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Created October 31, 2019 23:25
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# /root/.unison/10Documents.prf
# Create one config file for each folder, or add one per
# root folder and add subfolders via
# path = 10Documents
# path = 20Media
# To make this unison job load at machine startup use an init-script
# or systemd service such as
# local root to sync
root = /tank0/10Share/10Documents
# remote root to sync
root = ssh://
# name of log file
logfile = /var/log/unison.Documents.log
# Specify the SSH key unison should use to authenticate at the other machine
sshargs = -oIdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa
# Continue watching for changes on both sides
repeat = watch
# Do not copy temporary and other unwanted files
ignore = Name {.DS_Store,Thumbs.db,Recycled,$RECYCLE.BIN,RECYCLER,.Trashes,._.Trashes,#recycle,@eaDir,temp.*,*~,.*~}
# batch mode: ask no questions at all
# this setting includes some of the ones below included for convenience
batch = true
# automatically accept default (nonconflicting) actions
auto = true
# ask for confirmation before committing results of a merge
confirmmerge = false
# ask about whole-replica (or path) deletes (default true)
confirmbigdel = false
# choose this replica's version for conflicting changes
prefer = newer
# part of the permissions which is synchronized = 0
perms = 0
# No GUI needed
ui = text
# Only print error messages
silent = true
# synchronize modification times
times = true
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