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Created October 12, 2010 20:11
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Save delagoya/622823 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of parsing 2bit formatted genome files with Ruby BinData gem
require 'rubygems'
require "bindata"
# A .2bit file stores multiple DNA sequences (up to 4 Gb total) in a compact
# randomly-accessible format. The file contains masking information as well as
# the DNA itself.
# The file begins with a 16-byte header containing the following fields:
# signature - the number 0x1A412743 in the architecture of the machine that
# created the file version - zero for now. Readers should abort if they see a
# version number higher than 0. sequenceCount - the number of sequences in the
# file. reserved - always zero for now All fields are 32 bits unless noted. If
# the signature value is not as given, the reader program should byte-swap the
# signature and check if the swapped version matches. If so, all multiple-byte
# entities in the file will have to be byte-swapped. This enables these binary
files to be used unchanged on different architectures.
class TwoBitHeader < BinData::Record
endian :little
uint32 :sig
uint32 :ver
uint32 :num
uint32 :reserved_flag
# The header is followed by a file index, which contains one entry for each
# sequence. Each index entry contains three fields:
# nameSize - a byte containing the length of the name field name - the sequence
# name itself, of variable length depending on nameSize offset - the 32-bit
# offset of the sequence data relative to the start of the file
class TwoBitIndexEntry < BinData::Record
endian :little
int8 :len
string :name, :read_length => :len
uint32 :seq_offset
# The index is followed by the sequence records, which contain nine fields:
# dnaSize - number of bases of DNA in the sequence
# nBlockCount - the number of blocks of Ns in the file
# (representing unknown sequence)
# nBlockStarts - the starting position for each block of Ns
# nBlockSizes - the size of each block of Ns
# maskBlockCount - the number of masked (lower-case) blocks
# maskBlockStarts - the starting position for each masked block
# maskBlockSizes - the size of each masked block
# reserved - always zero for now
# packedDna - the DNA packed to two bits per base, represented as so: T - 00,
# C- 01, A - 10, G - 11. The first base is in the
# most significant 2-bit byte; the last base is in the least
# significant 2 bits. For example, the sequence TCAG is
# represented as 00011011. The packedDna field is padded with 0
# bits as necessary to take an even multiple of 32 bits
# in the file, which improves I/O performance on some machines.
class TwoBitArray < BinData::Wrapper
endian :little
mandatory_parameter :len
array :type => :uint32, :initial_length => :len
class TwoBitSequence < BinData::Wrapper
endian :little
mandatory_parameter :len
array :type => :bit2, :initial_length => :len
class TwoBitSequenceEntry < BinData::Record
endian :little
uint32 :dna_size
# N blocks
uint32 :n_block_count
two_bit_array :n_block_starts, :len => :n_block_count
two_bit_array :n_block_sizes, :len => :n_block_count
# masked blocks
uint32 :m_block_count
two_bit_array :m_block_starts, :len => :m_block_count
two_bit_array :m_block_sizes, :len => :m_block_count
uint32 :reserved
# two_bit_sequence :sequence, :len => :dna_size
io =[0])
h =
puts "HEADER : #{h.sig} | #{h.ver} | #{h.num} | #{h.reserved_flag }"
puts "So we have #{h.num} sequences here. Let's get the second sequence..."
first_entry =
puts "First sequence entry is #{} and is at file offset #{first_entry.seq_offset} ."
second_entry =
puts "Second sequence entry is #{} and is at file offset #{second_entry.seq_offset} ."
# Set the read position to the second entry's start position
io.pos = second_entry.seq_offset
# This is big, probably not a good way to do this...
seq_entry =
puts "Second sequence is #{seq_entry.dna_size} bases."
puts "There are #{seq_entry.n_block_count} \"N\" blocks."
puts "The largest \"N\" block is #{seq_entry.n_block_sizes.max}"
puts "There are #{seq_entry.m_block_count} masked blocks."
puts "The largest masked block is #{seq_entry.m_block_sizes.max}"
puts "Reading first 10 bases. "
seq = => 10)
puts "Sequence in 2bit format is: #{ {|e| "%0.2d" % e.to_i.to_s(2)}.join " "}"
def convert_to_ascii(arr)
bases = {0 => "T", 1 => "C", 2 => "A", 3 => "G" }
arr.collect {|b| bases[b]}.join("")
puts "Converting that to ASCII is: " + convert_to_ascii(seq)
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You don't want to parse the sequence along with the TwoBitSequenceEntry summary information, since it will create Ruby arrays of each 2bit base encoding. HUGE memory bloat.

Better to stream parse the sequence as shown in the example (lines 112..116)

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