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Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
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  • Save deltafactory/ff90a945d8bd6ebced02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deltafactory/ff90a945d8bd6ebced02 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Version 1.00
# This schript is to take a csv file and convert it to ldif format
# dependant on the requirement please ensure the csv is in the format as shown in code below else output will
# be wrong, current format of csv is:
# - First field: FullName
# - Second field: Mobile number
# - Third field: Email address
# - Fourth field: UserName
# - Fith field: Password
# - Sixth field: Dealer Code
# If the csv is not in the exact same order as shown above the output will be incorrect and code must be adapted
# to accomodate the new format.
use FileHandle; #use the filehandle class to handle external files for processing.
my(@details);#Declare the arrays
# User will be asked for what file to be converted
$csvFile = &promptUser("Name of file to be converted from CSV to LDIF 'Add' File");
$inputfile = new FileHandle($csvFile) ||
die "Can't open the import file!\n";
$outfile = new FileHandle(">$csvFile.ldif") ||
die "Can't create or open the output file!\n";
$logfile = new FileHandle(">AddData.log") ||
die "Can't create or open the log file!\n";
print $outfile "version: 1\n\n"; #First entry will be version 1 of ldif
# Loop to run through the entire file of enteries by line to convert them to ldif format
my $linecount = 0;
while(my $line = <$inputfile>) {
@details= split(',', $line); #Breakup the csv line to store values in an array
# The below is taking the array and storing it in variables to be used as the loop executes
$fullName = $details[0];
$mobile = $details[1];
$email = $details[2];
$userName = $details[3];
$password = $details[4];
$dealerCode = $details[5];
$cn = $userName;
my @sn= split ('_', $fullName);
#The actual format of how the ldif output for each entery will look like in the exported file
print $outfile "dn: cn=$cn,cn=thirdPartyUsers,dc=enterprise,dc=mtn,dc=co,dc=za\n";
print $outfile "objectclass: person\n";
print $outfile "objectclass: top\n";
print $outfile "objectclass: organizationalPerson\n";
print $outfile "objectclass: orclUserV2\n";
print $outfile "objectclass: inetOrgPerson\n";
print $outfile "cn: $cn\n";
print $outfile "sn: $sn[1] $sn[2] $sn[3]\n";
print $outfile "givenname: $sn[0]\n";
print $outfile "mail: $email\n";
print $outfile "mobile: $mobile\n";
print $outfile "uid: $userName\n";
print $outfile "userpassword: $password\n";
print $outfile "\n";
sub promptUser {
# two possible input arguments - $promptString, and $defaultValue #
# make the input arguments local variables. #
local($promptString,$defaultValue) =@_;
# if there is a default value, use the first print statement; if #
# no default is provided, print the second string. #
if ($defaultValue) {
print $promptString, "[", $defaultValue, "]: ";
} else {
print $promptString, ": ";
$| = 1; # force a flush after our print
$_ = <STDIN>; # get the input from STDIN (presumably the keyboard)
# remove the newline character from the end of the input the user #
# gave us. #
# if we had a $default value, and the user gave us input, then #
# return the input; if we had a default, and they gave us no #
# no input, return the $defaultValue. #
# #
# if we did not have a default value, then just return whatever #
# the user gave us. if they just hit the <enter> key, #
# the calling routine will have to deal with that. #
if ("$defaultValue") {
return $_ ? $_ : $defaultValue; # return $_ if it has a value
} else {
return $_;
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