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Created May 11, 2012 20:22
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joindin test suite
# Set development values to php.ini
augeas { 'set-apache-conf-values':
context => '/files/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf',
changes => [
'set EnableMMAP/param off',
'set EnableSendfile/param off',
require => Service['apache'],
#notify => Service['apache'], # circular dependency?
# Install ant to build test suite
package { 'ant':
require => Notify['running'],
# Install required PEAR modules for test suite
package { 'php-pear':
require => Notify['running'],
# Install test-suite tools
exec { 'php-unit':
creates => '/usr/bin/phpunit',
command => 'pear config-set auto_discover 1 && \
pear install',
require => Package['php-pear'],
before => Notify['test'],
exec { 'phploc':
creates => '/usr/bin/phploc',
command => 'pear install',
require => Package['php-pear'],
before => Notify['test'],
exec { 'phpcpd':
creates => '/usr/bin/phpcpd',
command => 'pear install',
require => Package['php-pear'],
before => Notify['test'],
package { 'php-xml':
require => Package['php-pear'],
exec { 'pdepend':
creates => '/usr/bin/pdepend',
command => 'pear channel-discover && \
pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta',
require => Package['php-xml'],
exec { 'phpmd':
creates => '/usr/bin/phpmd',
command => 'pear channel-discover && \
pear install phpmd/PHP_PMD',
require => Exec['pdepend'],
before => Notify['test'],
package { 'graphviz': }
exec { 'phpdoc':
creates => '/usr/bin/phpdoc',
command => 'pear channel-discover && \
pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor-alpha',
require => [
before => Notify['test'],
exec { 'phpcs':
creates => '/usr/bin/phpcs',
command => 'pear install PHP_CodeSniffer',
require => Package['php-pear'],
before => Notify['test'],
# Announce test-suite
notify { 'test':
message => 'Test-suite ready - run in VM with `cd /vagrant && ant build`',
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