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Created February 15, 2018 15:13
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# coding: utf-8
from tornado import gen
import requests
import json
import pybitflyer
import numpy as np
import time
from pubnub.callbacks import SubscribeCallback
from pubnub.enums import PNStatusCategory
from pubnub.pnconfiguration import PNConfiguration
from pubnub.pubnub_tornado import PubNubTornado
from pubnub.pnconfiguration import PNReconnectionPolicy
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
#my_order_size == 一度に買いたい量
my_order_size = 0.001
config = PNConfiguration()
config.subscribe_key = 'sub-c-52a9ab50-291b-11e5-baaa-0619f8945a4f'
config.reconnect_policy = PNReconnectionPolicy.LINEAR
pubnub = PubNubTornado(config)
api = pybitflyer.API(api_key=API_KEY, api_secret=API_SECRET)
df_all = pd.DataFrame(index=['datetime'],
# entry buy or sell position
def entry(side, order_size):
print('[' + side + ' Entry]')
now_tick = api.ticker(product_code="FX_BTC_JPY")
if side == 'BUY':
price = float(now_tick["best_bid"])
elif side == 'SELL':
price = float(now_tick["best_ask"])
price = float(now_tick["best_bid"])
callback = api.sendchildorder(product_code='FX_BTC_JPY', child_order_type='LIMIT', side=side, price=price, size=order_size)
if not(callback.get('status')):
print('Order Complete!')
return side
api.cancelallchildorders(product_code= 'FX_BTC_JPY')
return 'NONE'
def close(side, order_size):
api.cancelallchildorders(product_code= 'FX_BTC_JPY')
tatedama = api.getpositions(product_code='FX_BTC_JPY')
close_order_size = 0
for i in tatedama:
close_order_size += float(i["size"])
order_size = close_order_size
oposit_side = 'NONE'
if side == 'BUY':
oposit_side = 'SELL'
elif side == 'SELL':
oposit_side = 'BUY'
bf_positions = pd.DataFrame(tatedama)
if not(bf_positions.empty):
bf_pos = bf_positions.ix[[0], ['side']].values.flatten()
bf_pos_price = int(bf_positions.ix[[0], ['price']].values.flatten())
if bf_pos == side:
print('[' + side + ' Close]')
callback = api.sendchildorder(product_code='FX_BTC_JPY', child_order_type='MARKET', side=oposit_side, size=order_size)
if not(callback.get('status')):
print('Order Complete!')
return 'NONE'
return side
chumon_umu = 0
count = 0
my_position = "NONE"
my_last_position = "NONE"
#1 == buy, -1 == sell
buy_or_sell_flag = 0
#1 == buyVol>sellVol, -1 == sellVol>buyVol
buyVol_sellVol_balance = 0
#BUY_1hour_VOL と Buy_15m_VOL と Buy_5sec_VOL が全てSELLよりも高ければ買いポジ
#買いポジ持っている時にBuy_15m_VOL と Buy_5sec_VOL がSELLよりも低くなったら買いポジ解消
#SELL_1hour_VOL と SELL_15m_VOL と SELL_5sec_VOL が全てBUYよりも高ければ売りポジ
#売りポジ持っている時にSELL_15m_VOL と SELL_5sec_VOL がBUYよりも低くなったら売りポジ解消
def buy_or_sell(buy_1h_vol,buy_15m_vol,buy_5s_vol,sell_1h_vol,sell_15m_vol,sell_5s_vol):
margin = 1
if buy_1h_vol > sell_1h_vol and buy_15m_vol > sell_15m_vol*margin and buy_5s_vol > sell_5s_vol*margin:
return "BUY"
elif buy_1h_vol < sell_1h_vol and buy_15m_vol*margin < sell_15m_vol and buy_5s_vol*margin < sell_5s_vol:
return "SELL"
return "NONE"
api.cancelallchildorders(product_code= 'FX_BTC_JPY')
def close_or_dont_close(buy_15m_vol,buy_5s_vol,sell_15m_vol,sell_5s_vol,pos):
margin = 1
if pos == "BUY":
if buy_15m_vol*margin < sell_15m_vol and buy_5s_vol*margin < sell_5s_vol:
return "CLOSE"
return "DONT_CLOSE"
elif pos == "SELL":
if buy_15m_vol > sell_15m_vol*margin and buy_5s_vol > sell_5s_vol*margin:
return "CLOSE"
return "DONT_CLOSE"
return "DONT_CLOSE"
@gen.coroutine #非同期処理
def main(channels):
class BitflyerSubscriberCallback(SubscribeCallback):
def presence(self, pubnub, presence):
pass # handle incoming presence data
def status(self, pubnub, status):
if status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory:
pass # This event happens when radio / connectivity is lost
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNConnectedCategory:
# Connect event. You can do stuff like publish, and know you'll get it.
# Or just use the connected event to confirm you are subscribed for
# UI / internal notifications, etc
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNReconnectedCategory:
# Happens as part of our regular operation. This event happens when
# radio / connectivity is lost, then regained.
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNDecryptionErrorCategory:
# Handle message decryption error. Probably client configured to
# encrypt messages and on live data feed it received plain text.
def message(self, pubnub, message):
# Handle new message stored in message.message
task(, message.message)
except Exception as e:
listener = BitflyerSubscriberCallback()
def task(channel, message):
global my_order_size
global buy_or_sell_flag
global buyVol_sellVol_balance
global api
for i in message:
df_new = pd.DataFrame(message)
df_new['exec_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_new['exec_date'])
global my_position
global my_last_position
global chumon_umu
global df_all
df_all = df_all.append(df_new)
df_all.index = df_all['exec_date']
date_now = df_all.index[len(df_all)-1]
vol_df_5sec_sec = 5
vol_df_1hour_sec = 3600
vol_df_15min_sec = 900
vol_df_all_sec = vol_df_1hour_sec *1.2
df_5sec = df_all.ix[df_all.index >= (date_now - timedelta(seconds=vol_df_5sec_sec))]
df_1hour = df_all.ix[df_all.index >= (date_now - timedelta(seconds=vol_df_1hour_sec))]
df_15min = df_all.ix[df_all.index >= (date_now - timedelta(seconds=vol_df_15min_sec))]
df_all = df_all[df_all.index >= (date_now - timedelta(seconds=vol_df_all_sec))]
buy_vol = df_15min[df_15min.apply(lambda x: x['side'], axis=1) == "BUY"]['size'].sum(axis=0)
sell_vol = df_15min[df_15min.apply(lambda x: x['side'], axis=1) == "SELL"]['size'].sum(axis=0)
buy_5sec_vol = df_5sec[df_5sec.apply(lambda x: x['side'], axis=1) == "BUY"]['size'].sum(axis=0)
sell_5sec_vol = df_5sec[df_5sec.apply(lambda x: x['side'], axis=1) == "SELL"]['size'].sum(axis=0)
buy_1hour_vol = df_1hour[df_1hour.apply(lambda x: x['side'], axis=1) == "BUY"]['size'].sum(axis=0)
sell_1hour_vol = df_1hour[df_1hour.apply(lambda x: x['side'], axis=1) == "SELL"]['size'].sum(axis=0)
print(df_15min.index[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
"BUY_1h_VOL", format(buy_1hour_vol, '.2f'),
"SELL_1h_VOL", format(sell_1hour_vol, '.2f'),
"BUY_15m_VOL", format(buy_vol, '.2f'),
"SELL_15m_VOL", format(sell_vol, '.2f'),
"BUY_5s_VOL", format(buy_5sec_vol, '.2f'),
"SELL_5s_VOL", format(sell_5sec_vol, '.2f'))
if (df_all['exec_date'][-1]-df_all['exec_date'][1]).seconds > vol_df_1hour_sec:
if chumon_umu == 0:
my_position = buy_or_sell(buy_1hour_vol,buy_vol,buy_5sec_vol,sell_1hour_vol,sell_vol,sell_5sec_vol)
if my_position != "NONE" and my_position != my_last_position:
my_position = entry(my_position,my_order_size)
my_last_position = my_position
print("POSITION: ",my_position)
chumon_umu = 1
elif chumon_umu == 1:
close_flag = close_or_dont_close(buy_vol,buy_5sec_vol,sell_vol,sell_5sec_vol,my_position)
if "CLOSE" == close_flag:
close_result = close(my_position,my_order_size)
if close_result == "NONE":
chumon_umu = 0
print("POSITION: ",close_result)
my_position = "NONE"
except Exception as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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