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Created March 25, 2012 11:46
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Simple contextmanager to test for flask.abort()
A context manager that checks for an exception to be raised
And an example of it being used to check that flask.abort() is called
Consists of
* Method for getting a dictionary of {http status code : werkzeug exception}
* Context manager for asserting something is raised (AssertRaises)
* unittest2.TestCase subclass that exposes API to access AssertRaises
AssertRaises is similar to what unittest2.assertRaises uses (
* Only propogates AssertionError
* Will complain if unexpected exception is not the same as expected exception
* Will match exception exactly, instead of a sublcass of it
from werkzeug import exceptions as werkzeug_exceptions
import unittest2 as unittest
import contextlib
import flask
import re
def make_exception_dict():
Create dictionary of {code:exception}
By looking at the exceptions on werkzeug.exceptions
exceptions = {}
for name in dir(werkzeug_exceptions):
attr = getattr(werkzeug_exceptions, name)
if isinstance(attr, type) and hasattr(attr, 'code') and attr.code:
exceptions[str(attr.code)] = attr
return exceptions
class AssertRaises(object):
def __init__(self, testcase, expected, regex=None):
self.regex = regex
self.testcase = testcase
self.expected = expected
def __enter__(self):
'''Nothing to do on entry'''
return self
def expected_name(self):
'''Determine name of expected exception'''
if hasattr(self.expected, '__name__'):
return self.expected.__name__
return str(self.expected)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
Test that we received the expected exception
* Complain if nothing was raised
* Propogate AssertionError
* Complain if regex for message is provided and, exc_value) fails
if not exc_type:
# Didn't get an exception.... :(
assert False, "'%s' not raised" % self.expected_name()
if exc_type is AssertionError:
# Make contextmanager reraise the error
return False
# Assert exception raised is expected
self.testcase.assertIs(exc_type, self.expected)
# Make sure msg matches regex provided
if self.regex:
if not exc_val:
assert False, "Expected exception to have a message matching %s" % self.regex
failure_message = "Expected exception to contain '%s': Found '%s' instead" % (self.regex, exc_val)
assert, str(exc_val)), failure_message
# Tell contextmanager to silence the error
return True
class Base(unittest.TestCase):
exceptions = make_exception_dict()
def assertAborts(self, code):
expected = self.exceptions[str(code)]
return AssertRaises(self, expected)
def assertRaises(self, exception, msg):
return AssertRaises(self, exception, msg)
class Tester(Base):
def test_things(self):
a = 1 + 1
with self.assertAborts(401):
def test_things2(self):
FAIL: test:Tester.test_things2 # test_things2
pass # __exit__
assert False, "'%s' not raised" % self.expected_name()
AssertionError: 'Unauthorized' not raised
a = 1 + 1
with self.assertAborts(401):
def test_things3(self):
FAIL: test:Tester.test_things3 # test_things3
flask.abort(400) # __exit__
self.testcase.assertIs(exc_type, self.expected)
AssertionError: <class 'werkzeug.exceptions.ClientDisconnected'> is not <class 'werkzeug.exceptions.Unauthorized'>
a = 1 + 1
with self.assertAborts(401):
def test_things4(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception, "blah and things"):
raise Exception, "blah and things"
def test_things5(self):
FAIL: test:Tester.test_things5 # test_things5
raise Exception, "asdfsadfsdaf sadf" # __exit__
assert, str(exc_val)), failure_message
AssertionError: Expected exception to contain 'blah and things': Found 'asdfsadfsdaf sadf' instead
with self.assertRaises(Exception, "blah and things"):
raise Exception, "asdfsadfsdaf sadf"
def test_things6(self):
FAIL: test:Tester.test_things6 # test_things6
raise ValueError, "blah and things" # __exit__
self.testcase.assertIs(exc_type, self.expected)
AssertionError: <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> is not <type 'exceptions.Exception'>
with self.assertRaises(Exception, "blah and things"):
raise ValueError, "blah and things"
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