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Last active September 12, 2015 18:56
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Save demonar/d00750028bf26ee823ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Foundation
extension Float {
func format(f: String) -> String {
return String(format: "%\(f)f", self)
mutating func roundTo(decimals: Int) {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Float(decimals))
self = round(self * divisor) / divisor
func roundTo(decimals: Int) -> Float {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Float(decimals))
return round(self * divisor) / divisor
func roundedUpString(decimals: Int) -> String {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Float(decimals))
var roundedNumber = "\(ceil(self * divisor) / divisor)"
if roundedNumber.hasSuffix(".0") {
roundedNumber.substringToIndex(find(roundedNumber, ".")!)
return roundedNumber
func descriptionWithLocale(locale: NSLocale) -> String? {
return NSNumber(float: self).descriptionWithLocale(locale)
extension Double {
func format(f: String) -> String {
return String(format: "%\(f)f", self)
mutating func roundTo(decimals: Int) {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(decimals))
self = round(self * divisor) / divisor
func roundTo(decimals: Int) -> Double {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(decimals))
return round(self * divisor) / divisor
func roundedUpString(decimals: Int) -> String {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(decimals))
var roundedNumber = "\(ceil(self * divisor) / divisor)"
if roundedNumber.hasSuffix(".0") {
roundedNumber.substringToIndex(find(roundedNumber, ".")!)
return roundedNumber
func descriptionWithLocale(locale: NSLocale) -> String? {
return NSNumber(double: self).descriptionWithLocale(locale)
extension Int {
func descriptionWithLocale(locale: NSLocale) -> String? {
return NSNumber(integer: self).descriptionWithLocale(locale)
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