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Created August 26, 2018 23:21
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A Starter Texture Shader for Metal
// Texture.metal
// Delasign
// Created by Oscar De la Hera Gomez on 8/12/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Delasign. All rights reserved.
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
#include <SceneKit/scn_metal>
struct NodeBuffer {
float4x4 modelTransform;
float4x4 modelViewTransform;
float4x4 normalTransform;
float4x4 modelViewProjectionTransform;
float2x3 boundingBox;
float4x4 viewTransform;
float4x4 inverseViewTransform; // view space to world space
float4x4 projectionTransform;
float4x4 viewProjectionTransform;
float4x4 viewToCubeTransform; // view space to cube texture space (right-handed, y-axis-up)
float4 ambientLightingColor;
float4 fogColor;
float3 fogParameters; // x: -1/(end-start) y: 1-start*x z: exponent
float time; // system time elapsed since first render with this shader
float sinTime; // precalculated sin(time)
float cosTime; // precalculated cos(time)
float random01; // random value between 0.0 and 1.0
typedef struct {
float3 position [[ attribute(SCNVertexSemanticPosition) ]];
float2 texCoords0 [[ attribute(SCNVertexSemanticTexcoord0) ]];
half4 color [[ attribute(SCNVertexSemanticColor)]];
} VertexInput;
constant float milestoneTimeBreadth = 5;
struct Vertex
float4 position [[position]];
float2 uv;
half4 color;
float2 texCoords;
float time;
vertex Vertex TextureVertexShader(VertexInput in [[ stage_in ]],
uint vertexID [[vertex_id]],
constant SCNSceneBuffer& scn_frame [[buffer(0)]],
constant NodeBuffer& scn_node [[buffer(1)]])
Vertex vert;
vert.texCoords = in.texCoords0[vertexID];
vert.uv = in.texCoords0;
vert.time = scn_frame.time;
vert.position = scn_node.modelViewProjectionTransform * float4(in.position, 1.0);
return vert;
fragment half4 TextureSurfaceFragment(Vertex in [[stage_in]],
constant SCNSceneBuffer& scn_frame [[buffer(0)]],
constant NodeBuffer& scn_node [[buffer(1)]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> diffuseTexture [[texture(0)]])
constexpr sampler sampler2d(coord::normalized, filter::linear, address::repeat);
float4 color = diffuseTexture.sample(sampler2d, in.texCoords);
float timerMilestone = floor(in.time/milestoneTimeBreadth);
float currentTime = in.time;
float timer = (currentTime - timerMilestone*milestoneTimeBreadth);
half4 fragColor;
fragColor.rgb = half3(color.rgb);
fragColor.a = 1;
return fragColor;
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