Write a 50k-word novel in November.
- I'll learn a lot - about writing, imagination, and successfully completing challenging projects.
- I'll get to be really creative. To create people, events, places.
- I want to do one thing this month that I can be really proud of.
- Writing fiction is totally new to me. I like doing new things.
- I like the idea of becoming a writer.
- I could focus my time on building a business, or doing research in artificial intelligence, but these are open-ended, long-term goals. They're also not that new to me. Writing a novel provides a project with a clearer test of success - did I write 50k words?
- Commits me to the goal, which makes me much more excited, focused, and resourceful
- Encourages me to visualize success
- Keeps my motivation high, to get my $1000 back!
- I'm confident I can achieve the goal. (50k words/ 20days = 2500 words per day or 5 pages per day on average)
- I really want to do something this month I can be proud of. I have failed to do this for the previous 4 months.
- Send Daniel $1000 on Sat. November 11.
- Get money back after successfully completing project, or aborting it.
- Success = submit 50k-word novel to Daniel via email before the end of the day December 1.
- Abort = emergency prevents me from completing the project (health/family-related, for instance)
- Failure = fail to submit novel by Dec. 1. If that happens, Daniel donates the money to charity of his choosing.