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Created January 7, 2019 11:09
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INSERT INTO location_country (country_name, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time, enabled) VALUES ('臺灣', 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114', true);
## 臺北市,
## 中正區,100
## 大同區,103
## 中山區,104
## 松山區,105
## 大安區,106
## 萬華區,108
## 信義區,110
## 士林區,111
## 北投區,112
## 內湖區,114
## 南港區,115
## 文山區,116
## 基隆市,
## 仁愛區,200
## 信義區,201
## 中正區,202
## 中山區,203
## 安樂區,204
## 暖暖區,205
## 七堵區,206
## 新北市,
## 萬里區,207
## 金山區,208
## 板橋區,220
## 汐止區,221
## 深坑區,222
## 石碇區,223
## 瑞芳區,224
## 平溪區,226
## 雙溪區,227
## 貢寮區,228
## 新店區,231
## 坪林區,232
## 烏來區,233
## 永和區,234
## 中和區,235
## 土城區,236
## 三峽區,237
## 樹林區,238
## 鶯歌區,239
## 三重區,241
## 新莊區,242
## 泰山區,243
## 林口區,244
## 蘆洲區,247
## 五股區,248
## 八里區,249
## 淡水區,251
## 三芝區,252
## 石門區,253
## 宜蘭縣,
## 宜蘭,260
## 頭城,261
## 礁溪,262
## 壯圍,263
## 員山,264
## 羅東,265
## 三星,266
## 大同,267
## 五結,268
## 冬山,269
## 蘇澳,270
## 南澳,272
## 釣魚臺列嶼,290
## 新竹市,300
## 新竹縣,
## 竹北,302
## 湖口,303
## 新豐,304
## 新埔,305
## 關西,306
## 芎林,307
## 寶山,308
## 竹東,310
## 五峰,311
## 橫山,312
## 尖石,313
## 北埔,314
## 峨眉,315
## 桃園市,
## 中壢區,320
## 平鎮區,324
## 龍潭區,325
## 楊梅區,326
## 新屋區,327
## 觀音區,328
## 桃園區,330
## 龜山區,333
## 八德區,334
## 大溪區,335
## 復興區,336
## 大園區,337
## 蘆竹區,338
## 苗栗縣,
## 竹南,350
## 頭份,351
## 三灣,352
## 南庄,353
## 獅潭,354
## 後龍,356
## 通霄,357
## 苑裡,358
## 苗栗,360
## 造橋,361
## 頭屋,362
## 公館,363
## 大湖,364
## 泰安,365
## 銅鑼,366
## 三義,367
## 西湖,368
## 卓蘭,369
## 臺中市,
## 中區,400
## 東區,401
## 南區,402
## 西區,403
## 北區,404
## 北屯區,406
## 西屯區,407
## 南屯區,408
## 太平區,411
## 大里區,412
## 霧峰區,413
## 烏日區,414
## 豐原區,420
## 后里區,421
## 石岡區,422
## 東勢區,423
## 和平區,424
## 新社區,426
## 潭子區,427
## 大雅區,428
## 神岡區,429
## 大肚區,432
## 沙鹿區,433
## 龍井區,434
## 梧棲區,435
## 清水區,436
## 大甲區,437
## 外埔區,438
## 大安區,439
## 彰化縣,
## 彰化,500
## 芬園,502
## 花壇,503
## 秀水,504
## 鹿港,505
## 福興,506
## 線西,507
## 和美,508
## 伸港,509
## 員林,510
## 社頭,511
## 永靖,512
## 埔心,513
## 溪湖,514
## 大村,515
## 埔鹽,516
## 田中,520
## 北斗,521
## 田尾,522
## 埤頭,523
## 溪州,524
## 竹塘,525
## 二林,526
## 大城,527
## 芳苑,528
## 二水,530
## 南投縣,
## 南投,540
## 中寮,541
## 草屯,542
## 國姓,544
## 埔里,545
## 仁愛,546
## 名間,551
## 集集,552
## 水里,553
## 魚池,555
## 信義,556
## 竹山,557
## 鹿谷,558
## 嘉義市,600
## 嘉義縣,
## 番路,602
## 梅山,603
## 竹崎,604
## 阿里山,605
## 中埔,606
## 大埔,607
## 水上,608
## 鹿草,611
## 太保,612
## 朴子,613
## 東石,614
## 六腳,615
## 新港,616
## 民雄,621
## 大林,622
## 溪口,623
## 義竹,624
## 布袋,625
## 雲林縣,
## 斗南,630
## 大埤,631
## 虎尾,632
## 土庫,633
## 褒忠,634
## 東勢,635
## 臺西,636
## 崙背,637
## 麥寮,638
## 斗六,640
## 林內,643
## 古坑,646
## 莿桐,647
## 西螺,648
## 二崙,649
## 北港,651
## 水林,652
## 口湖,653
## 四湖,654
## 元長,655
## 臺南市,
## 中西區,700
## 東區,701
## 南區,702
## 北區,704
## 安平區,708
## 安南區,709
## 永康區,710
## 歸仁區,711
## 新化區,712
## 左鎮區,713
## 玉井區,714
## 楠西區,715
## 南化區,716
## 仁德區,717
## 關廟區,718
## 龍崎區,719
## 官田區,720
## 麻豆區,721
## 佳里區,722
## 西港區,723
## 七股區,724
## 將軍區,725
## 學甲區,726
## 北門區,727
## 新營區,730
## 後壁區,731
## 白河區,732
## 東山區,733
## 六甲區,734
## 下營區,735
## 柳營區,736
## 鹽水區,737
## 善化區,741
## 大內區,742
## 山上區,743
## 新市區,744
## 安定區,745
## 高雄市,
## 新興區,800
## 前金區,801
## 苓雅區,802
## 鹽埕區,803
## 鼓山區,804
## 旗津區,805
## 前鎮區,806
## 三民區,807
## 楠梓區,811
## 小港區,812
## 左營區,813
## 仁武區,814
## 大社區,815
## 岡山區,820
## 路竹區,821
## 阿蓮區,822
## 田寮區,823
## 燕巢區,824
## 橋頭區,825
## 梓官區,826
## 彌陀區,827
## 永安區,828
## 湖內區,829
## 鳳山區,830
## 大寮區,831
## 林園區,832
## 鳥松區,833
## 大樹區,840
## 旗山區,842
## 美濃區,843
## 六龜區,844
## 內門區,845
## 杉林區,846
## 甲仙區,847
## 桃源區,848
## 那瑪夏區,849
## 茂林區,851
## 茄萣區,852
## 南海諸島,
## 東沙,817
## 南沙,819
## 澎湖縣,
## 馬公,880
## 西嶼,881
## 望安,882
## 七美,883
## 白沙,884
## 湖西,885
## 屏東縣,
## 屏東,900
## 三地門,901
## 霧臺,902
## 瑪家,903
## 九如,904
## 里港,905
## 高樹,906
## 鹽埔,907
## 長治,908
## 麟洛,909
## 竹田,911
## 內埔,912
## 萬丹,913
## 潮州,920
## 泰武,921
## 來義,922
## 萬巒,923
## 崁頂,924
## 新埤,925
## 南州,926
## 林邊,927
## 東港,928
## 琉球,929
## 佳冬,931
## 新園,932
## 枋寮,940
## 枋山,941
## 春日,942
## 獅子,943
## 車城,944
## 牡丹,945
## 恆春,946
## 滿州,947
## 臺東縣,
## 臺東,950
## 綠島,951
## 蘭嶼,952
## 延平,953
## 卑南,954
## 鹿野,955
## 關山,956
## 海端,957
## 池上,958
## 東河,959
## 成功,961
## 長濱,962
## 太麻里,963
## 金峰,964
## 大武,965
## 達仁,966
## 花蓮縣,
## 花蓮,970
## 新城,971
## 秀林,972
## 吉安,973
## 壽豐,974
## 鳳林,975
## 光復,976
## 豐濱,977
## 瑞穗,978
## 萬榮,979
## 玉里,981
## 卓溪,982
## 富里,983
## 金門縣,
## 金沙,890
## 金湖,891
## 金寧,892
## 金城,893
## 烈嶼,894
## 烏坵,896
## 連江縣,
## 南竿,209
## 北竿,210
## 莒光,211
## 東引,212
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('臺北市', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('基隆市', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('新北市', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('宜蘭縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('新竹縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('桃園市', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('苗栗縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('臺中市', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('彰化縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('南投縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('嘉義縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('雲林縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('臺南市', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('高雄市', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('南海諸島', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('澎湖縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('屏東縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('臺東縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('花蓮縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('金門縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_city(city_name, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values ('連江縣', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '中正區', '100', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '大同區', '103', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '中山區', '104', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '松山區', '105', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '大安區', '106', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '萬華區', '108', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '信義區', '110', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '士林區', '111', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '北投區', '112', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '內湖區', '114', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '南港區', '115', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(26, '文山區', '116', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(27, '仁愛區', '200', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(27, '信義區', '201', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(27, '中正區', '202', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(27, '中山區', '203', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(27, '安樂區', '204', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(27, '暖暖區', '205', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(27, '七堵區', '206', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '萬里區', '207', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '金山區', '208', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '板橋區', '220', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '汐止區', '221', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '深坑區', '222', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '石碇區', '223', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '瑞芳區', '224', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '平溪區', '226', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '雙溪區', '227', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '貢寮區', '228', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '新店區', '231', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '坪林區', '232', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '烏來區', '233', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '永和區', '234', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '中和區', '235', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '土城區', '236', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '三峽區', '237', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '樹林區', '238', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '鶯歌區', '239', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '三重區', '241', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '新莊區', '242', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '泰山區', '243', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '林口區', '244', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '蘆洲區', '247', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '五股區', '248', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '八里區', '249', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '淡水區', '251', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '三芝區', '252', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(28, '石門區', '253', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '宜蘭', '260', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '頭城', '261', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '礁溪', '262', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '壯圍', '263', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '員山', '264', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '羅東', '265', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '三星', '266', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '大同', '267', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '五結', '268', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '冬山', '269', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '蘇澳', '270', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '南澳', '272', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '釣魚臺列嶼', '290', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(46, '新竹市', '300', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '竹北', '302', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '湖口', '303', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '新豐', '304', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '新埔', '305', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '關西', '306', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '芎林', '307', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '寶山', '308', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '竹東', '310', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '五峰', '311', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '橫山', '312', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '尖石', '313', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '北埔', '314', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(29, '峨眉', '315', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '中壢區', '320', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '平鎮區', '324', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '龍潭區', '325', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '楊梅區', '326', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '新屋區', '327', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '觀音區', '328', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '桃園區', '330', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '龜山區', '333', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '八德區', '334', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '大溪區', '335', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '復興區', '336', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '大園區', '337', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(30, '蘆竹區', '338', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '竹南', '350', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '頭份', '351', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '三灣', '352', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '南庄', '353', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '獅潭', '354', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '後龍', '356', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '通霄', '357', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '苑裡', '358', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '苗栗', '360', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '造橋', '361', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '頭屋', '362', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '公館', '363', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '大湖', '364', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '泰安', '365', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '銅鑼', '366', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '三義', '367', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '西湖', '368', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(31, '卓蘭', '369', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '中區', '400', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '東區', '401', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '南區', '402', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '西區', '403', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '北區', '404', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '北屯區', '406', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '西屯區', '407', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '南屯區', '408', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '太平區', '411', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '大里區', '412', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '霧峰區', '413', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '烏日區', '414', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '豐原區', '420', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '后里區', '421', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '石岡區', '422', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '東勢區', '423', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '和平區', '424', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '新社區', '426', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '潭子區', '427', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '大雅區', '428', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '神岡區', '429', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '大肚區', '432', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '沙鹿區', '433', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '龍井區', '434', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '梧棲區', '435', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '清水區', '436', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '大甲區', '437', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '外埔區', '438', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(32, '大安區', '439', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '彰化', '500', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '芬園', '502', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '花壇', '503', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '秀水', '504', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '鹿港', '505', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '福興', '506', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '線西', '507', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '和美', '508', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '伸港', '509', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '員林', '510', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '社頭', '511', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '永靖', '512', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '埔心', '513', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '溪湖', '514', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '大村', '515', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '埔鹽', '516', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '田中', '520', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '北斗', '521', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '田尾', '522', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '埤頭', '523', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '溪州', '524', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '竹塘', '525', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '二林', '526', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '大城', '527', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '芳苑', '528', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(33, '二水', '530', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '南投', '540', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '中寮', '541', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '草屯', '542', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '國姓', '544', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '埔里', '545', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '仁愛', '546', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '名間', '551', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '集集', '552', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '水里', '553', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '魚池', '555', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '信義', '556', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '竹山', '557', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '鹿谷', '558', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(34, '嘉義市', '600', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '番路', '602', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '梅山', '603', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '竹崎', '604', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '阿里山', '605', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '中埔', '606', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '大埔', '607', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '水上', '608', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '鹿草', '611', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '太保', '612', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '朴子', '613', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '東石', '614', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '六腳', '615', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '新港', '616', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '民雄', '621', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '大林', '622', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '溪口', '623', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '義竹', '624', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(35, '布袋', '625', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '斗南', '630', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '大埤', '631', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '虎尾', '632', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '土庫', '633', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '褒忠', '634', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '東勢', '635', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '臺西', '636', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '崙背', '637', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '麥寮', '638', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '斗六', '640', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '林內', '643', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '古坑', '646', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '莿桐', '647', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '西螺', '648', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '二崙', '649', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '北港', '651', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '水林', '652', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '口湖', '653', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '四湖', '654', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(36, '元長', '655', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '中西區', '700', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '東區', '701', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '南區', '702', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '北區', '704', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '安平區', '708', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '安南區', '709', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '永康區', '710', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '歸仁區', '711', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '新化區', '712', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '左鎮區', '713', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '玉井區', '714', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '楠西區', '715', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '南化區', '716', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '仁德區', '717', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '關廟區', '718', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '龍崎區', '719', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '官田區', '720', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '麻豆區', '721', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '佳里區', '722', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '西港區', '723', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '七股區', '724', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '將軍區', '725', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '學甲區', '726', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '北門區', '727', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '新營區', '730', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '後壁區', '731', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '白河區', '732', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '東山區', '733', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '六甲區', '734', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '下營區', '735', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '柳營區', '736', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '鹽水區', '737', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '善化區', '741', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '大內區', '742', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '山上區', '743', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '新市區', '744', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(37, '安定區', '745', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '新興區', '800', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '前金區', '801', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '苓雅區', '802', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '鹽埕區', '803', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '鼓山區', '804', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '旗津區', '805', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '前鎮區', '806', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '三民區', '807', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '楠梓區', '811', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '小港區', '812', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '左營區', '813', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '仁武區', '814', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '大社區', '815', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '岡山區', '820', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '路竹區', '821', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '阿蓮區', '822', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '田寮區', '823', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '燕巢區', '824', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '橋頭區', '825', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '梓官區', '826', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '彌陀區', '827', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '永安區', '828', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '湖內區', '829', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '鳳山區', '830', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '大寮區', '831', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '林園區', '832', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '鳥松區', '833', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '大樹區', '840', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '旗山區', '842', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '美濃區', '843', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '六龜區', '844', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '內門區', '845', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '杉林區', '846', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '甲仙區', '847', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '桃源區', '848', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '那瑪夏區', '849', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '茂林區', '851', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(38, '茄萣區', '852', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(39, '東沙', '817', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(39, '南沙', '819', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(40, '馬公', '880', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(40, '西嶼', '881', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(40, '望安', '882', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(40, '七美', '883', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(40, '白沙', '884', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(40, '湖西', '885', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '屏東', '900', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '三地門', '901', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '霧臺', '902', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '瑪家', '903', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '九如', '904', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '里港', '905', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '高樹', '906', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '鹽埔', '907', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '長治', '908', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '麟洛', '909', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '竹田', '911', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '內埔', '912', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '萬丹', '913', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '潮州', '920', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '泰武', '921', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '來義', '922', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '萬巒', '923', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '崁頂', '924', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '新埤', '925', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '南州', '926', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '林邊', '927', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '東港', '928', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '琉球', '929', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '佳冬', '931', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '新園', '932', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '枋寮', '940', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '枋山', '941', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '春日', '942', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '獅子', '943', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '車城', '944', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '牡丹', '945', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '恆春', '946', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(41, '滿州', '947', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '臺東', '950', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '綠島', '951', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '蘭嶼', '952', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '延平', '953', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '卑南', '954', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '鹿野', '955', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '關山', '956', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '海端', '957', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '池上', '958', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '東河', '959', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '成功', '961', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '長濱', '962', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '太麻里', '963', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '金峰', '964', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '大武', '965', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(42, '達仁', '966', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '花蓮', '970', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '新城', '971', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '秀林', '972', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '吉安', '973', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '壽豐', '974', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '鳳林', '975', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '光復', '976', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '豐濱', '977', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '瑞穗', '978', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '萬榮', '979', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '玉里', '981', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '卓溪', '982', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(43, '富里', '983', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(44, '金沙', '890', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(44, '金湖', '891', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(44, '金寧', '892', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(44, '金城', '893', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(44, '烈嶼', '894', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(44, '烏坵', '896', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(45, '南竿', '209', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(45, '北竿', '210', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(45, '莒光', '211', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
insert into location_district(city_id, district_name, district_code, country_id, country_code, creator, mender, create_time, modify_time) values(45, '東引', '212', 9, 'TW', 'UAT', 'UAT', '2019-01-07 18:21:13.785114', '2019-01-07 10:41:13.785114');
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