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UE4 C++ Spawn Actor from Blueprint
// MyClass.h ==============================
UClass *mBlueprintClass = nullptr;
// ==========================================
// MyClass.cpp ==============================
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UBlueprint> blueprint_finder(TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/Path/To/Asset/MyBlueprint.MyBlueprint'")); // This path can be obtained from the editor doing right click + "Copy Reference"
if (blueprint_finder)
mBlueprintClass = (UClass*) blueprint_finder.Object->GeneratedClass;
void MyClass::SpawnObject()
const FVector spawn_point = FVector(0, 4, 7);
const FRotator spawn_rotation = FRotator();
GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(mBlueprintClass, spawn_point, spawn_rotation); // Spawn object
// ==========================================
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