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Last active October 13, 2023 05:32
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cohost image uploader
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# cohost image uploader v3
# requirements: linux + zsh + imagemagick + curl + jq
# (you don’t need to be a zsh user)
# limitations: does not actually attach the image to the post
set -euo pipefail
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
>&2 echo "usage: $0 <projectHandle> <postId> <file> [file ...]"
exit 1
if [ "${COHOST_COOKIE+x}" = "" ]; then
>&2 echo 'COHOST_COOKIE not set!'
>&2 echo 'to avoid this prompt next time: read -r COHOST_COOKIE; export COHOST_COOKIE'
>&2 printf \%s 'paste your cohost cookie (connect.sid=... with % encoding): '
case "$COHOST_COOKIE" in
(connect.sid=*) COHOST_COOKIE="$COHOST_COOKIE" ;;
(*) COHOST_COOKIE="connect.sid=$COHOST_COOKIE" ;;
projectHandle=$1; shift
postId=$1; shift
for file; do
basename -- "$file" | read -r basename
file --mime-type "$file" | sed 's/.*: //' | read -r contentType
stat -c \%s -- "$file" | read -r contentLength # FIXME doesn’t work on bsd
identify "$file" | sed -E 's/.* ([^ ]+)( [^ ]+){6}/\1/;s/x/ /' | read -r width height
>&2 echo "step 1/3 (posts.attachment.start)"
curl -fsSo "$json" '' \
-X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Cookie: $COHOST_COOKIE" --data-raw \
# build list of -F key=value arguments from what we were given in step 1
set --
< "$json" jq -r '.[0] | to_entries[] | "\(.key)=\(.value)"' | while read -r kv; do
set -- "$@" -F "$kv"
>&2 echo "step 2/3 (redcent-dev)"
curl -fsS "$@" -F "file=@$file" "$(< "$json" jq -r '.[0]')"
>&2 echo "step 3/3 (posts.attachment.finish)"
curl -fsSo "$json" '' \
-X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Cookie: $COHOST_COOKIE" --data-raw \
'{"0":{"projectHandle":"'"$projectHandle"'","postId":'"$postId"',"attachmentId":"'"$(< "$json" jq -r '.[0]')"'"}}'
# print both url formats, so the user can use the correct one,
# but also has every right to be incorrect
< "$json" jq -r '.[0]' >&2
< "$json" jq -r '"" + .[0]'
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