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Created July 19, 2015 02:49
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Generate a macro to run in ImageJ - macro colorizes and merges images of a cell taken at different wavelengths.
from toolz import thread_first, thread_last, curry, groupby, pipe
import os
config = dict(c1 = "TxRed",
c2 = "FITC",
c3 = "DAPI")
directory = '/Users/jonah/Desktop/SRF Internship/APB ssC optimization data/Raw'
files = ['a DAPI 01.tif','a FITC 01.tif','a TxRed 01.tif']
# {a:b} -> [string] -> {a:b}
def filter_keys(d,keys):
return dict(filter(lambda x: x[0] in keys,d.items()))
# {c1:string, c2:string, c3:string} -> string -> {group:string, channel:string, filename:string}
def parse(config,filename):
for channel, pattern in config.iteritems():
if pattern in filename:
return dict(group = filename.replace(pattern,''),
channel = channel,
filename = filename)
# [{group:string, channel:string, filename:string}] -> {c1:string, c2:string, c3:string}
def make_channel_dict(items):
return {d['channel']:d['filename'] for d in items}
# (b -> c) -> {a:b} -> {a:c}
def mapvals(f,d):
return {key:f(value) for key,value in d.iteritems()}
# {a -> b -> c} -> {a:b} -> [c]
def mapdict(f,d):
return [f(key,value) for key,value in d.iteritems()]
# string -> [string] -> {c1:string, c2:string, c3:string} -> string
def generate_macro(filepath,filenames,config):
return thread_last(filenames,
(groupby,lambda d: d['group']),
(lambda x: '\n'.join(x)))
# string -> string -> {c1:string, c2:string, c3:string} -> string
def create_task(filepath,key,val):
save_path = os.path.split(filepath)[0]
return pipe([make_mkdir_cmd(os.path.join(save_path,key.rstrip('.tif'))),
'run("Close All");'],
lambda x: '\n'.join(x))
# string -> string
def make_open_cmd(f):
return 'open("{}");'.format(f)
# {a:b} -> string
def make_merge_cmd(d):
return 'run("Merge Channels...","{} keep");'.format(dict_to_string(d))
def dict_to_string(d):
return ' '.join(["{}=[{}]".format(key,val) for key,val in d.iteritems()])
def make_save_cmd(f):
return 'saveAs("Jpeg", "{}");'.format(f)
# string -> string
def make_mkdir_cmd(filepath):
return 'File.makeDirectory("{}");'.format(filepath)
def drop_path_dir(path):
return path.split('/')
print generate_macro(directory,files,config)
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