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Created April 28, 2012 05:46
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Nonogram solver, genetic algorithm
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Bits (xor, shiftL, shiftR, (.&.))
import Data.List (transpose, find, sortBy)
import System.Random
import Control.Applicative
import Test.HUnit (Assertion(..), Counts(..), Test(..), assertEqual,
assertBool, assertFailure, runTestTT)
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad (unless, replicateM)
type Nonogram = ([[Int]], [[Int]]) --縦制約、横制約
type Z = Integer
type NonoAns = (Z, Int, Int) -- 答え、vlen, wlen
data BoolExp = RowSymbols Int Int -- X_iの行。X_i0 = val & 1 X_i1 = val & (1<<1) ...
| ColSymbols Int Int -- X_iの列。X_0j = val & 1 X_1j = val & (1<<1) ...
| Not BoolExp -- NOT
| And [BoolExp] -- And
| Or [BoolExp] -- OR
deriving (Eq, Show)
showNono :: Nonogram -> String
showNono nono@(vs,ws) =
(unlines $ verticalAlignment ws) ++
(unlines $ map ((flip (++) $ wx).showLine) vs)
vlen = length vs
wlen = length ws
wx = replicate wlen '-'
leftmargin = wlen + 1
marginSpace = replicate leftmargin ' '
showLine es = -- [1,2,3] -> "1,2,3"
(flip (++) " ") $ T.unpack $ T.justifyRight (leftmargin - 1) ' ' $ T.intercalate "" $ map ( es
verticalAlignment iss =
map (\i->marginSpace ++ vmap i iss) [0..h-1]
h = maximum $ map length iss
vmap _ [] = []
vmap i (is:iss) =
c ++ vmap i iss
c =
if lis + i >= h then show (is !! (lis+i-h))
else " "
lis = length is
-- verticalAlignment "123", "54" -> " 1 "
-- " 25"
-- " 34"
showNonoAns :: NonoAns -> String
showNonoAns =
showNonoLine l ++ showNonoAns ls
showNonoLine [] = ""
showNonoLine (i:is) = show i ++ " " ++ showNonoLine is
nono2sat :: Nonogram -> BoolExp
nono2sat (vs, ws) =
let a = And $ (map vline2sat $ zip [0..] vs) ++ (map wline2sat $ zip [0..] ws) in
a --trace (show a) a
vlen = length vs
wlen = length ws
vline2sat (i,vl::[Int]) =
let l = Or $ map (\c -> RowSymbols i c) andCodes in
l -- trace (show l) l
--andCodes = filter (isproper vl) [0..2^wlen-1]
andCodes' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
andCodes' _ [] = [0]
andCodes' _ [0] = [0]
andCodes' pos is@(i:iss) =
if i+pos > wlen then []
(map (+ (shiftL (2^i-1) pos)) $ andCodes' (pos+i) iss) ++ andCodes' (pos+1) is
andCodes = andCodes' 0 vl
wline2sat (j,wl) =
Or $ map (\c -> ColSymbols j c) andCodes
andCodes' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
andCodes' _ [] = [0]
andCodes' _ [0] = [0]
andCodes' pos is@(i:iss) =
if i+pos > vlen then []
(map (+ (shiftL (2^i-1) pos)) $ andCodes' (pos+i) iss) ++ andCodes' (pos+1) is
andCodes = andCodes' 0 wl
--sat2fitness 適合率 1.0なら正解
sat2fitness :: NonoAns -> BoolExp -> Double
sat2fitness ans@(ansVal,vl,wl) (RowSymbols i val) =
{- trace (show (ansVal, i, val, point, positions)) $ -} fromIntegral point / fromIntegral wl
positions = zip [0..] [wl*i..wl*(i+1)-1]
point = (sum $ map (\(ps ,p)->1 - xor (fromIntegral (shiftR ansVal p .&. 1)) (shiftR val ps .&. 1)) positions)
sat2fitness ans@(ansVal,vl,wl) (ColSymbols j val) =
fromIntegral point / fromIntegral wl
positions = zip [0..] [j,j+wl..j+(vl-1)*wl]
point = (sum $ map (\(ps, p)->1 - xor (fromIntegral (shiftR ansVal p .&. 1)) (shiftR val ps .&. 1)) positions)
sat2fitness ans (Not a) = 1.0 - sat2fitness ans a
sat2fitness ans (And xs) = sum (map (sat2fitness ans) xs) / fromIntegral (length xs)
sat2fitness ans (Or xs) =
maximum' $ map (sat2fitness ans) xs
maximum' (x:xs') = if x>=0.999 then 1.0 else max x (maximum' xs')
maximum' [] = 0.0
sat2FitnessTests :: [Test]
sat2FitnessTests = map TestCase
assertEqual "issNonoansConvert#1" nonoExplAns (nonoans2iss $ iss2Nonoans $ nonoExplAns)
, assertEqual "issNonoansConvert#2" houseAns (nonoans2iss $ iss2Nonoans $ houseAns)
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#1" 1.0 (sat2fitness (1,2,2) $ nono2sat nonoExpl2) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#2" (1/2) (sat2fitness (7,2,2) $ nono2sat nonoExpl2) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#3" 0.75 (sat2fitness (2,2,2) $ nono2sat nonoExpl2) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#4" 0.75 (sat2fitness (0,2,2) $ nono2sat nonoExpl2) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#5" 0.75 (sat2fitness (4,2,2) $ nono2sat nonoExpl2) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#6" 0.5 (sat2fitness (10,2,2) $ nono2sat nonoExpl2) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#7" 1.0 (sat2fitness (341,3,3) $ nono2sat nonoExpl3) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#8" 1.0
(sat2fitness (iss2Nonoans $ transpose nonoExplAns) $ nono2sat nonoExpl) 0.01
, assertNear "Sat2FitnessTest#9" 1.0
(sat2fitness (iss2Nonoans $ transpose houseAns) $ nono2sat nonoHouse) 0.01
assertNear :: String -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Assertion
assertNear str a b d = unless (abs (a-b) <= d) $ assertFailure (mkMsg str a b d)
mkMsg :: String -> Double -> Double -> Double -> String
mkMsg str a b d = unlines
[ str
, "expected: " ++ show a
, "but got: " ++ show b
, "out of range: " ++ show d
nonoExplAns = [[0,1,1,0,0],[1,1,1,1,0],[0,1,0,1,1],[1,1,1,1,0],[0,1,1,0,0]]
houseAns = [[0,0,1,1,1],[0,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[0,1,1,1,1],[0,0,1,1,1]]
iss2Nonoans :: [[Int]] -> NonoAns
iss2Nonoans iss =
(sum $ map line2Val $ zip [0,wl..] iss, vl, wl)
vl = length $ iss
wl = length $ iss !! 0
line2Val (k, is) = sum $ map (elem2Val k) $ zip [0..] is
elem2Val k (k', e) = if e /= 0 then 2^(k+k') else 0
nonoans2iss :: NonoAns -> [[Int]]
nonoans2iss ans@(ansVal, vl, wl) =
map (makeLine wl) [0..vl-1]
makeLine wl i =
map (\j->if (/= 0) $ shiftL 1 (i*wl+j) .&. ansVal then 1 else 0) [0..wl-1]
showNonoans :: NonoAns -> String
showNonoans ans@(ansVal, vl, wl) =
unlines $ map (makeLineString wl) [0..vl-1]
makeLineString wl i =
map (\j->if (/= 0) $ shiftL 1 (i*wl+j) .&. ansVal then '*' else ' ') [0..wl-1]
populationSize = 100
eliteSize = 30 --淘汰選択の際に適合度で厳密に選ぶ要素の数
rouletteSize = populationSize - eliteSize --ランダム要素を入れて選ぶ要素の数
crossover = truncate (0.6 * (fromIntegral populationSize) / 2.0)
mutation = 0.01 --変異確率
---GA (遺伝的アルゴリズム)
ga :: Nonogram -> [NonoAns] -> IO NonoAns
ga nono population =
--trace (show population) $
do --population内に解がなかった
mutations <- mapM mutate $ zip [0..] population
pairs <- replicateM crossover $ mkPairs
crossovers <- mapM createCrossover pairs
let nextPopulation = mutations ++ tup2ToList crossovers
fitnessNP = zip (map (flip sat2fitness' $ sat) nextPopulation) nextPopulation
if (fst $ head $ fitnessNP) >= 0.999 then return $ snd $ head $ fitnessNP --解が見つかった
else do
let (elites, rest) = splitAt eliteSize $ sortBy (flip compare) fitnessNP
rouletteEliminations <- selectRouletteEliminations rest rouletteSize
let nextSurvival = elites ++ rouletteEliminations
putStrLn $ "Best:" ++ show (fst $ head nextSurvival)
putStrLn $ showNonoans $ snd $ head $ nextSurvival
ga nono (map snd nextSurvival)
nonoSize = let (_, vl, wl) = head population in vl*wl
sat = nono2sat nono
sat2fitness' ans sat =
let f = sat2fitness ans sat in f -- trace (show f) f
createCrossover :: (NonoAns, NonoAns) -> IO (NonoAns, NonoAns) --次世代の要素の作成
createCrossover (ans1@(ansVal1, vlen1, wlen1), ans2@(ansVal2, vlen2, wlen2)) = do --2点交差で新しい個体を作成
point1 <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, nonoSize-3)
point2 <- getStdRandom $ randomR (min (point1+1) (nonoSize-1), nonoSize-1)
let p1mask = map (shiftL 1) [0..point1-1]
p2mask = map (shiftL (shiftL 1 point1)) [0..(point2-point1)-1]
p3mask = map (shiftL (shiftL 1 point2)) [0..(nonoSize-point2)-1]
(mask1, mask2) = (sum p1mask + sum p3mask, sum p2mask)
return $ ( ((.&.) ansVal1 mask1 + (.&.) ansVal2 mask2, vlen1, wlen1) ,
((.&.) ansVal2 mask1 + (.&.) ansVal1 mask2, vlen2, wlen2) )
mutate :: (Int, NonoAns) -> IO NonoAns
mutate (rank, (ansVal, vl, wl)) = do
mutationBits <- getMutationBits mutation -- (mutation * fromIntegral (rank*5+populationSize) / fromIntegral populationSize)
return (ansVal `xor` mutationBits, vl, wl)
bitMutate :: Double -> IO Z
bitMutate mutationRate = do
(r::Double) <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0.0, 1.0)
if r < mutationRate then return 1 else return 0
getMutationBits :: Double -> IO Z
getMutationBits mutationRate = do
mb <- replicateM nonoSize $ bitMutate mutationRate
return $ sum $ map (\(p,b)->shiftL b p) $ zip [0..] mb
mkPairs :: IO (NonoAns, NonoAns) --交差するための遺伝子ペアを選ぶ
mkPairs = do
l1 <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, populationSize-1)
l2 <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, populationSize-1)
return (population !! l1, population !! l2)
tup2ToList [] = []
tup2ToList ((a,b):rest) = a:b:tup2ToList rest
--ランキングにしたがって割り当てられた生存率と乱数で生存個体を選ぶ(毎ターン、全体数-現在の順位 に比例して選ばれる)
selectRouletteEliminations :: [a] -> Int -> IO [a]
selectRouletteEliminations _ 0 = return []
selectRouletteEliminations xs num = do
let s = sum $ [1..length xs]
rsx = zip3 [0..] (tail $ scanl (+) 0 $ reverse [1..length xs]) xs
r <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, s-1)
let c = findNum rsx r
(h,l) = splitAt c xs
rest <- selectRouletteEliminations (h ++ (tail l)) (num-1)
return $ head l : rest
findNum rxs r = fst3 $ head $ dropWhile (\x->snd3 x<r) rxs
fst3 (a,b,c) = a
snd3 (a,b,c) = b
nonoExpl = ([[1,1],[5],[2,2],[3],[1]], [[2],[4],[1,2],[4],[2]])
nonoExpl2 = ([[1],[]], [[1],[]])
nonoExpl3 = ([[1,1],[1],[1,1]], [[1,1],[1],[1,1]])
nonoHouse = ([[1],[3],[5],[5],[5]], [[3],[4],[5],[4],[3]])
nonoGod = ([
nonoNiconico = ([
--ニコニコテレビちゃん(14*14, 複数解)
nonoNicotv = ([
nonoRain = ([
blankNonoAns n = (0, n, n)
randomNonoAns :: Int -> Double -> IO NonoAns
randomNonoAns n ratio = do
mb <- replicateM nonoSize randBit
return $ (sum $ map (\(p,b)->shiftL b p) $ zip [0..] mb, n, n)
randBit :: IO Z
randBit = do
(r::Double) <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0.0, 1.0)
if r < ratio then return 1 else return 0
nonoSize = n*n
--main = putStrLn $ showNono $ nonoExpl
--main = print $ nono2sat $ nonoExpl2
--main = print =<< ga nonoExpl2 [[0,0],[0,0]]
--main = print =<< (randomWalk nonoExpl3 $ blankNonoAns 3)
--main = putStrLn.("Answer is\n" ++).showNonoans =<< (ga nonoHouse $ replicate populationSize $ blankNonoAns 5)
main = putStrLn.("Answer is\n" ++).showNonoans =<< ga nonoNiconico =<< replicateM populationSize (randomNonoAns 10 0.2)
--main = putStrLn.("Answer is\n" ++).showNonoans =<< ga nonoNicotv =<< replicateM populationSize (randomNonoAns 14 0.2)
--main = putStrLn.("Answer is\n" ++).showNonoans =<< ga nonoRain =<< replicateM populationSize (randomNonoAns 20 0.2)
--main = putStrLn.("Answer is\n" ++).showNonoans =<< ga nonoGod =<< replicateM populationSize (randomNonoAns 30 0.3)
runTests :: [Test] -> IO Counts
runTests ts = runTestTT $ TestList ts
--main = runTests $ sat2FitnessTests
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