_property(SEMAPHORE)
* __has_lock_property(OTHER_HANDLE)
* __has_lock_property(REENTRANT)
* __has_lock_property(NON_REENTRANT)
#define __has_lock_property(kind) _SAL1_1_Source_(__has_lock_property, (kind), _SA_annotes1(SAL_has_lock_property,#kind))
* lock level
#define __declare_lock_level(level) _Internal_create_CSAL_identifier_(level)
#define __has_lock_level(level) _SAL1_1_Source_(__has_lock_level, (level), _SA_annotes1(SAL_has_lock_level,#level))
#define __internal_lock_level_order(a,b) _SAL1_1_Source_(__internal_lock_level_order, (a,b), _SA_annotes2(SAL_lock_level_order,#a,#b))
#define CSALCAT1(x,y) x##y
#define CSALCAT2(x,y) CSALCAT1(x,y)
#define __lock_level_order(a,b) \
extern __internal_lock_level_order(a,b) void __sal_order_##a##_##b(__in_z char*a, __in_z char*b); \
static __inline void CSALCAT2(CSAL_LockOrder,__COUNTER__)(void){__sal_order_##a##_##b(#a,#b);}
* threading context
#define __no_competing_thread _SAL1_1_Source_(__no_competing_thread, (), __pre _SA_annotes0(SAL_no_competing_thread))
* refinement and suppression
extern __acquires_lock(*plock) void __internal_acquires_lock(void* plock);
extern __releases_lock(*plock) void __internal_releases_lock(void* plock);
#define __analysis_assume_lock_acquired(lock) __internal_acquires_lock((void*)(&(lock)))
#define __analysis_assume_lock_released(lock) __internal_releases_lock((void*)(&(lock)))
#define __function_ignore_lock_checking(lock) _SAL1_1_Source_(__function_ignore_lock_cleanup, (lock), __pre _SA_annotes1(SAL_ignore_lock_match,lock))
extern __function_ignore_lock_checking(*plock) void __internal_suppress_lock_checking(void* plock);
#define __analysis_suppress_lock_checking(lock) __internal_suppress_lock_checking((void*)(&(lock)));
#define BENIGN_RACE_BEGIN __pragma(warning(push)) __pragma(warning(disable:26100 26150 26130 26180 26131 26181))
#define BENIGN_RACE_END __pragma(warning(pop))
#define NO_COMPETING_THREAD_BEGIN __pragma(warning(push)) __pragma(warning(disable:26100 26150 26101 26151 26110 26160 26130 26180 26131 26181))
#define NO_COMPETING_THREAD_END __pragma(warning(pop))
# 265 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
#ifndef _Interlocked_operand_
#define _Interlocked_operand_
# 269 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
#define _Guarded_by_(lock)
#define _Write_guarded_by_(lock)
#define _Interlocked_
#define _Requires_lock_held_(lock)
#define _Requires_exclusive_lock_held_(lock)
#define _Requires_shared_lock_held_(lock)
#define _Requires_lock_not_held_(lock)
#define _Requires_no_locks_held_
#define _Acquires_lock_(lock)
#define _Acquires_exclusive_lock_(lock)
#define _Acquires_shared_lock_(lock)
#define _Releases_lock_(lock)
#define _Releases_exclusive_lock_(lock)
#define _Releases_shared_lock_(lock)
#define _Acquires_nonreentrant_lock_(lock)
#define _Releases_nonreentrant_lock_(lock)
#define _Post_same_lock_(lock1,lock2)
#define _Internal_set_lock_count_(lock, count)
#define _Create_lock_level_(level)
#define _Has_lock_level_(level)
#define _Internal_lock_level_order_(a,b)
#define _Csalcat1_(x,y)
#define _Csalcat2_(x,y)
#define _Lock_level_order_(a,b)
#define _No_competing_thread_
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_acquired_(lock)
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_released_(lock)
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_held_(lock)
#define _Analysis_assume_lock_not_held_(lock)
#define _Analysis_assume_same_lock_(lock1, lock2)
#define _Function_ignore_lock_checking_(lock)
#define _Analysis_suppress_lock_checking_(lock)
#define _Benign_race_begin_ __pragma(warning(push))
#define _Benign_race_end_ __pragma(warning(pop))
#define _No_competing_thread_begin_ __pragma(warning(push))
#define _No_competing_thread_end_ __pragma(warning(pop))
#define _Has_lock_kind_(kind)
* Old spelling: will be deprecated
#define __guarded_by(lock)
#define __write_guarded_by(lock)
#define __interlocked
#define __requires_lock_held(lock)
#define __requires_exclusive_lock_held(lock)
#define __requires_shared_lock_held(lock)
#define __requires_lock_not_held(lock)
#define __requires_no_locks_held
#define __acquires_lock(lock)
#define __acquires_exclusive_lock(lock)
#define __acquires_shared_lock(lock)
#define __releases_lock(lock)
#define __releases_exclusive_lock(lock)
#define __releases_shared_lock(lock)
#define __has_lock_property(kind)
#define __declare_lock_level(level)
#define __has_lock_level(level)
#define __internal_lock_level_order(a,b)
#define CSALCAT1(x,y)
#define CSALCAT2(x,y)
#define __lock_level_order(a,b)
#define __no_competing_thread
#define __analysis_assume_lock_acquired(lock)
#define __analysis_assume_lock_released(lock)
#define __function_ignore_lock_checking(lock)
#define __analysis_suppress_lock_checking(lock)
#define BENIGN_RACE_BEGIN __pragma(warning(push))
#define BENIGN_RACE_END __pragma(warning(pop))
#define NO_COMPETING_THREAD_BEGIN __pragma(warning(push))
#define NO_COMPETING_THREAD_END __pragma(warning(pop))
# 352 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
# 356 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
# 358 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\concurrencysal.h" 3
# 2971 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\sal.h" 2 3
# 48 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vadefs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 48 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 1 3
/* ===-------- vadefs.h ---------------------------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/* Only include this if we are aiming for MSVC compatibility. */
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <vadefs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 14 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifndef __clang_vadefs_h
#define __clang_vadefs_h
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <vadefs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 18 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 1 3
// vadefs.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Definitions of macro helpers used by <stdarg.h>. This is the topmost header
// in the CRT header lattice, and is always the first CRT header to be included,
// explicitly or implicitly. Therefore, this header also has several definitions
// that are used throughout the CRT.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define _INC_VADEFS
#define _CRT_PACKING 8
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# 20 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#if !defined _W64
#define _W64
# 24 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef unsigned __int64 uintptr_t;
# 30 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
typedef unsigned int uintptr_t;
# 32 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 33 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
typedef System::ArgIterator va_list;
# 39 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
typedef char* va_list;
# 41 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 42 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _ADDRESSOF(v) (&const_cast<char&>(reinterpret_cast<const volatile char&>(v)))
# 46 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define _ADDRESSOF(v) (&(v))
# 48 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#if (defined _M_ARM || defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64) && !defined _M_CEE_PURE
#define _VA_ALIGN 4
#define _SLOTSIZEOF(t) ((sizeof(t) + _VA_ALIGN - 1) & ~(_VA_ALIGN - 1))
#define _APALIGN(t,ap) (((va_list)0 - (ap)) & (__alignof(t) - 1))
#elif defined _M_ARM64 && !defined _M_CEE_PURE
# 54 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define _VA_ALIGN 8
#define _SLOTSIZEOF(t) ((sizeof(t) + _VA_ALIGN - 1) & ~(_VA_ALIGN - 1))
#define _APALIGN(t,ap) (((va_list)0 - (ap)) & (__alignof(t) - 1))
# 58 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define _SLOTSIZEOF(t) (sizeof(t))
#define _APALIGN(t,ap) (__alignof(t))
# 61 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#if defined _M_CEE_PURE || (defined _M_CEE && !defined _M_ARM && !defined _M_ARM64)
void __cdecl __va_start(va_list*, ...);
void* __cdecl __va_arg(va_list*, ...);
void __cdecl __va_end(va_list*);
#define __crt_va_start_a(ap, v) ((void)(__va_start(&ap, _ADDRESSOF(v), _SLOTSIZEOF(v), __alignof(v), _ADDRESSOF(v))))
#define __crt_va_arg(ap, t) (*(t *)__va_arg(&ap, _SLOTSIZEOF(t), _APALIGN(t,ap), (t*)0))
#define __crt_va_end(ap) ((void)(__va_end(&ap)))
#elif defined _M_IX86 && !defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64
# 73 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define _INTSIZEOF(n) ((sizeof(n) + sizeof(int) - 1) & ~(sizeof(int) - 1))
#define __crt_va_start_a(ap, v) ((void)(ap = (va_list)_ADDRESSOF(v) + _INTSIZEOF(v)))
#define __crt_va_arg(ap, t) (*(t*)((ap += _INTSIZEOF(t)) - _INTSIZEOF(t)))
#define __crt_va_end(ap) ((void)(ap = (va_list)0))
#elif defined _M_ARM
# 81 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
void __cdecl __va_start(va_list*, ...);
#define __crt_va_start_a(ap, v) ((void)(__va_start(&ap, _ADDRESSOF(v), _SLOTSIZEOF(v), _ADDRESSOF(v))))
# 86 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define __crt_va_start_a(ap, v) ((void)(ap = (va_list)_ADDRESSOF(v) + _SLOTSIZEOF(v)))
# 88 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define __crt_va_arg(ap, t) (*(t*)((ap += _SLOTSIZEOF(t) + _APALIGN(t,ap)) - _SLOTSIZEOF(t)))
#define __crt_va_end(ap) ((void)(ap = (va_list)0))
#elif defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64
# 93 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
void __cdecl __va_start(va_list*, ...);
#define __crt_va_start_a(ap,v) ((void)(__va_start(&ap, _ADDRESSOF(v), _SLOTSIZEOF(v), __alignof(v), _ADDRESSOF(v))))
#define __crt_va_arg(ap, t) (*(t*)((ap += _SLOTSIZEOF(t)) - _SLOTSIZEOF(t)))
#define __crt_va_end(ap) ((void)(ap = (va_list)0))
#elif defined _M_ARM64
# 99 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
void __cdecl __va_start(va_list*, ...);
#define __crt_va_start_a(ap,v) ((void)(__va_start(&ap, _ADDRESSOF(v), _SLOTSIZEOF(v), __alignof(v), _ADDRESSOF(v))))
#define __crt_va_arg(ap, t) \
((sizeof(t) > (2 * sizeof(__int64))) \
? **(t**)((ap += sizeof(__int64)) - sizeof(__int64)) \
: *(t*)((ap += _SLOTSIZEOF(t) + _APALIGN(t,ap)) - _SLOTSIZEOF(t)))
#define __crt_va_end(ap) ((void)(ap = (va_list)0))
#elif defined _M_X64
# 111 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
void __cdecl __va_start(va_list* , ...);
#define __crt_va_start_a(ap, x) ((void)(__va_start(&ap, x)))
#define __crt_va_arg(ap, t) \
((sizeof(t) > sizeof(__int64) || (sizeof(t) & (sizeof(t) - 1)) != 0) \
? **(t**)((ap += sizeof(__int64)) - sizeof(__int64)) \
: *(t* )((ap += sizeof(__int64)) - sizeof(__int64)))
#define __crt_va_end(ap) ((void)(ap = (va_list)0))
# 122 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
# 126 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#if defined __cplusplus && !defined _CRT_NO_VA_START_VALIDATION
extern "C++"
template <typename _Ty>
struct __vcrt_va_list_is_reference
enum : bool { __the_value = false };
template <typename _Ty>
struct __vcrt_va_list_is_reference<_Ty&>
enum : bool { __the_value = true };
template <typename _Ty>
struct __vcrt_va_list_is_reference<_Ty&&>
enum : bool { __the_value = true };
template <typename _Ty>
struct __vcrt_assert_va_start_is_not_reference
"va_start argument must not have reference type and must not be parenthesized");
} // extern "C++"
#define __crt_va_start(ap, x) ((void)(__vcrt_assert_va_start_is_not_reference<decltype(x)>(), __crt_va_start_a(ap, x)))
#else // ^^^ __cplusplus ^^^ // vvv !__cplusplus vvv //
# 159 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#define __crt_va_start(ap, x) __crt_va_start_a(ap, x)
# 163 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#pragma pack(pop)
# 19 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 2 3
/* Override macros from vadefs.h with definitions that work with Clang. */
#ifdef _crt_va_start
#undef _crt_va_start
#define _crt_va_start(ap, param) __builtin_va_start(ap, param)
# 25 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef _crt_va_end
#undef _crt_va_end
#define _crt_va_end(ap) __builtin_va_end(ap)
# 29 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef _crt_va_arg
#undef _crt_va_arg
#define _crt_va_arg(ap, type) __builtin_va_arg(ap, type)
# 33 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
/* VS 2015 switched to double underscore names, which is an improvement, but now
* we have to intercept those names too.
#ifdef __crt_va_start
#undef __crt_va_start
#define __crt_va_start(ap, param) __builtin_va_start(ap, param)
# 41 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef __crt_va_end
#undef __crt_va_end
#define __crt_va_end(ap) __builtin_va_end(ap)
# 45 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
#ifdef __crt_va_arg
#undef __crt_va_arg
#define __crt_va_arg(ap, type) __builtin_va_arg(ap, type)
# 49 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 51 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 52 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\vadefs.h" 3
# 49 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 2 3
// All C headers have a common prologue and epilogue, to enclose the header in
// an extern "C" declaration when the header is #included in a C++ translation
// unit and to push/pop the packing.
#if defined __cplusplus
__pragma(pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)) \
extern "C" {
#define _CRT_END_C_HEADER \
} \
#elif defined __midl
# 64 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
cpp_quote("__pragma(pack(push, _CRT_PACKING))") \
cpp_quote("extern \"C\" {")
#define _CRT_END_C_HEADER \
cpp_quote("}") \
# 74 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
__pragma(pack(push, _CRT_PACKING))
#define _CRT_END_C_HEADER \
# 82 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifndef _HAS_EXCEPTIONS // Predefine as 0 to disable exceptions
# 91 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#endif /* _KERNEL_MODE */
# 93 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#endif /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
# 94 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _CRT_STRINGIZE_(x) #x
#define _CRT_WIDE_(s) L ## s
#define _CRT_WIDE(s) _CRT_WIDE_(s)
#define _CRT_CONCATENATE_(a, b) a ## b
#ifndef _VCRTIMP
#if defined _CRTIMP && !defined _VCRT_DEFINED_CRTIMP
#elif defined _VCRT_BUILD && defined CRTDLL
# 113 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _VCRTIMP __declspec(dllexport)
# 115 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _VCRTIMP
# 117 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 118 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifndef _MRTIMP
#if defined MRTDLL && defined _CRTBLD && !defined _M_CEE_PURE
#define _MRTIMP __declspec(dllexport)
# 123 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _MRTIMP
# 125 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 126 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// Definitions of calling conventions used code sometimes compiled as managed
#if defined _M_CEE_PURE || defined MRTDLL
#define __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL __clrcall
#define __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL __clrcall
# 132 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL __cdecl
#define __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL
# 135 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
#define __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL __clrcall
# 139 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL __cdecl
# 141 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// Definitions of common __declspecs
#define _VCRT_NOALIAS __declspec(noalias)
#define _VCRT_RESTRICT __declspec(restrict)
#if !defined _MSC_VER || _MSC_VER >= 1900
#define _VCRT_ALLOCATOR __declspec(allocator)
# 151 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 153 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#if defined _M_CEE && defined _M_X64
#define _VCRT_JIT_INTRINSIC __declspec(jitintrinsic)
# 157 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 159 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifdef __midl
#define _VCRT_ALIGN(x)
# 163 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _VCRT_ALIGN(x) __declspec(align(x))
# 165 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _CONST_RETURN const
# 171 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 173 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 174 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// For backwards compatibility
#define _WConst_return _CONST_RETURN
// Definitions of common types
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef unsigned __int64 size_t;
typedef __int64 ptrdiff_t;
typedef __int64 intptr_t;
# 184 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
typedef unsigned int size_t;
typedef int ptrdiff_t;
typedef int intptr_t;
# 188 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#if defined __cplusplus
typedef bool __vcrt_bool;
#elif defined __midl
# 192 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// MIDL understands neither bool nor _Bool. Use char as a best-fit
// replacement (the differences won't matter in practice).
typedef char __vcrt_bool;
# 196 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
typedef _Bool __vcrt_bool;
# 198 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// Indicate that these common types are defined
# 203 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 207 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 211 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// Provide a typedef for wchar_t for use under /Zc:wchar_t-
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
# 217 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NULL 0
# 222 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define NULL ((void *)0)
# 224 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 225 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#if defined _M_X64 || defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64
#define _UNALIGNED __unaligned
# 229 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _UNALIGNED
# 231 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++"
template <typename _CountofType, size_t _SizeOfArray>
char (*__countof_helper(_UNALIGNED _CountofType (&_Array)[_SizeOfArray]))[_SizeOfArray];
#define __crt_countof(_Array) (sizeof(*__countof_helper(_Array)) + 0)
# 241 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define __crt_countof(_Array) (sizeof(_Array) / sizeof(_Array[0]))
# 243 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
// See note on use of "deprecate" at the top of this file
#define _CRT_DEPRECATE_TEXT(_Text) __declspec(deprecated(_Text))
# 250 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_Replacement)
# 255 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
"This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using " \
#_Replacement \
" instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. " \
"See online help for details.")
# 261 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 262 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 266 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 271 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#define _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_MEMORY(_Replacement) \
# 274 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 275 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#if !defined _M_CEE && !defined __midl
void __cdecl __security_init_cookie(void);
#ifdef _M_IX86
void __fastcall __security_check_cookie(_In_ uintptr_t _StackCookie);
__declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl __report_gsfailure(void);
#else /* _M_IX86 */
# 283 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
void __cdecl __security_check_cookie(_In_ uintptr_t _StackCookie);
__declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl __report_gsfailure(_In_ uintptr_t _StackCookie);
# 286 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 287 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
extern uintptr_t __security_cookie;
#ifndef _VCRT_BUILD
#define __vcrt_malloc_normal(_Size) malloc(_Size)
#define __vcrt_calloc_normal(_Count, _Size) calloc(_Count, _Size)
#define __vcrt_free_normal(_Memory) free(_Memory)
# 295 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
#endif // _VCRUNTIME_H
# 299 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime.h" 3
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 1 3
// corecrt.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Declarations used throughout the CoreCRT library.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Annotation Macros
#ifndef _ACRTIMP
#if defined _CRTIMP && !defined _VCRT_DEFINED_CRTIMP
#elif !defined _CORECRT_BUILD && defined _DLL
# 25 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _ACRTIMP __declspec(dllimport)
# 27 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _ACRTIMP
# 29 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 30 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// If you need the ability to remove __declspec(import) from an API, to support static replacement,
// declare the API using _ACRTIMP_ALT instead of _ACRTIMP.
#ifndef _ACRTIMP_ALT
# 36 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef _DCRTIMP
#if defined _CRTIMP && !defined _VCRT_DEFINED_CRTIMP
#elif !defined _CORECRT_BUILD && defined _DLL
# 41 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _DCRTIMP __declspec(dllimport)
# 43 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _DCRTIMP
# 45 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 46 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 50 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _CRTRESTRICT __declspec(restrict)
# 52 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER >= 1900 && !defined _CORECRT_BUILD
#define _CRTALLOCATOR __declspec(allocator)
# 56 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 58 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined _M_CEE && defined _M_X64
// This is only needed when managed code is calling the native APIs,
// targeting the 64-bit runtime.
#define _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC __declspec(jitintrinsic)
# 64 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 66 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// __declspec(guard(overflow)) enabled by /sdl compiler switch for CRT allocators
#define _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW __declspec(guard(overflow))
# 71 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 73 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined _DLL && defined _M_HYBRID && (defined _CORECRT_BUILD || defined _VCRT_BUILD)
#define _CRT_HYBRIDPATCHABLE __declspec(hybrid_patchable)
# 77 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 79 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// The CLR requires code calling other SecurityCritical code or using SecurityCritical types
// to be marked as SecurityCritical.
// _CRT_SECURITYCRITICAL_ATTRIBUTE covers this for internal function definitions.
// _CRT_INLINE_PURE_SECURITYCRITICAL_ATTRIBUTE is for inline pure functions defined in the header.
// This is clr:pure-only because for mixed mode we compile inline functions as native.
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
#define _CRT_INLINE_PURE_SECURITYCRITICAL_ATTRIBUTE [System::Security::SecurityCritical]
# 88 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 90 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _CONST_RETURN const
# 96 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 98 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 99 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _WConst_return _CONST_RETURN // For backwards compatibility
#ifndef _CRT_ALIGN
#ifdef __midl
#define _CRT_ALIGN(x)
# 106 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _CRT_ALIGN(x) __declspec(align(x))
# 108 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 109 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined _PREFAST_ && defined _CA_SHOULD_CHECK_RETURN
#define _Check_return_opt_ _Check_return_
# 113 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _Check_return_opt_
# 115 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined _PREFAST_ && defined _CA_SHOULD_CHECK_RETURN_WER
#define _Check_return_wat_ _Check_return_
# 119 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _Check_return_wat_
# 121 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if !defined __midl && !defined MIDL_PASS && defined _PREFAST_
#define __crt_typefix(ctype) __declspec("SAL_typefix(" _CRT_STRINGIZE(ctype) ")")
# 125 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define __crt_typefix(ctype)
# 127 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Miscellaneous Stuff
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++"
template<bool _Enable, typename _Ty>
struct _CrtEnableIf;
template<typename _Ty>
struct _CrtEnableIf<true, _Ty>
typedef _Ty _Type;
# 148 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined __cplusplus
typedef bool __crt_bool;
#elif defined __midl
# 152 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// MIDL understands neither bool nor _Bool. Use char as a best-fit
// replacement (the differences won't matter in practice).
typedef char __crt_bool;
# 156 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
typedef _Bool __crt_bool;
# 158 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _ARGMAX 100
#define _TRUNCATE ((size_t)-1)
#define _CRT_INT_MAX 2147483647
#define _CRT_SIZE_MAX ((size_t)-1)
#define __FILEW__ _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__)
#define _STATIC_ASSERT(expr) typedef char __static_assert_t[(expr) != 0]
# 170 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NULL 0
# 175 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define NULL ((void *)0)
# 177 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 178 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// CRT headers are included into some kinds of source files where only data type
// definitions and macro definitions are required but function declarations and
// inline function definitions are not. These files include assembly files, IDL
// files, and resource files. The tools that process these files often have a
// limited ability to process C and C++ code. The _CRT_FUNCTIONS_REQUIRED macro
// is defined to 1 when we are compiling a file that actually needs functions to
// be declared (and defined, where applicable), and to 0 when we are compiling a
// file that does not. This allows us to suppress declarations and definitions
// that are not compilable with the aforementioned tools.
#if defined __assembler || defined __midl || defined RC_INVOKED
# 192 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 194 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 195 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _NO_INLINING // Suppress <tchar.h> inlines
# 199 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef _CRT_UNUSED
#define _CRT_UNUSED(x) (void)x
# 203 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef _CRT_HAS_CXX17
#ifdef _MSVC_LANG
#if _MSVC_LANG > 201402
#define _CRT_HAS_CXX17 1
#else /* _MSVC_LANG > 201402 */
# 209 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _CRT_HAS_CXX17 0
#endif /* _MSVC_LANG > 201402 */
# 211 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#else /* _MSVC_LANG */
# 212 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if __cplusplus > 201402
#define _CRT_HAS_CXX17 1
#else /* __cplusplus > 201402 */
# 215 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _CRT_HAS_CXX17 0
#endif /* __cplusplus > 201402 */
# 217 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#endif /* _MSVC_LANG */
# 218 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#endif /* _CRT_HAS_CXX17 */
# 219 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Windows API Partitioning and ARM Desktop Support
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <winapifamily.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 227 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 228 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 231 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 235 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 236 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 237 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 238 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 240 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 241 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 245 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 250 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 252 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 253 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Verify that the ARM Desktop SDK is available when building an ARM Desktop app
#ifdef _M_ARM
#error Compiling Desktop applications for the ARM platform is not supported.
# 259 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 260 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Invalid Parameter Handler
#ifdef _DEBUG
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _invalid_parameter(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*,
_In_ unsigned int,
_In_ uintptr_t
# 277 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
_ACRTIMP_ALT void __cdecl _invalid_parameter_noinfo(void);
_ACRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(void);
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _invoke_watson(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Expression,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _FunctionName,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ unsigned int _LineNo,
_In_ uintptr_t _Reserved);
#ifdef _DEBUG
::_invalid_parameter(_CRT_WIDE(#expr), __FUNCTIONW__, __FILEW__, __LINE__, 0)
# 294 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// By default, _CRT_SECURE_INVALID_PARAMETER in retail invokes
// _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn(), which is marked
// __declspec(noreturn) and does not return control to the application.
// Even if _set_invalid_parameter_handler() is used to set a new invalid
// parameter handler which does return control to the application,
// _invalid_parameter_noinfo_noreturn() will terminate the application
// and invoke Watson. You can overwrite the definition of
// _CRT_SECURE_INVALID_PARAMETER is used in the Standard C++ Libraries
// and the SafeInt library.
# 308 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 309 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Deprecation and Warnings
__FILE__ "(" _CRT_STRINGIZE(__LINE__) "): warning " NUMBER ": " MESSAGE
( \
(!defined _CRT_DECLARE_NONSTDC_NAMES && !__STDC__ ) \
# 329 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 334 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
"The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C " \
"and C++ conformant name: " #_NewName ". See online help for details.")
# 338 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 339 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Managed CRT Support
#ifndef _PGLOBAL
#ifdef _M_CEE
#ifdef __cplusplus_cli
#define _PGLOBAL __declspec(process)
# 352 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _PGLOBAL
# 354 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 355 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _PGLOBAL
# 357 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 358 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef _AGLOBAL
#ifdef _M_CEE
#define _AGLOBAL __declspec(appdomain)
# 363 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _AGLOBAL
# 365 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 366 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined _M_CEE && !defined _M_CEE_PURE
#define _M_CEE_MIXED
# 370 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// SecureCRT Configuration
#if defined _CRTBLD || defined _CORECRT_BUILD || defined _VCRT_BUILD
// Disable C++ overloads internally:
# 384 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// If we don't require function declarations at all, we need not define the
// overloads (MIDL and RC do not need the C++ overloads).
# 400 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define __STDC_SECURE_LIB__ 200411L
#define __GOT_SECURE_LIB__ __STDC_SECURE_LIB__ // For backwards compatibility
#define __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ 1
# 407 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 411 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
# 416 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 417 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 422 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 425 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 427 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 428 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 429 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 433 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 439 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _CRT_OBSOLETE(_NewItem)
# 444 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
"This function or variable has been superceded by newer library " \
"or operating system functionality. Consider using " #_NewItem " " \
"instead. See online help for details.")
# 449 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 450 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
# 455 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#error Cannot use Secure CRT C++ overloads when __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ is 0
# 458 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 459 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 465 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#error Cannot use Secure CRT C++ overloads when __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ is 0
# 468 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 469 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 474 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 476 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 477 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#error Cannot use Secure CRT C++ overloads when __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ is 0
# 480 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 481 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 485 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#error Cannot use Secure CRT C++ overloads when __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ is 0
# 488 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 489 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 493 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#error Cannot use Secure CRT C++ overloads when __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__ is 0
# 496 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 497 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 498 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW throw()
# 502 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Basic Types
typedef int errno_t;
typedef unsigned short wint_t;
typedef unsigned short wctype_t;
typedef long __time32_t;
typedef __int64 __time64_t;
typedef struct __crt_locale_data_public
unsigned short const* _locale_pctype;
_Field_range_(1, 2) int _locale_mb_cur_max;
unsigned int _locale_lc_codepage;
} __crt_locale_data_public;
typedef struct __crt_locale_pointers
struct __crt_locale_data* locinfo;
struct __crt_multibyte_data* mbcinfo;
} __crt_locale_pointers;
typedef __crt_locale_pointers* _locale_t;
typedef struct _Mbstatet
{ // state of a multibyte translation
unsigned long _Wchar;
unsigned short _Byte, _State;
} _Mbstatet;
typedef _Mbstatet mbstate_t;
#if defined _USE_32BIT_TIME_T && defined _WIN64
#error You cannot use 32-bit time_t (_USE_32BIT_TIME_T) with _WIN64
# 542 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#if defined _VCRT_BUILD || defined _CORECRT_BUILD
#define _CRT_NO_TIME_T
# 546 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#ifndef _CRT_NO_TIME_T
#ifdef _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
typedef __time32_t time_t;
# 551 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
typedef __time64_t time_t;
# 553 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 554 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// Indicate that these common types are defined
# 559 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
typedef size_t rsize_t;
# 563 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
// C++ Secure Overload Generation Macros
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if defined __cplusplus && _CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_NAMES
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_0(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _Size); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_4(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3, _TArg4); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_1(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_HArg1, _Dst, _Size, _TArg1); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_2(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_HArg1, _Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_3(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_HArg1, _Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_2_0(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _DstType, _Dst) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _DstType (&_Dst)[_Size]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return _FuncName(_HArg1, _HArg2, _Dst, _Size); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg1); \
return _VFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg2); \
return _VFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_SPLITPATH(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Src) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <size_t _DriveSize, size_t _DirSize, size_t _NameSize, size_t _ExtSize> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName( \
_In_z_ _DstType const* _Src, \
_Post_z_ _DstType (&_Drive)[_DriveSize], \
_Post_z_ _DstType (&_Dir)[_DirSize], \
_Post_z_ _DstType (&_Name)[_NameSize], \
_Post_z_ _DstType (&_Ext)[_ExtSize] \
{ \
return _FuncName(_Src, _Drive, _DriveSize, _Dir, _DirSize, _Name, _NameSize, _Ext, _ExtSize); \
} \
# 724 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_0(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_3(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_4(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_1(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_2(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_1_3(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_2_0(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_SPLITPATH(_ReturnType, _FuncName, _DstType, _Src)
# 739 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 740 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_4(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_2_0(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _VFuncName, _VFuncName##_s, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _VFuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_SIZE(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_SIZE(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_4(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_1_1(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_2_0(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, __cdecl, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _VFuncName, _VFuncName##_s, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_SIZE(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_SIZE(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _FuncName##_s, _DstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
// C++ Standard Overload Generation Macros
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if defined __cplusplus && _CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES
#define __RETURN_POLICY_SAME(_FunctionCall, _Dst) return (_FunctionCall)
#define __RETURN_POLICY_DST(_FunctionCall, _Dst) return ((_FunctionCall) == 0 ? _Dst : 0)
#define __RETURN_POLICY_VOID(_FunctionCall, _Dst) (_FunctionCall); return
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst) \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst); \
return _FuncName(_Dst); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0_CGETS(_ReturnType, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst) \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst); \
return _FuncName(_Dst); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
size_t _SizeRead = 0; \
errno_t _Err = _FuncName##_s(_Dst + 2, (_Size - 2) < ((size_t)_Dst[0]) ? (_Size - 2) : ((size_t)_Dst[0]), &_SizeRead); \
_Dst[1] = (_DstType)(_SizeRead); \
return (_Err == 0 ? _Dst + 2 : 0); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName((_DstType *)_Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<2>(_DstType (&_Dst)[2]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName((_DstType *)_Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1); \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2); \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3); \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4) \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4); \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3, _TArg4); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3, _TArg4); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3, _TArg4); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3, _TArg4); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3, _TArg4), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3, _TArg4), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1); \
return _FuncName(_HArg1, _Dst, _TArg1); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_HArg1, static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_HArg1, static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_HArg1, _Dst, _TArg1); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_HArg1, _Dst, _Size, _TArg1), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_HType1 _HArg1, _DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_HArg1, _Dst, 1, _TArg1), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst) \
{ \
_ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst); \
return _FuncName(_HArg1, _HArg2, _Dst); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_HArg1, _HArg2, static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, const _T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_HArg1, _HArg2, static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_HArg1, _HArg2, _Dst); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _DstType (&_Dst)[_Size]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_HArg1, _HArg2, _Dst, _Size), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _DstType (&_Dst)[1]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_HArg1, _HArg2, _Dst, 1), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _ArgList) \
{ \
_ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _ArgList); \
return _VFuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg1); \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg1); \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg1); \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg1); \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg1); \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *&_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _ArgList); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(_DstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _ArgList) \
{ \
_ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _ArgList); \
return _VFuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg2); \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg2); \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg2); \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg2); \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
__pragma(warning(push)); \
__pragma(warning(disable: 4793)); \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
va_list _ArgList; \
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _TArg2); \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
__pragma(warning(pop)); \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *&_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_VFuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _VFuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _ArgList) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureVFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2, _ArgList), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__inline \
size_t __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) \
{ \
_DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2); \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
size_t _Ret = 0; \
_SecureFuncName(&_Ret, _Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
return (_Ret > 0 ? (_Ret - 1) : _Ret); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
size_t _Ret = 0; \
_SecureFuncName(&_Ret, _Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
return (_Ret > 0 ? (_Ret - 1) : _Ret); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__inline \
size_t __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) \
{ \
_DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3); \
return _FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
size_t _Ret = 0; \
_SecureFuncName(&_Ret, _Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
return (_Ret > 0 ? (_Ret - 1) : _Ret); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
size_t __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
size_t _Ret = 0; \
_SecureFuncName(&_Ret, _Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
return (_Ret > 0 ? (_Ret - 1) : _Ret); \
} \
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_DstType *_Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst)); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType * &_Dst) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1]) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL __insecure_##_FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
extern "C++" \
{ \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <typename _T> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(const _T &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(static_cast<_DstType *>(_Dst), _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType * &_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
return __insecure_##_FuncName(_Dst, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3); \
} \
template <size_t _Size> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_SecureDstType (&_Dst)[_Size], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, _Size, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3), _Dst); \
} \
template <> \
inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName<1>(_DstType (&_Dst)[1], _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3) _CRT_SECURE_CPP_NOTHROW \
{ \
_ReturnPolicy(_SecureFuncName(_Dst, 1, _TArg1, _TArg2, _TArg3), _Dst); \
} \
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0_CGETS(_ReturnType, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0_CGETS(_ReturnType, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, __cdecl, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _VFuncName##_s, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
# 1740 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0_GETS(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName,_VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureVFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_VFuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_VFuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3);
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
# 1813 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 1815 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
#define __RETURN_POLICY_SAME(_FunctionCall)
#define __RETURN_POLICY_DST(_FunctionCall)
#define __RETURN_POLICY_VOID(_FunctionCall)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0_CGETS(_ReturnType, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureVFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureVFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_0_GETS(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_4_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3, _TType4, _TArg4) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3, _TType4 _TArg4);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_1_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_2_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _HType1, _HArg1, _HType2, _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_HType1 _HArg1, _HType2 _HArg2, _SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_1_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureVFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureVFuncName) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_ARGLIST(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_VFuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType __cdecl _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_ARGLIST_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _DeclSpec, _CC, _FuncName, _VFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_FuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, ...); \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_VFuncName##_s) _DeclSpec _ReturnType _CC _VFuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, va_list _Args);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_2_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2);
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NFUNC_0_3_SIZE_EX(_DeclSpec, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_SecureFuncName) _DeclSpec size_t __cdecl _FuncName(_SalAttributeDst _DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3);
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_FUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_0_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_1_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_2_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2)
#define __DECLARE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3) \
__inline \
_ReturnType __CRTDECL _FuncName(_DstType *_Dst, _TType1 _TArg1, _TType2 _TArg2, _TType3 _TArg3)
#define __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_INLINE_NFUNC_0_3_EX(_ReturnType, _ReturnPolicy, _FuncName, _SecureFuncName, _SecureDstType, _SalAttributeDst, _DstType, _Dst, _TType1, _TArg1, _TType2, _TArg2, _TType3, _TArg3)
# 1961 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 2005 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 2006 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 2007 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 2 3
// CRT DLL Export/Import Macros
#ifndef _CRTIMP2
#if defined CRTDLL2 && defined _CRTBLD
#define _CRTIMP2 __declspec(dllexport)
# 23 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#define _CRTIMP2
# 25 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 26 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
// functions defined in msvcp140_1 are annotated with _CRTIMP3
#ifndef _CRTIMP3
#if defined MSVC_SUPPLEMENTAL_1 && defined _CRTBLD
#define _CRTIMP3 __declspec(dllexport)
# 32 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#define _CRTIMP3
# 34 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 35 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
// functions defined in msvcp140_2 are annotated with _CRTIMP4
#ifndef _CRTIMP4
#if defined MSVC_SUPPLEMENTAL_2 && defined _CRTBLD
#define _CRTIMP4 __declspec(dllexport)
# 41 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#define _CRTIMP4
# 43 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 44 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#ifndef _CONCRTIMP
#if defined CONCRTDLL && defined _CRTBLD
#define _CONCRTIMP __declspec(dllexport)
# 49 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#if defined _DLL && !defined _STATIC_CPPLIB
#define _CONCRTIMP __declspec(dllimport)
# 52 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#define _CONCRTIMP
# 54 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 55 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 56 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#ifndef _MRTIMP2
#if defined CRTDLL2 && defined _CRTBLD
#define _MRTIMP2 __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined MRTDLL && defined _CRTBLD
# 61 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#define _MRTIMP2 _MRTIMP
# 63 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
#define _MRTIMP2
# 65 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 66 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\crtdefs.h" 3
# 222 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 2 3
#else /* defined(_MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL) && _MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL >= 4 */
# 227 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* defined(_MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL) && _MSVC_WARNING_LEVEL >= 4 */
# 229 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _STL_WARNING_LEVEL */
# 230 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#error _STL_WARNING_LEVEL cannot be less than 3.
#endif /* _STL_WARNING_LEVEL < 3 */
# 234 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#error _STL_WARNING_LEVEL cannot be greater than 4.
#endif /* _STL_WARNING_LEVEL > 4 */
# 238 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// warning C4577: 'noexcept' used with no exception handling mode specified;
// termination on exception is not guaranteed. Specify /EHsc
#else /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
# 244 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _STL_DISABLED_WARNING_C4577 4577
#endif /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
# 246 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 250 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// warning C4455: literal suffix identifiers that do not start with an underscore are reserved
// warning C4494: Ignoring __declspec(allocator) because the function return
// type is not a pointer or reference
// warning C4619: #pragma warning: there is no warning number 'number'
// warning C4643: Forward declaring 'meow' in namespace std is not permitted by the C++ Standard.
// warning C4702: unreachable code
// error C4984: 'if constexpr' is a C++17 language extension
// warning C4988: variable declared outside class/function scope (/Wall /d1WarnOnGlobals)
# 262 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// warning: constexpr if is a C++17 extension [-Wc++17-extensions]
// warning: user-defined literal suffixes not starting with '_' are reserved [-Wuser-defined-literals]
// warning: unknown pragma ignored [-Wunknown-pragmas]
#ifdef __clang__
#define _STL_DISABLE_CLANG_WARNINGS _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++17-extensions\"") \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wuser-defined-literals\"") \
_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunknown-pragmas\"")
#else /* __clang__ */
# 273 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* __clang__ */
# 275 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 276 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#ifdef __clang__
#define _STL_RESTORE_CLANG_WARNINGS _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
#else /* __clang__ */
# 281 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* __clang__ */
# 283 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 284 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _CPPLIB_VER 650
#define _MSVC_STL_VERSION 141
#define _MSVC_STL_UPDATE 201809L
#ifdef __EDG__
// not attempting to detect __EDG_VERSION__ being less than expected
#elif defined(__clang__)
# 293 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#if __clang_major__ < 7 // Coarse-grained, not inspecting __clang_minor__ and __clang_patchlevel__
#error STL1000: Unexpected compiler version, expected Clang 7 or newer.
#endif /* ^^^ old Clang ^^^ */
# 296 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# 297 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#if _MSC_VER < 1915 // Coarse-grained, not inspecting _MSC_FULL_VER
#error STL1001: Unexpected compiler version, expected MSVC 19.15 or newer.
#endif /* ^^^ old MSVC ^^^ */
# 300 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#else /* vvv other compilers vvv */
# 301 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// not attempting to detect other compilers
#endif /* ^^^ other compilers ^^^ */
# 303 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 304 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _NOEXCEPT_COND(...) noexcept(__VA_ARGS__)
#define _NOEXCEPT_OPER(...) noexcept(__VA_ARGS__)
#else /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
# 309 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _NOEXCEPT_COND(...) noexcept
#define _NOEXCEPT_OPER(...) true
#endif /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
# 312 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _HAS_STATIC_RTTI 1
#endif /* _HAS_STATIC_RTTI */
# 316 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#if defined(_CPPRTTI) && !_HAS_STATIC_RTTI
#error /GR implies _HAS_STATIC_RTTI.
#endif /* defined(_CPPRTTI) && !_HAS_STATIC_RTTI */
# 320 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// C++17 constexpr additions
#if _HAS_CXX17
#define _CONSTEXPR17 constexpr
#else /* ^^^ has C++17 constexpr additions ^^^ / vvv no C++17 constexpr additions vvv */
# 325 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _CONSTEXPR17 inline
#endif /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 327 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0607R0 Inline Variables For The STL
#if _HAS_CXX17
#define _INLINE_VAR inline
#else /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 332 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _INLINE_VAR
#endif /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 334 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4190 Removing auto_ptr, random_shuffle(), And Old <functional> Stuff
#define _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC (!_HAS_CXX17)
#endif /* _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC */
# 339 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0003R5 Removing Dynamic Exception Specifications
#endif /* _HAS_UNEXPECTED */
# 344 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0004R1 Removing Deprecated Iostreams Aliases
# 349 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0067R5 Elementary String Conversions
# 354 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0226R1 Mathematical Special Functions
#endif /* _HAS_SPECIAL_MATH */
# 359 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0298R3 std::byte
#ifndef _HAS_STD_BYTE
#define _HAS_STD_BYTE _HAS_CXX17 // inspected by GSL, do not remove
#endif /* _HAS_STD_BYTE */
# 364 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0302R1 Removing Allocator Support In std::function
// LWG 2385 function::assign allocator argument doesn't make sense
// LWG 2921 packaged_task and type-erased allocators
// LWG 2976 Dangling uses_allocator specialization for packaged_task
# 372 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// The non-Standard std::tr1 namespace and TR1-only machinery
#define _HAS_TR1_NAMESPACE (!_HAS_CXX17)
#endif /* _HAS_TR1_NAMESPACE */
# 377 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 382 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _DEPRECATE_TR1_NAMESPACE [[deprecated("warning STL4002: " \
"The non-Standard std::tr1 namespace and TR1-only machinery are deprecated and will be REMOVED. You can " \
"define _SILENCE_TR1_NAMESPACE_DEPRECATION_WARNING to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
# 386 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _HAS_TR1_NAMESPACE */
# 387 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// The non-Standard std::identity struct
# 392 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 397 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _DEPRECATE_IDENTITY_STRUCT [[deprecated("warning STL4003: " \
"The non-Standard std::identity struct is deprecated and will be REMOVED. You can " \
"define _SILENCE_IDENTITY_STRUCT_DEPRECATION_WARNING to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
# 401 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 402 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// The non-Standard std::tr2::sys namespace
#endif /* _HAS_TR2_SYS_NAMESPACE */
# 407 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 412 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _DEPRECATE_TR2_SYS_NAMESPACE [[deprecated("warning STL4018: " \
"The non-Standard std::tr2::sys namespace is deprecated and will be REMOVED. " \
"It is superseded by std::filesystem. You can " \
"define _SILENCE_TR2_SYS_NAMESPACE_DEPRECATION_WARNING to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
# 417 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _HAS_TR2_SYS_NAMESPACE */
# 418 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// Enforcement of matching allocator value_types
# 423 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
_CONTAINER " requires that Allocator's value_type match " _VALUE_TYPE \
" (See N4659 26.2.1 [container.requirements.general]/16 allocator_type)" \
" Either fix the allocator value_type or define _ENFORCE_MATCHING_ALLOCATORS=0" \
" to suppress this diagnostic."
// [[nodiscard]] attributes on STL functions
#endif /* _HAS_NODISCARD */
# 434 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _NODISCARD [[nodiscard]]
#else /* ^^^ CAN HAZ [[nodiscard]] ^^^ // vvv NO CAN HAZ [[nodiscard]] vvv */
# 439 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _NODISCARD
#endif /* _HAS_NODISCARD */
# 442 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// Controls whether the STL uses "if constexpr" internally
#endif /* _HAS_IF_CONSTEXPR */
# 447 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _CONSTEXPR_IF constexpr
#else /* _HAS_IF_CONSTEXPR */
# 451 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _HAS_IF_CONSTEXPR */
# 453 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// Controls whether the STL will force /fp:fast to enable vectorization of algorithms defined
// in the standard as special cases; such as reduce, transform_reduce, inclusive_scan, exclusive_scan
#ifdef _M_FP_EXCEPT
#else /* ^^^ floating point exceptions enabled ^^^ // vvv floating point exceptions disabled (default) vvv */
# 460 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _M_FP_EXCEPT */
# 462 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 463 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// P0174R2 Deprecating Vestigial Library Parts
// P0521R0 Deprecating shared_ptr::unique()
// Other C++17 deprecation warnings
// N4659 D.4 [depr.cpp.headers]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_C_HEADER [[deprecated("warning STL4004: " \
"<ccomplex>, <cstdalign>, <cstdbool>, and <ctgmath> are deprecated in C++17. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 476 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 478 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.6 [depr.str.strstreams]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_STRSTREAM [[deprecated("warning STL4005: <strstream> is deprecated in C++17. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 486 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 488 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.7 [depr.uncaught]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION [[deprecated("warning STL4006: " \
"std::uncaught_exception() is deprecated in C++17. " \
"It is superseded by std::uncaught_exceptions(), plural. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 498 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 500 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.8.1 [depr.weak.result_type]
// N4659 D.8.2 [depr.func.adaptor.typedefs]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_ADAPTOR_TYPEDEFS [[deprecated("warning STL4007: Many result_type typedefs " \
"and all argument_type, first_argument_type, and second_argument_type typedefs are deprecated in C++17. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 510 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 512 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.8.3 [depr.negators]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_NEGATORS [[deprecated("warning STL4008: " \
"std::not1(), std::not2(), std::unary_negate, and std::binary_negate are deprecated in C++17. " \
"They are superseded by std::not_fn(). " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 522 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 524 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.9 [depr.default.allocator]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_ALLOCATOR_VOID [[deprecated("warning STL4009: " \
"std::allocator<void> is deprecated in C++17. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 533 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 535 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.9 [depr.default.allocator]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_OLD_ALLOCATOR_MEMBERS [[deprecated("warning STL4010: " \
"Various members of std::allocator are deprecated in C++17. " \
"Use std::allocator_traits instead of accessing these members directly. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 545 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 547 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.10 []
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_RAW_STORAGE_ITERATOR [[deprecated("warning STL4011: " \
"std::raw_storage_iterator is deprecated in C++17. " \
"Consider using the std::uninitialized_copy() family of algorithms instead. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 557 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 559 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.11 [depr.temporary.buffer]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_TEMPORARY_BUFFER [[deprecated("warning STL4012: " \
"std::get_temporary_buffer() and std::return_temporary_buffer() are deprecated in C++17. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 568 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 570 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.12 [depr.meta.types]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_IS_LITERAL_TYPE [[deprecated("warning STL4013: " \
"std::is_literal_type and std::is_literal_type_v are deprecated in C++17. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 579 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 581 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.12 [depr.meta.types]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_RESULT_OF [[deprecated("warning STL4014: " \
"std::result_of and std::result_of_t are deprecated in C++17. " \
"They are superseded by std::invoke_result and std::invoke_result_t. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 591 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 593 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.13 [depr.iterator.primitives]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_ITERATOR_BASE_CLASS [[deprecated("warning STL4015: " \
"The std::iterator class template (used as a base class to provide typedefs) is deprecated in C++17. " \
"(The <iterator> header is NOT deprecated.) The C++ Standard has never required user-defined iterators to " \
"derive from std::iterator. To fix this warning, stop deriving from std::iterator and start providing " \
"publicly accessible typedefs named iterator_category, value_type, difference_type, pointer, and reference. " \
"Note that value_type is required to be non-const, even for constant iterators. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 606 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 608 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.14 [depr.util.smartptr.shared.obs]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_SHARED_PTR_UNIQUE [[deprecated("warning STL4016: " \
"std::shared_ptr::unique() is deprecated in C++17. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 617 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 619 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// N4659 D.15 [depr.locale.stdcvt]
// N4659 D.16 [depr.conversions]
#define _CXX17_DEPRECATE_CODECVT_HEADER [[deprecated("warning STL4017: " \
"std::wbuffer_convert, std::wstring_convert, and the <codecvt> header (containing std::codecvt_mode, " \
"std::codecvt_utf8, std::codecvt_utf16, and std::codecvt_utf8_utf16) are deprecated in C++17. " \
"(The std::codecvt class template is NOT deprecated.) " \
"The C++ Standard doesn't provide equivalent non-deprecated functionality; " \
"consider using MultiByteToWideChar() and WideCharToMultiByte() from <Windows.h> instead. " \
"or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX17_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you have received this warning.")]]
#else /* ^^^ warning enabled ^^^ / vvv warning disabled vvv */
# 633 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ */
# 635 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#else /* ^^^ warning disabled ^^^ // vvv warning enabled vvv */
# 639 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _DEPRECATE_FPOS_SEEKPOS [[deprecated("warning STL4019: " \
"The member std::fpos::seekpos() is non-Standard, and is preserved only for compatibility with " \
"workarounds for old versions of Visual C++. It will be removed in a future release, and in this " \
"release always returns 0. Please use standards-conforming mechanisms to manipulate fpos, such as " \
"conversions to and from streamoff, or an integral type, instead. If you are receiving this message " \
"while compiling Boost.IOStreams, a fix has been submitted upstream to make Boost use " \
"standards-conforming mechanisms, as it does for other compilers. You can define " \
"_SILENCE_FPOS_SEEKPOS_DEPRECATION_WARNING to acknowledge that you have received this warning, " \
"or define _REMOVE_FPOS_SEEKPOS to remove std::fpos::seekpos entirely.")]]
# 649 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// next warning number: STL4020
#ifndef _HAS_LAUNDER
#ifdef __has_builtin
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_launder)
#else /* ^^^ compiler support available ^^^ // vvv compiler support unavailable vvv */
# 657 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _HAS_LAUNDER 0
#endif /* ^^^ compiler support unavailable ^^^ */
# 659 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 660 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#else /* ^^^ compiler support available ^^^ // vvv compiler support unavailable vvv */
# 662 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _HAS_LAUNDER 0
#endif /* ^^^ compiler support unavailable ^^^ */
# 664 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _HAS_LAUNDER */
# 665 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#ifdef __cpp_aligned_new
#define _HAS_ALIGNED_NEW 1
#else /* ^^^ compiler support available ^^^ // vvv compiler support unavailable vvv */
# 670 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _HAS_ALIGNED_NEW 0
#endif /* ^^^ compiler support unavailable ^^^ */
# 672 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _HAS_ALIGNED_NEW */
# 673 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#ifdef __cpp_noexcept_function_type
#else /* ^^^ compiler support available ^^^ // vvv compiler support unavailable vvv */
# 678 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* ^^^ compiler support unavailable ^^^ */
# 680 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 681 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
// C++14
#define __cpp_lib_chrono_udls 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_complex_udls 201309L
#define __cpp_lib_exchange_function 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_generic_associative_lookup 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_integer_sequence 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_integral_constant_callable 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_is_final 201402L
#define __cpp_lib_is_null_pointer 201309L
#define __cpp_lib_make_reverse_iterator 201402L
#define __cpp_lib_make_unique 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_null_iterators 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_quoted_string_io 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_result_of_sfinae 201210L
#define __cpp_lib_robust_nonmodifying_seq_ops 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_shared_timed_mutex 201402L
#define __cpp_lib_string_udls 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_transformation_trait_aliases 201304L
#define __cpp_lib_tuple_element_t 201402L
#define __cpp_lib_tuples_by_type 201304L
// C++17
#define __cpp_lib_addressof_constexpr 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_allocator_traits_is_always_equal 201411L
#define __cpp_lib_as_const 201510L
#define __cpp_lib_bool_constant 201505L
#define __cpp_lib_enable_shared_from_this 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_incomplete_container_elements 201505L
#define __cpp_lib_invoke 201411L
#define __cpp_lib_logical_traits 201510L
#define __cpp_lib_map_try_emplace 201411L
#define __cpp_lib_nonmember_container_access 201411L
#define __cpp_lib_shared_mutex 201505L
#define __cpp_lib_shared_ptr_arrays 201611L
#define __cpp_lib_transparent_operators 201510L
#define __cpp_lib_type_trait_variable_templates 201510L
#define __cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions 201411L
#define __cpp_lib_unordered_map_try_emplace 201411L
#define __cpp_lib_void_t 201411L
#if _HAS_CXX17
#define __cpp_lib_any 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_apply 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_array_constexpr 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_atomic_is_always_lock_free 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_boyer_moore_searcher 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_chrono 201611L
#define __cpp_lib_clamp 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_execution 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_filesystem 201703L
#define __cpp_lib_gcd_lcm 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_hardware_interference_size 201703L
#define __cpp_lib_has_unique_object_representations 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_hypot 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_is_aggregate 201703L
#define __cpp_lib_is_invocable 201703L
#define __cpp_lib_is_swappable 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_make_from_tuple 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_memory_resource 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_node_extract 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_not_fn 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_optional 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_parallel_algorithm 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_raw_memory_algorithms 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_sample 201603L
#define __cpp_lib_scoped_lock 201703L
#define __cpp_lib_shared_ptr_weak_type 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_string_view 201606L
#define __cpp_lib_to_chars 201611L
# 756 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define __cpp_lib_variant 201606L
#else /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 758 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define __cpp_lib_chrono 201510L
#endif /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 760 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define __cpp_lib_byte 201603L
#endif /* _HAS_STD_BYTE */
# 764 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define __cpp_lib_launder 201606L
#endif /* _HAS_LAUNDER */
# 768 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define __cpp_lib_math_special_functions 201603L
#endif /* _HAS_SPECIAL_MATH */
# 772 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define __cpp_lib_experimental_erase_if 201411L
#define __cpp_lib_experimental_filesystem 201406L
#ifndef _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL
#error /RTCc rejects conformant code, so it is not supported by the C++ Standard Library. Either remove this \
compiler option, or define _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL to acknowledge that you have received this warning.
#endif /* _ALLOW_RTCc_IN_STL */
# 783 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 784 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#ifdef __clang__
#else /* ^^^ Clang ^^^ // vvv non-Clang vvv */
# 789 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _DECLSPEC_ALLOCATOR __declspec(allocator)
#endif /* ^^^ non-Clang ^^^ */
# 791 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
# 792 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _STRINGIZEX(x) #x
#define _EMPTY_ARGUMENT /* for empty macro argument */
#define _STD_BEGIN namespace std {
#define _STD_END }
#define _STD ::std::
We use the stdext (standard extension) namespace to contain extensions that are not part of the current standard
#define _STDEXT_BEGIN namespace stdext {
#define _STDEXT_END }
#define _STDEXT ::stdext::
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _CSTD ::
#define _EXTERN_C extern "C" {
#define _END_EXTERN_C }
#else /* ^^^ __cplusplus ^^^ // vvv !__cplusplus vvv */
# 815 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#define _CSTD
#define _EXTERN_C
#define _END_EXTERN_C
#endif /* __cplusplus */
# 820 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 822 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
#endif /* _YVALS_CORE_H */
# 823 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals_core.h" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <crtdbg.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 1 3
// crtdbg.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Public debugging facilities for the CRT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#ifndef _INC_CRTDBG // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_CRTDBG
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime_new_debug.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new_debug.h" 1 3
// vcruntime_new_debug.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Declarations and definitions of the debug operators new and delete.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new_debug.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime_new.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new_debug.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 1 3
// vcruntime_new.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Declarations and definitions of memory management functions in the VCRuntime.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++" {
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4985) // attributes not present on previous declaration
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
// C++17 or greater only
#ifdef _MSVC_LANG
#if _MSVC_LANG > 201402
#define _HAS_ALIGNED_NEW 1
# 29 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
#define _HAS_ALIGNED_NEW 0
# 31 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
# 32 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
#if __cplusplus > 201402
#define _HAS_ALIGNED_NEW 1
# 35 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
#define _HAS_ALIGNED_NEW 0
# 37 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
# 38 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
# 39 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
namespace std
enum class align_val_t : size_t {};
# 46 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
namespace std
struct nothrow_t {
#ifndef _CRTBLD // TRANSITION, VSO#406237
explicit nothrow_t() = default;
#endif // _CRTBLD
# 55 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
extern __declspec(selectany) nothrow_t const nothrow;
# 60 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
extern nothrow_t const nothrow;
# 62 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
# 64 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
_Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new(
size_t _Size
_Ret_maybenull_ _Success_(return != NULL) _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new(
size_t _Size,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
_Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new[](
size_t _Size
_Ret_maybenull_ _Success_(return != NULL) _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new[](
size_t _Size,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete(
void* _Block
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete(
void* _Block,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete[](
void* _Block
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete[](
void* _Block,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete(
void* _Block,
size_t _Size
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete[](
void* _Block,
size_t _Size
) noexcept;
_Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new(
size_t _Size,
std::align_val_t _Al
_Ret_maybenull_ _Success_(return != NULL) _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new(
size_t _Size,
std::align_val_t _Al,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
_Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new[](
size_t _Size,
std::align_val_t _Al
_Ret_maybenull_ _Success_(return != NULL) _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new[](
size_t _Size,
std::align_val_t _Al,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete(
void* _Block,
std::align_val_t _Al
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete(
void* _Block,
std::align_val_t _Al,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete[](
void* _Block,
std::align_val_t _Al
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete[](
void* _Block,
std::align_val_t _Al,
std::nothrow_t const&
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete(
void* _Block,
size_t _Size,
std::align_val_t _Al
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete[](
void* _Block,
size_t _Size,
std::align_val_t _Al
) noexcept;
# 177 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4577) // 'noexcept' used with no exception handling mode specified
#pragma warning(disable: 4514) // 'operator new': unreferenced inline function has been removed
_Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size) _Post_satisfies_(return == _Where)
inline void* __CRTDECL operator new(size_t _Size, _Writable_bytes_(_Size) void* _Where) noexcept
return _Where;
inline void __CRTDECL operator delete(void*, void*) noexcept
# 195 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
_Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size) _Post_satisfies_(return == _Where)
inline void* __CRTDECL operator new[](size_t _Size,
_Writable_bytes_(_Size) void* _Where) noexcept
return _Where;
inline void __CRTDECL operator delete[](void*, void*) noexcept
# 210 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
} // extern "C++"
#endif // __cplusplus
# 219 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new_debug.h" 2 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++" {
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
_Check_return_ _Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new(
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Check_return_ _Ret_notnull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_VCRT_ALLOCATOR void* __CRTDECL operator new[](
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
void __CRTDECL operator delete(
void* _Block,
int _BlockUse,
char const* _FileName,
int _LineNumber
) noexcept;
void __CRTDECL operator delete[](
void* _Block,
int _BlockUse,
char const* _FileName,
int _LineNumber
) noexcept;
# 53 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new_debug.h" 3
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma pack(pop)
} // extern "C++"
#endif // __cplusplus
# 60 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_new_debug.h" 3
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 2 3
typedef void* _HFILE; // file handle pointer
#define _CRT_WARN 0
#define _CRT_ERROR 1
#define _CRT_ASSERT 2
#define _CRT_ERRCNT 3
#define _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE 0x1
#define _CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG 0x2
#define _CRTDBG_MODE_WNDW 0x4
#define _CRTDBG_INVALID_HFILE ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-1)
#define _CRTDBG_HFILE_ERROR ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-2)
#define _CRTDBG_FILE_STDOUT ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-4)
#define _CRTDBG_FILE_STDERR ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-5)
#define _CRTDBG_REPORT_FILE ((_HFILE)(intptr_t)-6)
// Client-defined reporting and allocation hooks
typedef int (__CRTDECL* _CRT_REPORT_HOOK )(int, char*, int*);
typedef int (__CRTDECL* _CRT_REPORT_HOOKW)(int, wchar_t*, int*);
typedef int (__CRTDECL* _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK)(int, void*, size_t, int, long, unsigned char const*, int);
#ifdef _M_CEE
typedef int (__clrcall* _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK_M)(int, void*, size_t, int, long, unsigned char const*, int);
# 57 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#define _HOOK_ALLOC 1
#define _HOOK_REALLOC 2
#define _HOOK_FREE 3
// Memory Management and State Tracking
// Bit values for _crtDbgFlag flag. These bitflags control debug heap behavior.
#define _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF 0x01 // Turn on debug allocation
#define _CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF 0x02 // Don't actually free memory
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF 0x04 // Check heap every alloc/dealloc
#define _CRTDBG_RESERVED_DF 0x08 // Reserved - do not use
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_CRT_DF 0x10 // Leak check/diff CRT blocks
#define _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF 0x20 // Leak check at program exit
// Some bit values for _crtDbgFlag which correspond to frequencies for checking
// the heap.
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_16_DF 0x00100000 // Check heap every 16 heap ops
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_128_DF 0x00800000 // Check heap every 128 heap ops
#define _CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_1024_DF 0x04000000 // Check heap every 1024 heap ops
// We do not check the heap by default at this point because the cost was too
// high for some applications. You can still turn this feature on manually.
#define _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG -1 // Query bitflag status
#define _BLOCK_TYPE(block) (block & 0xFFFF)
#define _BLOCK_SUBTYPE(block) (block >> 16 & 0xFFFF)
// Memory block identification
#define _FREE_BLOCK 0
#define _NORMAL_BLOCK 1
#define _CRT_BLOCK 2
#define _IGNORE_BLOCK 3
#define _CLIENT_BLOCK 4
#define _MAX_BLOCKS 5
// _UNKNOWN_BLOCK is a sentinel value that may be passed to some functions that
// expect a block type as an argument. If this value is passed, those functions
// will use the block type specified in the block header instead. This is used
// in cases where the heap lock cannot be acquired to compute the block type
// before calling the function (e.g. when the caller is outside of the CoreCRT).
#define _UNKNOWN_BLOCK (-1)
typedef void (__CRTDECL* _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT)(void*, size_t);
#ifdef _M_CEE
typedef void (__clrcall* _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT_M)(void*, size_t);
# 113 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
struct _CrtMemBlockHeader;
typedef struct _CrtMemState
struct _CrtMemBlockHeader* pBlockHeader;
size_t lCounts[_MAX_BLOCKS];
size_t lSizes[_MAX_BLOCKS];
size_t lHighWaterCount;
size_t lTotalCount;
} _CrtMemState;
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _CrtGetAllocHook() ((_CRT_ALLOC_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtSetAllocHook(f) ((_CRT_ALLOC_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtGetDumpClient() ((_CRT_DUMP_CLIENT)0)
#define _CrtSetDumpClient(f) ((_CRT_DUMP_CLIENT)0)
#define _CrtCheckMemory() ((int)1)
#define _CrtDoForAllClientObjects(f, c) ((void)0)
#define _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() ((int)0)
#define _CrtIsMemoryBlock(p, t, r, f, l) ((int)1)
#define _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(p) ((int)1)
#define _CrtIsValidPointer(p, n, r) ((int)1)
#define _CrtMemCheckpoint(s) ((void)0)
#define _CrtMemDifference(s1, s2, s3) ((int)0)
#define _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince(s) ((void)0)
#define _CrtMemDumpStatistics(s) ((void)0)
#define _CrtReportBlockType(p) ((int)-1)
#define _CrtSetBreakAlloc(a) ((long)0)
#define _CrtSetDbgFlag(f) ((int)0)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
# 149 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
_ACRTIMP int* __cdecl __p__crtDbgFlag(void);
_ACRTIMP long* __cdecl __p__crtBreakAlloc(void);
#define _crtDbgFlag (*__p__crtDbgFlag())
#define _crtBreakAlloc (*__p__crtBreakAlloc())
_ACRTIMP _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK __cdecl _CrtGetAllocHook(void);
_ACRTIMP _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetAllocHook(
_In_opt_ _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK _PfnNewHook
_ACRTIMP _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT __cdecl _CrtGetDumpClient(void);
_ACRTIMP _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT __cdecl _CrtSetDumpClient(
_In_opt_ _CRT_DUMP_CLIENT _PFnNewDump
#endif // _M_CEE_PURE
# 171 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtCheckMemory(void);
typedef void (__cdecl* _CrtDoForAllClientObjectsCallback)(void*, void*);
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _CrtDoForAllClientObjects(
_In_ _CrtDoForAllClientObjectsCallback _Callback,
_In_ void* _Context
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(void);
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtIsMemoryBlock(
_In_opt_ void const* _Block,
_In_ unsigned int _Size,
_Out_opt_ long* _RequestNumber,
_Out_opt_ char** _FileName,
_Out_opt_ int* _LineNumber
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(
_In_opt_ void const* _Pointer
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtIsValidPointer(
_In_opt_ void const* _Pointer,
_In_ unsigned int _Size,
_In_ int _ReadWrite
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _CrtMemCheckpoint(
_Out_ _CrtMemState* _State
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtMemDifference(
_Out_ _CrtMemState* _State,
_In_ _CrtMemState const* _OldState,
_In_ _CrtMemState const* _NewState
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpAllObjectsSince(
_In_opt_ _CrtMemState const* _State
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _CrtMemDumpStatistics(
_In_ _CrtMemState const* _State
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtReportBlockType(
_In_opt_ void const* _Block
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl _CrtSetBreakAlloc(
_In_ long _NewValue
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetDbgFlag(
_In_ int _NewFlag
#endif // _DEBUG
# 235 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
// Debug Heap Routines
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _calloc_dbg(c, s, t, f, l) calloc(c, s)
#define _expand_dbg(p, s, t, f, l) _expand(p, s)
#define _free_dbg(p, t) free(p)
#define _malloc_dbg(s, t, f, l) malloc(s)
#define _msize_dbg(p, t) _msize(p)
#define _realloc_dbg(p, s, t, f, l) realloc(p, s)
#define _recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, t, f, l) _recalloc(p, c, s)
#define _aligned_free_dbg(p) _aligned_free(p)
#define _aligned_malloc_dbg(s, a, f, l) _aligned_malloc(s, a)
#define _aligned_msize_dbg(p, a, o) _aligned_msize(p, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_malloc_dbg(s, a, o, f, l) _aligned_offset_malloc(s, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, o, f, l) _aligned_offset_realloc(p, s, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, o, f, l) _aligned_offset_recalloc(p, c, s, a, o)
#define _aligned_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, f, l) _aligned_realloc(p, s, a)
#define _aligned_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, f, l) _aligned_recalloc(p, c, s, a)
#define _freea_dbg(p, t) _freea(p)
#define _malloca_dbg(s, t, f, l) _malloca(s)
#define _dupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, t, f, l) _dupenv_s(ps1, size, s2)
#define _fullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, t, f, l) _fullpath(s1, s2, le)
#define _getcwd_dbg(s, le, t, f, l) _getcwd(s, le)
#define _getdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _getdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _getdcwd_lk_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _getdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _mbsdup_dbg(s, t, f, l) _mbsdup(s)
#define _strdup_dbg(s, t, f, l) _strdup(s)
#define _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, t, f, l) _tempnam(s1, s2)
#define _wcsdup_dbg(s, t, f, l) _wcsdup(s)
#define _wdupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, t, f, l) _wdupenv_s(ps1, size, s2)
#define _wfullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, t, f, l) _wfullpath(s1, s2, le)
#define _wgetcwd_dbg(s, le, t, f, l) _wgetcwd(s, le)
#define _wgetdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _wgetdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _wgetdcwd_lk_dbg(d, s, le, t, f, l) _wgetdcwd(d, s, le)
#define _wtempnam_dbg(s1, s2, t, f, l) _wtempnam(s1, s2)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
# 282 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#define calloc(c, s) _calloc_dbg(c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _expand(p, s) _expand_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define free(p) _free_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
#define malloc(s) _malloc_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _msize(p) _msize_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
#define realloc(p, s) _realloc_dbg(p, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _recalloc(p, c, s) _recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_free(p) _aligned_free_dbg(p)
#define _aligned_malloc(s, a) _aligned_malloc_dbg(s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_msize(p, a, o) _aligned_msize_dbg(p, a, o)
#define _aligned_offset_malloc(s, a, o) _aligned_offset_malloc_dbg(s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_offset_realloc(p, s, a, o) _aligned_offset_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_offset_recalloc(p, c, s, a, o) _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, o, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_realloc(p, s, a) _aligned_realloc_dbg(p, s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _aligned_recalloc(p, c, s, a) _aligned_recalloc_dbg(p, c, s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _freea(p) _freea_dbg(p, _NORMAL_BLOCK)
#define _malloca(s) _malloca_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _dupenv_s(ps1, size, s2) _dupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _fullpath(s1, s2, le) _fullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _getcwd(s, le) _getcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _getdcwd(d, s, le) _getdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _mbsdup(s) _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _strdup(s) _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _tempnam(s1, s2) _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wcsdup(s) _wcsdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wdupenv_s(ps1, size, s2) _wdupenv_s_dbg(ps1, size, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wfullpath(s1, s2, le) _wfullpath_dbg(s1, s2, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wgetcwd(s, le) _wgetcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wgetdcwd(d, s, le) _wgetdcwd_dbg(d, s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _wtempnam(s1, s2) _wtempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define strdup(s) _strdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define wcsdup(s) _wcsdup_dbg(s, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define tempnam(s1, s2) _tempnam_dbg(s1, s2, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define getcwd(s, le) _getcwd_dbg(s, le, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# 325 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
# 327 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _aligned_free_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _aligned_malloc_dbg(
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _aligned_msize_dbg(
_Pre_notnull_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_malloc_dbg(
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Count,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _aligned_realloc_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _aligned_recalloc_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Count,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _calloc_dbg(
_In_ size_t _Count,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _expand_dbg(
_Pre_notnull_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _free_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ int _BlockUse
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _malloc_dbg(
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _msize_dbg(
_Pre_notnull_ void* _Block,
_In_ int _BlockUse
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _realloc_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR void* __cdecl _recalloc_dbg(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Count,
_In_ size_t _Size,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return == 0)
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _dupenv_s_dbg(
_Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*_PBufferSizeInBytes) char** _PBuffer,
_Out_opt_ size_t* _PBufferSizeInBytes,
_In_z_ char const* _VarName,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR char* __cdecl _fullpath_dbg(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) char* _FullPath,
_In_z_ char const* _Path,
_In_ size_t _SizeInBytes,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_DCRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR char* __cdecl _getcwd_dbg(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) char* _DstBuf,
_In_ int _SizeInBytes,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_DCRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR char* __cdecl _getdcwd_dbg(
_In_ int _Drive,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) char* _DstBuf,
_In_ int _SizeInBytes,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR char* __cdecl _strdup_dbg(
_In_opt_z_ char const* _String,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR char* __cdecl _tempnam_dbg(
_In_opt_z_ char const* _DirName,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FilePrefix,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wcsdup_dbg(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_In_ int _BlockUse,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return == 0)
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wdupenv_s_dbg(
_Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*_PBufferSizeInWords) wchar_t** _PBuffer,
_Out_opt_ size_t* _PBufferSizeInWords,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _VarName,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wfullpath_dbg(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t* _FullPath,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Path,
_In_ size_t _SizeInWords,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_DCRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wgetcwd_dbg(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t* _DstBuf,
_In_ int _SizeInWords,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_DCRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wgetdcwd_dbg(
_In_ int _Drive,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t* _DstBuf,
_In_ int _SizeInWords,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wtempnam_dbg(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _DirName,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _FilePrefix,
_In_ int _BlockType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber
#define _malloca_dbg(s, t, f, l) _malloc_dbg(s, t, f, l)
#define _freea_dbg(p, t) _free_dbg(p, t)
#if defined __cplusplus && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
namespace std
using ::_calloc_dbg;
using ::_free_dbg;
using ::_malloc_dbg;
using ::_realloc_dbg;
# 584 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#endif // _DEBUG
# 586 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
// Debug Reporting
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _CrtSetDebugFillThreshold(t) ((size_t)0)
#define _CrtSetReportFile(t, f) ((_HFILE)0)
#define _CrtSetReportMode(t, f) ((int)0)
#define _CrtGetReportHook() ((_CRT_REPORT_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtSetReportHook(f) ((_CRT_REPORT_HOOK)0)
#define _CrtSetReportHook2(t, f) ((int)0)
#define _CrtSetReportHookW2(t, f) ((int)0)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
# 606 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtDbgReport(
_In_ int _ReportType,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _Linenumber,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _ModuleName,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Format,
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtDbgReportW(
_In_ int _ReportType,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _ModuleName,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Format,
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _VCrtDbgReportA(
_In_ int _ReportType,
_In_opt_ void* _ReturnAddress,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _ModuleName,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Format,
va_list _ArgList
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _VCrtDbgReportW(
_In_ int _ReportType,
_In_opt_ void* _ReturnAddress,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _LineNumber,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _ModuleName,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Format,
va_list _ArgList
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _CrtSetDebugFillThreshold(
_In_ size_t _NewDebugFillThreshold
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _CrtGetDebugFillThreshold(void);
_ACRTIMP _HFILE __cdecl _CrtSetReportFile(
_In_ int _ReportType,
_In_opt_ _HFILE _ReportFile
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetReportMode(
_In_ int _ReportType,
_In_ int _ReportMode
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
extern long _crtAssertBusy;
_ACRTIMP _CRT_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _CrtGetReportHook(void);
// _CrtSetReportHook[[W]2]:
// For IJW, we need two versions: one for clrcall and one for cdecl.
// For pure and native, we just need clrcall and cdecl, respectively.
_ACRTIMP _CRT_REPORT_HOOK __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook(
_In_opt_ _CRT_REPORT_HOOK _PFnNewHook
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook2(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_opt_ _CRT_REPORT_HOOK _PFnNewHook
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtSetReportHookW2(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_opt_ _CRT_REPORT_HOOKW _PFnNewHook
#endif // !_M_CEE_PURE
# 684 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#endif // _DEBUG
# 686 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
// Assertions and Error Reporting Macros
#ifndef _DEBUG
#define _CrtDbgBreak() ((void)0)
#ifndef _ASSERT_EXPR
#define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) ((void)0)
# 702 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#ifndef _ASSERT
#define _ASSERT(expr) ((void)0)
# 706 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#ifndef _ASSERTE
#define _ASSERTE(expr) ((void)0)
# 710 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#define _RPT0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTN(rptno, msg, ...)
#define _RPTW0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTWN(rptno, msg, ...)
#define _RPTF0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTFN(rptno, msg, ...)
#define _RPTFW0(rptno, msg)
#define _RPTFWN(rptno, msg, ...)
#else // ^^^ !_DEBUG ^^^ // vvv _DEBUG vvv //
# 724 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#define _CrtDbgBreak() __debugbreak()
// !! is used to ensure that any overloaded operators used to evaluate expr
// do not end up at &&.
#ifndef _ASSERT_EXPR
#define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) \
(void)( \
(!!(expr)) || \
(1 != _CrtDbgReportW(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, L"%ls", msg)) || \
(_CrtDbgBreak(), 0) \
# 737 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#ifndef _ASSERT
#define _ASSERT(expr) _ASSERT_EXPR((expr), NULL)
# 741 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#ifndef _ASSERTE
#define _ASSERTE(expr) _ASSERT_EXPR((expr), _CRT_WIDE(#expr))
# 745 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#define _RPT_BASE(...) \
(void) ((1 != _CrtDbgReport(__VA_ARGS__)) || \
(_CrtDbgBreak(), 0))
#define _RPT_BASE_W(...) \
(void) ((1 != _CrtDbgReportW(__VA_ARGS__)) || \
(_CrtDbgBreak(), 0))
#define _RPT0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, "%s", msg)
#define _RPTN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _RPTW0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, L"%ls", msg)
#define _RPTWN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, NULL, 0, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _RPTF0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE(rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "%s", msg)
#define _RPTFN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE(rptno, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _RPTFW0(rptno, msg) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, L"%ls", msg)
#define _RPTFWN(rptno, msg, ...) _RPT_BASE_W(rptno, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, msg, __VA_ARGS__)
#endif // _DEBUG
# 767 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
// Asserts in debug. Invokes Watson in both debug and release
{ \
_ASSERTE((expr)); \
if (!(expr)) \
{ \
_invoke_watson(_CRT_WIDE(#expr), __FUNCTIONW__, __FILEW__, __LINE__, 0); \
} \
// _ASSERT_BASE is provided only for backwards compatibility.
#ifndef _ASSERT_BASE
# 782 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
#define _RPT1 _RPTN
#define _RPT2 _RPTN
#define _RPT3 _RPTN
#define _RPT4 _RPTN
#define _RPT5 _RPTN
#define _RPTW1 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW2 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW3 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW4 _RPTWN
#define _RPTW5 _RPTWN
#define _RPTF1 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF2 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF3 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF4 _RPTFN
#define _RPTF5 _RPTFN
#define _RPTFW1 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW2 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW3 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW4 _RPTFWN
#define _RPTFW5 _RPTFWN
#endif // _INC_CRTDBG
# 811 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\crtdbg.h" 3
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 2 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
#if defined(MRTDLL) && defined(_CRTBLD)
process-global is the default for code built with /clr or /clr:oldSyntax.
appdomain-global is the default for code built with /clr:pure.
Code in MSVCM is built with /clr, but is used by user code built with /clr:pure
so it must conform to the expectations of /clr:pure clients.
Use __PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL when a global needs to be appdomain-global for pure
clients and process-global for mixed clients.
#define __PURE_APPDOMAIN_GLOBAL __declspec(appdomain)
# 28 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 30 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
/* Windows */
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _CRT_MSVCP_CURRENT "msvcpd_win.dll"
# 38 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _CRT_MSVCP_CURRENT "msvcp_win.dll"
# 40 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 41 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
/* Visual Studio */
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _CRT_MSVCP_CURRENT "msvcp140d.dll"
# 45 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _CRT_MSVCP_CURRENT "msvcp140.dll"
# 47 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 48 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 49 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL /* A. _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL is already defined. */
/* A1. Validate _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL. */
#if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2 && defined(_DEBUG)
#error _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2 is not supported in debug mode.
#elif _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 && !defined(_DEBUG)
# 56 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#error _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 is not supported in release mode.
# 58 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING /* A2i. _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING is already defined, validate it. */
# 64 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 66 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* A2ii. _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING is not yet defined, derive it. */
# 67 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 70 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 72 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 73 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
/* A3. Inspect _SECURE_SCL. */
#ifdef _SECURE_SCL /* A3i. _SECURE_SCL is already defined, validate it. */
#error _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 must imply _SECURE_SCL == 1 .
# 79 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#error _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 must imply _SECURE_SCL == 0 .
# 81 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* A3ii. _SECURE_SCL is not yet defined, derive it. */
# 82 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _SECURE_SCL 1
# 85 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _SECURE_SCL 0
# 87 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif /* _SECURE_SCL */
# 88 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* B. _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL is not yet defined. */
# 90 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING /* B1i. _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING is already defined, validate it. */
#error _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING must be either 0 or 1 .
#elif _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING == 1 && !defined(_DEBUG)
# 96 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#error _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING == 1 is not supported in release mode.
# 98 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* B1ii. _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING is not yet defined, default it. */
# 99 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _DEBUG
# 102 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 104 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 105 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
/* B2. Inspect _SECURE_SCL. */
#ifdef _SECURE_SCL /* B2i. _SECURE_SCL is already defined, validate it. */
#if _SECURE_SCL > 1
#error _SECURE_SCL must be either 0 or 1 .
# 111 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* B2ii. _SECURE_SCL is not yet defined, default it. */
# 112 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _SECURE_SCL 1
# 115 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _SECURE_SCL 0
# 117 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif /* _SECURE_SCL */
# 118 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 123 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 125 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 127 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 129 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
#pragma detect_mismatch("_MSC_VER", "1900")
# 134 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 138 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if !defined(_DLL) && !defined(_DEBUG)
#pragma detect_mismatch("RuntimeLibrary", "MT_StaticRelease")
#elif !defined(_DLL) && defined(_DEBUG)
# 143 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#pragma detect_mismatch("RuntimeLibrary", "MTd_StaticDebug")
#elif defined(_DLL) && !defined(_DEBUG)
# 145 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#pragma detect_mismatch("RuntimeLibrary", "MD_DynamicRelease")
#elif defined(_DLL) && defined(_DEBUG)
# 147 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#pragma detect_mismatch("RuntimeLibrary", "MDd_DynamicDebug")
#endif /* defined(_DLL) etc. */
# 149 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 150 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif /* __cplusplus */
# 151 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#error _ITERATOR_DEBUG_ARRAY_OVERLOADS must be either 0 or 1 .
# 156 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 158 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 159 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 162 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 164 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 165 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _STL_REPORT_ERROR(mesg) \
do \
{ \
_RPTF0(_CRT_ASSERT, mesg); \
} \
while (false)
#define _STL_VERIFY(cond, mesg) \
do \
{ \
if (cond) \
{ /* contextually convertible to bool paranoia */ \
} \
else \
{ \
} \
_Analysis_assume_(cond); \
} \
while (false)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _STL_ASSERT(cond, mesg) _STL_VERIFY(cond, mesg)
#else /* ^^^ _DEBUG ^^^ // vvv !_DEBUG vvv */
# 192 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _STL_ASSERT(cond, mesg) _Analysis_assume_(cond)
#endif /* _DEBUG */
# 194 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _STL_INTERNAL_CHECK(cond, mesg) _STL_VERIFY(cond, "STL internal check: " mesg)
# 198 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _STL_INTERNAL_CHECK(cond, mesg) _Analysis_assume_(cond)
# 200 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <use_ansi.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 201 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 1 3
*use_ansi.h - pragmas for ANSI Standard C++ libraries
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This header is intended to force the use of the appropriate ANSI
* Standard C++ libraries whenever it is included.
* [Public]
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#ifndef _USE_ANSI_CPP
#define _USE_ANSI_CPP
#ifdef _CRTBLD
# 22 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
# 24 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#if !defined(_M_CEE_PURE) && !defined(MRTDLL)
#undef _IDL_AFFIX
#undef _LIB_STEM
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _DEBUG_AFFIX "d"
#define _IDL_DEFAULT 2
# 38 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#define _DEBUG_AFFIX ""
#define _IDL_DEFAULT 0
# 41 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#if defined(_DLL) && !defined(_STATIC_CPPLIB)
#define _LIB_STEM "msvcprt"
# 45 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#define _LIB_STEM "libcpmt"
# 50 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
# 51 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#ifdef _IDL_AFFIX
# 54 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#define _IDL_AFFIX ""
# 56 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#pragma comment(lib, _LIB_STEM _DEBUG_AFFIX _IDL_AFFIX)
#undef _IDL_AFFIX
#undef _LIB_STEM
#endif /* !defined(_M_CEE_PURE) && !defined(MRTDLL) */
# 65 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#endif /* _CRT_NOPRAGMA_LIBS */
# 67 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
#endif /* _USE_ANSI_CPP */
# 69 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\use_ansi.h" 3
# 202 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 2 3
__FILE__ "(" _CRT_STRINGIZE(__LINE__) "): warning " NUMBER ": " MESSAGE
#ifdef _DLL
#pragma message(_WARNING_MESSAGE("STL4000", "_STATIC_CPPLIB is deprecated and will be REMOVED."))
# 211 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_MIXED
#error _STATIC_CPPLIB is not supported while building with /clr
# 214 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 215 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
#error _STATIC_CPPLIB cannot be used with /clr:pure (the resulting assembly would not be pure)
# 218 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif // _STATIC_CPPLIB
# 219 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#pragma message(_WARNING_MESSAGE("STL4001", "/clr:pure is deprecated and will be REMOVED."))
# 223 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifndef _MRTIMP2_PURE
#if defined(_M_CEE_PURE)
#define _MRTIMP2_PURE
# 228 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 230 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 231 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if defined(_M_CEE_PURE)
# 236 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 238 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 239 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
/* Define _MRTIMP2_NPURE */
#ifndef _MRTIMP2_NPURE
#if defined(MRTDLL) && defined(_CRTBLD)
#if !defined(_M_CEE_PURE)
#define _MRTIMP2_NPURE __declspec(dllexport)
# 246 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _MRTIMP2_NPURE
# 248 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* ndef MRTDLL && _CRTBLD */
# 249 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _MRTIMP2_NPURE
#endif /* MRTDLL && _CRTBLD */
# 251 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif /* _MRTIMP2_NPURE */
# 252 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if defined(_DLL) && !defined(_STATIC_CPPLIB) && !defined(_M_CEE_PURE)
#define _DLL_CPPLIB
# 256 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifndef _CRTIMP2_PURE
#if defined(MRTDLL) && defined(_CRTBLD)
#define _CRTIMP2_PURE
# 261 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
#define _CRTIMP2_PURE
# 264 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 266 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 267 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 268 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _CRTBLD
/* These functions are for enabling STATIC_CPPLIB functionality */
#define _cpp_stdin (__acrt_iob_func(0))
#define _cpp_stdout (__acrt_iob_func(1))
#define _cpp_stderr (__acrt_iob_func(2))
#define _cpp_isleadbyte(c) (__pctype_func()[(unsigned char)(c)] & _LEADBYTE)
#endif /* _CRTBLD */
# 276 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if defined(CRTDLL2) && defined(_CRTBLD)
#define _CRTIMP2_IMPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# 281 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if defined(_DLL) && !defined(_STATIC_CPPLIB)
#define _CRTIMP2_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# 284 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 286 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 287 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 288 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if defined(MRTDLL) && defined(_CRTBLD)
# 293 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
# 296 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 298 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 299 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 300 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#if defined(MRTDLL) && defined(_CRTBLD)
# 305 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 307 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 308 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
# 313 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 315 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 316 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _MAX_EXP_DIG 8 /* for parsing numerics */
#define _MAX_INT_DIG 32
#define _MAX_SIG_DIG_V1 36
#define _MAX_SIG_DIG_V2 768
#define _LOCK_LOCALE 0
#define _LOCK_MALLOC 1
#define _LOCK_STREAM 2
#define _LOCK_DEBUG 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
enum _Uninitialized
{ // tag for suppressing initialization
// CLASS _Lockit
class _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT _Lockit
{ // lock while object in existence -- MUST NEST
#if defined(_M_CEE_PURE) || defined(MRTDLL)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Lockit()
: _Locktype(0)
{ // default construct
explicit __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Lockit(int _Kind)
{ // set the lock
_Lockit_ctor(this, _Kind);
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~_Lockit() noexcept
{ // clear the lock
#else /* defined(_M_CEE_PURE) || defined(MRTDLL) */
# 360 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
__thiscall _Lockit(); // default construct
explicit __thiscall _Lockit(int); // set the lock
__thiscall ~_Lockit() noexcept; // clear the lock
#endif /* defined(_M_CEE_PURE) || defined(MRTDLL) */
# 364 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
static _MRTIMP2_NPURE void __cdecl _Lockit_ctor(int);
static _MRTIMP2_NPURE void __cdecl _Lockit_dtor(int);
static _MRTIMP2_NPURE void __cdecl _Lockit_ctor(_Lockit *);
static _MRTIMP2_NPURE void __cdecl _Lockit_ctor(_Lockit *, int);
static _MRTIMP2_NPURE void __cdecl _Lockit_dtor(_Lockit *);
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Lockit(const _Lockit&) = delete;
_Lockit& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator=(const _Lockit&) = delete;
int _Locktype;
#ifdef _M_CEE
class _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT _EmptyLockit
{ // empty lock class used for bin compat
int _Locktype;
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
#else /* _M_CEE_PURE */
# 392 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif /* _M_CEE_PURE */
# 394 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 395 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _BEGIN_LOCK(_Kind) \
{ \
bool _MustReleaseLock = false; \
int _LockKind = _Kind; \
System::Runtime::CompilerServices::RuntimeHelpers::PrepareConstrainedRegions(); \
try \
{ \
System::Runtime::CompilerServices::RuntimeHelpers::PrepareConstrainedRegions(); \
try \
{ \
} \
finally \
{ \
_STD _Lockit::_Lockit_ctor(_LockKind); \
_MustReleaseLock = true; \
#define _END_LOCK() \
} \
finally \
{ \
if (_MustReleaseLock) \
{ \
_STD _Lockit::_Lockit_dtor(_LockKind); \
} \
} \
# 426 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _BEGIN_LOCK(_Kind) \
{ \
_STD _Lockit _Lock(_Kind);
#define _END_LOCK() \
# 434 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _BEGIN_LOCINFO(_VarName) \
_Locinfo _VarName;
#define _END_LOCINFO() \
[System::Runtime::ConstrainedExecution::ReliabilityContract( \
System::Runtime::ConstrainedExecution::Consistency::WillNotCorruptState, \
#else /* _M_CEE */
# 448 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _BEGIN_LOCK(_Kind) \
{ \
_STD _Lockit _Lock(_Kind);
#define _END_LOCK() \
#define _BEGIN_LOCINFO(_VarName) \
{ \
_Locinfo _VarName;
#define _END_LOCINFO() \
#endif /* _M_CEE */
# 464 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
class _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT _Init_locks
{ // initialize mutexes
#if defined(_M_CEE_PURE) || defined(MRTDLL)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Init_locks()
{ // default construct
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~_Init_locks() noexcept
{ // destroy the object
#else /* defined(_M_CEE_PURE) || defined(MRTDLL) */
# 480 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
__thiscall _Init_locks();
__thiscall ~_Init_locks() noexcept;
#endif /* defined(_M_CEE_PURE) || defined(MRTDLL) */
# 483 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
static _MRTIMP2_NPURE void __cdecl _Init_locks_ctor(_Init_locks *);
static _MRTIMP2_NPURE void __cdecl _Init_locks_dtor(_Init_locks *);
#define _TRY_BEGIN try {
#define _CATCH(x) } catch (x) {
#define _CATCH_ALL } catch (...) {
#define _CATCH_END }
#define _RAISE(x) throw x
#define _RERAISE throw
#if defined(MRTDLL) && defined(_M_CEE) && !defined(_M_CEE_PURE) && defined(_CRTBLD)
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#define _THROW(x) _invoke_watson(_CRT_WIDE(#x), __FUNCTIONW__, __FILEW__, __LINE__, 0)
#else /* defined(_DEBUG) */
# 503 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _THROW(x) _invoke_watson(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0)
#endif /* defined(_DEBUG) */
# 505 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* defined(MRTDLL) etc. */
# 506 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _THROW(x) throw x
#endif /* defined(MRTDLL) etc. */
# 508 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#else /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
# 510 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _TRY_BEGIN { if (1) {
#define _CATCH(x) } else if (0) {
#define _CATCH_ALL } else if (0) {
#define _CATCH_END } }
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#define _RAISE(x) _invoke_watson(_CRT_WIDE(#x), __FUNCTIONW__, __FILEW__, __LINE__, 0)
#else /* defined(_DEBUG) */
# 518 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _RAISE(x) _invoke_watson(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0)
#endif /* defined(_DEBUG) */
# 520 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#define _RERAISE
#define _THROW(x) x._Raise()
#endif /* _HAS_EXCEPTIONS */
# 524 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif /* __cplusplus */
# 526 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
# 530 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 536 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
#endif /* _YVALS */
# 537 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\yvals.h" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 4 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cassert" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <assert.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cassert" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\assert.h" 1 3
// assert.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Defines the assert macro and related functionality.
#if defined _VCRT_BUILD && !defined _ASSERT_OK
#error assert.h not for CRT internal use
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\assert.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\assert.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\assert.h" 3
#undef assert
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define assert(expression) ((void)0)
# 25 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\assert.h" 3
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _wassert(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Message,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _File,
_In_ unsigned _Line
#define assert(expression) (void)( \
(!!(expression)) || \
(_wassert(_CRT_WIDE(#expression), _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), (unsigned)(__LINE__)), 0) \
# 38 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\assert.h" 3
# 5 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cassert" 2 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 3 "main.cpp" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cstddef>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "main.cpp"
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 1 3
// cstddef standard header (core)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 3
#ifndef _CSTDDEF_
#define _CSTDDEF_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 1 3
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 28 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 35 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 37 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 39 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _SIZE_T
# 46 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 48 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 50 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _RSIZE_T
# 60 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 62 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 63 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WCHAR_T
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
# 73 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 74 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 76 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 77 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 79 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
# define NULL __null
# else
# 86 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 88 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 89 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 91 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 96 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 97 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 99 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 102 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 1 3
/*===---- __stddef_max_align_t.h - Definition of max_align_t for modules ---===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef double max_align_t;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
# 16 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
typedef long double max_align_t;
# 18 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
// Define 'max_align_t' to match the GCC definition.
typedef struct {
long long __clang_max_align_nonce1
__attribute__((__aligned__(__alignof__(long long))));
long double __clang_max_align_nonce2
__attribute__((__aligned__(__alignof__(long double))));
} max_align_t;
# 26 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
# 28 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include/__stddef_max_align_t.h" 3
# 103 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 2 3
# 104 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 107 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WINT_T
# 116 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 118 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 120 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 122 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xtr1common>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtr1common" 1 3
// xtr1common internal header (core)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtr1common" 3
#ifndef _XTR1COMMON_
#define _XTR1COMMON_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals_core.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtr1common" 3
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtr1common" 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
// STRUCT TEMPLATE integral_constant
template<class _Ty,
_Ty _Val>
struct integral_constant
{ // convenient template for integral constant types
static constexpr _Ty value = _Val;
using value_type = _Ty;
using type = integral_constant;
constexpr operator value_type() const noexcept
{ // return stored value
return (value);
_NODISCARD constexpr value_type operator()() const noexcept
{ // return stored value
return (value);
// ALIAS TEMPLATE bool_constant
template<bool _Val>
using bool_constant = integral_constant<bool, _Val>;
using true_type = bool_constant<true>;
using false_type = bool_constant<false>;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE enable_if
template<bool _Test,
class _Ty = void>
struct enable_if
{ // type is undefined for assumed !_Test
template<class _Ty>
struct enable_if<true, _Ty>
{ // type is _Ty for _Test
using type = _Ty;
template<bool _Test,
class _Ty = void>
using enable_if_t = typename enable_if<_Test, _Ty>::type;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE conditional
template<bool _Test,
class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
struct conditional
{ // type is _Ty2 for assumed !_Test
using type = _Ty2;
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
struct conditional<true, _Ty1, _Ty2>
{ // type is _Ty1 for _Test
using type = _Ty1;
template<bool _Test,
class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
using conditional_t = typename conditional<_Test, _Ty1, _Ty2>::type;
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
struct is_same
: false_type
{ // determine whether _Ty1 and _Ty2 are the same type
template<class _Ty1>
struct is_same<_Ty1, _Ty1>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty1 and _Ty2 are the same type
template<class _Ty,
class _Uty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_same_v = is_same<_Ty, _Uty>::value;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE remove_const
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_const
{ // remove top level const qualifier
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_const<const _Ty>
{ // remove top level const qualifier
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
using remove_const_t = typename remove_const<_Ty>::type;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE remove_volatile
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_volatile
{ // remove top level volatile qualifier
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_volatile<volatile _Ty>
{ // remove top level volatile qualifier
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
using remove_volatile_t = typename remove_volatile<_Ty>::type;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE remove_cv
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_cv
{ // remove top level const and volatile qualifiers
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_cv<const _Ty>
{ // remove top level const and volatile qualifiers
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_cv<volatile _Ty>
{ // remove top level const and volatile qualifiers
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_cv<const volatile _Ty>
{ // remove top level const and volatile qualifiers
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
using remove_cv_t = typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE _Is_integral
template<class _Ty>
struct _Is_integral
: false_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<bool>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<char>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<unsigned char>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<signed char>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<wchar_t>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
# 198 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtr1common" 3
struct _Is_integral<char16_t>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<char32_t>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<unsigned short>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<short>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<unsigned int>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<int>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<unsigned long>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<long>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<unsigned long long>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
struct _Is_integral<long long>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
// STRUCT TEMPLATE is_integral
template<class _Ty>
struct is_integral
: _Is_integral<remove_cv_t<_Ty>>::type
{ // determine whether _Ty is integral
template<class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_integral_v = is_integral<_Ty>::value;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE _Is_floating_point
template<class _Ty>
struct _Is_floating_point
: false_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is floating point
struct _Is_floating_point<float>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is floating point
struct _Is_floating_point<double>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is floating point
struct _Is_floating_point<long double>
: true_type
{ // determine whether _Ty is floating point
// STRUCT TEMPLATE is_floating_point
template<class _Ty>
struct is_floating_point
: _Is_floating_point<remove_cv_t<_Ty>>::type
{ // determine whether _Ty is floating point
template<class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_floating_point_v = is_floating_point<_Ty>::value;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE is_arithmetic
template<class _Ty>
struct is_arithmetic
: bool_constant<is_integral_v<_Ty>
|| is_floating_point_v<_Ty>>
{ // determine whether _Ty is an arithmetic type
template<class _Ty>
_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_arithmetic_v = is_arithmetic<_Ty>::value;
// STRUCT TEMPLATE remove_reference
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_reference
{ // remove reference
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_reference<_Ty&>
{ // remove reference
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
struct remove_reference<_Ty&&>
{ // remove rvalue reference
using type = _Ty;
template<class _Ty>
using remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference<_Ty>::type;
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 343 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtr1common" 3
#endif /* _XTR1COMMON_ */
# 344 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtr1common" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 2 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
using _CSTD ptrdiff_t; using _CSTD size_t;
typedef double max_align_t; // most aligned type
// ENUM CLASS byte
enum class byte : unsigned char { };
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator<<(const byte _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise LEFT SHIFT, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned int>(_Arg) << _Shift)));
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator>>(const byte _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise RIGHT SHIFT, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned int>(_Arg) >> _Shift)));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator|(const byte _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise OR, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(
static_cast<unsigned int>(_Left) | static_cast<unsigned int>(_Right))));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator&(const byte _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise AND, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(
static_cast<unsigned int>(_Left) & static_cast<unsigned int>(_Right))));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator^(const byte _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise XOR, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(
static_cast<unsigned int>(_Left) ^ static_cast<unsigned int>(_Right))));
_NODISCARD constexpr byte operator~(const byte _Arg) noexcept
{ // bitwise NOT, every static_cast is intentional
return (static_cast<byte>(static_cast<unsigned char>(~static_cast<unsigned int>(_Arg))));
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
constexpr byte& operator<<=(byte& _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise LEFT SHIFT
return (_Arg = _Arg << _Shift);
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
constexpr byte& operator>>=(byte& _Arg, const _IntType _Shift) noexcept
{ // bitwise RIGHT SHIFT
return (_Arg = _Arg >> _Shift);
constexpr byte& operator|=(byte& _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise OR
return (_Left = _Left | _Right);
constexpr byte& operator&=(byte& _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise AND
return (_Left = _Left & _Right);
constexpr byte& operator^=(byte& _Left, const byte _Right) noexcept
{ // bitwise XOR
return (_Left = _Left ^ _Right);
template<class _IntType,
enable_if_t<is_integral_v<_IntType>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD constexpr _IntType to_integer(const byte _Arg) noexcept
{ // convert byte to integer
return (static_cast<_IntType>(_Arg));
#endif /* _HAS_STD_BYTE */
# 98 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 3
using _STD max_align_t; // intentional, for historical reasons
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 109 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 3
#endif /* _CSTDDEF_ */
# 110 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstddef" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 4 "main.cpp" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cstdint>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "main.cpp"
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 1 3
// cstdint standard header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 3
#ifndef _CSTDINT_
#define _CSTDINT_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdint.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 1 3
/*===---- stdint.h - Standard header for sized integer types --------------===*\
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __CLANG_STDINT_H
#define __CLANG_STDINT_H
/* If we're hosted, fall back to the system's stdint.h, which might have
* additional definitions.
#if __STDC_HOSTED__ && (1)/*__has_include_next(<stdint.h>)*/
// C99 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types
// Footnote 219, 220: C++ implementations should define these macros only when
// __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS is defined before <stdint.h> is included.
// Footnote 222: C++ implementations should define these macros only when
// __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS is defined before <stdint.h> is included.
// C++11 [cstdint.syn]p2:
// The macros defined by <cstdint> are provided unconditionally. In particular,
// the symbols __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS and __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS (mentioned in
// footnotes 219, 220, and 222 in the C standard) play no role in C++.
// C11 removed the problematic footnotes.
// Work around this inconsistency by always defining those macros in C++ mode,
// so that a C library implementation which follows the C99 standard can be
// used in C++.
# ifdef __cplusplus
# if !defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS)
# endif
# 43 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# if !defined(__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS)
# endif
# 47 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# endif
# 48 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include_next <stdint.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 49 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 1 3
// stdint.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The C Standard Library <stdint.h> header.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#define _STDINT
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 3
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef long long int64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
typedef signed char int_least8_t;
typedef short int_least16_t;
typedef int int_least32_t;
typedef long long int_least64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint_least16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_least32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint_least64_t;
typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
typedef int int_fast16_t;
typedef int int_fast32_t;
typedef long long int_fast64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint_fast64_t;
typedef long long intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long long uintmax_t;
// These macros must exactly match those in the Windows SDK's intsafe.h.
#define INT8_MIN (-127i8 - 1)
#define INT16_MIN (-32767i16 - 1)
#define INT32_MIN (-2147483647i32 - 1)
#define INT64_MIN (-9223372036854775807i64 - 1)
#define INT8_MAX 127i8
#define INT16_MAX 32767i16
#define INT32_MAX 2147483647i32
#define INT64_MAX 9223372036854775807i64
#define UINT8_MAX 0xffui8
#define UINT16_MAX 0xffffui16
#define UINT32_MAX 0xffffffffui32
#define UINT64_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffui64
#define INT_FAST16_MIN INT32_MIN
#define INT_FAST32_MIN INT32_MIN
#define INT_FAST64_MIN INT64_MIN
#define INT_FAST16_MAX INT32_MAX
#define INT_FAST32_MAX INT32_MAX
#define INT_FAST64_MAX INT64_MAX
#ifdef _WIN64
# 92 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 96 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifndef SIZE_MAX
# 107 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#define WCHAR_MIN 0x0000
#define WCHAR_MAX 0xffff
#define WINT_MIN 0x0000
#define WINT_MAX 0xffff
#define INT8_C(x) (x)
#define INT16_C(x) (x)
#define INT32_C(x) (x)
#define INT64_C(x) (x ## LL)
#define UINT8_C(x) (x)
#define UINT16_C(x) (x)
#define UINT32_C(x) (x ## U)
#define UINT64_C(x) (x ## ULL)
#define INTMAX_C(x) INT64_C(x)
#define UINTMAX_C(x) UINT64_C(x)
#endif // RC_INVOKED
# 133 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\stdint.h" 3
* Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.00:0009 */
# 50 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 2 3
# endif
# 55 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# endif
# 59 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 61 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Exact-width integer types.
* C99 Minimum-width integer types.
* C99 Fastest minimum-width integer types.
* The standard requires that exact-width type be defined for 8-, 16-, 32-, and
* 64-bit types if they are implemented. Other exact width types are optional.
* This implementation defines an exact-width types for every integer width
* that is represented in the standard integer types.
* The standard also requires minimum-width types be defined for 8-, 16-, 32-,
* and 64-bit widths regardless of whether there are corresponding exact-width
* types.
* To accommodate targets that are missing types that are exactly 8, 16, 32, or
* 64 bits wide, this implementation takes an approach of cascading
* redefinitions, redefining __int_leastN_t to successively smaller exact-width
* types. It is therefore important that the types are defined in order of
* descending widths.
* We currently assume that the minimum-width types and the fastest
* minimum-width types are the same. This is allowed by the standard, but is
* suboptimal.
* In violation of the standard, some targets do not implement a type that is
* wide enough to represent all of the required widths (8-, 16-, 32-, 64-bit).
* To accommodate these targets, a required minimum-width type is only
* defined if there exists an exact-width type of equal or greater width.
#ifdef __INT64_TYPE__
# ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int64_t*/
typedef __INT64_TYPE__ int64_t;
# endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 95 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
typedef __UINT64_TYPE__ uint64_t;
# define __int_least64_t int64_t
# define __uint_least64_t uint64_t
# define __int_least32_t int64_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint64_t
# define __int_least16_t int64_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint64_t
# define __int_least8_t int64_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint64_t
#endif /* __INT64_TYPE__ */
# 105 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least64_t
typedef __int_least64_t int_least64_t;
typedef __uint_least64_t uint_least64_t;
typedef __int_least64_t int_fast64_t;
typedef __uint_least64_t uint_fast64_t;
#endif /* __int_least64_t */
# 112 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT56_TYPE__
typedef __INT56_TYPE__ int56_t;
typedef __UINT56_TYPE__ uint56_t;
typedef int56_t int_least56_t;
typedef uint56_t uint_least56_t;
typedef int56_t int_fast56_t;
typedef uint56_t uint_fast56_t;
# define __int_least32_t int56_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint56_t
# define __int_least16_t int56_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint56_t
# define __int_least8_t int56_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint56_t
#endif /* __INT56_TYPE__ */
# 127 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT48_TYPE__
typedef __INT48_TYPE__ int48_t;
typedef __UINT48_TYPE__ uint48_t;
typedef int48_t int_least48_t;
typedef uint48_t uint_least48_t;
typedef int48_t int_fast48_t;
typedef uint48_t uint_fast48_t;
# define __int_least32_t int48_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint48_t
# define __int_least16_t int48_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint48_t
# define __int_least8_t int48_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint48_t
#endif /* __INT48_TYPE__ */
# 143 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT40_TYPE__
typedef __INT40_TYPE__ int40_t;
typedef __UINT40_TYPE__ uint40_t;
typedef int40_t int_least40_t;
typedef uint40_t uint_least40_t;
typedef int40_t int_fast40_t;
typedef uint40_t uint_fast40_t;
# define __int_least32_t int40_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint40_t
# define __int_least16_t int40_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint40_t
# define __int_least8_t int40_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint40_t
#endif /* __INT40_TYPE__ */
# 159 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT32_TYPE__
# ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int32_t*/
typedef __INT32_TYPE__ int32_t;
# endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 166 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# ifndef __uint32_t_defined /* more glibc compatibility */
# define __uint32_t_defined
typedef __UINT32_TYPE__ uint32_t;
# endif /* __uint32_t_defined */
# 171 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define __int_least32_t int32_t
# define __uint_least32_t uint32_t
# define __int_least16_t int32_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint32_t
# define __int_least8_t int32_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint32_t
#endif /* __INT32_TYPE__ */
# 179 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least32_t
typedef __int_least32_t int_least32_t;
typedef __uint_least32_t uint_least32_t;
typedef __int_least32_t int_fast32_t;
typedef __uint_least32_t uint_fast32_t;
#endif /* __int_least32_t */
# 186 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT24_TYPE__
typedef __INT24_TYPE__ int24_t;
typedef __UINT24_TYPE__ uint24_t;
typedef int24_t int_least24_t;
typedef uint24_t uint_least24_t;
typedef int24_t int_fast24_t;
typedef uint24_t uint_fast24_t;
# define __int_least16_t int24_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint24_t
# define __int_least8_t int24_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint24_t
#endif /* __INT24_TYPE__ */
# 199 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT16_TYPE__
#ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int16_t*/
typedef __INT16_TYPE__ int16_t;
#endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 204 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
typedef __UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t;
# define __int_least16_t int16_t
# define __uint_least16_t uint16_t
# define __int_least8_t int16_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint16_t
#endif /* __INT16_TYPE__ */
# 210 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least16_t
typedef __int_least16_t int_least16_t;
typedef __uint_least16_t uint_least16_t;
typedef __int_least16_t int_fast16_t;
typedef __uint_least16_t uint_fast16_t;
#endif /* __int_least16_t */
# 217 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT8_TYPE__
#ifndef __int8_t_defined /* glibc sys/types.h also defines int8_t*/
typedef __INT8_TYPE__ int8_t;
#endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 223 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
typedef __UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t;
# define __int_least8_t int8_t
# define __uint_least8_t uint8_t
#endif /* __INT8_TYPE__ */
# 227 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least8_t
typedef __int_least8_t int_least8_t;
typedef __uint_least8_t uint_least8_t;
typedef __int_least8_t int_fast8_t;
typedef __uint_least8_t uint_fast8_t;
#endif /* __int_least8_t */
# 234 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* prevent glibc sys/types.h from defining conflicting types */
#ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
#endif /* __int8_t_defined */
# 239 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Integer types capable of holding object pointers.
#define __stdint_join3(a,b,c) a ## b ## c
#ifndef _INTPTR_T
#ifndef __intptr_t_defined
typedef __INTPTR_TYPE__ intptr_t;
#define __intptr_t_defined
#define _INTPTR_T
# 250 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 251 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifndef _UINTPTR_T
typedef __UINTPTR_TYPE__ uintptr_t;
#define _UINTPTR_T
# 256 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Greatest-width integer types.
typedef __INTMAX_TYPE__ intmax_t;
typedef __UINTMAX_TYPE__ uintmax_t;
/* C99 7.18.4 Macros for minimum-width integer constants.
* The standard requires that integer constant macros be defined for all the
* minimum-width types defined above. As 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit minimum-width
* types are required, the corresponding integer constant macros are defined
* here. This implementation also defines minimum-width types for every other
* integer width that the target implements, so corresponding macros are
* defined below, too.
* These macros are defined using the same successive-shrinking approach as
* the type definitions above. It is likewise important that macros are defined
* in order of decending width.
* Note that C++ should not check __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS here, contrary to the
* claims of the C standard (see C++ 18.3.1p2, [cstdint.syn]).
#define __int_c_join(a, b) a ## b
#define __int_c(v, suffix) __int_c_join(v, suffix)
#define __uint_c(v, suffix) __int_c_join(v##U, suffix)
#ifdef __INT64_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int64_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT64_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 291 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# undef __int64_c_suffix
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT64_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 296 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT64_TYPE__ */
# 297 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least64_t
# ifdef __int64_c_suffix
# define INT64_C(v) __int_c(v, __int64_c_suffix)
# define UINT64_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int64_c_suffix)
# else
# 303 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT64_C(v) v
# define UINT64_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int64_c_suffix */
# 306 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least64_t */
# 307 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT56_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT56_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT56_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT56_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT56_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT56_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 317 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT56_C(v) v
# define UINT56_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT56_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 323 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT56_TYPE__ */
# 324 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT48_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT48_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT48_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT48_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT48_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT48_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 334 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT48_C(v) v
# define UINT48_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT48_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 340 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT48_TYPE__ */
# 341 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT40_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT40_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT40_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT40_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT40_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT40_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 351 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT40_C(v) v
# define UINT40_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT40_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 357 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT40_TYPE__ */
# 358 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT32_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int32_c_suffix __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT32_C_SUFFIX__
# 366 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# undef __int32_c_suffix
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT32_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 370 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT32_TYPE__ */
# 371 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least32_t
# ifdef __int32_c_suffix
# define INT32_C(v) __int_c(v, __int32_c_suffix)
# define UINT32_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int32_c_suffix)
# else
# 377 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT32_C(v) v
# define UINT32_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int32_c_suffix */
# 380 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least32_t */
# 381 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT24_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT24_C_SUFFIX__
# define INT24_C(v) __int_c(v, __INT24_C_SUFFIX__)
# define UINT24_C(v) __uint_c(v, __INT24_C_SUFFIX__)
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT24_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT24_C_SUFFIX__
# else
# 390 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT24_C(v) v
# define UINT24_C(v) v ## U
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT24_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 395 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT24_TYPE__ */
# 396 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT16_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int16_c_suffix __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT16_C_SUFFIX__
# 403 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# undef __int16_c_suffix
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT16_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 406 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT16_TYPE__ */
# 407 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least16_t
# ifdef __int16_c_suffix
# define INT16_C(v) __int_c(v, __int16_c_suffix)
# define UINT16_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int16_c_suffix)
# else
# 413 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT16_C(v) v
# define UINT16_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int16_c_suffix */
# 416 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least16_t */
# 417 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT8_TYPE__
# ifdef __INT8_C_SUFFIX__
# define __int8_c_suffix __INT8_C_SUFFIX__
# 423 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# undef __int8_c_suffix
# endif /* __INT8_C_SUFFIX__ */
# 425 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __INT8_TYPE__ */
# 426 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __int_least8_t
# ifdef __int8_c_suffix
# define INT8_C(v) __int_c(v, __int8_c_suffix)
# define UINT8_C(v) __uint_c(v, __int8_c_suffix)
# else
# 432 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define INT8_C(v) v
# define UINT8_C(v) v ## U
# endif /* __int8_c_suffix */
# 435 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __int_least8_t */
# 436 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Limits of exact-width integer types.
* C99 Limits of minimum-width integer types.
* C99 Limits of fastest minimum-width integer types.
* The presence of limit macros are completely optional in C99. This
* implementation defines limits for all of the types (exact- and
* minimum-width) that it defines above, using the limits of the minimum-width
* type for any types that do not have exact-width representations.
* As in the type definitions, this section takes an approach of
* successive-shrinking to determine which limits to use for the standard (8,
* 16, 32, 64) bit widths when they don't have exact representations. It is
* therefore important that the definitions be kept in order of decending
* widths.
* Note that C++ should not check __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS here, contrary to the
* claims of the C standard (see C++ 18.3.1p2, [cstdint.syn]).
#ifdef __INT64_TYPE__
# define INT64_MAX INT64_C( 9223372036854775807)
# define INT64_MIN (-INT64_C( 9223372036854775807)-1)
# define UINT64_MAX UINT64_C(18446744073709551615)
# define __INT_LEAST64_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST64_MAX INT64_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST64_MAX UINT64_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT64_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT64_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT64_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT64_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT64_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT64_MAX
#endif /* __INT64_TYPE__ */
# 474 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST64_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST64_MIN */
# 483 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT56_TYPE__
# define INT56_MAX INT56_C(36028797018963967)
# define INT56_MIN (-INT56_C(36028797018963967)-1)
# define UINT56_MAX UINT56_C(72057594037927935)
# define INT_LEAST56_MIN INT56_MIN
# define INT_LEAST56_MAX INT56_MAX
# define INT_FAST56_MIN INT56_MIN
# define INT_FAST56_MAX INT56_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT56_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT56_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT56_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT56_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT56_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT56_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT56_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT56_MAX
#endif /* __INT56_TYPE__ */
# 505 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT48_TYPE__
# define INT48_MAX INT48_C(140737488355327)
# define INT48_MIN (-INT48_C(140737488355327)-1)
# define UINT48_MAX UINT48_C(281474976710655)
# define INT_LEAST48_MIN INT48_MIN
# define INT_LEAST48_MAX INT48_MAX
# define INT_FAST48_MIN INT48_MIN
# define INT_FAST48_MAX INT48_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT48_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT48_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT48_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT48_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT48_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT48_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT48_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT48_MAX
#endif /* __INT48_TYPE__ */
# 527 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT40_TYPE__
# define INT40_MAX INT40_C(549755813887)
# define INT40_MIN (-INT40_C(549755813887)-1)
# define UINT40_MAX UINT40_C(1099511627775)
# define INT_LEAST40_MIN INT40_MIN
# define INT_LEAST40_MAX INT40_MAX
# define INT_FAST40_MIN INT40_MIN
# define INT_FAST40_MAX INT40_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT40_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT40_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT40_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT40_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT40_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT40_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT40_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT40_MAX
#endif /* __INT40_TYPE__ */
# 549 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT32_TYPE__
# define INT32_MAX INT32_C(2147483647)
# define INT32_MIN (-INT32_C(2147483647)-1)
# define UINT32_MAX UINT32_C(4294967295)
# define __INT_LEAST32_MIN INT32_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST32_MAX INT32_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT32_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT32_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT32_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT32_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT32_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT32_MAX
#endif /* __INT32_TYPE__ */
# 565 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST32_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST32_MIN */
# 574 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT24_TYPE__
# define INT24_MAX INT24_C(8388607)
# define INT24_MIN (-INT24_C(8388607)-1)
# define UINT24_MAX UINT24_C(16777215)
# define INT_LEAST24_MIN INT24_MIN
# define INT_LEAST24_MAX INT24_MAX
# define INT_FAST24_MIN INT24_MIN
# define INT_FAST24_MAX INT24_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT24_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT24_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT24_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT24_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT24_MAX
#endif /* __INT24_TYPE__ */
# 593 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT16_TYPE__
#define INT16_MAX INT16_C(32767)
#define INT16_MIN (-INT16_C(32767)-1)
#define UINT16_MAX UINT16_C(65535)
# define __INT_LEAST16_MIN INT16_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST16_MAX INT16_MAX
# define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT16_MAX
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT16_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT16_MAX
#endif /* __INT16_TYPE__ */
# 606 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST16_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST16_MIN */
# 615 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT8_TYPE__
# define INT8_MAX INT8_C(127)
# define INT8_MIN (-INT8_C(127)-1)
# define UINT8_MAX UINT8_C(255)
# define __INT_LEAST8_MIN INT8_MIN
# define __INT_LEAST8_MAX INT8_MAX
#endif /* __INT8_TYPE__ */
# 625 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifdef __INT_LEAST8_MIN
#endif /* __INT_LEAST8_MIN */
# 634 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* Some utility macros */
#define __INTN_MIN(n) __stdint_join3( INT, n, _MIN)
#define __INTN_MAX(n) __stdint_join3( INT, n, _MAX)
#define __UINTN_MAX(n) __stdint_join3(UINT, n, _MAX)
#define __INTN_C(n, v) __stdint_join3( INT, n, _C(v))
#define __UINTN_C(n, v) __stdint_join3(UINT, n, _C(v))
/* C99 Limits of integer types capable of holding object pointers. */
/* C99 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types. */
#define INTPTR_MIN (-__INTPTR_MAX__-1)
#define PTRDIFF_MIN (-__PTRDIFF_MAX__-1)
#define SIZE_MAX __SIZE_MAX__
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define RSIZE_MAX if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__
* is enabled. */
#if defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1
#define RSIZE_MAX (SIZE_MAX >> 1)
# 657 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* C99 Limits of greatest-width integer types. */
#define INTMAX_MIN (-__INTMAX_MAX__-1)
/* C99 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types. */
#ifdef __WINT_UNSIGNED__
# define WINT_MIN __UINTN_C(__WINT_WIDTH__, 0)
# 670 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 673 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifndef WCHAR_MAX
# define WCHAR_MAX __WCHAR_MAX__
# 677 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#ifndef WCHAR_MIN
# else
# 681 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# define WCHAR_MIN __UINTN_C(__WCHAR_WIDTH__, 0)
# endif
# 683 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 684 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
/* Macros for greatest-width integer constants. */
#define INTMAX_C(v) __int_c(v, __INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__)
#define UINTMAX_C(v) __int_c(v, __UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__)
#endif /* __STDC_HOSTED__ */
# 690 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
#endif /* __CLANG_STDINT_H */
# 691 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stdint.h" 3
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 2 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
using _CSTD int8_t; using _CSTD int16_t;
using _CSTD int32_t; using _CSTD int64_t;
using _CSTD uint8_t; using _CSTD uint16_t;
using _CSTD uint32_t; using _CSTD uint64_t;
using _CSTD int_least8_t; using _CSTD int_least16_t;
using _CSTD int_least32_t; using _CSTD int_least64_t;
using _CSTD uint_least8_t; using _CSTD uint_least16_t;
using _CSTD uint_least32_t; using _CSTD uint_least64_t;
using _CSTD int_fast8_t; using _CSTD int_fast16_t;
using _CSTD int_fast32_t; using _CSTD int_fast64_t;
using _CSTD uint_fast8_t; using _CSTD uint_fast16_t;
using _CSTD uint_fast32_t; using _CSTD uint_fast64_t;
using _CSTD intmax_t; using _CSTD intptr_t;
using _CSTD uintmax_t; using _CSTD uintptr_t;
namespace _DEPRECATE_TR1_NAMESPACE tr1 {
using _CSTD int8_t; using _CSTD int16_t;
using _CSTD int32_t; using _CSTD int64_t;
using _CSTD uint8_t; using _CSTD uint16_t;
using _CSTD uint32_t; using _CSTD uint64_t;
using _CSTD int_least8_t; using _CSTD int_least16_t;
using _CSTD int_least32_t; using _CSTD int_least64_t;
using _CSTD uint_least8_t; using _CSTD uint_least16_t;
using _CSTD uint_least32_t; using _CSTD uint_least64_t;
using _CSTD int_fast8_t; using _CSTD int_fast16_t;
using _CSTD int_fast32_t; using _CSTD int_fast64_t;
using _CSTD uint_fast8_t; using _CSTD uint_fast16_t;
using _CSTD uint_fast32_t; using _CSTD uint_fast64_t;
using _CSTD intmax_t; using _CSTD intptr_t;
using _CSTD uintmax_t; using _CSTD uintptr_t;
#endif /* _HAS_TR1_NAMESPACE */
# 57 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 3
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 65 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 3
#endif /* _CSTDINT_ */
# 66 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdint" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 5 "main.cpp" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cstdlib>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 5 "main.cpp"
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 1 3
// cstdlib standard header (core)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
#ifndef _CSTDLIB_
#define _CSTDLIB_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals_core.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 1 3
// stdlib.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The C Standard Library <stdlib.h> header.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#ifndef _INC_STDLIB // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_STDLIB
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_malloc.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_malloc.h" 1 3
// corecrt_malloc.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The memory allocation library. These pieces of the allocation library are
// shared by both <stdlib.h> and <malloc.h>.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_malloc.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_malloc.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_malloc.h" 3
#if defined _DEBUG && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_free")
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_malloc")
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_msize")
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_malloc")
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_realloc")
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_offset_recalloc")
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_realloc")
#pragma push_macro("_aligned_recalloc")
#pragma push_macro("_expand")
#pragma push_macro("_freea")
#pragma push_macro("_msize")
#pragma push_macro("_recalloc")
#pragma push_macro("calloc")
#pragma push_macro("free")
#pragma push_macro("malloc")
#pragma push_macro("realloc")
#undef _aligned_free
#undef _aligned_malloc
#undef _aligned_msize
#undef _aligned_offset_malloc
#undef _aligned_offset_realloc
#undef _aligned_offset_recalloc
#undef _aligned_realloc
#undef _aligned_recalloc
#undef _expand
#undef _freea
#undef _msize
#undef _recalloc
#undef calloc
#undef free
#undef malloc
#undef realloc
# 52 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_malloc.h" 3
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
void* __cdecl _calloc_base(
_In_ size_t _Count,
_In_ size_t _Size
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
void* __cdecl calloc(
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Count,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _callnewh(
_In_ size_t _Size
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl _expand(
_Pre_notnull_ void* _Block,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size
void __cdecl _free_base(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block
void __cdecl free(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl _malloc_base(
_In_ size_t _Size
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl malloc(
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size
size_t __cdecl _msize_base(
_Pre_notnull_ void* _Block
size_t __cdecl _msize(
_Pre_notnull_ void* _Block
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl _realloc_base(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Size
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl realloc(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
void* __cdecl _recalloc_base(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Count,
_In_ size_t _Size
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
void* __cdecl _recalloc(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Count,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size
void __cdecl _aligned_free(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl _aligned_malloc(
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_malloc(
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset
size_t __cdecl _aligned_msize(
_Pre_notnull_ void* _Block,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Count,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment,
_In_ size_t _Offset
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Size)
void* __cdecl _aligned_realloc(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment
_Success_(return != 0) _Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(_Count * _Size)
void* __cdecl _aligned_recalloc(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Count,
_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size,
_In_ size_t _Alignment
#if defined _DEBUG && defined _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC
#pragma pop_macro("realloc")
#pragma pop_macro("malloc")
#pragma pop_macro("free")
#pragma pop_macro("calloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_recalloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_msize")
#pragma pop_macro("_freea")
#pragma pop_macro("_expand")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_recalloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_realloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_recalloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_realloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_offset_malloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_msize")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_malloc")
#pragma pop_macro("_aligned_free")
# 225 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_malloc.h" 3
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_search.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 1 3
// corecrt_search.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Declarations of functions for sorting and searching. These declarations are
// split out so that they may be included by both <stdlib.h> and <search.h>.
// <stdlib.h> does not include <search.h> to avoid introducing conflicts with
// other user headers named <search.h>.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 1 3
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define __STDDEF_H
# 21 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 28 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 35 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 37 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 39 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _SIZE_T
# 46 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 48 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 50 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _RSIZE_T
# 60 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 62 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 63 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WCHAR_T
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
# 73 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 74 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 76 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 77 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 79 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
# define NULL __null
# else
# 86 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 88 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 89 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 91 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 96 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 97 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 99 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 102 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 103 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 104 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 107 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WINT_T
# 116 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 118 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 120 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 122 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\stddef.h" 3
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 2 3
typedef int (__cdecl* _CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction)(void*, void const*, void const*);
typedef int (__cdecl* _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction)(void const*, void const*);
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl bsearch_s(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_In_ rsize_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ rsize_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_opt_ void* _Context
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl qsort_s(
_Inout_updates_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_In_ rsize_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ rsize_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_opt_ void* _Context
#endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
# 44 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl bsearch(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_In_ size_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl qsort(
_Inout_updates_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_In_ size_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl _lfind_s(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_ void* _Context
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl _lfind(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl _lsearch_s(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements ) * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_ void* _Context
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl _lsearch(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements ) * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
// Managed search routines
#if defined __cplusplus && defined _M_CEE
extern "C++"
typedef int (__clrcall* _CoreCrtMgdSecureSearchSortCompareFunction)(void*, void const*, void const*);
typedef int (__clrcall* _CoreCrtMgdNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction)(void const*, void const*);
void* __clrcall bsearch_s(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_In_ rsize_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ rsize_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_ void* _Context);
void __clrcall qsort_s(
_Inout_updates_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_In_ rsize_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ rsize_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_ void* _Context);
#endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
# 129 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
void* __clrcall bsearch(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_In_ size_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
void* __clrcall _lfind_s(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_ void* _Context
void* __clrcall _lfind(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
void* __clrcall _lsearch_s(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_In_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction,
_In_ void* _Context
void* __clrcall _lsearch(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
void __clrcall qsort(
_Inout_updates_bytes_(_NumOfElements * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_In_ size_t _NumOfElements,
_In_ size_t _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtMgdNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
#endif // defined __cplusplus && defined _M_CEE
# 185 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_lfind)
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl lfind(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_In_reads_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) * _SizeOfElements) void const* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_lsearch)
_ACRTIMP void* __cdecl lsearch(
_In_ void const* _Key,
_Inout_updates_bytes_((*_NumOfElements) * _SizeOfElements) void* _Base,
_Inout_ unsigned int* _NumOfElements,
_In_ unsigned int _SizeOfElements,
_In_ _CoreCrtNonSecureSearchSortCompareFunction _CompareFunction
# 209 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_search.h" 3
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_wstdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdlib.h" 1 3
// corecrt_wstdlib.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file declares the wide character (wchar_t) C Standard Library functions
// that are declared by both <stdlib.h> and <wchar.h>.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdlib.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdlib.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdlib.h" 3
// Maximum number of elements, including null terminator (and negative sign
// where appropriate), needed for integer-to-string conversions for several
// bases and integer types.
#define _MAX_ITOSTR_BASE16_COUNT (8 + 1)
#define _MAX_ITOSTR_BASE10_COUNT (1 + 10 + 1)
#define _MAX_ITOSTR_BASE8_COUNT (11 + 1)
#define _MAX_ITOSTR_BASE2_COUNT (32 + 1)
#define _MAX_LTOSTR_BASE16_COUNT (8 + 1)
#define _MAX_LTOSTR_BASE10_COUNT (1 + 10 + 1)
#define _MAX_LTOSTR_BASE8_COUNT (11 + 1)
#define _MAX_LTOSTR_BASE2_COUNT (32 + 1)
#define _MAX_ULTOSTR_BASE16_COUNT (8 + 1)
#define _MAX_ULTOSTR_BASE10_COUNT (10 + 1)
#define _MAX_ULTOSTR_BASE8_COUNT (11 + 1)
#define _MAX_ULTOSTR_BASE2_COUNT (32 + 1)
#define _MAX_I64TOSTR_BASE16_COUNT (16 + 1)
#define _MAX_I64TOSTR_BASE10_COUNT (1 + 19 + 1)
#define _MAX_I64TOSTR_BASE8_COUNT (22 + 1)
#define _MAX_I64TOSTR_BASE2_COUNT (64 + 1)
#define _MAX_U64TOSTR_BASE16_COUNT (16 + 1)
#define _MAX_U64TOSTR_BASE10_COUNT (20 + 1)
#define _MAX_U64TOSTR_BASE8_COUNT (22 + 1)
#define _MAX_U64TOSTR_BASE2_COUNT (64 + 1)
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _itow_s(
_In_ int _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
errno_t, _itow_s,
_In_ int, _Value,
wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
wchar_t*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _itow,
_In_ int, _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ltow_s(
_In_ long _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
errno_t, _ltow_s,
_In_ long, _Value,
wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
wchar_t*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _ltow,
_In_ long, _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ultow_s(
_In_ unsigned long _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
errno_t, _ultow_s,
_In_ unsigned long, _Value,
wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
wchar_t*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _ultow,
_In_ unsigned long, _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
_ACRTIMP double __cdecl wcstod(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr
_ACRTIMP double __cdecl _wcstod_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl wcstol(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl _wcstol_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long long __cdecl wcstoll(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _wcstoll_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl wcstoul(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl _wcstoul_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl wcstoull(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl _wcstoull_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long double __cdecl wcstold(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr
_ACRTIMP long double __cdecl _wcstold_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP float __cdecl wcstof(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr
_ACRTIMP float __cdecl _wcstof_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP double __cdecl _wtof(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String
_ACRTIMP double __cdecl _wtof_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wtoi(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wtoi_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl _wtol(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl _wtol_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _wtoll(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String
_ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _wtoll_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _i64tow_s(
_In_ __int64 _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP wchar_t* __cdecl _i64tow(
_In_ __int64 _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ui64tow_s(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP wchar_t* __cdecl _ui64tow(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _wtoi64(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _wtoi64_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _wcstoi64(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _wcstoi64_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _wcstoui64(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _wcstoui64_l(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ wchar_t** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
#pragma push_macro("_wfullpath")
#undef _wfullpath
_Success_(return != 0)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wfullpath(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Path,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount
#pragma pop_macro("_wfullpath")
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wmakepath_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Drive,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Dir,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Filename,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Ext
errno_t, _wmakepath_s,
wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Drive,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Dir,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Filename,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Ext
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 28719) // __WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGE
#pragma warning(disable: 28726) // __WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGEL2
void, __RETURN_POLICY_VOID, _ACRTIMP, _wmakepath,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Drive,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Dir,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Filename,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const*, _Ext
#pragma warning(pop)
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _wperror(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _ErrorMessage
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _wsplitpath(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FullPath,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _Drive,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _Dir,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _Filename,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _Ext
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wsplitpath_s(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FullPath,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_DriveCount) wchar_t* _Drive,
_In_ size_t _DriveCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_DirCount) wchar_t* _Dir,
_In_ size_t _DirCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_FilenameCount) wchar_t* _Filename,
_In_ size_t _FilenameCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_ExtCount) wchar_t* _Ext,
_In_ size_t _ExtCount
errno_t, _wsplitpath_s,
wchar_t, _Path
#pragma push_macro("_wdupenv_s")
#undef _wdupenv_s
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wdupenv_s(
_Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*_BufferCount) _Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ wchar_t** _Buffer,
_Out_opt_ size_t* _BufferCount,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _VarName
#pragma pop_macro("_wdupenv_s")
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wdupenv_s)
_DCRTIMP wchar_t* __cdecl _wgetenv(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _VarName
_Success_(return == 0)
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wgetenv_s(
_Out_ size_t* _RequiredCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _VarName
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t, _wgetenv_s,
_Out_ size_t*, _RequiredCount,
wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _VarName
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl _wputenv(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _EnvString
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wputenv_s(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Name,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Value
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wsearchenv_s(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Filename,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _VarName,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount
errno_t, _wsearchenv_s,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _Filename,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _VarName,
wchar_t, _ResultPath
void, __RETURN_POLICY_VOID, _DCRTIMP, _wsearchenv,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _Filename,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _VarName,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, wchar_t, _ResultPath
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl _wsystem(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Command
# 476 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdlib.h" 3
# 16 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 16 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 1 3
/*===---- limits.h - Standard header for integer sizes --------------------===*\
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __CLANG_LIMITS_H
#define __CLANG_LIMITS_H
/* The system's limits.h may, in turn, try to #include_next GCC's limits.h.
Avert this #include_next madness. */
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined _GCC_LIMITS_H_
#define _GCC_LIMITS_H_
# 17 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
/* System headers include a number of constants from POSIX in <limits.h>.
Include it if we're hosted. */
#if __STDC_HOSTED__ && (1)/*__has_include_next(<limits.h>)*/
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 23 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 1 3
// limits.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The C Standard Library <limits.h> header.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
#define _INC_LIMITS
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
#define CHAR_BIT 8 // number of bits in a char
#define SCHAR_MIN (-128) // minimum signed char value
#define SCHAR_MAX 127 // maximum signed char value
#define UCHAR_MAX 0xff // maximum unsigned char value
#define CHAR_MIN SCHAR_MIN // mimimum char value
#define CHAR_MAX SCHAR_MAX // maximum char value
# 26 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
#define CHAR_MIN 0
# 29 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
#define MB_LEN_MAX 5 // max. # bytes in multibyte char
#define SHRT_MIN (-32768) // minimum (signed) short value
#define SHRT_MAX 32767 // maximum (signed) short value
#define USHRT_MAX 0xffff // maximum unsigned short value
#define INT_MIN (-2147483647 - 1) // minimum (signed) int value
#define INT_MAX 2147483647 // maximum (signed) int value
#define UINT_MAX 0xffffffff // maximum unsigned int value
#define LONG_MIN (-2147483647L - 1) // minimum (signed) long value
#define LONG_MAX 2147483647L // maximum (signed) long value
#define ULONG_MAX 0xffffffffUL // maximum unsigned long value
#define LLONG_MAX 9223372036854775807i64 // maximum signed long long int value
#define LLONG_MIN (-9223372036854775807i64 - 1) // minimum signed long long int value
#define ULLONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffui64 // maximum unsigned long long int value
#define _I8_MIN (-127i8 - 1) // minimum signed 8 bit value
#define _I8_MAX 127i8 // maximum signed 8 bit value
#define _UI8_MAX 0xffui8 // maximum unsigned 8 bit value
#define _I16_MIN (-32767i16 - 1) // minimum signed 16 bit value
#define _I16_MAX 32767i16 // maximum signed 16 bit value
#define _UI16_MAX 0xffffui16 // maximum unsigned 16 bit value
#define _I32_MIN (-2147483647i32 - 1) // minimum signed 32 bit value
#define _I32_MAX 2147483647i32 // maximum signed 32 bit value
#define _UI32_MAX 0xffffffffui32 // maximum unsigned 32 bit value
// minimum signed 64 bit value
#define _I64_MIN (-9223372036854775807i64 - 1)
// maximum signed 64 bit value
#define _I64_MAX 9223372036854775807i64
// maximum unsigned 64 bit value
#define _UI64_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffui64
// minimum signed 128 bit value
#define _I128_MIN (-170141183460469231731687303715884105727i128 - 1)
// maximum signed 128 bit value
#define _I128_MAX 170141183460469231731687303715884105727i128
// maximum unsigned 128 bit value
#define _UI128_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffui128
# 71 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
#ifndef SIZE_MAX
#ifdef _WIN64
#define SIZE_MAX _UI64_MAX
# 76 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
# 78 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
# 79 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
#ifndef RSIZE_MAX
#define RSIZE_MAX (SIZE_MAX >> 1)
# 84 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
# 85 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits.h" 3
# 24 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 2 3
# 25 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
/* Many system headers try to "help us out" by defining these. No really, we
know how big each datatype is. */
#undef SCHAR_MIN
#undef SCHAR_MAX
#undef UCHAR_MAX
#undef SHRT_MIN
#undef SHRT_MAX
#undef USHRT_MAX
#undef INT_MIN
#undef INT_MAX
#undef UINT_MAX
#undef LONG_MIN
#undef LONG_MAX
#undef ULONG_MAX
#undef CHAR_BIT
#undef CHAR_MIN
#undef CHAR_MAX
/* C90/99 */
#define SHRT_MAX __SHRT_MAX__
#define INT_MAX __INT_MAX__
#define LONG_MAX __LONG_MAX__
#define SCHAR_MIN (-__SCHAR_MAX__-1)
#define SHRT_MIN (-__SHRT_MAX__ -1)
#define INT_MIN (-__INT_MAX__ -1)
#define LONG_MIN (-__LONG_MAX__ -1L)
#define UCHAR_MAX (__SCHAR_MAX__*2 +1)
#define USHRT_MAX (__SHRT_MAX__ *2 +1)
#define UINT_MAX (__INT_MAX__ *2U +1U)
#define ULONG_MAX (__LONG_MAX__ *2UL+1UL)
#ifndef MB_LEN_MAX
#define MB_LEN_MAX 1
# 64 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
#define CHAR_BIT __CHAR_BIT__
#ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__ /* -funsigned-char */
#define CHAR_MIN 0
# 71 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
#define CHAR_MAX __SCHAR_MAX__
# 74 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
/* C99 Added long long.
C++11 same contents as the Standard C Library header <limits.h>.
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#undef LLONG_MIN
#undef LLONG_MAX
#define LLONG_MIN (-__LONG_LONG_MAX__-1LL)
# 88 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
/* LONG_LONG_MIN/LONG_LONG_MAX/ULONG_LONG_MAX are a GNU extension. It's too bad
that we don't have something like #pragma poison that could be used to
deprecate a macro - the code should just use LLONG_MAX and friends.
#if defined(__GNU_LIBRARY__) ? defined(__USE_GNU) : !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
# 103 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
#endif /* __CLANG_LIMITS_H */
# 105 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\limits.h" 3
# 17 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 2 3
#ifndef _countof
#define _countof __crt_countof
# 25 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Minimum and maximum macros
#define __max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define __min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _swab(
_Inout_updates_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(_SizeInBytes) char* _Buf1,
_Inout_updates_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(_SizeInBytes) char* _Buf2,
_In_ int _SizeInBytes
// Exit and Abort
// Argument values for exit()
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
_ACRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl exit(_In_ int _Code);
_ACRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl _exit(_In_ int _Code);
_ACRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl _Exit(_In_ int _Code);
_ACRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl quick_exit(_In_ int _Code);
_ACRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl abort(void);
# 58 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Argument values for _set_abort_behavior().
#define _WRITE_ABORT_MSG 0x1 // debug only, has no effect in release
_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _set_abort_behavior(
_In_ unsigned int _Flags,
_In_ unsigned int _Mask
typedef int (__CRTDECL* _onexit_t)(void);
#ifdef _M_CEE
typedef int (__clrcall* _onexit_m_t)(void);
# 77 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 78 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Non-ANSI name for compatibility
#define onexit_t _onexit_t
# 83 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4985)
_Check_return_ int __clrcall _atexit_m_appdomain(_In_opt_ void (__clrcall* _Function)(void));
_onexit_m_t __clrcall _onexit_m_appdomain(_onexit_m_t _Function);
#ifdef _M_CEE_MIXED
#ifdef __cplusplus
# 98 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_Check_return_ int __clrcall _atexit_m(_In_opt_ void (__clrcall* _Function)(void));
_onexit_m_t __clrcall _onexit_m(_onexit_m_t _Function);
# 102 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
# 105 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_Check_return_ inline int __clrcall _atexit_m(_In_opt_ void (__clrcall* _Function)(void))
return _atexit_m_appdomain(_Function);
inline _onexit_m_t __clrcall _onexit_m(_onexit_t _Function)
return _onexit_m_appdomain(_Function);
# 115 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#pragma warning (pop)
# 117 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE_PURE
// In pure mode, atexit is the same as atexit_m_appdomain
extern "C++"
#ifdef __cplusplus
# 128 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
inline int __clrcall atexit(void (__clrcall* _Function)(void))
return _atexit_m_appdomain(_Function);
inline _onexit_t __clrcall _onexit(_onexit_t _Function)
return _onexit_m_appdomain(_Function);
} // extern "C++"
# 140 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
int __cdecl atexit(void (__cdecl*)(void));
_onexit_t __cdecl _onexit(_In_opt_ _onexit_t _Func);
# 143 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
int __cdecl at_quick_exit(void (__cdecl*)(void));
// Global State (errno, global handlers, etc.)
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
// a purecall handler procedure. Never returns normally
typedef void (__cdecl* _purecall_handler)(void);
// Invalid parameter handler function pointer type
typedef void (__cdecl* _invalid_parameter_handler)(
wchar_t const*,
wchar_t const*,
wchar_t const*,
unsigned int,
// Establishes a purecall handler
_VCRTIMP _purecall_handler __cdecl _set_purecall_handler(
_In_opt_ _purecall_handler _Handler
_VCRTIMP _purecall_handler __cdecl _get_purecall_handler(void);
// Establishes an invalid parameter handler
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _set_invalid_parameter_handler(
_In_opt_ _invalid_parameter_handler _Handler
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _get_invalid_parameter_handler(void);
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _set_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler(
_In_opt_ _invalid_parameter_handler _Handler
_ACRTIMP _invalid_parameter_handler __cdecl _get_thread_local_invalid_parameter_handler(void);
# 186 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#if defined __cplusplus && defined _M_CEE_PURE
extern "C++"
typedef void (__clrcall* _purecall_handler)(void);
typedef _purecall_handler _purecall_handler_m;
_MRTIMP _purecall_handler __cdecl _set_purecall_handler(
_In_opt_ _purecall_handler _Handler
} // extern "C++"
# 199 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Argument values for _set_error_mode().
#define _OUT_TO_DEFAULT 0
#define _OUT_TO_STDERR 1
#define _OUT_TO_MSGBOX 2
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _set_error_mode(_In_ int _Mode);
_ACRTIMP int* __cdecl _errno(void);
#define errno (*_errno())
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _set_errno(_In_ int _Value);
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_errno(_Out_ int* _Value);
_ACRTIMP unsigned long* __cdecl __doserrno(void);
#define _doserrno (*__doserrno())
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _set_doserrno(_In_ unsigned long _Value);
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_doserrno(_Out_ unsigned long * _Value);
// This is non-const for backwards compatibility; do not modify it.
_ACRTIMP _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(strerror) char** __cdecl __sys_errlist(void);
#define _sys_errlist (__sys_errlist())
_ACRTIMP _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(strerror) int * __cdecl __sys_nerr(void);
#define _sys_nerr (*__sys_nerr())
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl perror(_In_opt_z_ char const* _ErrMsg);
# 234 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// These point to the executable module name.
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS(_get_pgmptr ) _ACRTIMP char** __cdecl __p__pgmptr (void);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS(_get_wpgmptr) _ACRTIMP wchar_t** __cdecl __p__wpgmptr(void);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS(_get_fmode ) _ACRTIMP int* __cdecl __p__fmode (void);
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS(_get_pgmptr ) extern char* _pgmptr;
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS(_get_wpgmptr) extern wchar_t* _wpgmptr;
_CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS(_get_fmode ) extern int _fmode;
# 248 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 249 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#define _pgmptr (*__p__pgmptr ())
#define _wpgmptr (*__p__wpgmptr())
#define _fmode (*__p__fmode ())
# 253 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_pgmptr (_Outptr_result_z_ char** _Value);
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_wpgmptr(_Outptr_result_z_ wchar_t** _Value);
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _set_fmode (_In_ int _Mode );
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_fmode (_Out_ int* _PMode);
// Math
typedef struct _div_t
int quot;
int rem;
} div_t;
typedef struct _ldiv_t
long quot;
long rem;
} ldiv_t;
typedef struct _lldiv_t
long long quot;
long long rem;
} lldiv_t;
_Check_return_ int __cdecl abs (_In_ int _Number);
_Check_return_ long __cdecl labs (_In_ long _Number);
_Check_return_ long long __cdecl llabs (_In_ long long _Number);
_Check_return_ __int64 __cdecl _abs64(_In_ __int64 _Number);
_Check_return_ unsigned short __cdecl _byteswap_ushort(_In_ unsigned short _Number);
_Check_return_ unsigned long __cdecl _byteswap_ulong (_In_ unsigned long _Number);
_Check_return_ unsigned __int64 __cdecl _byteswap_uint64(_In_ unsigned __int64 _Number);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP div_t __cdecl div (_In_ int _Numerator, _In_ int _Denominator);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP ldiv_t __cdecl ldiv (_In_ long _Numerator, _In_ long _Denominator);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP lldiv_t __cdecl lldiv(_In_ long long _Numerator, _In_ long long _Denominator);
// These functions have declspecs in their declarations in the Windows headers,
// which cause PREfast to fire 6540.
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable:6540)
unsigned int __cdecl _rotl(
_In_ unsigned int _Value,
_In_ int _Shift
unsigned long __cdecl _lrotl(
_In_ unsigned long _Value,
_In_ int _Shift
unsigned __int64 __cdecl _rotl64(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value,
_In_ int _Shift
unsigned int __cdecl _rotr(
_In_ unsigned int _Value,
_In_ int _Shift
unsigned long __cdecl _lrotr(
_In_ unsigned long _Value,
_In_ int _Shift
unsigned __int64 __cdecl _rotr64(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value,
_In_ int _Shift
#pragma warning (pop)
// Maximum value that can be returned by the rand function:
#define RAND_MAX 0x7fff
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl srand(_In_ unsigned int _Seed);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl rand(void);
#if defined _CRT_RAND_S || defined _CRTBLD
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl rand_s(_Out_ unsigned int* _RandomValue);
# 353 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++"
inline long abs(long const _X) throw()
return labs(_X);
inline long long abs(long long const _X) throw()
return llabs(_X);
inline ldiv_t div(long const _A1, long const _A2) throw()
return ldiv(_A1, _A2);
inline lldiv_t div(long long const _A1, long long const _A2) throw()
return lldiv(_A1, _A2);
#endif // __cplusplus
# 380 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Structs used to fool the compiler into not generating floating point
// instructions when copying and pushing [long] double values
#ifndef _LDSUPPORT
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct
unsigned char ld[10];
#pragma pack(pop)
#define _PTR_LD(x) ((unsigned char*)(&(x)->ld))
#else // _LDSUPPORT
# 400 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// push and pop long, which is #defined as __int64 by a spec2k test
#pragma push_macro("long")
#undef long
typedef long double _LDOUBLE;
#pragma pop_macro("long")
#define _PTR_LD(x) ((unsigned char *)(x))
#endif // _LDSUPPORT
# 410 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
typedef struct
double x;
typedef struct
float f;
// push and pop long, which is #defined as __int64 by a spec2k test
#pragma push_macro("long")
#undef long
typedef struct
long double x;
#pragma pop_macro("long")
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct
unsigned char ld12[12];
} _LDBL12;
#pragma pack(pop)
// Narrow String to Number Conversions
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl atof (_In_z_ char const* _String);
_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC _ACRTIMP int __cdecl atoi (_In_z_ char const* _String);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl atol (_In_z_ char const* _String);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl atoll (_In_z_ char const* _String);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _atoi64(_In_z_ char const* _String);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l (_In_z_ char const* _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoi_l (_In_z_ char const* _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl _atol_l (_In_z_ char const* _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _atoll_l (_In_z_ char const* _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _atoi64_l(_In_z_ char const* _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoflt (_Out_ _CRT_FLOAT* _Result, _In_z_ char const* _String);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atodbl (_Out_ _CRT_DOUBLE* _Result, _In_z_ char* _String);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoldbl(_Out_ _LDOUBLE* _Result, _In_z_ char* _String);
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoflt_l(
_Out_ _CRT_FLOAT* _Result,
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atodbl_l(
_Out_ _CRT_DOUBLE* _Result,
_In_z_ char* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _atoldbl_l(
_Out_ _LDOUBLE* _Result,
_In_z_ char* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP float __cdecl strtof(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr
_ACRTIMP float __cdecl _strtof_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP double __cdecl strtod(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr
_ACRTIMP double __cdecl _strtod_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long double __cdecl strtold(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr
_ACRTIMP long double __cdecl _strtold_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl strtol(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP long __cdecl _strtol_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP long long __cdecl strtoll(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP long long __cdecl _strtoll_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl strtoul(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP unsigned long __cdecl _strtoul_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl strtoull(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP unsigned long long __cdecl _strtoull_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _strtoi64(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _strtoi64_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _strtoui64(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP unsigned __int64 __cdecl _strtoui64_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_Out_opt_ _Deref_post_z_ char** _EndPtr,
_In_ int _Radix,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
// Number to Narrow String Conversions
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _itoa_s(
_In_ int _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t, _itoa_s,
_In_ int, _Value,
char, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 28719) // __WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGE
#pragma warning(disable: 28726) // __WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGEL2
char*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _itoa,
_In_ int, _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, char, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
#pragma warning(pop)
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ltoa_s(
_In_ long _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
errno_t, _ltoa_s,
_In_ long, _Value,
char, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
char*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _ltoa,
_In_ long, _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, char, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ultoa_s(
_In_ unsigned long _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
errno_t, _ultoa_s,
_In_ unsigned long, _Value,
char, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 28726) // __WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGEL2
char*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _ultoa,
_In_ unsigned long, _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, char, _Buffer,
_In_ int, _Radix
#pragma warning(pop)
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _i64toa_s(
_In_ __int64 _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl _i64toa(
_In_ __int64 _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Radix
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ui64toa_s(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl _ui64toa(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Radix
// _CVTBUFSIZE is the maximum size for the per-thread conversion buffer. It
// should be at least as long as the number of digits in the largest double
// precision value (?.?e308 in IEEE arithmetic). We will use the same size
// buffer as is used in the printf support routines.
// (This value actually allows 40 additional decimal places; even though there
// are only 16 digits of accuracy in a double precision IEEE number, the user may
// ask for more to effect zero padding.)
#define _CVTBUFSIZE (309 + 40) // # of digits in max. dp value + slop
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ecvt_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _DigitCount,
_Out_ int* _PtDec,
_Out_ int* _PtSign
errno_t, _ecvt_s,
char, _Buffer,
_In_ double, _Value,
_In_ int, _DigitCount,
_Out_ int*, _PtDec,
_Out_ int*, _PtSign
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_ecvt_s)
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl _ecvt(
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _DigitCount,
_Out_ int* _PtDec,
_Out_ int* _PtSign
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _fcvt_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _FractionalDigitCount,
_Out_ int* _PtDec,
_Out_ int* _PtSign
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t, _fcvt_s,
char, _Buffer,
_In_ double, _Value,
_In_ int, _FractionalDigitCount,
_Out_ int*, _PtDec,
_Out_ int*, _PtSign
_Success_(return == 0)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_fcvt_s)
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl _fcvt(
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _FractionalDigitCount,
_Out_ int* _PtDec,
_Out_ int* _PtSign
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _gcvt_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _DigitCount
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t, _gcvt_s,
char, _Buffer,
_In_ double, _Value,
_In_ int, _DigitCount
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl _gcvt(
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _DigitCount,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char* _Buffer
// Multibyte String Operations and Conversions
// Maximum number of bytes in multi-byte character in the current locale
// (also defined in ctype.h).
#ifndef MB_CUR_MAX
#if defined _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS && !defined _DLL
#define MB_CUR_MAX __mb_cur_max
# 836 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#define MB_CUR_MAX ___mb_cur_max_func()
# 838 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
extern int __mb_cur_max;
# 842 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#define __mb_cur_max (___mb_cur_max_func())
# 844 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_Post_satisfies_(return > 0 && return < MB_LEN_MAX)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl ___mb_cur_max_func(void);
_Post_satisfies_(return > 0 && return < MB_LEN_MAX)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl ___mb_cur_max_l_func(_locale_t _Locale);
# 851 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl mblen(
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_MaxCount) _Pre_opt_z_ char const* _Ch,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _mblen_l(
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_MaxCount) _Pre_opt_z_ char const* _Ch,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_Post_satisfies_(return <= _String_length_(_String))
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _mbstrlen(
_In_z_ char const* _String
_Post_satisfies_(return <= _String_length_(_String) || return == (size_t)-1)
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _mbstrlen_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_Post_satisfies_((return <= _String_length_(_String) && return <= _MaxCount) || return == (size_t)-1)
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _mbstrnlen(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount
_Post_satisfies_((return <= _String_length_(_String) && return <= _MaxCount) || return == (size_t)-1)
_ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl _mbstrnlen_l(
_In_z_ char const* _String,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl mbtowc(
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _DstCh,
_In_reads_or_z_opt_(_SrcSizeInBytes) char const* _SrcCh,
_In_ size_t _SrcSizeInBytes
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _mbtowc_l(
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ wchar_t* _DstCh,
_In_reads_or_z_opt_(_SrcSizeInBytes) char const* _SrcCh,
_In_ size_t _SrcSizeInBytes,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl mbstowcs_s(
_Out_opt_ size_t* _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_to_opt_(_SizeInWords, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) wchar_t* _DstBuf,
_In_ size_t _SizeInWords,
_In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) char const* _SrcBuf,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount
errno_t, mbstowcs_s,
_Out_opt_ size_t*, _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Post_z_ wchar_t, _Dest,
_In_z_ char const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount
_ACRTIMP, mbstowcs,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_MaxCount), wchar_t, _Dest,
_In_z_ char const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mbstowcs_s_l(
_Out_opt_ size_t* _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_to_opt_(_SizeInWords, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) wchar_t* _DstBuf,
_In_ size_t _SizeInWords,
_In_reads_or_z_(_MaxCount) char const* _SrcBuf,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
errno_t, _mbstowcs_s_l,
_Out_opt_ size_t*, _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Post_z_ wchar_t, _Dest,
_In_z_ char const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale
_ACRTIMP, _mbstowcs_l, _mbstowcs_s_l,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_Size) wchar_t,
_Out_writes_z_(_MaxCount), wchar_t, _Dest,
_In_z_ char const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl wctomb(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(MB_LEN_MAX) char* _MbCh,
_In_ wchar_t _WCh
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wctomb_l(
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char* _MbCh,
_In_ wchar_t _WCh,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl wctomb_s(
_Out_opt_ int* _SizeConverted,
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_SizeInBytes, *_SizeConverted) char* _MbCh,
_In_ rsize_t _SizeInBytes,
_In_ wchar_t _WCh
#endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
# 989 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wctomb_s_l(
_Out_opt_ int* _SizeConverted,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInBytes) char* _MbCh,
_In_ size_t _SizeInBytes,
_In_ wchar_t _WCh,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl wcstombs_s(
_Out_opt_ size_t* _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DstSizeInBytes, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) char* _Dst,
_In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Src,
_In_ size_t _MaxCountInBytes
errno_t, wcstombs_s,
_Out_opt_ size_t*, _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_bytes_opt_(_Size) char, _Dest,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount
_ACRTIMP, wcstombs,
_Out_writes_opt_(_MaxCount), char, _Dest,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wcstombs_s_l(
_Out_opt_ size_t* _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DstSizeInBytes, *_PtNumOfCharConverted) char* _Dst,
_In_ size_t _DstSizeInBytes,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Src,
_In_ size_t _MaxCountInBytes,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
errno_t, _wcstombs_s_l,
_Out_opt_ size_t*, _PtNumOfCharConverted,
_Out_writes_opt_(_Size) char, _Dest,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale
_ACRTIMP, _wcstombs_l, _wcstombs_s_l,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_Size) char,
_Out_writes_(_MaxCount), char, _Dest,
_In_z_ wchar_t const*, _Source,
_In_ size_t, _MaxCount,
_In_opt_ _locale_t, _Locale
// Path Manipulation
// Sizes for buffers used by the _makepath() and _splitpath() functions.
// note that the sizes include space for 0-terminator
#define _MAX_PATH 260 // max. length of full pathname
#define _MAX_DRIVE 3 // max. length of drive component
#define _MAX_DIR 256 // max. length of path component
#define _MAX_FNAME 256 // max. length of file name component
#define _MAX_EXT 256 // max. length of extension component
#pragma push_macro("_fullpath")
#undef _fullpath
_Success_(return != 0)
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR char* __cdecl _fullpath(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_z_ char const* _Path,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount
#pragma pop_macro("_fullpath")
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _makepath_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Drive,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Dir,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Filename,
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Ext
errno_t, _makepath_s,
char, _Buffer,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Drive,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Dir,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Filename,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Ext
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 28719) // __WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGE
#pragma warning(disable: 28726) // __WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGEL2
void, __RETURN_POLICY_VOID, _ACRTIMP, _makepath,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, char, _Buffer,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Drive,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Dir,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Filename,
_In_opt_z_ char const*, _Ext
#pragma warning(pop)
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _splitpath(
_In_z_ char const* _FullPath,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char* _Drive,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char* _Dir,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char* _Filename,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_z_ char* _Ext
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _splitpath_s(
_In_z_ char const* _FullPath,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_DriveCount) char* _Drive,
_In_ size_t _DriveCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_DirCount) char* _Dir,
_In_ size_t _DirCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_FilenameCount) char* _Filename,
_In_ size_t _FilenameCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_ExtCount) char* _Ext,
_In_ size_t _ExtCount
__DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_SPLITPATH(errno_t, _splitpath_s, char, _Dest)
_Success_(return == 0)
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl getenv_s(
_Out_ size_t* _RequiredCount,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ rsize_t _BufferCount,
_In_z_ char const* _VarName
#endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
# 1147 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_ACRTIMP int* __cdecl __p___argc (void);
_ACRTIMP char*** __cdecl __p___argv (void);
_ACRTIMP wchar_t*** __cdecl __p___wargv(void);
extern int __argc;
extern char** __argv;
extern wchar_t** __wargv;
# 1160 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#define __argc (*__p___argc()) // Pointer to number of command line arguments
#define __argv (*__p___argv()) // Pointer to table of narrow command line arguments
#define __wargv (*__p___wargv()) // Pointer to table of wide command line arguments
# 1164 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_DCRTIMP char*** __cdecl __p__environ (void);
_DCRTIMP wchar_t*** __cdecl __p__wenviron(void);
# 1171 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Deprecated symbol: Do not expose environment global pointers unless
// legacy access is specifically requested
#define _environ crt_usage_error__do_not_reference_global_pointer_directly__environ
#define _wenviron crt_usage_error__do_not_reference_global_pointer_directly__wenviron
# 1178 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#define _environ (*__p__environ()) // Pointer to narrow environment table
#define _wenviron (*__p__wenviron()) // Pointer to wide environment table
# 1181 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Sizes for buffers used by the getenv/putenv family of functions.
#define _MAX_ENV 32767
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_dupenv_s)
_DCRTIMP char* __cdecl getenv(
_In_z_ char const* _VarName
errno_t, getenv_s,
_Out_ size_t*, _RequiredCount,
char, _Buffer,
_In_z_ char const*, _VarName
#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
#pragma push_macro("_dupenv_s")
#undef _dupenv_s
# 1206 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _dupenv_s(
_Outptr_result_buffer_maybenull_(*_BufferCount) _Outptr_result_maybenull_z_ char** _Buffer,
_Out_opt_ size_t* _BufferCount,
_In_z_ char const* _VarName
#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
#pragma pop_macro("_dupenv_s")
# 1217 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl system(
_In_opt_z_ char const* _Command
// The functions below have declspecs in their declarations in the Windows
// headers, causing PREfast to fire 6540 here
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable:6540)
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl _putenv(
_In_z_ char const* _EnvString
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _putenv_s(
_In_z_ char const* _Name,
_In_z_ char const* _Value
#pragma warning (pop)
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _searchenv_s(
_In_z_ char const* _Filename,
_In_z_ char const* _VarName,
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) char* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount
errno_t, _searchenv_s,
_In_z_ char const*, _Filename,
_In_z_ char const*, _VarName,
char, _Buffer
void, __RETURN_POLICY_VOID, _DCRTIMP, _searchenv,
_In_z_ char const*, _Filename,
_In_z_ char const*, _VarName,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_, char, _Buffer
// The Win32 API SetErrorMode, Beep and Sleep should be used instead.
_DCRTIMP void __cdecl _seterrormode(
_In_ int _Mode
_DCRTIMP void __cdecl _beep(
_In_ unsigned _Frequency,
_In_ unsigned _Duration
_DCRTIMP void __cdecl _sleep(
_In_ unsigned long _Duration
# 1279 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
// Non-ANSI Names for Compatibility
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
# 1292 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#define sys_errlist _sys_errlist
#define sys_nerr _sys_nerr
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4141) // Using deprecated twice
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl ecvt(
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _DigitCount,
_Out_ int* _PtDec,
_Out_ int* _PtSign
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl fcvt(
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _FractionalDigitCount,
_Out_ int* _PtDec,
_Out_ int* _PtSign
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl gcvt(
_In_ double _Value,
_In_ int _DigitCount,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char* _DstBuf
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl itoa(
_In_ int _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl ltoa(
_In_ long _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Radix
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl swab(
_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char* _Buf1,
_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInBytes) char* _Buf2,
_In_ int _SizeInBytes
_ACRTIMP char* __cdecl ultoa(
_In_ unsigned long _Value,
_Pre_notnull_ _Post_z_ char* _Buffer,
_In_ int _Radix
#define environ _environ
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_putenv)
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl putenv(
_In_z_ char const* _EnvString
#pragma warning(pop)
onexit_t __cdecl onexit(_In_opt_ onexit_t _Func);
# 1363 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
#endif // _INC_STDLIB
# 1368 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\stdlib.h" 3
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\math.h" 1 3
// math.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The C Standard Library <math.h> header. This header consists of two parts:
// <corecrt_math.h> contains the math library; <corecrt_math_defines.h> contains
// the nonstandard but useful constant definitions. The headers are divided in
// this way for modularity (to support the C++ modules feature).
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\math.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 1 3
// corecrt_math.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// The majority of the C Standard Library <math.h> functionality.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#ifndef _INC_MATH // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_MATH
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4738) // storing 32-bit float result in memory, possible loss of performance
#pragma warning(disable:4820) // padding added after data member
#ifndef __assembler
// Definition of the _exception struct, which is passed to the matherr function
// when a floating point exception is detected:
struct _exception
int type; // exception type - see below
char* name; // name of function where error occurred
double arg1; // first argument to function
double arg2; // second argument (if any) to function
double retval; // value to be returned by function
// Definition of the _complex struct to be used by those who use the complex
// functions and want type checking.
struct _complex
double x, y; // real and imaginary parts
#if _CRT_INTERNAL_NONSTDC_NAMES && !defined __cplusplus
// Non-ANSI name for compatibility
#define complex _complex
# 48 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
# 49 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#endif // __assembler
# 50 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
// On x86, when not using /arch:SSE2 or greater, floating point operations
// are performed using the x87 instruction set and FLT_EVAL_METHOD is 2.
// (When /fp:fast is used, floating point operations may be consistent, so
// we use the default types.)
#if defined _M_IX86 && _M_IX86_FP < 2 && !defined _M_FP_FAST
typedef long double float_t;
typedef long double double_t;
# 61 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
typedef float float_t;
typedef double double_t;
# 64 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
// Constant definitions for the exception type passed in the _exception struct
#define _DOMAIN 1 // argument domain error
#define _SING 2 // argument singularity
#define _OVERFLOW 3 // overflow range error
#define _UNDERFLOW 4 // underflow range error
#define _TLOSS 5 // total loss of precision
#define _PLOSS 6 // partial loss of precision
// Definitions of _HUGE and HUGE_VAL - respectively the XENIX and ANSI names
// for a value returned in case of error by a number of the floating point
// math routines.
#ifndef __assembler
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
extern double const _HUGE;
# 82 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
double const _HUGE = System::Double::PositiveInfinity;
# 84 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
# 85 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#ifndef _HUGE_ENUF
#define _HUGE_ENUF 1e+300 // _HUGE_ENUF*_HUGE_ENUF must overflow
# 89 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#define INFINITY ((float)(_HUGE_ENUF * _HUGE_ENUF))
#define HUGE_VAL ((double)INFINITY)
#define HUGE_VALF ((float)INFINITY)
#define HUGE_VALL ((long double)INFINITY)
#define NAN ((float)(INFINITY * 0.0F))
#define _DENORM (-2)
#define _FINITE (-1)
#define _INFCODE 1
#define _NANCODE 2
#define FP_ZERO 0
#define _C2 1 // 0 if not 2's complement
#define FP_ILOGB0 (-0x7fffffff - _C2)
#define FP_ILOGBNAN 0x7fffffff
#define MATH_ERRNO 1
#define math_errhandling (MATH_ERRNO | MATH_ERREXCEPT)
// Values for use as arguments to the _fperrraise function
#define _FE_DIVBYZERO 0x04
#define _FE_INEXACT 0x20
#define _FE_INVALID 0x01
#define _FE_OVERFLOW 0x08
#define _FE_UNDERFLOW 0x10
#define _D0_C 3 // little-endian, small long doubles
#define _D1_C 2
#define _D2_C 1
#define _D3_C 0
#define _DBIAS 0x3fe
#define _DOFF 4
#define _F0_C 1 // little-endian
#define _F1_C 0
#define _FBIAS 0x7e
#define _FOFF 7
#define _FRND 1
#define _L0_C 3 // little-endian, 64-bit long doubles
#define _L1_C 2
#define _L2_C 1
#define _L3_C 0
#define _LBIAS 0x3fe
#define _LOFF 4
// IEEE 754 double properties
#define _DFRAC ((unsigned short)((1 << _DOFF) - 1))
#define _DMASK ((unsigned short)(0x7fff & ~_DFRAC))
#define _DMAX ((unsigned short)((1 << (15 - _DOFF)) - 1))
#define _DSIGN ((unsigned short)0x8000)
// IEEE 754 float properties
#define _FFRAC ((unsigned short)((1 << _FOFF) - 1))
#define _FMASK ((unsigned short)(0x7fff & ~_FFRAC))
#define _FMAX ((unsigned short)((1 << (15 - _FOFF)) - 1))
#define _FSIGN ((unsigned short)0x8000)
// IEEE 754 long double properties
#define _LFRAC ((unsigned short)(-1))
#define _LMASK ((unsigned short)0x7fff)
#define _LMAX ((unsigned short)0x7fff)
#define _LSIGN ((unsigned short)0x8000)
#define _DHUGE_EXP (int)(_DMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define _FHUGE_EXP (int)(_FMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define _LHUGE_EXP (int)(_LMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define _DSIGN_C(_Val) (((_double_val *)(char*)&(_Val))->_Sh[_D0_C] & _DSIGN)
#define _FSIGN_C(_Val) (((_float_val *)(char*)&(_Val))->_Sh[_F0_C] & _FSIGN)
#define _LSIGN_C(_Val) (((_ldouble_val*)(char*)&(_Val))->_Sh[_L0_C] & _LSIGN)
void __cdecl _fperrraise(_In_ int _Except);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _dclass(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _ldclass(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _fdclass(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _dsign(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _ldsign(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fdsign(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _dpcomp(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _ldpcomp(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fdpcomp(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _dtest(_In_ double* _Px);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _ldtest(_In_ long double* _Px);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _fdtest(_In_ float* _Px);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _d_int(_Inout_ double* _Px, _In_ short _Xexp);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _ld_int(_Inout_ long double* _Px, _In_ short _Xexp);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _fd_int(_Inout_ float* _Px, _In_ short _Xexp);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _dscale(_Inout_ double* _Px, _In_ long _Lexp);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _ldscale(_Inout_ long double* _Px, _In_ long _Lexp);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _fdscale(_Inout_ float* _Px, _In_ long _Lexp);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _dunscale(_Out_ short* _Pex, _Inout_ double* _Px);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _ldunscale(_Out_ short* _Pex, _Inout_ long double* _Px);
_ACRTIMP short __cdecl _fdunscale(_Out_ short* _Pex, _Inout_ float* _Px);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _dexp(_Inout_ double* _Px, _In_ double _Y, _In_ long _Eoff);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _ldexp(_Inout_ long double* _Px, _In_ long double _Y, _In_ long _Eoff);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _fdexp(_Inout_ float* _Px, _In_ float _Y, _In_ long _Eoff);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _dnorm(_Inout_updates_(4) unsigned short* _Ps);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP short __cdecl _fdnorm(_Inout_updates_(2) unsigned short* _Ps);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _dpoly(_In_ double _X, _In_reads_(_N) double const* _Tab, _In_ int _N);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl _ldpoly(_In_ long double _X, _In_reads_(_N) long double const* _Tab, _In_ int _N);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _fdpoly(_In_ float _X, _In_reads_(_N) float const* _Tab, _In_ int _N);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _dlog(_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Baseflag);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl _ldlog(_In_ long double _X, _In_ int _Baseflag);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _fdlog(_In_ float _X, _In_ int _Baseflag);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _dsin(_In_ double _X, _In_ unsigned int _Qoff);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl _ldsin(_In_ long double _X, _In_ unsigned int _Qoff);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _fdsin(_In_ float _X, _In_ unsigned int _Qoff);
// double declarations
typedef union
{ // pun floating type as integer array
unsigned short _Sh[4];
double _Val;
} _double_val;
// float declarations
typedef union
{ // pun floating type as integer array
unsigned short _Sh[2];
float _Val;
} _float_val;
// long double declarations
typedef union
{ // pun floating type as integer array
unsigned short _Sh[4];
long double _Val;
} _ldouble_val;
typedef union
{ // pun float types as integer array
unsigned short _Word[4];
float _Float;
double _Double;
long double _Long_double;
} _float_const;
extern const _float_const _Denorm_C, _Inf_C, _Nan_C, _Snan_C, _Hugeval_C;
extern const _float_const _FDenorm_C, _FInf_C, _FNan_C, _FSnan_C;
extern const _float_const _LDenorm_C, _LInf_C, _LNan_C, _LSnan_C;
extern const _float_const _Eps_C, _Rteps_C;
extern const _float_const _FEps_C, _FRteps_C;
extern const _float_const _LEps_C, _LRteps_C;
extern const double _Zero_C, _Xbig_C;
extern const float _FZero_C, _FXbig_C;
extern const long double _LZero_C, _LXbig_C;
#define _FP_LT 1
#define _FP_EQ 2
#define _FP_GT 4
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define _CLASS_ARG(_Val) __pragma(warning(suppress:6334))(sizeof ((_Val) + (float)0) == sizeof (float) ? 'f' : sizeof ((_Val) + (double)0) == sizeof (double) ? 'd' : 'l')
#define _CLASSIFY(_Val, _FFunc, _DFunc, _LDFunc) (_CLASS_ARG(_Val) == 'f' ? _FFunc((float)(_Val)) : _CLASS_ARG(_Val) == 'd' ? _DFunc((double)(_Val)) : _LDFunc((long double)(_Val)))
#define _CLASSIFY2(_Val1, _Val2, _FFunc, _DFunc, _LDFunc) (_CLASS_ARG((_Val1) + (_Val2)) == 'f' ? _FFunc((float)(_Val1), (float)(_Val2)) : _CLASS_ARG((_Val1) + (_Val2)) == 'd' ? _DFunc((double)(_Val1), (double)(_Val2)) : _LDFunc((long double)(_Val1), (long double)(_Val2)))
#define fpclassify(_Val) (_CLASSIFY(_Val, _fdclass, _dclass, _ldclass))
#define _FPCOMPARE(_Val1, _Val2) (_CLASSIFY2(_Val1, _Val2, _fdpcomp, _dpcomp, _ldpcomp))
#define isfinite(_Val) (fpclassify(_Val) <= 0)
#define isinf(_Val) (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_INFINITE)
#define isnan(_Val) (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_NAN)
#define isnormal(_Val) (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_NORMAL)
#define signbit(_Val) (_CLASSIFY(_Val, _fdsign, _dsign, _ldsign))
#define isgreater(x, y) ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & _FP_GT) != 0)
#define isgreaterequal(x, y) ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_EQ | _FP_GT)) != 0)
#define isless(x, y) ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & _FP_LT) != 0)
#define islessequal(x, y) ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_EQ)) != 0)
#define islessgreater(x, y) ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_GT)) != 0)
#define isunordered(x, y) (_FPCOMPARE(x, y) == 0)
#else // __cplusplus
# 288 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
extern "C++"
_Check_return_ inline int fpclassify(_In_ float _X) throw()
return _fdtest(&_X);
_Check_return_ inline int fpclassify(_In_ double _X) throw()
return _dtest(&_X);
_Check_return_ inline int fpclassify(_In_ long double _X) throw()
return _ldtest(&_X);
_Check_return_ inline bool signbit(_In_ float _X) throw()
return _fdsign(_X) != 0;
_Check_return_ inline bool signbit(_In_ double _X) throw()
return _dsign(_X) != 0;
_Check_return_ inline bool signbit(_In_ long double _X) throw()
return _ldsign(_X) != 0;
_Check_return_ inline int _fpcomp(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y) throw()
return _fdpcomp(_X, _Y);
_Check_return_ inline int _fpcomp(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y) throw()
return _dpcomp(_X, _Y);
_Check_return_ inline int _fpcomp(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y) throw()
return _ldpcomp(_X, _Y);
template <class _Trc, class _Tre> struct _Combined_type
{ // determine combined type
typedef float _Type;
template <> struct _Combined_type<float, double>
{ // determine combined type
typedef double _Type;
template <> struct _Combined_type<float, long double>
{ // determine combined type
typedef long double _Type;
template <class _Ty, class _T2> struct _Real_widened
{ // determine widened real type
typedef long double _Type;
template <> struct _Real_widened<float, float>
{ // determine widened real type
typedef float _Type;
template <> struct _Real_widened<float, double>
{ // determine widened real type
typedef double _Type;
template <> struct _Real_widened<double, float>
{ // determine widened real type
typedef double _Type;
template <> struct _Real_widened<double, double>
{ // determine widened real type
typedef double _Type;
template <class _Ty> struct _Real_type
{ // determine equivalent real type
typedef double _Type; // default is double
template <> struct _Real_type<float>
{ // determine equivalent real type
typedef float _Type;
template <> struct _Real_type<long double>
{ // determine equivalent real type
typedef long double _Type;
template <class _T1, class _T2>
_Check_return_ inline int _fpcomp(_In_ _T1 _X, _In_ _T2 _Y) throw()
{ // compare _Left and _Right
typedef typename _Combined_type<float,
typename _Real_widened<
typename _Real_type<_T1>::_Type,
typename _Real_type<_T2>::_Type>::_Type>::_Type _Tw;
return _fpcomp((_Tw)_X, (_Tw)_Y);
template <class _Ty>
_Check_return_ inline bool isfinite(_In_ _Ty _X) throw()
return fpclassify(_X) <= 0;
template <class _Ty>
_Check_return_ inline bool isinf(_In_ _Ty _X) throw()
return fpclassify(_X) == FP_INFINITE;
template <class _Ty>
_Check_return_ inline bool isnan(_In_ _Ty _X) throw()
return fpclassify(_X) == FP_NAN;
template <class _Ty>
_Check_return_ inline bool isnormal(_In_ _Ty _X) throw()
return fpclassify(_X) == FP_NORMAL;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_Check_return_ inline bool isgreater(_In_ _Ty1 _X, _In_ _Ty2 _Y) throw()
return (_fpcomp(_X, _Y) & _FP_GT) != 0;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_Check_return_ inline bool isgreaterequal(_In_ _Ty1 _X, _In_ _Ty2 _Y) throw()
return (_fpcomp(_X, _Y) & (_FP_EQ | _FP_GT)) != 0;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_Check_return_ inline bool isless(_In_ _Ty1 _X, _In_ _Ty2 _Y) throw()
return (_fpcomp(_X, _Y) & _FP_LT) != 0;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_Check_return_ inline bool islessequal(_In_ _Ty1 _X, _In_ _Ty2 _Y) throw()
return (_fpcomp(_X, _Y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_EQ)) != 0;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_Check_return_ inline bool islessgreater(_In_ _Ty1 _X, _In_ _Ty2 _Y) throw()
return (_fpcomp(_X, _Y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_GT)) != 0;
template <class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
_Check_return_ inline bool isunordered(_In_ _Ty1 _X, _In_ _Ty2 _Y) throw()
return _fpcomp(_X, _Y) == 0;
} // extern "C++"
#endif // __cplusplus
# 461 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ int __cdecl abs(_In_ int _X);
_Check_return_ long __cdecl labs(_In_ long _X);
_Check_return_ long long __cdecl llabs(_In_ long long _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl acos(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl asin(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl atan(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl atan2(_In_ double _Y, _In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl cos(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl cosh(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl exp(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl fabs(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl fmod(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl log(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl log10(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl pow(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl sin(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl sinh(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl sqrt(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl tan(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ double __cdecl tanh(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl acosh(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl asinh(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl atanh(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl atof(_In_z_ char const* _String);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l(_In_z_ char const* _String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _cabs(_In_ struct _complex _Complex_value);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl cbrt(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl ceil(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl copysign(_In_ double _Number, _In_ double _Sign);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign(_In_ double _Number, _In_ double _Sign);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl erf(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl erfc(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl exp2(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl expm1(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl fdim(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl floor(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl fma(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y, _In_ double _Z);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl fmax(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl fmin(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl frexp(_In_ double _X, _Out_ int* _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl hypot(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl ilogb(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp(_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl lgamma(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl llrint(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl llround(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl log1p(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl log2(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl logb(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl lrint(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl lround(_In_ double _X);
int __CRTDECL _matherr(_Inout_ struct _exception* _Except);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl modf(_In_ double _X, _Out_ double* _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl nan(_In_ char const* _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl nearbyint(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl nextafter(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl nexttoward(_In_ double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl remainder(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl remquo(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y, _Out_ int* _Z);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl rint(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl round(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl scalbln(_In_ double _X, _In_ long _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl scalbn(_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl tgamma(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl trunc(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _j0(_In_ double _X );
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _j1(_In_ double _X );
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _jn(int _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _y0(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _y1(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _yn(_In_ int _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl acoshf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl asinhf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl atanhf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl cbrtf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _chgsignf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl copysignf(_In_ float _Number, _In_ float _Sign);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _copysignf(_In_ float _Number, _In_ float _Sign);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl erff(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl erfcf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl expm1f(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl exp2f(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl fdimf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl fmaf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y, _In_ float _Z);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl fmaxf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl fminf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _hypotf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl ilogbf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl lgammaf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl llrintf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl llroundf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl log1pf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl log2f(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl logbf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl lrintf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl lroundf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl nanf(_In_ char const* _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl nearbyintf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl nextafterf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl nexttowardf(_In_ float _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl remainderf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl remquof(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y, _Out_ int* _Z);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl rintf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl roundf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl scalblnf(_In_ float _X, _In_ long _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl scalbnf(_In_ float _X, _In_ int _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl tgammaf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl truncf(_In_ float _X);
#if defined _M_IX86
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _set_SSE2_enable(_In_ int _Flag);
# 588 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#if defined _M_X64
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _logbf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _nextafterf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _finitef(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _isnanf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fpclassf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _set_FMA3_enable(_In_ int _Flag);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _get_FMA3_enable(void);
#elif defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64 || defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64
# 601 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _finitef(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _logbf(_In_ float _X);
# 606 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#if defined _M_X64 || defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64 || defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64 || defined _CORECRT_BUILD_APISET
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl acosf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl asinf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl atan2f(_In_ float _Y, _In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl atanf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl ceilf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl cosf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl coshf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl expf(_In_ float _X);
# 621 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL acosf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)acos(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL asinf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)asin(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL atan2f(_In_ float _Y, _In_ float _X)
return (float)atan2(_Y, _X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL atanf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)atan(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL ceilf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)ceil(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL cosf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)cos(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL coshf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)cosh(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL expf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)exp(_X);
# 663 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#if defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64 || defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64
_Check_return_ _CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC _ACRTIMP float __cdecl fabsf(_In_ float _X);
# 669 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL fabsf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)fabs(_X);
# 676 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#if defined _M_X64 || defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64 || defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl floorf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl fmodf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
# 683 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL floorf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)floor(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL fmodf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
return (float)fmod(_X, _Y);
# 695 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL frexpf(_In_ float _X, _Out_ int *_Y)
return (float)frexp(_X, _Y);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL hypotf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
return _hypotf(_X, _Y);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL ldexpf(_In_ float _X, _In_ int _Y)
return (float)ldexp(_X, _Y);
#if defined _M_X64 || defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64 || defined _M_HYBRID_X86_ARM64 || defined _CORECRT_BUILD_APISET
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl log10f(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl logf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl modff(_In_ float _X, _Out_ float *_Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl powf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl sinf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl sinhf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl sqrtf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl tanf(_In_ float _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl tanhf(_In_ float _X);
# 724 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL log10f(_In_ float _X)
return (float)log10(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL logf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)log(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL modff(_In_ float _X, _Out_ float* _Y)
double _F, _I;
_F = modf(_X, &_I);
*_Y = (float)_I;
return (float)_F;
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL powf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
return (float)pow(_X, _Y);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL sinf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)sin(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL sinhf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)sinh(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL sqrtf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)sqrt(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL tanf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)tan(_X);
_Check_return_ __inline float __CRTDECL tanhf(_In_ float _X)
return (float)tanh(_X);
# 774 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl acoshl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL acosl(_In_ long double _X)
return acos((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl asinhl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL asinl(_In_ long double _X)
return asin((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL atan2l(_In_ long double _Y, _In_ long double _X)
return atan2((double)_Y, (double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl atanhl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL atanl(_In_ long double _X)
return atan((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl cbrtl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL ceill(_In_ long double _X)
return ceil((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL _chgsignl(_In_ long double _X)
return _chgsign((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl copysignl(_In_ long double _Number, _In_ long double _Sign);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL _copysignl(_In_ long double _Number, _In_ long double _Sign)
return _copysign((double)_Number, (double)_Sign);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL coshl(_In_ long double _X)
return cosh((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL cosl(_In_ long double _X)
return cos((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl erfl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl erfcl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL expl(_In_ long double _X)
return exp((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl exp2l(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl expm1l(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL fabsl(_In_ long double _X)
return fabs((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl fdiml(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL floorl(_In_ long double _X)
return floor((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl fmal(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y, _In_ long double _Z);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl fmaxl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl fminl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL fmodl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
return fmod((double)_X, (double)_Y);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL frexpl(_In_ long double _X, _Out_ int *_Y)
return frexp((double)_X, _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl ilogbl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL _hypotl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
return _hypot((double)_X, (double)_Y);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL hypotl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
return _hypot((double)_X, (double)_Y);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL ldexpl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ int _Y)
return ldexp((double)_X, _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl lgammal(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl llrintl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long long __cdecl llroundl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL logl(_In_ long double _X)
return log((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL log10l(_In_ long double _X)
return log10((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl log1pl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl log2l(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl logbl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl lrintl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long __cdecl lroundl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL modfl(_In_ long double _X, _Out_ long double* _Y)
double _F, _I;
_F = modf((double)_X, &_I);
*_Y = _I;
return _F;
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl nanl(_In_ char const* _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl nearbyintl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl nextafterl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl nexttowardl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL powl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
return pow((double)_X, (double)_Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl remainderl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl remquol(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y, _Out_ int* _Z);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl rintl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl roundl(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl scalblnl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ long _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl scalbnl(_In_ long double _X, _In_ int _Y);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL sinhl(_In_ long double _X)
return sinh((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL sinl(_In_ long double _X)
return sin((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL sqrtl(_In_ long double _X)
return sqrt((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL tanhl(_In_ long double _X)
return tanh((double)_X);
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL tanl(_In_ long double _X)
return tan((double)_X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl tgammal(_In_ long double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP long double __cdecl truncl(_In_ long double _X);
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define _matherrl _matherr
# 960 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
# 962 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#define SING _SING
#define TLOSS _TLOSS
#define PLOSS _PLOSS
#define matherr _matherr
#ifndef __assembler
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
extern double HUGE;
# 978 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
double const HUGE = _HUGE;
# 980 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_j0) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl j0(_In_ double _X);
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_j1) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl j1(_In_ double _X);
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_jn) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl jn(_In_ int _X, _In_ double _Y);
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_y0) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl y0(_In_ double _X);
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_y1) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl y1(_In_ double _X);
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE(_yn) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl yn(_In_ int _X, _In_ double _Y);
#endif // !__assembler
# 988 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
# 990 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif /* _INC_MATH */
# 996 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_math.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\math.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_math_defines.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\math.h" 3
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\math.h" 3
# 16 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\math.h" 3
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 2 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
// <stdlib.h> has abs(long) and abs(long long)
_Check_return_ inline double abs(_In_ double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fabs(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float abs(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fabsf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double abs(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fabsl(_Xx));
using _CSTD size_t; using _CSTD div_t; using _CSTD ldiv_t;
using _CSTD abort; using _CSTD abs; using _CSTD atexit;
using _CSTD atof; using _CSTD atoi; using _CSTD atol;
using _CSTD bsearch; using _CSTD calloc; using _CSTD div;
using _CSTD exit; using _CSTD free;
using _CSTD labs; using _CSTD ldiv; using _CSTD malloc;
using _CSTD mblen; using _CSTD mbstowcs; using _CSTD mbtowc;
using _CSTD qsort; using _CSTD rand; using _CSTD realloc;
using _CSTD srand; using _CSTD strtod; using _CSTD strtol;
using _CSTD strtoul;
using _CSTD wcstombs; using _CSTD wctomb;
using _CSTD lldiv_t;
using _CSTD getenv;
using _CSTD system;
# 53 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
using _CSTD atoll; using _CSTD llabs; using _CSTD lldiv;
using _CSTD strtof; using _CSTD strtold;
using _CSTD strtoll; using _CSTD strtoull;
using _CSTD _Exit; using _CSTD at_quick_exit; using _CSTD quick_exit;
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 67 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
#endif /* _CSTDLIB_ */
# 68 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cstdlib" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 6 "main.cpp" 2
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <algorithm>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "main.cpp"
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\algorithm" 1 3
// algorithm standard header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\algorithm" 3
#ifndef _ALGORITHM_
#define _ALGORITHM_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xmemory>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\algorithm" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory" 1 3
// xmemory internal header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory" 3
#ifndef _XMEMORY_
#define _XMEMORY_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xmemory0>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory0" 1 3
// xmemory0 internal header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory0" 3
#ifndef _XMEMORY0_
#define _XMEMORY0_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cstdint> /* for uintptr_t */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory0" 3
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory0" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cstdlib>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory0" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory0" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <limits>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xmemory0" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 1 3
// limits standard header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 3
#ifndef _LIMITS_
#define _LIMITS_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <ymath.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 1 3
/* ymath.h internal header */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
#ifndef _YMATH
#define _YMATH
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
#if !defined(MRTDLL) || !defined(_CRTBLD)
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
#endif /* _M_CEE_PURE */
# 18 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
#endif /* !MRTDLL || !_CRTBLD */
# 19 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
/* MACROS FOR _Dtest RETURN (0 => ZERO) */
#define _DENORM (-2) /* C9X only */
#define _FINITE (-1)
#define _INFCODE 1
#define _NANCODE 2
#define _FE_DIVBYZERO 0x04
#define _FE_INEXACT 0x20
#define _FE_INVALID 0x01
#define _FE_OVERFLOW 0x08
#define _FE_UNDERFLOW 0x10
void __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Feraise(int);
typedef union
{ /* pun float types as integer array */
unsigned short _Word[8];
float _Float;
double _Double;
long double _Long_double;
} _Dconst;
/* double DECLARATIONS */
_CRTIMP2_PURE double __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Cosh(double, double);
_CRTIMP2_PURE short __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Dtest(double *);
_CRTIMP2_PURE double __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Sinh(double, double);
_CRTIMP2_PURE short __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Exp(double *, double, short);
extern _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT /* const */ _Dconst _Denorm, _Hugeval, _Inf,
_Nan, _Snan;
/* float DECLARATIONS */
_CRTIMP2_PURE float __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _FCosh(float, float);
_CRTIMP2_PURE short __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _FDtest(float *);
_CRTIMP2_PURE float __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _FSinh(float, float);
_CRTIMP2_PURE short __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _FExp(float *, float, short);
extern _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT /* const */ _Dconst _FDenorm, _FInf, _FNan, _FSnan;
/* long double DECLARATIONS */
_CRTIMP2_PURE long double __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _LCosh(long double, long double);
_CRTIMP2_PURE short __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _LDtest(long double *);
_CRTIMP2_PURE long double __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _LSinh(long double, long double);
_CRTIMP2_PURE short __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _LExp(long double *, long double, short);
extern _CRTIMP2_PURE_IMPORT /* const */ _Dconst _LDenorm, _LInf, _LNan, _LSnan;
#if !defined(MRTDLL) || !defined(_CRTBLD)
#ifndef _M_CEE_PURE
#endif /* _M_CEE_PURE */
# 72 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
#endif /* !MRTDLL || !_CRTBLD */
# 73 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 79 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
#endif /* _YMATH */
# 80 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\ymath.h" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cfloat>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cfloat" 1 3
// cfloat standard header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cfloat" 3
#ifndef _CFLOAT_
#define _CFLOAT_
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 5 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cfloat" 3
# 6 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cfloat" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <float.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cfloat" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 1 3
/*===---- float.h - Characteristics of floating point types ----------------===
* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
* See for license information.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef __CLANG_FLOAT_H
#define __CLANG_FLOAT_H
/* If we're on MinGW, fall back to the system's float.h, which might have
* additional definitions provided for Windows.
* For more details see
* Also fall back on Darwin to allow additional definitions and
* implementation-defined values.
#if (defined(__APPLE__) || (defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_MSC_VER))) && \
__STDC_HOSTED__ && (1)/*__has_include_next(<float.h>)*/
/* Prior to Apple's 10.7 SDK, float.h SDK header used to apply an extra level
* of #include_next<float.h> to keep Metrowerks compilers happy. Avoid this
* extra indirection.
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define _FLOAT_H_
# 32 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include_next <float.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 1 3
// float.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Implementation-defined values commonly used by sophisticated numerical
// (floating point) programs.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
#ifndef _INC_FLOAT // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_FLOAT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 23 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
#ifdef _M_CEE
#define _CRT_MANAGED_FP_DEPRECATE _CRT_DEPRECATE_TEXT("Direct floating point control is not supported or reliable from within managed code. ")
# 26 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 28 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 29 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 30 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
// Define the floating point precision used.
// For x86, results are in double precision (unless /arch:sse2 is used, in which
// case results are in source precision.
// For x64 and ARM, results are in source precision.
// If the compiler is invoked with /fp:fast, the compiler is allowed to use the
// fastest precision and even mix within a single function, so precision is
// indeterminable.
// Note that manipulating the floating point behavior using the float_control/
// fenv_access/fp_contract #pragmas may alter the actual floating point evaluation
// method, which may in turn invalidate the value of FLT_EVAL_METHOD.
#ifdef _M_FP_FAST
#define FLT_EVAL_METHOD -1
# 49 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
#ifdef _M_IX86
#if _M_IX86_FP >= 2
# 53 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 55 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 56 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 58 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 59 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
// Constants
#define DBL_DECIMAL_DIG 17 // # of decimal digits of rounding precision
#define DBL_DIG 15 // # of decimal digits of precision
#define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-016 // smallest such that 1.0+DBL_EPSILON != 1.0
#define DBL_HAS_SUBNORM 1 // type does support subnormal numbers
#define DBL_MANT_DIG 53 // # of bits in mantissa
#define DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623158e+308 // max value
#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308 // max decimal exponent
#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024 // max binary exponent
#define DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014e-308 // min positive value
#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP (-307) // min decimal exponent
#define DBL_MIN_EXP (-1021) // min binary exponent
#define _DBL_RADIX 2 // exponent radix
#define DBL_TRUE_MIN 4.9406564584124654e-324 // min positive value
#define FLT_DECIMAL_DIG 9 // # of decimal digits of rounding precision
#define FLT_DIG 6 // # of decimal digits of precision
#define FLT_EPSILON 1.192092896e-07F // smallest such that 1.0+FLT_EPSILON != 1.0
#define FLT_HAS_SUBNORM 1 // type does support subnormal numbers
#define FLT_GUARD 0
#define FLT_MANT_DIG 24 // # of bits in mantissa
#define FLT_MAX 3.402823466e+38F // max value
#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP 38 // max decimal exponent
#define FLT_MAX_EXP 128 // max binary exponent
#define FLT_MIN 1.175494351e-38F // min normalized positive value
#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP (-37) // min decimal exponent
#define FLT_MIN_EXP (-125) // min binary exponent
#define FLT_RADIX 2 // exponent radix
#define FLT_TRUE_MIN 1.401298464e-45F // min positive value
#define LDBL_DIG DBL_DIG // # of decimal digits of precision
#define LDBL_EPSILON DBL_EPSILON // smallest such that 1.0+LDBL_EPSILON != 1.0
#define LDBL_HAS_SUBNORM DBL_HAS_SUBNORM // type does support subnormal numbers
#define LDBL_MANT_DIG DBL_MANT_DIG // # of bits in mantissa
#define LDBL_MAX DBL_MAX // max value
#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP DBL_MAX_10_EXP // max decimal exponent
#define LDBL_MAX_EXP DBL_MAX_EXP // max binary exponent
#define LDBL_MIN DBL_MIN // min normalized positive value
#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP DBL_MIN_10_EXP // min decimal exponent
#define LDBL_MIN_EXP DBL_MIN_EXP // min binary exponent
#define _LDBL_RADIX _DBL_RADIX // exponent radix
#define LDBL_TRUE_MIN DBL_TRUE_MIN // min positive value
// Flags
#define _SW_INEXACT 0x00000001 // Inexact (precision)
#define _SW_UNDERFLOW 0x00000002 // Underflow
#define _SW_OVERFLOW 0x00000004 // Overflow
#define _SW_ZERODIVIDE 0x00000008 // Divide by zero
#define _SW_INVALID 0x00000010 // Invalid
#define _SW_DENORMAL 0x00080000 // Denormal status bit
// New Control Bit that specifies the ambiguity in control word.
#define _EM_AMBIGUIOUS 0x80000000 // For backwards compatibility
#define _EM_AMBIGUOUS 0x80000000
// Abstract User Control Word Mask and bit definitions
#define _MCW_EM 0x0008001f // Interrupt Exception Masks
#define _EM_INEXACT 0x00000001 // inexact (precision)
#define _EM_UNDERFLOW 0x00000002 // underflow
#define _EM_OVERFLOW 0x00000004 // overflow
#define _EM_ZERODIVIDE 0x00000008 // zero divide
#define _EM_INVALID 0x00000010 // invalid
#define _EM_DENORMAL 0x00080000 // Denormal exception mask (_control87 only)
#define _MCW_RC 0x00000300 // Rounding Control
#define _RC_NEAR 0x00000000 // near
#define _RC_DOWN 0x00000100 // down
#define _RC_UP 0x00000200 // up
#define _RC_CHOP 0x00000300 // chop
// i386 specific definitions
#define _MCW_PC 0x00030000 // Precision Control
#define _PC_64 0x00000000 // 64 bits
#define _PC_53 0x00010000 // 53 bits
#define _PC_24 0x00020000 // 24 bits
#define _MCW_IC 0x00040000 // Infinity Control
#define _IC_AFFINE 0x00040000 // affine
#define _IC_PROJECTIVE 0x00000000 // projective
// RISC specific definitions
#define _MCW_DN 0x03000000 // Denormal Control
#define _DN_SAVE 0x00000000 // save denormal results and operands
#define _DN_FLUSH 0x01000000 // flush denormal results and operands to zero
#define _DN_FLUSH_OPERANDS_SAVE_RESULTS 0x02000000 // flush operands to zero and save results
#define _DN_SAVE_OPERANDS_FLUSH_RESULTS 0x03000000 // save operands and flush results to zero
// Invalid subconditions (_SW_INVALID also set)
#define _SW_UNEMULATED 0x0040 // Unemulated instruction
#define _SW_SQRTNEG 0x0080 // Square root of a negative number
#define _SW_STACKOVERFLOW 0x0200 // FP stack overflow
#define _SW_STACKUNDERFLOW 0x0400 // FP stack underflow
// Floating point error signals and return codes
#define _FPE_INVALID 0x81
#define _FPE_DENORMAL 0x82
#define _FPE_ZERODIVIDE 0x83
#define _FPE_OVERFLOW 0x84
#define _FPE_UNDERFLOW 0x85
#define _FPE_INEXACT 0x86
#define _FPE_UNEMULATED 0x87
#define _FPE_SQRTNEG 0x88
#define _FPE_EXPLICITGEN 0x8c // raise(SIGFPE);
// On x86 with arch:SSE2, the OS returns these exceptions
#define _FPE_MULTIPLE_TRAPS 0x8d
#define _FPCLASS_SNAN 0x0001 // signaling NaN
#define _FPCLASS_QNAN 0x0002 // quiet NaN
#define _FPCLASS_NINF 0x0004 // negative infinity
#define _FPCLASS_NN 0x0008 // negative normal
#define _FPCLASS_ND 0x0010 // negative denormal
#define _FPCLASS_NZ 0x0020 // -0
#define _FPCLASS_PZ 0x0040 // +0
#define _FPCLASS_PD 0x0080 // positive denormal
#define _FPCLASS_PN 0x0100 // positive normal
#define _FPCLASS_PINF 0x0200 // positive infinity
// Initial Control Word value
#if defined _M_IX86
#elif defined _M_X64 || defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64
# 212 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 216 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
// State Manipulation
// Note that reading or writing the floating point control or status words is
// not supported in managed code.
_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _clearfp(void);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4141)
_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _controlfp(
_In_ unsigned int _NewValue,
_In_ unsigned int _Mask
#pragma warning(pop)
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _set_controlfp(
_In_ unsigned int _NewValue,
_In_ unsigned int _Mask
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _controlfp_s(
_Out_opt_ unsigned int* _CurrentState,
_In_ unsigned int _NewValue,
_In_ unsigned int _Mask
_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _statusfp(void);
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _fpreset(void);
#ifdef _M_IX86
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _statusfp2(
_Out_opt_ unsigned int* _X86Status,
_Out_opt_ unsigned int* _SSE2Status
# 268 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
#define _clear87 _clearfp
#define _status87 _statusfp
_ACRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _control87(
_In_ unsigned int _NewValue,
_In_ unsigned int _Mask
#ifdef _M_IX86
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __control87_2(
_In_ unsigned int _NewValue,
_In_ unsigned int _Mask,
_Out_opt_ unsigned int* _X86ControlWord,
_Out_opt_ unsigned int* _Sse2ControlWord
# 287 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
// Global variable holding floating point error code
_ACRTIMP int* __cdecl __fpecode(void);
#define _fpecode (*__fpecode())
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __fpe_flt_rounds(void);
#define FLT_ROUNDS (__fpe_flt_rounds())
// IEEE Recommended Functions
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign(_In_ double _Number, _In_ double _Sign);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _scalb(_In_ double _X, _In_ long _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _logb(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _nextafter(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _finite(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _isnan(_In_ double _X);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _fpclass(_In_ double _X);
#ifdef _M_X64
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP float __cdecl _scalbf(_In_ float _X, _In_ long _Y);
# 320 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
// Nonstandard Names for Compatibility
#define clear87 _clear87
#define status87 _status87
#define control87 _control87
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl fpreset(void);
// For backwards compatibility with the old spelling
#define MCW_EM _MCW_EM
#define MCW_IC _MCW_IC
#define MCW_RC _MCW_RC
#define RC_CHOP _RC_CHOP
#define RC_UP _RC_UP
#define RC_DOWN _RC_DOWN
#define RC_NEAR _RC_NEAR
#define MCW_PC _MCW_PC
#define PC_24 _PC_24
#define PC_53 _PC_53
#define PC_64 _PC_64
# 399 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
#endif // _INC_FLOAT
# 404 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\float.h" 3
# 34 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 2 3
/* Undefine anything that we'll be redefining below. */
# undef FLT_ROUNDS
# undef FLT_RADIX
# undef FLT_MANT_DIG
# undef DBL_MANT_DIG
# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || __cplusplus >= 201103L
# endif
# 45 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
# undef FLT_DIG
# undef DBL_DIG
# undef LDBL_DIG
# undef FLT_MIN_EXP
# undef DBL_MIN_EXP
# undef LDBL_MIN_EXP
# undef FLT_MIN_10_EXP
# undef DBL_MIN_10_EXP
# undef LDBL_MIN_10_EXP
# undef FLT_MAX_EXP
# undef DBL_MAX_EXP
# undef LDBL_MAX_EXP
# undef FLT_MAX_10_EXP
# undef DBL_MAX_10_EXP
# undef LDBL_MAX_10_EXP
# undef FLT_MAX
# undef DBL_MAX
# undef LDBL_MAX
# undef FLT_MIN
# undef DBL_MIN
# undef LDBL_MIN
# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || __cplusplus >= 201703L
# undef FLT_TRUE_MIN
# undef DBL_TRUE_MIN
# endif
# 80 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
# 81 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
/* Characteristics of floating point types, C99 */
#define FLT_ROUNDS (__builtin_flt_rounds())
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || __cplusplus >= 201103L
# 95 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
#define FLT_DIG __FLT_DIG__
#define DBL_DIG __DBL_DIG__
#define LDBL_DIG __LDBL_DIG__
#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__
#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__
#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__
#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__
#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__
#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__
#define FLT_MAX __FLT_MAX__
#define DBL_MAX __DBL_MAX__
#define LDBL_MAX __LDBL_MAX__
#define FLT_MIN __FLT_MIN__
#define DBL_MIN __DBL_MIN__
#define LDBL_MIN __LDBL_MIN__
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || __cplusplus >= 201703L
# 139 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
#ifdef __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT__
# define FLT16_MANT_DIG __FLT16_MANT_DIG__
# define FLT16_DIG __FLT16_DIG__
# define FLT16_MIN_EXP __FLT16_MIN_EXP__
# define FLT16_MIN_10_EXP __FLT16_MIN_10_EXP__
# define FLT16_MAX_EXP __FLT16_MAX_EXP__
# define FLT16_MAX_10_EXP __FLT16_MAX_10_EXP__
# define FLT16_MAX __FLT16_MAX__
# define FLT16_EPSILON __FLT16_EPSILON__
# define FLT16_MIN __FLT16_MIN__
# define FLT16_TRUE_MIN __FLT16_TRUE_MIN__
#endif /* __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_TYPES_EXT__ */
# 153 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
#endif /* __CLANG_FLOAT_H */
# 155 "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\lib\\clang\\9.0.0\\include\\float.h" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cfloat" 2 3
#endif /* _CFLOAT_ */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cfloat" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <climits>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 1 3
// climits standard header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 3
#ifndef _CLIMITS_
#define _CLIMITS_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <limits.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 3
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 3
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 3
#endif /* _CLIMITS_ */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\climits" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cmath>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 1 3
// cmath standard header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
#ifndef _CMATH_
#define _CMATH_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cstdlib>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
_Check_return_ inline double pow(_In_ double _Xx, _In_ int _Yx) noexcept
if (_Yx == 2)
return (_Xx * _Xx);
return (_CSTD pow(_Xx, static_cast<double>(_Yx)));
_Check_return_ inline float acos(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD acosf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float acosh(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD acoshf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float asin(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD asinf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float asinh(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD asinhf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float atan(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD atanf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float atanh(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD atanhf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float atan2(_In_ float _Yx, _In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD atan2f(_Yx, _Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float cbrt(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD cbrtf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float ceil(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD ceilf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float copysign(_In_ float _Number,
_In_ float _Sign) noexcept
return (_CSTD copysignf(_Number, _Sign));
_Check_return_ inline float cos(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD cosf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float cosh(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD coshf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float erf(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD erff(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float erfc(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD erfcf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float exp(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD expf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float exp2(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD exp2f(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float expm1(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD expm1f(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float fabs(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fabsf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float fdim(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fdimf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float floor(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD floorf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float fma(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx,
_In_ float _Zx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fmaf(_Xx, _Yx, _Zx));
_Check_return_ inline float fmax(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fmaxf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float fmin(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fminf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float fmod(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fmodf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float frexp(_In_ float _Xx, _Out_ int* _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD frexpf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float hypot(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD hypotf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline int ilogb(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD ilogbf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float ldexp(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ int _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD ldexpf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float lgamma(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD lgammaf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long long llrint(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD llrintf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long long llround(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD llroundf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float log(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD logf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float log10(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD log10f(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float log1p(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD log1pf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float log2(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD log2f(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float logb(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD logbf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long lrint(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD lrintf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long lround(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD lroundf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float modf(_In_ float _Xx, _Out_ float* _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD modff(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float nearbyint(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD nearbyintf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float nextafter(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD nextafterf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float nexttoward(_In_ float _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD nexttowardf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float pow(_In_ float _Xx,
_In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD powf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float pow(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ int _Yx) noexcept
if (_Yx == 2)
return (_Xx * _Xx);
return (_CSTD powf(_Xx, static_cast<float>(_Yx)));
_Check_return_ inline float remainder(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD remainderf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float remquo(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ float _Yx,
_Out_ int *_Zx) noexcept
return (_CSTD remquof(_Xx, _Yx, _Zx));
_Check_return_ inline float rint(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD rintf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float round(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD roundf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float scalbln(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ long _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD scalblnf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float scalbn(_In_ float _Xx, _In_ int _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD scalbnf(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline float sin(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD sinf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float sinh(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD sinhf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float sqrt(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD sqrtf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float tan(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD tanf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float tanh(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD tanhf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float tgamma(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD tgammaf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline float trunc(_In_ float _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD truncf(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double acos(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD acosl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double acosh(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD acoshl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double asin(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD asinl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double asinh(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD asinhl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double atan(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD atanl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double atanh(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD atanhl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double atan2(_In_ long double _Yx,
_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD atan2l(_Yx, _Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double cbrt(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD cbrtl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double ceil(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD ceill(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double copysign(_In_ long double _Number,
_In_ long double _Sign) noexcept
return (_CSTD copysignl(_Number, _Sign));
_Check_return_ inline long double cos(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD cosl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double cosh(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD coshl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double erf(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD erfl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double erfc(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD erfcl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double exp(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD expl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double exp2(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD exp2l(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double expm1(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD expm1l(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double fabs(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fabsl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double fdim(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fdiml(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double floor(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD floorl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double fma(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx, _In_ long double _Zx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fmal(_Xx, _Yx, _Zx));
_Check_return_ inline long double fmax(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fmaxl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double fmin(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fminl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double fmod(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD fmodl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double frexp(_In_ long double _Xx,
_Out_ int* _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD frexpl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double hypot(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD hypotl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline int ilogb(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD ilogbl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double ldexp(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ int _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD ldexpl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double lgamma(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD lgammal(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long long llrint(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD llrintl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long long llround(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD llroundl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double log(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD logl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double log10(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD log10l(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double log1p(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD log1pl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double log2(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD log2l(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double logb(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD logbl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long lrint(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD lrintl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long lround(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD lroundl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double modf(_In_ long double _Xx,
_Out_ long double* _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD modfl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double nearbyint(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD nearbyintl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double nextafter(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD nextafterl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double nexttoward(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD nexttowardl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double pow(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD powl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double pow(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ int _Yx) noexcept
if (_Yx == 2)
return (_Xx * _Xx);
return (_CSTD powl(_Xx, static_cast<long double>(_Yx)));
_Check_return_ inline long double remainder(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD remainderl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double remquo(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long double _Yx, _Out_ int *_Zx) noexcept
return (_CSTD remquol(_Xx, _Yx, _Zx));
_Check_return_ inline long double rint(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD rintl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double round(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD roundl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double scalbln(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ long _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD scalblnl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double scalbn(_In_ long double _Xx,
_In_ int _Yx) noexcept
return (_CSTD scalbnl(_Xx, _Yx));
_Check_return_ inline long double sin(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD sinl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double sinh(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD sinhl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double sqrt(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD sqrtl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double tan(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD tanl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double tanh(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD tanhl(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double tgamma(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD tgammal(_Xx));
_Check_return_ inline long double trunc(_In_ long double _Xx) noexcept
return (_CSTD truncl(_Xx));
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xtgmath.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 625 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 1 3
/* xtgmath.h internal header */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 5 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
#ifndef _XTGMATH
#define _XTGMATH
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cstdlib>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xtr1common>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push,_STL_WARNING_LEVEL)
#pragma warning(disable: _STL_DISABLED_WARNINGS)
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2>
using _Common_float_type_t =
conditional_t<is_same_v<_Ty1, long double> || is_same_v<_Ty2, long double>, long double,
conditional_t<is_same_v<_Ty1, float> && is_same_v<_Ty2, float>, float,
double>>; // find type for two-argument math function
extern "C" _Check_return_ CRTTYPE RET __cdecl FUN(_In_ double); \
template<class _Ty, \
class = _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_integral_v<_Ty>>> _NODISCARD inline \
RET FUN(_Ty _Left) \
{ \
return (_CSTD FUN(static_cast<double>(_Left))); \
extern "C" _Check_return_ CRTTYPE double __cdecl FUN(_In_ double, ARG2); \
template<class _Ty, \
class = _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_integral_v<_Ty>>> _NODISCARD inline \
double FUN(_Ty _Left, ARG2 _Arg2) \
{ \
return (_CSTD FUN(static_cast<double>(_Left), _Arg2)); \
extern "C" _Check_return_ CRTTYPE double CALL_OPT FUN(_In_ double, _In_ double); \
template<class _Ty1, \
class _Ty2, \
class = _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty1> && _STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty2>>> _NODISCARD inline \
_STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Ty2> FUN(_Ty1 _Left, _Ty2 _Right) \
{ \
using _Common = _STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Ty2>; \
return (_CSTD FUN(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Right))); \
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2,
class = _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty1> && _STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty2>>> _NODISCARD inline
_STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Ty2> pow(const _Ty1 _Left, const _Ty2 _Right)
{ // bring mixed types to a common type
using _Common = _STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Ty2>;
return (_CSTD pow(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Right)));
//_GENERIC_MATH1(abs, _CRTDEFAULT) // has integer overloads
_GENERIC_MATH1X(frexp, _Out_ int *, _CRTSPECIAL)
//_GENERIC_MATH1(modf, _CRTDEFAULT) // types must match
//_GENERIC_MATH2(pow, _CRTDEFAULT) // hand crafted
inline float _Fma(float _Left, float _Middle, float _Right)
{ // call float fma
return (_CSTD fmaf(_Left, _Middle, _Right));
inline double _Fma(double _Left, double _Middle, double _Right)
{ // call double fma
return (_CSTD fma(_Left, _Middle, _Right));
inline long double _Fma(long double _Left, long double _Middle,
long double _Right)
{ // call long double fma
return (_CSTD fmal(_Left, _Middle, _Right));
#endif /* ^^^ original code ^^^ */
# 121 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2,
class _Ty3,
class = _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty1> && _STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty2>
&& _STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty3>>> _NODISCARD inline
_STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty2, _Ty3>>
fma(_Ty1 _Left, _Ty2 _Middle, _Ty3 _Right)
{ // bring mixed types to a common type
using _Common = _STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty2, _Ty3>>;
if constexpr (_STD is_same_v<_Common, float>)
return (_CSTD fmaf(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Middle), static_cast<_Common>(_Right)));
else if constexpr (_STD is_same_v<_Common, double>)
return (_CSTD fma(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Middle), static_cast<_Common>(_Right)));
return (_CSTD fmal(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Middle), static_cast<_Common>(_Right)));
#else /* vvv original code vvv */
# 145 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
return (_Fma(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Middle), static_cast<_Common>(_Right)));
#endif /* ^^^ original code ^^^ */
# 147 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
inline float _Remquo(float _Left, float _Right, int *_Pquo)
{ // call float remquo
return (_CSTD remquof(_Left, _Right, _Pquo));
inline double _Remquo(double _Left, double _Right, int *_Pquo)
{ // call double remquo
return (_CSTD remquo(_Left, _Right, _Pquo));
inline long double _Remquo(long double _Left, long double _Right, int *_Pquo)
{ // call long double remquo
return (_CSTD remquol(_Left, _Right, _Pquo));
#endif /* ^^^ original code ^^^ */
# 166 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2,
class = _STD enable_if_t<_STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty1> && _STD is_arithmetic_v<_Ty2>>> inline
_STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Ty2>
remquo(_Ty1 _Left, _Ty2 _Right, int *_Pquo)
{ // bring mixed types to a common type
using _Common = _STD _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Ty2>;
if constexpr (_STD is_same_v<_Common, float>)
return (_CSTD remquof(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Right), _Pquo));
else if constexpr (_STD is_same_v<_Common, double>)
return (_CSTD remquo(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Right), _Pquo));
return (_CSTD remquol(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Right), _Pquo));
#else /* vvv original code vvv */
# 188 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
return (_Remquo(static_cast<_Common>(_Left), static_cast<_Common>(_Right), _Pquo));
#endif /* ^^^ original code ^^^ */
# 190 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
//_GENERIC_MATH3(fma, _CRTSPECIAL) // hand crafted
_GENERIC_MATH1R(llrint, long long, _CRTSPECIAL)
_GENERIC_MATH1R(llround, long long, _CRTSPECIAL)
_GENERIC_MATH1X(nexttoward, _In_ long double, _CRTSPECIAL)
//_GENERIC_MATH2X(remquo, _CRTSPECIAL) // hand crafted
_GENERIC_MATH1X(scalbln, _In_ long, _CRTSPECIAL)
_GENERIC_MATH1X(scalbn, _In_ int, _CRTSPECIAL)
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 240 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
#endif /* _XTGMATH */
# 241 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
# 242 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\xtgmath.h" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 626 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 2 3
using _CSTD abs; using _CSTD acos; using _CSTD asin;
using _CSTD atan; using _CSTD atan2; using _CSTD ceil;
using _CSTD cos; using _CSTD cosh; using _CSTD exp;
using _CSTD fabs; using _CSTD floor; using _CSTD fmod;
using _CSTD frexp; using _CSTD ldexp; using _CSTD log;
using _CSTD log10; using _CSTD modf; using _CSTD pow;
using _CSTD sin; using _CSTD sinh; using _CSTD sqrt;
using _CSTD tan; using _CSTD tanh;
using _CSTD acosf; using _CSTD asinf;
using _CSTD atanf; using _CSTD atan2f; using _CSTD ceilf;
using _CSTD cosf; using _CSTD coshf; using _CSTD expf;
using _CSTD fabsf; using _CSTD floorf; using _CSTD fmodf;
using _CSTD frexpf; using _CSTD ldexpf; using _CSTD logf;
using _CSTD log10f; using _CSTD modff; using _CSTD powf;
using _CSTD sinf; using _CSTD sinhf; using _CSTD sqrtf;
using _CSTD tanf; using _CSTD tanhf;
using _CSTD acosl; using _CSTD asinl;
using _CSTD atanl; using _CSTD atan2l; using _CSTD ceill;
using _CSTD cosl; using _CSTD coshl; using _CSTD expl;
using _CSTD fabsl; using _CSTD floorl; using _CSTD fmodl;
using _CSTD frexpl; using _CSTD ldexpl; using _CSTD logl;
using _CSTD log10l; using _CSTD modfl; using _CSTD powl;
using _CSTD sinl; using _CSTD sinhl; using _CSTD sqrtl;
using _CSTD tanl; using _CSTD tanhl;
using _CSTD float_t; using _CSTD double_t;
using _CSTD acosh; using _CSTD asinh; using _CSTD atanh;
using _CSTD cbrt; using _CSTD erf; using _CSTD erfc;
using _CSTD expm1; using _CSTD exp2;
using _CSTD hypot; using _CSTD ilogb; using _CSTD lgamma;
using _CSTD log1p; using _CSTD log2; using _CSTD logb;
using _CSTD llrint; using _CSTD lrint; using _CSTD nearbyint;
using _CSTD rint; using _CSTD llround; using _CSTD lround;
using _CSTD fdim; using _CSTD fma; using _CSTD fmax; using _CSTD fmin;
using _CSTD round; using _CSTD trunc;
using _CSTD remainder; using _CSTD remquo;
using _CSTD copysign; using _CSTD nan; using _CSTD nextafter;
using _CSTD scalbn; using _CSTD scalbln;
using _CSTD nexttoward; using _CSTD tgamma;
using _CSTD acoshf; using _CSTD asinhf; using _CSTD atanhf;
using _CSTD cbrtf; using _CSTD erff; using _CSTD erfcf;
using _CSTD expm1f; using _CSTD exp2f;
using _CSTD hypotf; using _CSTD ilogbf; using _CSTD lgammaf;
using _CSTD log1pf; using _CSTD log2f; using _CSTD logbf;
using _CSTD llrintf; using _CSTD lrintf; using _CSTD nearbyintf;
using _CSTD rintf; using _CSTD llroundf; using _CSTD lroundf;
using _CSTD fdimf; using _CSTD fmaf; using _CSTD fmaxf; using _CSTD fminf;
using _CSTD roundf; using _CSTD truncf;
using _CSTD remainderf; using _CSTD remquof;
using _CSTD copysignf; using _CSTD nanf;
using _CSTD nextafterf; using _CSTD scalbnf; using _CSTD scalblnf;
using _CSTD nexttowardf; using _CSTD tgammaf;
using _CSTD acoshl; using _CSTD asinhl; using _CSTD atanhl;
using _CSTD cbrtl; using _CSTD erfl; using _CSTD erfcl;
using _CSTD expm1l; using _CSTD exp2l;
using _CSTD hypotl; using _CSTD ilogbl; using _CSTD lgammal;
using _CSTD log1pl; using _CSTD log2l; using _CSTD logbl;
using _CSTD llrintl; using _CSTD lrintl; using _CSTD nearbyintl;
using _CSTD rintl; using _CSTD llroundl; using _CSTD lroundl;
using _CSTD fdiml; using _CSTD fmal; using _CSTD fmaxl; using _CSTD fminl;
using _CSTD roundl; using _CSTD truncl;
using _CSTD remainderl; using _CSTD remquol;
using _CSTD copysignl; using _CSTD nanl;
using _CSTD nextafterl; using _CSTD scalbnl; using _CSTD scalblnl;
using _CSTD nexttowardl; using _CSTD tgammal;
using _CSTD fpclassify; using _CSTD signbit;
using _CSTD isfinite; using _CSTD isinf;
using _CSTD isnan; using _CSTD isnormal;
using _CSTD isgreater; using _CSTD isgreaterequal;
using _CSTD isless; using _CSTD islessequal;
using _CSTD islessgreater; using _CSTD isunordered;
#if _HAS_CXX17
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_laguerre(unsigned int, unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_laguerref(unsigned int, unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_legendre(unsigned int, unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_assoc_legendref(unsigned int, unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_beta(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_betaf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_1(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_1f(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_2(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_2f(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_3(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_comp_ellint_3f(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_i(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_if(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_j(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_jf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_k(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_bessel_kf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_neumann(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_cyl_neumannf(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_1(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_1f(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_2(double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_2f(float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_3(double, double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_ellint_3f(float, float, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_expint(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_expintf(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_hermite(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_hermitef(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_laguerre(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_laguerref(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_legendre(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_legendref(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_riemann_zeta(double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_riemann_zetaf(float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_sph_bessel(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_sph_besself(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_sph_legendre(unsigned int, unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_sph_legendref(unsigned int, unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_sph_neumann(unsigned int, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_sph_neumannf(unsigned int, float) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD double __stdcall __std_smf_hypot3(double, double, double) noexcept;
_CRTIMP4 _NODISCARD float __stdcall __std_smf_hypot3f(float, float, float) noexcept;
// FUNCTION assoc_laguerre
_NODISCARD inline double assoc_laguerre(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_laguerre(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_laguerref
_NODISCARD inline float assoc_laguerref(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const float _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_laguerref(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_laguerrel
_NODISCARD inline long double assoc_laguerrel(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const long double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_laguerre(_Degree, _Order, static_cast<double>(_Value)));
// FUNCTION assoc_legendre
_NODISCARD inline double assoc_legendre(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_legendre(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_legendref
_NODISCARD inline float assoc_legendref(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const float _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_legendref(_Degree, _Order, _Value));
// FUNCTION assoc_legendrel
_NODISCARD inline long double assoc_legendrel(const unsigned int _Degree, const unsigned int _Order,
const long double _Value)
return (__std_smf_assoc_legendre(_Degree, _Order, static_cast<double>(_Value)));
// FUNCTION beta
_NODISCARD inline double beta(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_beta(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION betaf
_NODISCARD inline float betaf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_betaf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION betal
_NODISCARD inline long double betal(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_beta(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_1
_NODISCARD inline double comp_ellint_1(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_1(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_1f
_NODISCARD inline float comp_ellint_1f(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_1f(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_1l
_NODISCARD inline long double comp_ellint_1l(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_1(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_2
_NODISCARD inline double comp_ellint_2(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_2(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_2f
_NODISCARD inline float comp_ellint_2f(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_2f(_Arg));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_2l
_NODISCARD inline long double comp_ellint_2l(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_2(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_3
_NODISCARD inline double comp_ellint_3(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_3(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_3f
_NODISCARD inline float comp_ellint_3f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_3f(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION comp_ellint_3l
_NODISCARD inline long double comp_ellint_3l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_comp_ellint_3(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_i
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_bessel_i(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_i(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_if
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_bessel_if(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_if(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_il
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_bessel_il(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_i(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_j
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_bessel_j(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_j(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_jf
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_bessel_jf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_jf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_jl
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_bessel_jl(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_j(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_k
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_bessel_k(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_k(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_kf
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_bessel_kf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_kf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_bessel_kl
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_bessel_kl(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_bessel_k(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION cyl_neumann
_NODISCARD inline double cyl_neumann(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_neumann(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_neumannf
_NODISCARD inline float cyl_neumannf(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_neumannf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION cyl_neumannl
_NODISCARD inline long double cyl_neumannl(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_cyl_neumann(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION ellint_1
_NODISCARD inline double ellint_1(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_1(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_1f
_NODISCARD inline float ellint_1f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_1f(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_1l
_NODISCARD inline long double ellint_1l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_1(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION ellint_2
_NODISCARD inline double ellint_2(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_2(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_2f
_NODISCARD inline float ellint_2f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_2f(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION ellint_2l
_NODISCARD inline long double ellint_2l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_ellint_2(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION ellint_3
_NODISCARD inline double ellint_3(const double _Arg1, const double _Arg2, const double _Arg3)
return (__std_smf_ellint_3(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// FUNCTION ellint_3f
_NODISCARD inline float ellint_3f(const float _Arg1, const float _Arg2, const float _Arg3)
return (__std_smf_ellint_3f(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// FUNCTION ellint_3l
_NODISCARD inline long double ellint_3l(const long double _Arg1, const long double _Arg2,
const long double _Arg3)
return (__std_smf_ellint_3(static_cast<double>(_Arg1), static_cast<double>(_Arg2),
// FUNCTION expint
_NODISCARD inline double expint(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_expint(_Arg));
// FUNCTION expintf
_NODISCARD inline float expintf(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_expintf(_Arg));
// FUNCTION expintl
_NODISCARD inline long double expintl(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_expint(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION hermite
_NODISCARD inline double hermite(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_hermite(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION hermitef
_NODISCARD inline float hermitef(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_hermitef(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION hermitel
_NODISCARD inline long double hermitel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_hermite(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION laguerre
_NODISCARD inline double laguerre(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_laguerre(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION laguerref
_NODISCARD inline float laguerref(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_laguerref(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION laguerrel
_NODISCARD inline long double laguerrel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_laguerre(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION legendre
_NODISCARD inline double legendre(const unsigned int _Degree, const double _Value)
return (__std_smf_legendre(_Degree, _Value));
// FUNCTION legendref
_NODISCARD inline float legendref(const unsigned int _Degree, const float _Value)
return (__std_smf_legendref(_Degree, _Value));
// FUNCTION legendrel
_NODISCARD inline long double legendrel(const unsigned int _Degree, const long double _Value)
return (__std_smf_legendre(_Degree, static_cast<double>(_Value)));
// FUNCTION riemann_zeta
_NODISCARD inline double riemann_zeta(const double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_riemann_zeta(_Arg));
// FUNCTION riemann_zetaf
_NODISCARD inline float riemann_zetaf(const float _Arg)
return (__std_smf_riemann_zetaf(_Arg));
// FUNCTION riemann_zetal
_NODISCARD inline long double riemann_zetal(const long double _Arg)
return (__std_smf_riemann_zeta(static_cast<double>(_Arg)));
// FUNCTION sph_bessel
_NODISCARD inline double sph_bessel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_bessel(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_besself
_NODISCARD inline float sph_besself(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_besself(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_bessell
_NODISCARD inline long double sph_bessell(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_bessel(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
// FUNCTION sph_legendre
_NODISCARD inline double sph_legendre(const unsigned int _Arg1, const unsigned int _Arg2,
const double _Theta)
return (__std_smf_sph_legendre(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Theta));
// FUNCTION sph_legendref
_NODISCARD inline float sph_legendref(const unsigned int _Arg1, const unsigned int _Arg2,
const float _Theta)
return (__std_smf_sph_legendref(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Theta));
// FUNCTION sph_legendrel
_NODISCARD inline long double sph_legendrel(const unsigned int _Arg1, const unsigned int _Arg2,
const long double _Theta)
return (__std_smf_sph_legendre(_Arg1, _Arg2, static_cast<double>(_Theta)));
// FUNCTION sph_neumann
_NODISCARD inline double sph_neumann(const unsigned int _Arg1, const double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_neumann(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_neumannf
_NODISCARD inline float sph_neumannf(const unsigned int _Arg1, const float _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_neumannf(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// FUNCTION sph_neumannl
_NODISCARD inline long double sph_neumannl(const unsigned int _Arg1, const long double _Arg2)
return (__std_smf_sph_neumann(_Arg1, static_cast<double>(_Arg2)));
#endif /* _HAS_SPECIAL_MATH */
# 1146 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
// FUNCTION hypot (3-argument overloads)
_NODISCARD inline double hypot(const double _Dx, const double _Dy, const double _Dz)
return (__std_smf_hypot3(_Dx, _Dy, _Dz));
_NODISCARD inline float hypot(const float _Dx, const float _Dy, const float _Dz)
return (__std_smf_hypot3f(_Dx, _Dy, _Dz));
_NODISCARD inline long double hypot(const long double _Dx, const long double _Dy,
const long double _Dz)
return (__std_smf_hypot3(static_cast<double>(_Dx), static_cast<double>(_Dy),
template<class _Ty1,
class _Ty2,
class _Ty3,
enable_if_t<is_arithmetic_v<_Ty1> && is_arithmetic_v<_Ty2> && is_arithmetic_v<_Ty3>, int> = 0>
_NODISCARD inline auto hypot(const _Ty1 _Dx, const _Ty2 _Dy, const _Ty3 _Dz)
{ // N4727 [cmath.syn]/2 "Sufficient additional overloads"
// Note that this template is selected by overload resolution only when at least one
// argument is double/long double/integral but not all three are double or long double.
using _Common = _Common_float_type_t<_Ty1, _Common_float_type_t<_Ty2, _Ty3>>; // TRANSITION, fold expressions
const auto _Result = __std_smf_hypot3(static_cast<double>(_Dx), static_cast<double>(_Dy),
return (static_cast<_Common>(_Result));
#endif /* _HAS_CXX17 */
# 1180 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
# 1187 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
#endif /* _CMATH_ */
# 1188 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cmath" 3
* Copyright (c) by P.J. Plauger. All rights reserved.
* Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.50:0009 */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <cwchar>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\limits" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cwchar" 1 3
// cwchar standard header
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 3 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cwchar" 3
#ifndef _CWCHAR_
#define _CWCHAR_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <yvals.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cwchar" 3
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cwchar" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <wchar.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 8 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\cwchar" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 1 3
// wchar.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// All of the types, macros, and function declarations for all wide-character
// related functionality. Most of the functionality is in the #included
// <corecrt_wxxxx.h> headers, which are also #included by other public headers.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
#ifndef _INC_WCHAR // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_WCHAR
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_memcpy_s.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 15 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 1 3
// corecrt_memcpy_s.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Inline definitions of memcpy_s and memmove_s
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <errno.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 1 3
// errno.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// System error numbers for use with errno and errno_t.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 3
#ifndef _INC_ERRNO // include guard for 3rd party interop
#define _INC_ERRNO
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 3
_ACRTIMP int* __cdecl _errno(void);
#define errno (*_errno())
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _set_errno(_In_ int _Value);
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_errno(_Out_ int* _Value);
_ACRTIMP unsigned long* __cdecl __doserrno(void);
#define _doserrno (*__doserrno())
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _set_doserrno(_In_ unsigned long _Value);
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_doserrno(_Out_ unsigned long * _Value);
# 31 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 3
// Error codes
#define EPERM 1
#define ENOENT 2
#define ESRCH 3
#define EINTR 4
#define EIO 5
#define ENXIO 6
#define E2BIG 7
#define ENOEXEC 8
#define EBADF 9
#define ECHILD 10
#define EAGAIN 11
#define ENOMEM 12
#define EACCES 13
#define EFAULT 14
#define EBUSY 16
#define EEXIST 17
#define EXDEV 18
#define ENODEV 19
#define ENOTDIR 20
#define EISDIR 21
#define ENFILE 23
#define EMFILE 24
#define ENOTTY 25
#define EFBIG 27
#define ENOSPC 28
#define ESPIPE 29
#define EROFS 30
#define EMLINK 31
#define EPIPE 32
#define EDOM 33
#define EDEADLK 36
#define ENOLCK 39
#define ENOSYS 40
#define ENOTEMPTY 41
// Error codes used in the Secure CRT functions
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#define EINVAL 22
#define ERANGE 34
#define EILSEQ 42
#define STRUNCATE 80
# 79 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 3
// Support EDEADLOCK for compatibility with older Microsoft C versions
// POSIX Supplement
#define EADDRINUSE 100
#define EAFNOSUPPORT 102
#define EALREADY 103
#define EBADMSG 104
#define ECANCELED 105
#define ECONNABORTED 106
#define ECONNREFUSED 107
#define ECONNRESET 108
#define EDESTADDRREQ 109
#define EHOSTUNREACH 110
#define EIDRM 111
#define EINPROGRESS 112
#define EISCONN 113
#define ELOOP 114
#define EMSGSIZE 115
#define ENETDOWN 116
#define ENETRESET 117
#define ENETUNREACH 118
#define ENOBUFS 119
#define ENODATA 120
#define ENOLINK 121
#define ENOMSG 122
#define ENOPROTOOPT 123
#define ENOSR 124
#define ENOSTR 125
#define ENOTCONN 126
#define ENOTSOCK 128
#define ENOTSUP 129
#define EOPNOTSUPP 130
#define EOTHER 131
#define EOVERFLOW 132
#define EOWNERDEAD 133
#define EPROTO 134
#define EPROTOTYPE 136
#define ETIME 137
#define ETIMEDOUT 138
#define ETXTBSY 139
#define EWOULDBLOCK 140
# 127 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 3
#endif // _INC_ERRNO
# 132 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\errno.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime_string.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_string.h" 1 3
// vcruntime_string.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// <string.h> functionality that is implemented in the VCRuntime.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_string.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <vcruntime.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_string.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_string.h" 3
#ifndef __midl
_VCRTIMP void _CONST_RETURN* __cdecl memchr(
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_MaxCount) void const* _Buf,
_In_ int _Val,
_In_ size_t _MaxCount
int __cdecl memcmp(
_In_reads_bytes_(_Size) void const* _Buf1,
_In_reads_bytes_(_Size) void const* _Buf2,
_In_ size_t _Size
(unsigned char*)_Dst,
_Post_satisfies_(((unsigned char*)_Dst)[_Iter_] == ((unsigned char*)_Src)[_Iter_])
void* __cdecl memcpy(
_Out_writes_bytes_all_(_Size) void* _Dst,
_In_reads_bytes_(_Size) void const* _Src,
_In_ size_t _Size
_VCRTIMP void* __cdecl memmove(
_Out_writes_bytes_all_opt_(_Size) void* _Dst,
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_Size) void const* _Src,
_In_ size_t _Size
(unsigned char*)_Dst,
_Post_satisfies_(((unsigned char*)_Dst)[_Iter_] == _Val)
void* __cdecl memset(
_Out_writes_bytes_all_(_Size) void* _Dst,
_In_ int _Val,
_In_ size_t _Size
_VCRTIMP char _CONST_RETURN* __cdecl strchr(
_In_z_ char const* _Str,
_In_ int _Val
_VCRTIMP char _CONST_RETURN* __cdecl strrchr(
_In_z_ char const* _Str,
_In_ int _Ch
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_
_VCRTIMP char _CONST_RETURN* __cdecl strstr(
_In_z_ char const* _Str,
_In_z_ char const* _SubStr
_When_(return != NULL, _Ret_range_(_Str, _Str + _String_length_(_Str) - 1))
_VCRTIMP wchar_t _CONST_RETURN* __cdecl wcschr(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Str,
_In_ wchar_t _Ch
_VCRTIMP wchar_t _CONST_RETURN* __cdecl wcsrchr(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Str,
_In_ wchar_t _Ch
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_
_When_(return != NULL, _Ret_range_(_Str, _Str + _String_length_(_Str) - 1))
_VCRTIMP wchar_t _CONST_RETURN* __cdecl wcsstr(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Str,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _SubStr
#endif // __midl
# 109 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\include\\vcruntime_string.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 2 3
#define _CRT_MEMCPY_S_INLINE static __inline
# 19 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 3
#define _CRT_MEMCPY_S_VALIDATE_RETURN_ERRCODE(expr, errorcode) \
{ \
int _Expr_val=!!(expr); \
if (!(_Expr_val)) \
{ \
errno = errorcode; \
_invalid_parameter_noinfo(); \
return errorcode; \
} \
#if !defined RC_INVOKED && !defined __midl && __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
_Success_(return == 0)
_CRT_MEMCPY_S_INLINE errno_t __CRTDECL memcpy_s(
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DestinationSize, _SourceSize) void* const _Destination,
_In_ rsize_t const _DestinationSize,
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_SourceSize) void const* const _Source,
_In_ rsize_t const _SourceSize
if (_SourceSize == 0)
return 0;
if (_Source == NULL || _DestinationSize < _SourceSize)
memset(_Destination, 0, _DestinationSize);
// Unreachable, but required to suppress /analyze warnings:
return EINVAL;
#pragma warning(suppress:4996) // Deprecation
memcpy(_Destination, _Source, _SourceSize);
return 0;
_CRT_MEMCPY_S_INLINE errno_t __CRTDECL memmove_s(
_Out_writes_bytes_to_opt_(_DestinationSize, _SourceSize) void* const _Destination,
_In_ rsize_t const _DestinationSize,
_In_reads_bytes_opt_(_SourceSize) void const* const _Source,
_In_ rsize_t const _SourceSize
if (_SourceSize == 0)
return 0;
#pragma warning(suppress:4996) // Deprecation
memmove(_Destination, _Source, _SourceSize);
return 0;
# 86 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_memcpy_s.h" 3
# 16 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_wconio.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 16 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 1 3
// corecrt_wconio.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file declares the wide character (wchar_t) console I/O functionality,
// shared by both <conio.h> and <wchar.h>
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_stdio_config.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 1 3
// corecrt_stdio_config.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Per-module <stdio.h> configuration.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 9 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 17 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
#elif !defined _CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 22 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#define _CRT_STDIO_INLINE __inline
# 24 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#if !defined RC_INVOKED // RC has no target architecture
#if defined _M_IX86
#elif defined _M_X64 || defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64
# 29 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 31 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#error Unsupported architecture
# 33 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 34 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
// Predefine _CRT_STDIO_ISO_WIDE_SPECIFIERS to use ISO-conforming behavior for
// the wide string printf and scanf functions (%s, %c, and %[] specifiers).
// Predefine _CRT_STDIO_LEGACY_WIDE_SPECIFIERS to use VC++ 2013 and earlier behavior for
// the wide string printf and scanf functions (%s, %c, and %[] specifiers).
// Predefine _CRT_STDIO_ARBITRARY_WIDE_SPECIFIERS when building code that does
// not use these format specifiers without a length modifier and thus can be
// used with either the legacy (default) or the conforming mode. (This option
// is intended for use by static libraries).
#if !defined RC_INVOKED // _CRT_STDIO_LEGACY_WIDE_SPECIFIERS et al. are too long for rc
# 52 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#if !defined _M_CEE_PURE
#pragma comment(lib, "iso_stdio_wide_specifiers")
#pragma comment(linker, "/include:" _CRT_INTERNAL_STDIO_SYMBOL_PREFIX "__PLEASE_LINK_WITH_iso_stdio_wide_specifiers.lib")
# 57 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 58 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#if !defined _M_CEE_PURE
#pragma comment(lib, "legacy_stdio_wide_specifiers")
#pragma comment(linker, "/include:" _CRT_INTERNAL_STDIO_SYMBOL_PREFIX "__PLEASE_LINK_WITH_legacy_stdio_wide_specifiers.lib")
# 62 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 63 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#if defined __cplusplus && !defined _CRT_STDIO_ARBITRARY_WIDE_SPECIFIERS
#pragma detect_mismatch("_CRT_STDIO_ISO_WIDE_SPECIFIERS", "1")
# 68 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#pragma detect_mismatch("_CRT_STDIO_ISO_WIDE_SPECIFIERS", "0")
# 70 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 71 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
# 72 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
// If we're compiling mixed managed code, make sure these inline functions are
// compiled as native to ensure that there is only one instance of each of the
// function-local static variables.
#if defined _M_CEE && !defined _M_CEE_PURE
#pragma managed(push, off)
# 79 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
// This function must not be inlined into callers to avoid ODR violations. The
// static local variable has different names in C and in C++ translation units.
_Check_return_ _Ret_notnull_
__declspec(noinline) __inline unsigned __int64* __CRTDECL __local_stdio_printf_options(void)
static unsigned __int64 _OptionsStorage;
return &_OptionsStorage;
// This function must not be inlined into callers to avoid ODR violations. The
// static local variable has different names in C and in C++ translation units.
_Check_return_ _Ret_notnull_
__declspec(noinline) __inline unsigned __int64* __CRTDECL __local_stdio_scanf_options(void)
static unsigned __int64 _OptionsStorage;
return &_OptionsStorage;
# 101 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#if defined _M_CEE && !defined _M_CEE_PURE
#pragma managed(pop)
# 105 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_stdio_config.h" 3
#define _CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS (*__local_stdio_printf_options())
#define _CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_SCANF_OPTIONS (*__local_stdio_scanf_options ())
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 2 3
#define WEOF ((wint_t)(0xFFFF))
_Success_(_BufferCount > 0)
_DCRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _cgetws_s(
_Out_writes_to_(_BufferCount, *_SizeRead) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount,
_Out_ size_t* _SizeRead
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t, _cgetws_s,
_Out_writes_z_(*_Buffer) wchar_t, _Buffer,
_In_ size_t*, _SizeRead
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl _cputws(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Buffer
_Check_return_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwch (void);
_Check_return_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwche (void);
_Check_return_opt_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _putwch (_In_ wchar_t _Character);
_Check_return_opt_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwch(_In_ wint_t _Character);
_Check_return_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwch_nolock (void);
_Check_return_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwche_nolock (void);
_Check_return_opt_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _putwch_nolock (_In_ wchar_t _Character);
_Check_return_opt_ _DCRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwch_nolock(_In_ wint_t _Character);
// Wide Character Formatted Output Functions (Console)
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwprintf(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwprintf_s(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwprintf_p(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwprintf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 94 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return __conio_common_vcwprintf(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 98 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwprintf(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 107 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return _vcwprintf_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 111 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwprintf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 121 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return __conio_common_vcwprintf_s(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 125 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwprintf_s(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 134 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return _vcwprintf_s_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 138 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwprintf_p_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 148 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return __conio_common_vcwprintf_p(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 152 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwprintf_p(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const wchar_t* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 161 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return _vcwprintf_p_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 165 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwprintf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 174 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vcwprintf_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 183 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwprintf(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 191 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vcwprintf_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 200 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwprintf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 209 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vcwprintf_s_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 218 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwprintf_s(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 226 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vcwprintf_s_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 235 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwprintf_p_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 244 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vcwprintf_p_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 253 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwprintf_p(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 261 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vcwprintf_p_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 270 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
// Wide Character Formatted Input Functions (Console)
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl __conio_common_vcwscanf(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_vcwscanf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwscanf_l(
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 295 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return __conio_common_vcwscanf(
_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 301 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_vcwscanf_s)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwscanf(
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(1) wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 310 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // Deprecation
return _vcwscanf_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
#pragma warning(pop)
# 317 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwscanf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 327 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return __conio_common_vcwscanf(
_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 333 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vcwscanf_s(
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(1) wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 342 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
return _vcwscanf_s_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 346 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_cwscanf_s_l)
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwscanf_l(
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 355 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // Deprecation
_Result = _vcwscanf_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
#pragma warning(pop)
return _Result;
# 369 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_cwscanf_s)
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 377 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) // Deprecation
_Result = _vcwscanf_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
#pragma warning(pop)
return _Result;
# 391 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwscanf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 400 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vcwscanf_s_l(_Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 409 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _cwscanf_s(
_In_z_ _Scanf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 417 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vcwscanf_s_l(_Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 426 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
# 428 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wconio.h" 3
# 17 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_wctype.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 1 3
// corecrt_wctype.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file declares the wide character (wchar_t) classification functionality,
// shared by <ctype.h>, <wchar.h>, and <wctype.h>.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
#define WEOF ((wint_t)(0xFFFF))
// This declaration allows the user access to the ctype look-up
// array _ctype defined in ctype.obj by simply including ctype.h
#if defined _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS && !defined _DLL
#define __PCTYPE_FUNC _pctype
# 28 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
#define __PCTYPE_FUNC __pctype_func()
# 30 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
_ACRTIMP const unsigned short* __cdecl __pctype_func(void);
_ACRTIMP const wctype_t* __cdecl __pwctype_func(void);
extern const unsigned short* _pctype;
extern const wctype_t* _pwctype;
# 38 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
#define _pctype (__pctype_func())
#define _pwctype (__pwctype_func())
# 41 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
# 42 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
// Bit masks for the possible character types
#define _UPPER 0x01 // uppercase letter
#define _LOWER 0x02 // lowercase letter
#define _DIGIT 0x04 // digit[0-9]
#define _SPACE 0x08 // tab, carriage return, newline, vertical tab, or form feed
#define _PUNCT 0x10 // punctuation character
#define _CONTROL 0x20 // control character
#define _BLANK 0x40 // space char (tab is handled separately)
#define _HEX 0x80 // hexadecimal digit
#define _LEADBYTE 0x8000 // multibyte leadbyte
#define _ALPHA (0x0100 | _UPPER | _LOWER) // alphabetic character
// Wide Character Classification and Conversion Functions
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswalnum (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswalpha (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswascii (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswblank (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswcntrl (_In_ wint_t _C);
_When_(_Param_(1) == 0, _Post_equal_to_(0))
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswdigit (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswgraph (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswlower (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswprint (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswpunct (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswspace (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswupper (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswxdigit (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl __iswcsymf(_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl __iswcsym (_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswalnum_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswalpha_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswblank_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswcntrl_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswdigit_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswgraph_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswlower_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswprint_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswpunct_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswspace_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswupper_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswxdigit_l(_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswcsymf_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswcsym_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl towupper(_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl towlower(_In_ wint_t _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl iswctype(_In_ wint_t _C, _In_ wctype_t _Type);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _towupper_l(_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _towlower_l(_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _iswctype_l(_In_ wint_t _C, _In_ wctype_t _Type, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl isleadbyte(_In_ int _C);
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP int __cdecl _isleadbyte_l(_In_ int _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale);
_CRT_OBSOLETE(iswctype) _DCRTIMP int __cdecl is_wctype(_In_ wint_t _C, _In_ wctype_t _Type);
# 113 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
// Macro and Inline Definitions
#if !defined __cplusplus || defined _M_CEE_PURE || defined MRTDLL || defined _CORECRT_BUILD
#define iswalpha(_c) (iswctype(_c, _ALPHA))
#define iswupper(_c) (iswctype(_c, _UPPER))
#define iswlower(_c) (iswctype(_c, _LOWER))
#define iswdigit(_c) (iswctype(_c, _DIGIT))
#define iswxdigit(_c) (iswctype(_c, _HEX))
#define iswspace(_c) (iswctype(_c, _SPACE))
#define iswpunct(_c) (iswctype(_c, _PUNCT))
#define iswblank(_c) (((_c) == '\t') ? _BLANK : iswctype(_c,_BLANK) )
#define iswalnum(_c) (iswctype(_c, _ALPHA | _DIGIT))
#define iswprint(_c) (iswctype(_c, _BLANK | _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT))
#define iswgraph(_c) (iswctype(_c, _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT))
#define iswcntrl(_c) (iswctype(_c, _CONTROL))
#define iswascii(_c) ((unsigned)(_c) < 0x80)
#define _iswalpha_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _ALPHA))
#define _iswupper_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _UPPER))
#define _iswlower_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _LOWER))
#define _iswdigit_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _DIGIT))
#define _iswxdigit_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _HEX))
#define _iswspace_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _SPACE))
#define _iswpunct_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _PUNCT))
#define _iswblank_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _BLANK))
#define _iswalnum_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _ALPHA | _DIGIT))
#define _iswprint_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _BLANK | _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT))
#define _iswgraph_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT))
#define _iswcntrl_l(_c,_p) (iswctype(_c, _CONTROL))
#define isleadbyte(_c) (__PCTYPE_FUNC[(unsigned char)(_c)] & _LEADBYTE)
# 154 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
# 156 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
// CRT_REFACTOR TODO I've had to remove the inline function definitions because
// they break the debugger build. These were moved here from <wctype.h> in
// C968560. We need to figure out what is wrong.
// inline int __cdecl iswalpha (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _ALPHA); }
// inline int __cdecl iswupper (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _UPPER); }
// inline int __cdecl iswlower (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _LOWER); }
// inline int __cdecl iswdigit (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl iswxdigit(_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _HEX); }
// inline int __cdecl iswspace (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _SPACE); }
// inline int __cdecl iswpunct (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _PUNCT); }
// inline int __cdecl iswblank (_In_ wint_t _C) { return (((_C) == '\t') ? _BLANK : iswctype(_C,_BLANK)); }
// inline int __cdecl iswalnum (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _ALPHA | _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl iswprint (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _BLANK | _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl iswgraph (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl iswcntrl (_In_ wint_t _C) { return iswctype(_C, _CONTROL); }
// inline int __cdecl iswascii (_In_ wint_t _C) { return (unsigned)(_C) < 0x80; }
// inline int __cdecl _iswalpha_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _ALPHA); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswupper_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _UPPER); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswlower_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _LOWER); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswdigit_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswxdigit_l(_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _HEX); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswspace_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _SPACE); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswpunct_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _PUNCT); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswblank_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _BLANK); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswalnum_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _ALPHA | _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswprint_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _BLANK | _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswgraph_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _PUNCT | _ALPHA | _DIGIT); }
// inline int __cdecl _iswcntrl_l (_In_ wint_t _C, _In_opt_ _locale_t) { return iswctype(_C, _CONTROL); }
// inline int __cdecl isleadbyte(_In_ int _C)
// {
// return __pctype_func()[(unsigned char)(_C)] & _LEADBYTE;
// }
// #endif
// #endif
# 196 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wctype.h" 3
# 18 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_wdirect.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 18 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wdirect.h" 1 3
// corecrt_wdirect.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file declares the wide character (wchar_t) directory functionality, shared
// by <direct.h> and <wchar.h>.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wdirect.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wdirect.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wdirect.h" 3
#pragma push_macro("_wgetcwd")
#pragma push_macro("_wgetdcwd")
#undef _wgetcwd
#undef _wgetdcwd
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wgetcwd(
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t* _DstBuf,
_In_ int _SizeInWords
_Success_(return != 0)
_Check_return_ _Ret_maybenull_z_
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wgetdcwd(
_In_ int _Drive,
_Out_writes_opt_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t* _DstBuf,
_In_ int _SizeInWords
#define _wgetdcwd_nolock _wgetdcwd
#pragma pop_macro("_wgetcwd")
#pragma pop_macro("_wgetdcwd")
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wchdir(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Path
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wmkdir(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Path
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wrmdir(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Path
# 19 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_wio.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 19 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 1 3
// corecrt_wio.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file declares the wide character (wchar_t) I/O functionality, shared by
// <io.h> and <wchar.h>.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_share.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_share.h" 1 3
// corecrt_share.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Defines the file sharing modes for the sopen() family of functions. These
// declarations are split out to support the Windows build.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_share.h" 3
#define _SH_DENYRW 0x10 // deny read/write mode
#define _SH_DENYWR 0x20 // deny write mode
#define _SH_DENYRD 0x30 // deny read mode
#define _SH_DENYNO 0x40 // deny none mode
#define _SH_SECURE 0x80 // secure mode
# 27 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_share.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 2 3
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4820) /* padding added after data member */
// Types
#ifdef _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
#define _wfinddata_t _wfinddata32_t
#define _wfinddatai64_t _wfinddata32i64_t
# 30 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
#define _wfinddata_t _wfinddata64i32_t
#define _wfinddatai64_t _wfinddata64_t
# 33 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
typedef unsigned long _fsize_t;
struct _wfinddata32_t
unsigned attrib;
__time32_t time_create; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time32_t time_access; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time32_t time_write;
_fsize_t size;
wchar_t name[260];
struct _wfinddata32i64_t
unsigned attrib;
__time32_t time_create; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time32_t time_access; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time32_t time_write;
__int64 size;
wchar_t name[260];
struct _wfinddata64i32_t
unsigned attrib;
__time64_t time_create; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time64_t time_access; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time64_t time_write;
_fsize_t size;
wchar_t name[260];
struct _wfinddata64_t
unsigned attrib;
__time64_t time_create; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time64_t time_access; // -1 for FAT file systems
__time64_t time_write;
__int64 size;
wchar_t name[260];
// Functions
#ifdef _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
#define _wfindfirst _wfindfirst32
#define _wfindnext _wfindnext32
#define _wfindfirsti64 _wfindfirst32i64
#define _wfindnexti64 _wfindnext32i64
# 89 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
#define _wfindfirst _wfindfirst64i32
#define _wfindnext _wfindnext64i32
#define _wfindfirsti64 _wfindfirst64
#define _wfindnexti64 _wfindnext64
# 94 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _waccess(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _AccessMode
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _waccess_s(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _AccessMode
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wchmod(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _Mode
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wsopen_s)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wcreat(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _PermissionMode
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst32(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32_t* _FindData
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext32(
_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32_t* _FindData
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wunlink(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wrename(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _OldFileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _NewFileName
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wmktemp_s(
_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t* _TemplateName,
_In_ size_t _SizeInWords
errno_t, _wmktemp_s,
wchar_t, _TemplateName
_Success_(return != 0)
wchar_t*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _wmktemp,
_Inout_z_, wchar_t, _TemplateName
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst32i64(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32i64_t* _FindData
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst64i32(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64i32_t* _FindData
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst64(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64_t* _FindData
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext32i64(
_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32i64_t* _FindData
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext64i32(
_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64i32_t* _FindData
_Success_(return != -1)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext64(
_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64_t* _FindData
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wsopen_s(
_Out_ int* _FileHandle,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OpenFlag,
_In_ int _ShareFlag,
_In_ int _PermissionFlag
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wsopen_dispatch(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OFlag,
_In_ int _ShFlag,
_In_ int _PMode,
_Out_ int* _PFileHandle,
_In_ int _BSecure
#if defined __cplusplus
// These functions do not validate pmode; use _wsopen_s instead.
extern "C++" _Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wsopen_s)
inline int __CRTDECL _wopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OFlag,
_In_ int _PMode = 0
int _FileHandle;
// Last parameter passed as 0 because we don't want to validate pmode from _open
errno_t const _Result = _wsopen_dispatch(_FileName, _OFlag, _SH_DENYNO, _PMode, &_FileHandle, 0);
return _Result ? -1 : _FileHandle;
extern "C++" _Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wsopen_s)
inline int __CRTDECL _wsopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OFlag,
_In_ int _ShFlag,
_In_ int _PMode = 0
int _FileHandle;
// Last parameter passed as 0 because we don't want to validate pmode from _sopen
errno_t const _Result = _wsopen_dispatch(_FileName, _OFlag, _ShFlag, _PMode, &_FileHandle, 0);
return _Result ? -1 : _FileHandle;
# 253 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wsopen_s)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OpenFlag,
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wsopen_s)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wsopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OpenFlag,
_In_ int _ShareFlag,
# 268 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wio.h" 3
#pragma warning(pop)
# 20 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_wprocess.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 20 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wprocess.h" 1 3
// corecrt_wprocess.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file declares the wide character (wchar_t) process functionality, shared
// by <process.h> and <wchar.h>.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wprocess.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wprocess.h" 3
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wprocess.h" 3
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexecl(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexecle(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexeclp(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexeclpe(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexecv(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexecve(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* const* _Env
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexecvp(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wexecvpe(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* const* _Env
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnl(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnle(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnlp(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnlpe(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _ArgList,
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnv(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnve(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* const* _Env
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnvp(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList
_DCRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wspawnvpe(
_In_ int _Mode,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* const* _ArgList,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* const* _Env
_DCRTIMP int __cdecl _wsystem(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Command
# 117 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wprocess.h" 3
# 118 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wprocess.h" 3
# 21 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_wstdio.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\wchar.h" 3
# 1 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 1 3
// corecrt_wstdio.h
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This file declares the wide character (wchar_t) I/O functionality, shared by
// <stdio.h> and <wchar.h>. It also defines several core I/O types, which are
// also shared by those two headers.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 11 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 12 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <corecrt_stdio_config.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
# 14 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
// Stream I/O Declarations Required by this Header
typedef struct _iobuf
void* _Placeholder;
# 30 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_ACRTIMP_ALT FILE* __cdecl __acrt_iob_func(unsigned _Ix);
#define stdin (__acrt_iob_func(0))
#define stdout (__acrt_iob_func(1))
#define stderr (__acrt_iob_func(2))
#define WEOF ((wint_t)(0xFFFF))
// Wide Character Stream I/O Functions
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl fgetwc(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fgetwchar(void);
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl fputwc(
_In_ wchar_t _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream);
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fputwchar(
_In_ wchar_t _Character
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl getwc(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl getwchar(void);
_Success_(return == _Buffer)
_ACRTIMP wchar_t* __cdecl fgetws(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ int _BufferCount,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl fputws(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Buffer,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_Success_(return != 0)
_ACRTIMP wchar_t* __cdecl _getws_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount
_Success_(return != 0)
wchar_t*, _getws_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) wchar_t, _Buffer
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl putwc(
_In_ wchar_t _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl putwchar(
_In_ wchar_t _Character
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _putws(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Buffer
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl ungetwc(
_In_ wint_t _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP FILE * __cdecl _wfdopen(
_In_ int _FileHandle,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Mode
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_wfopen_s)
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl _wfopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Mode
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wfopen_s(
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ FILE** _Stream,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Mode
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl _wfreopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Mode,
_Inout_ FILE* _OldStream
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wfreopen_s(
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ FILE** _Stream,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Mode,
_Inout_ FILE* _OldStream
_ACRTIMP FILE* __cdecl _wfsopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Mode,
_In_ int _ShFlag
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _wperror(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _ErrorMessage
_DCRTIMP FILE* __cdecl _wpopen(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Command,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _Mode
# 178 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl _wremove(
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName
#pragma push_macro("_wtempnam")
#undef _wtempnam
_ACRTIMP _CRTALLOCATOR wchar_t* __cdecl _wtempnam(
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _Directory,
_In_opt_z_ wchar_t const* _FilePrefix
#pragma pop_macro("_wtempnam")
_Success_(return == 0)
_ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wtmpnam_s(
_Out_writes_z_(_BufferCount) wchar_t* _Buffer,
_In_ size_t _BufferCount
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t, _wtmpnam_s,
_Always_(_Post_z_) wchar_t, _Buffer
_Success_(return != 0)
wchar_t*, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _ACRTIMP, _wtmpnam,
_Pre_maybenull_ _Always_(_Post_z_), wchar_t, _Buffer
// I/O Synchronization and _nolock family of I/O functions
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fgetwc_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fputwc_nolock(
_In_ wchar_t _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwc_nolock(
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _putwc_nolock(
_In_ wchar_t _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
_ACRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwc_nolock(
_In_ wint_t _Character,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream
#if defined _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS && !defined _DLL
#define fgetwc(stream) _getwc_nolock(stream)
#define fputwc(c, stream) _putwc_nolock(c, stream)
#define ungetwc(c, stream) _ungetwc_nolock(c, stream)
# 253 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
// Variadic functions are not supported in managed code under /clr
#ifdef _M_CEE_MIXED
#pragma managed(push, off)
# 260 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
// Wide Character Formatted Output Functions (Stream)
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vfwprintf(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vfwprintf_s(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_ACRTIMP int __cdecl __stdio_common_vfwprintf_p(
_In_ unsigned __int64 _Options,
_Inout_ FILE* _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfwprintf_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 305 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return __stdio_common_vfwprintf(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 309 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vfwprintf(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 319 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 323 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfwprintf_s_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 334 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return __stdio_common_vfwprintf_s(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 338 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vfwprintf_s(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 350 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 354 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
# 356 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfwprintf_p_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 367 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return __stdio_common_vfwprintf_p(_CRT_INTERNAL_LOCAL_PRINTF_OPTIONS, _Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 371 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vfwprintf_p(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 381 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_p_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 385 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vwprintf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 395 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 399 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 408 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 412 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vwprintf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 422 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_s_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 426 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL vwprintf_s(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 437 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_s_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 441 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
# 443 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vwprintf_p_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(2) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 453 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_p_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
# 457 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _vwprintf_p(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
va_list _ArgList
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 466 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
return _vfwprintf_p_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
# 470 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fwprintf_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 480 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfwprintf_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 489 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 498 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfwprintf_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 507 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fwprintf_s_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 517 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfwprintf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 526 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL fwprintf_s(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 537 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfwprintf_s_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 546 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
# 548 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fwprintf_p_l(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 558 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfwprintf_p_l(_Stream, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 567 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _fwprintf_p(
_Inout_ FILE* const _Stream,
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 576 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfwprintf_p_l(_Stream, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 585 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _wprintf_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 594 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfwprintf_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 603 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ wchar_t const* const _Format,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 611 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Format);
_Result = _vfwprintf_l(stdout, _Format, NULL, _ArgList);
return _Result;
# 620 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
_CRT_STDIO_INLINE int __CRTDECL _wprintf_s_l(
_In_z_ _Printf_format_string_params_(0) wchar_t const* const _Format,
_In_opt_ _locale_t const _Locale,
#if defined _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE
# 629 "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Include\\10.0.17763.0\\ucrt\\corecrt_wstdio.h" 3
int _Result;
va_list _ArgList;
__crt_va_start(_ArgList, _Locale);
_Result = _vfwprintf_s_l(stdout, _Format, _Locale, _ArgList)
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