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Last active January 4, 2022 07:17
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Brew Cask Script
# brew install emacs
# Better version of emacs (w/ GUI)
#brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
#brew install emacs-mac --with-no-title-bars # Switched for Emacs-Plus, better maintained and now supports no-title bar option
brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus --with-no-titlebar
brew install googler # quick googling on terminal
# brew install pip install amzsear # quick search on amazon on terminal
brew install --cask charles # Charles proxy for dev
brew install --cask airserver # Air mirror from device to mac
brew install istat-menus
brew install daisydisk
#brew install screenfetch # System info on terminal
brew install neofetch # Prettier screenfetch but with way more dependencies
brew install svn # Just cos installing ibm fonts from brew needs it.
# CLI & programming fonts
brew install font-jetbrains-mono
brew install font-fira-code
brew install font-iosevka
brew install font-ibm-plex
brew install svn # Needed for the font below
brew install font-ibm-plex-mono
brew install font-fantasque-sans-mono
# Design fonts
brew install --cask font-barlow
brew install --cask font-inter # "Designed for UI"
brew install --cask font-manrope # Sleek!
brew install --cask font-libre-franklin
brew install --cask font-redacted # Lines or scribbles instead of lorem ipsum
brew install htop
brew install gh # Just found out I can access and edit my gists from here (adding this line from gh :P!)
brew install java
brew install aria2
brew install cocoapods
brew install lftp
brew instal jq # WM companion
brew install starship #fast prompt
# brew install tree # Recursive directory depth indented listing
brew install broot # Better commandline dir tree listing, can also show which files are taking most of the space with --sizes or :s inside br
# Fonts
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts #You only need to do this once for cask-fonts
brew install font-fantasque-sans-mono
brew install imageoptim #Optimzie jpeg/png/gif/etc images. Needed for imageoptim plugin for Sketch
brew install --cask visual-studio-code # Preferred GUI text editor
#brew cask install opensim # Alternative to SimPholders. iOS Simulator FS locator
brew install --cask simsim #better than opensim
brew install --cask tuxera-ntfs
brew install --cask alfred
brew install --cask telegram
brew install --cask iterm2
brew install --cask kitty
brew install --cask keepingyouawake
#brew cask install sublime-text3 #VS Code is way much better now , and free
brew install --cask the-unarchiver
#brew cask install evernote # Don't use it anymore, I use Apple Notes
#brew cask install spotify # Migrated to Music
#brew cask install mplayerx # MPV is better now
#brew cask install macdown
#brew cask install atext # No idea
brew install --cask slack
#brew cask install airdroid
#brew cask install google-chrome
#brew cask install spectacle # Not needed anymore, I use chunkwm w/ skhd now
brew install yabai # new chunkwm
#brew cask install fabric
#brew cask install flux # Not needed anymore
#brew cask install boom
#brew cask install noizio # White noise
brew install --cask 1password
#brew cask install dropbox # Not using it anymore
#brew cask install nike-plus-connect # Not needed anymore
brew install --cask brackets # Adobe's text editor
brew install --cask bartender
brew install --cask transmit
brew install --cask tunnelblick
brew install --cask iconjar # Best icon manager
#brew cask install uebersicht # Widgets
brew install --cask textual # IRC Client
brew instal --cask mpv # Better than MplayerX
# brew cask install keybase # Never used it
#brew cask install skyfonts # Sync fonts from cloud!
brew install --cask colorpicker-skalacolor # Advanced color picker
brew install --cask omnidisksweeper
#brew cask install lumen
#brew cask install bitbar
#brew cask install iina # cool mplayer GUI
brew install --cask lepton # Github Gist client
brew install --cask nightowl
brew install --cask paw
brew install --cask fantastical
brew install --cask balenaetcher # App for flashing OS images into USB Drives and SD cards
brew install --cask xld #Decode / convert FLAC files
brew install --cask karabiner-elements # keys customization
#brew cask install radio-silence # Like Little snitch but without interrupting w/ every new connection
brew install --cask little-snitch # Little Snitch 4 has silent mode. It's pricey, but it has some handy features.
brew install --cask pdf-expert #best pdf editor
brew install --cask notion
brew install --cask discord
brew install --cask battle-net
brew install --cask rsyncosx # Nice Rsync GUI
brew install feh # lightweight iamge viewer from cmd
brew install syncthing # Dropbox like sync
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