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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Save dela3499/a0282209602e92aa105a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Decode messages where letters are just shifted (i.e 'a' becomes 'b', 'b' becomes 'c', and so on.) You can run this by pasting the code into
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, text, toElement, div, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (on, targetValue)
import Signal exposing (Address)
import StartApp.Simple as StartApp
import String
import List
import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
import Char
import Dict exposing (Dict)
main =
StartApp.start { model = "", view = view, update = update }
update newStr oldStr =
modifiedGetShiftedStrings string =
let shiftedStrings = getShiftedStrings string |> List.tail
in case shiftedStrings of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> [""]
view : Address String -> String -> Html
view address string =
let shiftedStrings =
modifiedGetShiftedStrings string |> createView
div [bgStyle]
[ div []
([ input
[ placeholder "Secret Message Goes Here!"
, value string
, on "input" targetValue (Signal.message address)
, myMainStyle
] ++ shiftedStrings)
createView string =
div [ myStyle ] [ text string ]
myMainStyle =
[ ("display", "block")
, ("margin-left", "auto")
, ("margin-right", "auto")
, ("margin-top", "25px")
, ("margin-bottom", "45px")
, ("width", "90%")
, ("height", "40px")
, ("padding", "10px 10px")
, ("font-size", "1em")
, ("text-align", "left")
, ("background-color", "White")
, ("color", "Black")
, ("opacity", "1")
, ("vertical-align", "middle")
myStyle : Attribute
myStyle =
[ ("display", "block")
, ("margin-left", "auto")
, ("margin-right", "auto")
, ("margin-top", "25px")
, ("width", "90%")
, ("height", "40px")
, ("padding", "10px 10px")
, ("font-size", "1em")
, ("text-align", "left")
, ("background-color", "#232F47")
, ("color", "white")
, ("vertical-align", "middle")
bgStyle : Attribute
bgStyle =
[ ("background-color", "#000F2E")
, ("padding", "25px")
, ("height", "100%")
{-- Module exposing (getShiftedStrings) --}
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-- Return list of integers from start to end (not including end)
range: Int -> Int -> List Int
range start end =
if start < end
then start :: (range (start + 1) end)
else []
-- Apply function to input n times, building up a list of results
applyN: (a -> a) -> a -> Int -> List a
applyN f x n =
List.scanl (\_ y -> f y) x (range 0 n)
-- Pair elements from each of two lists
zip xs ys =
List.map2 (,) xs ys
-- Return True if letter, False if special character.
isLetter: Char -> Bool
isLetter char =
|> Char.toLower
|> String.fromChar
|> \x -> String.contains x alphabet
-- Return new list with each element replaced by the one that
-- follows it. Last element is replaced by first.
rshift: List a -> List a
rshift xs =
case xs of
head::tail -> tail ++ [head]
[] -> []
-- Return dict where keys are from provided
-- given list and values from shifted list.
getShiftMap: List comparable -> Dict comparable comparable
getShiftMap xs =
zip xs (rshift xs) |> Dict.fromList
-- Dict mapping each letter of the alphabet to the next.
letterMap: Dict Char Char
letterMap =
let lowercase = String.toList alphabet
uppercase = Char.toUpper lowercase
lowerMap = getShiftMap lowercase
upperMap = getShiftMap uppercase
in Dict.union lowerMap upperMap
-- Given a letter, return next letter in alphabet.
shiftLetter: Char -> Char
shiftLetter letter =
let shiftedLetter = Dict.get letter letterMap
in case shiftedLetter of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> '_'
-- Return next letter in alphabet unless special character.
shiftCharacter: Char -> Char
shiftCharacter char =
if isLetter char
then shiftLetter char
else char
-- Shift every letter in string forward one.
shiftString: String -> String
shiftString string = shiftCharacter string
-- Return all 26 shifted versions of string
getShiftedStrings: String -> List String
getShiftedStrings string =
applyN shiftString string 25
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One improvement to this would be to highlight common bigrams. This should make valid English stand out.
This could be purely visual, or you could assign a score to each string, then show only the top scorers, or perhaps color each string in proportion to its score.

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