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Last active December 29, 2019 17:47
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  • Save delbonis/94a68c15120ca98f31357a871da7095a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save delbonis/94a68c15120ca98f31357a871da7095a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
warning: redundant field names in struct initialization
--> src/
24 | url: url,
| ^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `url`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_field_names)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: redundant field names in struct initialization
--> src/
40 | expected: expected,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `expected`
= help: for further information visit
warning: redundant field names in struct initialization
--> src/
41 | found: found,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `found`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
138 | return Ok(ketos::Value::Unit);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `Ok(ketos::Value::Unit)`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
179 | return Ok(ketos::Value::Unit);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `Ok(ketos::Value::Unit)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
196 | return Ok(ketos::Value::Unit);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `Ok(ketos::Value::Unit)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
54 | const REMOVE_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[r"\[[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+\]", ""];
| -^^^^^^^--------------- help: consider removing `'static`: `&[&'static str]`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_static_lifetimes)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
54 | const REMOVE_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[r"\[[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+\]", ""];
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
58 | const LABELLING_STRINGS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^--------------- help: consider removing `'static`: `&[&'static str]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
58 | const LABELLING_STRINGS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
70 | const WEAK_LABEL_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^--------------- help: consider removing `'static`: `&[&'static str]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
70 | const WEAK_LABEL_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
89 | const EPISODE_REGEX: &'static str = "S(?P<season>[0-9]{1,2})E(?P<episode>[0-9]{1,2})";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
92 | const SEASON_DISC_REGEX: &'static str = "S([0-9]{2}D[1-9]{1,2}";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
99 | const RELEASE_YEAR_REGEX: &'static str = "(19|20)[0-9]{2}";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
102 | const EDGE_TRIM_CHARS: &'static str = " -_.()|";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/db/
20 | const CONTENT_TYPE: &'static str = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/db/
22 | pub const TOKEN_VAR: &'static str = "BB_THEMOVIEDB_KEY";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this `else { if .. }` block can be collapsed
--> src/
230 | ... } else {
| ______________________________^
231 | | ... if let Some(ep_n) = report.maybe_ep_number {
232 | | ... let ep = media::EpisodeNum::Ep(ep_n);
233 | | ... match resolve_series_episode(&s, ep, pickdb.clone())
... |
246 | | ... }
247 | | ... }
| |_______________________^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::collapsible_if)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
help: try
230 | } else if let Some(ep_n) = report.maybe_ep_number {
231 | let ep = media::EpisodeNum::Ep(ep_n);
232 | match resolve_series_episode(&s, ep, pickdb.clone())
233 | .await?
234 | {
235 | Some(ep) => {
warning: All the struct fields are matched to a wildcard pattern, consider using `..`.
--> src/
44 | TitleData::Episode { id: _, ep_name: _ } => TitleType::Episode,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unneeded_field_pattern)]` on by default
= help: Try with `Episode { .. }` instead
= help: for further information visit
warning: You matched a field with a wildcard pattern. Consider using `..` instead
--> src/
59 | TitleData::Episode { id, ep_name: _ } => {
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= help: Try with `Episode { id, .. }`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
134 | return None;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `None`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
70 | return cur[b.len()];
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `cur[b.len()]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: You are using an explicit closure for cloning elements
--> src/
67 | let val: Vec<ketos::Value> = li.iter().skip(1).map(|v| v.clone()).collect();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: Consider calling the dedicated `cloned` method: `li.iter().skip(1).cloned()`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::map_clone)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to one
--> src/
187 | if args.len() < 1 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `args.is_empty()`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::len_zero)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> src/
325 | if !title.contains("-") && !title.contains("|") {
| ^^^ help: try using a char instead: `'-'`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::single_char_pattern)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> src/
325 | if !title.contains("-") && !title.contains("|") {
| ^^^ help: try using a char instead: `'|'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: the function has a cognitive complexity of (29/25)
--> src/
86 | async move {
| ____________________^
87 | | let inner = dup.0.as_ref();
88 | |
89 | | // First we generate a content ID report, enhance it with the dir
... |
278 | | Ok(IdMatch::Unknown)
279 | | }
| |_________^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::cognitive_complexity)]` on by default
= help: you could split it up into multiple smaller functions
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
138 | if results.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `results.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
188 | if exact_matches.len() > 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `!is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `!exact_matches.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
268 | if collection.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `collection.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
269 | if db_errs.len() != 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `!is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `!db_errs.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (4 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
283 | fn check_years_eq(a: &Option<media::Year>, b: &Option<media::Year>) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `Option<media::Year>`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::trivially_copy_pass_by_ref)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (4 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
283 | fn check_years_eq(a: &Option<media::Year>, b: &Option<media::Year>) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `Option<media::Year>`
= help: for further information visit
warning: you should consider adding a `Default` implementation for `identify::IdentifierBuilder`
--> src/
374 | / pub fn new() -> IdentifierBuilder {
375 | | IdentifierBuilder {
376 | | inner: IdentifierInner {
377 | | db_mappings: HashMap::new(),
... |
380 | | }
381 | | }
| |_____^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::new_without_default)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
help: try this
373 | impl Default for identify::IdentifierBuilder {
374 | fn default() -> Self {
375 | Self::new()
376 | }
377 | }
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
398 | if self.inner.db_mappings.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `self.inner.db_mappings.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (3 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
414 | fn to_class(&self) -> Option<media::MediaClass> {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (3 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
422 | fn is_forced(&self) -> bool {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (1 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
180 | fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (1 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
208 | fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> src/
223 | let parts: Vec<&str> = s.splitn(2, ":").collect();
| ^^^ help: try using a char instead: `':'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: implementation of inherent method `to_string(&self) -> String` for type `media::MediaClass`
--> src/
235 | / pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
236 | | format!("{}:{}", self.0.to_str(), self.1.to_str())
237 | | }
| |_____^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::inherent_to_string)]` on by default
= help: implement trait `Display` for type `media::MediaClass` instead
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (2 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
235 | pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (2 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
239 | pub fn domain(&self) -> MediaDomain {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (2 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
243 | pub fn format(&self) -> MediaFormat {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: an inclusive range would be more readable
--> src/
58 | let mut cur: Vec<usize> = (0..b.len() + 1).collect();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use: `(0..=b.len())`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::range_plus_one)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
54 | const REMOVE_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[r"\[[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+\]", ""];
| -^^^^^^^--------------- help: consider removing `'static`: `&[&'static str]`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_static_lifetimes)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
54 | const REMOVE_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[r"\[[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+\]", ""];
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
58 | const LABELLING_STRINGS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^--------------- help: consider removing `'static`: `&[&'static str]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
58 | const LABELLING_STRINGS: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
70 | const WEAK_LABEL_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^--------------- help: consider removing `'static`: `&[&'static str]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
70 | const WEAK_LABEL_REGEXES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
89 | const EPISODE_REGEX: &'static str = "S(?P<season>[0-9]{1,2})E(?P<episode>[0-9]{1,2})";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
92 | const SEASON_DISC_REGEX: &'static str = "S([0-9]{2}D[1-9]{1,2}";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
99 | const RELEASE_YEAR_REGEX: &'static str = "(19|20)[0-9]{2}";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/
102 | const EDGE_TRIM_CHARS: &'static str = " -_.()|";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/db/
20 | const CONTENT_TYPE: &'static str = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: Constants have by default a `'static` lifetime
--> src/db/
22 | pub const TOKEN_VAR: &'static str = "BB_THEMOVIEDB_KEY";
| -^^^^^^^---- help: consider removing `'static`: `&str`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this `else { if .. }` block can be collapsed
--> src/
230 | ... } else {
| ______________________________^
231 | | ... if let Some(ep_n) = report.maybe_ep_number {
232 | | ... let ep = media::EpisodeNum::Ep(ep_n);
233 | | ... match resolve_series_episode(&s, ep, pickdb.clone())
... |
246 | | ... }
247 | | ... }
| |_______________________^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::collapsible_if)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
help: try
230 | } else if let Some(ep_n) = report.maybe_ep_number {
231 | let ep = media::EpisodeNum::Ep(ep_n);
232 | match resolve_series_episode(&s, ep, pickdb.clone())
233 | .await?
234 | {
235 | Some(ep) => {
warning: All the struct fields are matched to a wildcard pattern, consider using `..`.
--> src/
44 | TitleData::Episode { id: _, ep_name: _ } => TitleType::Episode,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unneeded_field_pattern)]` on by default
= help: Try with `Episode { .. }` instead
= help: for further information visit
warning: You matched a field with a wildcard pattern. Consider using `..` instead
--> src/
59 | TitleData::Episode { id, ep_name: _ } => {
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= help: Try with `Episode { id, .. }`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
134 | return None;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `None`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
70 | return cur[b.len()];
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `cur[b.len()]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded return statement
--> src/
180 | return res;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove `return`: `res`
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> src/
325 | if !title.contains("-") && !title.contains("|") {
| ^^^ help: try using a char instead: `'-'`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::single_char_pattern)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> src/
325 | if !title.contains("-") && !title.contains("|") {
| ^^^ help: try using a char instead: `'|'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: the function has a cognitive complexity of (29/25)
--> src/
86 | async move {
| ____________________^
87 | | let inner = dup.0.as_ref();
88 | |
89 | | // First we generate a content ID report, enhance it with the dir
... |
278 | | Ok(IdMatch::Unknown)
279 | | }
| |_________^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::cognitive_complexity)]` on by default
= help: you could split it up into multiple smaller functions
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
138 | if results.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `results.is_empty()`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::len_zero)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
188 | if exact_matches.len() > 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `!is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `!exact_matches.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
268 | if collection.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `collection.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
269 | if db_errs.len() != 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `!is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `!db_errs.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (4 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
283 | fn check_years_eq(a: &Option<media::Year>, b: &Option<media::Year>) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `Option<media::Year>`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::trivially_copy_pass_by_ref)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (4 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
283 | fn check_years_eq(a: &Option<media::Year>, b: &Option<media::Year>) -> bool {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `Option<media::Year>`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
398 | if self.inner.db_mappings.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `self.inner.db_mappings.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (3 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
414 | fn to_class(&self) -> Option<media::MediaClass> {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (3 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
422 | fn is_forced(&self) -> bool {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (1 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
180 | fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (1 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
208 | fn to_str(&self) -> &'static str {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> src/
223 | let parts: Vec<&str> = s.splitn(2, ":").collect();
| ^^^ help: try using a char instead: `':'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: implementation of inherent method `to_string(&self) -> String` for type `media::MediaClass`
--> src/
235 | / pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
236 | | format!("{}:{}", self.0.to_str(), self.1.to_str())
237 | | }
| |_____^
= note: `#[warn(clippy::inherent_to_string)]` on by default
= help: implement trait `Display` for type `media::MediaClass` instead
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (2 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
235 | pub fn to_string(&self) -> String {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (2 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
239 | pub fn domain(&self) -> MediaDomain {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this argument (2 byte) is passed by reference, but would be more efficient if passed by value (limit: 8 byte)
--> src/
243 | pub fn format(&self) -> MediaFormat {
| ^^^^^ help: consider passing by value instead: `self`
= help: for further information visit
warning: an inclusive range would be more readable
--> src/
58 | let mut cur: Vec<usize> = (0..b.len() + 1).collect();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use: `(0..=b.len())`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::range_plus_one)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: this call to `as_ref` does nothing
--> src/
108 | let report = match contentid::recognize(recognize_this.as_ref()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try this: `recognize_this`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_asref)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: `if _ { .. } else { .. }` is an expression
--> src/
192 | / let mut forced = true;
193 | | if mt.chars().last().unwrap() == '?' {
194 | | // I hope this does what I think it does.
195 | | mt = &mt[ - 1];
196 | | forced = false;
197 | | }
| |_____^ help: it is more idiomatic to write: `let <mut> forced = if mt.chars().last().unwrap() == '?' { ..; false } else { true };`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_let_if_seq)]` on by default
= note: you might not need `mut` at all
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
187 | if mt.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `mt.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: you should use the `ends_with` method
--> src/
193 | if mt.chars().last().unwrap() == '?' {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: like this: `mt.ends_with('?')`
= note: `#[warn(clippy::chars_last_cmp)]` on by default
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
200 | if mt.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `mt.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> src/
260 | if dbs.len() == 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `dbs.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.22s
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