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Last active January 3, 2016 23:09
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Code Snippet to exemplify the usage of HLGE's first Input interpretation System prototype. It shows the entire process of creating and configuring Patterns using Basic Inputs and the Key Translator.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Controller.h"
#include "KeyboardController.h"
#include "GestureInterpreter.h"
#include "DisplayManager.h"
#include "allegro5.h"
#define MAX_DELAY 0.5
#define W 1
#define A 2
#define S 3
#define D 4
#define Space 8
#define Escape 9
bool willExit;
void callback_up_w (){
willExit = true;
std::cout << "W up hit" << std::endl;
void callback_asd (){
std::cout << "ASD" << std::endl;
int main () {
std::cout<<"\nDo Something\n";
if(!al_init()) return -1;
//Create and configure the KeyTranslator.
KeyTranslator *translator = new KeyTranslator();
translator->registerTranslation(ALLEGRO_KEY_W, W);
translator->registerTranslation(ALLEGRO_KEY_A, A);
translator->registerTranslation(ALLEGRO_KEY_S, S);
translator->registerTranslation(ALLEGRO_KEY_D, D);
translator->registerTranslation(ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE, Escape);
//Create and configure a controller for the Keyboard.
KeyboardController* controller;
controller = new KeyboardController (Controller::Keyboard);
//Create a GestureInterpreter
GestureInterpreter interpreter;
//Configure the interpreter
//Add some patterns
Pattern* tempPattern;
//W key Up, 'cuz I can
tempPattern = new Pattern();
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyUp, W, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
interpreter.registerPattern(tempPattern, callback_up_w);
//Exit with ESC, using the same callback as the other one above.
tempPattern = new Pattern();
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyUp, Escape, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
interpreter.registerPattern(tempPattern, callback_up_w);
//ASD, possibility one
tempPattern = new Pattern();
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyDown, A, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyDown, S, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyDown, D, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
interpreter.registerPattern(tempPattern, callback_asd);
//ASD, possibility two
tempPattern = new Pattern();
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyDown, A, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyDown, S, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyUp, A, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
tempPattern->pushInput( new BasicInput (InputEvent::KeyDown, D, 0, MAX_DELAY) );
interpreter.registerPattern(tempPattern, callback_asd);
//Create a test display.
DisplayManager* displayManager;
displayManager = new DisplayManager(800, 600);
do {
} while (!willExit);
std::cout<<"\nDid Something\n";
return 0;
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