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Created September 30, 2019 14:08
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Sample of a Target Fitler Definition for
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Definitions/Target Filter")]
public class TargetFilter : ScriptableObject
// Target filters work by taking a set of potential targets and then by applying
// a series of filters in turn to narrow down your targets until you're left
// with who you want to target.
[System.Flags] //
public enum TargetRelationship
Hostile = 1 << 0,
Neutral = 1 << 1,
Friendly = 1 << 2,
public enum SelfInclusion
// It's pretty common to make an exception of yourself, e.g. to target allies excluding yourself
[Tooltip("Initial set(s) of characters to filter on based on their relationship to the ability executor")]
public TargetRelationship Relationship;
[Tooltip("Should we exclude the character executing the ability, always include them, or just leave it up to the selection filters?")]
public SelfInclusion IncludeSelf;
[Tooltip("Each filter is applied in turn")]
public SelectionFilter[] SelectionFilters;
public class SelectionFilter
public enum FilterType
// Potential Additional Selection Types
// Position Based: "In Arc", "Angular Closest", "In Line of Sight"
// Character State Based: "Has Status Effect", "Health Percentage"
public FilterType Type;
[Header("Type - Range")]
[Tooltip("The range to be within")]
public float Range;
[Tooltip("Offset in local coordinates")]
public Vector3 Offset;
[Header("Type - Random & Closest")]
public int Count = 1;
// Example: Closest hostile character that in within 5 units of a point 3 units in front of the ability executor.
// Relationship: Hostile
// IncludeSelf: ByFilter
// SelectionFilters[]
// Element 0:
// Type: InRange
// Range: 5
// Offset: 0, 0, 3
// Element 1:
// Type: Closest
// Count: 1
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