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Created April 3, 2010 08:38
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list boundingBoxes;
vector half_dim;
list painted;
vector root;
vector goal;
integer testGridIntersectsBoxes(vector grid_c, vector h_sizes, list BBoxes)
// get bounding box list length
integer BBoxesSize = llGetListLength(BBoxes);
// define an index
integer i;
// define a vector varaible for the difference between grid and bounding box centers
vector box_c;
// define a vector varaible for the sum of half dimensions
vector box_d;
// for each bounding box pair
for (i = 0; i < BBoxesSize; i = i + 2){
// get the bounding box center, find the difference between the grid element and box centers
box_c = llList2Vector(BBoxes, i) - grid_c;
// get the bounding box half dimensions plus half dimensions for th grid element
box_d = llList2Vector(BBoxes, i + 1) + h_sizes;
// test intersection
if (llFabs(box_c.x) <= box_d.x && llFabs(box_c.y) <= box_d.y && llFabs(box_c.z) <= box_d.z){
// llOwnerSay("INTERSECTS");
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
list GreedySearch(vector root, vector goal, float grid_d)
integer i;
vector tempVector;
list path = [];
//get the children as a 2 stride list (cost evaluation, child)
list children = [0.0, <root.x - grid_d, root.y, root.z>, 0.0, <root.x + grid_d, root.y, root.z>, 0.0, <root.x,root.y - grid_d, root.z>,0.0, <root.x, root.y + grid_d, root.z>, 0.0, <root.x,root.y,root.z-grid_d>, 0.0, <root.x,root.y,root.z+grid_d>];
integer j;
for(i = 0; i < 12; i=i+2)
//set the evaluation cost
children = llListReplaceList(children, [llVecDist(llList2Vector(children, i+1), goal)], i,i);
// llOwnerSay("Length of Children " + (string)llGetListLength(children));
children = llListSort(children, 2, TRUE);
for (j = 1; j < 12; j=j+2)
tempVector = llList2Vector(children, j);
llSetRot(llRotBetween(tempVector, goal-tempVector));
//llOwnerSay("GS> tempVector: " + (string) tempVector);
if (llListFindList(painted, [tempVector]) == -1 && !testGridIntersectsBoxes(tempVector, half_dim, boundingBoxes))
painted += [tempVector];
// llOwnerSay("Painted");
if(tempVector == goal)
path = [tempVector];
llOwnerSay("Found Goal");
llOwnerSay("Returning size 1: " + (string)llGetListLength(path) + " Painted size: "+ (string)llGetListLength(painted));
return path;
path = GreedySearch(tempVector, goal, grid_d);
if (llGetListLength(path) > 0)
path += [tempVector];
llOwnerSay("Returning size 2: " + (string)llGetListLength(path) + " Painted size: "+ (string)llGetListLength(painted));
return path;
llOwnerSay("Returning size 3: " + (string)llGetListLength(path) + " Painted size: "+ (string)llGetListLength(painted));
return path;
list AStarSearch(vector root, vector goal, float grid_d)
list open = [llVecDist(root, goal), root, -1];
list closed = [];
list path = [];
vector X;
list children;
integer i;
integer j;
float currentGVal;
while(llGetListLength(open) > 0)
open = llListSort(open, 3, TRUE);
X = llList2Vector(open, 1);
currentGVal = llList2Float(open, 0) - llVecDist(X, goal);
closed += [X, llList2Integer(open, 2)];
j = llGetListLength(closed) - 2;
open = llDeleteSubList(open, 0,2);
children = [<X.x - grid_d, X.y, X.z>, <X.x + grid_d, X.y, X.z>, <X.x, X.y - grid_d, X.z>, <X.x, X.y + grid_d, X.z>, <X.x, X.y, X.z-grid_d>, <X.x, X.y, X.z + grid_d>];
currentGVal += grid_d;
for (i=0; i < 6; i++)
X = llList2Vector(children, i);
llSetRot(llRotBetween(X, goal-X));
if (X.x > 0 && X.y > 0 && X.z == root.z && !testGridIntersectsBoxes(X, half_dim, boundingBoxes))
if (X == goal)
path = [X];
while ( j > -1)
path += [llList2Vector(closed, j)];
j = llList2Integer(closed, j+1);
llOwnerSay("Found Path");
return path;
if (llListFindList(open, [X]) == -1 && llListFindList(closed, [X]) == -1)
open += [currentGVal + llVecDist(X, goal), X, j];
return path;
// set the grid half-dimension
half_dim = <0.25, 0.25, 0.25>;
// get a map of bounding boxes now
// This function will sense all objects that are either
// passive or have active scripts within 96 meter radius
// in a positive pi hemisphere
llSensor("", NULL_KEY, (PASSIVE|ACTIVE), 96.0, PI);
root = llGetPos();
goal = <root.x, root.y+5, root.z>;
touch_start(integer x)
//painted = [];
list aPath;
// llSetRot(llRotBetween(root, goal-root));
llOwnerSay("ROOT: " + (string)root + " GOAL: " + (string)goal);
aPath = GreedySearch(root, goal, 2*half_dim.x);
integer i;
llOwnerSay("Length of Paths: " + (string)llGetListLength(aPath));
for(i = llGetListLength(aPath); i > 0; i--)
llSetPos(llList2Vector(aPath, i));
llSetPos(llList2Vector(aPath, 0));
sensor(integer num_detected)
// define an index variable
integer i;
// a bounding box variable
list box;
// clear the global bounding box list
boundingBoxes = [];
llOwnerSay("Detected: " + (string)num_detected);
// for each detected object
for (i = 0; i < num_detected; i++){
// add the detected position to the bounding box list
boundingBoxes += [llDetectedPos(i)];
// get the bounding box
box = llGetBoundingBox(llDetectedKey(i));
// add the box half dimension to the list
boundingBoxes += [0.5*(llList2Vector(box,1) - llList2Vector(box,0))];
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