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Created August 1, 2012 11:21
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Compile Shadok with haskell 2010
import Shadok.Grammar
import Shadok.StateMachine
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, toList, member, lookup)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (intersperse)
import System.Console.GetOpt
--import qualified System
import System.IO
import System.Environment
data Flag
= Verbose | NoGraphCheck | NoDeclCheck | Graphviz | GraphEasy | Start String | End String | HelpOption
deriving Show
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options =
[ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "chatty output",
Option ['n'] ["nographcheck"] (NoArg NoGraphCheck) "do not check the graph (for connectivity, etc)",
Option ['d'] ["nodeclcheck"] (NoArg NoDeclCheck) "do not check the mandatory declarations",
Option ['s'] ["start"] (ReqArg Start "State") "declares the starting state",
Option ['e'] ["end"] (ReqArg End "State") "declares the ending state",
Option ['g'] ["graphviz"] (NoArg Graphviz) "produces a Graphviz .dot on the stdout",
Option ['y'] ["grapheasy"] (NoArg GraphEasy) "produces a Graph::Easy Perl script on the stdout",
-- TODO: outputs SMC or Ragel
-- TODO: outputs CSS as in
Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg HelpOption) "help (this text)"
-- TODO: an interactive mode. See messages by Henk-Jan van Tuyl
header = "Usage: shadok [-v] [-n] input-file"
data OptionStore = ProgramOptions {opts'verbose::Bool,
opts'noGraphCheck::Bool, opts'noDeclCheck::Bool,
opts'start::Maybe String, opts'end::Maybe String,
opts'graphviz::Bool, opts'grapheasy::Bool}
getOptionStore :: ([Flag], [String]) -> OptionStore
getOptionStore (f, n) = processFlags f
-- Defaults
emptyOptionStore :: OptionStore
emptyOptionStore =
ProgramOptions {opts'verbose = False, opts'noGraphCheck = False,
opts'noDeclCheck = False,
opts'start = Nothing, opts'end = Nothing,
opts'graphviz = False, opts'grapheasy = False}
programOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
programOpts argv =
case getOpt RequireOrder options argv of
(opts,args,[] ) -> return (opts,args)
(_,_,errs) -> error (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options)
optargs (opts, _) = opts
nonoptargs (_, args) = args
processFlags :: [Flag] -> OptionStore
processFlags [] = emptyOptionStore
processFlags (first : rest) =
case first of
Verbose -> restOpts { opts'verbose = True }
NoGraphCheck -> restOpts { opts'noGraphCheck = True }
NoDeclCheck -> restOpts { opts'noDeclCheck = True }
Start s -> restOpts { opts'start = Just s }
End s -> restOpts { opts'end = Just s }
Graphviz -> restOpts { opts'graphviz = True }
GraphEasy -> restOpts { opts'grapheasy = True }
{- Maybe this shouldn't be an error -}
HelpOption -> error (usageInfo header options)
where restOpts = processFlags rest
checkArgs args =
let msg = "Only one argument authorized\n" ++ header in
if length args /= 1 then
error msg
return ()
checkStart Nothing g =
return ()
checkStart (Just label) g =
if isJust (Data.Map.lookup label (sm'nodemap g)) then
return ()
error ("Node " ++ label ++ " is not in the state machine")
verbosePrint doit text =
if doit then
System.IO.hPutStr System.IO.stderr (text ++ "\n\n")
System.IO.hPutStr System.IO.stderr ""
buildOptions nographcheck nodeclcheck initial final =
CheckOptions (not nographcheck) (not nodeclcheck) initial final
main = do
myargs <- getArgs
actualOptions <- programOpts myargs
-- TODO: options may be inconsistent. Test?
let actualFlags = getOptionStore actualOptions
let verbose = opts'verbose actualFlags
let startState = opts'start actualFlags
let endState = opts'end actualFlags
let otherArgs = (nonoptargs actualOptions)
checkArgs otherArgs
let infile = otherArgs !! 0
f <- System.IO.openFile (infile) System.IO.ReadMode
input <- System.IO.hGetContents f
let syntaxTree = parse input
if (compileOK syntaxTree) then do
let machine = build "Default title" (programOf syntaxTree)
let options = buildOptions (opts'noGraphCheck actualFlags)
(opts'noDeclCheck actualFlags)
let result = semanticCheck (machine) options
if (compileOK result) then do
verbosePrint verbose ("Complete list of statements:\n" ++ show (sm'program machine))
verbosePrint verbose ("Graph:\n" ++ show (sm'graph machine))
verbosePrint verbose ("State machine has " ++
show (noNodes machine) ++
" states.\n")
-- TODO: why no noEdges?
if (opts'graphviz actualFlags) then
graphvizMake machine
else if (opts'grapheasy actualFlags) then
grapheasyMake machine
putStr ""
putStrLn ("Semantic error in " ++ infile ++ ": " ++ (messageOf result))
-- TODO: exit
else -- TODO: on stderr
putStrLn ("Syntax error in " ++ infile ++ ": " ++ (messageOf syntaxTree))
-- TODO: exit
putStr ""
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