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Last active May 11, 2022 18:08
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const me = {
name: 'Demostenes Garcia G.',
nick: '@demogar',
location: 'Panama City, Panama',
time: 'America/Panama',
tecnologies: {
'JavaScript / TypeScript': ['Vue', 'Svelte', 'React', 'React Native'],
'State Management with React': ['Redux', 'XState', 'Context'],
'Testing on JavaScript': ['Jest', 'Enzyme', 'Mocha', 'React Testing Library'],
Ruby: ['Rails', 'Sinatra', 'Capistrano', 'Jekyll'],
Python: ['Django', 'Flask'],
ActionScript: ['Flex'],
'Database Engines': ['SQL Server', 'MongoDB', 'MySQL/MariaDB', 'PostgreSQL', 'Redis'],
'Other testing Frameworks': ['PHPUnit', 'JUnit', 'Test::Unit', 'Faker', 'Capybara', 'Selenium'],
'Cloud infrastructures': ['Azure', 'Amazon Web Services'],
'Hadoop Ecosystem': ['MapReduce', 'Sqoop', 'Impala', 'Parquet', 'Hive'],
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