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Created December 16, 2019 09:34
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An example photons script that creates a flicker effect on one or more devices.
from photons_app.actions import an_action
from photons_app import helpers as hp
from photons_control.script import FromGeneratorPerSerial
from photons_messages import LightMessages
from delfick_project.norms import sb, Meta, BadSpecValue
from delfick_project.addons import addon_hook
import logging
import asyncio
import random
import time
log = logging.getLogger("info")
("lifx.photons", "transport"),
("lifx.photons", "messages"),
("lifx.photons", "device_finder"),
def __lifx__(collector, *args, **kwargs):
class between_0_and_1(sb.Spec):
"""A norms spec for validating a value is a float between 0 and 1"""
def normalise_filled(self, meta, val):
val = sb.float_spec().normalise(meta, val)
if val < 0 or val > 1:
raise BadSpecValue("Number must be between 0 and 1")
return val
def get_random_brightness(original_brightness, max_drop):
Return a new brightness between 0 and 1 that is the original brightness
minus a percentage that is never more than max_drop
percentage = 1 - (random.randrange(0, max_drop * 100) / 100)
new_brightness = original_brightness * percentage
if new_brightness < 0:
return 0
elif new_brightness > 1:
return 1
return new_brightness
def Flicker(gap=0.25, candle_color=False, max_brightness_drop=0.35):
async def gen(reference, afr, **kwargs):
1. Get current brightness. This is our anchor point. All brightness
changes will be relative to this amount.
2. Wait a small delay per device, so that the devices are likely out of
3. Start a loop from now until the heat death of the universe
a. Determine a new brightness. This is the original brightness minus
a percentage that is never more than max_brightness_drop. So if
max_brightness_drop is 0.35, then the brightness will never be
more than 35% less than the original value
b. Send a message to the device setting this brightness. If candle_color
is true, then we make the light white with a kelvin of 2500
This message will have a duration equal to the ``gap`` seconds
c. Wait enough time so that from the point we sent the message to
the end of the sleep it has been ``gap`` seconds.
get_color = LightMessages.GetColor()
original_brightness = 1
async for pkt, _, _ in afr.transport_target.script(get_color).run_with(
reference, afr, **kwargs
if pkt | LightMessages.LightState:
original_brightness = pkt.brightness
start_delay = random.randrange(0, gap * 100) / 100
if start_delay > 0:
await asyncio.sleep(start_delay)"Starting flicker for device", serial=reference))
while True:
start = time.time()
new_brightness = get_random_brightness(original_brightness, max_brightness_drop)
if candle_color:
msg = LightMessages.SetColor(
hue=0, saturation=0, brightness=new_brightness, kelvin=2500, duration=gap
msg = LightMessages.SetWaveformOptional(
brightness=new_brightness, period=gap, cycles=1
yield msg
diff = gap - (time.time() - start)
if diff > 0:
await asyncio.sleep(diff)
# Start the gen function for each serial that we find
return FromGeneratorPerSerial(gen)
@an_action(needs_target=True, special_reference=True)
async def flicker(collector, target, reference, **kwargs):
Run a flicker animation on one or more devices at the same time.
To run against all devices on the network with default options::
To run against a particular device::
./flicker d073d5001337
Or use the device finder::
./flicker match:label=kitchen
You may specify options, for example::
./flicker -- '{"candle_color": true}'
The options are:
gap - float - defaults 0.25
The number of seconds between each brightness change
candle_color - boolean - defaults false
If true, we set the light to a candle color, otherwise the effect just
changes brightness
max_brightness_drop - float - default 0.35
The max percentage of the original brightness that will ever be set on
the device
# Create a spec for turning extra options into the keyword arguments that
# the flicker script takes in
spec = sb.set_options(
gap=sb.defaulted(sb.float_spec(), 0.25),
extra = collector.configuration["photons_app"].extra_as_json
# Create kwargs for instantiating Flicker with. We include only the options
# that were specified
kwargs = {
k: v for k, v in spec.normalise(Meta.empty(), extra).items() if v is not sb.NotSpecified
def e(error):
"""Error catcher that just debug prints errors"""
log.debug("Failed to send a message", error=error))
# Start our Flicker script against the devices specified on the command line.
await target.script(Flicker(**kwargs)).run_with_all(
reference, message_timeout=kwargs["gap"], error_catcher=e
if __name__ == "__main__":
from photons_app.executor import main
import sys
main(["lan:flicker"] + sys.argv[1:])
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