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import random
from IPython.display import clear_output
def onep_game(c1, p1):
bot_choice = random.choice(["stone", "paper", "scissors"])
print("Bot choices %s" % bot_choice)
if c1 == "stone":
if bot_choice == "stone":
result = "Tie game"
return result
elif bot_choice == "paper":
result = "bot wins"
return result
result = "%s wins" % p1
return result
if c1 == "paper":
if bot_choice == "stone":
result = "%s wins" % p1
return result
elif bot_choice == "paper":
result = "Tie game"
return result
result = "bot wins"
return result
if c1 == "scissors":
if bot_choice == "stone":
result = "bot wins"
return result
elif bot_choice == "paper":
result = "%s wins" % p1
return result
result = "Tie game"
return result
def twop_game(c1, c2, p1, p2):
if c1 == "stone":
if c2 == "stone":
result = "Tie game"
return result
elif c2 == "paper":
result = "%s wins" % p2
return result
result = "%s wins" % p1
return result
if c1 == "paper":
if c2 == "stone":
result = "%s wins" % p1
return result
elif c2 == "paper":
result = "Tie game"
return result
result = "%s wins" % p2
return result
if c1 == "scissors":
if c2 == "stone":
result = "%s wins" % p2
return result
elif c2 == "paper":
result = "%s wins" % p2
return result
result = "Tie game"
return result
while True:
player_1 = str(raw_input("Player 1 name: "))
player_2 = str(raw_input("Player 2 name or write bot: "))
if player_1 == player_2:
print "Sorry, you can't play against yourself"
raw_input("Press enter to continue")
elif player_2 == "bot":
print "let's play"
p1_choise = str(raw_input("%s please choose (stone/paper/scissors): " % player_1))
res = onep_game(p1_choise, player_1)
print res
print "let's play"
p1_choise = str(raw_input("%s please choose (stone/paper/scissors): " % player_1))
p2_choise = str(raw_input("%s please choose (stone/paper/scissors): " % player_2))
res = twop_game(p1_choise, p2_choise, player_1, player_2)
print res
cont = raw_input("Press enter to continue or write quit: ")
if cont == "quit":
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