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Created December 25, 2014 20:32
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(ns doublets.solver
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.set :as sets]))
(def words (-> "words.edn"
(defn doublets [word1 word2]
(letfn [(doublets-rec [from visited available to]
(= from to) visited
(empty? available) []
:else (let [neighbours (-> available
(map (fn [x] [x (diff from x)]))
(filter #(= (% 0) 1))
(map #(% 1)))]
(apply concat
#(doublets-rec % (conj visited %)
(sets/difference available %) to)
(doublets-rec word1 [] (into #{} words) word2)))
(defn diff [w1 w2]
"Positionally compares the given collections and returns the number of differing elements."
(+ (Math/abs (- (count w1) (count w2)))
(count (filter #(not (= (% 0) (% 1))) (map #(into [] %&) w1 w2)))))
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