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Last active September 9, 2019 16:58
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  • Creating gems
  • Installing gems
  • Private repos - Gemfury
  • rbenv - manage installed ruby versions
  • bundler - manage gems based on gemfile


  • Regexp
  • Enumerable
  • Metaprogramming
  • Concurrency



  • ActiveRecord
  • ActiveModel
  • ActiveJob
  • ActionMailer
  • ActiveSupport
  • Migration
  • Validation
  • Callbacks
  • ActionControllers
  • Request Environment
  • Response
  • render | redirect | send_xxx
  • sessions & flash
  • callbacks
  • ActionDispatch (Routes)
  • url_mapping
  • resources


  • helpers
  • Layout
  • Template
  • Partial
  • Form helpers
  • Asset Pipeline


  • AAA
  • TDD
  • doubles
  • Cucumber
  • Capybara


  • Configration
  • Initialization
  • Autoloading
  • ActiveStorage
  • Caching
    • Page
    • Action
    • Fragment
    • Russian Doll
    • Shared partial caching
    • SQL Caching
    • Cache Stores
    • Conditional GET support
    • Strong vs Weak ETags
  • Engines
  • ActionCable
  • I18n
  • Common Security Issues
    • Session hijacking
    • CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery
    • Sql Injection
    • XSS cross-site scripting
  • Common Performance Issues

Other non rails stuff

  • Search engines
  • Redis
  • Sidekiq
  • Rest
  • Crud
  • No-Sql dbs

Good practices

  • Design Patterns
  • TDD
  • Contract based testing
  • Refactoring

Gems (Move this to other place)

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