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Created September 23, 2016 15:52
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Rot13 english word pairs
a n
ab no
aba non
abb noo
abba noon
abib novo
abjurer nowhere
abl noy
abn noa
abo nob
abt nog
abu noh
aby nol
ac np
ae nr
af ns
ag nt
ah nu
aha nun
ahey nurl
aho nub
ai nv
al ny
an na
ana nan
anan nana
anc nap
ane nar
ani nav
anil navy
ann naa
ans naf
ant nag
aq nd
ar ne
arar nene
arb neo
arba neon
arc nep
arg net
arn nea
arr nee
ars nef
art neg
arx nek
at ng
av ni
avg nit
avo nib
aw nj
ay nl
az nm
b o
ba on
bab ono
bag ont
bal ony
balk onyx
ban ona
bar one
bare oner
barf ones
bbs oof
bcf ops
be or
bean orna
becuna orphan
been orra
bef ors
beg ort
bel ory
belk oryx
ben ora
ber ore
bes orf
bet org
bey orl
bf os
bg ot
bin ova
birl ovey
bk ox
bl oy
bm oz
bo ob
bon oba
bona oban
boo obb
bor obe
bow obj
boy obl
bp oc
br oe
brava oenin
bs of
bt og
bu oh
bub oho
buz ohm
bx ok
by ol
bz om
c p
calk pnyx
cb po
cc pp
cd pq
ce pr
cf ps
cfs psf
cg pt
ch pu
cha pun
chal puny
chan puna
chat pung
che pur
chee purr
cheer purre
cheery purrel
chef purs
cher pure
chere purer
chg put
chn pua
cho pub
choy publ
cig pvt
clerk pyrex
clk pyx
clr pye
cp pc
cps pcf
cq pd
cr pe
craal penny
crag pent
crany penal
crc pep
cre per
crea pern
creel perry
cres perf
cru peh
crub peho
cs pf
csk pfx
csp pfc
cst pfg
ct pg
cu ph
cub pho
cuba phon
cue phr
cuvy phil
cv pi
cy pl
cyl ply
d q
da qn
dc qp
de qr
def qrs
dg qt
dhoon qubba
di qv
dl qy
dr qe
du qh
dy ql
dz qm
e r
ea rn
ebb roo
ebbs roof
ef rs
eg rt
elong rybat
en ra
enc rap
eng rat
engr rate
enl ray
entr rage
entre rager
envy rail
ep rc
eq rd
er re
era ren
erd req
erf res
erg ret
erk rex
ern rea
erne rear
err ree
errs reef
ers ref
erse refr
es rf
et rg
eu rh
evg rit
eyl rly
eyr rle
f s
fa sn
fano snab
fant snag
faro sneb
farrel sneery
fb so
fbi sov
fc sp
fcy spl
fe sr
ff ss
fg st
fgn sta
fi sv
ofip svc
flap sync
flob sybo
fly syl
fn sa
fo sb
fp sc
fps scf
fr se
fra sen
frag sent
frail senvy
franz senam
freen serra
freir serve
fren sera
frere serer
fret serg
frt seg
fry sel
fs sf
ft sg
fu sh
fub sho
fubby shool
fug sht
fun sha
funt shag
fur she
furry sheel
fv si
fy sl
fz sm
g t
ga tn
gag tnt
gat tng
ge tr
gel try
gen tra
genl tray
gent trag
genu trah
gers tref
ghat tung
ghee turr
gi tv
glar tyne
glt tyg
gn ta
gnar tane
gnat tang
go tb
gp tc
gr te
gra ten
graf tens
grat teng
gre ter
gree terr
green terra
greeny terral
grr tee
grs tef
gry tel
gt tg
gu th
gubat thong
gul thy
gun tha
guna than
gung that
gunj thaw
gunja thawn
gur the
gurl they
gurr thee
gv ti
gye tlr
h u
ha un
haf uns
han una
hao unb
hap unc
hat ung
hav uni
hay unl
hcb upo
hcf ups
he ur
heaf urns
hen ura
heo urb
her ure
hern urea
hes urf
hf us
hg ut
hin uva
hop ubc
hp uc
ht ug
hv ui
i v
ib vo
iba von
ic vp
ie vr
if vs
iff vss
ii vv
in va
inf vas
ing vat
ink vax
int vag
intr vage
io vb
iq vd
iran vena
iraq vend
ire ver
irk vex
it vg
iv vi
iva vin
ivin viva
ivy vil
j w
jebat wrong
jg wt
jnt wag
jo wb
jr we
js wf
jt wg
jun wha
junc whap
june whar
jura when
jus whf
k x
kers xref
kv xi
l y
la yn
lb yo
le yr
lf ys
lg yt
ln ya
lr ye
lv yi
m z
ma zn
mb zo
mf zs
mn za
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