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Firebase CI/CD with Google Cloud Build

[[Fireline]]: Firebase Functions + Stripe FTW

Fireline is a recent open source project of mine.

It's a series of drop-in Firebase Functions and React hooks that integrate with Stripe to add SaaS payments to web apps.

Firebase Tools CLI

Fireline is built on top of Firebase, so it uses firebase-tools for its deployment.

Create local scripts for all of your Firebase build steps

  • package.json
  • firebase deploy --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN --project $FIREBASE_PROJECT

Set Firebase Functions config programmatically


  • Configure your local development environment with all necessary environment variables

  • Add those variables to your CI/CD deploy environment

      echo "Exporting firebase functions config..."
      npx firebase functions:config:set \$STRIPE_SK \
        stripe.signing_secret.customer=$STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET_CUSTOMER \
        stripe.signing_secret.invoice=$STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET_INVOICE \
        stripe.signing_secret.price=$STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET_PRICE \
        stripe.signing_secret.payment_method=$STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET_PAYMENT_METHOD \
        stripe.signing_secret.product=$STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET_PRODUCT \
        stripe.signing_secret.subscription=$STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET_SUBSCRIPTION \

Create multiple Firebase / GCP projects for serious projects

  • dev project is for local dev as well as a staging deploy to show your clients
  • prod is its own deploy with tighter security

I built Fireline on a single Firebase project because it's too small a project to need a staging/dev build.

Client projects get two Firebase/GCP projects so that clients can test features before releasing them to production.


  • Dockerfile
  • Start with a thin image
  • Copy over the bare minimum to begin your install
  • Install all dependencies
  • Copy over all code
  • Complete build

Docker caches each build step as a separate layer. Infrequently-changed files can be injected early in the Dockerfile to avoid breaking the layer cache for subsequent commands/layers.

You want your most-frequently-changed files to get passed into the Dockerfile near the end of the file to avoid unnecessary cache invalidations.

FROM mhart/alpine-node:10

WORKDIR /app/functions

COPY ./app/functions/package.json package.json
COPY ./app/functions/yarn.lock yarn.lock
RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile --production=false


COPY ./app/package.json package.json
COPY ./app/yarn.lock yarn.lock
RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile --production=true

ADD ./app /app

RUN yarn && yarn ci:build


  • cloudbuild.yaml

  • Build and tag the current state of the repo

  • Use the built container to set up, test and deploy your code

        - name: ''
      	args: ['build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/fireline:latest', '.']
        - name: '$PROJECT_ID/fireline:latest'
      	dir: '/app'
      	args: ['yarn', 'ci:config']
        - name: '$PROJECT_ID/fireline:latest'
      	dir: '/app'
      	args: ['yarn', 'ci:test']
        - name: '$PROJECT_ID/fireline:latest'
      	dir: '/app'
      	args: ['yarn', 'ci:deploy']
      images: ['$PROJECT_ID/fireline:latest']
      	- 'STRIPE_PK=$_STRIPE_PK'
      	- 'STRIPE_SK=$_STRIPE_SK'
      timeout: 3600s

Cloud Build Dashboard

  • Cloud Build Dashboard
  • Start by configuring triggers.
    • Branch triggers are easy
    • Any push to the branch will kick off a build
    • origin/master builds to staging
    • origin/prod builds to prod
    • Use git to control releases
  • Substitution variables
    • Injected into your Docker container
    • Each trigger has its own variables
  • Secret Servers: Enterprise-grade security
    • Vault is the open-source go-to
    • Using Vault inside of your CI/CD build steps can be expensive because you need to run an http-accessible Vault instance for your build jobs to query
    • I use a free local Vault instance backed by Google Cloud Storage and run in my local environment with Docker Compose
    • I manage my secrets directly in Google Cloud Build

Tips & Tricks

Use Google Container Registry to cache Docker images.

  • cloudbuild.yaml

  • Caching cut build times from 9 minutes to 4.5 minutes

        - name: ''
      	entrypoint: 'bash'
      	args: ['-c', 'docker pull$PROJECT_ID/flyerr:latest-$BRANCH_NAME || exit 0']
        - name: ''
        - name: ''
      	args: ['push', '$PROJECT_ID/flyerr:latest-$BRANCH_NAME']
        - name: '$PROJECT_ID/flyerr:latest-$BRANCH_NAME'
      	dir: '/app'
      	args: ['yarn', 'ci:config']
        - name: '$PROJECT_ID/flyerr:latest-$BRANCH_NAME'
      	dir: '/app'
      	args: ['yarn', 'ci:deploy']
      	- 'ROOT_URL=$_ROOT_URL'
      	- 'TAG=$_TAG'
      timeout: 3600s

Create scripts to debug locally

  • package.json

  • yarn ci:build runs a local build of the container

  • yarn ci:interactive shells into the local build

  • yarn ci:pull pulls the latest image built by Cloud Build

  • yarn ci:latest shells into the latest Cloud Build image for prod debugging

        "name": "@quiver/fireline-parent",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "main": "index.js",
        "repository": "",
        "author": "Chris Esplin <>",
        "license": "MIT",
        "private": true,
        "scripts": {
      	"build": "docker-compose build",
      	"dev": "docker-compose build workspace && docker-compose run --service-ports --rm workspace zsh",
      	"connect": "docker exec -it workspace-fireline zsh",
      	"ci:login": "npx firebase login:ci --no-localhost",
      	"ci:build": "docker build --tag=fireline .",
      	"ci:interactive": "docker run -it --rm fireline sh",
      	"ci:pull": "docker pull",
      	"ci:latest": "docker run -it --rm sh",
      	"windows:watch": "powershell ./bin/watch.ps1"

Dockerize dev environments

  • docker-compose.yaml

  • One container per service

    • Workspace: Ubuntu-based dev environment
    • Vault: Barebones Vault image for secret management
    • Nginx: Reverse proxy to serve SSL certs locally
    • Certbot: Obtain SSL certs automatically
  • VSCode's Remote Containers Extension can run inside your workspace for a seamless dev environment

  • docker-compose up -d brings up your Docker Compose containers

  • docker-compose down takes your containers down

  • docker-compose run --service-ports --rm workspace sh runs a temporary instance

  • docker exec -it workspace sh shells into an already-running instance. This is useful if you used docker-compose up -d to bring up your containers in daemon mode

  • docker-compose ps lists your running containers

  • alias dc='docker-compose' will save your fingers

      version: '3'
      	container_name: workspace-fireline
      	build: ./dev/workspace
      	env_file: ./dev/workspace/env.list
      	  - '3000:3000'
      	  - '4000:4000'
      	  - '5000:5000'
      	  - '5001:5001'
      	  - '5002:5002'
      	  - '8080:8080'
      	  - '9000:9000'
      	  - '41000:41000'
      	  - './app:/app'
      	  - './docs:/app/docs'
      	container_name: vault
      	build: ./dev/vault
      	env_file: ./dev/vault/env.list
      	  - ./dev/vault:/dev/vault
      	  - ./app/vault:/app/vault
      	  - 8200:8200
      	  - IPC_LOCK
      	container_name: nginx
      	image: nginx:1.15-alpine
      	  - workspace
      	  - '80:80'
      	  - '443:443'
      	  - ./dev/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      	  - ./dev/certbot/conf:/etc/letsencrypt
      	  - ./dev/certbot/www:/var/www/certbot
      	container_name: certbot
      	image: certbot/certbot
      	  - nginx
      	  - ./dev/certbot/conf:/etc/letsencrypt
      	  - ./dev/certbot/www:/var/www/certbot
      	  - ./dev/certbot/scripts:/scripts
      	entrypoint: sh /scripts/
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