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Forked from mountbatt/ZOE-Widget.js
Last active September 13, 2021 19:34
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Scriptable iOS widget that displays the status of your Renault ZOE on your iPhone and iPad.
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: light-gray; icon-glyph: car;
// add your my-renault account data:
let myRenaultUser = "user" // email
let myRenaultPass = "pass" // password
// set your ZOE Model (Phase 1 or 2) // bitte eingeben!
let ZOE_Phase = "2" // "1" or "2"
// should we use apple-maps or google maps?
let mapProvider = "apple" // "apple" or "google"
// optional:
// enter your VIN / FIN if you have more than 1 vehicle in your account
// or if you get any login-errors
// leave it blank to auto-select it
let VIN = "" // starts with VF1... enter like this: "VF1XXXXXXXXX"
// do not edit
let kamareonURL = ""
let kamareonAPI = "Ae9FDWugRxZQAGm3Sxgk7uJn6Q4CGEA2"
let gigyaURL = ""
let gigyaAPI = "3_7PLksOyBRkHv126x5WhHb-5pqC1qFR8pQjxSeLB6nhAnPERTUlwnYoznHSxwX668" // austria: "3__B4KghyeUb0GlpU62ZXKrjSfb7CPzwBS368wioftJUL5qXE0Z_sSy0rX69klXuHy"
const timenow = new Date().toJSON().slice(0,13).replace(/-/g,'').replace(/T/g,'-') //20201028-14 (14 = hour)
// clear everything from keychain if we are on an other day
if(Keychain.contains('lastJWTCall') && Keychain.get('lastJWTCall') != timenow){
console.log("Keychain cleared")
// clear keychain, if script gets called with action parameters (to get new tokens)
if(args.queryParameters.action != ""){
console.log("Keychain cleared cause of action parameters")
function clearKeychain() {
if(Keychain.contains('VIN')) { Keychain.remove('VIN') }
//if(Keychain.contains('carPicture')) { Keychain.remove('carPicture') } // enable if picture is wrong
if(Keychain.contains('account_id')) { Keychain.remove('account_id') }
if(Keychain.contains('gigyaJWTToken')) { Keychain.remove('gigyaJWTToken') }
if(Keychain.contains('gigyaCookieValue')) { Keychain.remove('gigyaCookieValue') }
if(Keychain.contains('gigyaPersonID')) { Keychain.remove('gigyaPersonID') }
if(VIN && VIN != ""){
Keychain.set('VIN', VIN)
const widget = new ListWidget()
await createWidget()
// used for debugging if script runs inside the app
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentMedium()
// build the widget
async function createWidget(items) {
// get all data in a single variable
const data = await getData()
//widget.refreshAfterDate = new Date( + 300) // dont know if this works
widget.setPadding(10, 0, 10, 20)
const wrap = widget.addStack()
wrap.spacing = 15
const column0 = wrap.addStack()
const icon = await getImage("my-renault-car.png", data.carPicture)
let CarStack = column0.addStack()
let iconImg = CarStack.addImage(icon)
// simple hack if we have a phase 1 model (no location data & no hvac-status available) – resize car-image
// not the smartest solution - but i try to check if the results show only 1 column.
// if column2 is empty, we have to resizes the car-image for better styling
if( typeof(data.locationStatus) == 'undefined' && typeof(data.hvacStatus) == 'undefined' ){
iconImg.imageSize = new Size(130, 73)
if(typeof(data.batteryStatus) != 'undefined'){
let plugIcon
let plugStateLabel
let plugStateUrl
let scriptName = encodeURIComponent(
const PlugWrap = column0.addStack()
if(data.batteryStatus.attributes.plugStatus == 0){
plugIcon = await getImage("zoe-plug-off.png", "")
plugStateLabel = "⚫ Entkoppelt"
} else {
plugIcon = await getImage("zoe-plug-on.png", "")
plugStateLabel = "🟢 Gekoppelt"
if(data.batteryStatus.attributes.chargingStatus == "1.0"){
plugStateLabel = "⚡ Wird geladen …"
if(data.batteryStatus.attributes.plugStatus == 1 && data.batteryStatus.attributes.chargingStatus == "0"){
plugStateLabel = "➤ Laden starten"
plugStateUrl = `scriptable:///run?scriptName=${scriptName}&action=start_charge`;
const PlugText = PlugWrap.addStack()
plugStateLabel = PlugText.addText(plugStateLabel)
plugStateLabel.font = Font.regularSystemFont(10)
plugStateLabel.url = plugStateUrl
if(data.batteryStatus.attributes.chargingStatus == "1.0"){
let chargingInstantaneousPower = data.batteryStatus.attributes.chargingInstantaneousPower
chargingInstantaneousPower = Math.round(chargingInstantaneousPower)
// check if the numbers are in Watt or kW
if(chargingInstantaneousPower > 150){
// if over 200, we believe the value is in watt :-)
chargingInstantaneousPower = chargingInstantaneousPower / 1000
chargingInstantaneousPower = Math.round(chargingInstantaneousPower).toLocaleString()
let chargingRemainingTime = time_convert(data.batteryStatus.attributes.chargingRemainingTime)
chargingRemainingTimeString = " | " + chargingRemainingTime + " h"
chargeStateLabel = +chargingInstantaneousPower +" kW"+chargingRemainingTimeString
chargeStateLabel = PlugText.addText(chargeStateLabel)
chargeStateLabel.font = Font.regularSystemFont(10)
const column1 = wrap.addStack()
// simple quota-limit check:
// (battery status is the first request – if it reports nothing, we can be sure, that there will be no other data available at the moment)
if(!data.batteryStatus || typeof(data.batteryStatus) == "undefined"){
if (config.runsInWidget) { // only in widget
throw new Error('Quota Limit! – Datenabruf zur Zeit nicht möglich. Später nochmals versuchen oder bei Renault beschweren.')
} else {
console.log('Quota Limit! – Datenabruf zur Zeit nicht möglich. Später nochmals versuchen oder bei Renault beschweren.')
if(typeof(data.batteryStatus) != 'undefined'){
let BatteryStack = column1.addStack()
const batteryStatusLabel = BatteryStack.addText("Ladestand")
batteryStatusLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12)
const batteryStatusVal = BatteryStack.addText(data.batteryStatus.attributes.batteryLevel.toString()+" %")
batteryStatusVal.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16)
// push Message if maxSoC reachead
/* under development! */
let maxSoC = 62
// if(batteryStatusVal == maxSoC && data.batteryStatus.attributes.chargingStatus != "-1.0"){
const delaySeconds = 1;
let currentDate = new Date;
let newDate = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + (delaySeconds * 1000));
chargeFull = new Notification()
chargeFull.identifier = "maxSoCReached"
chargeFull.title = "🔋 Geladen"
chargeFull.body = "Die Batterie Deines Fahrzeugs wurde zu " + maxSoC + " % geladen!"
chargeFull.sound = "complete"
// } */
if(typeof(data.batteryStatus) != 'undefined'){
let RangeStack = column1.addStack()
const RangeStatusLabel = RangeStack.addText("Reichweite")
RangeStatusLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12)
const RangeStatusVal = RangeStack.addText(data.batteryStatus.attributes.batteryAutonomy.toString()+" km")
RangeStatusVal.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16)
if(ZOE_Phase == 1 && typeof(data.batteryStatus) != 'undefined'){
if(typeof(data.batteryStatus.attributes.batteryTemperature) != 'undefined'){
let TempStack = column1.addStack()
const TempStatusLabel = TempStack.addText("Akkutemp.")
TempStatusLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12)
const TempStatusVal = TempStack.addText(data.batteryStatus.attributes.batteryTemperature.toString()+" °C")
TempStatusVal.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16)
if(ZOE_Phase == 2 && typeof(data.batteryStatus) != 'undefined'){
if(typeof(data.batteryStatus.attributes.batteryAvailableEnergy) != 'undefined'){
let AvEnergyStack = column1.addStack()
const AvEnergyStatusLabel = AvEnergyStack.addText("Verf. Energie")
AvEnergyStatusLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12)
const AvEnergyStatusVal = AvEnergyStack.addText(data.batteryStatus.attributes.batteryAvailableEnergy.toString()+" kWh")
AvEnergyStatusVal.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16)
const column2 = wrap.addStack()
if(typeof(data.cockpitStatus) != 'undefined'){
let MileageStack = column2.addStack()
const MileageStatusLabel = MileageStack.addText("Kilometerstand")
MileageStatusLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12)
let mileage = Math.round(data.cockpitStatus.attributes.totalMileage).toLocaleString()
const MileageStatusVal = MileageStack.addText(mileage.toString()+" km")
MileageStatusVal.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16)
if(typeof(data.locationStatus) != 'undefined'){
let LocationStack = column2.addStack()
LocationStack.spacing = 2
const LocationLabel = LocationStack.addText("Position")
LocationLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12)
const LocationVal = LocationStack.addText("➤ Karte öffnen")
LocationVal.font = Font.boldSystemFont(12)
if(mapProvider == "google"){
LocationVal.url = ""+data.locationStatus.attributes.gpsLatitude+","+data.locationStatus.attributes.gpsLongitude
} else {
// fallback to apple…
LocationVal.url = ""+data.locationStatus.attributes.gpsLatitude+","+data.locationStatus.attributes.gpsLongitude
//if(typeof(data.hvacStatus) != 'undefined'){ // we have to uncomment this later!
let AcStack = column2.addStack()
AcStack.spacing = 2
const AcLabel = AcStack.addText("Vortemp.")
AcLabel.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12)
// create a self-opening url to run the start_ac function
// could be nicer, but seems to work at the moment.
let scriptName = encodeURIComponent(
let AcVal
let ac_url
if(args.queryParameters.action == 'start_ac'){
AcVal = AcStack.addText("➤ Klima stoppen")
ac_url = `scriptable:///run?scriptName=${scriptName}&action=stop_ac`;
} else {
AcVal = AcStack.addText("➤ Klima starten")
ac_url = `scriptable:///run?scriptName=${scriptName}&action=start_ac`;
AcVal.font = Font.boldSystemFont(12)
AcVal.url = ac_url
//} // we have to uncomment this later!
// fetch all data
async function getData() {
// we are going now a long way through multiple servers to get access to our data
// 1. fetch session and user data from gigya
let gigyaCookieValue
let gigyaPersonID
if(Keychain.contains('gigyaCookieValue') && Keychain.get('gigyaCookieValue') != ""){
gigyaCookieValue = Keychain.get('gigyaCookieValue')
console.log('gigyaCookieValue (from keychain): ' + gigyaCookieValue)
if(Keychain.contains('gigyaPersonID') && Keychain.get('gigyaPersonID') != ""){
gigyaPersonID = Keychain.get('gigyaPersonID')
console.log('gigyaPersonID (from keychain): ' + gigyaPersonID)
if(gigyaCookieValue == "" || gigyaPersonID == "" ||
typeof(gigyaCookieValue) == "undefined" || typeof(gigyaPersonID) == "undefined")
let url = gigyaURL + '/accounts.login?loginID=' + encodeURIComponent(myRenaultUser) + '&password=' + encodeURIComponent(myRenaultPass) + '&include=data&apiKey=' + gigyaAPI
let req = new Request(url)
let apiResult = await req.loadString()
apiResult = JSON.parse(apiResult)
console.log("1.: " + apiResult.statusCode)
if(apiResult.statusCode == "403"){
let loginMessage = "Login nicht möglich. Zugangsdaten prüfen."
throw new Error(loginMessage);
} else {
gigyaCookieValue = apiResult.sessionInfo.cookieValue
gigyaPersonID =
Keychain.set('gigyaCookieValue', gigyaCookieValue)
Keychain.set('gigyaPersonID', gigyaPersonID)
console.log('gigyaCookieValue (new generated): ' + gigyaCookieValue)
console.log('gigyaPersonID (new generated): ' + gigyaPersonID)
// 2. fetch JWT data from gigya
// renew gigyaJWTToken once a day
if(Keychain.contains('lastJWTCall') == false){
Keychain.set('lastJWTCall', 'never')
let gigyaJWTToken
gigyaJWTToken = Keychain.get('gigyaJWTToken')
console.log('gigyaJWTToken (from keychain): ' + gigyaJWTToken)
if(gigyaJWTToken == "" || typeof(gigyaJWTToken) == "undefined"){
let expiration = 87000
url = gigyaURL + '/accounts.getJWT?oauth_token=' + gigyaCookieValue + '&login_token=' + gigyaCookieValue + '&expiration=' + expiration + '&fields=data.personId,data.gigyaDataCenter&ApiKey=' + gigyaAPI
req = new Request(url)
apiResult = await req.loadString()
apiResult = JSON.parse(apiResult)
console.log("3.: " + apiResult.statusCode)
gigyaJWTToken = apiResult.id_token
Keychain.set('gigyaJWTToken', gigyaJWTToken)
console.log('gigyaJWTToken (new generated): ' + gigyaJWTToken)
const callDate = new Date().toJSON().slice(0,13).replace(/-/g,'').replace(/T/g,'-')
Keychain.set('lastJWTCall', callDate)
console.log('lastJWTCall (new generated): ' + callDate)
// 3. fetch data from kamereon (person)
// if not in Keychain (we try to avoid quota limits here)
let account_id
account_id = Keychain.get('account_id')
console.log('account_id (from keychain): ' + account_id)
if(account_id == "" || typeof(account_id) == "undefined"){
url = kamareonURL + '/commerce/v1/persons/' + gigyaPersonID + '?country=DE'
req = new Request(url)
req.method = "GET"
req.headers = { "x-gigya-id_token": gigyaJWTToken, "apikey": kamareonAPI }
apiResult = await req.loadString()
apiResult = JSON.parse(apiResult)
console.log("4.: " + apiResult)
if(apiResult.type == "FUNCTIONAL"){
let quotaMessage = apiResult.messages[0].message + " – Login derzeit nicht möglich. Später nochmal versuchen."
throw new Error(quotaMessage);
} else {
account_id = apiResult.accounts[0].accountId
Keychain.set('account_id', account_id)
console.log('account_id (new generated): ' + account_id)
// 4. fetch data from kamereon (all vehicles data)
// we need this only once to get the picture of the car and the VIN!
let carPicture
carPicture = Keychain.get('carPicture')
console.log('carPicture (from keychain): ' + carPicture)
if( Keychain.contains('VIN') && Keychain.get('VIN') != "" ){
VIN = Keychain.get('VIN')
console.log('VIN (from keychain): ' + VIN)
if(carPicture == "" || typeof(carPicture) == "undefined" || VIN == "" || typeof(VIN) == "undefined"){
url = kamareonURL + '/commerce/v1/accounts/' + account_id + '/vehicles?country=DE'
req = new Request(url)
req.method = "GET"
req.headers = { "x-gigya-id_token": gigyaJWTToken, "apikey": kamareonAPI }
apiResult = await req.loadString()
apiResult = JSON.parse(apiResult)
// set carPicture
carPicture = await apiResult.vehicleLinks[0].vehicleDetails.assets[0].renditions[0].url
Keychain.set('carPicture', carPicture)
console.log('carPicture (new): ' + carPicture)
// set VIN
VIN = apiResult.vehicleLinks[0].vin
Keychain.set('VIN', VIN)
console.log('VIN (new generated): ' + VIN)
const allResults = {};
// real configurator picture of the vehicle
// old call: let carPicture = allVehicleData.vehicleLinks[0].vehicleDetails.assets[0].renditions[0].url // renditions[0] = large // renditions[1] = small image
allResults["carPicture"] = carPicture
// batteryStatus
// version: 2
// batteryLevel = Num (percentage)
// plugStatus = bolean (0/1)
// chargeStatus = bolean (0/1) (?)
let batteryStatus = await getStatus('battery-status', 2, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
allResults["batteryStatus"] = batteryStatus
// cockpitStatus
// version: 2
// totalMileage = Num (in Kilometres!)
let cockpitStatus = await getStatus('cockpit', 2, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
allResults["cockpitStatus"] = cockpitStatus
// locationStatus
// version: 1
// gpsLatitude
// gpsLongitude
// LastUpdateTime
let locationStatus = await getStatus('location', 1, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
allResults["locationStatus"] = locationStatus
// chargeSchedule
// note: unused at the moment!
// version: 1
let chargeSchedule = await getStatus('charging-settings', 1, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
allResults["chargeSchedule"] = chargeSchedule
// hvacStatus
// version: 1
let hvacStatus = await getStatus('hvac-status', 1, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
allResults["hvacStatus"] = hvacStatus
console.log('hvacStatus: ' + hvacStatus)
// query parameter / args
// if query action = "start_ac" we start "vorklimatisierung"
// default temperature will be 21°C
let query_action = args.queryParameters.action
if( query_action == "start_ac" ){
let attr_data = '{"data":{"type":"HvacStart","attributes":{"action":"start","targetTemperature":"21"}}}'
let action = await postStatus('hvac-start', attr_data.toString(), 1, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
console.log("start_ac_action: " + action)
//throw new Error(action)
if( query_action == "stop_ac" ){
let attr_data = '{"data":{"type":"HvacStart","attributes":{"action":"cancel"}}}'
let action = await postStatus('hvac-start', attr_data.toString(), 1, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
console.log("stop_ac_action: " + action)
if( query_action == "start_charge" ){
let attr_data = '{"data":{"type":"ChargingStart","attributes":{"action":"start"}}}'
let action = await postStatus('charging-start', attr_data.toString(), 1, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI)
console.log("start_charge_action: " + action)
// return array
return allResults
// general function to get status-values from our vehicle
async function getStatus(endpoint, version=1, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI ){
// fetch data from kamereon (single vehicle)
url = kamareonURL + '/commerce/v1/accounts/' + account_id + '/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v' + version + '/cars/' + VIN + '/' + endpoint + '?country=DE'
req = new Request(url)
req.method = "GET"
req.headers = { "x-gigya-id_token": gigyaJWTToken, "apikey": kamareonAPI, "Content-type": "application/vnd.api+json" }
apiResult = await req.loadString()
if (req.response.statusCode == 200) {
apiResult = JSON.parse(apiResult)
// general function to POST status-values to our vehicle
async function postStatus(endpoint, jsondata, version, kamareonURL, account_id, VIN, gigyaJWTToken, kamareonAPI ){
url = kamareonURL + '/commerce/v1/accounts/' + account_id + '/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v' + version + '/cars/' + VIN + '/actions/' + endpoint + '?country=DE'
request = new Request(url)
request.method = "POST"
request.body = jsondata
request.headers = { "x-gigya-id_token": gigyaJWTToken, "apikey": kamareonAPI, "Content-type": "application/vnd.api+json" }
apiResult = await request.loadString()
// throw new Error(url)
let pushBody
let sound
if (request.response.statusCode == 200) {
pushBody = "Die Übermittlung des Befehls war erfolgreich."
sound = "piano_success"
} else {
pushBody = "Es ist ein Fehler beim Senden des Befehls aufgetreten. Keine Verbindung. Code:" + request.response.statusCode
sound = "piano_error"
pushMessage = new Notification()
pushMessage.identifier = "zoePostStatus"
if(endpoint == "hvac-start"){
pushMessage.title = "Kommando an Klimaanlage gesendet"
if(endpoint == "charge-start"){
pushMessage.title = "Kommando an Ladeanlage gesendet"
//pushMessage.title = "Befehl gesendet"
pushMessage.body = pushBody
pushMessage.sound = sound
return apiResult
function time_convert(num)
var hours = Math.floor(num / 60);
var minutes = num % 60;
return hours + ":" + minutes;
// get images from local filestore or download them once
// this part is inspired by the dm-toilet-paper widget
// credits:
async function getImage(image, imgUrl) {
let fm = FileManager.local()
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
let path = fm.joinPath(dir, image)
if (fm.fileExists(path)) {
return fm.readImage(path)
} else {
// download once
let imageUrl
switch (image) {
case 'my-renault-car.png':
imageUrl = imgUrl
console.log(`Sorry, couldn't find ${image}.`);
let iconImage = await loadImage(imageUrl)
fm.writeImage(path, iconImage)
return iconImage
// helper function to download an image from a given url
async function loadImage(imgUrl) {
const req = new Request(imgUrl)
return await req.loadImage()
// end of script
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