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Created March 31, 2016 00:28
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// Generated by typings
// Source:
declare module '~chai-enzyme~enzyme/index' {
* This is copied from:
* Differences:
* 1) use string instead String
* 2) Fixed EnzymeSelector type: Added StatelessComponent and property map
import {ReactElement, Component, ComponentClass, StatelessComponent} from 'react';
namespace Enzyme {
* Many methods in Enzyme's API accept a selector as an argument. Selectors in Enzyme can fall into one of the
* following three categories:
* 1. A Valid CSS Selector
* 2. A React Component Constructor
* 3. A React Component's displayName
* 4. A React Stateless component
* 5. A React component property map
export type EnzymeSelector = string | StatelessComponent<any> | ComponentClass<any> | {[key: string]: any};
interface CommonWrapper<T, P, S> {
* Find every node in the render tree that matches the provided selector.
* @param selector The selector to match.
find(selector: EnzymeSelector): T;
* Finds every node in the render tree that returns true for the provided predicate function.
* @param predicate
findWhere(predicate: (shallowWrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>) => Boolean): T;
* Removes nodes in the current wrapper that do not match the provided selector.
* @param selector The selector to match.
filter(selector: EnzymeSelector): T;
* Returns a new wrapper with only the nodes of the current wrapper that, when passed into the provided predicate function, return true.
* @param predicate
filterWhere(predicate: (shallowWrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>) => Boolean): T;
* Returns whether or not the current wrapper has a node anywhere in it's render tree that looks like the one passed in.
* @param node
contains(node: ReactElement<any>): Boolean;
* Returns whether or not the current node has a className prop including the passed in class name.
* @param className
hasClass(className: string): Boolean;
* Returns whether or not the current node matches a provided selector.
* @param selector
is(selector: EnzymeSelector): Boolean;
* Returns a new wrapper with only the nodes of the current wrapper that don't match the provided selector.
* This method is effectively the negation or inverse of filter.
* @param selector
not(selector: EnzymeSelector): T;
* Returns a new wrapper with all of the children of the node(s) in the current wrapper. Optionally, a selector
* can be provided and it will filter the children by this selector.
* @param [selector]
children(selector?: EnzymeSelector): T;
* Shorthand for children().at(index)
* @param index
childAt(index: number): T;
* Returns a wrapper around all of the parents/ancestors of the wrapper. Does not include the node in the
* current wrapper. Optionally, a selector can be provided and it will filter the parents by this selector.
* Note: can only be called on a wrapper of a single node.
* @param [selector]
parents(selector?: EnzymeSelector): T;
* Returns a wrapper with the direct parent of the node in the current wrapper.
parent(): T;
* Returns a wrapper of the first element that matches the selector by traversing up through the current node's
* ancestors in the tree, starting with itself.
* Note: can only be called on a wrapper of a single node.
* @param selector
closest(selector: EnzymeSelector): T;
* Returns a string of the rendered text of the current render tree. This function should be looked at with
* skepticism if being used to test what the actual HTML output of the component will be. If that is what you
* would like to test, use enzyme's render function instead.
* Note: can only be called on a wrapper of a single node.
text(): string;
* Returns a string of the rendered HTML markup of the current render tree.
* Note: can only be called on a wrapper of a single node.
html(): string;
* Returns the node at a given index of the current wrapper.
* @param index
get(index: number): ReactElement<any>;
* Returns a wrapper around the node at a given index of the current wrapper.
* @param index
at(index: number): T;
* Reduce the set of matched nodes to the first in the set.
first(): T;
* Reduce the set of matched nodes to the last in the set.
last(): T;
* Returns the state hash for the root node of the wrapper. Optionally pass in a prop name and it will return just that value.
* @param [key]
state(key?: string): any;
* Returns the props hash for the current node of the wrapper.
* NOTE: can only be called on a wrapper of a single node.
props(): Object;
* Returns the prop value for the node of the current wrapper with the provided key.
* NOTE: can only be called on a wrapper of a single node.
* @param key
prop(key: string): any;
* Simulate events.
* Returns itself.
* @param event
* @param args?
simulate(event: string, ...args: any[]): T;
* A method to invoke setState() on the root component instance similar to how you might in the definition of
* the component, and re-renders. This method is useful for testing your component in hard to achieve states,
* however should be used sparingly. If possible, you should utilize your component's external API in order to
* get it into whatever state you want to test, in order to be as accurate of a test as possible. This is not
* always practical, however.
* Returns itself.
* NOTE: can only be called on a wrapper instance that is also the root instance.
* @param state
setState(state: S): T;
* A method that sets the props of the root component, and re-renders. Useful for when you are wanting to test
* how the component behaves over time with changing props. Calling this, for instance, will call the
* componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle method.
* Similar to setState, this method accepts a props object and will merge it in with the already existing props.
* Returns itself.
* NOTE: can only be called on a wrapper instance that is also the root instance.
* @param state
setProps(state: Object): T;
* A method that sets the context of the root component, and re-renders. Useful for when you are wanting to
* test how the component behaves over time with changing contexts.
* Returns itself.
* NOTE: can only be called on a wrapper instance that is also the root instance.
* @param state
setContext(state: Object): T;
* Gets the instance of the component being rendered as the root node passed into shallow().
* NOTE: can only be called on a wrapper instance that is also the root instance.
instance(): Component<P, S>;
* Forces a re-render. Useful to run before checking the render output if something external may be updating
* the state of the component somewhere.
* Returns itself.
* NOTE: can only be called on a wrapper instance that is also the root instance.
update(): T;
* Returns an html-like string of the wrapper for debugging purposes. Useful to print out to the console when
* tests are not passing when you expect them to.
debug(): string;
* Returns the type of the current node of this wrapper. If it's a composite component, this will be the
* component constructor. If it's native DOM node, it will be a string of the tag name.
* Note: can only be called on a wrapper of a single node.
type(): string | Function;
* Iterates through each node of the current wrapper and executes the provided function with a wrapper around
* the corresponding node passed in as the first argument.
* Returns itself.
* @param fn A callback to be run for every node in the collection. Should expect a ShallowWrapper as the first
* argument, and will be run with a context of the original instance.
forEach(fn: (wrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>) => void): T;
* Maps the current array of nodes to another array. Each node is passed in as a ShallowWrapper to the map
* function.
* Returns an array of the returned values from the mapping function..
* @param fn A mapping function to be run for every node in the collection, the results of which will be mapped
* to the returned array. Should expect a ShallowWrapper as the first argument, and will be run
* with a context of the original instance.
map(fn: (wrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>) => any): Array<any>;
* Applies the provided reducing function to every node in the wrapper to reduce to a single value. Each node
* is passed in as a ShallowWrapper, and is processed from left to right.
* @param fn
* @param initialValue
reduce<R>(fn: (prevVal: R, wrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>, index: number) => R, initialValue?: R): R[];
* Applies the provided reducing function to every node in the wrapper to reduce to a single value.
* Each node is passed in as a ShallowWrapper, and is processed from right to left.
* @param fn
* @param initialValue
reduceRight<R>(fn: (prevVal: R, wrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>, index: number) => R, initialValue?: R): R[];
* Returns whether or not any of the nodes in the wrapper match the provided selector.
* @param selector
some(selector: EnzymeSelector): Boolean;
* Returns whether or not any of the nodes in the wrapper pass the provided predicate function.
* @param fn
someWhere(fn: (wrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>) => Boolean): Boolean;
* Returns whether or not all of the nodes in the wrapper match the provided selector.
* @param selector
every(selector: EnzymeSelector): Boolean;
* Returns whether or not any of the nodes in the wrapper pass the provided predicate function.
* @param fn
everyWhere(fn: (wrapper: ShallowWrapper<P, S>) => Boolean): Boolean;
length: number;
export interface ShallowWrapper<P, S> extends CommonWrapper<ShallowWrapper<P, S>, P, S> {
shallow(options?: { context?: any }): ShallowWrapper<P, S>;
unmount(): ShallowWrapper<P, S>;
render(): CheerioWrapper<P, S>;
export interface ReactWrapper<P, S> extends CommonWrapper<ReactWrapper<P, S>, P, S> {
unmount(): ReactWrapper<P, S>;
export interface CheerioWrapper<P, S> extends CommonWrapper<CheerioWrapper<P, S>, P, S> {
* Shallow rendering is useful to constrain yourself to testing a component as a unit, and to ensure that
* your tests aren't indirectly asserting on behavior of child components.
* @param node
* @param [options]
export function shallow<P, S>(node: ReactElement<P>, options?: any): ShallowWrapper<P, S>;
* Mounts and renders a react component into the document and provides a testing wrapper around it.
* @param node
* @param [options]
export function mount<P, S>(node: ReactElement<P>, options?: any): ReactWrapper<P, S>;
* Render react components to static HTML and analyze the resulting HTML structure.
* @param node
* @param [options]
export function render<P, S>(node: ReactElement<P>, options?: any): CheerioWrapper<P, S>;
export function describeWithDOM(description: string, fn: Function): void;
export function spyLifecycle(component: typeof Component): void;
export = Enzyme;
declare module '~chai-enzyme~enzyme' {
import main = require('~chai-enzyme~enzyme/index');
export = main;
// Generated by typings
// Source:
declare module '~chai-enzyme/index' {
import {EnzymeSelector, ShallowWrapper, ReactWrapper, CheerioWrapper} from '~chai-enzyme~enzyme';
import {Assertion} from '~chai/lib/Assertion';
// Augment chai assertions
module '~chai/lib/Assertion' {
interface Match {
(selector: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
interface Assertion {
* Assert that the given wrapper is checked:
checked(): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has a given class:
* @param name
className(name: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper contains a given node:
* @param code
//contain(code: any): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper contains a descendant matching the given selector:
* @param selector
descendants(selector?: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper contains an exact amount of descendants matching the given selector:
exactly(count?: number): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper is disabled:
disabled(): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper is empty:
blank(): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper exists:
present(): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given html:
* @param str
html(str?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given ID attribute:
* @param str
id(str: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper matches given selector:
* @param selector
// match(selector: EnzymeSelector): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has a given ref
* @param key
ref(key: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper is selected:
selected(): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has the tag name:
* @param str
tagName(str: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has the supplied text:
* @param str
text(str?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the given wrapper has given value:
* @param str
value(str: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given attribute [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
attr(key: string, val?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has a given data attribute [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
data(key: string, val?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given style:
* @param key
* @param val
style(key: string, val?: string): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given state [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
state(key: string, val?: any): Assertion;
* Assert that the wrapper has given prop [with value]:
* @param key
* @param val
prop(key: string, val?: any): Assertion;
type DebugWrapper = ShallowWrapper<any,any> | CheerioWrapper<any, any> | ReactWrapper<any, any>;
function chaiEnzyMe(wrapper?: (debugWrapper: DebugWrapper) => string): (chai: any) => void;
export = chaiEnzyMe;
declare module 'chai-enzyme/index' {
import main = require('~chai-enzyme/index');
export = main;
declare module 'chai-enzyme' {
import main = require('~chai-enzyme/index');
export = main;
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