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Last active June 4, 2020 18:26
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Agreements mock data for disputable voting app
const voteData = {
disputableInfo: {
//DisputableVoting.sol: getDisputableInfo(voteId)
pausedAt: '',
pauseDuration: '',
status: 'Paused', //Active, Paused, Cancelled, Closed
actionId: '',
//if actionId != null
action: {
//Agreement.sol: getAction(actionID)
disputable: '', //Address of the disputable that created the action
disputableActionId: '24',
collateralId: '',
endDate: '', //Timestamp when the disputable action ends unless it's closed beforehand
state: '', //Submitted, Challenged, Closed
submitter: '0xa9aC50dCe74C46025DC9dCeAFb4FA21f0Dc142ea', //my address
context: 'Link',
currentChallengeId: '',
//if currentChallengeId != null
challenge: {
//Agreement.sol: getChallenge(challengeId)
actionId: '',
challenger: '0xff4643B0161F92b8b568Af62be313E41F32E4baD', //Facu's address
endDate: + 30 * 1000 * 60 * 60, //is the same as the other endDate? what does it mean
context: 'link',
settlementOffer: '12000000000000000000',
arbitratorFeeAmount: '1800000000000000000',
arbitratorFeeToken: 'ANT',
state: 'Waiting', //Waiting, Settled, Disputed, Rejected, Accepted, Voided
submitterFinishedEvidence: false,
challengerFinishedEvidence: true,
disputeId: '24',
ruling: '',
//if collateralId != null
collateral: {
//Agreement.sol: getCollateralRequirement(disputableAppAddress,collateralId)
collateralToken: 'ANT',
actionAmount: '100',
challengeAmount: '',
challengeDuration: '',
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