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Reference for commands/utilities for use in CLI on Unix and Mac OS X
# use:
# .bash_profile - only gets executed for login bash shells
# .bashrc - only gets executed for NON-login bash shells for only NON-login shells
# .profile - gets executed for ANY login shell
# .bash_logout - only gets executed for bash shells after logout
# Sets the prompt:
#PS1='\h:\w \u\$ '
#PS2='> '
#PS1='[\!] \h:\w \$ '
# \a - The ASCII bell character (you can also type \007)
# \d - Date in "Wed Sep 06" format
# \e - ASCII escape character (you can also type \033)
# \h - First part of hostname (such as "mybox")
# \H - Full hostname (such as "")
# \j - The number of processes you've suspended in this shell by hitting ^Z
# \l - The name of the shell's terminal device (such as "ttyp4")
# \n - Newline
# \r - Carriage return
# \s - The name of the shell executable (such as "bash")
# \t - Time in 24-hour format (such as "23:01:01")
# \T - Time in 12-hour format (such as "11:01:01")
# \@ - Time in 12-hour format with am/pm
# \u - Your username
# \v - Version of bash (such as 2.04)
# \V - Bash version, including patchlevel
# \w - Current working directory (such as "/home/pravila")
# \W - The "basename" of the current working directory (such as "pravila")
# \! - Current command's position in the history buffer
# \# - Command number (this will count up at each prompt, as long as you type something)
# \$ - If you are not root, inserts a "$"; if you are root, you get a "#"
# \xxx - Inserts an ASCII character based on three-digit number xxx (replace unused digits with zeros, such as "\007")
# \\ - A backslash
# \[ - This sequence should appear before a sequence of characters that don't move the cursor (like color escape sequences). This allows bash to calculate word wrapping correctly.
# \] - This sequence should appear after a sequence of non-printing characters.
# These "defaults" commands help adjust (usually hidden) settings in Mac OS X
# defaults domains
# defaults read [domain]
# defaults read-type [domain] [key]
# defaults delete [domain] [key]
# Dock
# defaults write no-glass -boolean [yes] - doesn't use the deafult glass tray look of Leopard when Dock is on the bottom
# defaults write mineffect -string [suck] - defines the minimization effect of windows
# defaults write pinning -string [middle | start | end] - defines the alignment of the dock
# defaults write orientation -string [top] - defines location of the dock
# defaults write showhidden -boolean [yes] - enable transparent icons for hidden applications
# defaults write showshadow -boolean [yes] - show dock shaddow
# defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean [yes] - show hidden items in folders and disks
# defaults write largesize -int [512] - change magnification size
# defaults write single-app -boolean [yes] - toggles only one program visible (same as Cmd + Opt + clicking a program in the dock)
# Finder
# defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean [yes] - show hidden files in finder
# defaults write ProhibitEmptyTrash -boolean [yes] - prohibits the Trash from being emptied (prank)
# defaults write CreateDesktop -int 0 - no icons displayed on desktop (prank)
# Expose
# defaults write wvous-floater -boolean [yes] - shows the useless "Expose blob"
# defaults write wvous-showcorners -boolean [yes] - shows the active screen corners of Expose
# defaults write wvous-olddesktop -boolean [no] - defines the "desktop" feature of Expose (buggy)
# Dashboard
# defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean [yes] - disables the dashboard
# Safari
# defaults write IncludeDebugMenu -bool [yes] - show Debug menu
# defaults WebIconDatabaseEnabled -bool NO - dissable favicons
# iTunes
# defaults write invertStoreLinks -bool YES - little arrows search your library rather than the Music Store (v4.5)
# defaults write type -string [extension] - file type that screen shot is saved as (bmp/gif/jpg/jp2/pdf/pict/png/psd/sgi/tga/tiff)
# defaults write location -string [path] - location screenshot is saved
# defaults write name -string [name] - name of file
# killall SystemUIServer; open /System/Library/CoreServices/
# defaults write -g AppleScrollBarVarient -string DoubleMin - put both scroll arrows on top (left)
# defaults write -g AppleScrollBarVarient -string DoubeMax - put both scroll arrows on bottom (right)
# defaults write -g AppleScrollBarVarient -string DoubleBoth - put both scroll arrows on both sides
# defaults write -g AppleScrollBarVarient -string Single - put single scroll arrows
# Login Window (USE WITH CAUTION)
# defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText -string "Login Greeting"
# defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText-FontSize -int 12
# defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Kiosk -int 1 - doesn't allow anyone to shutdown/restart/logout (unless: sudo shutdown -h now)
# defaults write /Library/Preferences/ RetriesUntilHint -int 1 - 0 means won't ever show hints
# defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DesktopPicture "/Path/to/picture/you/want/to/use/image.jpg"
# (note, you can click on the grayed txt above greeting to see different info about the computer)
# Good Finder Keyboard Shortcuts:
# Ctr+F2 Access Apple Menu Toolbar
# Cmd+Shift+C Open Computer
# Cmd+Shift+H Open Home Directory
# Cmd+Shift+A Open Applications Folder
# Cmd+Shift+U Open Utilities Folder (Open URL in Camino)
# Cmd+Shift+G Go to...
# Cmd+Shift+Y Open up Stickies
# Cmd+Shift+F Perform Spotlight search on highlighted txt
# Cmd+Shift+L Open up Safari (searches highlighted txt with Google)
# Cmd+Shift+K Open Networks
# Cmd+Shift+C Open Computer
# Cmd+Shift+I Connect to iDisk
# Cmd+Opt+D Toggle Dock hiding
# Universal Access
# Cmd+Opt+* Turn on Zoom
# Cmd+Opt++ Zoom in
# Cmd+Opt+- Zoom out
# Cmd+Opt+Ctr+* Negative colors on screen
# Ctr+F1 Turn on Full Keyboard Access (allows the following commands):
# Ctr+F2 Focus to Apple Menu
# Ctr+F3 Focus to Dock
# Ctr+F4 Toggle between all windows
# Ctr+F5 Focus to Toolbar
# Ctr+F6 Focus to Utility Palette (if open in an application)
# Cmd+D Duplicate
# Cmd+L Create an Alias
# Cmd+R Show Original
# Cmd+Opt+Eject Sleep
# Cmd+Ctr+Eject Restart
# Cmd+Opt+Ctr+Eject Shutdown
# Cmd+Shift+Q Logout
# Cmd+Opt+Shift+Q Immediate Logout
# Startup
# Cmd+V - Verbose Mode: shows console messages during boot & shutdown
# Cmd+S - Single User Mode
# Shift - Safe Mode: disables login items and non-essential kernel extensions
# C - Boot from internal CD-ROM drive
# D - Boot from internal disc (if the default boot device has been set to something else)
# X - Force Mac OS X Start up
# N - Boot from Network
# T - Boot into Firewire Target Mode (boots as external HD when connected to another machine)
# Mouse Button - Eject floppy disc before starting up
# Cmd+Opt+O+F - Boot into "Open Firmware" mode to configure various properties of your system related to booting.
# ls - lists the devices below the current node in the device tree (similar to ls in a filesystem)
# pwd - lists the location of the current node in the device tree (similar to pwd in a filesystem)
# printenv - prints the current and default values of the settings in the Open Firmware environment
# eject fd - eject a floppy disk
# eject cd - eject the CD-ROM drive
# shut-down - permanently store the Open Firmware environment variables and power down the computer
# mac-boot - Boot Mac OS on an Open Firmware 3 system
# Classic UNIX multi-user login mode
# At the OS X login window, type
# >console
# for the user and leave the password field blank.
# Hide the menu bar and dock for any application.
# Add the following 2 lines to the "info.plist" of any Cocoa application
# right below the <dict> entry:
# <key>LSUIPresentationMode</key>
# <integer>4</integer>
# fs_usage
# tidy
# tidy -ic -asxhtml -wrap 9999 -o out.html in.html
# tidy -ic -asxhtml -wrap 9999 -m replace.html
# System Preference Titles
# /Applications/System
# Dock files
# /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock/Contents/Resources
# Extract all the email addresses from the Address Book
# sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb "select ZADDRESSNORMALIZED from ZABCDEMAILADDRESS;" | sort | uniq
# Location of the default wallpaper
# /System/Library/CoreServices/DefaultDesktop.jpg
# Terminal login greeting:
# /etc/motd
# Batch changes in vim
# vim -c "argdo %s/ABC/DEF/ge | x" *.c
# vim -e -s file.txt < thefilter
# runs screen saver as desktop (use kill to stop)
# /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ -background &
# show your routing table
# netstat -r -f inet -n
# backup
# cd ~/
# rsync -n -auEv --delete --exclude=/.Trash/ --exclude=/Music/ ./ /Volumes/iPaul/bkup/Tiger/ | grep -v "/._" | grep -v "/$" | tee /Volumes/iPaul/bkup/2006.05.08.log
# Show Login Window (Lock Computer)
# /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend
# List the contents of an installer file
# (inside the "Content" folder of a package:
# lsbom | more
# or
# gzip -cd archive.pax.gz | pax | more
# Applescript
# do shell script "rsync -aE --delete "What to backup" "Where to backup" || echo -n"
# redirect specific outputs on the command line shell (with sh)
# 1> stdout
# 2> stderr
# 0> stdin
# ls > file 2>&1 send stderr (2) to the same place as stdout(1)
# ls 1>file1 2>file2 redirect stdout to file1 and stderr to file2
# ls >&output.txt redirect both stdout & stderr
# Great system monitoring commands (originally used in Geektool)
# top -FR -cd -o cpu -n 7 -l2 | tail -n14
# ps -racx -o command,%cpu | head -n7 | grep -v '%'
# netstat -ab -f inet | grep -i 'established' | sort +4
# grep -h "^$(date '+%m/%d')" /usr/share/calendar/calendar.* | cut -f2
# ps -arcx -o %cpu,command | awk ' { if (FNR &lt;= 6 &amp;&amp; $1 != "%CPU" &amp;&amp; $1 != "0.0") { printf("%c%c%3.1f%% ", ($1 &lt; 100 ? " " : ""), ($1 &lt; 10 ? " " : ""), $1); for (i= 2; i &lt;= NF; i++) { printf("%s ", $i); } printf("\n"); } }'
# ifconfig | grep "inet [0-9]" | grep -v | awk '{print $2}'; ifconfig | grep "ether" | awk '{print $2}'
# ifconfig en1 | grep " active" (en1 is usually airport, en0 is ethernet)
# Airport Stregnth meter:
# while x=1; do /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | grep CtlRSSI; sleep 0.5; done
# The value is in dBm, which is a logarithmic scale so that an increase of 10
# units means a factor of 10 increase in power; an increase of 20 means a factor
# of 100 increase in power; etc. Watching this reading, I was able to position
# the router and antenna for maximum signal strength at various places in the
# shed.
# calendar -f /usr/share/calendar/
# /usr/share/misc/
# create iso disk image from file/directory
# hdiutil makehybrid -verbose -iso -joliet -o <target.iso> <directory>
# Hides a file from showing up in the finder.
# /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V /Volumes/Untitled/
# /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a v /Volumes/Untitled/
# telnet
# for user installed binaries, put them in /usr/local/bin (and add to PATH)
# man curl_unescape
# man getopt
# man iswalnum, iswalpha, iswascii, iswblank, iswcntrl, iswdigit, iswgraph, iswhexnumber, iswideogram, iswlower, iswnumber, iswphonogram, iswprint, iswpunct, iswrune, iswspace, iswspecial, iswupper, iswxdigit
####### Fricken really useful (and probably not well known) #######
# tidy - validate, correct, and pretty-print HTML files
# expand/unexpand - expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa (
# fmt - simple text formatter
# htpasswd - Create and update user authentication files
# textutil - manipulate text files ( textutil -convert html /Users/Paulo/Desktop/ProjectOutline.rtf )
# ( textutil -convert txt /Users/Paulo/Desktop/ProjectOutline.rtf )
# pstopdf - convert PostScript input into a PDF document
# enscript - convert text files to PostScript ( enscript -E --color -Whtml --toc -p OUTPUT.html *.h *.c )
# ( enscript -G2rE -U2 -p INPUT.c )
# ( enscript -B -E --color -p - INPUT.FILE | pstopdf -i -o OUTPUT.pdf )
# ( textutil -stdout -convert txt INPUT.rtf | enscript -B -E --color -p - | pstopdf -i -o OUTPUT.pdf )
# lsbom - list contents of a bom file
# pax - read and write file archives and copy directory hierarchies
# zipgrep - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern
# sips - scriptable image processing system
# nmap - network port scanner (NOT INCLUDED WITH OS)
# vmstat - display virtual memory statistics (NOT INCLUDED WITH OS)
# readefl - show information and statistics about a designated elf binary (NOT INCLUDED WITH OS)
# watch - run a command repeatedly, at specified time intervals (NOT INCLUDED WITH OS)
# size - print the size of the sections in an object file
# curl - transfer a URL
# split - split a file into pieces
# cat - concatenate and print files
# cmp - compare two files byte by byte
# uniq - report or filter out repeated lines in a file
# bc - arbitrary precision calculator language
# dc - an arbitrary precision calculator (reverse-polish)
# units - conversion program
# expr - evaluate expression
# look - display lines beginning with a given string
# dd - convert and copy a file
# find - walk a file hierarchy ( find / -name '\.DS_Store' -exec rm -f {} \; )
# ( find ~ -name \.DS_Store )
# ( find ~ -name *\.app -type d )
# tee - pipe fitting
# strings - find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file
# nm - display name list (symbol table)
# otool - object file displaying tool
# stat - display file status
# srm - securely remove files or directories
# rs - reshape a data array
# rev - reverse lines of a file
### Pretty interesting, and maybe even cool, but probably not common for day-to-day use
# lock - reserve a terminal
# leave - remind you when you have to leave
# banner - print large banner on printer
# figlet - convert text into a signature (NOT INCLUDED WITH OS)
# wait4path - wait for given path to show up in the namespace
# tiffutil - manipulates tiff files
# tiff2icns - converts TIFF to icns format
# ar - create and maintain library archives
# cscope - interactively examine a C program
# column - columnate lists
# apropos - search the whatis database for strings
# lam - laminate files
# cut - select portions of each line of a file
# csplit - split files based on context
# comm - select or reject lines common to two files
# colrm - remove columns from a file
# xmllint - command line XML tool
# screencapture - capture and manipulate clipboard contents
# say - convert text to audible speech
# uptime - show how long system has been running
# last - indicate last logins of users and ttys
# dmesg - display the system message buffer
# ac - display connect time accounting
# id - return user identity
# w - display who is logged in and what they are doing
# who - display who is on the system
# whoami - display effect user id
# logname - display user's login name (maybe different from whoami if su is used)
# finger - user information lookup program
# hostname - print the name of current host system
# hostinfo - host information
# uname - print Operating System name
# sw_vers - print Mac OS X operating system version information
# machine - print machine type
# arch - print architecture type
# manpath - format and display the on-line manual pages
# netstat - show network status
# top - display and update sorted information about processes
# ps - process status
# df -h/H - display free disk space
# du -hd 0 - display disk usage statistics
# lsof - list open files
# cksum - display file checksums and block counts
# pbcopy/pbpaste - provide copying and pasting to the pasteboard (the Clipboard) from command line
# - pbpaste | wc
# - pbpaste | xmllint -- noout - // see if clipboard contents are well XML formed
# - ls ~/Pictures pbcopy
# Shell tcsh bash
# Display all shell variables set set
# Create a shell variable set name value name=value
# Remove a shell variable unset name unset name
# List all environment variables env env
# Create an environment variable setenv name value export name=value
# Remove an environment variable unsetenv name unset name
####### System Tools #######
# mdfind - finds files matching a given query
# mdls - lists the metadata attributes for the specified file
# mdutil - manage the metadata stores used by Spotlight
# mdimport - import file hierarchies into the metadata datastore
# at - queue, examine, or delete jobs for later execution
# cron - daemon to execute scheduled commands (Vixie Cron)
# crontab - maintain crontab files for individual users
# nice - execute a utility with an altered scheduling priority
# asr - Apple Software Restore; copy volumes (e.g. from disk images)
# softwareupdate - system software update tool
# defaults - access the Mac OS X user defaults system
# SetFile - get attributes of files and directories (MAC OS X)
# GetFileInfo - set attributes of files and directories (MAC OS X)
### Dangerously Administrative
# su - substitute user identity
# sudo - execute a command as another user
# passwd - modify a user's password
# mount - mount file systems
# logger - make entries in the system log
# hdiutil - manipulate disk images (attach, detach, verify, create, convert, burn)
# deafults - access the Mac OS X user defaults system
# bless - set volume bootability and startup disk options
# diskutil - modify, verify and repair local disks
# fdisk - DOS partition maintenance program
# pmset - modify power management settings
# shutdown - close down the system at a given time
# iostat - report I/O statistics
# quotaon/quotaoff - turn filesystem quotas on and off
# quota - display disk usage and limits
# edquota - edit user quotas
# quot - display total block usage per user for a file system
# repquota - summarize quotas for a file system
# pwpolicy - gets and sets password policies
# leaks - search a process's memory for unreferenced malloc buffers
####### You really should know these (if not, learn them cause they're good) #######
# grep - print lines matching a pattern
# awk - pattern-directed scanning and processing language
# sed - stream editor
# head - display first lines of a file
# tail - display the last part of a file
# diff - compare files line by line
# diff3 - compare three files line by line
# sftp - secure file transfer program
# scp - secure copy (remote file copy program)
# ssh - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
# rsync - faster, flexible replacement for rcp
# dig - DNS lookup utility
# host - DNS lookup utility
# whois - Internet domain name and network number directory service
# xxd - make a hexdump or do the reverse
# time - time command execution
# file - determine file type
# jot - print sequential or random data
# yes - be repetitively affirmative
# zip/unzip
# gzip/gunzip
# tar
# compress/uncompress
# traceroute - print the route packets take to network host
# ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
# spray - send many packets to host
# wc - word, line, character, and byte count
# date - display or set date and time
# cal - displays a calendar
# ditto - copy files and directories to a destination directory
# pwd - return working directory name
# jobs/fg/bg - control process execution
# alias/unalias - create or remove a pseudonym or shorthand for a command or series of commands
# source -
# talk - talk to another user
# write - send a message to another user
# wall - write a message to users
# mesg - display (do not display) messages from other users
# touch - change file access and modification times
# sort - sort lines of text files
# !m
# !-5
# !?-L?!
# ^-l^-la^
# mail < message.txt
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