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Created July 20, 2020 03:56
SupraDarky Channel Video IDs and Titles
6MQRL7xws7w - Best VGM 01 - Wild Arms - Town Theme
P8oefrmJrWk - Best VGM 02 - Metroid Prime - Ice Valley (Phendrana Deep Lake)
Y5HHYuQi7cQ - Best VGM 03 - Castlevania : Curse of Darkness - Garibaldi Courtyard
GBYsdw4Vwx8 - Best VGM 05 - Silent Hill 2 - Theme of Laura
iSP-_hNQyYs - Best VGM 06 - Chrono Trigger - Undersea Palace
AvlfNZ685B8 - Best VGM 07 - Chaos Legion - Feel No Fear (Sky Gallery)
AGWVzDhDHMc - Best VGM 08 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Astaroth (Fallen Angel Battle)
DlcwDU0i6Mw - Best VGM 09 - Tribes 2 - Desert
jChHVPyd4-Y - Best VGM 11 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Song of Storms (Windmill Hut)
e9xHOWHjYKc - Best VGM 12 - Beyond Good & Evil - Home Sweet Home
uBIqG5kme1U - Super Mario RPG - A Journey in Music
kDssUvBiHFk - Best VGM 13 - Yoshi's Island - Overworld Stage (Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy)
lBEvtA4Uuwk - Best VGM 14 - Wild Arms - Port Town Theme
k8gll7RGJyU - Castlevania Rap Perfect Selection - Mad Forest
-LOXGTXUrwk - Castlevania Rap Perfect Selection - Beginning
ZPfsbGR1Foo - Castlevania Rap Perfect Selection - Bloody Tears
WrgRfC8JODE - Castlevania Rap Perfect Selection - Vampire Killer
bW3KNnZ2ZiA - Best VGM 15 - Chrono Trigger - Silent Light
Je3YoGKPC_o - Best VGM 16 - Grandia II - Fight!! Ver.4 ~ Final Battle
9FZ-12a3dTI - Best VGM 17 - Deus Ex - The Synapse (Wan Chai)
bdNrjSswl78 - Best VGM 18 - Kingdom Hearts II - Afternoon Streets (Twilight Town ~ Sora)
-LId8l6Rc6Y - Best VGM 19 - Xenosaga III - In a Limestone Cave
yz1yrVcpWjA - Best VGM 21 - Persona 3 - The Battle for Everybody's Souls
-BmGDtP2t7M - Best VGM 22 - Castlevania Curse of Darkness - Cordova Town
xdQDETzViic - Best VGM 23 - The 7th Saga - Town Theme
f1QLfSOUiHU - Best VGM 24 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Valley
m4uR39jNeGE - Best VGM 25 - Wild Arms 3 - A Person's Warmth (Quiet Town)
Cm9HjyPkQbg - Best VGM 26 - Soul Edge - A Continental Gale (Rock's Stage)
aumWblPK58M - Best VGM 27 - SaGa Frontier - Sunset Town
YKe8k8P2FNw - Best VGM 28 - Baten Kaitos - House of Cards
hrxseupEweU - Best VGM 29 - Unreal Tournament 2003 & 2004 - Level 6
6D1WjiXcyrU - SupraDarky - Let's Think of a Plan !
W7RPY-oiDAQ - Best VGM 30 - Final Fantasy VI - Terra
JV8qMsWKTvk - Best VGM 31 - Legaia 2 - God's Fist
cqkYQt8dnxU - Best VGM 32 - Shadow Hearts III - Land of the Spirits
tdsnX2Z0a3g - Best VGM 33 - Blast Corps - Beeton Tracks
H1B52TSCl_A - Best VGM 34 - Super Mario 64 - Dire Dire Docks / Jolly Roger Bay
eYgWyWaLf5A - Earthbound Music: Battle Edition
hSZhcvtHGK0 - Earthbound Music: Town Edition
ROKcr2OTgws - Best VGM 35 - Chrono Cross - Dream of the Shore Near Another World
rt0hrHroPz8 - Best VGM 36 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Turnabout Sisters
oFbVhFlqt3k - Best VGM 37 - Xenogears - Bonds of Sea and Fire
J_cTMwAZil0 - Best VGM 38 - Wild Arms 4 - Nightless City Guara Bobelo
AVvhihA9gRc - Best VGM 39 - Berserk - Opening (Sign)
G_80PQ543rM - Best VGM 40 - DuckTales - The Moon
Bkmn35Okxfw - Best VGM 41 - Final Fantasy VII - You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet
Cp0UTM-IzjM - Best VGM 42 - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence - Anti-Soul Mysteries Lab
62HoIMZ8xAE - Best VGM 43 - Alundra - The Village of Inoa
xj0AV3Y-gFU - Best VGM 44 - Zelda : Wind Waker - Windfall Island
cETUoqcjICE - Best VGM 45 - Vay - Freak You Out (Final Dungeon)
aU0WdpQRzd4 - Best VGM 46 - Grandia II - Liligue City
tKMWMS7O50g - Best VGM 47 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Sky Tower
FqrNEjtl2FI - Best VGM 49 - Twinsen's Odyssey - Main Theme
2NfhrT3gQdY - Best VGM 50 - Lunar: The Silver Star - Battle Theme
GKFwm2NSJdc - Best VGM 51 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Rogueport
HneWfB9jsHk - Best VGM 52 - Suikoden III - Stupid Ducks
JE1hhd0E-_I - Best VGM 53 - Lufia II - Boss Battle Theme
s-6L1lM_x7k - Best VGM 54 - Final Fantasy XI - Airship
2BNMm9irLTw - Best VGM 55 - Mario & Luigi : Superstar Saga - Teehee Valley
FgQaK7TGjX4 - Best VGM 56 - Zelda : A Link to the Past - Dark World
an3P8otlD2A - Best VGM 57 - Skies of Arcadia - Battle Theme #1
pucNWokmRr0 - Best VGM 58 - Tales of Eternia - Mintche
xTRmnisEJ7Y - Best VGM 59 - Super Mario Galaxy - Battlerock Galaxy
DLqos66n3Qo - Best VGM 60 - Mega Turrican - Stage 1-1 (Bionic Action)
EQjT6103nLg - Best VGM 61 - Senko no Ronde (Wartech) - Limitless Cinderella
bNzYIEY-CcM - Best VGM 62 - Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time
Gibt8OLA__M - Best VGM 63 - Pilotwings 64 - Hang Glider
xhzySCD19Ss - Best VGM 64 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Faron Woods
z-QISdXXN_E - Best VGM 65 - Wild Arms Alter Code F - Puzzle
vaJvNNWO_OQ - Best VGM 66 - Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man Stage
5OLxWTdtOkU - Best VGM 67 - Extreme-G - Up to the Velocity
mkTkAkcj6mQ - Best VGM 68 - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Wings of Kynareth
0RKF6gqCXiM - Best VGM 69 - Persona 3 - Mass Destruction
QR5xn8fA76Y - Best VGM 70 - Terranigma - Crysta
J67nkzoJ_2M - Best VGM 71 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Stickerbush Symphony (Bramble Blast)
irGCdR0rTM4 - Best VGM 72 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Hardcore to the Brain (Boss Theme ~ Japan)
Mg236zrHA40 - Best VGM 73 - Dragon Quest VIII - Strange World ~ Marching through the Fields
eOx1HJJ-Y8M - Best VGM 74 - Xenosaga II - Second Miltia
cbiEH5DMx78 - Best VGM 75 - Wild Arms - Into the Wilderness (Intro)
grQkblTqSMs - Best VGM 76 - Earthbound - Pokey Means Business!
vfqMK4BuN64 - Best VGM 77 - Beyond Good & Evil - Funky Akuda Bar
473L99I88n8 - Best VGM 78 - Suikoden II - Gothic Neclord Battle
fg1PDaOnU2Q - Best VGM 79 - Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - Hail From the Past
tX_U8tZBuLo - Paper Mario TTYD - Poshley Heights
vp6NjZ0cGiI - Best VGM 81 - Deep Labyrinth - The Azure Cavern
uixqfTElRuI - Best VGM 82 - Zelda : Wind Waker - Dragon Roost Island
8tffqG3zRLQ - Best VGM 83 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Bayou Boogie
1BcHKsDr5CM - Best VGM 84 - Grandia - Town of Parm
N1lp6YLpT_o - Best VGM 86 - Tribes 2 - Ice Level
4i-qGSwyu5M - Best VGM 87 - Breath of Fire II - Sweet Home
pwIy1Oto4Qc - Best VGM 88 - Dark Cloud - Owl Forest
ty4CBnWeEKE - Best VGM 89 - Mario Kart 64 - Rainbow Road
5bTAdrq6leQ - Best VGM 90 - Castlevania - Wicked Child (Stage 3)
ZAyRic3ZW0Y - Best VGM 91 - Comix Zone - Night of the Mutants (Episode 1)
gWZ2cqFr0Vo - Best VGM 92 - Chrono Cross - Another Marbule
Es1uNda4p8o - Shadow Hearts Covenant - Ladder to Heaven (Battle vs Amon)
2MzcVSPUJw0 - Best VGM 93 - Super Metroid - Brinstar ~ Overgrown With Vegetation
MPvQoxXUQok - Best VGM 94 - Final Fantasy Tactics - Trisection
afsUV7q6Hqc - Best VGM 95 - Mega Man ZX - Last Area ~ Serpent Company
mYlD828qgEc - [SD Remix] Super Metroid - Brinstar
84NsPpkY4l0 - Best VGM 96 - Live a Live - Wait For Truth (Near Future)
sA_8Y30Lk2Q - Best VGM 97 - Ys VI : The Ark of Napishtim - Quatera Woods
FYSt4qX85oA - Best VGM 98 - Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time - The Desolate Smell of Earth
guff_k4b6cI - Best VGM 100 - Wild Arms - To a New Journey
hT8FhGDS5qE - Best VGM 101 - Lufia II - Battle Against Sinistrals
nRw54IXvpE8 - Best VGM 102 - Gitaroo Man - The Legendary Theme
tlY88rlNnEE - Best VGM 103 - Xenogears - My Village is Number One!
QaE0HHN4c30 - Best VGM 104 - Halo - Main Theme
8Fl6WlJ-Pms - Best VGM 105 - Parasite Eve - Intro (Primal Eyes)
PXvrVufWr5U - [SD Cover] Zelda: Link to the Past - Forest
NjG2ZjPqzzE - Best VGM 106 - Journey to Silius - Stage 1 (Space Colony Ruins)
eFR7iBDJYpI - Best VGM 107 - Ratchet & Clank - Eudora Logging Site
NjmUCbNk65o - Best VGM 108 - Donkey Kong Country 3 - Treetop Tumble
koHO9vN6t4I - Best VGM 110 - Giftpia - Opening
Ag-O4VfJx6U - Best VGM 112 - Metal Gear Solid 2 - Main Theme
4uJBIxKB01E - Best VGM 113 - Vay - Village
TJH9E2x87EY - Best VGM 114 - Super Castlevania IV - The Forest of Monsters
3Q8rRuy5lyw - [SD Remix] Castlevania IV - The Forest of Monsters
8MRHV_Cf41E - Best VGM 115 - Shadow Hearts III - Final Battle (Lady Tears II)
RypdLW4G1Ng - Best VGM 116 - Hot Rod - Main Theme
hn72sqPP5gM - [SD Remix] DuckTales - Fun on the Moon
8RtLhXibDfA - Best VGM 117 - Yoshi's Island - Underground Theme
TioQJoZ8Cco - Best VGM 118 - Xenosaga III - Fifth Jerusalem
_1rwSdxY7_g - Best VGM 120 - Breath of Fire III - Farm
_wHwJoxw4i4 - Best VGM 121 - Metroid - Kraid's Lair
o_vtaSXF0WU - Best VGM 122 - Arc the Lad IV: Twilight of the Spirits - Offense and Defense
N-BiX7QXE8k - Best VGM 123 - Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne - Normal Battle ~ Town
b-rgxR_zIC4 - Best VGM 124 - Mega Man 4 - Skull Man Stage
0ptVf0dQ18M - Best VGM 125 - F-Zero GX - Octoman's Theme
lmhxytynQOE - Best VGM 126 - Romancing Saga 3 - Boss Battle
6CMTXyExkeI - Best VGM 127 - Final Fantasy V - Battle with Gilgamesh (Clash on the Big Bridge)
Sqa2yctcAEM - [SD Remix] Donkey Kong Country 2 - Stickerbush Symphony
uKK631j464M - Best VGM 128 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Lost Painting
pWVxGmFaNFs - Best VGM 129 - Ragnarok Online 2 : The Gate of the World - Din Don Dan Dan Non Monstr
ag5q7vmDOls - Best VGM 130 - Lagoon - Philips Castle
e7YW5tmlsLo - Best VGM 131 - Cannon Fodder - Opening
pieNm70nCIQ - Best VGM 132 - Baten Kaitos - Chaotic Dance
3WVqKTCx7Ug - Best VGM 133 - Wild Arms 3 - Scenery Called Everyday
hELte7HgL2Y - Best VGM 134 - Chrono Trigger - Wind Scene
rEE6yp873B4 - Best VGM 135 - Contact - Free Time
9xy9Q-BLp48 - Best VGM 136 - Legaia 2 - Lost Forest
3ODKKILZiYY - Best VGM 137 - Plok - Beach
XW3Buw2tUgI - Best VGM 138 - Extreme-G - Devil Speed Unborn
bAiYsqDXWeA - [SD Remix] Final Fantasy VI - A Girl Named Terra
xvvXFCYVmkw - Best VGM 139 - Mario Kart 64 - Toad's Turnpike
gcm3ak-SLqM - Best VGM 140 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Town of Twilight
9u3xNXai8D8 - Best VGM 141 - Civilization IV - Baba Yetu
mwdGO2vfAho - Best VGM 143 - Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - The Gears Go Awry
XH1J5XxZklI - Best VGM 144 - Snowboard Kids - Big Snowman
x4i7xG2IOOE - Best VGM 145 - Silent Hill: Origins - Prologue (O.R.T.)
TYjKjjgQPk8 - Best VGM 146 - Donkey Kong Country - Fear Factory
6XOEZIZMUl0 - Best VGM 147 - SMT : Digital Devil Saga 2 - Divine Entity (Final Battle)
JA_VeKxyfiU - Best VGM 148 - Golden Sun - Kolima Forest
GzBsFGh6zoc - Best VGM 149 - Lufia - Fortress of Doom (Last Duel)
LPO5yrMSMEw - Best VGM 150 - Ridge Racers - Blue Topaz Remix
HO0rvkOPQww - Best VGM 151 - Guardian's Crusade - Opening
fYvGx-PEAtg - Best VGM 152 - Tales of Symphonia - Town of Wind and Ruins (Asgard)
HFKtYCcMWT4 - Best VGM 153 - Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Stage 1 / 2
sZU8xWDH68w - Best VGM 154 - The World Ends With You - O-Parts
fnOUY1uQAmE - [SD Remix] Mega Man 2 - It's Bubble Time!
kNPz77g5Xyk - Best VGM 155 - Super Castlevania IV - Cave
w4J4ZQP7Nq0 - Best VGM 156 - Legend of Mana - Earth Painting
RO_FVqiEtDY - Best VGM 157 - Super Paper Mario - Sammer's Kingdom
0iOv_mQhXro - [SD Remix] Mario Kart 64 - Rockin' Rainbow
3iygPesmC-U - Best VGM 158 - Shadow Hearts - Callback From Jesus
TS8q1pjWviA - Best VGM 160 - Star Fox - Corneria
egTFyKFaYBo - [SD Remix] Star Fox - Corneria Flight
1xzf_Ey5th8 - Best VGM 161 - Breath of Fire V - Electric Power Building
1rGGY-AQwaA - SupraDarky - Professor Spaceton and the Mysterious Planet
rVmt7axswLo - Best VGM 164 - Castlevania Curse of Darkness - The Forest of Jigramunt
KiGfjOLF_j0 - Best VGM 165 - Earthbound - Winters
XUWtLlXz-qI - [SD Cover] Super Mario Galaxy - Gusty Garden
W6GNcYfHe1E - Best VGM 166 - Illusion of Gaia - China's Great Wall
CRmOTY1lhYs - Best VGM 167 - Mass Effect - Credits (M4 Part II)
2r1iesThvYg - Best VGM 168 - Chrono Trigger - Secret of the Forest
F8U5nxhxYf0 - Best VGM 169 - Breath of Fire III - Cedar Forest (Falling Green)
JHrGsxoZumY - Best VGM 170 - Soukaigi - Fire Wire
LDvKwSVuUGA - Best VGM 172 - Donkey Kong Country - Aquatic Ambiance
tbVLmRfeIQg - Best VGM 173 - Alundra - The Wind that Shook the Earth
XQaoC--Uaew - [SD Remix] Lufia II - Wrath of the Sinistrals (Sinistrals Battle Theme)
u4cv8dOFQsc - Best VGM 174 - Silent Hill 3 - A Stray Child
w2HT5XkGaws - Best VGM 175 - Gremlins 2 : The New Batch - Stage 1
C-QGg9FGzj4 - Best VGM 177 - Grandia II - Fight!! Ver.3 ~ Boss Battle
6l3nVyGhbpE - Best VGM 178 - Extreme-G - Track 2
tkj57nM0OqQ - Best VGM 180 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant Zone
5OZIrAW7aSY - Best VGM 181 - Way of the Samurai - Righteous Soul (Credits)
zuczEjFfJzE - [SD Remix] Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant
0Y1Y3buSm2I - Best VGM 182 - Mario Kart Wii - Moo Moo Meadows
f1EFHMwKdkY - Best VGM 183 - Shadow Hearts III - Dead Fingers Talk (Battle Theme)
TdiRoUoSM-E - Best VGM 184 - Soma Bringer - Adel Desert
m6HgGxxjyrU - Best VGM 185 - Tales of Symphonia - A Snow Light (Flanoir)
EmD9WnLYR5I - Best VGM 186 - Super Mario Land 2 - Star Maze
QGgK5kQkLUE - Best VGM 187 - Kingdom Hearts - Traverse Town
YFDcu-hy4ak - Best VGM 188 - Donkey Kong Country 3 GBA - Water World
dEVI5_OxUyY - Best VGM 163 - Goldeneye - Byelomorye Dam
kzUYJAaiEvA - Best VGM 189 - ICO - You Were There (Ending Sequence)
L9e6Pye7p5A - Best VGM 190 - Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - Kai Highway
HCHsMo4BOJ0 - Best VGM 191 - Wild Arms 4 - The Desire to Fly Exceeds Words
9VyMkkI39xc - Best VGM 193 - Okami - Shachimaru's Theme (Orca)
B-L4jj9lRmE - Best VGM 194 - Suikoden III - Exceeding Love (Opening)
CHlEPgi4Fro - Best VGM 195 - Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War - MERLON
cWyykNUGMpw - [SD Remix] Live a Live - Western Sunset
O8jJJXgNLo4 - Best VGM 197 - Diablo I & II - Tristram
6GX_qN7hEEM - Best VGM 198 - Faxanadu - Land of Dwarf
SKtO8AZLp2I - Best VGM 199 - Wild Arms 5 - The Road to Tomorrow Follows Behind You
nH7ma8TPnE8 - Best VGM 200 - The Legend of Zelda - Labyrinth
Rs2y4Nqku2o - Best VGM 201 - Chrono Cross - The Scars of Time (Opening)
GLPT6H4On4o - Best VGM 202 - Metroid Fusion - Sector 1
TM3BIOvEJSw - Best VGM 203 - Eternal Sonata - Leap the Precipice (Battle Theme)
ztiSivmoE0c - Best VGM 204 - Breath of Fire - Sara (Goodbye)
bckgyhCo7Lw - Best VGM 205 - Tales of Legendia - The Birds Chirp, I Sing
ifvxBt7tmA8 - Best VGM 206 - Yoshi's Island - Castle
xaKXWFIz5E0 - Best VGM 208 - Dragon Ball Z Butouden 2 - Vegeta's Theme
VgMHWxN2U_w - Best VGM 209 - Pokemon Trading Card Game - Club Master Duel!
wKgoegkociY - Best VGM 210 - Opoona - Bravo Company
xfzWn5b6MHM - Best VGM 211 - Silent Hill: Origins - Blow Back (Credits)
apdba16z33w - [SD Remix] Chrono Trigger - Zealously Zeal
DTqp7jUBoA8 - Best VGM 212 - Mega Man 3 - Dr. Wily Part 2 (Stage 3 / 4)
9heorR5vEvA - Best VGM 213 - Streets of Rage - Fighting in the Street (Stage 1)
lb88VsHVDbw - Best VGM 215 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Forest Temple
H4hryHF3kTw - Best VGM 216 - Xenosaga II - Fatal Fight ( Jin & Margulis )
_Tyg68GqZhM - Star Wars - Cantina Song !
a14tqUAswZU - Best VGM 217 - Daytona USA - Sky High
z5oERC4cD8g - Best VGM 218 - Skies of Arcadia - Air Pirate Island
xTxZchmHmBw - Best VGM 219 - Asterix - Credits
kmkzuPrQHQM - Best VGM 220 - Yoshi's Island DS - Windblown Wilderness
VuT5ukjMVFw - Best VGM 222 - Grandia III - Battle Theme
3cIi2PEagmg - Best VGM 223 - Super Mario Bros 3 - Overworld 2
Mea-D-VFzck - Best VGM 224 - Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow - Condemned Tower
xtsyXDTAWoo - Best VGM 225 - Tetris Attack - Forest Stage
Kr5mloai1B0 - Best VGM 226 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - The Fate
ImdjNeH310w - Best VGM 227 - Ragnarok Online 2 : The Gate of the World - Clap and Walk
PKno6qPQEJg - Best VGM 228 - Blaster Master - Forest (Stage 1)
vEx9gtmDoRI - Best VGM 229 - Star Ocean 2: The Second Story - Shower of Blossoms
2jbJSftFr20 - Best VGM 230 - Plok - Akrillic
TXEz-i-oORk - Best VGM 231 - Wild Arms 5 - Terrible Monster Attacking Crew
Nn5K-NNmgTM - Best VGM 232 - Chrono Trigger - To Far Away Times
LrVTXDDBVQg - SupraDarky - Woop Dee Doop
msEbmIgnaSI - Best VGM 233 - Breath of Fire IV - Yet The Merchants Will Go
a_WurTZJrpE - Best VGM 234 - Earthbound - You've Come Far (Coffee Break)
Ou0WU5p5XkI - Best VGM 235 - Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm - Rain of Blossoms
tiwsAs6WVyQ - Best VGM 236 - Castlevania II - The Silence of the Daylight
d8xtkry1wK8 - Best VGM 237 - Lost Odyssey - A Sign of Hope
zqFtW92WUaI - Best VGM 238 - Super Mario World - Castle Theme
jlFYSIyAGmA - Best VGM 239 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Hot Head Bop
Xnmuncx1F0Q - Best VGM 240 - Demon's Crest - Metropolis of Ruin
U3FkappfRsQ - Best VGM 241 - Katamari Damacy - Cherry Blossom Color Season
Car2R06WZcw - Best VGM 242 - Zelda : Wind Waker - The Ocean
rMxIyQqeGZ8 - Best VGM 243 - Soma Bringer - Amaty, the Ancient City
YpIwIUlYnu0 - [SD Cover] Super Mario RPG - Seaside Ballad
oksAhZuJ55I - Best VGM 245 - Etrian Odyssey II - Cherry Tree Bridge
CkPqtTcBXTA - Best VGM 246 - Bully - Defender of the Castle
V1YsfDO8lgY - Best VGM 247 - Pokemon - Lavender Town
-L45Lm02jIU - Best VGM 248 - Super Street Fighter II - Blanka's Theme
YuHpkuOelsQ - Blanka Came to the City !
AxVhRs8QC1U - Best VGM 249 - Banjo-Kazooie - Treasure Trove Cove
96ro-5alCGo - Best VGM 250 - One Piece Grand Battle 2 - Bell of Judgement
qH8MFPIvFpU - Best VGM 251 - Xenogears - Solaris, Eden of Heaven
oQVscNAg1cQ - Best VGM 252 - The Adventures of Bayou Billy - Main Theme
aKjpJUtbAsM - Tribute to Video Game Music (1 Year Anniversary!)
0F-hJjD3XAs - Best VGM 253 - Skies of Arcadia - Kingdom of Ixa'taka
NcjcKZnJqAA - Best VGM 254 - Zelda : Minish Cap - Temple of Droplets
oNjnN_p5Clo - Best VGM 255 - Bomberman 64 - Blue Resort
-VtNcqxyNnA - Best VGM 256 - Dragon Quest II - Overworld (Theme 2)
zHej43S_OMI - Best VGM 257 - Radiata Stories - Song of Freedom Fighters
uSOspFMHVls - Best VGM 258 - Super Mario Bros 2 - Main Theme
BdFLRkDRtP0 - Best VGM 259 - Wild Arms 4 - The Shining Spear Pierces the Darkness
s0mCsa2q2a4 - Best VGM 260 - Donkey Kong Country 3 - Water World
oEhyuvkI4js - SupraDarky - Strollin' (The Impossible Game Practice Song)
CcKUWCm_yRs - Best VGM 262 - Cool Spot - Pier Pressure
-m3VGoy-4Qo - Best VGM 263 - Mega Man X6 - Infinity Mijinion Stage
peHXPMnGK6A - Sword of Mana - In Search of the Sacred Sword
Pc3GfVHluvE - Best VGM 265 - Baten Kaitos - Gentle Wind
iN3Jp55Db_A - Best VGM 266 - Maniac Mansion - Dave's Theme
uV_g76ThygI - Best VGM 267 - Xenosaga III - Hepatica (KOS-MOS)
_tYfxgIMwX8 - [SD Remix] Secret of Mana - Precious Gold (A Curious Tale)
bA4PAkrAVpQ - Best VGM 268 - Mega Man 9 - We're the Robots (Dr. Wily Stage 2)
-ltGbYCYr-Q - Best VGM 269 - Enchanted Arms - The People of London City
rFIzW_ET_6Q - Best VGM 270 - Shadow Hearts III - Le Gran Luxe (Boss Battle Theme)
j_8sYSOkwAg - Best VGM 271 - Professor Layton and the Curious Village - Professor Layton's Theme
44u87NnaV4Q - Best VGM 272 - Castlevania: Dracula X - Beginning (Stage 6)
Cf5rFBCwP48 - Dracula X: Rondo of Blood - Beginning (Stage 6)
TlDaPnHXl_o - Best VGM 273 - The Seventh Seal: Dark Lord - Rhythm of Red
y4DAIZM2sTc - Best VGM 274 - Breath of Fire III - Life's a Beach
lXBFPdRiZMs - Best VGM 275 - Dragon Ball Z : Super Butoden - Perfect Cell's Theme
k4L8cq2vrlk - Best VGM 276 - Chrono Trigger - Guardia Millenial Fair
5Sy3Kl7djNQ - [SD Remix] Final Fantasy V - Fight and Hope (Decisive Battle - Exdeath Theme)
FWSwAKVS-IA - Best VGM 278 - Disaster: Day of Crisis - Main Theme (Title)
yYPNScB1alA - Best VGM 279 - Speed Freaks - City
qezniWLWxEA - Mother Vocal Album - 01 - Pollyanna (I Believe in You)
9YoDuIZa8tE - Best VGM 280 - Lost Odyssey - Dark Saint Battle
y2MP97fwOa8 - Best VGM 281 - Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald - Sootopolis City
PwlvY_SeUQU - Best VGM 282 - Starcraft - Terran Theme 1
E5K6la0Fzuw - Best VGM 283 - Driver - Miami Night Cop
0iJarTI7riA - Mother Vocal Album - 02 - Bein' Friends
d1UyVXN13SI - Best VGM 284 - Zelda: A Link to the Past - Sanctuary Dungeon
nFsoCfGij0Y - Best VGM 285 - Batman: Return of the Joker - Stage 1
7JWi5dyzW2Q - Best VGM 286 - Dark Cloud 2 - Underground Water Channel
EX5V_PWI3yM - Best VGM 287 - Kingdom Hearts II - Lazy Afternoons
6kIE2xVJdTc - Best VGM 288 - Earthbound - The Lost Underworld
Ekiz0YMNp7A - Best VGM 289 - Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song - Prelude of Battle
DY0L5o9y-YA - Best VGM 290 - Paladin's Quest - Town
gQndM8KdTD0 - Best VGM 291 - Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards - Zero-Two
gWfljFxwsPg - Lavender town reversed (Original Gameboy version)
lfudDzITiw8 - Best VGM 292 - Opoona - The Village Without Memories (Fonthene)
VixvyNbhZ6E - Best VGM 293 - Lufia : The Legend Returns - Town of Albano
tk61GaJLsOQ - Best VGM 294 - Mother 3 - Natural Killer Cyborg!
fiPxE3P2Qho - Best VGM 295 - Wild Arms 4 - Over the Wind
1FesxUPvqZA - Mother Vocal Album - 03 - The Paradise Line
FjFx5oO-riE - Best VGM 297 - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia - Tymeo Mountains (Jaws of a Scorched Earth)
5gCAhdDAPHE - Best VGM 298 - Yoshi's Island - Flower Garden
FnogL42dEL4 - Best VGM 299 - Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Hell March
TlLIOD2rJMs - Best VGM 300 - Chrono Trigger - The Brink of Time
_OguBY5x-Qo - Best VGM 301 - Shenmue - Main Theme
HvnAkAQK82E - Best VGM 302 - Tales of Symphonia - Dry Trail
zpVIM8de2xw - Best VGM 303 - Mega Man 3 - Snake Man Stage
WKG0EJYdB_4 - [SD Remix] Donkey Kong Country - Exciting Fear
KrvdivSD98k - Best VGM 304 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Hydrocity Zone Act 2
NnZlRu28fcU - Best VGM 305 - Etrian Odyssey - The Withered Forest
y81PyRX4ENA - Best VGM 306 - Zone of the Enders 2 - Beyond the Bounds
jkWYvENgxwA - Best VGM 308 - Journey to Silius - Title Theme
2biS2NM9QeE - Best VGM 310 - Napple Tale - Cecil's Garden
qzhWuriX9Ws - Best VGM 311 - Xenogears - Omen
iwemkM-vBmc - Best VGM 312 - Super Mario Sunshine - Delfino Plaza
ICOotKB_MUc - Best VGM 313 - Top Gear - Mad Racer (Track 1)
ckVmgiTobAw - Best VGM 314 - Okami - Ryoshima Coast
m-VXBxd2pmo - Best VGM 316 - Asterix - Rome
AKfLOMirwho - Best VGM 318 - Earthbound - Home Sweet Home
PAuFr7PZtGg - Best VGM 319 - Tales of Legendia - Enemy Attack (Battle Theme)
w_N7__8-9r0 - Best VGM 320 - Donkey Kong Land - Kremlantis (Underwater)
gAy6qk8rl5I - Best VGM 321 - Wild Arms - Adlehyde Castle
uDwLy1_6nDw - Best VGM 322 - F-Zero - Big Blue
GEuRzRW86bI - Best VGM 323 - Musashi Samurai Legend - White Whale of Heaven
Rv7-G28CPFI - Best VGM 324 - Castlevania Curse of Darkness - Abandoned Castle
Ev1MRskhUmA - Best VGM 325 - Dragon Quest VI - Overworld
2cRMLNMBwS8 - Dragon Quest VI - Dream World
DoQekfFkXvI - Best VGM 326 - Super Mario Land - Easton Kingdom
QNd4WYmj9WI - Best VGM 327 - World of Warcraft : Wrath of the Lich King - Totems of the Grizzlemaw
WgK4UTP0gfU - Best VGM 328 - Breath of Fire II - Breath of Fire
9saTXWj78tY - Best VGM 329 - Katamari Damacy - Lonely Rolling Star
77F1lLI5LZw - Best VGM 330 - Grandia - Ghost Ship
HLl-oMBhiPc - Best VGM 331 - Sailor Moon RPG: Another Story - Silver Moon Cruiser
prRDZPbuDcI - Best VGM 332 - Guilty Gear XX Reload (Korean Version) - Vampire Saga (Slayer's Theme)
sMcx87rq0oA - Best VGM 333 - Seiken Densetsu 3 - Ordinary People
8iBCg85y0K8 - Best VGM 334 - Mother 3 - Monkey Delivery Service
5IUXyzqrZsw - Best VGM 335 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Forest Interlude
in7TUvirruo - Best VGM 337 - Sonic Unleashed - Shamar Town (Day)
I5GznpBjHE4 - Best VGM 338 - Soul Blazer - Koibito no Inaiyoru (Lisa's Song)
Lp0ojZ4LHrs - [SD Remix] Super Mario Bros 2 - Mario + Vegetables (Overworld)
5oGK9YN0Ux8 - Best VGM 339 - Shadow Hearts - Highnoon Fish (Dalian)
rhbGqHurV5I - Best VGM 340 - Castlevania II - Bloody Tears
XKI0-dPmwSo - Best VGM 341 - Shining Force II - Lively Town
jAQGCM-IyOE - Best VGM 342 - Xenosaga - Albedo's Theme
wFM8K7GLFKk - Best VGM 343 - Goldeneye - Facility
TkEH0e07jg8 - Best VGM 344 - Secret of Evermore - Mini Boss Battle
J3r0-FGA_Pg - [SD Chiptune] Through Stars and Bubbles
O0rVK4H0-Eo - Best VGM 345 - Legaia 2 - Wasteland of Far Away Places
vfRr0Y0QnHo - Best VGM 346 - Super Mario 64 - Snow Mountain
LSfbb3WHClE - Best VGM 347 - No More Heroes - Pleather for Breakfast (Duel Against Ranked #2: Bad Girl)
fRy6Ly5A5EA - Best VGM 348 - Legend of Dragoon - Boss Battle 1
-AesqnudNuw - Best VGM 349 - Mega Man 9 - Splash Blue (Splash Woman Stage)
DZaltYb0hjU - Best VGM 350 - Western Lords - Coyote Forest
qtrFSnyvEX0 - Best VGM 351 - Demon's Crest - Beyond the Colosseum
99RVgsDs1W0 - Best VGM 352 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Celestia (City in the Sky)
Y5cXKVt3wOE - Best VGM 353 - Souten no Celenaria - Steam City Under the Grayish Sky
fH-lLbHbG-A - Best VGM 354 - TMNT IV : Turtles in Time - Sewer Surfin'
hUpjPQWKDpM - Best VGM 355 - Breath of Fire V - Industrial Area
ENStkWiosK4 - Best VGM 356 - Kid Icarus - Underworld
WR_AncWskUk - Best VGM 357 - Metal Saga - Battle with the Wanted
0rz-SlHMtkE - Best VGM 359 - Panzer Dragoon - Flight
f6QCNRRA1x0 - Best VGM 360 - Legend of Mana - To the Sea
_H42_mzLMz0 - Best VGM 361 - Dragon Quest IV - Wagon Wheel's March
4MnzJjEuOUs - Best VGM 362 - Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm - Thunderclap
OEfpYzsAJYg - [SD Chiptune] Through Factories and Needles
X_PszodM17s - Best VGM 364 - ICO - Castle in the Mist
-ohvCzPIBvM - Best VGM 365 - Dark Cloud - Matataki Village
afA-AzQbJUs - Matataki Village Reversed
FKqTtZXIid4 - Best VGM 366 - Super Mario Galaxy - Good Egg Galaxy
ELyz549E_f4 - Best VGM 367 - Mother 3 - King Porky's Theme
zqgfOTBPv3E - Best VGM 368 - Metroid Prime 3 - Rundas Battle
ilOYzbGwX7M - Best VGM 369 - Deja Vu - Main Theme
m57kb5d3wZ4 - Best VGM 370 - Chrono Cross - Voyage (Home World)
HNPqugUrdEM - Best VGM 371 - Castlevania: Lament of Innocence - House of Sacred Remains
BDg0P_L57SU - Best VGM 372 - Lagoon - Hobbit Valley
9BgCJL71YIY - Best VGM 373 - Wild Arms 2 - Field (The Barren Lands)
LYiwMd5y78E - Best VGM 375 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - The 3 Karma (Final Battle)
yDMN8XKs1z0 - Best VGM 376 - Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn) - Rusty Ruins Zone ~ Act 2
VHCxLYOFHqU - Best VGM 377 - Chrono Trigger - Underground Sewers
SjEwSzmSNVo - Best VGM 378 - Shenmue II - Da Yuan Apartments
MlRGotA3Yzs - Best VGM 379 - Mega Man 4 - Dr. Cossack Part 2 (Stage 3/4)
mvcctOvLAh4 - Best VGM 380 - Donkey Kong Country - Life in the Mines
RKm11Z6Btbg - Best VGM 381 - Daytona USA - Let's Go Away
J4EE4hRA9eU - Best VGM 382 - Lost Odyssey - Ipsilon Mountains
_24ZkPUOIeo - Best VGM 383 - Pilotwings 64 - Birdman
Tj04oRO-0Ws - Best VGM 384 - Super Castlevania IV - Rotating Room (Clockwork Mansion)
1riMeMvabu0 - Best VGM 385 - Grim Fandango - Ninth Heaven
_L6scVxzIiI - Best VGM 387 - Zelda: Link's Awakening - Tal Tal Heights
ej4PiY8AESE - Best VGM 388 - Lunar: Eternal Blue - Promenade
p6LMIrRG16c - Best VGM 389 - Asterix & Obelix - The Mountains
TidW2D0Mnpo - Best VGM 390 - Blast Corps - Glory Crossing
QHStTXLP7II - Best VGM 391 - Breath of Fire IV - Maybe I'll Even Buy a Sheep
-PQ9hQLWNCM - Best VGM 392 - Pokemon - Battle vs Gym Leader
Al0XOLM9FPw - Best VGM 393 - Skullmonkeys - Little Bonus Room
vZOCpswBNiw - Best VGM 394 - Lufia - Castle Town
pTp4d38cPtc - Best VGM 396 - Super Metroid - Maridia ~ Swampy Caverns
GKKhBT0A1pE - Best VGM 397 - Wild Arms 3 - Long Days of Rest (Baskar Colony)
qmvx5zT88ww - Best VGM 398 - Sonic the Hedgehog - Marble Zone
w6exvhdhIE8 - Best VGM 399 - Suikoden II - Imprisoned Town
AN-NbukIjKw - Best VGM 400 - Super Mario 64 - Main Theme (Bob-omb's Battlefield)
37rVPijCrCA - Best VGM 401 - Earthbound - Your Name Please (New Game)
VMMxNt_-s8E - Best VGM 402 - River City Ransom - Running Around the City
XYtaRhON2-E - [Azure Remix] Through Factories and Needles
LUjxPj3al5U - Best VGM 403 - Blue Dragon - Eternity (Boss Battle Theme)
tL3zvui1chQ - Best VGM 404 - Zelda : Majora's Mask - Stone Tower Temple
AuluLeMp1aA - Best VGM 405 - Majokko de Go Go - Cutie BOIN'G (The Heroine Kurumi's Theme)
DeqecCzDWhQ - Best VGM 406 - Streets of Rage 2 - Go Straight (Stage 1)
Ef5pp7mt1lA - Best VGM 407 - Animal Crossing: Wild World - Main Theme (Extended)
mpt-RXhdZzQ - Best VGM 409 - Mega Man X - Storm Eagle Stage
7UZ8uN3LyVk - [SD Remix] Animal Crossing - Solitude (Steep Hill)
OZLXcCe7GgA - Best VGM 410 - Ninja Gaiden - Basilisk Mine Field (Act 4-2)
HUzLO2GpPv4 - Best VGM 411 - Castlevania 64 - Castle Center
NRNHbaF_bvY - Best VGM 412 - Kingdom Hearts - Deep Jungle (Tarzan)
iohvqM6CGEU - Best VGM 413 - Mario Kart 64 - Koopa Troopa Beach
EeXlQNJnjj0 - Best VGM 414 - E.V.O : Search for Eden - The Ocean
hsPiGiZ2ks4 - Best VGM 415 - SimCity 4 - By the Bay
J1x1Ao6CxyA - Best VGM 417 - Double Dragon II - Final Boss
fTvPg89TIMI - Best VGM 418 - Tales of Legendia - Short Circuit (Thunder Monument)
_bOxB__fyJI - Best VGM 420 - World Reborn - Title Theme
UnyOHbOV-h0 - Best VGM 421 - Dragon Ball Z Butouden 2 - Piccolo's Theme
7lHAHFl_3u0 - Best VGM 422 - Shadow of the Colossus - Revived Power ~ Battle With the Colossus
F6sjYt6EJVw - Best VGM 423 - Journey to Silius - Stage 2 (Underground Concourse)
hyjJl59f_I0 - Best VGM 424 - Star Fox Adventures - Cape Claw
CADHl-iZ_Kw - Best VGM 425 - Zelda: A Link to the Past - Hyrule Castle
4h5FzzXKjLA - Best VGM 426 - Star Ocean 2: The Second Story - The Venerable Forest
SDUUpUB1eu8 - Best VGM 427 - Super Princess Peach - Giddy Sky 1
b7nkvV-kgZA - The Best VGM of All Time
l5VK4kR1YTw - Best VGM 428 - Banjo-Kazooie - Bubblegloop Swamp
ijUwAWUS8ug - Best VGM 429 - Diablo II - Caves
PwEzeoxbHMQ - Best VGM 430 - Donkey Kong Country 3 GBA - Stilt Village
8CJ5kC68f5Q - [SD Cover] Final Fantasy X - Silence Before the Storm
-zJXwPMwOXY - Name the Temple!
odyd0b_WZ9E - Best VGM 431 - Dr. Mario - Chill
tgxFLMM9TLw - Best VGM 432 - Lost Odyssey - A Mighty Enemy Appears (Boss Battle Theme)
Op2h7kmJw10 - Best VGM 433 - Castlevania: Dracula X - Opus 13 (Stage 5b)
sjuaVAAsC4o - Dracula X: Rondo of Blood - Opus 13 (Stage 5b)
Xa7uyLoh8t4 - Best VGM 434 - Silent Hill 3 - Rain of Brass Petals
ujverEHBzt8 - Best VGM 435 - F-Zero GX - Spade's Theme
s3ja0vTezhs - Best VGM 436 - Mother 3 - Porky's Porkies
aDJ3bdD4TPM - Best VGM 437 - Terranigma - Underworld
EHRfd2EQ_Do - Best VGM 438 - Persona 4 - Mist
ZbpEhw42bvQ - Best VGM 439 - Mega Man 6 - Mr. X Stages
IQDiMzoTMH4 - Best VGM 440 - World of Warcraft : Wrath of the Lich King - Garden of Life
4J99hnghz4Y - Best VGM 442 - Beyond Good & Evil - Fun and Mini-Games
KnTyM5OmRAM - Best VGM 443 - Mario & Luigi : Partners in Time - Holli Jolli Village
Ie1zB5PHwEw - Best VGM 444 - Contra - Jungle (Stage 1)
P3FU2NOzUEU - Best VGM 445 - Paladin's Quest - Boss Battle Theme
VvMkmsgHWMo - Best VGM 446 - Wild Arms 4 - Dark Grey Back Ry
rhCzbGrG7DU - Best VGM 447 - Super Mario Galaxy - Buoy Base Galaxy
v0toUGs93No - Best VGM 448 - Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Lone Trooper
ErlBKXnOHiQ - Best VGM 449 - Dragon Quest IV - Castle
0H5YoFv09uQ - Best VGM 450 - Waterworld - Diving
Bk_NDMKfiVE - Best VGM 451 - Chrono Cross - The Brink of Death (Boss Battle)
APW3ZX8FvvE - Best VGM 452 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Turnabout Courtroom ~ Trial
c47-Y-y_dqI - Best VGM 453 - Blue Dragon - The Seal is Broken (Final Boss)
tEXf3XFGFrY - Best VGM 454 - Sonic Unleashed - Holoska ~ Cool Edge (Night)
4JJEaVI3JRs - Best VGM 455 - Zelda: Oracle of Seasons & Ages - Tarm Ruins & Lost Woods
PUZ8r9MJczQ - Best VGM 456 - Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - Silent Prison
rltCi97DQ7Y - Best VGM 457 - Xenosaga II - The Elsa
DbQdgOVOjSU - Best VGM 458 - Super Mario RPG - Fight Against an Armed Boss
yh8dWsIVCD8 - Best VGM 459 - Battletoads - Surf City
9GvO7CWsWEg - Best VGM 460 - Baten Kaitos - Soft Labyrinth
MfsFZsPiw3M - Best VGM 461 - Grandia - Main Theme
aWh7crjCWlM - Best VGM 462 - Conker's Bad Fur Day - Windy (Overworld)
0mmvYvsN32Q - Best VGM 464 - Batman - Streets of Desolation (Stage 1)
HXxA7QJTycA - Best VGM 465 - Mario Kart Wii - Bowser's Castle
GyuReqv2Rnc - Best VGM 466 - ActRaiser - Fillmore
4f6siAA3C9M - Best VGM 467 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Old Smudged Map
WCGk_7V5IGk - Best VGM 468 - Super Street Fighter II - Balrog's Theme
ihi7tI8Kaxc - Best VGM 469 - The Last Remnant - Limberlost
ITQVlvGsSDA - Best VGM 470 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Krook's March (Toxic Tower)
SsFYXts6EeE - Best VGM 471 - Ar Tonelico - Loki
CqAXFK8U32U - Best VGM 472 - McKids - Stage 2 & 6
j2zAq26hqd8 - Best VGM 473 - Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes - Darkness (vs Dark Samus)
CHQ56GSPi2I - Best VGM 474 - Arc the Lad IV: Twilight of the Spirits - Yewbell ~ Balmy Breeze
rLM_wOEsOUk - Best VGM 475 - F-Zero - Port Town
_BdvaCCUsYo - Best VGM 476 - Tales of Destiny - The Laughter of the Children (Town)
5niLxq7_yN4 - Best VGM 477 - Devil May Cry 3 - Cerberus Battle
nJgwF3gw9Xg - Best VGM 478 - Zelda II : The Adventure of Link - Palace
FDAMxLKY2EY - Best VGM 479 - Ogre Battle - Thunder (Revolt)
TSlDUPl7DoA - Best VGM 480 - Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time - Rust Color
NOomtJrX_MA - Best VGM 481 - Western Lords - Mithla County
Nd2O6mbhCLU - Best VGM 482 - Mega Man 5 - Wave Man Stage
hb6Ny-4Pb7o - Best VGM 483 - Mana Khemia - Sailbird
gW0DiDKWgWc - Best VGM 484 - Earthbound - Summers, Eternal Tourist Trap
Ia1BEcALLX0 - Best VGM 485 - Radiata Stories - Unknown and Unnamed Spot
b9OZwTLtrl4 - Best VGM 487 - Legend of Mana - Wanderer's Path
CaKUEn92Wlc - Just a quick video!
eyhLabJvb2M - Best VGM 488 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - The Crystal Stars
14gpqf8JP-Y - Best VGM 489 - Super Turrican - Stage 1-3
81-SoTxMmiI - Best VGM 490 - Deep Labyrinth - A Brazing Breeze
W8Y2EuSrz-k - Best VGM 491 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Hydrocity Zone Act 1
He7jFaamHHk - Best VGM 492 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Wandering Ghosts
m2Vlxyd9Wjw - Best VGM 493 - Dragon Quest V - Tower of Death
syFIaTBqHM4 - [SD Zelda] Dungeon 1 - Fallen Temple
cKQZVFIuyko - Best VGM 495 - Streets of Rage 2 - Slow Moon (Stage 5)
b3Ayzzo8eZo - Best VGM 496 - Lunar : Dragon Song - Wind of Future
W8-GDfP2xNM - Best VGM 497 - Suikoden III - Wind and Ground
6paAqMXurdA - Best VGM 498 - Chrono Trigger - People Who Threw Away the Will to Live
Z167OL2CQJw - Best VGM 499 - Lost Eden - Main Theme
jgtKSnmM5oE - Best VGM 500 - Tetris - Type A
eNXv3L_ebrk - Best VGM 501 - Moon : Remix RPG Adventure - Hole In Your Sock (MoonDisc Version)
B_QTkyu2Ssk - Best VGM 502 - Yoshi's Island - Athletic
00mLin2YU54 - Best VGM 503 - Grandia II - Mirumu Village
X68AlSKY0d8 - Best VGM 504 - Shatter - Amethyst Caverns
XhlM0eFM8F4 - Best VGM 505 - Banjo-Tooie - Hailfire Peaks (Fire Side)
aatRnG3Tkmg - Best VGM 506 - Mother 3 - Mom's Homeland
2c1e5ASpwjk - Best VGM 507 - Persona 4 - The Almighty
jL57YsG1JJE - Best VGM 508 - Metroid - Credits
7Y9ea3Ph7FI - Best VGM 509 - Unreal Tournament 2003 & 2004 - Tokara Forest (Level 8)
0E-_TG7vGP0 - Best VGM 510 - Battletoads & Double Dragon - Roper (Stage 3)
mG9BcQEApoI - Best VGM 511 - Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow - Wizardry Lab
1THa11egbMI - Best VGM 512 - Shadow Hearts III - Pirates of the Caribbean
GCiOjOMciOI - Best VGM 514 - LocoRoco - Red's Theme
QLsVsiWgTMo - Best VGM 515 - Mario Kart: Double Dash!! - Rainbow Road
Nr2McZBfSmc - Best VGM 516 - Uninvited - Title Theme
-nOJ6c1umMU - Best VGM 517 - Mega Man 7 - Dr. Wily Stage 3
RVBoUZgRG68 - Best VGM 518 - Super Paper Mario - Mount Lineland
TO1kcFmNtTc - Best VGM 519 - Lost Odyssey - The Capital of Numara
UC6_FirddSI - Best VGM 520 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Kokiri Forest
0Fff6en_Crc - Best VGM 521 - Emperor: Battle for Dune - Victory is Inevitable
q5vG69CXgRs - Best VGM 522 - Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald - Rustboro City
tvjGxtbJpMk - Best VGM 523 - Parasite Eve - Missing Perspective
7X5-xwb6otQ - Best VGM 524 - Lady Stalker - Fighting Dancer
DIyhbwBfOwE - Best VGM 525 - Tekken 4 - Touch and Go (Airport Stage)
1HOQJZiKbew - Best VGM 526 - Kirby's Adventure - Vegetable Valley
OqXhJ_eZaPI - Best VGM 527 - Breath of Fire III - Country Living
20Or4fIOgBk - Best VGM 528 - Seiken Densetsu 3 - Another Winter
Wj17uoJLIV8 - Best VGM 529 - Prince of Persia - Healing Ground
EUu_KhKzHqQ - SupraDarky - The 3am Song
POAGsegLMnA - Best VGM 530 - Super Mario Land - Muda Kingdom
LkRfePyfoj4 - Best VGM 531 - Senko no Ronde (Wartech) - assemble
SkwwhQdB4LM - F.E.A.R.: When Music Doesn't Fit (video recording test)
RXZ2gTXDwEc - Best VGM 532 - Donkey Kong Country 3 - Rockface Rumble
UoEyt7S10Mo - Best VGM 533 - Legend of Dragoon - Grassy Plains
4azKyHEjEbA - [Part 1/2] Tribute to Video Game Music (2 Years Anniversary!)
XBp7LEnHyHo - [Part 2/2] Tribute to Video Game Music (2 Years Anniversary!)
S0TmwLeUuBw - Best VGM 534 - God Hand - Sunset Heroes
dlZyjOv5G80 - Best VGM 535 - Shenmue - Shenhua (Dreamcast's 10th Anniversary)
v-h3QCB_Pig - Best VGM 536 - Ninja Gaiden II - Chaosium Sword (Intro)
Sk8e-742izg - Symphonic Fantasies (Square Enix concert) LIVE right now!
PzkbuitZEjE - Best VGM 538 - Ragnarok Online - Prontera City
HyWy1vzcqGE - Best VGM 539 - Boom Blox - Tiki Sacred Honor
n5L0ZpcDsZw - Best VGM 540 - Lufia II - Labyrinth
aqWw9gLgFRA - Best VGM 541 - Portal - Still Alive
Ef3xB2OP8l8 - Best VGM 542 - Diddy Kong Racing - Frosty Village
R2yEBE2ueuQ - Best VGM 543 - Breath of Fire - Forest
uYcqP1TWYOE - Best VGM 544 - Soul Blade - The Edge of Soul (Intro)
2U_TEDjoML8 - [SD Zelda] Dungeon 2 - Frozen Cavern
F41PKROUnhA - Best VGM 545 - F-Zero GX - ZEN (Aeropolis)
xzfhOQampfs - Best VGM 547 - Suikoden II - Days Past
ev9G_jTIA-k - Best VGM 548 - Robotrek - Rococo Town
umh0xNPh-pY - Best VGM 549 - Okami - Shinshuu Plains
2AzKwVALPJU - Best VGM 550 - Xenosaga II - Omega System
UdKzw6lwSuw - Best VGM 551 - Super Mario Galaxy - Gusty Garden Galaxy
sRLoAqxsScI - Best VGM 552 - Tintin : Prisoners of the Sun - Stage 8-1 (Prison Cell)
XztQyuJ4HoQ - Best VGM 553 - Legend of Legaia - Rimuerum
YYxvaixwybA - Best VGM 554 - Shatter - Homelands
AbRWDpruNu4 - Best VGM 555 - Super Castlevania IV - Dracula Battle
NnvD6RDF-SI - Best VGM 556 - Chibi-Robo - Abandoned Memories (Giga-Robo)
bRAT5LgAl5E - Best VGM 558 - The Dark Spire - Underground Floor 1
9Js1bZ3prHg - The Dark Spire - Underground Floor 1 (Classic Version)
nkPF5UiDi4g - Uncharted 2 Music - Nate's Theme 2.0
Wi3GYa26PeM - Uncharted 2 Music - Bustin' Chops
vckNK19y4rY - Uncharted 2 Music - The City's Secret
uhwB43-UCaQ - Uncharted 2 Music - Reunion
J4gL62XMVhk - Uncharted 2 Music - Breaking and Entering
G6TvDxXgPxY - Uncharted 2 Music - Desperate Times
h5e_QvyK6GU - Uncharted 2 Music - Marco Polo
vev8J3mrazY - Uncharted 2 Music - Helicopter and Tank
-NFMchVBokU - Uncharted 2 Music - The Monastery
TZC2ldgrR4w - Uncharted 2 Music - Refuge
2wXoWT4oHDI - Uncharted 2 Music - Warzone
78FvwovgH8o - Uncharted 2 Music - Train Wrecked
H_9GOUeSRog - Uncharted 2 Music - Cat and Mouse
IlPuxPItpmo - Uncharted 2 Music - Cornered
Tg1VmKGtaFU - Uncharted 2 Music - The Gates of Shambhala
iyRHO3MjGAw - Uncharted 2 Music - Broken Paradise
BloSZeBPfUg - Uncharted 2 Music - Brutal Combo Mambo
t0cfZROUrOc - Uncharted 2 Music - Among Thieves
n0FPxQi2xBA - Uncharted 2 Music - A Rock and a Hard Place
jT0jWD-WbOA - Uncharted 2 Music - The Road to Shambhala (Ending Credits)
8OFao351gwU - Best VGM 559 - Mega Man 3 - Spark Man Stage
0KDjcSaMgfI - Best VGM 560 - Star Ocean 2: The Second Story - We Form in Crystals (Ending Credits)
ElSUKQOF3d4 - Best VGM 562 - Elebits - Me and My Little War
OFikGlKC5l4 - SupraDarky - Plastik Elastik
TXO9vzXnAeg - Best VGM 563 - Dragon Quest - The Dragonlord (Final Boss)
injXmLzRcBI - Best VGM 564 - Blue Dragon - Cave
Z4QunenBEXI - Best VGM 565 - Zelda: Link's Awakening - Face Shrine (Level 6)
tQYCO5rHSQ8 - Best VGM 566 - Donkey Kong Land - Ancient Beaver Bop
EkCb89sYqDg - New Channel Milestone!
PAU7aZ_Pz4c - Best VGM 567 - Heimdall 2 - To Die
Az9XUAcErIQ - Best VGM 568 - Tomb Raider - Main Theme
NFsvEFkZHoE - Best VGM 569 - Kingdom Hearts - This is Halloween
f0muXjuV6cc - Best VGM 570 - Super Mario World - Ending
l17xXMQA0uQ - Torchlight: A Great Diablo Clone
dMSjvBILQRU - Best VGM 571 - Fable - Temple of Light
oubq22rV9sE - Best VGM 572 - Top Gear Rally - Main Menu
2WYI83Cx9Ko - Best VGM 573 - Earthbound - Otherwordly Foe (Battle 10)
t9uUD60LS38 - Best VGM 574 - SMT : Digital Devil Saga 2 - Karma City
JwSV7nP5wcs - Best VGM 575 - Skies of Arcadia - Valua City
lSAZh9nQAQc - SupraDarky - Voyage
cO1UTkT6lf8 - Best VGM 576 - Baten Kaitos Origins - Raincloud
2O4aNHy2Dcc - Best VGM 577 - X-Men vs Street Fighter - Gambit's Theme
Sp7xqhunH88 - Best VGM 578 - Waterworld - Mission Theme 1
IEf1ALD_TCA - Best VGM 579 - Bully - Vendetta Preps
CNUgwyd2iIA - Best VGM 580 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Ice Cap Zone Act 1
rXlxR7sH3iU - Best VGM 581 - Katamari Damacy - Katamari Mambo
pmQu1KRUw7U - Best VGM 583 - New Super Mario Bros Wii - Volcano
R5BZKMlqbPI - Best VGM 584 - Castlevania Curse of Darkness - Mortvia Fountain
nBWjVglSVGk - Best VGM 585 - The Flintstones - Unused Song 2
B1e6VdnjLuA - Best VGM 586 - Shadow of the Colossus - The Opened Way ~ Battle With the Colossus
XLJxqz83ujw - Best VGM 587 - Glover - Atlantis Realm, Level 1
cpcx0UQt4Y8 - Best VGM 588 - Shadow of the Beast - Eerie Forests
dszJhqoPRf8 - Best VGM 590 - Super Mario Kart - Rainbow Road
novAJAlNKHk - Best VGM 591 - Wild Arms 4 - For the Sake of One Flower
0U_7HnAvbR8 - Best VGM 592 - Shadow Hearts III - Alcatraz
b3l5v-QQF40 - Best VGM 593 - TMNT IV : Turtles in Time - Alleycat Blues
VVlFM_PDBmY - Best VGM 594 - Metal Gear Solid - Mantis' Hymn
4H_0h3n6pMk - Best VGM 596 - Silver Surfer - Level 1
gY9jq9-1LTk - Best VGM 597 - Treasure Hunter G - Just Like the Mountain, He Will Not Move
8gNNDaZH3ts - Etrian Odyssey I&II Super Arrange Album - Cherry Tree Bridge
prc_7w9i_0Q - Best VGM 598 - Super Mario RPG - Going Shopping In Seaside Town
A4e_sQEMC8c - Best VGM 599 - Streets of Fury - Excuse
_Ju6JostT7c - Best VGM 600 - Castlevania - Vampire Killer
D2nWuGoRU0s - Best VGM 601 - Ecco the Dolphin : Defender of the Future - Dolphin's Intrigue
7m2yOHjObCM - Best VGM 602 - Chrono Trigger - Memories of Green
F7p1agUovzs - Best VGM 604 - Silent Hill : Shattered Memories - When You're Gone
_dsKphN-mEI - Best VGM 605 - Sonic Unleashed - Dragon Road (Day)
oYOdCD4mWsk - Best VGM 606 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - In A Snow-Bound Land
wgAtWoPfBgQ - Best VGM 607 - Metroid Prime - Phendrana Drifts
67nrJieFVI0 - Best VGM 608 - World of Warcraft : Wrath of the Lich King - Mountains of Thunder (Storm Peaks)
cRyIPt01AVM - Best VGM 609 - Banjo-Kazooie - Freezeezy Peak
coyl_h4_tjc - Best VGM 610 - Mega Man 2 - Flash Man Stage
uy2OQ0waaPo - Best VGM 611 - Secret of Evermore - Queen Bluegarden
AISrz88SJNI - Best VGM 612 - Digital Devil Saga - Muladhara
sx6L5b-ACVk - Best VGM 613 - Zelda : A Link to the Past - Lost Woods (Forest)
UoBLfXPlyPA - Best VGM 614 - Shatter - Kinetic Harvest
4axwWk4dfe8 - Best VGM 615 - Battletoads & Double Dragon - Rat Ship (Stage 4)
EvhLzvpwxZ4 - Shadow Hearts Arrange Tracks - Twilight Street
IVCQ-kau7gs - Best VGM 617 - Shatterhand - Area C (Submarine)
7OHV_ByQIIw - Best VGM 618 - Plok - Creepy Crag
_gmeGnmyn34 - Best VGM 619 - 3D Dot Game Heroes - Wilderness
mSXFiU0mqik - Best VGM 620 - Chrono Cross - Home Village Arni
m9kEp_sNLJo - Best VGM 621 - Illusion of Gaia - In The Earthen Womb
n10VyIRJj58 - Best VGM 622 - Xenosaga III - Godsibb
mzFGgwKMOKw - Best VGM 623 - Super Mario Land 2 - Athletic
t97-JQtcpRA - Best VGM 624 - Nostalgia - Tokyo
DSOvrM20tMA - Best VGM 625 - Wild Arms - Migrant Bird of the Wilderness (Rudy's Theme / Overworld)
cYV7Ph-qvvI - Best VGM 626 - Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song - Minuet (Opening)
JgGPRcUgGNk - Best VGM 628 - Ace Combat 6 - The Liberation of Gracemeria
xKPBTkeJIyI - SupraDarky - This Is It, I Had A Good Life
wXSFR4tDIUs - Best VGM 629 - F-Zero - Mute City
sxcTW6DlNqA - Best VGM 630 - Super Adventure Island - Essential Vitamins (Underwater Stages)
rcnkZCiwKPs - Best VGM 631 - Trine - Fangle Forest
YL5Q4GybKWc - Best VGM 632 - Balloon Fight - Main Theme
RkDusZ10M4c - Best VGM 633 - Mother 3 - Hippo
DPO2XhA5F3Q - Best VGM 634 - Mana Khemia - Nefertiti
SwVfsXvFbno - Best VGM 635 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Water Temple
EeGhYL_8wtg - Best VGM 636 - Phantasy Star Portable 2 - Fly to Universe
2gKlqJXIDVQ - Best VGM 637 - Emil Chronicle Online - Under the Pressure
SzksdwLmxmY - Best VGM 638 - Bomberman Quest - Field Zone
CBm1yaZOrB0 - Best VGM 640 - Enthusia Professional Racing - AWAKENING ~ Nürburgring Suite
szxxAefjpXw - Best VGM 641 - Mario & Luigi : Bowser's Inside Story - Final Boss
EL_jBUYPi88 - Best VGM 642 - Journey to Silius - Stage 3 (Headquarters)
CYjYCaqshjE - Best VGM 643 - No More Heroes 2 - Philistine (Duel Against Ranked #4: Margaret)
Z41vcQERnQQ - Best VGM 644 - Dragon Quest III - Heavenly Flight
FQioui9YeiI - Best VGM 645 - Ragnarok Online - Geffen City
mG1D80dMhKo - Best VGM 646 - Asterix - Egypt
acAAz1MR_ZA - Best VGM 647 - Disgaea : Hour of Darkness - Running Fire
lLniW316mUk - Best VGM 648 - Suikoden III - Bine Del Zecks
W_t9udYAsBE - Best VGM 649 - Super Mario Bros 3 - Overworld
dWiHtzP-bc4 - Best VGM 650 - Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards - Factory Investigation
Z49Lxg65UOM - Best VGM 651 - Tsugunai - Early Afternoon In The Village
1ALDFlUYdcQ - Best VGM 652 - Mega Man 10 - Abandoned Memory (Dr. Wily Stage 1)
Kk0QDbYvtAQ - Best VGM 654 - Arcana - Decisive Battle
4GTm-jHQm90 - Best VGM 655 - Pokemon XD : Gale of Darkness - Miror B! Battle!
Q27un903ps0 - Best VGM 656 - F-Zero GX - Baba's Theme
NL0AZ-oAraw - Best VGM 657 - Terranigma - Evergreen Forest
KX57tzysYQc - Best VGM 658 - Metal Gear 2 - Theme of Solid Snake
0Fbgho32K4A - Best VGM 659 - FFCC : The Crystal Bearers - Ruins
YnQ9nrcp_CE - Best VGM 660 - Skyblazer - Lair of Kharyon
WBawD9gcECk - Best VGM 661 - Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - In Search of the Secret Spell
Y_jJ4lnksTI - King's Valley II - The Next Pyramid
4Rh6wmLE8FU - Best VGM 662 - Kingdom Hearts II - Darkness of the Unknown
wEkfscyZEfE - Best VGM 663 - Sonic Rush - Wrapped in Black
CksHdwwG1yw - Best VGM 664 - Crystalis - Wild Fields
yz4h9a7VxBA - The Most Inspirational VGM of All Time
ZuM618JZgww - Best VGM 665 - Metroid Prime Hunters - Deep Arcterra
Ft-qnOD77V4 - Best VGM 666 - Doom - E1M1 ~ At Doom's Gate
476siHQiW0k - Best VGM 667 - JESUS : Kyoufu no Bio Monster - Main Theme
nj2d8U-CO9E - Best VGM 668 - Wild Arms 2 - Town Where the West Wind Blows
JS8vCLXX5Pg - Best VGM 669 - Panzer Dragoon Saga - Sora Mi Areru Ec Sancitu
GC99a8VRsIw - Best VGM 670 - Earthbound - Onett
u6Fa28hef7I - Best VGM 671 - Last Bible III - Field Theme 1
BfVmj3QGQDw - Best VGM 672 - The Neverhood - Klaymen's Theme
h5iAyksrXgc - Best VGM 674 - Yoshi's Story - On The Beach
bFk3mS6VVsE - Best VGM 675 - Threads of Fate - Passing Through the Forest
a5WtWa8lL7Y - Best VGM 676 - Tetris - Type B
kNgI7N5k5Zo - Best VGM 677 - Atelier Iris 2 : The Azoth of Destiny - To the Underground Tunnel
wBUVdh4mVDc - Best VGM 678 - Lufia - Boss Fight
sVnly-OASsI - Best VGM 679 - Lost Odyssey - The Wanderer of Darkness
Qnz_S0QgaLA - Best VGM 681 - Deus Ex - Underworld (NYC Bar)
dylldXUC20U - Best VGM 682 - Zelda : Wind Waker - Outset Island
mngXThXnpwY - Best VGM 683 - Legendary Wings - Stage 3
gLu7Bh0lTPs - Best VGM 684 - Donkey Kong Country - Gang-Plank Galleon
3lhiseKpDDY - Best VGM 685 - Heimdall 2 - Reflections
nwEkcGdmoto - Elfen Lied - Lilium
MthR2dXqWHI - Best VGM 686 - Super Mario RPG - Welcome to Booster's Tower
n9QNuhs__8s - Best VGM 687 - Magna Carta : Tears of Blood - The Poet of Efort
dfykPUgPns8 - Best VGM 688 - Parasite Eve - U.B. (Final Battle)
fexAY_t4N8U - Best VGM 689 - Conker's Bad Fur Day - Sloprano (The Great Mighty Poo)
wE8p0WBW4zo - Best VGM 691 - Guilty Gear XX Reload (Korean Version) - In the Arms of Death (Testament's Theme)
16sK7JwZ9nI - Best VGM 692 - Sands of Destruction - Fallenmine
VdYkebbduH8 - Best VGM 693 - Mario Kart 64 - Staff Roll
70oTg2go0XU - Best VGM 694 - 3D Dot Game Heroes - Water Temple
_ttw1JCEiZE - Best VGM 695 - NieR - The Wretched Automatons (Junk Heap)
VpyUtWCMrb4 - Best VGM 696 - Castlevania III - Mad Forest
5pQMJEzNwtM - Best VGM 697 - Street Racer - Title Theme
wFJYhWhioPI - Best VGM 698 - Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne - Musubi
h_suLF-Qy5U - Best VGM 699 - Katamari Damacy - The Moon and the Prince
heD3Rzhrnaw - Best VGM 700 - Mega Man 2 - Intro Theme
CowhS2eBBK8 - SD Original Songs [200X-2009]
FCB7Dhm8RuY - Best VGM 701 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Sky Island / Sky Station Galaxy 1
LpxUHj-a_UI - Best VGM 703 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Billie Jean (Caverns)
reOJi31i9JM - Best VGM 704 - Chrono Trigger - Tyrano's Lair
6uo5ripzKwc - Best VGM 705 - Emil Chronicle Online - The Last Haven
13Uk8RB6kzQ - Best VGM 706 - The Smurfs - The Swamps
ZJjaiYyES4w - Best VGM 707 - Tales of Symphonia : Dawn of the New World - Desert Flower (Triet)
745hAPheACw - Best VGM 708 - Dark Cloud 2 - Lunatic Wisdom Laboratory
E99qxCMb05g - Best VGM 709 - VVVVVV - Popular Potpourri
Yx-m8z-cbzo - Best VGM 710 - Cave Story - Moonsong (Outer Wall)
b0kqwEbkSag - Best VGM 711 - Deathsmiles IIX - Inside the White Darkness (Field E)
Ff_r_6N8PII - Best VGM 712 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Midna's Desperate Hour
IS-bZp4WW4w - Best VGM 713 - Crusader of Centy - Root Temple
loh0SQ_SF2s - Best VGM 714 - Xenogears - Shevat, The Wind is Calling
GWaooxrlseo - Best VGM 715 - Mega Man X3 - Blast Hornet Stage
s-kTMBeDy40 - Best VGM 716 - Grandia - Mullen
LQ0uDk5i_s0 - Best VGM 717 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Parting, and...
ZgvsIvHJTds - Best VGM 718 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Mining Melancholy
kEA-4iS0sco - Best VGM 719 - Skies of Arcadia - Uninhabited Island
cMxOAeESteU - Best VGM 720 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Event Battle
V4tmMcpWm_I - Best VGM 721 - Super Street Fighter IV - Vega's Theme
U_Ox-uIbalo - Best VGM 722 - Bionic Commando - Area 1
wuFKdtvNOp0 - Best VGM 724 - Granado Espada - Ni Miedo
6fA_EQBPB94 - Best VGM 725 - Super Metroid - Brinstar ~ Red Soil
h3hLx-FVgKk - Metroid Prime 2 Echoes - Torvus Bog (Submerged Temple)
Z9UnlYHogTE - Best VGM 726 - The Violinist of Hameln - Inside the Crimson Castle
SAMWFXKpCQk - 10,000 Subs + Channel Stats [2010]
6R8jGeVw-9Y - Best VGM 727 - Wild Arms 4 - Port Ailinton
ZW-eiSBpG8E - Best VGM 728 - Legend of Mana - The Wind Sings a Journey
f2XcqUwycvA - Best VGM 729 - Kingdom Hearts : Birth By Sleep - Dearly Beloved
SrINCHeDeGI - Best VGM 730 - Luigi's Mansion - Main Theme
kyaC_jSV_fw - Best VGM 731 - Nostalgia - Hanging Gardens of Babylon
xFUvAJTiSH4 - Best VGM 732 - Suikoden II - Heart-Softening Theme 3
Nw7bbb1mNHo - Best VGM 733 - NeoTokyo - Tin Soldiers
sUc3p5sojmw - Best VGM 734 - Zelda II : The Adventure of Link - Title Theme
myjd1MnZx5Y - Best VGM 735 - Dragon Quest IX - Heaven's Prayer (The Observatory)
XCfYHd-9Szw - Best VGM 736 - Mass Effect - Galaxy Map
njoqMF6xebE - Best VGM 737 - Chip 'n Dale : Rescue Rangers - Happy Cat Factory (Stage J)
pOK5gWEnEPY - Best VGM 738 - Resident Evil REmake - Safe Haven
xKxhEqH7UU0 - Best VGM 739 - ICO - Heal (Save Point)
cvpGCTUGi8o - Best VGM 740 - Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum - Galactic Boss Cyrus
s_Z71tcVVVg - Best VGM 741 - Super Mario Sunshine - Underwater Exploration
rhaQM_Vpiko - Best VGM 742 - Outlaws - Anna's Theme
HHun7iYtbFU - Best VGM 743 - Mega Man 6 - Dr. Wily Stages
M4FN0sBxFoE - Best VGM 744 - Arc the Lad - Theme of Arc the Lad
QXd1P54rIzQ - Best VGM 745 - Secret of Evermore - Fire Eyes
a5aUsFk1LKc - SupraDarky - Adrift
Jgm24MNQigg - Best VGM 746 - Parasite Eve II - Distorted Evolution (Final Battle)
5WSE5sLUTnk - Best VGM 747 - Ristar - Break Silence (Round 2-2)
dG4ZCzodq4g - Best VGM 748 - Tekken 6 - Yodeling in Meadow Hill (Hidden Retreat)
Y9a5VahqzOE - Best VGM 749 - Kirby's Dream Land - Green Greens
8gGv1TdQaMI - Best VGM 751 - Tomb Raider II - Main Theme
2NGWhKhMojQ - Best VGM 752 - Klonoa - Untamed Heart (Vision 6-1)
iFa5bIrsWb0 - Best VGM 753 - Zelda: Link's Awakening - Eagle Tower (Level 7)
vgD6IngCtyU - Best VGM 754 - Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song - A Challenge to God ~Four Guardian Kings Battle~
-czsPXU_Sn0 - Best VGM 755 - StarFighter 3000 - Floating
Wqv5wxKDSIo - Best VGM 756 - Scott Pilgrim vs the World - Another Winter
cmyK3FdTu_Q - Best VGM 757 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Crystal Teardrops (Underground Caverns)
554IOtmsavA - Best VGM 758 - Dark Void - Main Theme
VicarY7Vf6I - Dark Void Zero - Main Theme
5Em0e5SdYs0 - Best VGM 759 - Mario & Luigi : Partners in Time - Thwomp Volcano
9QVLuksB-d8 - Best VGM 760 - Pop'n Music 12: Iroha - Magical Voice Shower
XnHysmcf31o - Best VGM 761 - Mother (EarthBound Beginnings) - Bein' Friends
wPCmweLoa8Q - Best VGM 763 - Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 - Evil Association
rY3n4qQZTWY - Best VGM 764 - Dragon Quest III - Dungeon
u4mU3HuESI0 - Dragon Quest III Symphonic Suite - Dungeon
JBK7BZo2FQI - Dragon Quest III Symphonic Suite - Heavenly Flight
wMvRLHgDvn0 - Dragon Quest Symphonic Suite - The Dragonlord (Final Boss)
qpkdrtlC9w0 - Dragon Quest II Symphonic Suite - Overworld (Theme 2)
qA6IfcvX_bU - [Super Smash Bros. Ultimate] Dragon Quest IV Symphonic Suite - Wagon Wheel's March
P3DFJ5MWd7E - Dragon Quest IV Symphonic Suite - Castle
gF9FWN2mC1k - Dragon Quest VI Symphonic Suite - Overworld & Dream World
Mowxn3woS50 - Dragon Quest IX Symphonic Suite - The Observatory (Angelic Land)
s4afDYEh7ME - Dragon Quest V Symphonic Suite - Tower of Death
xgn1eHG_lr8 - Best VGM 765 - Total Distortion - You Are Dead (Game Over)
tnAXbjXucPc - Best VGM 766 - Battletoads & Double Dragon - Robo Manus (Stage 5)
2sGqQITAuAI - Quick Update
9RpdJnC2u84 - Tribute to Video Game Music (3 Years Anniversary!)
p-dor7Fj3GM - Best VGM 767 - Zelda : Majora's Mask - Last Day
Gt-QIiYkAOU - Best VGM 768 - Galactic Pinball - MOONMAN's Fandango
seaPEjQkn74 - Best VGM 769 - Emil Chronicle Online - Song for Battle
XZEuJnSFz9U - Best VGM 770 - Bubble Bobble - Main Theme
FR-TFI71s6w - Best VGM 771 - Super Monkey Ball 2 - Boiling Pot
zCP7hfY8LPo - Best VGM 772 - Ape Escape - The Hot Spring
0F0ONH92OoY - Best VGM 773 - Donkey Kong 64 - The Monkey Rap (Intro)
X3rxfNjBGqQ - Best VGM 774 - Earthbound - Twoson
euk6wHmRBNY - Best VGM 775 - Infinite Undiscovery - Forbidden Ground
DF7NkDTiDqI - SupraDarky - Inside Your Dreams
ixE9HlQv7v8 - Best VGM 776 - Castle Crashers - Barbarian Boss Theme
j16ZcZf9Xz8 - Best VGM 777 - Pokemon Silver / Gold / Crystal - Radio ~ Lucky Channel / Game Corner
p48dpXQixgk - Best VGM 779 - Beyond Good & Evil - Hyllian Suite
pQVuAGSKofs - Best VGM 780 - Super Castlevania IV - Simon Belmont's Theme
JzPKClyQ1rQ - Best VGM 781 - Persona 3 Portable - Time
UHAEjRndMwg - Best VGM 782 - Machinarium - The Robot Band Song
7JIkz4g0dQc - Best VGM 783 - Mega Man 10 - Cybersheep's Dream (Sheep Man Stage)
QZiTBVot5xE - Best VGM 784 - Legaia 2 - Tanza
14-tduXVhNQ - Best VGM 785 - The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse - Dark Forest
qs3lqJnkMX8 - Best VGM 786 - Kirby's Epic Yarn - Cool Cave
_Gnu2AttTPI - Best VGM 787 - Pokemon Black / White - Route 10
N74vegXRMNk - Best VGM 788 - Bayonetta - After Burner (Climax Mix)
moDNdAfZkww - Best VGM 789 - Minecraft - Cat
lPFndohdCuI - Best VGM 790 - Super Mario RPG - Beware the Forest's Mushrooms
gDL6uizljVk - Best VGM 791 - Batman: Return of the Joker - Ending
-Q-S4wQOcr8 - Best VGM 792 - Star Ocean 2: The Second Story - Weathercock
HijQBbE0WiQ - Best VGM 793 - Heroes of Might and Magic III - Rampart Town
Yh0LHDiWJNk - Best VGM 794 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Zora's Domain
iDVMfUFs_jo - Best VGM 795 - LOST CHILD - Deserter
B_ed-ZF9yR0 - Best VGM 796 - Ragnarok Online - Labyrinth
h2AhfGXAPtk - Best VGM 797 - Deathsmiles - Burning Halloween Town
57aCSLmg9hA - Best VGM 799 - The Green Lantern - High Score
Y8Z8C0kziMw - Best VGM 800 - Sonic the Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone
vEp6oCiRMxw - SupraDarky - Driftin'
x9S3GnJ3_WQ - Best VGM 801 - Wild Arms - The Princess-Sorceress' Feelings
rz_aiHo3aJg - Best VGM 802 - ActRaiser - Birth of the People (Town)
NP3EK1Kr1sQ - Best VGM 803 - Dr. Mario - Fever
tzi9trLh9PE - Best VGM 804 - Blue Dragon - The Ruined Village
8zY_4-MBuIc - Best VGM 805 - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Cornered
BkmbbZZOgKg - Best VGM 806 - Cheetahmen II - Main Theme
QuSSx8dmAXQ - Best VGM 807 - Gran Turismo 4 - Horizon
UZ9Z0YwFkyk - Best VGM 809 - Donkey Kong Country - DK Island Swing
x0wxJHbcDYE - Best VGM 810 - Prop Cycle - Cliff Rock
8Ly4VGHz4To - SupraDarky - Mid Sleep
TBx-8jqiGfA - Best VGM 811 - Super Mario Bros - Underwater Theme
O0fQlDmSSvY - Best VGM 812 - Opoona - Holy Island (Sanctuary)
4fMd_2XeXLA - Best VGM 813 - Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow - Subterranean Hell
Se-9zpPonwM - Best VGM 814 - Shatter - Freon World
ye960O2B3Ao - Best VGM 815 - Star Fox - Fortuna
q8ZKmxmWqhY - Best VGM 816 - Massive Assault - Wasserland
8pJ4Q7L9rBs - Best VGM 817 - NieR - Temple of Drifting Sands
gVGhVofDPb4 - Best VGM 818 - Mother 3 - Love Theme
lojAcLV8isk - Mother 3 Piano - Love Theme (S. Itoi Website Version)
7F3KhzpImm4 - Best VGM 819 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Kakariko is Saved
FrhLXDBP-2Q - Best VGM 820 - DuckTales - Transylvania
nUiZp8hb42I - Best VGM 821 - I.Q. : Intelligent Qube - Healing Light
Y_RoEPwYLug - Best VGM 822 - Mega Man ZX - Cinq Ville ~ C'est Notre Espoir (Area D ~ Highway)
1agK890YmvQ - Best VGM 823 - Sonic Colors - Planet Wisp Map
fcJLdQZ4F8o - Best VGM 824 - Ar Tonelico - Valkyrja
CBZq9IwTzH0 - [SD Zelda] Dungeon 3 - Volcano's Castle
WYRFMUNIUVw - Best VGM 825 - Chrono Trigger - Frog's Theme
NVRgpAmkmPg - Best VGM 826 - Resident Evil 4 - Serenity
LGLW3qgiiB8 - Best VGM 827 - We ♥ Katamari - Disco ★ Prince
v02ZFogqSS8 - Best VGM 829 - Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum - Snowpoint City (Midday)
_j8AXugAZCQ - Best VGM 830 - Earthbound - Snowman
tkCwMIU_DLg - Mother - Snowman
1bxhePu-WoU - Mother 3 - Snowman
BVLMdQfxzo4 - Best VGM 831 - Emil Chronicle Online - Alone in the Snowstorm
SNYFdankntY - Best VGM 832 - Mario Kart 64 - Sherbet Land
acLncvJ9wHI - Best VGM 833 - Trauma Team - Anyway Let's Begin The Diagnosis
Xpwy4RtRA1M - Best VGM 835 - The Witcher - The Dike (Vizima Outskirts)
Xv_VYdKzO3A - Best VGM 836 - Tintin : Prisoners of the Sun - Stage 4-1 (Aboard the Pachacamac)
ietzDT5lOpQ - Best VGM 837 - Braid - Tell It By Heart
AWB3tT7e3D8 - Best VGM 838 - Zelda : Spirit Tracks - In the Fields
cjrh4YcvptY - Best VGM 839 - Jurassic Park 2 - Dark Jungle
8urO2NlhdiU - Best VGM 840 - Halo 3 ODST - Bits and Pieces (Short Version)
XelC_ns-vro - Best VGM 841 - Breath of Fire II - The Whale Song
n5eb_qUg5rY - Best VGM 842 - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Streetwize
SAWxsyvWcqs - Best VGM 843 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Square Timber / Puzzle Plank Galaxy
V07qVpXUhc0 - Best VGM 844 - Suikoden II - Reminiscence
XJllrwZzWwc - Best VGM 845 - Namco x Capcom - Facing the Wind
j_EH4xCh1_U - Best VGM 846 - Metroid Prime - Tallon Overworld
rLuP2pUwK8M - Best VGM 847 - Pop'n Music GB - Texas Gunman
am5TVpGwHdE - Best VGM 848 - Digital Devil Saga - Svadhisthana
LpO2ar64UGE - Best VGM 849 - Mega Man 9 - Thunder Tornado (Tornado Man Stage)
hV3Ktwm356M - Best VGM 850 - Killer Instinct - The Instinct (Main Theme)
Lj8ouSLvqzU - Best VGM 851 - Megalomachia 2 - Chaos Crawler
mr1anFEQV9s - Best VGM 852 - Alundra - Kline's Dream
bviyWo7xpu0 - Best VGM 854 - Wild Arms 5 - A Muzzle Dancing in Hatred (Fire Tower)
pbmKt4bb5cs - Best VGM 855 - Brave Fencer Musashi - The White Cloud in the Sky
tKmmcOH2xao - Best VGM 856 - VVVVVV - Potential for Anything
6GWxoOc3TFI - Best VGM 857 - Super Mario Land - Birabuto Kingdom
3q_o-86lmcg - Best VGM 858 - Crash Bandicoot - Hog Wild, Whole Hog
4a767iv9VaI - Best VGM 859 - Spyro : Year of the Dragon - Molten Crater
cHfgcOHSTs0 - Best VGM 860 - Ogre Battle 64 - Decisive
6AZLmFaSpR0 - Best VGM 861 - Castlevania : Lords of Shadow - Waterfalls of Agharta
vODqf94wrM8 - Super Castlevania IV - Waterfalls
xuCzPu3tHzg - Best VGM 862 - Seiken Densetsu 3 - Where Angels Fear to Tread
8ZjZXguqmKM - Best VGM 863 - The Smurfs - The Mountains
y6UhV3E2H6w - Best VGM 865 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Gaur Plains
Sw9BfnRv8Ik - Best VGM 866 - Dreamfall : The Longest Journey - The Hospital Room
p5ObFGkl_-4 - Best VGM 867 - Zelda : A Link to the Past - Dark World Dungeon
aObuQqkoa-g - Best VGM 868 - Dragon Quest VI - Village
z4YQyMvORDE - Dragon Quest VI Symphonic Suite - Village
8lmjoPgEWb4 - Best VGM 869 - Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 - Feel the Moment
OXWqqshHuYs - Best VGM 870 - La-Mulana - Curse of IRON PIPE
-IsFD_jw6lM - Best VGM 871 - Advance Wars DS - That's a Wrap! (Credits)
6IadffCqEQw - Best VGM 872 - The Legend of Zelda - Intro (Series' 25th Anniversary)
KZA1PegcwIg - Best VGM 873 - Goldeneye - Frigate La Fayette, Monte Carlo
xY86oDk6Ces - Best VGM 874 - Super Street Fighter II - Guile's Theme
O1Ysg-0v7aQ - Best VGM 875 - Tekken 2 - Morning Field (Jun's Theme)
QkgA1qgTsdQ - Best VGM 877 - Contact - Ending C
YzZ4DaAfMeM - [SD Zelda] Dungeon 4 - Forest of Forgotten Memories
4ugpeNkSyMc - Best VGM 878 - Thunder Spirits - Hunger Made Them Desperate
_i9LIgKpgkc - Best VGM 879 - Persona 3 - Memories of the City
MhjEEbyuJME - Best VGM 880 - Xenogears - Daijiru, City Of The Burning Sands
pxcx_BACNQE - Best VGM 881 - Double Dragon - Arrival of the Black Warriors (Stage 1)
f6PZ7KDDMZg - Double Dragon Original Sound - Arrival of the Black Warriors (Stage 1)
aDbohXp2oEs - Best VGM 882 - Baten Kaitos Origins - The Broken Manas and My One and Only
9sVb_cb7Skg - Best VGM 883 - Diablo II - Rogue Encampment
vbzmtIEujzk - Best VGM 884 - Deadly Premonition - Life is Beautiful
8IP_IsXL7b4 - Best VGM 885 - Super Mario Kart - Koopa Beach
FJ976LQSY-k - Best VGM 886 - Western Lords - Devil Mountain
U9z3oWS0Qo0 - Best VGM 887 - Castlevania : Bloodlines - Iron Blue Intention (Stage 4)
XxMf4BdVq_g - Best VGM 888 - Deus Ex - Main Theme
0Lo8Q5tL0WQ - Best VGM 889 - Chrono Trigger - Peaceful Days
_tpWNgVSsQc - Death Note - Rem
GIhf0yU94q4 - Best VGM 890 - Mr. Nutz - Clouds
46WQk6Qvne8 - Best VGM 891 - Blast Corps - Echo Marches / Havoc District
dGzGSapPGL8 - Best VGM 892 - Jets 'N' Guns - Shop Music
BmKWwQ6R5uU - Best CM 01 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Air on the G String
60FoWZsxoiA - Dragon Quest II Symphonic Suite - Chateau
_RHmWJyCsAM - Best VGM 893 - Dragon Quest II - Chateau
8xWWLSlQPeI - Best VGM 894 - Zelda : Wind Waker - Staff Roll
29dJ6XlsMds - Best VGM 895 - Elvandia Story - Title
gIlGulCdwB4 - Best VGM 896 - Pilotwings Resort - Hang Glider
RSlUnXWm9hM - Best VGM 897 - NeoTokyo - Annul
Zn8GP0TifCc - Best VGM 898 - Lufia II - The Turret Forgotten
Su5Z-NHGXLc - Best VGM 899 - Lunar : Eternal Blue - The Last Battle
eKiz8PrTvSs - Best VGM 900 - Metroid - Title Theme
qnJDEN-JOzY - Best VGM 901 - Ragnarok Online 2 : The Gate of the World - Swamper
1DFIYMTnlzo - Best VGM 902 - Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow - After the Battle ~Blue Recollection~
E3PKlQUYNTw - Best VGM 904 - Okamiden - Yakushi Village
6JdMvEBtFSE - Best VGM 905 - Parasite Eve : The 3rd Birthday - Investigation of the Past
rd3QIW5ds4Q - Best VGM 906 - Spanky's Quest - City
T9kK9McaCoE - Best VGM 907 - Mushihimesama Futari - On the Verge of Madness ~ Stage 5
XKeXXWBYTkE - Best VGM 908 - Wild Arms 5 - The Street Corner at Sunset
6AuCTNAJz_M - Best VGM 909 - Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Summer Air
mPhy1ylhj7E - Best VGM 910 - Earthbound - Threed ~ Free At Last
NGJp1-tPT54 - Best VGM 911 - OutRun2 - Splash Wave
Ubu3U44i5Ic - Best VGM 912 - Super Mario 64 - Ultimate Koopa
DZQ1P_oafJ0 - Best VGM 913 - Eternal Champions - Character Bios
jXGaW3dKaHs - Best VGM 914 - Mega Man 2 - Metal Man Stage
ki_ralGwQN4 - Best VGM 915 - Legend of Mana - Hometown Domina
wPZgCJwBSgI - Best VGM 916 - Perfect Dark - Alien Conflict
AkKMlbmq6mc - Best VGM 917 - Mass Effect 2 - Suicide Mission
1s7lAVqC0Ps - Best VGM 918 - Tales of Graces - Crush that Steel!
pETxZAqgYgQ - Best VGM 920 - Zelda II : The Adventure of Link - Town
Z-LAcjwV74M - Best VGM 921 - Soul Calibur II - Raise Thy Sword (Nightmare's Theme)
YzELBO_3HzE - Best VGM 922 - Plok - Creepy Forest
vCqkxI9eu44 - Best VGM 923 - Astal - The Crystal Palace
CoQrXSc_PPw - Best VGM 924 - Donkey Kong Country - Ice Cave Chant
_OM5A6JwHig - Best VGM 925 - Machinarium - By The Wall
1gZaH16gqgk - Best VGM 926 - Sonic Colors - Aquarium Park Act 1
02VD6G-JD4w - Best VGM 927 - SimCity 4 - Epicentre
a8hAxP__AKw - Best VGM 928 - Lethal Weapon - Mission 4
dyFj_MfRg3I - Best VGM 929 - Dragon Quest VIII - Overture (Series' 25th Anniversary)
pgacxbSdObw - Best VGM 931 - Breath of Fire IV - Truth and Dreams
1R1-hXIeiKI - Best VGM 932 - Punch-Out!! - Fight Music
01n8imWdT6g - Best VGM 933 - Ristar - Ice Scream (Round 5-2)
u3S8CGo_klk - Best VGM 934 - Radical Dreamers - Star Stealing Girl
7GFGSzlNZBc - Chrono Cross - Star Stealing Girl
2qDajCHTkWc - Best VGM 935 - Arc the Lad IV : Twilight of the Spirits - Ordeal
lFOBRmPK-Qs - Best VGM 936 - Pokemon - Last Battle (vs Rival)
bDH8AIok0IM - Best VGM 937 - TimeSplitters 2 - Chicago
e9uvCvvlMn4 - Best VGM 938 - Wave Race 64 - Main Theme
zLXJ6l4Gxsg - Best VGM 939 - Kingdom Hearts - Destati
rZ2sNdqELMY - Best VGM 940 - Pikmin - The Forest Navel
Nw5cfSRvFSA - Best VGM 942 - Super Meat Boy - Can o' Salt
hMd5T_RlE_o - Best VGM 943 - Super Mario World - Overworld
elvSWFGFOQs - Best VGM 944 - Ridge Racer Type 4 - Move Me
BSVBfElvom8 - Best VGM 945 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Title Theme
zojcLdL7UTw - Best VGM 946 - Shining Hearts - Seashore Wind
zO9y6EH6jVw - Best VGM 947 - Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes - Torvus Bog
sl22D3F1954 - Best VGM 948 - Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Theme of Dr. Doom
rADeZTd9qBc - Best VGM 949 - Ace Combat 5 : The Unsung War - White Bird (Part II)
V42HQvXXv4M - SupraDarky - Electronic City
h4VF0mL35as - Best VGM 950 - Super Castlevania IV - Treasury Room
QYnrEDKTB-k - Best VGM 951 - The Guardian Legend - Forest Labyrinth
uxETfaBcSYo - Best VGM 952 - Grandia II - Fight!! Ver.1
3vYAXZs8pFU - Best VGM 953 - Umineko no Naku Koro ni - dreamenddischarger
OYr-B_KWM50 - Best VGM 954 - Mega Man 3 - Top Man Stage
H3fQtYVwpx4 - Best VGM 955 - Croc 2 - The Mine
R6BoWeWh2Fg - Best VGM 956 - Cladun : This is an RPG - Knight of a Foreign Country
ytp_EVRf8_I - Best VGM 957 - Super Mario RPG - The Road is Full of Dangers
d0akzKhBl2k - Best VGM 958 - Pop'n Music 7 - Twilight Gloom
3Y8toBvkRpc - Best VGM 960 - Xenosaga II - Old Miltia (Submerged City)
4HHlWg5iZDs - Best VGM 961 - Terraria - Underground
e6cvikWAAEo - Best VGM 962 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Main Theme
K_jigRSuN-g - Best VGM 963 - MediEvil - The Haunted Ruins
R1DRTdnR0qU - Best VGM 964 - Chrono Trigger - Schala's Theme
LlokRNcURKM - Best VGM 965 - The Smurfs' Nightmare - Another World (The Mysterious Planet)
Y6B5CRwbthc - Alberto Jose Gonzalez - Another World
ARTuLmKjA7g - Best VGM 966 - King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match - Ж (Nameless' Theme)
2bd4NId7GiA - Best VGM 967 - Catherine - It's a Golden Show
X8CGqt3N4GA - Best VGM 968 - Zelda : Majora's Mask - Clock Town, First Day
mbPpGeTPbjM - Best VGM 970 - Eternal Darkness - Black Rose
YJcuMHvodN4 - Best VGM 971 - Super Bonk - Twilight Space
0_8CS1mrfFA - Best VGM 972 - Emil Chronicle Online - Over the Infinite Helix
QtW1BBAufvM - Best VGM 973 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Magma Monster / Melty Monster Galaxy
fjNJqcuFD-A - Best VGM 974 - Katamari Damacy - Katamari Stars
Q1TnrjE909c - Best VGM 975 - Lunar : Dragon Song - Battle Against Dragons (Trials)
bO2wTaoCguc - Best VGM 976 - Super Dodge Ball - Opposition Match Theme
XMc9xjrnySg - Best VGM 977 - Golden Sun - Vale
ccHauz5l5Kc - Best VGM 978 - Torchlight - Town
ML-kTPHnwKI - Best VGM 979 - Metroid - Brinstar (Series' 25th Anniversary)
ft5DP1h8jsg - Best VGM 980 - Wild Arms 2 - First Opening - You'll Never Be Alone
dSwUFI18s7s - Best VGM 981 - Valkyria Chronicles 3 - Damn It !
VfvadCcVXCo - Best VGM 982 - Crystal Beans from Dungeon Explorer - Floating Tower
-GouzQ8y5Cc - Best VGM 983 - Minecraft - Sweden (Calm 3)
roRsBf_kQps - Best VGM 984 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Snowy Valak Mountain ~ Night
-LLr-88UG1U - Best VGM 985 - The Last Story - Timbre of the City
feZJtZnevAM - Best VGM 986 - Pandora's Tower - Final Boss
y2ZrrKgzbok - SupraDarky - Trippin'
17W3t5cERn4 - SupraDarky - Frrozzen Echoes
ZrDAjeoPR7A - Best VGM 987 - Child of Eden - Evolution
1_8u5eDjEwY - Best VGM 988 - Digital : A Love Story - Paper Dolls
S3k1zdbBhRQ - Best VGM 989 - Donkey Kong Land - Track Attack (Clouds)
EHAbZoBjQEw - Best VGM 990 - Secret of Evermore - Horace
WLorUNfzJy8 - Best VGM 991 - Breath of Death VII - Graves (Parameter)
m2q8wtFHbyY - Best VGM 992 - La Pucelle : Tactics - Solitaire
1CJ69ZxnVOs - Best VGM 993 - Jets 'N' Guns - Koala In The Spider's Web
S87W-Rnag1E - Best VGM 995 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Don't Want You No More (Orchestra Piece #1)
9v_B9wv_qTw - Best VGM 996 - Tower of Heaven - Indignant Divinity
sh77w1M4h14 - Send Me Your VG Related Photo for Best VGM 1000 !
WeVAeMWeFNo - Best VGM 997 - Sakura Taisen : Atsuki Chishio Ni - Main Theme
1RBvXjg_QAc - Best VGM 998 - E.T. : Return to the Green Planet - Return to the Village
nuXnaXgt2MM - Best VGM 999 - Super Mario 64 - Cave Dungeon
DRN7inTDMG8 - The Deadline is Tomorrow !
jaG1I-7dYvY - Best VGM 1000 - Earthbound - Smiles and Tears
8vBd21GN-y0 - I Now Have Twitter !
uq4ifSc7MSw - Tribute to Video Game Music (4 Years Anniversary!)
-TG5VLGPdRc - Best VGM 1001 - Wild Arms Alter Code F - Town Theme
e-r3yVxzwe0 - Best VGM 1002 - Chrono Cross - Dead Sea
52f2DQl8eGE - Best VGM 1003 - Mega Man & Bass - Museum (Opening Stage)
_thDGKkVgIE - Best VGM 1004 - Spyro : A Hero's Tail - Cloudy Domain
TVKAMsRwIUk - Best VGM 1005 - Nintendo World Cup - Multiplayer Match
ooohjN5k5QE - Best VGM 1007 - Cthulhu Saves the World - Existence Collapses (Final Boss)
r5A1MkzCX-s - Best VGM 1008 - Castlevania - Heart of Fire
4RPbxVl6z5I - Best VGM 1009 - Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness - Haunted Halloween
BMpvrfwD7Hg - Best VGM 1010 - Kirby's Epic Yarn - Dark Manor
7RDRhAKsLHo - Best VGM 1011 - Dragon Quest V - Monsters in the Dungeon
ucXYUeyQ6iM - Best VGM 1012 - Pop'n Music 2 - Don't Disturb
MffE4TpsHto - Best VGM 1013 - Assassin's Creed II - Earth
sNqZidSXMVM - Dragon Quest V Symphonic Suite - Monsters in the Dungeon
8qy4-VeSnYk - Best VGM 1014 - Secret of Mana - Meridian Dance
C8aVq5yQPD8 - Best VGM 1015 - Lode Runner 3-D - Bonus Stage
MTThoxoAVoI - Best VGM 1016 - NieR - Grandma
zawNmXL36zM - Best VGM 1017 - SpaceChem - A New World
Os2q1_PkgzY - Best VGM 1018 - Super Adventure Island - Dark Castle of Living Things
ny2ludAFStY - Best VGM 1019 - Sonic Triple Trouble - Sunset Park Act 3
8IVlnImPqQA - Best VGM 1020 - Unreal Tournament 2003 & 2004 - Level 5
v_9EdBLmHcE - Best VGM 1022 - Equinox - Atlena (Short Version)
SS_04BIqeNk - SupraDarky - Fuzion
16e2Okdc-PQ - Best VGM 1023 - Threads of Fate - Rasdan
zsuBQNO7tps - Best VGM 1024 - Dark Souls - Great Grey Wolf Sif
SXQsmY_Px8Q - Best VGM 1025 - Guardian of Paradise - The Mountains
C7r8sJbeOJc - Best VGM 1026 - NeoTokyo - Beacon
aci_luVBju4 - Best VGM 1027 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Skyloft
QiX-xWrkNZs - Best VGM 1028 - Machinarium - The Glasshouse With Butterfly
cwmHupo9oSQ - Best VGM 1029 - Street Fighter 2010 - Planet 1, Area 3
IUAZtA-hHsw - Best VGM 1030 - SaGa Frontier II - Weltall
6jp9d66QRz0 - Best VGM 595 - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - Pull Back the Bass
yCLW8IXbFYM - Best VGM 244 - Suikoden V - Wind of Phantom
l1kDWYu-FWw - An Invitation to a VGM Contest
MH00uDOwD28 - Best VGM 1031 - Portal 2 - Want You Gone
rZn6QE_iVzA - Best VGM 1032 - Tekken 5 - Ground Zero Funk
QdLD2Wop_3k - Best VGM 1033 - Super Paper Mario - Floro Sapien Caverns
pDW_nN8EkjM - Best VGM 1034 - Wild Guns - Desolation Canyon
Jb83GX7k_08 - Best VGM 1035 - Shadow of the Colossus - The Sunlit Earth
YD19UMTxu4I - Best VGM 1036 - Time Trax - Title Theme
VZIA6ZoLBEA - Best VGM 1037 - Donkey Kong Country Returns - Palm Tree Groove
evVH7gshLs8 - Best VGM 1038 - Turok 2 (Gameboy) - Cemetary Stage
7d8nmKL5hbU - Best VGM 1039 - Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - A Small Prayer
Ct54E7GryFQ - Best VGM 1040 - Persona 4 - Your Affection
hL7-cD9LDp0 - Best VGM 1041 - Glover - Atlantis Realm, Level 3
IjZaRBbmVUc - Best VGM 1042 - Bastion - Setting Sail, Coming Home (End Theme)
BxYfQBNFVSw - Best VGM 1043 - Mega Man 7 - Freeze Man Stage
MjeghICMVDY - Best VGM 1044 - Ape Escape 3 - Wintersville (Part 1)
4DmNrnj6wUI - Best VGM 1045 - Napple Tale - Snowball
qnvYRm_8Oy8 - Best VGM 1046 - Shenmue - Christmas on Dobuita Street
MlhPnFjCfwc - Best VGM 1048 - Blue Stinger - Merry Christmas
P01-ckCZtCo - Best VGM 1049 - Wild Arms 5 - The City Where We'll Meet Someday
zB-n8fx-Dig - Best VGM 1050 - Kirby's Return to Dreamland - Aurora Area (Windy Waffles)
KDVUlqp8aFM - Best VGM 1051 - Earthworm Jim - New Junk City
qEozZuqRbgQ - Best VGM 1052 - Snowboard Kids 2 - Haunted House
f0Uu7wwPOps - Ghost in the Shell - Floating Museum
Jg5M1meS6wI - Best VGM 1053 - Metal Gear Solid - Encounter
clyy2eKqdC0 - Best VGM 1054 - Mother 3 - Mind of a Thief (Duster's Theme)
d2dB0PuWotU - Best VGM 1055 - Sonic Adventure 2 - Dive Into The Mellow (Aquatic Mine)
mh9iibxyg14 - Best VGM 1056 - Super Mario RPG - Fight Against a Somewhat Stronger Monster
JRKOBmaENoE - Best VGM 1057 - Spanky's Quest - Underwater
ung2q_BVXWY - Best VGM 1058 - Nora to Toki no Koubou - Everyday Lifestyle
hB3mYnW-v4w - Best VGM 1059 - Superbrothers : Sword & Sworcery EP - Dark Flute
WcM38YKdk44 - Best VGM 1060 - Killer7 - Dissociative Identity
zxZROhq4Lz0 - Best VGM 1062 - Pop'n Music 8 - Beyond the Bounds (Mitsuto Suzuki 020203 Mix feat. Sana)
w4b-3x2wqpw - Best VGM 1064 - Breath of Death VII - Introduction / Desert (Calm Streams)
OdX5m9maRg4 - [SD Remix] Breath of Death VII - Introduction / Desert
gSLIlAVZ6Eo - Best VGM 1065 - Tales of Vesperia - On the Other Side of the Mirage (Yormgen)
xx9uLg6pYc0 - Best VGM 1066 - Spider-Man & X-Men : Arcade's Revenge - Gambit
Iu4MCoIyV94 - Best VGM 1067 - Motorhead - Red Rock
gokt9KTpf18 - Best VGM 1068 - Mario Kart 7 - Rainbow Road
1QHyvhnEe2g - Best VGM 1069 - Ice Hockey - In Game Theme
B4JvKl7nvL0 - Best VGM 1070 - Grand Theft Auto IV - Loading Screen Theme
HGMjMDE-gAY - Best VGM 1071 - Terranigma - Overworld
gzl9oJstIgg - Best VGM 1072 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Goron City
qgJ0yQNX2cI - Best VGM 1073 - A Boy And His Blob - Subterra
ksq6wWbVsPY - Best VGM 1074 - Tekken 2 - Nobody Catch Me (Michelle's Theme)
WNORnKsigdQ - Best VGM 1075 - Radiant Historia - Blue Radiance (Battle Theme)
WZ1TQWlSOxo - Best VGM 1076 - OutRun 2 - Life Was A Bore
72RLQGHxE08 - Best VGM 1077 - Zack & Wiki - Chillion
c_ex2h9t2yk - Best VGM 1078 - Klonoa - The Windmill Song
g6vc_zFeHFk - Best VGM 1079 - Streets of Rage - Beatnik on the Ship (Stage 5)
DmaFexLIh4s - Best VGM 1080 - El Shaddai - Tragic Scream
TUZU34Sss8o - Best VGM 1081 - Pokemon - Pallet Town
T18nAaO_rGs - Best VGM 1082 - Dragon Quest Monsters - Terry's World
qsDU8LC5PLI - Best VGM 1083 - Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together - Warren Report
2xP0dFTlxdo - Best VGM 1085 - Vagrant Story - Graylands Incident Climax
brYzVFvM98I - Best VGM 1086 - Super Castlevania IV - Ending
uUA40z9kT6w - Best VGM 1087 - Tomb Raider Legend - Nepal
i8DTcUWfmws - Best VGM 1088 - Guilty Gear Isuka - Home Sweet Grave
Mobwl45u2J8 - Best VGM 1089 - Emil Chronicle Online - Lucky!
kDWyXcoMvfk - Some random tracks I've worked on
SPBIT_SSzmI - Best VGM 1090 - Mario Party - Rainbow Castle
FGtk_eaVnxQ - Best VGM 1091 - Minecraft - Subwoofer Lullaby
5hc3R4Tso2k - Best VGM 1092 - Shadow Hearts - Coffee with Bullet
jfEZs-Ada78 - Best VGM 1093 - Jack Bros. - Temple of Nightmare
WV56iJ9KFlw - Best VGM 1094 - Mass Effect - C-Sec Academy
Q7a0piUG3jM - Best VGM 1095 - Dragon Ball Z Butouden 2 - Trunks' Theme
NAyXKITCss8 - Best VGM 1096 - Forza Motorsport 4 - Paris Rouen
1OzPeu60ZvU - Best VGM 1097 - Swiv - Title Theme
Yh4e_rdWD-k - Best VGM 1098 - Seiken Densetsu 3 - Swivel
74cYr5ZLeko - Best VGM 1099 - Mega Man 9 - Hornet Dance (Hornet Man Stage)
LLmaiBVzSiE - [SD Chiptune] 8-bit Mid Sleep
AVBrH-92sOA - New playlist : Relaxin' with SD
GtZNgj5OUCM - Best VGM 1101 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Sky - Temporal Tower
y0PixBaf8_Y - Best VGM 1102 - Waterworld - Attack 2
DlbCke52EBQ - Best VGM 1103 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Fi's Theme
V4JjpIUYPg4 - Best VGM 1104 - Street Fighter IV - Overpass Stage (Tokyo)
ysLhWVbE12Y - Best VGM 1105 - Panzer Dragoon - Staff Roll
6FdjTwtvKCE - Best VGM 1106 - Bit.Trip Flux - Strange Comfort
1MVAIf-leiQ - Best VGM 1107 - Fez - Adventure
OMsJdryIOQU - Best VGM 1108 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Colony 9
-KXPZ81aUPY - Best VGM 1109 - Ratchet & Clank : Going Commando - Silver City
3tpO54VR6Oo - Best VGM 1110 - Pop'n Music 4 - Electronism
J323aFuwx64 - Best VGM 1111 - Super Mario Bros 3 - Underwater
_3Am7OPTsSk - Best VGM 1112 - Earthbound - Fourside
Ba4J-4bUN0w - Best VGM 1113 - Bomberman Hero - Redial
3nPLwrTvII0 - Best VGM 1114 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Requiem for the Gods
lOaWT7Y7ZNo - Best VGM 1115 - Mirror's Edge - Kate (Chase)
YYGKW8vyYXU - Best VGM 1116 - Shatterhand - Area G (Missile Command)
U4aEm6UufgY - Best VGM 1117 - NyxQuest : Kindred Spirits - Icarian
Vgxs785sqjw - Best VGM 1118 - Persona 3 FES - Heartful Cry
BfR5AmZcZ9g - Best VGM 1119 - Kirby Super Star - Gourmet Race (Series' 20th Anniversary)
qyrLcNCBnPQ - Best VGM 1120 - Sonic Unleashed - Temple
KgCLAXQow3w - Best VGM 1121 - Ghouls 'n' Ghosts - Main Theme
QD30b0MwpQw - Best VGM 1122 - Shatter - Krypton Garden
VClUpC8BwJU - Best VGM 1123 - Silent Hill : Downpour - Intro Perp Walk
cQhqxEIAZbE - Best VGM 1124 - Resident Evil Outbreak - Main Theme
1saL4_XcwVA - Best VGM 1126 - Dustforce - The Magnetic Tree
ZEUEQ4wlvi4 - Best VGM 1127 - Dragon Quest III - Pyramid
-eHjgg4cnjo - Best VGM 1128 - Tintin in Tibet - At the Hotel
hsjRUADnTUo - Tribes Ascend - Brute in a Tank (Beowulf)
Tc6G2CdSVfs - Best VGM 1129 - Hitman : Blood Money - Vegas
ku0pS3ko5CU - Best VGM 1130 - Zelda : Minish Cap - Minish Village
iga0Ed0BWGo - Best VGM 1131 - Diablo III - New Tristram
c8sDG4L-qrY - Best VGM 1132 - Skullgirls - Grand Cathedral Stage
VVc6pY7njCA - Best VGM 1133 - Kid Icarus : Uprising - Aurum Island
rAJS58eviIk - Best VGM 1134 - Ragnarok Online 2 : The Gate of the World - EverLand
HwBOvdH38l0 - Best VGM 1135 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Cloud Garden / Fluffy Bluff Galaxy
kNDB4L0D2wg - Best VGM 1136 - Everquest : Planes of Power - Plane of Time
Km-cCxquP-s - Best VGM 1137 - Yoshi's Island - Big Bowser (Final Boss)
dZAOgvdXhuk - Best VGM 1138 - Star Wars : Shadows of the Empire - Xizor's Theme
_eDz4_fCerk - Best VGM 1139 - Jurassic Park - Raptor Rap (Jungle Area)
Tms-MKKS714 - Best VGM 1140 - Dark Souls - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
6nJgdcnFtcQ - Best VGM 1141 - Snake's Revenge - Jungle Invasion
rXNrtuz0vl4 - Best VGM 1142 - Mega Man ZX - Ultramarine Meditation (Area J ~ Marine City)
vl6Cuvw4iyk - Best VGM 1143 - Mighty Switch Force! - Whoa I'm in Space Cuba
NTfVsOnX0lY - Best VGM 1144 - Rayman - Pink Plant Woods Area 2
Z74e6bFr5EY - Best VGM 1145 - Chrono Trigger - World Revolution
w1tmFpEPagk - Best VGM 1146 - Suikoden - Black Forest
HvyPtN7_jNk - Best VGM 1147 - F-Zero GX - The Skull's Theme
jv5_zzFZMtk - Best VGM 1148 - Shadow of the Colossus - Final Battle (Unused)
fd6QnwqipcE - Best VGM 1149 - Mutant Mudds - G-Land
RSm22cu707w - Best VGM 1150 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Flight of the Zinger
irQxobE5PU8 - Best VGM 1151 - Frozen Synapse - Triumph
FJJPaBA7264 - Best VGM 1152 - Castlevania : Aria of Sorrow - Clock Tower
c62hLhyF2D4 - Best VGM 1153 - Jelly Defense - Cliffs of Fun
RBxWlVGd9zE - Best VGM 1154 - Wild Arms 2 - Valeria Chateau
lyduqdKbGSw - Best VGM 1155 - Create - Ambient Adventure
GcsE-yBe1HQ - [SD Zelda] Dungeon 5 - Ancient Observatory
GhFffRvPfig - Best VGM 1156 - DuckTales - The Amazon
CmMswzZkMYY - Best VGM 1157 - Super Metroid - Norfair ~ Ancient Ruins
bcHL3tGy7ws - Best VGM 1158 - World of Warcraft - Stormwind
grmP-wEjYKw - Best VGM 1159 - Okami - Reset ~ Thank You
4Ze5BfLk0J8 - Best VGM 1160 - Star Ocean 2: The Second Story - Pyroxene
kN-jdHNOq8w - Best VGM 1161 - Super Mario 64 - Koopa's Road
khPWld3iA8g - Best VGM 1162 - Max Payne 2 - Late Goodbye (Ending)
w_TOt-XQnPg - Best VGM 1163 - Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald - Mt. Pyre
1B0D2_zhYyM - Best VGM 1164 - Return All Robots! - Fantastic Robotique
PZwTdBbDmB8 - Best VGM 1165 - Mother (EarthBound Beginnings) - Yucca Desert
JFS3j9MHdI4 - Earthbound - Dusty Dunes Desert
jANl59bNb60 - Best VGM 1166 - Breath of Fire III - The Desert of Death
oIPYptk_eJE - Best VGM 1167 - Starcraft II : Wings of Liberty - Heaven's Devils (Terran Theme)
Un0n0m8b3uE - Best VGM 1168 - Ys : The Oath in Felghana - Illburns Ruins
9YRGh-hQq5c - Best VGM 1169 - Journey - Apotheosis
8KX9L6YkA78 - Best VGM 1170 - Xenosaga III - Abel's Ark
44lJD2Xd5rc - Best VGM 1171 - Super Mario World - Athletic
qPgoOxGb6vk - Best VGM 1172 - For the Frog the Bell Tolls - The Prince's Adventure
xJMv0k1TY38 - Zelda: Link's Awakening - Richard's Villa
L8TEsGhBOfI - Best VGM 1173 - The Binding of Isaac - Respite
sQ4aADxHssY - Best VGM 1174 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms V - Phoenix Orchid
q-l-jMT9FkQ - Welcome to the NHK - Hitori no Tame no Lullaby
AE0hhzASHwY - Best VGM 1175 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Satorl, the Shimmering Marsh ~ Night
BqxjLbpmUiU - Best VGM 1176 - Krater - Parabolic Hyperflies
Ru7_ew8X6i4 - Best VGM 1178 - Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door - The Floating Town, Glitzville
i2E9c0j0n4A - Best VGM 1179 - Rad Racer II - Coast to Coast
dj8Qe3GUrdc - Best VGM 1180 - Divinity II : Ego Draconis - Tavern
m_kAJLsSGz8 - Best VGM 1182 - Shantae : Risky's Revenge - Through the Trees
7HMGj_KUBzU - Best VGM 1183 - Mega Man 6 - Blizzard Man Stage
iA6xXR3pwIY - Best VGM 1184 - Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror (Battle Theme)
GnwlAOp6tfI - Best VGM 1185 - L.A. Noire - Temptation, Pt. 2
0dMkx7c-uNM - Best VGM 1186 - VVVVVV - Passion for Exploring
NXr5V6umW6U - Best VGM 1187 - Opoona - Blue Desert Hotel
nl57xFzDIM0 - Best VGM 1188 - Darksiders II - Plains of Death
hLKBPvLNzng - Best VGM 1189 - Zelda : A Link to the Past - Kakariko Village
ciM3PBf1DRs - Best VGM 1190 - Sonic the Hedgehog - Star Light Zone
OWQ4bzYMbNQ - Best VGM 1191 - Devil May Cry 3 - Devils Never Cry (Ending)
V39OyFbkevY - Best VGM 1192 - Etrian Odyssey IV - Labyrinth I ~ Cerulean Woodlands
7L3VJpMORxM - Best VGM 1193 - Lost Odyssey - The Gun Barrel of Battle
YlLX3U6QfyQ - Best VGM 1194 - Albert Odyssey : Legend of Eldean - Mysterioso (Overworld Theme)
fJkpSSJUxC4 - Best VGM 1195 - Castlevania Curse of Darkness - Garibaldi Temple
_EYg1z-ZmUs - Best VGM 1196 - Breath of Death VII - Ruins (Metal Flowers)
YFz1vqikCaE - Best VGM 1197 - TMNT IV : Turtles in Time - Bury My Shell at Wounded Knee
ZQGc9rG5qKo - Best VGM 1198 - Metroid Prime - Wrecked Frigate Orpheon
AmDE3fCW9gY - Best VGM 1199 - Okamiden - Thundercloud
YBkINMQ1BSo - The VGM Wall of Fame (1st Edition)
ww6KySR4MQ0 - Best VGM 1200 - Street Fighter II - Ken's Theme
GaCEuGpulJs - My First Album is Out!
f2q9axKQFHc - Best VGM 1201 - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Your Sunset (Customization Theme)
pxAH2U75BoM - Best VGM 1203 - Guild Wars 2 - The Great Wall Has Fallen
9usWhMuOfJk - [SD Remix] Zelda : Twilight Princess - Faron Woods
8K35MD4ZNRU - Best VGM 1204 - Kirby's Epic Yarn - Grass Land
gmfBMy-h6Js - Best VGM 1205 - NieR - Emil ~ Sacrifice
uj2mhutaEGA - Best VGM 1206 - Ghouls 'n' Ghosts - Level 3
A6Qolno2AQA - Best VGM 1207 - Super Princess Peach - Fury Volcano 1
XmAMeRNX_D4 - Best VGM 1208 - Ragnarok Online - Peaceful Forest
8qNwJeuk4gY - Best VGM 1209 - Mega Man X - Spark Mandrill Stage
PfY_O8NPhkg - Best VGM 1210 - Bravely Default : Flying Fairy - Into the Enemy Territory
Xkr40w4TfZQ - Best VGM 1211 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Koloktos Battle (Phase 2)
UOdV3Ci46jY - Best VGM 1212 - Run Saber - Tong City
Vl9Nz-X4M68 - Best VGM 1213 - Double Dragon Neon - City Streets 2 (Mango Tango - Neon Jungle)
I1USJ16xqw4 - Best VGM 1214 - Disney's Aladdin - Arab Rock
B2j3_kaReP4 - Best VGM 1215 - Wild Arms 4 - Perilous Change
PhW7tlUisEU - Best VGM 1216 - Grandia II - Inn Town Ageel ~ Cursed Land
myZzE9AYI90 - Best VGM 1217 - Silent Hill 2 - Promise (Reprise)
V2kV7vfl1SE - Best VGM 1218 - Super Mario Galaxy - Teresa Waltz ~ Ghostly Galaxy
CpThkLTJjUQ - Best VGM 1219 - Turok 2 (Gameboy) - Scroll Stage
8mcUQ8Iv6QA - Best VGM 1220 - MapleStory - Lith Harbor
tVnjViENsds - Best VGM 1221 - Super Robot Wars 4 - Dark Messenger
1IMUSeMsxwI - Best VGM 1222 - Touch My Katamari - Alien
YmF88zf5qhM - Best VGM 1223 - Halo 4 - Haven
rzLD0vbOoco - Best VGM 1224 - Dracula X : Rondo of Blood - Cross a Fear (Stage 2b)
3tItkV0GeoY - Best VGM 1225 - Diddy Kong Racing - Pirate Lagoon
l5WLVNhczjE - Best VGM 1226 - Phoenix Wright : Justice for All - Eccentric
_Ms2ME7ufis - Best VGM 1227 - Superbrothers : Sword & Sworcery EP - Lone Star
OmMWlRu6pbM - Best VGM 1228 - Call of Duty : Black Ops II - Outer Club Solar (Shadows)
3TjzvAGDubE - Best VGM 1230 - Super Mario 64 - Staff Roll [Shigeru Miyamoto's 60th Birthday]
za05W9gtegc - Best VGM 1231 - Metroid Prime - Menu Theme
uPU4gCjrDqg - Best VGM 1232 - StarTropics - Dungeon Theme
A3PE47hImMo - Best VGM 1233 - Paladin's Quest II - Gloucester, the Commercial District
avyGawaBrtQ - Best VGM 1234 - Dragon Ball Z : Budokai - Challengers
kgJGMWlwwAw - My Steam ID (you'll never guess it)
g_Hsyo7lmQU - Best VGM 1235 - Pictionary - Title Theme
uKWkvGnNffU - Best VGM 1236 - Dustforce - Elvish Piper Academy
_Wcte_8oFyM - Best VGM 1238 - Plants vs Zombies - Grasswalk
wHgmFPLNdW8 - Best VGM 1239 - Pop'n Music 8 - Marigold
XcBu-TvBhyk - SupraDarky - Little Piano
lJc9ajk9bXs - Best VGM 1240 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Metropolis Zone
NlsRts7Sims - Best VGM 1241 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Dear, My Dressmaker
DjKfEQD892I - Best VGM 1242 - To the Moon - Main Theme
IwIt4zlHSWM - Best VGM 1243 - Donkey Kong Country 3 GBA - Enchanted River
t6YVE2kp8gs - Best VGM 1244 - Earthbound - Battle Against a Weird Opponent
NUloEiKpAZU - Best VGM 1245 - Goldeneye - Runway
VpOYrLJKFUk - Best VGM 1246 - The Walking Dead - Alive Inside
qrmzQOAASXo - Best VGM 1247 - Kirby's Return to Dreamland - Egg Engines (Cracker Chamber)
C6wTSAqfeIc - [SD Remix] Earthbound - The Coolest Hospital
WP9081WAmiY - Best VGM 1248 - Zelda : Wind Waker - Molgera
z513Tty2hag - Best VGM 1249 - Fez - Flow
lhVk4Q47cgQ - Best VGM 1250 - Shadow of the Colossus - The Farthest Land
k3m-_uCo-b8 - Best VGM 1251 - Mega Man - Dr. Wily Stage 1 / 2 (Series' 25th Anniversary)
3XM9eiSys98 - Best VGM 1252 - Hotline Miami - Knock Knock
BimaIgvOa-A - Best VGM 1253 - Paper Mario - Crystal Palace Crawl
dtITnB_uRzc - Best VGM 1254 - Xenosaga II - Subconscious Domain (Winter)
bmsw4ND8HNA - Best VGM 1255 - Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum - Route 216 (Day)
1DwQk4-Smn0 - Best VGM 1256 - Crusader of Centy - Castle Freesia
JXtWCWeM6uI - Best VGM 1257 - Animal Crossing - Christmas Eve
YYBmrB3bYo4 - Best VGM 1258 - Christmas NiGHTS - Jack Frost's Chime
0Y0RwyI8j8k - Best VGM 1259 - Jet Force Gemini - Water Ruins
PMKc5Ffynzw - Best VGM 1260 - Kid Icarus : Uprising - Dog's Theme
s7mVzuPSvSY - Best VGM 1261 - Gravity Rush - Old Town
OoUvdpa9Cf4 - Official Facebook Page!
dQRiJz_nEP8 - Best VGM 1262 - Castlevania II - Dwelling of Doom
NtRlpjt5ItA - [GOTY 2012 #10] Best VGM 1263 - Lone Survivor - Main Theme
3bNlWGyxkCU - [GOTY 2012 #9] Best VGM 1264 - Diablo III - Leah
Jokz0rBmE7M - [GOTY 2012 #8] Best VGM 1265 - ZombiU - Escape the Tower
MqK5MvPwPsE - [GOTY 2012 #7] Best VGM 1266 - Hotline Miami - Miami
ICdhgaXXor4 - [GOTY 2012 #6] Best VGM 1267 - Mass Effect 3 - An End, Once and for All
vsLJDafIEHc - [GOTY 2012 #5] Best VGM 1268 - Legend of Grimrock - Main Theme
M3FytW43iOI - [GOTY 2012 #4] Best VGM 1269 - Fez - Home
CcovgBkMTmE - [GOTY 2012 #3] Best VGM 1270 - Guild Wars 2 - The Seraph
SvCIrLZ8hkI - [GOTY 2012 #2] Best VGM 1271 - The Walking Dead - Take Us Back (Credits)
1yBlUvZ-taY - [GOTY 2012 #1] Best VGM 1272 - Tribes Ascend - Temple Ruins
UBCtM24yyYY - Best VGM 1274 - Little Inferno - Just for Me
zFfgwmWuimk - Best VGM 1275 - DmC : Devil May Cry - Kat's Theme
TrO0wRbqPUo - Best VGM 1276 - Donkey Kong Country - Forest Frenzy
ZabqQ7MSsIg - Best VGM 1277 - Wrecking Crew - Stage Theme 2
uDzUf4I751w - Best VGM 1278 - Mega Man Battle Network - Hometown
RxcQY1OUzzY - Best VGM 1279 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Mechonis Field
DKbzLuiop80 - Best VGM 1280 - Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne - Kotowari Boss Battle
DY_Tz7UAeAY - Best VGM 1282 - Darksiders II - The Makers Guardian
6s6Bc0QAyxU - Best VGM 1283 - Ghosts 'n' Goblins - Main Theme
0d_BqKWe-9w - Mega Man 7 - Shade Man Stage (Alternate)
-64NlME4lJU - Best VGM 1284 - Mega Man 7 - Shade Man Stage
ifqmN14qJp8 - Best VGM 1285 - Minecraft - Mice on Venus
1iKxdUnF0Vg - Best VGM 1286 - The Revenge of Shinobi - The Shinobi
T6bAkiv7IFU - Just Another Day
AJX08k_VZv8 - Best VGM 1288 - Ace Combat 4 : Shattered Skies - Megalith -Agnus Dei-
C31ciPeuuXU - Best VGM 1289 - Golden Sun : Dark Dawn - Main Theme
k4N3Go4wZCg - Best VGM 1290 - Uncharted : Drake's Fortune - Nate's Theme
88VyZ4Lvd0c - Best VGM 1291 - Wild Arms - Alone in the World
iK-g9PXhXzM - Best VGM 1292 - Radiant Historia - The Garden Where the Celestite Lies
SA7NfjCWbZU - Best VGM 1293 - Treasure Hunter G - Bossa Nova of Love
ehNS3sKQseY - Best VGM 1294 - Wipeout Pulse - Tokyo
2CEZdt5n5JQ - Best VGM 1295 - Metal Gear Rising - It Has To Be This Way (Steven Armstrong) ~ Instrumental + Vocal
xrLiaewZZ2E - Best VGM 1296 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Palace of Twilight
Ho2TE9ZfkgI - Best VGM 1297 - Battletoads (Arcade) - Hole (Stage 4)
D0uYrKpNE2o - Best VGM 1298 - Valkyrie Profile - Epic Poem to Sacred Death
dWrm-lwiKj0 - Best VGM 1299 - Nora to Toki no Koubou - The Pure Aroma at the Herbalist
DfsSgnsiQ6U - The VGM Wall of Fame (2nd Edition)
IyAs15CjGXU - Best VGM 1301 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Fateful Decisive Battle
hoOeroni32A - Best VGM 1302 - Mutant Mudds - World 4-1
HSWAPWjg5AM - Best VGM 1303 - Mother 3 - Murasaki Forest
_YxsxsaP2T4 - Best VGM 1304 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Streets of Whiterun
OD49e9J3qbw - Best VGM 1305 - Resident Evil : Revelations - Hall
PqvQvt3ePyg - Best VGM 1306 - Live a Live - Sancho de los Panchos
W6O1WLDxRrY - Best VGM 1308 - Krater - World Map
T1edn6OPNRo - Best VGM 1309 - Ys : The Oath in Felghana - Sealed Time (Clock Tower)
I-_yzFMnclM - Best VGM 1310 - Lufia : The Legend Returns - Battle 3
0_ph5htjyl0 - Best VGM 1312 - Dear Esther - Ascension
7MhWtz8Nv9Q - Best VGM 1313 - The Last Remnant - Sword Sparks
Xm7lW0uvFpc - Best VGM 1314 - DuckTales - Title Theme
t6-MOj2mkgE - Best VGM 1315 - 999 : Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors - Morphogenetic Sorrow
RmisimxEDcw - Oriental Magnetic Yellow (OMY) - Beyond the Muscle [1995]
-Gg6v-GMnsU - Best VGM 1316 - FTL : Faster Than Light - Cosmos (Battle)
yJrRo8Dqpkw - Best VGM 1317 - Mario Kart : Double Dash !! - Peach Beach & Daisy Cruiser
xieau-Uia18 - Best VGM 1318 - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - Solaris Phase 2
1NmzdFvqzSU - Best VGM 1319 - Ruin Arm - Prologue
PZBltehhkog - Best VGM 1320 - MediEvil : Resurrection - End Titles
HRAnMmwuLx4 - Best VGM 1321 - Radiant Historia - Unending Clear Blue Sky
eje3VwPYdBM - Best VGM 1322 - Pop'n Music 7 - Tobenai Tenshi
9_wYMNZYaA4 - Best VGM 1323 - Radiata Stories - Devote for Nature
6UWGh1A1fPw - Best VGM 1324 - Dustforce - Upside Down Stalagmite
bWp4F1p2I64 - Best VGM 1325 - Deus Ex : Human Revolution - Icarus (Main Theme)
EVo5O3hKVvo - Best VGM 1326 - Mega Turrican - Stage 5-1 (Machine World)
l1O9XZupPJY - Best VGM 1327 - Tomb Raider III - Main Theme
tIiNJgLECK0 - Best VGM 1328 - Super Mario RPG - The Merry Mary Bell Rings
SqWu2wRA-Rk - Best VGM 1329 - Battle Squadron - High Score
mm-nVnt8L0g - Best VGM 1330 - Earthbound - Dalaam
jVsN7EgXxhw - The Inspiration for Earthbound's Dalaam Theme
fbc17iYI7PA - Best VGM 1331 - Warcraft II - Orc Theme 2
TEPaoDnS6AM - Best VGM 1332 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike - Jazzy NYC '99 (Alex & Ken Stage)
_wbGNLXgYgE - Best VGM 1333 - Grand Theft Auto V - Epsilon Program (Kifflom)
-WQGbuqnVlc - Best VGM 1334 - Guacamelee! - Desierto Caliente
KULCV3TgyQk - Best VGM 1335 - Breath of Fire - Romero Cave
ru4pkshvp7o - Best VGM 1336 - Rayman Origins - Land Of Dead World
cxAbbHCpucs - Best VGM 1337 - Unreal Tournament - Skyward Fire
Ir_3DdPZeSg - Best VGM 1338 - Far Cry 3 : Blood Dragon - Resurrection
minJMBk4V9g - Best VGM 1340 - Star Trek : Deep Space Nine - Hot Pursuit
VzHPc-HJlfM - Best VGM 1341 - Tales of Symphonia - In a Shadowy Woods
Ks9ZCaUNKx4 - Best VGM 1342 - Quake II - Stealth Frag
HUpDqe4s4do - Best VGM 1343 - Lunar : The Silver Star - Meryod
W0fvt7_n9CU - Best VGM 1344 - Castlevania : Lords of Shadow - Final Confrontation (Short Version)
hBg-pnQpic4 - Best VGM 1345 - Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald - Lilycove City
CYswIEEMIWw - Best VGM 1346 - Sonic CD - Quartz Quadrant ~ Present (JP / EU)
LQxlUTTrKWE - Best VGM 1347 - Assassin's Creed III : The Tyranny of King Washington - Swift And Silent
DxEl2p9GPnY - Best VGM 1348 - The Lost Vikings - Factory Beat
z1oW4USdB68 - Best VGM 1349 - Zelda : Minish Cap - Minish Woods
07EXFbZaXiM - Best VGM 1350 - Airport Tycoon 3 - Menu Theme
P7K7jzxf6iw - Best VGM 1351 - Legend of Legaia - Light of the Town
nOXmEEb-iC0 - [SD Zelda] Dungeon 6 - Tower of Illusions
eF03eqpRxHE - Best VGM 1352 - Soul Edge - A Mediterranean Call (Sophitia's Stage)
1DAD230gipE - Best VGM 1353 - Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines - Chinatown
JhDblgtqx5o - Best VGM 1354 - Arumana no Kiseki - Stage 1
ARQfmb30M14 - Best VGM 1356 - Bejeweled 3 - Poker
g2S2Lxzow3Q - Best VGM 1357 - Mega Man 5 - Dark Man Stage (Proto Man Fortress )
29h1H6neu3k - Best VGM 1358 - Dragon Quest VII - Days of Sadness
sHduBNdadTA - Best VGM 1359 - Atelier Iris 2 : The Azoth of Destiny - Empty Corridor
OegoI_0vduQ - Best VGM 1360 - Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - Flowery Oedo, the Lost Village
Z8Jf5aFCbEE - Best VGM 1361 - Secret of Evermore - Puppet Show
oJFAAWYju6c - Best VGM 1362 - Ys Origin - Genesis Beyond the Beginning
bKj3JXmYDfY - Best VGM 1363 - The Swapper - Recreation
berZX7mPxbE - Best VGM 1364 - Kingdom Hearts - Destiny Islands
xJHVfLI5pLY - Best VGM 1365 - Animal Crossing : Wild World - Taxi Ride
2r35JpoRCOk - Best VGM 1366 - NieR - Yonah ~ Pluck Ver. 2
P2smOsHacjk - Best VGM 1367 - The Magical Land of Wozz - Vehicle Battle
83p9uYd4peM - Best VGM 1368 - Silent Hill 3 - Breeze in Monochrome Night
EdkkgkEu_NQ - Best VGM 1369 - The Smurfs' Nightmare - Aqua
vY8in7gADDY - Best VGM 1370 - Tetrisphere - Sappy
8x1E_1TY8ig - Best VGM 1371 - Double Dragon Neon - Lab 2 (Pick Yourself Up and Dance)
RHiQZ7tXSlw - Best VGM 1372 - Radiant Silvergun - Penta
ae_lrtPgor0 - Best VGM 1373 - Super Mario World - Underwater
jI2ltHB50KU - Best VGM 1374 - Opoona - Restaurant Regina
vtTk81cIJlg - Best VGM 1376 - Magnetis - Solo
pyO56W8cysw - Best VGM 1377 - Machinarium - Pipe Wrench Dubstep
bffwco66Vnc - Best VGM 1378 - Little Nemo : The Dream Master - Nightmare World
_2FYWCCZrNs - Best VGM 1379 - Chrono Cross - Another Termina
3J9-q-cv_Io - Best VGM 1380 - Wild Arms 5 - If We Act Like Scholars (Ice Tower)
T24J3gTL4vY - Best VGM 1381 - Polymer - Polymer
EF7QwcRAwac - Best VGM 1382 - Suikoden II - Heart Softening Theme 1
pmKP4hR2Td0 - Best VGM 1383 - Mario Paint - Creative Exercise
RqqbUR7YxUw - Best VGM 1384 - Pushmo - Challenge
mfOHgEeuEHE - Best VGM 1385 - Umineko no Naku Koro ni - goldenslaugtherer
2TgWzuTOXN8 - Best VGM 1386 - Shadow of the Ninja - Stage 1
yTe_L2AYaI4 - Best VGM 1387 - Legend of Dragoon - Royal Castle
1X5Y6Opw26s - Best VGM 1388 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Sandship Interior (Present & Past)
8EaxiB6Yt5g - Best VGM 1389 - Earthbound - Saturn Valley
kzId-AbowC4 - Best VGM 1390 - Xenosaga III - Assault #2
bXfaBUCDX1I - Best VGM 1391 - Mario & Luigi : Dream Team - Somnom Woods ~ Dream
KoPF_wOrQ6A - Best VGM 1392 - Tales from Space : Mutant Blobs Attack - Big City
nrNPfvs4Amc - Best VGM 1393 - Super Turrican 2 - Stage 1-4 (Wormland)
6l8a_pzRcRI - Best VGM 1394 - Blast Corps - Carrick Point / Ebony Coast
62_S0Sl02TM - Best VGM 1395 - Alundra 2 - Quiet Town
T586T6QFjqE - Best VGM 1396 - Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow - Cursed Clock Tower
JF7ucc5IH_Y - Best VGM 1397 - Mass Effect - The Citadel
G4g1SH2tEV0 - Best VGM 1398 - Aliens Incursion - Aliens Incursion
bR4AB3xNT0c - Best VGM 1400 - Donkey Kong Country Returns - Main Theme
Rxa2GKYb2BE - SupraDarky - Ripples
7FwtoHygavA - Best VGM 1401 - Super Mario 3D Land - Main Theme (Overworld)
hMoejZAOOUM - Best VGM 1402 - Ys II Chronicles - Tender People (Ramia Village)
rb9yuLqoryU - Best VGM 1403 - Spelunky - Mines B
4d2Wwxbsk64 - Best VGM 1404 - Dragon Ball Z Butouden 3 - Tenkaichi Budoukai
rACVXsRX6IU - Best VGM 1405 - Yoshi's Island DS - Midboss Madness!
U2XioVnZUlo - Best VGM 1406 - Nintendo Land - Welcome to the Plaza
deKo_UHZa14 - Best VGM 1407 - Return All Robots! - Training Montage
-4nCbgayZNE - Best VGM 1408 - Dark Cloud 2 - Forest of the Rainbow Butterflies
gQUe8l_Y28Y - Best VGM 1409 - Lineage II - Shepard's Flute (Dion Castle Town)
2mLCr2sV3rs - Best VGM 1410 - Mother (EarthBound Beginnings) - Mother Earth (Main Theme)
NxWGa33zC8w - Best VGM 1411 - Alien Breed - Main Theme
aKgSFxA0ZhY - Best VGM 1412 - Touch My Katamari - Hello World
Fa9-pSBa9Cg - Best VGM 1413 - Gran Turismo 5 - Sunset Haze
_hRi2AwnEyw - Best VGM 1414 - Dragon Quest V - The Ocean
q6btinyHMAg - Best VGM 1415 - Okamiden - Ryoshima Field South
lZUgl5vm6tk - Best VGM 1416 - Trip World - World 1
hqKfTvkVo1o - Best VGM 1417 - Monster Hunter Tri - Tremble of the Sea and Land ~ Lagiacrus
o8cQl5pL6R8 - Best VGM 1418 - Street Fighter IV - Zangief's Theme
EByrACqgbMg - SupraDarky - Future's Everyday Life
nea0ze3wh6k - Best VGM 1419 - Toy Story 2 - Airport Infiltration
s4pG2_UOel4 - Best VGM 1420 - Castlevania III - Rising
2FpVqTKDnik - Monster - Make it Home
4bk39IESdPc - 10 Days Break + My Top 30 Video Games of All Time !
jRqXWj7TL5A - [All Time Favorite Game #30] Best VGM 1421 - Goldeneye - Silo
Sht8cKbdf_g - [All Time Favorite Game #29] Best VGM 1422 - Donkey Kong Country - Mine Cart Madness
aOxqL6hSt8c - [All Time Favorite Game #28] Best VGM 1423 - Suikoden II - Hidden Village of the Ninja
IrLs8cW3sIc - [All Time Favorite Game #27] Best VGM 1424 - Zelda : Wind Waker - Forest Haven
WaThErXvfD8 - [All Time Favorite Game #26] Best VGM 1425 - Super Mario RPG - Let's Do the Fluff Fluff!
JCqSHvyY_2I - [All Time Favorite Game #25] Best VGM 1426 - Secret of Evermore - Greek Temple
dTjNEOT-e-M - [All Time Favorite Game #24] Best VGM 1427 - Super Mario World - Title Theme
xorfsUKMGm8 - [All Time Favorite Game #23] Best VGM 1428 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Memories of Melodies
go7JlCI5n5o - [All Time Favorite Game #22] Best VGM 1429 - Counter Strike - Main Theme
sC4xMC4sISU - [All Time Favorite Game #21] Best VGM 1430 - Bioshock - Welcome to Rapture
vRRrOKsfxPg - [All Time Favorite Game #19] Best VGM 1432 - Zelda : A Link to the Past - Dark Mountain Forest
vsYHDEiBSrg - [All Time Favorite Game #18] Best VGM 1433 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Hidden Village
J-zD9QjtRNo - [All Time Favorite Game #17] Best VGM 1434 - Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door - Final Battle
ELqpqweytFc - [All Time Favorite Game #16] Best VGM 1435 - Metroid Prime - Chozo Ruins
PyubBPi9Oi0 - [All Time Favorite Game #14] Best VGM 1437 - Pokemon - Trainer Battle
p-GeFCcmGzk - [All Time Favorite Game #13] Best VGM 1438 - World of Warcraft - Ironforge
Ol9Ine1TkEk - [All Time Favorite Game #11] Best VGM 1440 - Dark Souls - Firelink Shrine
YADDsshr-NM - [All Time Favorite Game #10] Best VGM 1441 - Super Castlevania IV - Chandeliers
OzbSP7ycMPM - [All Time Favorite Game #8] Best VGM 1443 - Yoshi's Island - Title Theme
drFZ1-6r7W8 - [All Time Favorite Game #7] Best VGM 1444 - Shenmue II - The Morning Fog's Wave
SCdUSkq_imI - [All Time Favorite Game #6] Best VGM 1445 - Super Mario 64 - Castle
hxZTBl7Q5fs - [All Time Favorite Game #5] Best VGM 1446 - Zelda : Link's Awakening - Ending Theme
-lz8ydvkFuo - [All Time Favorite Game #4] Best VGM 1447 - Super Metroid - Maridia ~ Sandy Desert
Bj5bng0KRPk - [All Time Favorite Game #3] Best VGM 1448 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Inside the Deku Tree
I4gMnPkOQe8 - [All Time Favorite Game #2] Best VGM 1449 - Earthbound - Threed ~ Zombie Central
eRuhYeSR19Y - Best VGM 1451 - Uncharted Waters - Southern Twilight
11CqmhtBfJI - Best VGM 1452 - Wild Arms - Village of the Elw
CzZab0uEd1w - Best VGM 1453 - Tintin : Prisoners of the Sun - Stage 4-2 (Jauja, Peru)
Dr95nRD7vAo - Best VGM 1454 - FTL - Civil (Explore)
pnS50Lmz6Y8 - Best VGM 1455 - Beyond : Two Souls - Childhood Memories
QOKl7-it2HY - Best VGM 1456 - Silent Hill - Not Tomorrow (Lisa's Fate)
E3Po0o6zoJY - Best VGM 1457 - TrackMania 2 : Stadium - Air Time
vgfwaXXP9CA - My New EP : Numéro 0 !
YqPjWx9XiWk - Best VGM 1458 - Captain America and the Avengers - Hawkeye's Theme
VsvQy72iZZ8 - Best VGM 1459 - Kid Icarus : Uprising - Magnus' Theme
XWd4539-gdk - Best VGM 1460 - Tales of Phantasia - Morlia Gallery
tBr9OyNHRjA - Best VGM 1461 - Sang-Froid : Tales of Werewolves - Les Deux Vendredis
fNBMeTJb9SM - Best VGM 1462 - Dead Rising 3 - Sloth Battle (Trent)
ks74Hlce8yw - Best VGM 1464 - Super Mario 3D World - Bowser's Castle
R6tANRv2YxA - Best VGM 1465 - FantaVision (North America) - Snow on the Moon ~ Stage 6
rg_6OKlgjGE - Best VGM 1466 - Shin Megami Tensei IV - Ikebukuro Underground District
xWQOYiYHZ2w - Best VGM 1467 - Antichamber - The Garden
zTKEnlYhL0M - Best VGM 1468 - Gremlins 2 : The New Batch - Stage 3
WwuhhymZzgY - Best VGM 1469 - The Last Story - Invitation to Madness
ammnaFhcafI - Best VGM 1470 - Mario Party 4 - Toad's Midway Madness
UQFiG9We23I - Best VGM 1471 - Streets of Rage 2 - Intro (S.O.R. Super Mix)
8ajBHjJyVDE - Best VGM 1472 - Zelda : A Link Between Worlds - Swamp Palace
8-Q-UsqJ8iM - Best VGM 1473 - Katamari Damacy - Dan Don Fuga
MvJUxw8rbPA - Best VGM 1474 - The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind - Caprice (Explore 7)
WEoHCLNJPy0 - Best VGM 1475 - Radical Dreamers - Day of Summer
ZbPfNA8vxQY - Best VGM 1476 - Dustforce - 9-bit Expedition
X80YQj6UHG8 - Best VGM 1477 - Xenogears - Awakening (Penultimate Battle)
83xEzdYAmSg - Best VGM 1478 - Oceanhorn - Sailing
fB0eXqkmtKc - [SD Remix] Tetrisphere - Sappier
ptr9JCSxeug - Best VGM 1479 - Popful Mail - Ice Berg (Exploration)
0IcVJVcjAxA - Best VGM 1480 - Star Ocean 3 : Till the End of Time - Chrisanthemum in Winter
8SJl4mELFMM - Best VGM 1481 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Sky - Vast Ice Mountain Peak
pfe5a22BHGk - Best VGM 1482 - Skies of Arcadia - Ice Dungeon
49rleD-HNCk - Best VGM 1483 - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Sadistic Xmas (Arctic Dream)
mJCRoXkJohc - Best VGM 1484 - Bomberman 64 - White Ice
ivfEScAwMrE - Best VGM 1485 - Paper Mario : Sticker Star - Snow Rise
4JzDb3PZGEg - Best VGM 1486 - Emil Chronicle Online - Sound of the Ruin
sBkqcoD53eI - Best VGM 1488 - Breath of Fire II - Kingdom
P3oYGDwIKbc - Best VGM 1489 - The Binding of Isaac - Repentant
xWVBra_NpZo - Best VGM 1490 - Bravely Default - The Land in Which You Begin
ZfZQWz0VVxI - Best VGM 1491 - Platoon - Game Over
FSfRr0LriBE - Best VGM 1492 - Hearthstone - Don't Let Your Guard Down
shx_nhWmZ-I - Best VGM 1493 - Adventure Time : Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! - Party in the Clouds
qMkvXCaxXOg - Best VGM 1494 - Senko no Ronde DUO - Art of War
P1IBUrLte2w - Best VGM 1495 - Earthbound 64 - Tatsumairi Village
TFxtovEXNmc - Best VGM 1496 - Bahamut Lagoon - Green Continent Campbell
pI4lS0lxV18 - Best VGM 1497 - Terraria - Mushrooms
9th-yImn9aA - Best VGM 1498 - Baten Kaitos - Bellflower
D30VHuqhXm8 - Best VGM 1500 - Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door - The Breeze of Petal Meadows & Story
CP0TcAnHftc - [GOTY 2013 #10] Best VGM 1501 - Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale - Opening
CEPnbBgjWdk - [GOTY 2013 #9] Best VGM 1502 - Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons - Winged Hope
Nhj0Rct8v48 - [GOTY 2013 #8] Best VGM 1503 - The Wonderful 101 - Jergingha ~ Planet Destruction Form
uX-Dk8gBgg8 - [GOTY 2013 #7] Best VGM 1504 - Valdis Story - Lurking in the Chasms (Frozen Mausoleum)
Vjf--bJDDGQ - [GOTY 2013 #6] Best VGM 1505 - Super Mario 3D World - World Bowser
7sb2q6JedKk - [GOTY 2013 #5] Best VGM 1506 - Anodyne - Friend
-YfpDN84qls - [GOTY 2013 #4] Best VGM 1507 - Bioshock Infinite - Elizabeth
YZGrI4NI9Nw - [GOTY 2013 #3] Best VGM 1508 - Guacamelee! - Temple of Rain~War
LdIlCX2iOa0 - [GOTY 2013 #2] Best VGM 1509 - Antichamber - Suite II (Short Version)
gwesq9ElVM4 - [GOTY 2013 #1] Best VGM 1510 - Zelda : A Link Between Worlds - Hyrule Dungeons
WY2kHNPn-x8 - Best VGM 1511 - Tearaway - Gibbet Hill ~ Pilgrimage
j4Zh9IFn_2U - Best VGM 1512 - Etrian Odyssey Untold - Labyrinth IV ~ The Withered Forest
6uWBacK2RxI - Best VGM 1513 - Mr. Nutz : Hoppin' Mad - Water
Y1i3z56CiU4 - Best VGM 1514 - Pokemon X / Y - The Kalos Power Plant
Jz2sxbuN3gM - Best VGM 1515 - Moon : Remix RPG Adventure - I'm Waiting For The Night (MoonDisc Version)
_WjOqJ4LbkQ - Best VGM 1516 - Mega Man 10 - Nitro Rider (Nitro Man Stage)
jhHfROLw4fA - Best VGM 1518 - Donkey Kong Country : Tropical Freeze - Amiss Abyss
66-rV8v6TNo - Best VGM 1519 - Cool World - Welcome to Cool World
nY8JLHPaN4c - Best VGM 1520 - Ape Escape : Million Monkeys - Grand Tournament
YA3VczBNCh8 - Best VGM 1521 - Lost Odyssey - Mountain Village of Tosca
JWMtsksJtYw - Best VGM 1522 - Kingdom Hearts - March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra
2oo0qQ79uWE - Best VGM 1523 - Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn) - Panic Puppet Zone ~ Act 1
d5N-BY9uhB8 - Nujabes ft. Shing02 - Luv(sic) Part 3 & Part 5
cWt6j5ZJCHU - Best VGM 1524 - R-Type Delta - Stage 7 (Life)
Hro03nOyUuI - Best VGM 1526 - Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD) - Motion E
IXU7Jhi6jZ8 - Best VGM 1527 - Wild Arms 5 - A King That Surpasses 100 Demons
dOHur-Yc3nE - Best VGM 1528 - Shatter - Neon Mines
GyiSanVotOM - Best VGM 1529 - Dark Souls II - Majula
lLP6Y-1_P1g - Best VGM 1530 - Asterix & Obelix - London Streets
sSkcY8zPWIY - Best VGM 1531 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Bamboo Island
he2oLG1Trtg - Best VGM 1532 - Kirby : Triple Deluxe - Dirty & Beauty (Final Boss ~ Phase 1)
YCwOCGt97Y0 - Best VGM 1533 - Kaiser Knuckle - Wheel of Fortune (Motif of Azteca)
FkMm63VAHps - Best VGM 1534 - Gunlord - Steel and Thunder (Holy Mountain I ~ Stage 1-1)
3lehXRPWyes - Best VGM 1535 - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night - Dracula's Castle
XIzflqDtA1M - Best VGM 1536 - Lone Survivor - Sleep Forever
0YN7-nirAbk - Best VGM 1537 - Ys II Chronicles - Subterranean Canal
o0t8vHJtaKk - Best VGM 1538 - Rayman - Crystal Palace Area 2
Uu4KCLd5kdg - Best VGM 1539 - Diablo III : Reaper of Souls - Chains of Fate
_joPG7N0lRk - Best VGM 1540 - Lufia II - Castle
-ehGFSkPfko - Best VGM 1541 - Contact - Outside Akumojo Castle
udNOf4W52hg - Best VGM 1542 - Dragon Quest III - Castle (Rondo)
1kt-H7qUr58 - Best VGM 1543 - Deus Ex - DuClare Chateau
AW7oKCS8HjM - Best VGM 1544 - Hotline Miami - Flatline
EohQnQbQQWk - Best VGM 1545 - Super Mario Kart - Mario Circuit
7rNgsqxnIuY - Best VGM 1546 - Magic Johnson's Fast Break - Title Theme
iZv19yJrZyo - Best VGM 1547 - FTL : Advanced Edition - Hacking Malfunction (Battle)
tj3ks8GfBQU - Best VGM 1548 - Guilty Gear XX Reload (Korean Version) - Pillars Of The Underworld
eDjJq3DsNTc - Best VGM 1550 - Ar nosurge - Ashihara
KYfK61zxads - Best VGM 1552 - Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures - Assholevania
7Dwc0prm7z4 - Best VGM 1553 - Child of Eden - Zero
p9Nt449SP24 - Best VGM 1554 - Guardian's Crusade - Warp Gate Core
8kBBJQ_ySpI - Best VGM 1555 - Silent Hill 3 - Dance With Night Wind
93Fqrbd-9gI - Best VGM 1556 - Opoona - Garden of Arts
V0xM5ma7ft8 - SupraDarky - Synergy
GM6lrZw9Fdg - Best VGM 1557 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Starship Mario
jWtiuVTe5kQ - Best VGM 1558 - Equinox - Tori (Short Version)
5hVRaTn_ogE - Best VGM 1559 - BattleBlock Theater - Secret Area
fJZoDK-N6ug - Best VGM 1560 - Castlevania 64 - Clock Tower (Toothed Wheel)
7MQFljss6Pc - Best VGM 1562 - Red Dead Redemption - The Shootist
Qv_8KiUsRTE - Best VGM 1563 - Golden Sun - Isaac's Battle Theme
i1GFclxeDIU - Best VGM 1564 - Shadow Hearts - Vitamin Metropolis (London)
dhGMZwQr0Iw - Best VGM 1565 - Mario Kart 8 - N64 Rainbow Road
FEpAD0RQ66w - Best VGM 1566 - Shinobi III - Whirlwind
nL3YMZ-Br0o - Best VGM 1567 - Child of Light - Dark Creatures (Battle Theme)
TssxHy4hbko - Best VGM 1568 - Mother 3 - Sunflowers and Phantoms
6JuO7v84BiY - Best VGM 1569 - Pop'n Music 16 PARTY - V -conclusion-
93jNP6y_Az8 - Best VGM 1570 - Yoshi's New Island - Bandit Valley
LSFho-sCOp0 - Best VGM 1571 - Grandia - Snowy Laine Village
JFadABMZnYM - Best VGM 1572 - Ragnarok Online - Desert
IDUGJ22OWLE - Best VGM 1573 - Front Mission 1st - Within Living Memory...
TtACPCoJ-4I - Best VGM 1574 - Mega Man 9 - Flash in the Dark (Dr. Wily Stage 1)
--bWm9hhoZo - Best VGM 1575 - Transistor - Sandbox
aBmqRgtqOgw - Best VGM 1576 - Zelda : Minish Cap - Hyrule Town
KB0Yxdtig90 - Best VGM 1577 - Hitman 2 : Silent Assassin - Exploration
_CB18Elh4Rc - Best VGM 1578 - Chrono Cross - Voyage ~ Another World
aXJ0om-_1Ew - Best VGM 1579 - Crystal Beans from Dungeon Explorer - Cursed Tree
bss8vzkIB74 - Best VGM 1580 - Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines - Vesuvius Nightclub
jEmyzsFaiZ8 - Best VGM 1581 - Tomb Raider - Ruins of a Lost Civilization
bItjdi5wxFQ - Best VGM 1582 - Watch Dogs - The Loop
yVcn0cFJY_c - Best VGM 1584 - Xenosaga II - Vector Industries, Second Division
u5v8qTkf-yk - Best VGM 1585 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Route 209
wkrgYK2U5hE - Best VGM 1586 - Super Monkey Ball : Step & Roll - World 1 ~ Monkey Island
5maIQJ79hGM - Best VGM 1587 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Lanayru Mining Facility (Past)
Q3Vci9ri4yM - Best VGM 1588 - Cyborg 009 - Floating Fortress
CrjvBd9q4A0 - Best VGM 1589 - Demon's Souls - The Beginning
X1-oxRS8-m4 - Best VGM 1590 - Skies of Arcadia - Ancient Temple Dungeon
UWOTB6x_WAs - Best VGM 1591 - Magical Tetris Challenge - Pete's Theme
pq_nXXuZTtA - Best VGM 1592 - Phantasy Star Online - Day Dawns
cxAE48Dul7Y - Best VGM 1593 - Top Gear 3000 - Results
liAiFcT-L9A - Cowboy Bebop - Green Bird
Nu91ToSI4MU - Best VGM 1595 - Breath of Death VII - Battle Theme
-uJOYd76nSQ - Best VGM 1596 - Suikoden III - Cheerful Farm Village (Chisha)
NT-c2ZeOpsg - Best VGM 1597 - Sonic Unleashed - Adabat ~ Jungle Joyride (Night)
dRHpQFbEthY - Best VGM 1598 - Shovel Knight - A Thousand Leagues Below (Iron Whale ~ Treasure Knight)
OB9t0q4kkEE - Best VGM 1599 - Katamari Damacy - Katamaritaino
CgtvppDEyeU - Best VGM 1600 - Shenmue - Departure of Hope
RBslMKpPu1M - Best VGM 1602 - Donkey Kong Country : Tropical Freeze - Windmill Hills
JlGnZvt5OBE - Best VGM 1603 - Ittle Dew - That Cold Place ~ 2nd Floor
VmOy8IvUcAE - Best VGM 1604 - F-Zero GX - Dr. Stewart's Theme
tDuCLC_sZZY - Best VGM 1605 - Divinity : Original Sin - Mysterious Guest
PXqJEm-vm-w - Best VGM 1606 - Tales of Vesperia - The Tormenting Whisper of Water
cKBgNT-8rrM - Best VGM 1607 - Grounseed - Town 3
cqSEDRNwkt8 - Best VGM 1608 - SMT : Digital Devil Saga 2 - Hunting ~ Betrayal
2ZX41kMN9V8 - Best VGM 1609 - Castlevania : Aria of Sorrow - Sacred Cave (Forbidden Area)
iV5Ae4lOWmk - Best VGM 1610 - Super Paper Mario - Flipside
C3xhG7wRnf0 - Best VGM 1611 - Super Paper Mario - Flopside
xajMfQuVnp4 - Best VGM 1612 - OFF - Pepper Steak (Battle Theme)
N-T8KwCCNh8 - Best VGM 1613 - Advance Wars DS - Jess' Theme
C7NTTBm7fS8 - Best VGM 1614 - Mighty Switch Force! 2 - Final Level
7DYL2blxWSA - Best VGM 1615 - Gran Turismo - Moon Over The Castle
6GhseRvdAgs - Best VGM 1616 - Tekken 5 - Moonlit Wilderness
2CyFFMCC67U - Best VGM 1617 - Super Mario Land 2 - The Moon
VmemS-mqlOQ - Best VGM 1618 - Nostalgia - Tower of the Moon
cU1Z5UwBlQo - Best VGM 1619 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Rising Sun (Japan Town)
IY7hfsfPh84 - Best VGM 1620 - Radiata Stories - Hopping Sun
KAHuWEfue8U - Best VGM 1621 - Wild Arms 3 - Black as Sin, Red as Blood
nUbwvWQOOvU - Best VGM 1622 - Metal Gear Solid 3 - Main Theme
MYNeu0cZ3NE - Best VGM 1623 - Silent Hill - Tears of...
Dhd4jJw8VtE - Best VGM 1624 - Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney - Auspicious People
N46rEikk4bw - Best VGM 1625 - Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD) - Jurassic Beach
_XJw072Co_A - Best VGM 1626 - Diddy Kong Racing - Hot Top Volcano
aqLjvjhHgDI - Best VGM 1627 - Minecraft - Moog City
jJVTRXZXEIA - Best VGM 1628 - Dust : An Elysian Tail - The Blackmoor Mountains
1hxkqsEz4dk - Best VGM 1629 - Mega Man Battle Network 3 - Internet Area
SFCn8IpgiLY - Best VGM 1630 - Solstice - Title Theme
_qbSmANSx6s - Best VGM 1631 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Hyrule Market
pZBBZ77gob4 - Best VGM 1632 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Main Theme
1r5BYjZdAtI - Best VGM 1633 - Rusty - Red Sunset (Stage 7)
_blDkW4rCwc - Best VGM 1634 - Hyrule Warriors - Remnant of Twilight
bZBoTinEpao - Best VGM 1635 - Jade Cocoon - The Blue Cocoon Master ~ Koris
i49PlEN5k9I - Best VGM 1636 - Soul Sacrifice - March of the Dead
rLXgXfncaIA - Best VGM 1638 - Anodyne - Crossing
zTOZesa-uG4 - Best VGM 1639 - Turok : Dinosaur Hunter - Lost Jungle
gRZFl-vt4w0 - Best VGM 1640 - Ratchet & Clank - Veldin ~ Kyzil Plateau
KnoUxId8yUQ - Best VGM 1641 - Jak & Daxter - Sentinel Beach
Y0oO0bOyIAU - Best VGM 1642 - Hotline Miami - Paris
Y7McPnKoP8g - Best VGM 1643 - Illusion of Gaia - South Cape
Hbw3ZVY7qGc - Best VGM 1644 - Scott Pilgrim vs the World - Twin Dragons
ECP710r6JCM - Best VGM 1645 - Super Smash Bros. Wii U / 3DS - All-Star Rest Area
OXqxg3FpuDA - Best VGM 1646 - Ollie King - Teknopathetic (e-Pop'n Disco 80's Mix)
sqIb-ZhY85Q - Best VGM 1647 - Mega Man 5 - Dr. Wily Stage
x4mrK-42Z18 - Best VGM 1648 - Sonic Generations - Crisis City ~ Act 2
Gza34GxrZlk - Best VGM 1649 - Secret of the Stars - Aqutallion Overworld
CwI39pDPlgc - Best VGM 1650 - Shadow Madness - Forestgrove
aKqYLGaG_E4 - Best VGM 1651 - Earthbound - The Guardian's Challenge
A9PXQSFWuRY - Best VGM 1652 - Radiant Historia - Dreams Showed by a Cloud of Dust
pqCxONuUK3s - Best VGM 1653 - Persona Q : Shadow of the Labyrinth - Footsteps of Time
BdlkxaSEgB0 - Best VGM 1654 - Galactic Pinball - Alien
3kmwqOIeego - Best VGM 1655 - Touch My Katamari - Jupiter Dub No.404
H2-rCJmEDIQ - Best VGM 1656 - Fez - Compass
BKmv_mecn5g - Best VGM 1657 - Super Mario Sunshine - Bianco Hills
kJRiZaexNno - Best VGM 1658 - Unlimited Saga - DG ''sine''
wXZ-2p4rC5s - Best VGM 1659 - Metroid II : Return of Samus - SR388
HCi2-HtFh78 - Best VGM 1660 - Star Ocean 2 : The Second Story - Pure a Stream
F4QbiPftlEE - Best VGM 1661 - Dustforce - Cider Time
IEMaS33Wcd8 - Best VGM 1662 - Shovel Knight - In the Halls of the Usurper (Pridemoor Keep ~ King Knight)
krmNfjbfJUQ - Best VGM 1663 - Midnight Resistance - Flood of Power (Stage 1)
rkWsVA3pAUc - Nujabes ft. Uyama Hiroto - Spiritual State
9sYfDXfMO0o - [Favorite Horror Game #10] Best VGM 1664 - Parasite Eve - Out of Phase
BhfevIZsXo0 - [Favorite Horror Game #9] Best VGM 1665 - Outlast - Main Menu
tU3ZA2tFxDU - [Favorite Horror Game #8] Best VGM 1666 - Fatal Frame - Ending Theme
9BF1JT8rNKI - [Favorite Horror Game #7] Best VGM 1667 - Silent Hill 3 - Hometown
e1HWSPwGlpA - [Favorite Horror Game #6] Best VGM 1668 - Doom 3 - Intro
mwWcWgKjN5Y - [Favorite Horror Game #5] Best VGM 1669 - F.E.A.R. - Intro
dcEXzNbn20k - [Favorite Horror Game #4] Best VGM 1670 - Dead Space - Welcome Aboard the USG Ishimura
ghe_tgQvWKQ - [Favorite Horror Game #3] Best VGM 1671 - Resident Evil REmake - Guardhouse I
bu-kSDUXUts - [Favorite Horror Game #2] Best VGM 1672 - Silent Hill 2 - True
_dXaKTGvaEk - [Favorite Horror Game #1] Best VGM 1673 - Fatal Frame II : Crimson Butterfly - Dim Lantern
EF_lbrpdRQo - Best VGM 1674 - Contact - Rizo Island
B8MpofvFtqY - Best VGM 1675 - Mario & Luigi : Superstar Saga - Hoohoo Village
ccMkXEV0YmY - Best VGM 1676 - Tekken 2 - The Head Shaker (Yoshimitsu's Theme)
LTWbJDROe7A - Best VGM 1677 - Xenoblade Chronicles X - Main Theme
m4NfokfW3jw - Best VGM 1678 - Dragon Ball Z : The Legacy of Goku II - West City ~ Eat & Collect
a_qDMzn6BOA - Best VGM 1679 - Shin Megami Tensei IV - Lucifer Palace
oPjI-qh3QWQ - Best VGM 1681 - Opoona - Matia Mine
H-CwNdgHcDw - Best VGM 1682 - Lagoon - Atland
I8ij2RGGBtc - Best VGM 1683 - Mario Sports Mix - Peach's Castle
2mlPgPBDovw - Best VGM 1684 - Castlevania : Bloodlines - Reincarnated Soul (Stage 1)
tWopcEQUkhg - Best VGM 1685 - Super Smash Bros. Wii U - Onett & Snowman (Earthbound)
xkSD3pCyfP4 - Best VGM 1686 - Gauntlet - Stage 1
a0oq7Yw8tkc - Best VGM 1687 - The Binding of Isaac : Rebirth - Periculum (The Cellar)
qcf1CdKVATo - Best VGM 1688 - Jurassic Park - Triceratops Trot (Mountain Area)
C4cD-7dOohU - Best VGM 1689 - Valdis Story - Once a Mine, Now a Shrine
r-zRrHICsw0 - Best VGM 1691 - LED Storm - Intro Theme
fpVag5b7zHo - Best VGM 1692 - Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire - Dive
jNoiUfwuuP8 - Best VGM 1693 - Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards - Rock Star (Desert)
4HLSGn4_3WE - Best VGM 1694 - Wild Arms 4 - The Still Village, Ciel
qjNHwF3R-kg - Best VGM 1695 - Starbound - Europa
eLLdU3Td1w0 - Best VGM 1696 - Star Fox 64 - Area 6
80YFKvaRou4 - Best VGM 1697 - Mass Effect - Vigil
tiL0mhmOOnU - Best VGM 1698 - Sleepwalker - Funky Lullaby
SawlCRnYYC8 - Best VGM 1699 - Eek! The Cat - Final Rescue
RbAflhNrV5E - Uyama Hiroto - Rainy
-J55bt2b3Z8 - Best VGM 1700 - Mario Kart 8 - Toad Harbor / Toad's Turnpike
9alsJe-gEts - Best VGM 1702 - The Legend of Heroes : Trails in the Sky - Tetracyclic Tower
aj9mW0Hvp0g - Best VGM 1703 - Ufouria : The Saga - Hebe in the Cold Area
QqN7bKgYWI0 - Best VGM 1704 - Suikoden - Distant Mountain
HeirTA9Y9i0 - Best VGM 1705 - Maken X - Kei
ZriKAVSIQa0 - Best VGM 1707 - Zelda : A Link Between Worlds - Ice Ruins
_CeQp-NVkSw - Best VGM 1708 - Grounseed - Morning
04TLq1cKeTI - Best VGM 1709 - Mother 3 - Happy Town?
-ROXEo0YD10 - Best VGM 1710 - Halo - Under Cover of Night
PZnF6rVTgQE - Best VGM 1712 - Dragon Quest VII - Sphinx
qJMfgv5YFog - Best VGM 1713 - Katamari Damacy - Katamari on the Rock ~ Main Theme
AU_tnstiX9s - Best VGM 1714 - Ecco the Dolphin : Defender of the Future - The Tick (Unused)
M3Wux3163kI - Best VGM 1715 - Castlevania : Dracula X - Opposing Bloodlines (Stage 1)
R9rnsbf914c - Best VGM 1716 - Lethal League - Ordinary Days
fTj73xQg2TY - [GOTY 2014 #10] Best VGM 1717 - Child of Light - Down to a Dusty Plain
zpleUx1Llgs - [GOTY 2014 #9] Best VGM 1718 - Super Smash Bros Wii U / 3DS - Chill Ver. 2 (Dr. Mario)
Lx906iVIZSE - [GOTY 2014 #8] Best VGM 1719 - Diablo III : Reaper of Souls - A Mortal Heart
-_51UVCkOh4 - [GOTY 2014 #7] Best VGM 1720 - Donkey Kong Country : Tropical Freeze - Fruity Factory
UxiG3triMd8 - [GOTY 2014 #6] Best VGM 1721 - Hearthstone - Duel
ODjYdlmwf1E - [GOTY 2014 #5] Best VGM 1722 - The Binding of Isaac : Rebirth - Diptera Sonata
Bqvy5KIeQhI - [GOTY 2014 #4] Best VGM 1723 - Legend of Grimrock II - The Master and the Apprentice
jlcjrgSVkkc - [GOTY 2014 #3] Best VGM 1724 - Mario Kart 8 - Shy Guy Falls
snsS40I9-Ts - [GOTY 2014 #2] Best VGM 1725 - Shovel Knight - The Donor's Despair (Hall of Champions)
uvRU3gsmXx4 - [GOTY 2014 #1] Best VGM 1726 - Qbeh-1 : The Atlas Cube - Monolith
8eZRNAtq_ps - Best VGM 1727 - Target: Renegade - Level 1, 2 & 3
idw1zFkySA0 - Best VGM 1729 - Boot Hill Heroes - Whisker Woods
CPKoMt4QKmw - Best VGM 1730 - Super Mario Galaxy - Melty Molten Galaxy
TRdrbKasYz8 - Best VGM 1731 - Xenosaga - U.M.N. MODE
OCFWEWW9tAo - Best VGM 1732 - SimCity - Capital Theme
VzJ2MLvIGmM - Best VGM 1733 - E.V.O. : Search for Eden - The Coast
QN1wbetaaTk - Best VGM 1734 - Kirby & The Rainbow Curse - The Haunted Ship
FE59rlKJRPs - Best VGM 1735 - Rogue Galaxy - Shadow of the Sun
wxzrrUWOU8M - Best VGM 1736 - Space Station Silicon Valley - Penguin Playpen
U_l3eYfpUQ0 - Best VGM 1737 - Resident Evil : Revelations - Submerged Queen Dido
P3vzN5sizXk - Best VGM 1738 - Seiken Densetsu 3 - Little Sweet Cafe
aYUMd2GvwsU - Best VGM 1739 - A Bug's Life - Anthill
0w-9yZBE_nQ - Best VGM 1740 - Blaster Master - Fortress (Stage 3)
c2Y1ANec-5M - Best VGM 1741 - Ys Chronicles - Dreaming
vN9zJNpH3Mc - Best VGM 1742 - Terranigma - Elle's Theme
ZyAIAKItmoM - Best VGM 1744 - Hotline Miami 2 - Divide
QTwpZhWtQus - Best VGM 1745 - The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - Through the Valleys
xze4yNQAmUU - Best VGM 1746 - Mega Man 10 - Desert Commando (Commando Man Stage)
eDOCPzvn87s - Best VGM 1747 - Super Mario World - Underground
SuI_RSHfLIk - Best VGM 1748 - Guardian's Crusade - Battle Theme
f3z73Xp9fCk - Best VGM 1749 - Outlaws - Two Feathers
OUmeK282f-E - Best VGM 1751 - Silent Hill 4 : The Room - Wounded Warsong
nUScyv5DcIo - Best VGM 1752 - Super Stickman Golf 2 - Grassy
w7dO2edfy00 - Best VGM 1753 - Wild Arms - Zed's Theme
lzhkFmiTB_8 - Best VGM 1754 - Grandia II - Cyrum Kingdom
3nLtMX4Y8XI - Best VGM 1755 - Mr. Nutz - Ice Scream
_cglnkygG_0 - Best VGM 1756 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Engage the Enemy
Vin5IrgdWnM - Best VGM 1757 - Donkey Kong 64 - Crystal Caves
kA69u0-U-Vk - Best VGM 1758 - MapleStory - Temple of Time
R3gmQcMK_zg - Best VGM 1759 - Ragnarok Online - Tread on the Ground
ng442hwhhAw - Best VGM 1760 - Super Mario Bros 3 - Ending Theme
JOFsATsPiH0 - Best VGM 1761 - Deus Ex - NYC Streets
F2-bROS64aI - Best VGM 1762 - Mega Man Soccer - Wood Man
OJjsUitjhmU - Best VGM 1763 - Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck - Snow Problem, The Fruit Mountain
ASl7qClvqTE - Best VGM 1764 - Roommania #203 - Song of Courage
CHydNVrPpAQ - Best VGM 1765 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Groose's Theme
acVjEoRvpv8 - Best VGM 1766 - Dark Cloud - Gallery of Time
0dEc-UyQf58 - Best VGM 1768 - Pokemon Trading Card Game - Normal Duel
hv2BL0v2tb4 - Best VGM 1769 - Phantasy Star Online - Image of Hero
Iss6CCi3zNk - Best VGM 1770 - Earthbound - Kraken of the Sea
iJS-PjSQMtw - Best VGM 1771 - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night - Wood Carving Partita
b-oxtWJ00WA - Best VGM 1772 - Pikmin 3 - Plasm Wraith (Final Boss)
uwB0T1rExMc - Best VGM 1773 - Drakkhen - Earth Area (Night)
i-hcCtD_aB0 - Best VGM 1774 - Soma Bringer - Bonfire in One Hand
8hLQart9bsQ - Best VGM 1775 - Shadowrun Returns - Return of the Sixth World
oEEm45iRylE - Best VGM 1776 - Super Princess Peach - Giddy Sky 2
oeBGiKhMy-Q - Best VGM 1777 - Chrono Cross - Zelbess
gQiYZlxJk3w - Best VGM 1778 - Lufia II - Town
jObg1aw9kzE - Best VGM 1779 - Divinity 2 : Ego Draconis - Broken Valley Wakes
iS98ggIHkRw - Best VGM 1780 - Extreme-G - G-Storm
tXnCJLLZIvc - Best VGM 1781 - Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door - Rogueport Sewers
n6f-bb8DZ_k - Best VGM 1782 - Street Fighter II - Ryu's Theme
j6i73HYUNPk - Best VGM 1783 - Gauntlet III - Title Theme
D4XcZyB8Dq0 - Oriental Magnetic Yellow (OMY) - Good Pierrot [1995]
aZ37adgwDIw - Best VGM 1784 - Shenmue - Tomato Convenience Store
U2MqAWgqYJY - Best VGM 1787 - Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - Gorgeous Musical Castle ~ Part 2
wKNz1SsO_cM - Best VGM 1788 - Life is Strange - Main Menu
sIXnwB5AyvM - Best VGM 1789 - Alundra - The Shrine of the Lake
wqb9Cesq3oM - Best VGM 1790 - Super Mario RPG - My Paradise ~ Monstro Town
evHQZjhE9CM - Best VGM 1791 - The Bouncer - Wong Leung's Theme
ztLD9IqnRqY - Best VGM 1792 - Metroid Prime 3 - SkyTown
kW63YiVf5I0 - Best VGM 1793 - Splatoon - Single Player Theme 1
Jq949CcPxnM - Best VGM 1794 - Super Valis IV - Act 1 ~ Vecanti
8K8hCmRDbWc - Best VGM 1795 - Blue Dragon - Ruins
JGQ_Z0W43D4 - Best VGM 1796 - Secret of Evermore - White Castle Town
I0FNN-t4pRU - Best VGM 1797 - Earthbound - Eight Melodies [R.I.P. Satoru Iwata]
tBGVr1WtISU - Mother Vocal Album - St-Paul's Cathedral Choir - Eight Melodies
mDw3F-Gt4bQ - Best VGM 1798 - Knuckles Chaotix - Door Into Summer
0tWIVmHNDYk - Best VGM 1799 - Wild Arms 4 - Buried City
zd8DQXLCl-8 - Back Soon!
6b77tr2Vu9U - Best VGM 1800 - Pokemon - Route 1 / Gym / Wild Battle / Route 101 / Pokemon Center
M16kCIMiNyc - Best VGM 1801 - Lisa : The Painful RPG - Boy Oh Boy
6_JLe4OxrbA - Best VGM 1802 - Super Mario 64 - Slider
glFK5I0G2GE - Best VGM 1803 - Sheep Raider - Haunted Level (Track 5)
PGowEQXyi3Y - Best VGM 1804 - Donkey Kong Country 2 - Jib Jig
SYp2ic7v4FU - Best VGM 1805 - Rise of the Triad (2013) - Adagio
FKtnlUcGVvM - Best VGM 1806 - Star Ocean 3 - Bird's Eye View
NkonFpRLGTU - Best VGM 1807 - Transistor - We All Become
xsC6UGAJmIw - Best VGM 1808 - Waterworld - Mission Theme 2
uTRjJj4UeCg - Best VGM 1809 - Shovel Knight - Flowers of Antimony (The Explodatorium ~ Plague Knight)
xl30LV6ruvA - Best VGM 1810 - Fantasy Life - Fierce Battle
i-v-bJhK5yc - Best VGM 1811 - Undertale - Death by Glamour
hFgqnQLyqqE - Best VGM 1812 - Sonic Lost World - Sea Bottom Segue
GAVePrZeGTc - Best VGM 1813 - SaGa Frontier - Battle Theme 1
N6hzEQyU6QM - Best VGM 1815 - Grounseed - Maze of Spirits
0yKsce_NsWA - Best VGM 1816 - Shadow Hearts III - Rum and Tequila (Rio de Janeiro)
OIsI5kUyLcI - Best VGM 1817 - Super Mario Maker - Title Theme
TMhh7ApHESo - Best VGM 1818 - Super Win the Game - Razor's Edge
m3_6h28QxDU - 50,000 Subscribers - Thank You!
yV7eGX8y2dM - Best VGM 1819 - Hotline Miami 2 - Technoir (Feat. Noir Deco)
q_ClDJNpFV8 - Best VGM 1820 - Silent Hill 3 - Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me
Zee9VKBU_Vk - Best VGM 1821 - Fallout 3 - What Remains (Explore 7)
AC58piv97eM - Best VGM 1822 - The Binding of Isaac : Afterbirth - Kave Diluvii
0OMlZPg8tl4 - Best VGM 1823 - Robocop 3 (C64) - Title Theme
1MRrLo4awBI - Best VGM 1824 - Golden Sun - Crossbone Isle
TPW9GRiGTek - Best VGM 1825 - Yoshi's Woolly World - King Bowser's Castle ~ Final Hall
Ovn18xiJIKY - Best VGM 1826 - Dragon Quest VI - In The Town
gLfz9w6jmJM - Best VGM 1827 - Machinarium - The Prison
h8wD8Dmxr94 - Best VGM 1828 - Dragon Ball Z : The Legacy of Goku II - East District 439
grHhZRvfzEA - Kitaro - Tenku
ggTedyRHx20 - Best VGM 1829 - Qbeh-1 : The Atlas Cube - Labyrinth
Xw58jPitU-Q - Best VGM 1830 - Ys Origin - Water Prison
tqyigq3uWzo - Best VGM 1831 - Perfect Dark - Chicago Stealth
pIC5D1F9EQQ - Best VGM 1832 - Zelda II : The Adventure of Link - Great Palace
1wskjjST4F8 - Best VGM 1833 - Plok - Boss
wyYpZvfAUso - Best VGM 1834 - Soul Calibur - The New Legend (Kilik & Edge's Theme)
hlQ-DG9Jy3Y - Best VGM 1835 - Pop'n Music 2 - Love Is Strong To The Sky (lnstrumental Best)
Xo1gsf_pmzM - Best VGM 1836 - Super Mario 3D World - Piranha Creeper Creek
z5ndH9xEVlo - Best VGM 1837 - Streets of Rage - The Last Soul (Stage 8)
iMeBQBv2ACs - Best VGM 1838 - Etrian Mystery Dungeon - Waterfall Woodlands
HW5WcFpYDc4 - Best VGM 1839 - Mega Man Battle Network 5 : Double Team - Network Space (Internet Area)
1UzoyIwC3Lg - Best VGM 1840 - Master Spy - Mission 2 (Mansion)
vrWC1PosXSI - Best VGM 1841 - Legend of Dragoon - Ruined Seles
yZ5gFAjZsS4 - Best VGM 1842 - Wolverine - Stage 1
ehxzly2ogW4 - Best VGM 1843 - Xenoblade Chronicles X - THEMEX
mX78VEVMSVo - Best VGM 1844 - Arcana - Shrine for the Worship of Chaos
L5t48bbzRDs - Best VGM 1845 - Xenosaga II - U.M.N. Control Center
f0UzNWcwC30 - Best VGM 1846 - Tales of Graces - A Crevasse Where Winter Has Started
eyiABstbKJE - Best VGM 1847 - Kirby's Return to Dreamland - Chilly Area (Sundae Snowstorm)
Luko2A5gNpk - Best VGM 1848 - Metroid Prime - Phendrana Drifts (Demo Disk Version)
dim1KXcN34U - Best VGM 1849 - ActRaiser - North Wall
xhVwxYU23RU - Best VGM 1850 - Bejeweled 3 - Ice Storm
56oPoX8sCcY - Best VGM 1851 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Snowpeak Ruins
wXXgqWHDp18 - Best VGM 1853 - Tales of Zestiria - The Melody of Water Will Lead the Way
LcFX7lFjfqA - Best VGM 1854 - Shin Megami Tensei IV - Battle ~ b2 (Boss Theme 2)
r7owYv6_tuw - Best VGM 1855 - Tobal No. 1 - Aqua and Trees
nesYhwViPkc - [GOTY 2015 #10] Best VGM 1856 - The Legend of Zelda : Tri Force Heroes - Water Temple
r6dC9N4WgSY - [GOTY 2015 #9] Best VGM 1857 - Lisa the Joyful - Arrow to the Head (vs Ranked #2 ~ Sindy Gallows)
Rj9bp-bp-TA - [GOTY 2015 #8] Best VGM 1858 - Grow Home - Star Plant
naIUUMurT5U - [GOTY 2015 #7] Best VGM 1859 - Lara Croft GO - Temple Of The Wise (Distant Melody)
qR8x99ylgqc - [GOTY 2015 #6] Best VGM 1860 - Axiom Verge - Amnesia
lcOky3CKCa0 - [GOTY 2015 #5] Best VGM 1861 - Yoshi's Woolly World - Sponge Cave Spelunking
nL5Y2NmHn38 - [GOTY 2015 #4] Best VGM 1862 - Fallout 4 - Rebuild, Renew
EpbcztAybh0 - [GOTY 2015 #3] Best VGM 1863 - Super Mario Maker - NSMBU Overworld (Edit Mode)
9rldISzBkjE - [GOTY 2015 #2] Best VGM 1864 - Undertale - Hopes and Dreams
jTZEuazir4s - [GOTY 2015 #1] Best VGM 1865 - Environmental Station Alpha - Sinking Feeling
dMYW4wBDQLU - Best VGM 1866 - Ys VI : The Ark of Napishtim - The Depth Napishtim
DWXXhLbqYOI - Best VGM 1868 - Mario Kart 64 - Kalimari Desert
3283ANpvPPM - Best VGM 1869 - Super Spy Hunter - Staff Roll
r6F92CUYjbI - Best VGM 1870 - Titan Souls - Forest Songs
MxyCk1mToY4 - Best VGM 1871 - Koudelka - Kiss Twice
PQjOIZTv8I4 - Best VGM 1872 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Cammy's Theme
XqUsjw2wfDU - Hiroki Kikuta - Oval of Cassini [Alphabet Planet]
XSSNGYomwAU - Best VGM 1873 - Suikoden - Theme of a Moonlit Night
ght6F5_jHQ0 - Best VGM 1874 - Mega Man 4 - Dive Man Stage
0EhiDgp8Drg - Best VGM 1876 - Mario Party - Luigi's Engine Room
gF4pOYxzplw - Best VGM 1877 - Xenogears - Leftovers from the Dreams of The Strong (Yggdrasil)
KI6ZwWinXNM - Best VGM 1878 - Digimon Story : Cyber Sleuth - Kuremi Detective Agency
Xy9eA5PJ9cU - Best VGM 1879 - Pokemon - Viridian Forest
mNDaE4dD8dE - Best VGM 1880 - Monster Rancher 4 - Kawrea Volcano
OjRNSYsddz0 - Best VGM 1881 - Yo-Kai Watch - vs Yo-Kai (Battle Theme)
eEZLBWjQsGk - Best VGM 1883 - Parasite Eve - Kyrie
CuQJ-qh9s_s - Best VGM 1884 - Tekken 2 - Quiet Interim Report
RBKbYPqJNOw - Best VGM 1886 - Wii Shop Channel
jhsNQ6r2fHE - Best VGM 1887 - 3D Dot Game Heroes - Passing Through The Forest
Pmn-r3zx-E0 - Best VGM 1888 - Katamari Damacy - Wanda Wanda
imK2k2YK36E - Best VGM 1890 - Giftpia - FREE SLOW
2hfgF1RoqJo - Best VGM 1891 - Gunstar Heroes - Stage 1
A-dyJWsn_2Y - Best VGM 1892 - Pokken Tournament - Tellur Town (Autumn)
096M0eZMk5Q - Best VGM 1893 - Super Castlevania IV - Library
c7mYaBoSIQU - Best VGM 1894 - Contact - Aegis Desert
JrlGy3ozlDA - Best VGM 1895 - Deep Fear - Surfacing
cvae_OsnWZ0 - Best VGM 1896 - Super Mario RPG - Hello, Happy Kingdom
mA2rTmfT1T8 - Best VGM 1897 - Valdis Story - Pancakes
LzIZwxa-Kmk - [April 1st] Best VGM 1898 - Metroid Prime 4 : Isolation - Tube System
faJLFaXBIEU - Best VGSFX 01 - Pokemon - Healing Sound
Zys-MeBfBto - Best VGM 1898 - Tales of Symphonia - Rovers
AQMonx8SlXc - Best VGM 1899 - Enthusia Professional Racing - The Infinite End
glcGXw3gS6Q - Best VGM 1900 - Silent Hill 3 - Innocent Moon & Maternal Heart
5lyXiD-OYXU - Best VGM 1901 - Wild Arms - Morning of the Journey
15PEwOkJ5DA - Best VGM 1902 - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Throwback Galaxy
MK41-UzpQLk - Best VGM 1903 - Star Fox 64 - Select
un-CZxdgudA - Best VGM 1904 - Vortex - Voltair
bQ1D8oR128E - Best VGM 1905 - Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - Gaze Up at the Darkness
hlCHzEa9MRg - Best VGM 1906 - Skies of Arcadia - Battle Theme #2
Yn9EmSHIaLw - Best VGM 1907 - Stardew Valley - Summer (Nature's Crescendo)
4B53qMeqe4E - SupraDarky - Pluto's Snack Bar
WwXBfLnChSE - Best VGM 1908 - Radiant Historia - Mechanical Kingdom
8bEtK6g4g_Y - Best VGM 1909 - Dragon Ball Z : Super Butoden - Imperfect Cell's Theme
bvbOS8Mp8aQ - Best VGM 1910 - Street Fighter V - Theme of F.A.N.G
nK-IjRF-hs4 - Best VGM 1911 - Spyro : A Hero's Tail - Crocoville Swamp
mTnXMcxBwcE - Best VGM 1912 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Spirit Temple
d5OK1GkI_CU - Best VGM 1913 - Chrono Cross - Death Volcano
aPrcJy-5hoA - Best VGM 1914 - Westerado : Double Barreled - Forest Theme
udO3kaNWEsI - Best VGM 1915 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Fallen Arm ~ Day
vmUwR3aa6dc - Best VGM 1916 - F-Zero - White Land I
EvRTjXbb8iw - Best VGM 1917 - Unlimited Saga - DG "sadness"
sHQslJ2FaaM - Best VGM 1918 - Krater - Tutorial
O5a4jwv-jPo - Best VGM 1919 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Overworld
RyQAZcBim88 - Best VGM 1920 - Ape Escape 3 - Tomoki City (Part 2)
fXxbFMtx0Bo - Best VGM 1921 - Halo 3 ODST - Rain
jYFYsfEyi0c - Best VGM 1922 - Ragnarok Online - Plateau
cl6iryREksM - Best VGM 1923 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - The Sky
VktyN1crFLQ - Best VGM 1924 - Devilish - Stage 5 ~ Seaside
qBh4tvmT6N4 - Best VGM 1925 - Max Payne 3 - Panama
H_rMLATTMws - Best VGM 1926 - Illusion of Gaia - Deep Sadness (Will's Dream)
fWqvxC_8yDk - Best VGM 1927 - Ecco : The Tides of Time (Sega CD) - Fin to Feather
718qcWPzvAY - Best VGM 1928 - Super Paper Mario - Castle Bleck
HImC0q17Pk0 - Best VGM 1929 - FTL : Faster Than Light - Last Stand
ERohLbXvzVQ - Best VGM 1930 - Z-Out - Highscore
vLRhuxHiYio - Best VGM 1931 - Hotline Miami 2 - Around
MowlJduEbgY - Best VGM 1932 - Ori and the Blind Forest - Light of Nibel
obPhMUJ8G9k - Best VGM 1933 - Mother 3 - Alec's Log House
gTahA9hCxAg - Best VGM 1934 - Undertale - Bonetrousle
f0bj_Aqhbb8 - Best VGM 1935 - Guild Wars 2 - Call of the Raven
ro4ceM17QzY - Best VGM 1936 - Sonic Lost World - Island Relics
Sime7JZrTl0 - Best VGM 1937 - Castlevania - Walking on the Edge
7vpHPBE59HE - Best VGM 1938 - Valkyria Chronicles - Desperate Fight
tFsVKUoGJZs - Best VGM 1939 - Deus Ex - Versalife
dO4awKzd8rc - Best VGM 1940 - One Step Beyond - BGM 6
HmOUI30QqiE - Best VGM 1941 - Streets of Rage 2 - Dreamer (Stage 3)
nOeGX-O_QRU - Best VGM 1943 - Top Gear - Gear Box (Track 2)
ktnL6toFPCo - Best VGM 1944 - PaRappa the Rapper - Chop Chop Master Onion
B0nk276pUv8 - Best VGM 1945 - Shovel Knight - An Underlying Problem (The Lost City ~ Mole Knight)
n4Pun5BDH0g - Best VGM 1946 - Okamiden - Underground Ruin
lwUtHErD2Yo - Best VGM 1947 - Furi - Wisdom of Rage
aOjeeAVojAE - Best VGM 1948 - Metroid AM2R - Hydro Station
9YY-v0pPRc8 - Best VGM 1949 - Environmental Station Alpha - Valiant
y_4Ei9OljBA - Best VGM 1950 - Zelda : Minish Cap - Palace of Winds
DW-tMwk3t04 - Best VGM 1951 - Grounseed - Village
9oVbqhGBKac - Best VGM 1952 - Castle in the Darkness - The Trees Can See
M4XYQ8YfVdo - Best VGM 1954 - Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Mermaid
PjlkqeMdZzU - Best VGM 1955 - Paladin's Quest II - Throne of the Immortals
sYVOk6kU3TY - Best VGM 1956 - South Park : The Stick of Truth - Character Creation
6VD_aVMOL1c - Best VGM 1957 - Dark Cloud 2 - Kazarov Stonehenge
GdOFuA2qpG4 - Best VGM 1958 - Mega Man Battle Network 3 - Virus Busting
PRCBxcvNApQ - Best VGM 1959 - Glover - Atlantis Realm, Level 2
fWx4q8GqZeo - Best VGM 1960 - Digital Devil Saga - Spider's String ~ The Second Movement
MpwIBRMegl8 - Nujabes - Sea of Cloud
zYMU-v7GGW4 - Best VGM 1961 - Kingdom Hearts - Winnie the Pooh
r5n9re80hcQ - Best VGM 1962 - Dragon Quest VII 3DS - Memories of a Lost World
aTofARLXiBk - Best VGM 1963 - Jazz Jackrabbit 3 - Skygazer (Rocket)
cZVRDjJUPIQ - Best VGM 1964 - Kirby & The Rainbow Curse - The Wild Red Yonder
I0rfWwuyHFg - Best VGM 1965 - Time Trax - Theme #4
HTo_H7376Rs - Best VGM 1966 - Dark Souls II - Sir Alonne
4EBNeFI0QW4 - Best VGM 1968 - OFF - Avatar Beat (Final Battle)
wBAXLY1hq7s - Best VGM 1969 - Ys Chronicles - Final Battle
JvGhaOX-aOo - Best VGM 1970 - Mega Man & Bass - Pirate Man Stage
I2LzT-9KtNA - Best VGM 1971 - The Oregon Trail - Main Theme
CD9A7myidl4 - Best VGM 1972 - No More Heroes 2 - Subuta.1 (Duel Against Ranked #2: Alice Twilight)
N2_yNExicyI - Best VGM 1974 - Castlevania : Curse of Darkness - Baljhet Mountains
CPbjTzqyr7o - Best VGM 1975 - Last Bible III - Sky Wing
gf3NerhyM_k - Best VGM 1976 - Tales of Berseria - Theme of Velvet
-finZK4D6NA - Best VGM 1977 - Star Ocean 2 : The Second Story - Cuddle
3Bl0nIoCB5Q - Best VGM 1978 - Wii Sports - Main Theme
a5JdLRzK_uQ - Best VGM 1979 - Wild Arms 3 - Migratory Birds ~ Scoundrels (Overworld)
Ys_xfruRWSc - Best VGM 1980 - Pokemon Snap - Stone Valley
VMt6f3DvTaU - Best VGM 1982 - Mighty Switch Force - Love You Love You Love
tvGn7jf7t8c - Best VGM 1983 - Shinobi - Transfiguration
0_YB2lagalY - Best VGM 1984 - Marble Madness - Beginner Race
LAHKscXvt3Q - Best VGM 1985 - Space Harrier - Main Theme
JieK50lP9xI - [SD Zelda] Dungeon 7 - Shrine of Origin
EDmsNVWZIws - Best VGM 1986 - Dragon Quest - Chateau Ladutorm (Tantegel Castle)
he_ECgg9YyU - Best VGM 1987 - Mega Man - Elec Man Stage
d3mJsXFGhDg - Best VGM 1988 - Altered Beast - Rise from Your Grave
AzlWTsBn8M8 - Best VGM 1989 - Tetris - Title Theme
iXDF9eHsmD4 - Best VGM 1990 - F-Zero - Silence
77Z3VDq_9_0 - Best VGM 1991 - Street Fighter II - Chun-Li's Theme
Xb8k4cp_mvQ - Best VGM 1992 - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Casino Night Zone
T_HfcZMUR4k - Best VGM 1993 - Doom - The Demons From Adrian's Pen (E2M2 ~ Containment Area)
a4t1ty8U9qw - Best VGM 1994 - Earthbound - Bus
YQasQAYgbb4 - Best VGM 1995 - Terranigma - New Waters ~ Port
s6D8clnSE_I - Best VGM 1996 - Pokemon - Title Screen
W4259ddJDtw - Best VGM 1998 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - House
Tug0cYK0XW0 - Best VGM 1999 - Shenmue - FREE 1 (Walking Theme 1)
zTHAKsaD_8U - Best VGM 2000 - Super Mario Bros - Main Theme (Overworld)
DhAVIqbpzBc - The Best VGM List Continues!
cnjADMWesKk - Best VGM 2001 - Silent Hill 2 - Alone in the Town
g4Bnot1yBJA - Best VGM 2002 - The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind - The Road Most Travelled
RAevlv9Y1ao - Best VGM 2003 - Tales of Symphonia - Raine
UoDDUr6poOs - Best VGM 2004 - World of Warcraft - Song of Elune
Is_yOYLMlHY - Best VGM 2005 - We ♥ Katamari - Bluffing Damacy
69142JeBFXM - Best VGM 2006 - Baten Kaitos Origins - Iconoclasm
nO3lPvYVxzs - Best VGM 2007 - Super Mario Galaxy - Rosalina in the Observatory 3
calW24ddgOM - Best VGM 2008 - Castlevania : Order of Ecclesia - An Empty Tome
ocVRCl9Kcus - Best VGM 2009 - Shatter - Argon Refinery
HpecW3jSJvQ - Best VGM 2010 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Snowy Valak Mountain
OViAthHme2o - Best VGM 2011 - The Binding of Isaac - Peace Be With You
JvMsfqT9KB8 - Best VGM 2012 - Hotline Miami - Miami Disco
qNIAYDOCfGU - Best VGM 2013 - Guacamelee! - Caverna del Pollo (Living)
N1EyCv65yOI - Best VGM 2014 - Qbeh-1 : The Atlas Cube - Elevation
1UZ1fKOlZC0 - Best VGM 2015 - Axiom Verge - The Axiom (Title Screen)
o5tflPmrT5c - [GOTY 2016 #10] Best VGM 2016 - I am Setsuna - The Winter Breeze
xZHoULMU6fE - [GOTY 2016 #9] Best VGM 2017 - Firewatch - Thorofare Hike
ZulAUy2_mZ4 - [GOTY 2016 #8] Best VGM 2018 - Gears of War 4 - Main Theme
K2fx7bngK80 - [GOTY 2016 #7] Best VGM 2019 - Thumper - Triangle
1KCcXn5xBeY - [GOTY 2016 #6] Best VGM 2020 - Inside - Submarine
44vPlW8_X3s - [GOTY 2016 #5] Best VGM 2021 - DOOM - BFG Division
Roj5F9QZEpU - [GOTY 2016 #4] Best VGM 2022 - Momodora : Reverie Under the Moonlight - Sacred Ordalia Grove
ZJGF0_ycDpU - [GOTY 2016 #3] Best VGM 2023 - Pokemon GO - Map Theme ~ Walking at Night
LXuXWMV2hW4 - [GOTY 2016 #2] Best VGM 2024 - Metroid AM2R - Initial Descent
nuUYTK61228 - [GOTY 2016 #1] Best VGM 2025 - Hyper Light Drifter - The Midnight Wood
XG7HmRvDb5Y - Best VGM 2026 - Yoshi's Woolly World - Shy But Deadly
KWRoyFQ1Sj4 - Best VGM 2028 - Persona 5 - The Days When My Mother Was There (Pyramid)
CHd4iWEFARM - Best VGM 2029 - Klonoa - Nevertheless
MxShFnOgCnk - Best VGM 2030 - Soma Bringer - - Ring -
DTzf-vahsdI - Best VGM 2031 - Zelda : Breath of the Wild - Hyrule Castle
JxhYFSN_xQY - Best VGM 2032 - Musashi Samurai Legend - A New Hope
dobKarKesA0 - Best VGM 2033 - Elemental Master - Setting Out (Staff Roll)
qmeaNH7mWAY - Best VGM 2034 - Animal Crossing : New Leaf - 7PM
-oGZIqeeTt0 - Best VGM 2035 - NeoTokyo - Impetus
uM3dR2VbMck - Best VGM 2037 - Super Stickman Golf 2 - Pleased
uURUC6yEMZc - Best VGM 2038 - Yooka-Laylee - Tropic Trials
-Q2Srm60GLg - Best VGM 2039 - Dustforce - Pillars of Pepper
UmTX3cPnxXg - Best VGM 2040 - Super Mario 3D World - Sprawling Savanna
TcKSIuOSs4U - Best VGM 2042 - The Legendary Starfy - Hotcha Springs
k0f4cCJqUbg - Best VGM 2043 - Katamari Forever - Cherry Blossom Color Season (fanfare mix)
763w2hsKUpk - Best VGM 2044 - Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door - Doopliss Battle
BCjRd3LfRkE - Best VGM 2045 - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night - Marble Gallery
vz59icOE03E - Best VGM 2046 - Boot Hill Heroes - Theme of the Past
nEBoB571s9w - Best VGM 2047 - Asterix & Obelix - Swiss Frontier
81dgZtXKMII - Best VGM 2048 - Nintendo 3DS Guide : Louvre - Main Theme
OpvLr9vyOhQ - Best VGM 2049 - Undertale - Ruins
ERUnY6EIsn8 - Best VGM 2050 - Snake Pass - Sog-Gee's Realm (World 2 ~ Water)
7sc7R7jeOX0 - Best VGM 2051 - Sonic and the Black Knight - Deep Woods
ygqp3eNXbI4 - Best VGM 2053 - Pop'n Music 18 - Byakuya-Gentou
f_UurCb4AD4 - Best VGM 2054 - Dewy's Adventure - Ancient Sensation
TIzYqi_QFY8 - Best VGM 2055 - Legend of Dragoon - Peace Between Hills
TaRAKfltBfo - Best VGM 2056 - Etrian Odyssey IV - Labyrinth V ~ City of Radiant Ruin
YEoAPCEZyA0 - Best VGM 2057 - Breath of Fire III - Eden
ABYH2x7xaBo - Best VGM 2058 - Faxanadu - Land of Mist
31NHdGB1ZSk - Best VGM 2059 - Metroid Prime 3 - Gandrayda Battle
hYHMbcC08xA - Best VGM 2060 - Mega Man 9 - Magma Burning (Magma Man Stage)
TdxJKAvFEIU - Best VGM 2061 - Lost Odyssey - Saman, Town of Merchants
oseD00muRc8 - Best VGM 2062 - Phoenix Wright : Trials and Tribulations - Fragrance of Dark Coffee
ysoz5EnW6r4 - Best VGM 2063 - Tekken 7 - Kazumi's Theme
eCS1Tzbcbro - Best VGM 2064 - Demon's Crest - Memorial of the Fallen Ones
LScvuN6-ZWo - Best VGM 2065 - Battletoads & Double Dragon - Abobo (Stage 1)
8hzjxWVQnxo - Best VGM 2066 - Soma - Satellite
CumPOZtsxkU - Best VGM 2067 - Skies of Arcadia - Dungeon Cave
MbkMki62A4o - Best VGM 2068 - Gran Turismo 5 - Slow on the Uptake
KTHBvQKkibA - Best VGM 2070 - The 7th Saga - Overworld
tNvY96zReis - Best VGM 2071 - Metal Gear Solid - Rex's Lair
DS825tbc9Ts - Best VGM 2072 - Phantasy Star Online - Leaving Flow
iTUBlKA5IfY - Best VGM 2073 - Pokemon Art Academy - BGM 03
GNqR9kGLAeA - Best VGM 2074 - Croc 2 - Hang Glider Valley
CLl8UR5vrMk - Best VGM 2075 - Yakuza 0 - Friday Night
_C_fXeDZHKw - Best VGM 2076 - Secret of Evermore - Ebon Keep ~ Castle
Mn3HPClpZ6Q - Best VGM 2077 - Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines - Downtown
BQRKQ-CQ27U - Best VGM 2078 - 3D Dot Game Heroes - Raejack Village
7u3tJbtAi_o - Best VGM 2079 - Grounseed - Spirit
9VE72cRcQKk - Best VGM 2080 - Super Runabout - Candy ~Blues for M~
wv6HHTa4jjI - Best VGM 2081 - Miitopia - Battle ­~ The Sky Scraper
GaOT77kUTD8 - Best VGM 2082 - Jack Bros. - Mecha Fortress
DzXQKut6Ih4 - Best VGM 2083 - Castlevania : Dracula X - Cemetery (Stage 4)
mHUE5GkAUXo - Best VGM 2084 - Wild Arms 4 - Taste of the Sand that Sheds no Tears
248TO66gf8M - Best VGM 2085 - Sonic Mania - Titanic Monarch Zone Act 1
nJN-xeA7ZJo - Best VGM 2087 - Treasure Master - The Moon (Stage 2)
Ca4QJ_pDqpA - Best VGM 2088 - Dragon Ball Z : The Legacy of Goku II - Kami's Lookout
_U3JUtO8a9U - Best VGM 2089 - Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Spooky Skirmish
_jWbBWpfBWw - Best VGM 2090 - Advance Wars - Andy's Theme
q-NUnKMEXnM - Best VGM 2091 - Evoland II - Searching for Something (Game of Cards)
-u_udSjbXgs - Best VGM 2092 - Radiata Stories - Itinerant Party
76CbK3mdHdI - The Best VGM List is 10 Years Old!
RnNv4scRat8 - [SD Cover] Xenogears - Shevat, The Wind is Calling
5CLpmBIb4MM - Best VGM 2094 - Summoner - Ikaemos Swamp
TTt_-gE9iPU - Best VGM 2095 - Bravely Default - Land of Radiant Flowers
5ZMI6Gu2aac - Best VGM 2096 - Suikoden III - Beautiful Grasslands
OXHIuTm-w2o - Best VGM 2097 - Super Mario RPG - Fight Against Smithy
eWsYdciDkqY - Best VGM 2098 - Jade Cocoon - Battle Drill
HaRmFcPG7o8 - Best VGM 2099 - Shadow Hearts II : Covenant - Deep in Coma (Battle in Japan)
dgD5lgqNzP8 - Best VGM 2100 - Dark Souls - Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight
M_B1DJu8FlQ - Best VGM 2101 - Super Mario Odyssey - Jump Up, Super Star!
q87OASJOKOg - Best VGM 2102 - Castlevania : Aria of Sorrow - Inner Quarters
RNkUpb36KhQ - Best VGM 2103 - Titan Souls - The First Guardian
NuSPcCqiCZo - Best VGM 2104 - Pilotwings 64 - Replay / Results
nvv6JrhcQSo - Best VGM 2105 - Zelda : Spirit Tracks - Realm Overworld (Full Steam Ahead)
K5AOu1d79WA - Best VGM 2106 - Ecco the Dolphin : Defender of the Future - Aquamarine Bay
zS8QlZkN_kM - Best VGM 2107 - Guardian's Crusade - Cave of Fear
P9OdKnQQchQ - Best VGM 2108 - The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - Watchman's Ease
HtJPpVCuYGQ - Best VGM 2109 - Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck - Lively Lava, Spooky Cave
MkKh-oP7DBQ - Best VGM 2110 - Waterworld - Map
h0LDHLeL-mE - Best VGM 2111 - Sonic Forces - Fading World (Imperial Tower)
4CEc0t0t46s - Best VGM 2113 - Ittle Dew 2 - Stars (Star Woods)
dd2dbckq54Q - Best VGM 2114 - Black/Matrix - Deboneir
y9SFrBt1xtw - Best VGM 2115 - Mario Kart: Double Dash!! - Sherbet Land
hNCGAN-eyuc - Best VGM 2116 - Undertale - Snowdin Town
Urqrn3sZbHQ - Best VGM 2117 - Emil Chronicle Online - Snow Mirage
mRGdr6iahg8 - Best VGM 2118 - Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards - Shiver Star
JKVUavdztAg - Best VGM 2119 - Shovel Knight - A Cool Reception (Stranded Ship ~ Polar Knight)
O-v3Df_q5QQ - Best VGM 2120 - Star Fox Adventures - Snowhorn Wastes
jLrqs_dvAGU - Best VGM 2122 - Yoshi's Woolly World - Frozen Solid and Chilled
VxJf8k4YzBY - Best VGM 2123 - The Mummy Demastered - Salt and Sepulcher
h0ed9Kei7dw - Best VGM 2124 - Biker Mice from Mars - Vs. Race
x6VlzkDSU6k - Best VGM 2125 - Parasite Eve - Arise Within You (Battle Theme)
9ZanHcT3wJI - Best VGM 2126 - Contact - Le Chef Beach
pAlhuLOMFbU - Best VGM 2127 - World of Goo - Best of Times
cWTZEXmWcOs - Best VGM 2128 - Night in the Woods - Back to the Holler (Town 1)
J6Beh5YUWdI - Best VGM 2129 - Wario World - Credits
eRzo1UGPn9s - Best VGM 2130 - TMNT IV : Turtles in Time - Big Apple, 3AM
dUcTukA0q4Y - Best VGM 2131 - FTL : Faster Than Light - Rockmen (Battle)
Fs9FhHHQKwE - Best VGM 2132 - Chrono Cross - Dragon's Prayer
waesdKG4rhM - Best VGM 2133 - Dragon Quest VII 3DS - Heavenly Village
Cnn9BW3OpJs - Best VGM 2134 - Roommania #203 - Octopus Daughter
wdWZYggy75A - Best VGM 2135 - Mother 4 - Boom Town Lounge
03L56CE7QWc - [GOTY 2017 #10] Best VGM 2136 - Little Nightmares - Prison Toys
XSkuBJx8q-Q - [GOTY 2017 #9] Best VGM 2137 - Doki Doki Literature Club! - Main Theme
yzgSscW7klw - [GOTY 2017 #8] Best VGM 2138 - Steamworld Dig 2 - El Machino
b6QzJaltmUM - [GOTY 2017 #7] Best VGM 2139 - What Remains of Edith Finch - Milton's Tower
Vt2-826EsT8 - [GOTY 2017 #6] Best VGM 2140 - Cosmic Star Heroine - Wicked Metropolis
SOAsm2UqIIM - [GOTY 2017 #5] Best VGM 2141 - Cuphead - Inkwell Isle One
6xXHeaLmAcM - [GOTY 2017 #3] Best VGM 2143 - Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Mid Boss Mayhem
F0cuCvhbF9k - [GOTY 2017 #2] Best VGM 2144 - Zelda : Breath of the Wild - Hateno Village (Day)
A1b4QO48AoA - [GOTY 2017 #1] Best VGM 2145 - Hollow Knight - City of Tears
s25IVZL0cuE - Best VGM 2146 - Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin - Jail of Jewels
pb3EJpfIYGc - Best VGM 2147 - Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask
3Hf0L8oddrA - Best VGM 2148 - Lagoon - Lagoon Castle
sN8gtvYdqY4 - Best VGM 2149 - Opoona - Tokione
LD4OAYQx1-I - Best VGM 2150 - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Old Snake
l1UCISJoDTU - Best VGM 2151 - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Land of Morytha
AdI6nJ_sPKQ - Best VGM 2152 - Super Stickman Golf 3 - Crystal Cliffs
xP3PDznPrw4 - Best VGM 2154 - Dragon Quest IX - Cross the Fields, Cross the Mountains
RP5DzEkA0l8 - Best VGM 2156 - Machinarium - The Sea
I4b8wCqmQfE - Best VGM 2157 - Phantasy Star Online Episode III - Hi, Guys! (Lobby ~ Light)
NtXv9yFZI_Y - Best VGM 2158 - Earthbound - Hospital
DmpP-RMFNHo - Best VGM 2159 - The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind - Peaceful Waters
YmaHBaNxWt0 - Best VGM 2160 - Tekken 7 - Infinite Azure (Moonsiders 1st)
RpQlfTGfEsw - Best VGM 2161 - Sonic CD - Tidal Tempest (US)
qP_40IXc-UA - Best VGM 2162 - Mutant Mudds - World 3-2
6TJWqX8i8-E - Best VGM 2163 - Moon : Remix RPG Adventure - Warp Wet Woods
qqa_pXXSMDg - Best VGM 2164 - Panzer Dragoon Saga - Paet
IYGLnkSrA50 - Best VGM 2166 - Super Paper Mario - Bounding Through Time
aRloSB3iXG0 - Best VGM 2167 - Metal Warriors - Vital Mission
rSBh2ZUKuq4 - Best VGM 2168 - Castlevania : Lament of Innocence - Dark Palace of Waterfalls
qBC7aIoDSHU - Best VGM 2169 - Minecraft : Story Mode - Sky City
-XTYsUzDWEM - Best VGM 2170 - Zelda : Link's Awakening - First Time on Koholint (Sword Search)
XqPsT01sZVU - Best VGM 2171 - Kingdom of Paradise - Credits
7DC2Qj2LKng - Best VGM 2172 - Wild Arms - Funeral Procession
A-AmRMWqcBk - Best VGM 2173 - Stunt Race FX - Sunset Valley
6ZiYK9U4TfE - Best VGM 2174 - Dirt Trax FX - Spike's Theme
4fagP8gzQsw - Aquatic Ambiance, but Low-Pitched [Donkey Kong Country]
KWH19AGkFT0 - Best VGM 2175 - Dark Cloud - The King's Curse
qhYbg4fsPiE - Best VGM 2177 - Pokemon Quest - Nightlight Nook
O0-tThDmHAg - Stickerbush Symphony, but Very Slow [Donkey Kong Country 2]
eoPtQd6adrA - Best VGM 2178 - Talesweaver - The Place Forbidden to Visit by Adults
MaiHaXRYtNQ - Best VGM 2179 - Tales of Vesperia - A Tragic Decision
dBsdllfE4Ek - Best VGM 2180 - Undertale - Enemy Approaching
5B46aBeR4zo - Best VGM 2181 - MapleStory - Ellin Forest
BZWiBxlBCbM - Best VGM 2182 - Hollow Knight - Greenpath
PFQCO_q6kW8 - Best VGM 2183 - Donkey Kong 64 - DK Island
fEfuvS-V9PI - Best VGM 2184 - Mii Channel
voprTL6gLjE - Dire Dire Docks, but Low-Pitched [Super Mario 64]
yirRajMEud4 - Best VGM 2185 - Jet Set Radio - Sweet Soul Brother
dGF7xsF0DmQ - Best VGM 2186 - Shatterhand (JP) - Area C (Carnival)
MCITsL-vfW8 - Best VGM 2187 - Miitopia - Darker Lord's Left Hand
mnPqUs4DZkI - Best VGM 2189 - Turok : Dinosaur Hunter - The Ancient City
bg99fPzd32w - Crossing Those Hills, but Slow [Final Fantasy IX]
WdZPEL9zoMA - Best VGM 2192 - Celeste - First Steps
a9MLBjUvgFE - Best VGM 2193 - Minecraft (Update Aquatic) - Axolotl
5w_SgBImsGg - Best VGM 2194 - Zelda : Skyward Sword - Lanayru Sand Sea (Past)
UPdZlmyedcI - Best VGM 2195 - Castlevania 64 - Opposing Bloodlines (Intro)
nQC4AYA14UU - Best VGM 2196 - Battery Jam - Night Shift
rKGlXub23pw - Best VGM 2197 - Ys VIII : Lacrimosa of Dana - Eroded Valley
UOOmKmahDX4 - Best VGM 2198 - Super Mario Kart - Donut Plains
GQND5Y7_pXc - Best VGM 2199 - Sprint Vector - Nebula Crab
4nA1CfidgKU - Beneath the Mask, but Low-Pitched [Persona 5]
Eq6JWe1EF14 - Beneath the Mask (Instrumental), but Low-Pitched [Persona 5]
MgKTXqmH8uE - The Best VGM List is resuming soon
PRLWoJBwJFY - Best VGM 2200 - World of Warcraft - Tavern / Main Theme
--OsLIYsK7E - Best VGM 2201 - Super Mario Odyssey - Steam Gardens
9H5yfLLuJUY - Best VGM 2202 - Suikoden II - Even Farther (World Map 2)
vbJYALn5z6M - Best VGM 2204 - Octogeddon - Octopus vs Pentagon (D.C. City)
TSVG-cKj71Y - Best VGM 2205 - Mario & Luigi : Partners in Time - Toad Town
_Dy0WPMs9Xc - Best VGM 2206 - Golden Sun - The Elemental Stars
aAJGC-zfvpA - Best VGM 2207 - We ♥ Katamari - Blue Orb
Iv0f8BSAb3Y - Best VGM 2208 - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night - Dance of Pales
zmnr68RUSoc - Best VGM 2209 - Mega Man X3 - Gravity Beetle
39qG5aFOqS8 - Best VGM 2210 - Timespinner - Pioneer's Horizon
vG5ajZ16qoI - Best VGM 2211 - Grandia - Twin Towers
NctBt5Pd34Q - Best VGM 2212 - Pikmin 2 - Submerged Castle
DFXjKboSne8 - Best VGM 2213 - Super Mario World - Ghost House
hrHPmA-ScE0 - Best VGM 2214 - Silent Hill 4 - Nightmarish Waltz
OnaXP86esjU - Best VGM 2215 - Banjo-Kazooie - Mad Monster Mansion
sPOt6Doc5aA - Best VGM 2216 - Parasite Eve II - Mist
x5DuKsERoEo - Best VGM 2217 - Environmental Station Alpha - Sigil Summoning
TYJJZ_KXXm8 - Best VGM 2218 - Pac Man World 3 - Spectral Zenith ~ Puzzle
ZP65Ar5CaR0 - Best VGM 2219 - Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door - Twilight Town
DSdcNL0DZt8 - Best VGM 2220 - Deltarune - Scarlet Forest
58Z2AyY-zms - Best VGM 2221 - Dustforce - Baryogenesis
PFGusujntfI - Best VGM 2222 - 999 : Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors - Septenary Game
Jk1Y8nomECI - Best VGM 2223 - Donkey Kong Country 3 - Cavern Caprice
0E96xz29izY - Best VGM 2224 - Cosmic Star Heroine - Echoes (The Hive)
htYezX1QKe8 - Best VGM 2225 - Ecco The Dolphin (Sega CD) - Home Bay (Before the Storm Cometh)
0pCNC3bjHGw - Best VGM 2226 - Zelda : Twilight Princess - Agitha's Castle
J0iHBONeTKQ - Best VGM 2227 - Monopoly Streets - Cardboard Boardgame
hWcpq_6vinM - Best VGM 2229 - Hyper Light Drifter - The Water Shelf
i_tEEwETtdo - Best VGM 2230 - Mega Man 11 - Fuse Man Stage
V4lskRBMaN0 - Best VGM 2231 - Breath of Fire IV - Thousand Wings (Wyndia)
5ZjtR3qlMo4 - Best VGM 2232 - Ultraverse Prime - Theme Song
TGNaJ3Zg0Tk - Best VGM 2233 - Kirby : Planet Robobot - Submarine Suburbs
Oce7JfNyaiI - Best VGM 2234 - Alundra 2 - Pirates of Puerto Medusa
QWfdNR0nH0c - Best VGM 2235 - Streets of Rage - Moon Beach (Stage 3)
8w6qTEBVuNw - Best VGM 2236 - Robots (GBA) - Upper City
Ku4Kgdt-ZFw - Best VGM 2237 - Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes - Multiplayer ~ Hunters
AGOPPatoeQw - Best VGM 2239 - Darksiders III - Ulthane
7A30a3tv7zk - Best VGM 2240 - Tales of Phantasia - Freeze
dWbRn8WzlwU - Best VGM 2241 - Mother 4 - Snowman
3vwInuzdOCE - Best VGM 2242 - Ape Escape 3 - Arctic Wonderland
F6m3Fo14Eko - Best VGM 2243 - Viewtiful Joe 2 - Ice Edge (The Polar Movie Land Theme)
FWVCjQiSf6Y - Best VGM 2244 - Zelda : Breath of the Wild - Lurelin Village (Day)
pkVUKf366FI - Best VGM 2245 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Character Creation Theme
RF_kwqNR5UI - Best VGM 2246 - Qbeh-1 : The Atlas Cube - Air Estate
RPuqp3nFJEQ - Best VGM 2247 - Everquest Next : Landmark - Adventure 9
K_qt3fBYD8M - Best VGM 2248 - Yoshi's Story - Main Theme
16-9ui62SNw - Best VGM 2249 - Willow - Zhena & Muzh
Yv4L8ZsG4Ak - [GOTY 2018 #15] Best VGM 2250 - Bloodstained : Curse of the Moon - Stage 2 ~ Frigid Hell
gp761FIQ8jw - [GOTY 2018 #14] Best VGM 2251 - Overload - Unmanned
xU_BcboL4mg - [GOTY 2018 #13] Best VGM 2252 - Tetris Effect - Connected ~ Yours Forever (The Deep)
cSKv75EPAkk - [GOTY 2018 #12] Best VGM 2253 - Iconoclasts - Moonlight (VS Ivory Beast)
xDMmlCPnmiY - [GOTY 2018 #11] Best VGM 2254 - Moss - Thickets and Bloom
pYSo-_E2lQU - [GOTY 2018 #10] Best VGM 2255 - Guacamelee! 2 - Chicken Illuminati HQ
ckLt3F_RVLw - [GOTY 2018 #8] Best VGM 2257 - The Messenger - The Frozen Light & The Frozen Dark (Glacial Peak)
lIfDWmohU8A - [GOTY 2018 #7] Best VGM 2258 - Timespinner - Surpassing Authority
gL89iJ__u_E - [GOTY 2018 #6] Best VGM 2259 - DUSK - Alienation Akimbo
HCyhNDfnqmI - Melancholy - Mother 3 [Feelin' it with SD]
gtbC6W_lgkM - [GOTY 2018 #5] Best VGM 2260 - Celeste - Quiet and Falling
-NP2RIdEGDc - [GOTY 2018 #4] Best VGM 2261 - Astro Bot - Polyethylene Paradise
IEZ8qje8rKo - [GOTY 2018 #2] Best VGM 2263 - God of War - Witch of the Woods
zYDi_nzK5gU - [GOTY 2018 #1] Best VGM 2264 - CrossCode - Autumn's Fall
PO1zmYI2mP4 - Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy, but Dizzier [Yoshi's Island]
qXJxrDonp4k - Best VGM 2265 - Headlander - Methuselah
gnxOKXHNvvo - Best VGM 2266 - Secret of Evermore - Dog Maze
Rzl_WPmjk-0 - Best VGM 2267 - Gran Turismo (PSP) - Yummy Trip
AFuAQ15JGOw - Best VGM 2268 - Super Mario RPG - Here's Some Weapons!
ySzKAvFljw8 - Best VGM 2269 - Roommania #203 - spiral da hi!
_DgqnxoNpd8 - Best VGM 2270 - Grandia II - Carbo Village ~ Pious Adepts
HpfDpIcLAaM - Earthbound Enemies, but in Real Settings
-EpQmIg5nHk - Best VGM 2271 - The Last of Us - Main Theme
psEhQeOcMZw - Best VGM 2272 - Crypt of the Necrodancer - Portabellohead (2-3)
bt0FCsafudU - Best VGM 2273 - Castlevania III - Aquarius
KH7dAsqT-64 - Best VGM 2274 - Xanadu Next - The Treacherous Woods
DNxjYY68LY0 - Best VGM 2275 - Dark Souls III - Abyss Watchers
qvm-KB5V1Wg - Best VGM 2277 - Dragon Quest V - Heaven
Ld8y5AGw5SE - Best VGM 2278 - Zelda : Ocarina of Time - Saria's Song
19ViwcEuf-A - Best VGM 2280 - Professor Layton and the Curious Village - Puzzle
1PKSHoUn5aM - Best VGM 2281 - The Amber Throne - The Pretentious Ones (Karra Village)
kDRjuC2IkKU - Best VGM 2282 - Undertale - Waterfall
CWgj5fUEODI - Best VGM 2283 - Grounseed - Legend
w4Kwk1rKzXM - Best VGM 2284 - Pokemon Silver / Gold / Crystal - Azalea Town
vodqocR529k - Best VGM 2285 - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Night Falls (Ending)
TkeUHCO5HxE - Best VGM 2286 - eShop Theme (Upbeat)
S35mBKUY4Xc - Best VGM 2287 - Bomberman 64 : The Second Attack - Planet Select
wDPyjioLDrw - Best VGM 2288 - Phoenix Wright : Trials and Tribulations - Reminiscing ~ The Bitter Taste of Truth
5TCr34gRoZc - Best VGM 2289 - Neon Drive - City (Level 1)
zyEW61cUT7Y - Best VGM 2291 - Metroid : Samus Returns - Caverns 1
eB3HhEVjwTQ - Best VGM 2292 - Mario Strikers Charged - Classroom
Sd6eUmXuGh8 - Best VGM 2293 - Punch Club - Prison
IWVmP8d81wQ - Best VGM 2294 - Ecco the Dolphin : Defender of the Future - Perils of the Coral Reef
5ZIAtIhGQzQ - Dry Trail, but Slow and High-Pitched [Tales of Symphonia]
M-eXc4dHQhE - Best VGM 2295 - Minecraft - Blind Spots
38IHeVeT_ec - Best VGM 2296 - Transplant - Title Screen
QbFAZSxNYRM - Best VGM 2297 - Astro Boy : Edge of Time - Governing Equation
5Ijnpy-zNA4 - Best VGM 2298 - Zelda : Link's Awakening - Mysterious Woods
ZtMIVrER4X4 - REVERSED - Zelda : Breath of the Wild 2 - Sequel E3 Reveal Trailer
l3Q69mipGQ0 - Best VGM 2299 - Bloodstained : Ritual of the Night - Forgotten Jade
YZm0dapv_mw - Life is Beautiful, but Fast and Low-Pitched [Deadly Premonition]
347m_waoqJ8 - Best VGM 2300 - Dragon Quest III - Adventure
v2REdWkHYJ0 - Best VGM 2301 - Cadence of Hyrule - Windmill Hut (Intense)
Aa_BdVoVgK0 - Best VGM 2302 - Animal Crossing : New Leaf - 4AM
JbHBZ7Iz7Dg - Best VGM 2304 - Wild Arms 2 - Departure
2flRFZx4Nj0 - Best VGM 2305 - Sonic Unleashed - Holoska (Night)
6usSJ7UCZeQ - Best VGM 2306 - Jurassic Park - Gallimimus Gallop (Building Area)
dNjMJS8vc8g - Best VGM 2307 - Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum - Oreburgh City (Night)
jXFKkI2w7MA - Best VGM 2308 - Subnautica - Into the Unknown
QCH9Fw1UlxQ - Best VGM 2309 - Chrono Cross - Time's Grasslands (Home World)
LlLtN8fHC0M - Best VGM 2310 - Magicians & Looters - The Valley
B65eIBgRSN4 - Best VGM 2312 - Shovel Knight - The Requiem of Shield Knight
WHOCXAZWHAg - Best VGM 2313 - Hollow Knight - Kingdom's Edge
9uKh4z4fJAw - Best VGM 2314 - Super Mario Odyssey - New Donk City
oloYGSXnu1M - Besaid, but Slow [Final Fantasy X]
x7OX94tI3OU - Best VGM 2315 - Castlevania : Bloodlines - Sinking Old Sanctuary
hcPvMbGpka0 - Best VGM 2317 - Anodyne 2 - Center City Cenote
jZB-uhAoWWw - Best VGM 2318 - Ori and the Blind Forest - Riding the Wind
zOOZmOmDR8M - Best VGM 2319 - The Sims : Bustin' Out (GBA) - Prison
6QTaHdzOzWE - Best VGM 2320 - Deltarune - Hip Shop
bmzu2iJZ8fs - Best VGM 2321 - We ♥ Katamari - Houston
Omn3bNEb_HA - Best VGM 2322 - Super Mario 3D World - Athletic
5HCkfplzyns - Best VGM 2323 - Xenoblade Chronicles - Makna Forest ~ Day
reoO57HYJkU - Best VGM 2324 - Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu - Frieza's Ship
vI8h5wvMm-0 - Best VGM 2325 - Persona 4 - I'll Face Myself (Battle)
JUuDaAKVJXg - Best VGM 2326 - SpongeBob SquarePants : SuperSponge - Industrial Fields & Oil Rig
Bj9QX4ZYtFk - Best VGM 2327 - Star Fox 64 - Star Wolf's Theme
I9mDBcDrwo4 - Best VGM 2328 - Dragon Quest VIII - Remembrances...
I91telCvY0E - Best VGM 2329 - Even the Ocean - Earth Geome, The Great Beast
FuzU3ZMc3fE - Best VGM 2330 - CrossCode - Sapphire Ridge
kuCCxnxWTjA - Best VGM 2331 - Mario Kart 64 - Circuit
g41znM_UHys - Best VGM 2332 - Zelda : Link's Awakening (2019) - Face Shrine ~ Dungeon 6
sV48MJyQtyU - Best VGM 2333 - Fez - Love
5el8ssJU8EQ - Best VGM 2335 - Wild Arms 5 - A Vast Plain, Under That Sky (Overworld)
izv9bzlFBLw - Best VGM 2336 - Super Mario Bros 2 - Ending
WCKS1crD5tk - Balamb Garden, but Low-Pitched [Final Fantasy VIII]
jL9F7MGqc6c - Best VGM 2337 - Kirby & The Rainbow Curse - The Final Battle (vs Dark Crafter)
jDnB5TzV2X8 - Best VGM 2338 - Koudelka - Dead
QsbSETPjhXA - Best VGM 2340 - Bloodborne - The First Hunter (Gehrman)
ZGKv6NmIwUE - Best VGM 2341 - Contact - Caldoaxa ~ Outdoors
WO2dA4ysxQ4 - Best VGM 2342 - Kingdom Hearts II - Sinister Sundown
2Co1EL0Bz8c - Best VGM 2343 - I.Q. : Intelligent Qube - The 1st Tide
pmDEfUkYVno - Best VGM 2344 - Sonic Forces - Ghost Town
ZxUKc8cCEPM - Best VGM 2346 - Banjo-Kazooie - Inside the Church
bzoTRBKkuXo - Best VGM 2347 - Silent Hill 3 - Walk on Vanity Ruins
xEfXm6tIZqQ - Best VGM 2348 - Resident Evil 4 - Regenerator
4zAjN22KZfw - projectpapyrus.mp4
1Nv0BzbTYOA - Best VGM 2349 - Lisa : The Painful RPG - Summer Love
cpLkGihTUTU - Best VGM 2350 - Persona 5 Royal - Ideal and The Real (Takuto Maruki's Theme)
2JyoG5nJzgs - Best VGM 2351 - Disco Elysium - Whirling-in-Rags Hotel (Day)
VCPpOZicCKk - Zelda's Odyssey - Breath of the Wild [Feelin' it with SD]
xjHdaTMJMLY - Best VGM 2352 - Pokemon SoulSilver / HeartGold - National Park
AaxWi-qHG_8 - Best VGM 2353 - Mother 3 - Resolve (Jukebox ~ Gum Chewer's Recommendation)
MRYH3s2HVjg - Best VGM 2355 - Mega Man 10 - Farewell to Ballade (Special Stage 3)
bxHSJkae4BI - Best VGM 2356 - Zelda : Breath of the Wild - Rito Village (Day)
c_gooDxzRqY - Best VGM 2357 - Sprint Vector - Intergalactica
Fw1IFLFO310 - Best VGM 2358 - Waterworld - Shop
xO4JdZ7G_P8 - Best VGM 2359 - Baba is You - Water is Sink (The Lake)
Wxn7rIco3hM - Best VGM 2360 - Metroid Prime - VS. Parasite Queen
e5_xe3FoLM8 - Best VGM 2361 - Asterix (GameBoy) - Rome
e3xfQW14qds - Best VGM 2362 - Breath of Fire II - We're Rangers
0tZ8axZV3QA - Best VGM 2363 - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Animal Crossing ~ Winter
4cNl9RXoYAo - Best VGM 2364 - Tales of Symphonia : Dawn of the New World - A Snow Light (Flanoir)
TSa9S6P_kJU - Best VGM 2365 - Undertale - Snowy
Chg7BqkgPjY - Best VGM 2366 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Sky - Sky Peak Snowfield
lnHQ51PJZYI - Best VGM 2367 - Croc : Legend of the Gobbos - Snow Island 3
pWIrcuXPs1M - Best VGM 2368 - Super Mario 3D World - Snowball Park
SLAIHkWMnQY - Best VGM 2370 - Mighty Switch Force! 2 - Rescue Girl (Credits)
lBI7g1oOud8 - Best VGM 2371 - Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow - Pitch Black Intrusion (Lost Village)
zbx3396r8OM - Best VGM 2372 - Emil Chronicle Online - Seeker of the Abyss
4B_z9iucRvA - Best VGM 2373 - Celeste - Resurrections
E3y8wN4xYiE - Best VGM 2374 - Double Dragon II : The Revenge (Arcade) - Lumber Stockhouse (Mission 2)
GvN2S5VTTgc - Best VGM 2375 - Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards - Quiet Forest
bhq7rShY5Ag - Best VGM 2376 - 7th Dragon - Battlefield ~ Swords Bursting
eHYsn4Hk7-I - Best VGM 2377 - Lost Odyssey - Great Ruins of the East
Y0abt5clrHA - Best VGM 2378 - Radiant Historia - Beyond the Wilderness
uCf6ov20520 - Best VGM 2379 - MapleStory - Ellinia ~ Missing You
7rQ3uDfcbc0 - [GOTY 2019 #15] Best VGM 2381 - Tetris 99 - School Theme ~ 99 Players
vyaR1c1gKSY - [GOTY 2019 #14] Best VGM 2382 - Gato Roboto - Landing Site
OpT5AMRhhoo - [GOTY 2019 #13] Best VGM 2383 - Remnant : From the Ashes - Yaesha ~ Dungeon Boss
TjqTkEJ0PaM - [GOTY 2019 #12] Best VGM 2384 - The Touryst - Underwater Diving
331WbeZKBb8 - [GOTY 2019 #11] Best VGM 2385 - Astral Chain - Yoseph Calvert
u-1anx-mHow - [GOTY 2019 #10] Best VGM 2386 - Blasphemous - Arpegios en Ocre (Desecrated Cistern)
CQ6BcM-z0Q8 - [GOTY 2019 #9] Best VGM 2387 - Anodyne 2 - Pastel Horizon
EYnx05qXrgA - [GOTY 2019 #8] Best VGM 2388 - Bloodstained : Ritual of the Night - Gears of Fortune
SsKTiH28u9M - [GOTY 2019 #7] Best VGM 2389 - Resident Evil 2 Remake - Last Judgment
9mtPiqbT6NY - [GOTY 2019 #6] Best VGM 2390 - Zelda : Link's Awakening (2019) - Mabe Village
CEUd5iopUHQ - [GOTY 2019 #5] Best VGM 2391 - Disco Elysium - Phasmid
OIZO6Isj_Y4 - [GOTY 2019 #4] Best VGM 2392 - Control - Metamorphosis
AFWXJWvmsEs - [GOTY 2019 #3] Best VGM 2393 - A Short Hike - Somewhere In The Woods (Short Hike)
gfpZm54jwdQ - [GOTY 2019 #2] Best VGM 2394 - Outer Wilds - Main Theme
qxtp0Pk4NAM - [GOTY 2019 #1] Best VGM 2395 - Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice - Divine Dragon
iTIHpfFz9Bk - Best VGM 2396 - Super Mario Galaxy - Space Junk Road
kTfibzkQsoA - Best VGM 2397 - Sleepwalker (CD32) - City Centre (Construction Site)
ac9QJBw55PM - Best VGM 2399 - Ragnarok Online 2 : The Gate of the World - Sailing
6O_eJKDqVgk - Nujabes ft. Uyama Hiroto - Gone Are The Days
n1YfSTpRxvU - Best VGM 2400 - Animal Crossing : New Horizons - Shop Closing
Mk6n1Acqv_c - Best VGM 2401 - Earthbound - Because I Love You
u4uXEWgCAPw - Best VGM 2402 - Metal Masters - Metal Beat (Intro)
Y9__LMEmzq4 - Best VGM 2403 - Castlevania : Symphony of the Night - Rainbow Cemetery (Catacombs)
UhVWxNU6yag - Best VGM 2404 - Shadow of the Colossus - In Awe of the Power ~ Battle With the Colossus
m84xKsWaKqk - Best VGM 2405 - Paper Mario - Goomba Village
wqDUvSncxJI - Best VGM 2406 - Ape Escape : Pumped & Primed - Rival's Theme (vs Jake)
H51KXTcwVrs - Best VGM 2407 - Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - Misty Woods
DxUNizYOo24 - Best VGM 2408 - Skies of Arcadia - Blue Rogues' Ship
-hnXn7b4dmk - Best VGM 2410 - Treasure Hunter G - Surrounded by Forest
14E8S9zaJVw - Best VGM 2411 - X-Men vs Street Fighter - Wolverine's Theme
06NK_4HJjhc - Best VGM 2412 - Ori and the Will of the Wisps - Luma Pools
5Wu3r7TBbQM - Best VGM 2413 - Mega Man 5 - Gravity Man Stage
6bR6YiHzSBs - Best VGM 2414 - Harvest Moon : Magical Melody - Fall Theme
d_3d_thXtbw - Best VGM 2416 - New Roommania - LOVELABOR
18sSCgfPp6M - Best VGM 2417 - F-Zero GX - QQQ's Theme
nbAvusy_Pok - Best VGM 2418 - Magical Tetris Challenge - Big Bad Wolf's Theme
Goh8zMkQu-c - Best VGM 2420 - Bomberman World - Area 1 ~ Planet Forest
Gd4m_EG8mgA - Best VGM 2421 - Super Mario Odyssey - Bubblaine ~ Seaside Kingdom
jOTSv_JTC4w - Best VGM 2422 - Crystal Beans from Dungeon Explorer - A Skullish Maze
Vc7eK_rmtIU - Best VGM 2423 - Pop'n Music Sunny Park - Attack in the Minor Key
UTx_jr_FOuM - Best VGM 2424 - Suikoden - Main Theme Arrange ~ Ensemble Version
25eIPgSzBQs - Best VGM 2425 - Donkey Kong Country - Simian Segue (Map)
0DPtJLn2GTw - Best VGM 2426 - Xenoblade Chronicles : Definitive Edition - Bionis' Shoulder
UhR_jL6yiUA - Best VGM 2427 - Sega Rally Championship - My Dear Friend, Rally
ZKfdsRJIicI - Best VGM 2428 - Vernal Edge - Title Screen
icZLSrOEWng - Best VGM 2429 - Castlevania : Curse of Darkness - Eneomaos Machine Tower
DSqKRDWbK98 - Best VGM 2430 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Fighting Edition - Data Zone
Qn5dpkjG8TU - Best VGM 2431 - Silent Hill 2 - The Reverse Will ("Rebirth" Ending)
Qd9dk8zg3vA - SupraDarky - Numéro I (Full Album)
oFzq-P_y3uw - Best VGM 2432 - Mario Kart Wii - DK Summit
bvxr4WyQ4Is - Best VGM 2433 - Headlander - The Fondlarium
2nKRuX8gYEQ - Best VGM 2434 - Zelda : Majora's Mask - Astral Observatory
O4D7mBJ3xxs - A Stray Child, but Fast [Silent Hill 3]
crlF4n41UaI - Best VGM 2435 - Killer7 - Tecks Mecks
BgcZ0emSxJs - Best VGM 2436 - Dragon Quest VI - At The Palace
s1CKzrPRbhM - Best VGM 2437 - YU-NO : A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World (PC-98) - Fate
Jlr4OfJJnqA - Best VGM 2438 - Wild Arms - Hope
DRH8Bvc_shE - Best VGM 2439 - Mother (EarthBound Beginnings) - Pollyanna ~ I Believe in You
HpgkrWRkbZM - Best VGM 2440 - Cosmic Star Heroine - Over The Edge (Nuluup Waterfall)
nwCgulC8quE - Best VGM 2441 - Donkey Kong Country : Tropical Freeze - Alpine Incline ~ Peaks
kd2d0b-tGzI - Best VGM 2442 - Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass - Motion Sickness (Battle ~ Homeflower Continent)
jZCid5RpBtI - Best VGM 2443 - Breath of Fire III - My Favorite Trick (Momo's Tower)
oT-9gc8mSzk - Best VGM 2444 - Captain Rainbow - Daytime 2
1Cpfr6fKtlY - Best VGM 2445 - CrossCode - Temple Mine
lM28rfsHge0 - Best VGM 2446 - Pokemon Sword / Shield - Route 1
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