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Last active November 25, 2017 21:22
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Ideas to improve Keras
1. For the fit and evaluate methods, make verbose=2 the default (rather than verbose=1).
I ignore the checkmarks produced by verbose=1, and they seem to freeze the Jupyter notebook. Frustrating.
2. Save IMDB as pickle upon download, rather than npz. Loading it into memory then takes around 6 seconds rather than 60 seconds.
### Usual imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import keras
from keras.layers import Dense
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
### Utility functions
# MNIST loader. Create a single dictionary, rather than 4 variables in a particular order.
def load_mnist():
(training_images, training_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
return {
'training_images': training_images,
'training_labels': training_labels,
'test_images': test_images,
'test_labels': test_labels
def summarize(xs):
""" Return dataframe with shape, range, and type of values in provided dictionary.
Used for dictionary of training/test samples & labels.
def summarize_value(x):
return dict(
shape = x.shape,
value_range = (x.min(), x.max()),
value_type = x.dtype
return pd.DataFrame({k: summarize_value(v) for k,v in xs.items()})
def compile_net(hidden_layers, kind):
""" Infer final layer and loss based on the kind of problem.
Given an integer (number of classes), it assumes a multiclass problem (and the associated softmax activation in the last layer)
Given 'binary', produces proper last layer and loss.
net = keras.models.Sequential()
for layer in hidden_layers:
if type(kind) == int:
n_classes = kind
net.add(Dense(n_classes, activation='softmax'))
loss = 'categorical_crossentropy'
elif kind == 'binary':
net.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
loss = "binary_crossentropy"
optimizer = 'rmsprop',
metrics = ['accuracy'],
loss = loss
return net
def fit(net, data, validation_fraction=None, verbose = 2, **kwargs):
""" Avoid default verbosity, which freezes notebook. Set other defaults too.
Submit all data as dictionary containing x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
Can specify validation_fraction.
if validation_fraction == None:
return['x_train'], data['y_train'], verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
n = int(float(len(data['x_train'])) * validation_fraction)
x_train = data['x_train'][n:]
y_train = data['y_train'][n:]
x_validation = data['x_train'][:n]
y_validation = data['y_train'][:n]
return, y_train, verbose=verbose, validation_data = (x_validation, y_validation),**kwargs)
def evaluate(net, x, y, verbose = 2, **kwargs):
"Identitical to usual function, with verbose=2"
return net.evaluate(x,y, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
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