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delucis / store.mjs
Last active April 12, 2023 21:00
Simple observable store
* Simple observable value store.
* @template {any} T
* @param {T | Promise<T>} initial
export function Store(initial) {
/** @type {Set<(newValue: T) => void>} */
const subscribers = new Set();
const store = { value: Promise.resolve(initial) };
return {
delucis /
Created December 2, 2022 23:45
Migrate Astro-Flavored Markdown files to MDX

This script is a quick way to migrate existing Astro-flavoured Markdown pages in an Astro project to MDX pages.

It does the following:

  1. Loads all *.md files in your src/pages/ directory
  2. Parses each page’s frontmatter
  3. Moves the contents of setup in frontmatter into the main file body as required for imports in MDX
  4. Writes the updated contents of each page to the same location but as .mdx instead of .md
  5. Deletes the original .md file
delucis / getAvailableMoves.js
Last active January 2, 2022 15:29
Get a list of moves available to a specific player using
* Get a list of the moves that are currently available to a specific player.
* @param {import("").Game} game game object
* @param {import("").Ctx} ctx current game context object
* @param {import("").PlayerID} playerID the ID of the player to get moves for
* @returns {string[]} an array of move names
* @example
* const game = {
delucis / bevel-plugin.js
Created March 26, 2021 17:04
TailwindCSS Bevelled Corners Plugin
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
const BevelPlugin = plugin(function bevelPlugin({ addUtilities, e }) {
const base = 0.5;
const absoluteSizes = Object.entries({
md: 1.5,
lg: 2,
xl: 3,
'2xl': 4,
delucis /
Last active April 21, 2022 12:24
Extending storage connectors

You can extend a storage adapter to add custom functionality.

This example wraps the original setState method to accomplish some other task when the game is over — in this case posting the game logs elsewhere via a hypothetical dumpEndOfGameLog function.

(The example uses the FlatFile storage class, but should work with any other storage class.)

delucis / deleteScrobbles.js
Last active July 27, 2020 10:49
Programmatically delete scrobbles from a library page
* Delete all (or some of) the scrobbles on a library page
* (e.g.
* @param {Number} [count=0] Number of scrobbles on page to delete
* @param {Number} [start=0] Index to start deleting from
* @example
* // delete first 20 scrobbles on page
* deleteScrobbles(20)
delucis / async-loop.js
Created November 13, 2017 15:31
Asynchronous, parallel loops ➰➰➰
// ES7 with async/await and Promise.all
async function loopIt(array) {
await Promise.all( member => {
// asyncStuff() will be called in parallel for all array members
let result = await asyncStuff(member)
delucis /
Created August 16, 2017 17:31
Copy a sha256 hash of a file to the clipboard
shasum -a 256 name-of-your-file | awk '{printf $1}' | pbcopy
# Check all required CLIs are available
dependencies=( pdftoppm convert )
for dependency in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
command -v $dependency >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "‘$dependency’ command is required but it’s not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; }
# Create a directory to hold extracted images
if [ ! -d "images" ]; then
delucis /
Created May 11, 2017 19:15
Bash rename multiple files
# use string replacement to rename parts of all matching filenames
# based on
for file in *.wav; do mv "$file" "${file/selection/substitution}"; done