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Created April 16, 2013 19:50
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Save deltaluca/5399030 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
convert long param functions into params object functions.
#if macro
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Context;
@:autoBuild( interface LongParams {}
class LongParamsImpl {
#if macro
public static function run() {
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
for (f in fields) {
var longParams = false;
for (m in f.meta) {
if ( == ":longParams") {
longParams = true;
if (!longParams) continue;
switch (f.kind) {
case FFun(fun):
var params = [];
var ftypes = [];
for (a in fun.args) {
var o = macro $p{["params",]};
var atype = if (a.type == null) Context.toComplexType(Context.typeof(a.value)) else a.type;
var opt = a.opt || a.value != null;
var value = if (opt) (macro if ($o==null) $e{a.value} else $o) else o;
expr: EVars([{
type: atype,
expr: value
pos: Context.currentPos()
pos: Context.currentPos(),
meta: if (opt) [{name:":optional",pos:Context.currentPos(),params:[]}] else [],
doc: null,
access: [],
kind: FVar(if (opt) TPath({name:"Null",sub:null,pack:[],params:[TPType(atype)]}) else atype, null)
fun.expr = macro $b{params};
fun.args = [{
name: "params",
value: null,
type: TAnonymous(ftypes),
opt: false
return fields;
import Macros;
class Main implements LongParams {
@:longParams static function test(a:Int, b=20,c=30,d=40,e=50,f=60,g=70) {
static function main() {
// Generated code from macro looks like:
// class Main implements LongParams {
// static function test(params:{a:Int, ?b:Int, ?c:Int, ?d:Int, ?e:Int, ?f:Int, ?g:Int}) {
// var a:Int = params.a;
// var b:Int = if (params.b == null) 20 else params.b;
// var c:Int = if (params.c == null) 30 else params.c;
// var d:Int = if (params.d == null) 40 else params.d;
// var e:Int = if (params.e == null) 50 else params.e;
// var f:Int = if (params.f == null) 60 else params.f;
// var g:Int = if (params.g == null) 70 else params.g;
// {
// trace([a,b,c,d,e,f,g]);
// }
// }
// static function main() {
// test({a:10});
// }
// }
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